The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 17, 1898, Image 7

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    All tturla.
The owner of tbe merri-go-roun i
nskui money in rojnd-bout way.
There rosy not be many gnoni'
Zjo, but there are lot of animal Bi.irlte.
n the barber hop they never think
( catting the door's bunas.
' A premiee it about the only tbinu you
are inpped to Kve n(1 keep at Ul "
tame time.
8bin planters are no longer made, but
the inouldtira of cheap images t" niaWe
pliule-a a'linw
Blood Humors
Spring Is the Cleansing Season Don't
Neglect Your Health.
You Need to Take Hood's Sarsapa
rllla Now.
(Spring is the reason for cleansing and
renewing. Everywhere accumulations of
want? are being removed and preparations
for the new life of another season are
being made. Thin is the time for cleans
ing your blood. Winter has left it iuijmre.
Sarins: Humors, boiU. pimple, erup-
'm are the results. Hood's Snrsaparilla
upelH all impurities from the blood and
makes it rich and nourisning. u uun.ia
up the nervous ayatem, overcomes that
tired feeling, creates an appetite, gives
.(, refreshing aleep and renewed en
ergy and vigor. It cures ail spring humors,
boila, pimples and eruption.
li America's (jreatl Medl- Ine. l; !x for 5.
Prepared by CI. 1. Hood & Co., I-oae!!".
rrTTTT'cljillc a,B llie ""'5' l'h'tt k"
IlOOU S llllS with Hood Snr3i..Mi.l.
now re-.ti-u 'i .
La 1,1 iest couple in the
adl Coat. 3 J. I V. JV aw- t
!ctiy dry in th h.f4."M st-urn
.llt"."mw ' ' Jiupt t Al. fr
tS07 f'ih Rro!". i i "-Is. It-f-
I vmir town v.-f t' r i . Mi , tu
The hai.) iest couple in the worbi
w u d I a deaf husband and a blind
W I fe.
Before you propt(H to the daughter
tu ly her mother' character.
li a girl is tKira t,eauli!ul she is af
good aa marri -d.
A house w iihuut a wife or a fire U like
a b iy i'leiiit a ul.
You can never a t too. on for a good
meal r a good woman.
Marry your mm when you like, but
your daughter ai soon u you can.
Coul'Hi't Make It.
The bull that tried to butt down a
bridge, and the goat that tackled an am
vil. couldn't make It. and were knocked
out. bruised and lileedins. From suck
Lruises! down to pin-head blue anota
they are curable, eaHily and surely. 'I he
ineii who get the worst bruises aiway
K-t the best cure. They make it every
time. There are right ways and wrong
Wilis of doing thiiif-'x. as the bull and
thei,'oat found out. The best cure for
n bruise Is St. Jacob Oil. The ri'ht
w ay to cure Is to use It and find out.
John Craig, one of the few Shakes
pearean actr in the Daly company,
will retire from the organization at the
cloee of his engagement
Dive is so pretty that toe women are
never satisfied till U:ey can get one of its
a iuga to duHt thins;!" with.
Hwid Farts to be Kelied Upon,
The latest catalogue of the seed grow
ing firm of J. J. H. Gregory s bun, ot
iurhlhi.nd. Masa.. detcritieB some val
uable results aoheived by this long
tabliahed hoU'e fi which two genera
tions have devoted brain" and energy to
improving niuanlies, cabbages, potat
iie.18 and other vegetables. in new va
ncties and o'd ones this firm has always
been found reliable. They have al ways
taken great pride in the purity and the
standard exeelli ney of their eeedsand in
.i.,. ,,.( u. t.ll as in !'.rnei of
linn n jji
i.iiceg, they have an enviable reputa
lion. Thev will aend their catalogue
free on rcquca'.
I( we didn't try to uphold our blun
dors .we would have fewer.
If a man falls in love only the woman
in the case iin rectie him.
Tho-e people who associate a" t'
time witli dot's and hordes arldoiu get
the level "f Hiese aniniiilB.
