The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 24, 1898, Image 7

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    ...... ,,.' ,, ,V.-y- j.-af a '.
j " i. I rt '- "l" lfJ-t '
-' '-Jap
... , -t ,1,,.&
Thia ii the aa -u ',en the fmnu-r
irho placea Im' I'ttle va tic on corn fJ
ier fini that lie h" not too lum-h of it.
On fitrms where thee if ni'-rt- than can
betii-d the fMliierl,rriMcri!l prepare
the ftalks for bed ling, arm when alt!eii
to the Dianuie limp they are tb'n ten
time more aerviceahle than when u-t r)
in the old ptyle way f trmplim; in the
bai nyaro", because the Meil fo lder
lias the power ofah'orhin larjrrly of the
liquids in the tuat.ure.
Created, Because in car-cj of riyim.
aia Ilixiii's S;irfa)nri!a has n 1-nn ;(
like mngic, which just hits il.e pot.
hriiif relief ti Ihe sufferer, mil
gives lime aiid strength to ilie stum
geli as no ether Hi' tlieine ilui-s.
Could Not Eat Without Pain.
"For many yours I have heen H mi(T n r
from a severe ease of dyspepsia. I e.nil.l
not eat without icreMt pniu in my st..iii;n:!i
and would he (sick rind vomit up wlmt 1
did eat. One day t read of a cii-e cur. ii
l,jr Howl's Siirsapnrilhi. I t'dd my liii--(and
I hi lieved this ni' ilii int' would le'l
me. lie went rii;ht auay ami e,,t ii Imt
tle of Hood'h Piirsnparilla. I lur.U fou:
botilenand I was eurnl." MI:S, A I . I . I N
f'flVKItS, Muknmhi, Illinois.
.parilla Is Arre-rlci' i,r net Mi"!mmi. $1 six for
Bold b M '1 rn iil-t. lo t only llooi .
Hood's iiiis
40 cts. a Bushel
till nlr'!K tn w rn'i;
MfitiM in priui fict .
Irf win ln'fwr' April v.""i
' h luclifi it mi imike tiHim .
vcl htt h;iH a r- (rl of
ru lin. M-r ti In
IMilMMM, 1 MIl-ilH, Vim
ill'MOt a. M U l)., 1 inh, etc,
209 Bub Per Aero.
HuJt Silver Mlnroufx
M til U mii I In wnrl'l, w H h
it r,i, i(l rluhf twrt- m
'iiiwiii oi'i:'. I txi-shfl-u
r :ii r- tfi 1K)M, Uliiil
ni"fp tu imi wUli ', )im'i
Id" Ih-hI Hit. Von mt
ft;: '-r'j ar In 'ti ni
to i-tir j ii-iu: in4'X ut
K t t- p; for liitltU1 (tf
our ium out uu(i'i ).
I 73 Bus. Per Acre.
tr.., (;r . In i Kiii. 1 , ' xilvcrhln.
1 :!(') from ituf fttiMi
ltn wit it r , 'I fiii
' ttU tWI; iHIt KH M-t' Nul
' jirtHfiK ! l lmOwti) yttt
t t mix h bif; jicUiii.
2Jrt htm. irrrf Hiatv
f H OltdfTftll- H fll. ttHifV'-
nh1h ni't brnl to ylvUlnt
1,667 Bus. Per Aero.
U? I now yon rnn't -
y'-dli-r'n M'ciU arc bre(J to
' vlrliln.
f .Nrffeftf ir rover of f ?'.
tteU to t he n if rid lt-n"
our HeeiN rc if uu rn l eil ,
t fiu an Im I on unr ( tot t-t
mid .r;i-Hii Kniultitc
f-'lneat. on let to lx hnI.
Our ifci.-ni cH f'ftn'f
t le twtit. W by buy yotir
feeflit lii fttorrtt h he ii for
It-' money jou vah boy
tbrui delivered rt-if un?
itir. iMirlteM ecetw-
ble l.l0, pontputd.
