4 fu-nr Ibarrfson 3ournal. KO. D. CA3UH. Editor u4 Prop. (UBBIS05, - - EB. There are vrorse ways of rendering the future bright than by making l;;;ht ex present troubles. A Western paper remarks: "Old Mother Time has ayain turned -upon her axis." That's rather a ertus twist All these schemes lor mxiug bach )? with a view to drivsua tbviu Into matrimony are wron. More men get married now than wneis can eouit'ort sbly support. According to an enterprising Sew York paper, Mrs. .stio- -riv" a dinner party the other tii'.'ht. Ji U plea-.mt to be assured that the Actors Mill have enough to eat. A Boston i-ieii.Ur atim-uiK-f that "what I coiumuuly know u as the iei- Dboue ear is merely UiehiutiHnn miri- labyrinthine affection re erlchronditis." Why "merely uibling Thomas A. Edisou has discovered "a new metal or alloy, which, admiX's) with iron, renders caM iron as tough and strong as wrought, iron. He will yet make a moon out of green cheese. Carrier pigeons are to lie used in con nection with the United States naval Service. Tiny probably will be used to inform the department that the war hips are still afloat, but headed for a mud bank. Conviction, tie it ever so excellent, is -worthless till it governs conduct. Prop erly, conviction is not possible till then. Inasmuch as all speculation is by na ture endless, formless, a vortex amid vortices. ' Will the New York minister wno married OS couples during 1897 at an average of ?5 per happy couple feel sorry when he gets to heaven, where there is neither marrying nor giving in marriage? In Maryland politics there is a Wel lington and a liona parte, the one al ready in Washington and the other doubtless very willing to go there. What a chance for another Waterloo for somebody. The case Is reported of a man out West who just before committing sul fide announced that the spirit of hia dead wife was at his side asking him ta "hurry up." It only shows how tenacious the force of habit is. A Pennsylvania legislator has itrtro aaeed a bill "to abolish book agents." It can't be done; even a bounty of $2 m their scalps would fail. But it is doubtful whether the author of that measure would know a took if he saw The "warmest" novelty at the cycle ho-w in Paris was a pelal for cold weather. The feature of the pedal was little stove within. You put a cake of charcoal inside, apply the match, and there you are, aa warm as a morning In hay time. Congress is asked to pass a law to bang train robbers. When the robbery i attempted in a manner to endanger human life hanging ought certainly to b the penalty. It often results iu the 4eath of many victims and is whole sale murder with malice aforethought. Queen Victoria will have t pay the ebte of the Duchi-ss of Teck or the effects of the Duchess will go at auc tion. The Queen wanted the British Government to pay them, but Salis bury was too busy buying cannon-balls to present to Rnssia out of the hot end of a gun. Several surgeons in a Pacific coast town operated upon a patient for np fendlcitis and discovered that he had o appendix. A special dispatch says "tfcs doctors were greatly surprised." Perhaps thi hi all that eoold be expert- j ed niHler the cireum stances, since the patient himself diexl before he could ex press any feeling of surprise. If the tramp is to be eradicated he Blast be compiled to work winter and ammer nntil he Is willing to seek and continue to work on bis own account, and, failing this, he sou Id be kept at for tbe public Indefinitely, In to compel him to work he must be flven something to do, ami the ln iastrjr that is capable of readiest adap- i to the solving of I be tramp prob- I to that of road-making. The tramp wori the roads, not tramp them tt bj own will. Thai aatograph most In demand la tbe United- irs In that of a negro, s-Seaator