A b,
How a Iairy Farmer Can Have an
Ice Hoime at mull twt - Dirccli n
for Mukinu a Good Haromrter - Cheap
Fcrlili.ern Often Kiprimive.
as jio- .-
f.,rn.o. llli 5
above, 1
Urf rnl ti,nceinr
1 C I.. Ur Kalih,
1 Pk. I'.rlf S?nn T.irn.p,
1 , frii.! tt.i B(,
B ,:iirck l.'ucum'r,
10- !
lllc (
t U'trwil Vli tiT1 l.lttl0, f
1 K.,o,!rk Mol'.n, lc
1 ,lnnl" OSnt Oniffli, 3.V 2,
I " Brilliant Kluwer dj, IU I
OWsrlk i-s, rr n Mt. 0
Abn10 wirth t! 10, s will J
mut J trt, toc'hr wilh ur
srt rust unit Hi CikImh I
r(K,s r-si'T- of thU i,.,in-fl "t IV 2
rj,t. IV, iTil rar Irlo1
Ibuw y-,anni trr KV,rl
l out (lira. Puts tarsals I. Hf I
Hsl.i'stsl-g slunsfce, Su.y ,
itA A. UUU -. " '",
lbs St, Joisph and Grand Iiland
Ianian Oity and Omaha Railway.
A:Z,?:?Z Union P.o.fio 8y.te
ask the rsToan t inn
to Cslttornls, Oreifon sni tl wirn PolnU.
tor lnlormsilon rexapling rauss, tit;,, nail on
r sddrew nrsrnot sxentor a. M. Aomr.
W, 1. Rnslf""". Ja-. Urn. I'a Att.
Uen't SInKr. St. Iwrli. "
- to i.i. roiwtn
ss )
Itrmtirovnoi ....... - -w
u..,i,... .own In April I1
..!.." I' V" l..."'ll.r.,.
Ml" ft for bill IW. o,d IHU notl,-. I ll"tur (.-.
S iua i. iitiu : '. LiaM.i- CLIf
,nli. of ''ianl.s s going to lade
tl.W summer on WXJO farms in
i ,!..., ii,. i n tunc or voies, urn m
i.-lds, Sal .era two new potato mar
v.da are iinnii'ii as above, and he o
fers a in ice for the biggest potato yield
.,u jki In iro'd for suitable names for
bis corn (IT inches long! and oat pnv
iilL'les. unlv Bcedsmen In Ainerh
lovera and farm
seed and selling ptjtatoes at $1 )
immd. The editor urges you to U
Salter's Northern Cron u Sela, and to
srnd This Notice h OCm. In Stamps
t John A. Salzer S I Co., '-a t.rifsse
Wis for U new farm seed asrfiiplea
.soi-th $I, to get a al.-u-t, and
big calalogue.
Millinery ia a k I ing trade judjing
from the dead biid- it requires.
Thsrr is more Catarrh in this lection o
ihe country than all other dida put to
KO' her, and until the last tew years tin
suppose.! to be. incurable, for a (rrra:
many years doctors prmiouiiced it a lc.i;.i!
iliseae. and prescribed h'al rmiedies, ,! ii
br consiautly tailing to enre with K.
tftatnirnt, pronotnicwl it incurable.
puce bas proven catarrh to be a coiisti
lional di.ieai and therefor rrquirea con
ititulional treatment. Hail's caurrb
i are matiatactrjred br K. J. Cheney
( o , Toledo, Ohio, ia the only conatliitlonai
enrr on the market. UN taken intarnaHy
in dimes from 10 drops to a leaapoonfui.
it acts directly on the blood and mucou
"lirt'aces of the system. They offer out
hundred dollars for any case it fads to
cure. Send lor circulars and testimonials.
Ad jres CHEVFy A ( 0 f Toledo, 0.
tB-&oi by Druggists, 75o.
Business may lie alow in some placer,
but the growler is always rui-hed.
1 lie Poor Msiti Iceliimse.
Many come to the conclusion that
they are unable to keep i. e on aec-mm
,f having to build a house to hold and
preserve It. li tll Is aitsoiuieiy u" -i-
sai v lo the ilal.y larmei- w no mm-n
make t tic- most of his cows, espe-
iiiUy i. He Has no com sprum m ikih-i.
V have ki p' Ice for years lu a ouiiii-
a far removed from the sun's rays
Sometimes we nave useo
log, simielimes a tiame iiiinuiug. ami
always had a good lloor, mil n-''e
found none of them fully sa'isl .iioi y.