For 10c Stamp (C.N.)
aiil Til l MU M V.
u ulll Ki.ixi ton II ItMrr
1 tip... S,-,l SHIIlihf, IID'I
our .re:il I V l( .1 ! Kl
HOOK. J"xool HO no
tice HloOK-
ir. N. i. iii'ssk.. is.
1 "4 Perfect Type of the Highest Order of
icetlence in Manufacture."
Absolutely pure,
.tots Less Tian ME eERT a Cap..
B urt Out you gat tit. (nulne Article,
ErrtiumtD 171a
lar.M I FUvtr
lih a worlit-wlil
repittallon. ( atalf
frM la all.
J1IM 1. 1. UOn a kAa.aarkkataa.laM.
H l I
IImi.-iw. ,H-.t,mia
The fn'iner h i is. Imrritied at the idea
of burning bin corn, practically does the
j ame tiling when he atiuta his fattening
jn'Mt, when he feed a it to pooriy-hred
I ttrii b!h, when he attenifits to male it
taket plft'e oi (' 1 , r, ai d when he
is carclrps in hi" n,, I inula of handling it.
To 'eed a poor y l-iilume d rath n U one
ay of huriiii g it. To waste corn is
ci rtninly worse than warming o:ie'a self
hv it on a winter dav. Kaimer'a Journ
.!. N'-arly all the knowledge in the world
has been acquired at the expenen of
-onteliotly's luirrtt lineis.
The fa'.ber ttf a lare family of fjirln
cas decorati d eiteh of their rooms with
the mi: to, "l.earn to hay Yea.''
One . f the mint iiu-oiifisteitt thinR in
'.his world is a keep off-t e-gr.tts einn in
'.lie In. 'die of a snow drift.
It ii' y r riiiun bet ween the firit and
-( i'oi:d c,it;traittH o' tlte Nile,
In the I'riiHh nuny there are 11 ,0K)
men if, . a i. dye feet and eleven inches
in height.
A French p iper :tR that only one
tfailt'iiiiciiin, .full I.emaitre, rides a
a heel.
Many men who go lo ar full in bait e
uul are liMt ; otle r" full in love and are
lost in the ma rbiioni.i! shuttle.
The ih no that niiikes je-Hi'tiiflm i-i
failure to tind ill men what, an geld po-
Tie man wiio in always telling yon
how m ni b he tlo -9 for O'bert neeilii
w alei.ino.
.Iiipan buys Texas cotton.
A Kctned.v W hich I h Sure lo Cure These
tind Many l her ItiseaseH.
"o In ops" Is a remedy for rheuma
tism, lieuraloja, eaiarrh. hi (,'i'ippe and
kindieil it i 1 itit-ii I s. The iiiauiil'ai-lureis
of ;
ops" liave many Idlers from
torcd to heailh. of which the
'. . a sa tuple:
I'aris. Teias. .Ian. '.). 1S!8.
,i i.'lieniiialic Cure Co.. Chi
. . .neli - 1 vvrile to accept the
r ineilieines. Will send
foil ,
i-in-'o: i.
aireio y :
vou l he a
:t ineiiiiiiiieij ill our loi
ter, ami ph ase send me the reiin-i!ie lo
Infill w!l!i. I lime son rder all
ready. I 1 ase -rinl as soon us yon an.
N'llii many IlianUs lo you and i.ol, 1
am fiijiii in;; belter heailh than 1 have
for years. I fi . I as if 1 am spar d lo
do some one eKo o,,, unv. Voirs
It-nl V. M l!S. M. .1. .1 A Y It' !;.
1 iirino 'he next Ihiriy days the . om
paiiy w ill send out Iho.oim i of I heir - nn
ple l,niiles for ''." cents a holtle. i Voni
He- pal they kiunv lhal e en a simple
ll.lle Will ennvtllee ollc of tile ll. rilS
ol -.i iuops." Not sold by driin- sis.
only by lis or our aiT'-nts. A : uta
wai.le.l. W rile lo day In till' Swu'isotl
ill. i uniatie rule I'o.. b'.T lO oiiiorn
street, Chleapt. 111. This couip.'iny Is
reliable and promptly till every order.