Bruce, recently appointed Registrar of tbe Treasury, whose slg Mture makes money of every treasury Met sad silver certinea4e Issued by tbe Orel sunlit "It has been tbe custom C SI1W learbers," ssys Booker Wash bjbM, "to bold np to their pupils tbe aaasfMMty of every one of them be aaaasag President. Such Incentive has bjasB denied tbe colored youth; bat Mr. Onsen's name oo every dollar-bill ts taaf to a rift In the politics! cloud that i ever tbe negro, snd proves that ssay rise," Tba araUntnary ssti mates of the dl Mabnr af tbe mint Indicate that tbe vattTs aaid product far laVT amourHed aaaat QtOOOCO. This Is u ln snaaaaf aaarty 9 par cent, over MM. AJI af Kae great searrss of supply show ca, na Ua-tad tutsa leads tbe tJ, arte. ivacaet af mjUMM: bat ft Crj ! by Africa fM a product of .-. U "00. and Australia with S51,Ihj,(mh). Russia, Meilco. Can ada and India follow la the ord'T named: Kns-!a with fUo.OuO.OuO, Mexi co with o.ooO.O and Canada and lo-l a each with ST.r.iXl.OOO, j The reforming Work done by settlo incuts of educated and religious l-eonla in city slums is attested by practical lesuits. The fence around a settle ment, playground was burned on an election night. In the following year, certain young men volunteered to pro tect tite fence when election night came round. They patroled the place throughout the nisfht. and successfully guarded the property. It was learned Liter that these volunteers wei'e the identical mcu who had burned the fence in the previous year. This was pracrii 'il repentance. Sn eiien and Norway seem tu In- drift lux apart iu a way that threaten.- the existence uf the kingdom of which ihey each form part. I lined in 1M4, there Pave l-en frequent pi-rtods when it seem..! as if Hi" end w as near at baud, but a e.ii,prmiM' ha l"'e! effected up on each occasion rind the union has Im-ch colli iuued. Upon t lie oreasluh of the celebration of tie' twenty fifth an niversary of King .--ars accession. H j'e ,v )ii(ntiis ago, there wan tin utiti tial ! exiiiliitioti of amicjli tin! two Seel'enS of L was bclievi-d tltal a inelii of (lie caii-es e made and a emiim: the leading stales::, tries, was fortiiiil t W, iieliielit. of t! Ion !-; ween the tw-ij kin end months of tieg. mi'tet.' lias reported ie feeling be I Wi--0 le kingdom, and it pi rmaiieul set tie f di.-i'iite C'i'lid be :fee, eoni;M-?l id eti of loth C"nit i effect a deUtiite tateiilig ijiia; lei jdoms. After scv t iatenw t'i's cotn- cil the complete fall ainl the angry senti urc of its effort: ments are likely to receive new impulse from lx-ing some months suppressed. The bone of contention lietween the two sect ions of the government is the common minister of foreign affairs and a common diplomatic and consular ser vice representing the two kingdoms. Besides this, one kingdom Is devoted to the idea of free trade, while the oth er favors a protective policy, atui one kingdom is la hearty accord with the Fraueo-nusKhin compart, while the other adheres to the triple alliance. Sweden is the more populous aiul has a trade and commerce alxiut double that of Norway, and, in case of an outbreak U'tween the two countries. Sweden would Ik? by far the stronger of She two. That a war is not Improbable in shown by the fact that the Crown Prince of Sweden publicly expressed his desire recently to be iMM-mitbil to lead an army across the frontier with the avowed purpose of reducing the people of Norway to subjection. It might not, however. I an easy thing to do, for when the occasion for it arlwes It is possible that some of the other countries of Europe might see fit to interpo- objertlons. The present disturlKsd condition of the two king doms is a serious menace to the very prosperotis government each kingdom has enjoved in the reign of the "good