Woliavrpackedaccording to best moili-
oils, as advocated liy limn or expen-
nce. But hi st winter, not having a
.... .i ...i ...i ,,.
suitable IllMUlllg. we cnili-iinn-u
make llie experiment of pneUinir the
ire where it would be most convenient.
l lie place w e selected, nearest on" milk
ans, liappened to be covensl Willi chip
lirt over hard clay. 1 tie groumi i..e-
;ig frozen hard, we scraped it as level
is oosslhle, aim inen itegan io on
h. hard fro.eii cliip dirt. Kvcry layer
l' oloi ks would bo covered with snow;
t!so I.i l ween the blocks, I brownie over
It scmtmI pails of water. ur mocus
iere cut very uneven, as the work w as
done by inexperienced hands, i in n,
after a. smiiclcin quantity was jiacked,
we built three piles of green wo'xl, one
each of the three sides, the wood
within eight inches of the blocks. I Ins
was covered with boards sufbeient to
keep off the sun and shed the rain, and
about one foot from top of ice. The
wind could circulate freely, as the Ice
house was entirely exio.-ed. We pack
ed grceu sawdust very firmly around
ami over the ice. not more than eight
inches deep in any place. The front of
the Icehouse was shaded by the wood
shed, ami on the side by woodpiles
which projected in front of the open
ing. It may seem incredible, but we
never had ice keep so well, some of it
lasting u year. Late In tin" fall the
snow 'that' had been used In packing
last winter could be seen almost as
fi-'sh as ever.
I uml in their re.juneineiits In (he way
j of i'lod just as human beings do, al
though, ju rbaps. not to the name ex
tenl. To feed all the cows in a herd
alike, day after day and mouth after
luo .ih, as is so often done, :s an aii
nuid ami wasteful practice. Koine are
Mire not to gel euotigli for greatest
prnlit, ami others ure likely to get more
than they will use lo advantage. This
as to ipiautity only; but differences In
kind of feed may be equally desirable.
In thorough study and comprehension
of the question of feeding lies the greai
i sj opport unity for the exercise of real
economy in the iminagemeut of the
dairy herd.
Seienlitic feeding meaus simply ra
tional feeding, a common sense appli
cation of a good understanding of the
objects of feeding, the character of
food materials, their proper relations
combinations and effects, and the
needs and chnrueiensiies of the ani
mals In haml.-rnited Slates Depart
ment of Agriculture.
Iksrciwl fur !'.
The use of charcoal for pigs it general,
and it proves beneficial, bu to de-ive
the beet results f-oui its usethechaic !
should tie freshly burned. It a i.n in
digestible substance, its vir ue being b -lieve
! to be due to ita capaei'y lor !
sorbin gasres, which power is lost t.o
certain extent when tin cliarcoil )n
ireen exp l to the air for a time. I
the old charcoal ia heated in a hot liie
for a few moments, however, it will be
rest red to its origtr-al frefdi condition.
Gardin & Flowir
wilh a worM-whlB
rwmitmioti. I suing
fr-r It ill.
JAMES J.H.UKKCOKr aMU.IIsrblrnesil.lU".
Life! Life! Life!
('utlrr n 'rhnlitt, of lolin TwUrt !ril.wlr.
llftTMUo-'! Ut t'lirt A I .IIIHM J" iHiiiiiiuii-.
All driitfitUU
K ti.svll l IKJ AddrA
Mother Omv' Mucet I'uwders for
4 It i III r- n.
SuccesBf nil v used bv Mot her (! ray. li urse
in the Children's llome in New York,
euro I'everislmesri, Bad Stomach, l eeth
ing Disorders, move and regulate the
Bowels and destroy Worms. Over IOaX
testimonials. Th'l wr (nil. At all
flniggiat8.-rc. Sample l-ltl.K. Address
Allen S. Olmsted, lie Hoy, X. Y,
The travelling man needn't lose his
grasp just because he 'oes bis "Tip.
Tlic Barometer.
One of the most serviceable a ml use- '
ful articles about the farm is a good
barometer which will rorelell marly
all the clianges lu I he weather. Then
Is no reason why we should be with
out such a useful Inslrumeiit when we
can produce a first (Mass one at a cost
of about :t) cents. Many of the so
called liHromelers are of little use on
account of the poor quality of the
chemicals used. If we buy the chemi
cals ourselves we w ill be more apt to
get u better Instrument. Buy the fol
lowing from a good chemist: One ounce
or camphor, one ounce of saltpeter, one
ounce of ammonia salts, and dissolve
them in fifteen drams of alcohol. Shake
the mixture well and pour in a long,
slender bottle, ami cork up tightly. Be
sure to hne the lwHtle full, so there
will )m' little or no air inside. Ilaug
your Imroineler on the north side oi n
building, or some place not. exposed to
the sun, and the following will be your
weal tier imncaiioiis: .aosoiui.c co-a'-iiea
of llie liquid means fair weather.