He who always complains of the
cluids, rceivee little cf life'B sutmliilie,
a id deserve less.
$100 Kuwara, iuC.
The reader of I hit t nper will be pleii
o b urn thai; there is ai lcn"t. one dn-adi'd
Jiseieo that- eieiicc ha been aide to c rp
n all iis t:u;,,s. and that ii ( atur h
Hall's Cularrh I ir is the onl jiositiTe
ure known to the nielu-al Irateriiity.
i.'alarrh beinjr (t ronstu ut ioiud disease, re
quires a cviistilutional treatnien!. Jlall's
i'atarrh l ire is tt.ken internally, actitig
llrectly on the blood and mucon-i surlaees
tl t e ft'ii'in, thereby ijesirovirof the
loundattini ot th' tli-eiMe. nd giving tho
patient strength by loiildinK up the coti
iiittltioo and asHistinn nntnre m dniiiK in
work. The proprietor have so Hindi iHith
in itscurjtire power-, that ihcy oiler-One
fltltidred Dollars lo1- any e.i-e that it tail)
:octire. Send lo:' 1 st ol testimonial.
d lre-. V. J. I II KN I'.Y A' i (., I o edo, 0.
fT-.soid by JlniL'Sists, ".'..
Frn -yolopaediaa have, to be rewritten
every ten yearH ; I be old l!(b!e is still tip
to date.
Oil, WHAT SI'l.liNUI l fllKFKK.
ilr. ibiiKlnian. Williams County. 111.
writes: "From one package Salzer's
(iermiin Coffee Berry costing l.'i ceiiia 1
grew ".mi iioiinds of belter cofTee Ibau
can buy In stores at '' cenu a pound."
A paokflee of this and blu sees onta
locne l sent you by .lolin A. Salter
Se-d Co., f,aCrosse, Whs., upon receipt
of 15 cents stamp and this notice, r.n
Take care of Niiml er One, but tak
ea-e it is the riht out li e aoul not tl
Ask for Allen'x I'oot-Kase,
A powder lo shake iulo your shoes. It
cures Coins ami Bullions, Chilblains.
Swollen, Nervous. I lump. Sw ealliiir,
Siiiartlnj;. Hot mid Callous Feet. At
nil di uiruisls' ami shoe siorea, ii.V. ASK
Til PAY, Sample I -TIKIS. Address
Allen S. Illnisleil. I.eltoy, N. Y.
A temple to Venus was erected on
Calvary: it was the Vc-st the devil could
riTO l'rinn.iillj-'url No auor lrmJloiw.riei
rl I 0 Srrt bJ 'IM .if lr. Slln" Or-.l rrr (.
Mro Heii'l fur V H I V.llw trial botllr .n trMlw.
Ua H H Ku. 1.141., ri i-'1 Sir-.i. railvl.lpbl, I i
A rose fence around a ranch to keep
out theives anil deaperadoes i tlis
unique plan of a Texas man.
Mrs. Wlnslnw'sMooiMiKO Sysbp for rhllil
ifii tMlhlnir., noflenii the um, roiluees Inrlsm
nunon, sil.yi p.m. cum wiiul colic, i-'w bottis
A large diamvery ot old English coins
ha been made in Penicuik near I'.din-
1 know that my life was saved by Tiso's
Our lor Consumption, John A. Miller
. . ,,; ,.: . 11 Ml I u
nil raDis, Kiuniirmn, mtii tit i
The confession of tt folly may lie
only tbe profession of preeeut wisdom.
Itwn h ao muni'tf ""ruiiris kaaii-rf n
tttsnnn sriiiivr Huaa.
MJIIa Hsu MHl WklMsr !. lilsi. r krnwa. loc
Tb walera of Lethe drown the past :
the blood Jeana cleaneee It.