king. Oscar." The recent award of damages to Ca nadi-an sealers by the British-American commis-sion settles an Irritating ques tion which has Ix-en pending for sev eral years. Until the Paris court of ar bitration in ISU3 decided otherwise, the ('cited Staieti Oovernment iK'lic-ved that it had the right to stop deep-sea sealing in Ben ring Sea. Acting under this view of its rigJits. in issd it w?iz"d three Canadian schooners which were engaged in sealing, and In 1887 and bf'.i it made other similar seizures. The ow ners of these vessels brought claims for damages; but when tbe Pans tribunal decided adversely to the i United States on the question of Its I right to sup deeip-wea sealing It did not fix the amouot of damages to be paid by our Government; that was left to j be determined by later negotiations. 1 The claim altogether amounted to about one and a half million dollars. Three years ago Canada offered to ac cept four hundred and twenty -five thousand dollars in settlement, and President Cleveland recommended Congress to appropriate that sum for the put ioe. Congress refused to make the appropriation, not because it de sired to evade responsibility under the Paris award, but because the claims bad noi then been sifted, and there were included amotwj them demands for compensation forseaMcins which might have been taken if the sealers bad not been interrupted, and Congress was un willing to concede these prospective damages. Aa arrangement was there fore made between our own and the British govern menu for a Joint com mission to settle the claims. This com mission, comprising Judge Putnam for the United State and Judge King for Canada, took evidence at Victoria last winter, and listened to argument of counsel st Halifax last August II has decided that the United State shall pay tbe British Government, in behalf of the sggrieved vessel-owners, $'JSM,000, with interemt from the time the claims occurred. Tbe sum to lie paid is slightly lem than that sreed tpon in with Irmerest added. But that Is merely s coincident. Ftom a pecuniary point of view, neither party has gained by the adoption of the com mimtion owbod of settlement: but H li s more suitable way of settWnar suci questions. h's.imich as H allows slfUnj of evldetwe. If the commissioners bad not agreed, an umpire would have been called on to settle their differences. The recent award Is final, snd the mon ey win be paid within six months. Wbere the Pangcr Lies. She Don't you think It Is dangerotu ta eat mushrooms? He--Not s bit of dinger la It TV danger Is In eating toadstools. It's a pity that tbe gnawlngi of hun gar are worse than tbe peoga sf dye i a i t''. i r - ) 7 MichiuHft load Law The county road sy-ti in in M can be adopted by a majority itg.tn jrity vole in 'niniW-ioiiers i ran iu any otltniet till!. I he Itoard. any fouuiy. l ive road ( are eb-ited. none of who nay be interested iii'any i; i i v ie ( nterwl into by Tin v li.ivc full (Sower hi lay n' county rccti'd or ; iii'cha-c road: to change the width, dii Ic-uiuii id" existing ones; property; unite with adjacent mil teS in laving wit Silrl lnaintatu iicg roads; ad'.j.l jiuy 1'; tii.it in inci sent of the Tli.- can g amie or lo. to their Jild: tain cul''"eit tr;e-t !e in ad as a ediUiiy road, except .;,iti:i!.',! v.ll:i-'cs I lie ce'i Vi:: lnii-t b" i.i.'aim-l. a.le, dr.e'i, iriMel. Inacad .i eve in any w ay acr; -ding ;:nei,i ; I trirt an 1 mtili- and In Id jcs. but ci a eu4 "Iittilnt-s ill CNcex ,,f ;,e amount of tile I A co i !-..:ol p: at their dlsMis.il !il the haa Is oui.'y t;"".isiircr. ly in. iv by vote b--pe-es' and is lial d lis f,, f.-r daui- a-.-'S trow I tio'l. TiiCS jii-wa "un u out of their bad ceieli-rsi.