Threadlike objects at. the top of the
bottle Indicate high wind. If the liquid
become roily i! Is a sign of rain. Utile
stars in the liquid mean a hard storm.
If downy masses form in the bottom of
I he Itollle it will be cold; the more
tin-si? masses rise to the top llie colder
It will become.-Farmer's Advocate.
Buyitikf Cheap Kerlili.crw,
It Is llie natural tendency of farmers
when confronted with low price of
ii'odiiiis to save themselves, by the
plll'Cluise oi cheaper i eri tn.ers, or oy
Ibpensitig with uny boiiglil.eii fertili
zer. Hut flits is nearly always a mis-
lak-'. The lost of the fertilizer Is only
i small part of the cost of making a
rop. l.aliorisa union more expensive
1 1 fill, ami if the soil be not rich enough.
pinch of tliis labor will be Ineffective.
As for using poorer grades of fertil-
4.TS, they cost as much lo apply them
as the besl. In fact, the more expen-
ve gnidcHof fertilizers are usually In
finer condition, and cicn la' easily made
cover a larger surface and do more
,,'imiiI to the iirst :'rop.
Cuttouxeed Meal.
We are living In a vicinity whtre
cot i on ik-hI im al has been widely used
b;,- dairymen, and have used it our
selves, till very recently, ever since it
was Iirst introduced as a slock food,
in, i in. It her in our own experience or
in th.t of otners have ever known or
heard of the widely varying and dam
aging effects referred to In the bulletin.
I'r-iporlionate lo Its feeding value, as
compared with other meals, its cost is
now too high, and, as a consequence,
much less or it is now being fed than
The new law now in force will give
tt... eooniai-.iiive food contents of the
different samples of this product. This,
however, is not a guaranty of health
fulness. If cotton seed meal works the
mischief Indicated in the bulletin, It
shimid be known. We are confident
the results indicated from its. use are
i not the experience of the ninny dairy
I men of the Slate who have had long
experienced In feeding it-Maine
J l armcr.
Cai-e of Horses.
! Don't attempt to train the eolt at all
' until he Is in good condition and full
: of life, if vou want him to develop style
i and action, and be fit to put
' rii'ii' for a good price
! caled.
The young colts should be kept on a
; ground floor. It must be dry and level,
j Don't neglect to give every horse
on the farm, workers and drivers, a
I bran mash once every week.
Kvcry now and then give them some
potatoes, apples or carrots. A variety
Is very acceptable and your horse will
be in enough better condition In pay
you to fuss a little.
The foolish try to economize aiioui
Ihis time by driving smooth-shod hors-
A.lalfa lor I'uullrr.
Kvery one who ban used alfalfa clover
in winter, or at any other time, knows
tin- Krcat value of it as a poultry food
and an epg-irodu-r. It is emsily pre
wired in winter when tbe hay is dry.
With a ln"e oo indmg it is astonishing
to aee bow little bulk there will be of
iu rcms. This chaff, well sprinkled
with bran or shorts and scalded with hot
wat-r, makes a feed for poultry in tue
winter that may be equaled, bat it is
doubtful if it can be exce led.
: lay
tbe top,
into tiit
on the
when edti-
hi'c .Mountain Cake
Cream half a pound of butter, add
one pound of Hue white sugar, six eg-.'s
the whites and yolks beaten sepnraiclj
till very light. Add flavoring to taste
and then stir in. alternately, one cup
ful of sweet milk and one pound ol
flour In which three teaspoonfuls ol
baking powder has been well mixed
Heat very hard at the last, and bake in
jelly tins, or In a single loaf, as pre
ferred. Chocolate Cake.
Melt a little of the best chocolate m
a small saucepan, with only enough
boiling water to dissolve it; then stit
in,,. ,h lelnir and spread between the
Livers and on top. Some person
walnut meats at intervals on
.i;..i,ilv oresstng them down
icing to keep them firm.
Hits About Conking.
Marc Anthony gave the cook who
prepared the banquet he gave lu Cleo
patra's honor a city. Julius Caesar
paid his cook $4,000 a year.
France is called the cradle of good
, -poking, but Athens was the home of
the best cooks llial me v.o.iu e.-i
knew. Athenius culled the cooks tb
Iirst race of kings.
Empress Josephine ate most of liei
,n.,.,u In her own tiiKii'tuieiil ami
warded the cook who prepared the
with magnificently embroider
si,., wis. thread laces, hats that
,.!,.. a noil silk skinners that
almost as much second hand.