I I I I I I I tl
and OMbduing tho pain.
ttllRALG A.
i i i i i i i ft
TublcH thut Will lie I'oitin! Tltirnly at
Seed Time-livery K tinner Shonlil lo
IJiMlluu KepuiriiiK I.cttii in I-'arin
fcfci! Time TalilcH.
It is exceedingly dillieull for fanners
always to remember the amount of
seed of the .litfei'eiit kin. Is thai is re-tjiiii.-d
f ii one acre. The following list
(jivt-K all I he ilesii'e,! iul'oniiation. and
Is in sii. h I'.irm that to yoiiiiu: fanners
and new l.oiuieT' it is of especial value.
The aii'ile is very well worthy of a
place hi i he fanner's scrap lunik, and
It should be carefully saved.
iuahiiiy el' soeils usually sown to
the ii.-re:
Ill: rley, hr i:l"l' :ist
f'.i'iiiis. iln it r-r, in iiilis
ii'-llhS, pole, ill iililM. , .
lo i'is. in tin!!
IlluolU l'o'!l. Ill iiill-, . .
.t.h-.llie,tt. i.l ...t.t.
' irrol. i'l tlrilN
'"i a. i.i iiiil- ......
"!'io for - niii:
. .'j to i.ii..'!m'N.
j l.
. Jo lo 1'J ,t!:trlM.
, . -I I.) 0 piMllillt.
.. ,.S lo lo ,,i:ir's.
1 !,l!-!.e
. . .:; lo I pieiiMN.
s .in ri -I.
t.l .-
1'. I' I ;
i r, noil.
.S to IO I It.l
.'.!-. ...I l !-
IT, p ' lii'l-
.. .1 lo 'J i is
i ,.
. i .
i;i-.,...-! ii,
:-, I,:, -ii,-;-
ii l,,i-:'!.
I, lowio-l.
i.'. I,. 1 i.n-ni-i.
l'l , b":i. ,!"!.
lo :; OO-llrlS.
I I,, i: po.u.iis
Il,i.', poiili'H.
I I., hllsl.i-ls.
lis I1 " l,,i-,ii'ls.
ii l,:;.il,'!s.
Ii to s pounds.
10 pollll'IS.
. .. .1 to I bii-hc's.
li to "s pounds.
10 to Y2. pounds.
. ., :'. pounds.
'.a pound.
I pound.
2 to :'. Iiii-ludw.
1 ii, to 'J bushels.
Ii. I. la ut . ..
I.l'.-,--. cuolln
Mill. 1
':)!-. ,l'..:i,,-l
I Inioii-, ei '1 n os
i'.ll sllips. ill lll 'ills . . .
I't'im. oiiriy. hi ilriils
l',:is, f :4t , ill ,
IVas. l.riKtileil-,1
hioll-li. Ill ib-lils
Il.nlisli. 0-o.l.,'.ist . . .
JCl'. lilomirilsl
Spiii.o'h, lu lll'ills
Turnip, in ilriils
Tin nip, broiul-'a-t ..
'etrlien. lirmnlenst . ,
Whciil, In lll'ills
Wheat, hroinlenst . . .
Do Your Own lciuiruif.
Too many farmers areiveii to hirlm;
repair work done which, with the aid
ot a few tools and a little Ingenuity, j
they could do 1 iieuiselves at one teliln I
the cost. All old iron and boll box
should he found in c cry barn, lbnln' '
these in plaee. never bass a piece of old '
iron or a Imp, however useless it may
look, bin pick It up and put il into i'-i
bo and seven limes out of ten voil
will 11 ii.) Hint apparently worthless
piece will answer a ii-efnl purpose.
Bolls of all and descriptions, es
peeially 'i and "s and U Inch are id
ways coiiiim: handy, livery fanner
should have a bem-li ihiriy inches uid
by ten to lil'leeli feel loii-, wilh a piod
llaiiffiiiK conveniently over this bench
on the wall should be a mm! rip and
crosscut saw, twelve leetii to the inch,
a twelve-Inch Hat baslard lib', a six
i tic it lliree-coi'iiereil saw lile, a Ion or
t w el ve-lneli brace with ' i, , i, r:H, "i.