-i.i w as adopted by 'nip v i:i isnl, IhiihIs for slim.ono b-iicil, mid in tin t wo veavs foilow cd nearly Vf mi and built to t of road were improv 'd s.il;f;ietioli of the peo- I'l". j To ! t C.ood KiuhIs. J Tin' proper way to obtain good roads i Is for the p"ile to hold convent ions j and rdm-ai.- t ie public to a knowledge of the great a-lvnniages that will result j fro... good fo.nK Then pro;ier laws ! can be pa--cd by the State ben and the roads of a State rati -hit ures be built systematically ntn! in n the Ix-st (ugiiieering skill irdane,; with The fanner reaps the great benefit from good roads. His land is not only enhanced iu value, but the good roads allow him to haul his produce and farm products to rail way stations for the market till the year round. He can thus take advan tage of the market to sell his products when prices are high, no matter in what time of the year. Exchange. General Monc'n Ideal Houd. The ideal road recommended by Ger eral Stone of the agricultural depart ment gixxl roads bureau for most con ditions is one that will drain itself in wet weather ami will be so firmly con structed that dust will be Sinxssible. it is made by first digging out all sujkt- tiuous earth to a level of about two teei below grade. Then a layer of rough, heavy cracked stone nearly a foot thick Is spread. (Her this roadbed is laid a second one of stones crushed to smaller pieces alsjtit six inches deep. TheunJ Is then leveled and the final layer eft gravel is applh-d. It is good and cheap ly constructed. Connecticut Road Improvement. The suggested plan of road improve ment in Connecticut protosos t he build ing of one great slate highw ay east and west and another north and south across the State w ith low grades, and touching, so far as possible, the places of larger population. TOO MUCH FOR HIM. Jlird'H Vanity Would NotKiak a Note Ik-joml II in Kcuch. The gentleman (for it is only the made memU-r of the family who is musically gifted) Is also quite a clever Imitator, though his ambitiou !u this line says sometimes brings discomciuie. Eippiucott's. Early one morning, j as I was wandering through the woods, . I happened ujion a small clearing, where my attention was attracted by a catbird. Perched Uhu a tow pine in the middle of the clearing, he was lis tening to the distant notes of a cardi nal grosbeak, his head tinned to one Hide the better to catcu me strain. When the cardinal would drop his theme the catbird would take It up. giving a very fair and recognizable ren dition of It. Suddenly from the woods near by came one of the liquid phrases of a wood-tbrusb. Tbe catbird ut once turned bis attention to the new singer, and, after a moment's pause, during which he seemed to be fixing the notes In his memory, reproduced with tolera ble effect the. simple phrase, and then waited, with a self-satisfied and confi dent air, for another. But the wuod thrush. oblivious of his humble imlia. tor. followed his first phrase with one containing one of the low client notes which constitute the principal charm of his singing ami which are literally Inimitable. The catbird listened most attentively, cocking his head first on one side and then on the other, consid ered the matter carefully for awhile, his confidence meantime perceptibly ooxing out like Bob Acres' courage, then finally ducked bis bead ashamedly and flew off Into the neighboring pines without uttering a sound. It was be yond bis reach and he knew It and wss too vain to risk an sbsolute failure. The Painter's Device. Raphael, the great Italian painter, whose celebrated Biblical pictures are worth fabulous sums or money, was not a rich man when young, and en countered some of the vicissitudes of life like many another genius. Once, when traveling, he put up at an inn and remained there, nimble to get sway through lack of funds to settle his bill The landlord grew suspicions