Cooking is largely a matter of taste,
but the best cooks In the land to-day
are ncyrroes. Our own Southern
.ned women are real cordon bletis
black cooks of Cuba are peerless,
ao traveler who lias visit
Kim tlur Record. Pierceton Jrul
D. in rise as an educator. Er
nest ivein,icr,ul'l'iereeton, lad., overtaxed
I.; -,.;r m, nially and physically. lie was
a ;. :. it ions; bis mind was always on bis
work. From curly morn until late at night
lie r.iotiniiaily pored over his books.
I'.-.v persons, even with the strongest
coiisib ut ions, can keep up under such a
si rain.
In addition to bia studies, Mr. Kemper
was leaching a school some three mile
from bis ho. ne. Finally, his excessiv;
study and the exposure of going to aud
from school in all kinds of weather under
mined his health.
He was taken to his bed with pneu
monia and hiu overworked brain aluiot
collapsed. For several weeks he was ae-riou-ly
I '.nr. -Hi had taken root in his systetn
atul his .cl was in a delicate condition.
He was sent to Color-
I' Bii"- where he spent
jl'XL three mouths without
reef lving
'any benefit.
J nen a not-
e d ttpeciai
i s t from
C I e velaud
treated iiiui
avail, and
then a hos
p i t a 1 in
C h i c a go
was tried,
but all ab
h o 1 u t ely
his physician
tlie and
d Constant!
jopie of
Ue could
Algeria would take a chef If
get a Moor.
The treating candidate hopes that
is din ensing winning cmiles.
Looking back ward gnikool.
.11 V- ' X
without benelir. Finally
recommended Dr. Williams Pink l'liis
for I 'ale i'eople. and from the first bor
he he"nn to improve. When he had
lakeii nine boxes he was completely cured,
'l'liis famous blood and nerve medicine
accomplished what former expensive
treameul failed to do. .Mr. Kemper says
his calarrh has entirely left him; he is
stroii;: again and weighs nine pounds
more than he ever did. lie gives the pills
llie em ire credit. He is starling teaching
lU'ain and feels a buiidatil ly able to con
tinue the work. To prove that the alxjvo
is i no- .'dr. Kemper's allidavit follows:
St.'.s.-tibi.fl and sworn to before me this
lilt; Dull iluv of September, 1S'J7.
it. 'V. WATT, .Notary Public.
Wnilnol.t if these hills have an equal
i! the
t run
range of medicine, lor building
limn and debilitated system.
..... .1-ttDTlVC IU Tlllf coitHl'S OUR
wr. nr.r. A.-..-r..N ... '----.-..,.,, . v,
'I'll K VtUKl UASlUttlfV,
on every
Rxei.csivK use
T na- SAMUEL PITCHER, of Uymnis, Massachusetts,
wa, tl originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same
lliat has borne and does mu P ST
This is the ordinal "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been
used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
t', kind yoti have always bonfht Sf SJSj-rS- onthe
at Jfo one )vas authority from me to use my name except
Th Centaur Company of which Chas.
Mnrr.K 8. 18971
Do Not Be Deceived.
Do not endanger tbe life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute
which torn druggist may offer you (because he makes a few mure I-ennie
ou it), the ingredients of which ci'flt lie does not know.
"The Kind You Have Always Bought"
II. Fletcher is
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed You.
I'.ecause Dobbin bolls a part of his I
oats whole docs not prove bint to be be
yond usefulness. A young horse often
does this. See If his teeth have not
made his cheeks sore by becoming
sharp. If so. file them smooth.
Dirty, dusty bedding is not suitable
for a horse whose coat Is desired clean
and lustrous.
Waote Ivanrt on llje Farm.
On almost every Kastern farm there
Is some land that either by nature or
because lis fertility has been exhausted
must go t.o waste. If (his buvd Is In
fertile or rocky naturally It may not
pay to reclaim It. But If IU fertility
has been exhausted, It can almost al
ways Iv cheaply restored. It is more
likely to Ik deficient in mineral p'ant
food' than lu nitrogenous. Supplies of
phosphate, ami potash, und oftn pot
ash alone, w ill make cloved gtw, ano
w hen there Is once a good clover seed
ing, nature will do whatever else Is
needed to restore fertility. American
Cult! Tutor.
Cored of leumatism.