, and 1 Inch bits ami a V.2 and inch
linger. A j;ooi heavy hainiuer, u claw
hammer, should also lie found, a box
of assorted lo copper rivel-s, a cold
chisel, punch, a square, a marking
aiiiie. a screw driver, monkey wrench,
twelve-iueh sH.-lson pipe wrench for
twisting bolis, jdiers
V. 1 and 1
inch chisels, mallet, harness punch, ',t
Inch iron drill to use In brace, an assort
Ineili of small w ire nails, one-half inch
to one inch, a smoother and Jack plane.
a pair of compasses and a key hole saw.
These tools will of course cost con
siderable, bin If you will use I hem as
much as you ought they will pay for
themselves lu six tnoiiilis, .'is vou -an
do almost anything In the way of re
pair work. An old anvil or block of
Iron should be added and if you Kd a
cheap drill press and some rainy day
build a forye, jour blacksuiil li's bill
would Indeisl be li'ht; with the above
tools and a little ingenuity almost any
thine can be repaired. Any man who
hils brains enough lo successfully engi
neer a farm should be able to use bwils
mid do any repair work. (Mange Judd
Km in l.i oooioy.
1'ioliis on the farm are. eonsetucut
ly. much greater when the average for
several years are compared, as each
year must Is'ar its proMirlJou of ex
penses, and a failure to sis-iire a profit
llils year may no! be a loss, because
there may be a corresponding reduction
of expense next year. Nor must we
Overlook the advaiiiage of the opportu
nity ottered the farmer of selling Ills
ow ii lalMir In the form of some product.
Where a farmer makes only a small
profit, but has derived a fair sum for
the Inlsir he perMoiially bestow (si. lila
gain Is greater than the actual profit.
The farm ims Increased In value as the
labor or manure or other accretion has
failed to yield a reasonable easli profit.
On the farm the Hem of labor must Im?
considered according to It actual cott
as an expenditure. Though the labor of
the fanner himnelf la an Horn of iswt,
and must lie paid for, yet he paya U to
himself, anil It Is reuUy profit, because
of the employment Kcetired by him on
fit- farm. For that reason a Rinall
fat in, or a small flock or herd, -will al
ways pay more, lu projiortUm to ex
pense Incurred, than large arnaa or aa
ti'Tonse of shock. New Kngland
Timothy Meadow.
It la generally a mistake to closely
:'Hze timothy In the fall. The a f ter
mini which grows tip after the Unit
:'op has been rut la worth more aa a
":ulci for the roota than Ita value aa
Ved. It will not save tbe no!) beneath
i from freezing, but It will prevent the
:iernatlve of thawing ami freeslnf
hleh Is mi Injurious to timothy roota.
'here Is a bulb on the timothy plant
oo to the surface of tbe ground. In
'icse a Iter mi Hons of thawlac and
'rcealiiK I he atem which oohmc tbla
1th the root la generally aevered a4
tie' ilnitt i iviiiefl. For a permanent
pnisu either pasture or meadow tim
othy it a cry unndi.iMe grass. At its
bi st it ni-otls fnoiieiit toil li'-essin's to
keep In jrood comlitloii tuaity yearn.
(iood Dairy Kules.
The lowa Agricultural College cream
ery has promulgated the following
rules, w hich should be observed by all
patrons of creameries:
Nothing but I in pails should be used
in the milk yard, as il is impossible to
keep WOodell pa Us SW cot.
The cow s' udders should be carefully
washed Ix fiii i- any milk is drawn.
Milk should lie aiied immediately by
pouring or dipping from pail to pail be
tote cooling, and then be cooled as
ipiiokly as possible to ai ieiisl sixty de
grees. .Mill; should be kept where the sur
rounding air is pure ami free from sta
ble odors or taint of any kind.