that such was the case, and his requests for a settlement grew more and more press ing. Flnslly, young Raphael, In des peration, resorted to the following de vice: II carefully painted upon a table In nls room number of gold coins, and, placing; tbe table In a certain light that gar a startling effect, he packed hfc few belongings u':j sun.niotKil his host There," he vielaiiiied. w ith .1 lordly w jve of his hand toward the table, "is Hough to settle my till) and mure. NuW kindly nhow the way to t'"- door." 1 he iuiikeepcr, with many Ikiv, s and Miiilcs, usliefiil hi, guc-t out, ami then hastened back to gather up his gold JI. rage and roiisierna I io'i when he Uncovered the fiainl. l.tc-.v no Ixitinds. until a wealthy liii, t;.ieler, rcc egnizing the value of tie- art put in the work, gladly paid him t.'si for 'lie ta b.'e. Spare Mono nts. AN AMERICAN HE, HESS IN PARIS. 1 in I'd II II loll- Titled r.irixians lrav Lot- ti fee Who SIi.elM Win Hit, Lilian Hell, i t:.e I.adie-.' lb t he most ii: in Is the marring! lo nan-ate tin" .iim-i-Vaii gi:l h i 'ers to I 'net letle .b.lli' s this from Paris to i.il. W fiii-s that .g ill all Knrop" qlll'st on. expel 'ieln'i ho i :l!!le I Cl :i lid proi-.-i'ds I a ti' h , I 'a :-;s wi ll ..ill)- of h"! - . :...: by oh-, bill I' ll was no! it to a ' .in ,V:ts- sllOVVl! i!-.!lt)i lliol In s I ihg lihau nun h of : vent to I. iniicii :iM w a- invited . licKTiaucaiil' .III ru i-reni 1.1 loll 1-v a ltd y t.ie tei'nr iic'l 'If-!, ile n,it h'-j- S,!l n!y. to the ae lie! - a w ord i-.f as fiirions. -aid to her Z w ho 'siioiiid ma w as il ry !n -Sad ;: niazeaieii! of every bni , Faih-1 for America witiumt ariilng, The I 'uch. c w 'You Inns! follo.v llei.' -i." Mia. 'We cahi.ot le' so mudi money iM-npe' The soil mid In- would be hanged if he went to America, or if he would marry such a monkey, and as for her money, she could go any a Icre she pleased with it. or words to that effect. So that cm 1 1 si the affair of the .M.n-.pi! ie G , When the oilier impecunious: young nobles heard that I he iMh-lu-s-e no longer had any claims upon the American's money they got together and said. Somebody must marry her and divide with the rest. We can'; all many in-r. but we can all have a share from whoever does. Now we will draw lots to see who must go to America and marry her.' The lot f 11 to Karon de X , but he had no money for the journey. So all the others ratM-d what money tin y . -.mid and loaned St to him. and took his notes for it, w i h enormous interest, payable a! or ui. marriage, lie sailed way. and within eight months he ..ad married lier, but he has not paid t ose notes; his wife won't give him tie money!" Itie Teeth. have a general idea that .ike rare of the teeth, ami lo -o, as tiny suppose brush linrr.eiiiy two o ver the front of the teeth o bod, or 0)1 get: ins up In .mo .iilnk llie.v iiave clean Most pisi; : it S.s wise to accordingly They rub a Uin-c times before goint the morning, ed their b-eth. The imponance cf s, vlceable teeth as an aid Hot lie overi-.slimatisl, f good conilition depends mud and ser lo healt h can- or iijioii 1h.;1r the thorough mastication of the food, which Is the first, and not the least, ri-qui-ite of good digestion. Many a per-oii doses him self with till sorts of remedies to aid iligesiion, win-ii the rial cause of Ills dyspepsia may be found in the poor sUiU' of his teeth. The proper ihne to brush the tevth Is after each nn-ai jnid al bedtime. Be fore this is done ail purl ides of food should be lemsved from between the teeth by iixin, of a too'hpiik, or, b"t ter, dental tli.s. Ttn-ii lin y should be brushiMl thoroughly with a brush of medium stiffness dipped in tepid water. Verv hot and very inld water are equal ly harmful. The brush should lie used with an up and down movement, ami not side ways only, and the b.