Morning's milk should be cooled be
fore mixing with the evening's milk.
Cows should not be pi-riniiied to
drink slagiianl or Impure water, bill
should have abundance of good water
Coas .-boiihl be driven ijuieily to aiiii
from pasture.
utis and pails should be washed
carefully wiih warm waier. but not
hoi, and core should be taken to clean
ilie seams ol receptacles; then iliey
should be -oai,o, thoroughly with hot
water and be a in d. I'oienia n's liaral
Country .Meal S ii pit ie-.
There is a gica: deal of d'llieiilty in
country places -oinet imes in securing
Mippli. - of fr.-h local during siimmei
as needed. A good refrigerator with a
pleiiiil'ul i,-c supply will do much to
keep im at fresh for several dais. I'.ut
in most cases the muiual exchange ol
different portions of small animals wif
enable them to be consumed without
loss, in the nhleii time, when nearly
every fanner kepi a flock of sheep, to
kill one and divide the four ipiarlerg
among four neighbors, each of whom
would reciprocate during the season,
gave each enough for I he lime, and
proved a saving to all. All fanners
who keep poultry have at nearly all
times some specimens that, are eft" duty
for laying, and which can be proi'unisiy
killed in case of emergency. Yet S";
often when the fowl has been k! led a
large number of eggs arc found oi her
ovum, makes the farmer ihiuk lo- had
better have kept a few small pigs or
some sheep for this purpose. In every
II ick tli 'ip are, h nvever, many roo ters,
so Ilia I while these last the fa mil;, beed
not be without Iri sh meai in any eiuer
geney. A Valuable Timber Tree.
The catalpa is very b-'iunVoii.c. and
is especially valuable for large .awns
It would not answer for small areas,
as the tree grows lo a large size, and
its branches extend, out ipiile a dis
tance. It is a vigorous, hardy tree, and
a rapid grower; the wood is valuable
for limber and for fencing, and the tree
makes excellent firewood. The tree
grows so fasl on deep, rich river bot
toms i hut it can be cut for timber
twelve years from the seed. This tree
is largely grown in the West for tele
graph poh s, railroad ties and for barn
The ealalp.'i is a native of Hie South
ern Stales. The leaves are large, heart
shaped, and the tree makes a U'autiful
appearance when in full bloom, during
the last week in May. The spikes of
white and yellow flowers are very
beautiful. The tree grows iptickly
from the seed, and il stands transplant
ing admirably. It can be had from the
nurseries for tweniy tive ceuls each.
Haiti more American.
Vrnit for 1-ivu porn tion.
So much is said alsiut the advantage
of fruit evaporation to make u market
for otherwise unsalable fruit that many
may think it makes little difference
what. Us quality may be. The truth Is
that only the really good fruit tthould
be used for the evaporator. It may lie
and often Is unsalable because of blem
ishes which affect its looks, but tlo not
impair tinality. Hut lo take green,
worm-eaten fruit and put It through the
evasirator 1h a mistake. Its first effect
Is lo ibeour.'tge rhe cotr-umer, m iking
him think that evaporated fruit Is not
ho good ns he expected. Poor fruit la
not worth much for the pigs, but that
of oilier stock In the best market for It
Kxclinnge. in (.'old Weather.
A lousy hen Is always a poor layer.
Cold weather doe not affect these
pesl.s, as they keep nice and warm next
to the skin of the fowl. The large gray
louse will be found on the skin of lha
head and Deck, while other varieties
prey on the body of the fowl or on the
foatehers. If you canuot get ril of
these blood-miokcrs, better get rid of
the fowls. Kxehauge.
Hee-Keepin Hints.
The queen la the life of the colony.
Always net beehives close to the
Keep the hives well painted, espe
cially the roofs.
Wvea should be set. with entrance
facing south or east.
Smoke Is the only thing that will aub
duo or eonlrol liees.
Thorough rlMnlng of honey fa more
Important than color.
liu not winter Ix'es In a house uulees
1t la fruNl-proof and dark.
Put a good layer of sawdust around
the hive, especially In front.
Tbe air should always circulate be
tween the ground and the hire.
Never amoke bcea at. any time more
than Is necessary to quiet them.
Wind breaks on the north and wet
aides of the apiary ore beneflelnl.
Heavy canvas or duck la a good ma
terlnl to cover the frames In winter.
The proper time for I ranaf erring
bee la early In the- spring, when tbe
tew are gathering their -rat honey.
Roofs of hives of every kind ahonld
have a good coat of paint every fall:
laakr roofs are very damajrlM.
I.i ruij.
It is quite iJle to ihvestiga'a the
fiethfulriesB of our horses. The only
diseas : they have in Germany is their
(ietinany has become pretty much of
a l,u ly in the hist quarter of a century,
and the wry lo cure a bully is to meet
ii.Fol nee w ith foice.
I'eihapa i. rniniiy excludes American
Tn's because fhe cannot counterfeit
them as H,e do a many popu ar tiiani:-fai-tii'd
articles produceil in thia
Should Get Mrs. Pinkham'si Advice---The Whole Truth can be Told
to her Because she is a Woman.
The snfTerinjr and pain by .some wo: women is almost past belief.
Here is a letter front one of too multitude of women who have been restored
to health and usefulness by Mrs. riiikhum's advice and medicine:
libAii Mi:s. I'ixkiiam :- 1 feel as though vour advice had lifted me from the
grave. I must have been very near it. I Mif- sS
fired terribly at time of menstruation,
"""""" f
com nanus aim icei. was
C.vlt'eilK'lj- lll'l'VO'l -,. COU id
hot sleep well, was trou
bled with fri'b teiu-ll
dreams, had bead, tr
and a- feelinyf as tboiio'l
m v h '.v;,s p, -in 'f to
Mop, a!1-'
liiii'ti. 1
help 1, 'It,
ill ho:
d to
t !
it. IlU rem:
nr. t il I wn ,' ,
Vou, I ea-itiot 1b
you eiHiie'U fur y
hind advice, and I v
pood your reli ed e , lave.
i.;i me. I Aim 1 .
IIooi-Kit. Woll'svilie. Md.
by.iia. K. l'inl-ihaiii's Vegdahle Compound for a quarter
of a century has lie, o helni ,i; women to
The followiiiff statement from
Lawrence St., I'hila lelphirt, I'a.., should interest all working
women who are troubled with f male cuitiplaints:
"In-iAil Mas. 1'i.nkiiam:- f must write and toll what your medicine has done
for me. I am a working; j.ri fl and have to stay ut, my work all day. I suffered
greatly with bearino-down pains and ltachachei. I was advised by a friend to
try your Vegetable Compound. I did so and can wy positively I am cured. I
have recommended your medicine to all my lady friends, and would advise any
of my sex .suffering fr,,m female weakness to give Lydia E. rinkham's Com
pound a-trial, for 1 know it will cure."
Mrs. Piuiihaui invites all women troubled about their health to write to her
at Lynn, Mass., and wen re her advice free of all charge. All such letters are
seen and answered by women only.
Ask Mrs. Pinkham's Advlce-A Woman Best Understands a Woman's Ilia
iJnif I niotikcv with jtolitu'p am' in'Rlect the fanit. Alonj: with your oihoi crops this Sprint, Bo"
Hiiup Hcii fp(ccii-(l Fiftx StM'd on yttnr new ground. Noihinj? wi'U pay so well. The aereago lj
j.'oinjir i' I'M litjht, ami the price ought to Inch. Tliere will bo a better market at your door
iiiHii cui before. I:ersily your crops, and have more than oi.e string to your bow.
Fur Miwipg pn rpohes, v iil f ofl'cted by us bs long as tho supply lasts. Our mill will consume
over half mil ion bushels in 1VK Write for prices mid how to sow it.