-u-ks of tin- teeth should Ih- brushed even more carefully than the fronts, fur if Is iheie that tar tar tends to accumulate. Many think that tartar is harmless, but this In an erroneous belief; its accumulation is one of the principal causes of the loos- enlng of the teeth, and Its presence ex poses one constantly to the recurrence of gum Ivolls. The use of some good dentifrice once a day, or two or tnree iijiiik a wee, keeps the tisdh whiter and better-look ing, but Is not alisolutely necessary when the tooth brush Is used regularly after cadi nn-al. Kinsing the mouth after each brushing with some pleas antly flavored antiseftic solution helps to avert decay of the teeth. l-'lmilly, not the least iuqiortant imlnl In the care of the teeth is a regular Kcmlnnntial visit to the dentist, that he may examine the teeth and till tit once nnv lteglnuing cavity. In this way the teeth may be preserved, accidents ex pected, for a long life-time, and tie natural teeth, even when filled and re-pain-d, arc many times better from ev ery point of view than any artificial ones. Nearly as important as the preserva tion of the permanent tee-tb Is that of the milk-teeth lo children. Youth' Companion. Canal Aciom Florida. A ship canal Is to be constructed across the southern end of Florida. Na part of the peninsula Is fsr above the surface of tbe ocean. The canal is to be 200 feet wide, and deep enough to accommodate tbe largest ocean vessels It Is expected tbst tbe canal will be completed In five years' time. A Califonilso has Invented a trunk which can be uaed as a table, one of the trays having hinged sides which csn be opened outward and tbe tray In verted and set on top of tbe trunk. Unless a woman's band writing makes all ber letters look Ilka tooth picks, she plainly belongs to tbe dost covered memories of yesterday. It takes two to make a bargain, bas only one of them gets M. At the age of 1A woman's rights an three years ahead of maar a Value of KeadiiiK In tcljooi. A school suriiitcndent was a-k says the (Jhiiago liner Ocean, h he manaircd to advance his jaipils nil their stmlieK -.n milch move raph si. .w i ih idiy lbs I tiiati los pi-.sb-i-c,'.!!- hail don", reply is worthy f spc la1 note: make it a point to Icing tl-' m ahm raoidlv as i.o--.ible in reading In li primary grades 1 give more l. me t exercise thun is cit-hmu I y i:i R.-hools. and I pei'-nade or eutle .upils of higher grades to read 1 tins tluT the new -naiiers, and maga u tn::i: ivlm! that w ill give tl.eui 1 the, and lit tie' them. Every day sane t! . ii.!rj."( f.--.ni !.t Mag and p.-iid i-S Jls tech to tiventy !li:ni;: ii'w.MTitu' ijuos'ii.n had read. To es IH the nio-t i iiiporta at ihe columns of tin-lu-M morning te-arl, i.ollt what we rjosi'y. we post lion lines from , v.;ii"-s. 'I he .rrv one of the eti older irholars is prewired to give par ticulars on the Mi'ejert of the previous day's l.ulh-ins. If I can g-t our sciiol- ars lo mo: lain to n-a-l. it Is easy to im uo-.m tmly; by as ii.ni. h as they become e expert iii r.-.nling -o much is the ,r of pursuing their oiIht studies rciim-cd. enod." am! t scir enjoyment height- CiHt of t-ihoi.l Hooks. of school boohs is often made The to a i i; ipearas an enormous and nnre.ison biirdeu. Wiiilep'sifpi'opl" w hohave .- in ill"-1 in si lioi.l really .have abh la rg li irden to b.-ar in this matter. Hi" average person has an exaggerated libit Of tile is. st of wi 1'iook-s. "1 1 is Interesting' to note from the last census re purl the cost of certain tilings as compared with the cost of schifcil books. It has been found by a series of Investigations iu different States, luis.-d iim reliable infornia the), that the cost of fc.