Ol.i f'i;(M hss 1, round Cake, fur sinck, ahvavs on hand. We also manufactur
tlie relnbrBied Woodman Unseed Oil, Polled and Kaw.
KntulHlnhrd JKTi. WOODMAN MNSKKD Oil, WORKS, Omaha, Neb.
but hTft sold direct lu tbe coq
tnincr fur U vean at nhoie; jjrit"B. flbrirr hi- t
denlw 1 trout.
wiier lor exjiiiiLv"i
KverTthtng wf raau.u.
, 1 1f KtTi"S of 'llPll,
fl.'i .tries of Il -
T..t Buci.').. i i-
ob. !':iaci 'rrai.t.,
atti,; Hotvl
H.T7. fl-rr-f HtruMf Prl-1. lfi 00 War'.ui. ' r.d for larp-e, If-M Mfl,finMrr-T. Prkf , wltb curtain., lap, n.
aa rol a acila for J L'kUlngua ut All oar sUlei. hc. apruu aud Irndera, J60. Aa od m mIU tor pi
ELKHART -AUIA,K IM) llAH.Ufl& JUrU. CO. W. it. FiUTX, c, CL-.UA.T, UB.
"Thoughtless Folks Have the Hardest
Work, but Quick Witted
People Use
3R.i. - KY
rid shbr
Don't t fild with a n.ii-kintosh
or rubi'cr 1 ot. If u nii(acit
that will kef p you iry in tiif hr
tt storm buy th f if.h RianJ
SHrkar. If not for le in your
town, wrltr for caUilwf u to
A. J. TOWER. Bufon. Ma-v
W.vl.k toc.laUM a.w u-
.. ld hMM off..
1 flmirl -!,
- jiau uiaat o.l
( " BrUlUat riw tmU.
Walk ., 14 w. ,
Akm M k. worth (l o, will
II u frM, tclht wltb
mat Ptaai aaa R4 Oawlofii
io. raMiat a( t hi. antlr. t 1 M.
anataga. Wa lartta roar tra4a aai
laow whoa taa aaea try Balaar'a
alllMTar fat alou wit. .
'it ala?laIt?'a.LTr
oat fl.
Mil . aiu a ta Mk, u
H.H.V. NO. 483-12. YORK, WEB.
I 1 1
To 1'riiUH-i 1m-v j-
Mix cement w ith tim milk and ap
ply with a etiff brush. Mix only In a
small quantity at a time, as it may "set."
Apply in som what of a thin condition,
md then make a second application.
i-i'st. remove the eirtfi from the triune
: ,,i the t ee. and at-p-y the cement mix
; tore 0 inch s below the surface of the
I .-round and a loo: above. It will also
protect against the gnawing of rabbits
and mic.M il put m 2 icet above the tur
lil'f, as i' becomes stone.
t r - ,
X C s , A?H
be strong-and wel
II. J'attkksox, of 23?.l
to 870.
nJ lltik
All about
The Burlirigtoii'a Klondike foldar it
a veritable mine of information about
the polil fielda of the North. It tolls
how to reach them, when to (0, what
to take, where to buy it, what tha
trip conta, when the ateamara tail,
etc. sent lor 4 centa in ttampa.
i. Fraiicia, 0n(ral PaaMn(ar A rant,
Omaha, Nab.
aar tkoaaana ana p
12.00 Fta-h
inap owia-aai
a eta. ai.oa I
and AibaaadUnn War" Uooaaaa. A
aaaplr of all llnoa a voaadlul wU
trui to anl Mr1tU itValaaa
ainck. WrlU iar Prlaa I.t
MoaaniAH XVitaKaiaa. aayiiaa, Wa
I I la tHaa. aaVn-a. ) V
K'?"My ' ;w4
ink ' M
reat, )JtlLC - .1
1. m. 1
Ii' A 1 v -r CAV f
V Vl 7
em 9
.4.i i i' --i,.
1 u H jyiiC''