-hoI book amounts to a sum which would be e.pia! t ten i 's for each iiihaUit.anl, or .T.",' '"hi a ye ir ill the whole I'lii'cd States. Compare rlils lth tlie following: Cost of av'l iieial thiners and feailn-rs. .:i,iMKi,tr ,t; lobacco and cigar". ,in.,.ii.iSi; (ou ferthinery. S.'i.i.iioo.in H; cigar b.ie, inijimi-, li.pmrs disiill'sil.. malt and villous .L".is,il.isiO. Tex I i le ' do ml ill t lie ' .ll I ll. ".I us. i before its filial ad ion-umeiil, : n fleorghl Si'iiii u- pass,..! a House bill providing for the establishment of a teuiie school as a brand) of the St .;.e School of Technology In Atlanta. T-ie bill appriFpriates only lM"i. and ! -rides that a like sum must be raised for the school Ix-fore the appropriation is available. The friends of the move men! Miy that more than the requisite amount ui the outside is already in hig-ht, and believe lhut the next Legisla ture will im-psase the appropriation for the win ml. which will Iw the first ";u stitinioii uf the kind in the South t nique Htiellina l ewson. Write upon the bliicKb-iard fn col umns fifty words mi eh as a grocer's boy would be called upon to u,e lii taking orders, a hoiisen Ife in- sennit in giving the same. Have them copied by the pupils. After 11k- spelling has l"-en learned, have each pupil make store or ders or mal-i-harges on memorandum until he has us.-d in this way every one of the fifty wH-ils. This lest" their knowledge of the meaning, thg spelling, the melhisl of measuring and a reasomibb price. Ba yet tc County Iowai Teacher. Collen of Klrrt rit-il y, A unique Institution has Ix-en martisl iu ib'iioa, Italy, for the instruction of master niarlnits, ' elwiriidanB and others who have charge of electrical work aboard ship. The now insiltuu bears the name of Christopher Colum bus and has Its quarters on Itonni a ves sel In the Couoa harlsH. Nntcp. In 1HD." there were 4isi.(pfl teaxiheni in i iie l ultisl States, of which nunibei 2'VS,(KKl wire women., It is again rumoTisil that !r. Calrd, ! the venerable prln-litl of l,isg)v University, Is about to retire. J. J. 1HII, President of the lireat Northern Uailroad has given J'Jii.tsKl to Itamlltie 1'nlversiiy on condition that HoKpO uiotx- bt raised. f'rlnci'ss Therisse, daughter of I'rincs EuUisild, Hiagon: of Bavaria, has had conferred ujiou her the di-gree of lh. U., by 1lie I'niverslty of Munich. "Hie residence of the lute Henry W, Sage, at Iclmca, has been offered to Cornell University for hospital pur poses, the sons of Mr. Sage pledging an endowment of VHiXK The Massachusetts State Hoard of Education has asked the legislature for authority to confer degmes upon grsdustea of the State normal school who have completed four years of study in these Institutions. Pally newspapers are now published In ten colleges and uulrerwplo in rhc UnlttM States: Yale, Harvard, (mell, Princeton, Itrowti, Stanford, Tulane, University of Pennsylvania, University of Wlss-onsln rimI I uiveriety of Michi gan. I'urliig ttw ist year ttie collegia snd universities In the UnMed fltates bsv recetred nvquxsMs and cwlowmenu amounting to $l,8M,f00. Nearly one fonrtb of tula amount was given to the University of Csllfornia and tbe rest In laraw and smaller amounts to othet college. Te Winthro) Normal and Industrial Collage for Young Womeu at Rock Hill, g. C, Is supposed to be tbe beet equipped Institution of the kind In tb Booth. It was started enrller thsn so 7 oobtr, and aastimed Iu present location and conditions when the norms I scboat wtrt started In other (Mates. Varletlm uf rrult . , ...... 1 I. 4 Via t, rfv Beginners with Iruiianomu uv enthuniaidic over the nieriU of new va rieties Every y-r "the bent" eon.es out, the highest praised v-riety of IsH vear tieing forgotten in the catalogues Ot this year. The proper plan is to visit the fruit farm of some experienced neighbor ami take his advice. The old H-andardH are usually the brat, but new varieties should be tested on a limited . I ..mat 1 fori" BCalB. l..:llli ii'i """ tfdered in telet ting vtr.e'ies. Y.'0)IAVirFATE. from thr . No woman is h others regaiding Mr. Jacob Wen I ; y,il. 111 Hi.le to Hpeak t ",,,i:iiri' fate Mien V.t, of ItllsillllOl, lit. M.-irsiia! Weaver. She ucr.-J !.":" the Ulns ,l!:is; !.l !l of the tlliKf lfe of i' t'i'y ha I elillr. H ie. v, hi. h kept 1.. -r I f ir tin- of sii y ,.;i;ai (Misl, alio m? n re.-o civ. .M ,.;v is .1 ie to 'Ian U"" )r. U hl.aa.s I .nit 1 ins. ,. w. i. iif-v wars old an 1 bri-l in B ishic'il wear. Mic i l.f UU-'i lesliolll-j Vi- .l,-iiiisl:c.-! r.-puta'ion. 'I I-r.-.aicrv in interi --.'ing. .s BcH.-n- l f"r five or t la.- trouble that fuiin lie f icy life. I 1,1 WHS llllHi ll.'leh l.f t '!' I, IV I Si. Il.'ld Bilfl'Tell hel tiur'j j"r ci.'ity and un ,. u. r;t ut ln-r ai' i!: ,,x yci.rs with w..mi-ri ft! this ...li i i .ik'-ned, ! no- to do my .a,,! my ;-.wr jir'a-i ami lio'l- 1 was I) r.vn.'i. Hli-S nie. in Wit I'ilin ii.ls 1 up t ry id tn I ! gat, the ' ' 1 r. h, , ..-t. an U RD. I s ,e 1 an I'll snd ii lot ! nb s : I h lh" I h-i I It ) r ikii.g the I iro 11 t 1 am rei-..lij-.li. I' h-o li,.- fiilis 1 many iff. a.-d in u. linen who lire niilb'i nig I Thu lire the oniv tiling 'li.l' in tin- trial that conic man) vai eh at my age "MRS. .1. II. wr: ei: ' hci'.. re me this Is'.iT. Sal.s. rilii'i) ond DMorii h 2; hi tia v of O.-'oh'T, A I O. C. IlU'l N'..i.-ir reblic. lr. WiHinii- I'm erful inHueiice in n ;(!s.,,(-r rondi'i'rti. . ni.ieiisist fonu a l ary to give ne-.v hfi 'a'MMi. k I 'ills exert S ppw. h.ring the sjstetn ts They i-oii:a.iii in the rWi'l ns'" . ami rielii'i"s to ;U He who ca' tR stones at others mske of I imself s target lor their return. Motlinr tiray's seei Jwiler for tiildreii. Successful! v use 1 by Mot !.i-rit ay, iiiirwe ill the Chliiireti's lfotne ill New York, cure I'evensliness, i,v. Moinach. Teeth ing hisorders, move r id regulate the Bowels ami destroy W onus. Over lO.tM) fe-t iinoiiials. ''' ii ' c on'. At all 1 1 1 , t-1 s a ,1-- crilgglsts, in', sample 1 nt.r., Aumra, Alien S. Oiiustcih l.c I.'q', N. Y, "Christianity i all very well, but s man must live." Yep. to ail eternity. TO CI K K A tot.li IS OS K DAT. ?aki liiiUTl. lir'rfflfl vallilu Ifctilwlii. All tri wfuoil Ue mwufF 11 it lull u. mi itbc For a certain dim of -muds, inSdelity is the hall-mirk of gen u. ONB K1VJOYO Both U10 nu'tlnKl ami results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, disjoin colds, head ache and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the otuy remedy of its kind ever pro duced, ple-wuig to the last and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly W-nehcial in iu effects, prepared only from tbe most healthy and agreealilesiilwtances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it tbe moat popular remedy known, aynip of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on band will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not a;oept any ubtititute. CALIFORNIA FIB SYRUP CO. 4 flMMfJCO, CL uomiui, gr. nm torn, a.. POTATOES 91.50 Cbl. lk-Mrl S-f rkar"straaALaaaB Pit Sir Sw(H mm. fn Sis- , m, pii Ml 1.1SI1 una. a t- ,T. 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 II 1 1 "f far Him ........... n lams .sv I . aian imp) u faal .r MMH. .. J . I p aval la Maia aaaw W iraat, araaWSQ U '". pjafs. "a vircmar ttul ua ransSBV R00FIIIG.S!SS?3-iK Ut. oori lp i TSISOSI4U.T taatlMt, rka r " niisiaan. o. s. oa , sm I,. r.iM'. J 1 1 . V 1 1 F 1 " I fact. 1 to.. MK-le Ii 1 l s e i ! I I I - 1 Vv f r I I receaillii-iel-l w: y tr tai m a. f i I t .a I as ptCpf aal u Mmat. laaal p appaaa naiajlia. MajkfMSS L1J aa mi aataak. plaaa.( SM St araajSaaa. fa" 1 V ; -' r i I . , t