Swnitt.ii lllnonintio Ours Co., Ohirniro: Oeiitlemen-I thought I woulj writs TOu atmiit ml
likifr w.drrfiil re-ir.lj. It ha acooiiir. I Uho-i mom too. from the Minnie Iwttla nd tin- tlo l.r lt
li, than the thirty dollar.' orlh of me.ll.-ine t huTe uimd of othrr r,n..f.tiirjr, ,. 1 tned ell ' .7t . I uw Hd,erl.i.l for, bet roelil not rl eojf rrli.-f I lo.r. the llrr.d.ul '' 1 1 tj .
,ranle bottle oT voir "i". UROI"," mud el I nk. n the (tint. e for ti f v .1J I Iw.jml to luue lew ol tho. ae
rr .(. recking Ihrouitb mr Iwli. A fior 1 sot tlv.n.,io hotl lo mM ti.l u n I cojhl hocm to re at mmj eeere
ilshl i efter 1 hi." nd eUnnthelf the dollar lioltle then all mr tieini left me. V. wKtcofcrllt (WI whee
1 mnld leep eueln t nlelit wil liont en more offeriu.. 1 o to.yo.i end ''VW.J1'
. onool. find wool, enouefi in proiie of ronr wonderful remed, for the am, of nietimelleu,. end 1 ! tm
, I, I..II ...n-...l.T L...nltT ami eer thet ther onm tnin-hn, env heoer mn.hfiine thea 3
.'or ell their ill. Thenkine jou, en'.lemeu, for all jour kiutlnew, 1 reimiii, f.n;.v-i'. vimr friend.
K. M. 1.1 ! li, I'oiterfiold, Wit., Feb. W, Tei
PrenM.nt Hwannoe Rlieuni.lic Itnre Ca.. ChioKot Mr Hear Sir-After suffering the torture,, of tie
ilemned for e loon time from an attack of Itheaieai iin. 1 wiah to ,i,y it vour llheouiat.c Cure S OKOe '
rured mr ef ell ) f roeelea. which wure all i',iue.l hr ooe'iiit -ItliO'.iinal nou. I had Mjert lroun
Kleiner Trimble and Cmt oat oil. 1 woold not, take W ami lu w li I'Oili. ri.e remen ire r ' .i
Ihe Caierrh for me. wnloh it lie nooe. I tierrore. i n
rnr Iker ere m eeee U eaeeklnd. tiralefelly youn.,
llhuilr lake the aKflncj Cor the sale of jrour medicinee.
j'. W. DEXSIS, lt Normal A., aoffalo. N. Y.. Feb. 8, V9
"8 BHOPS" core. Rhreaaallaav Hrlaltee. Nenral(l, !--, -il. Kert erhe, A.llieie, Her
CeterHi, a(leelieee. Nero.eee ,.,roe end V.-urelarlr llradaclie, Kereehe, 1 eetheele, eleart
W utaeeee. Creep, ewelllnc, l.e brleee. Malaria. Creeping Nnaibneu.
mo TUIDTV niVC I fiN fiC D tri enable aiifTarars to u.vti "ti hit OPS" at leaat a trtol, we will eeed a
FOR THlRTT UAlO LUNUtn ,a-,,!el,oll.l, i.rei-aif h, mail, for MoenM. A willibl.. bottle will
i onTlnoe rou AIm. Itrire he.1l"! tr)0 doeei l.fki, :i 1k.o lee for t'.'.rw. -Not wad bj drmgltu. oul bj u Mdoui
a-oui. Apnla aan'cd in new lerritorx. Wrilo us la-dstr.
SWANSON KUKU5IATIC Cl'KE CO., 107-1 0! IJearborn St., CHICAGO, II I-
FHlteniiitf t ullle I'l Ham.
The roujli feed should be hay or
t ofll fotlilcr, cut Mini sin ctitnsi.
ration for two or three year-old nicer
s four quarts of I nil la 11 meal, or eight
iimriri of corn and cob meal, nlghl and
morning, with u heapiun bushel basket
ful of cut and hIi redded fodder given
ich sleer an ftoon as he Is done eHlinjf
his frraln feed. After llie rodder In
eaten, given thren kiuidu or water
n'ltht and mornliiK.
Keep the utalls perfectly clean, t'.e
.deiity of tttiuw for beddiiijj, aud hire
n .nan wilh a gool leuiper to cure for
Hie stock, one who can lake an occa
ai iiinl kick without reKciiiltiK It. If he
tre.itu the cattle kindly lie will jjet hut
few kicks. They will do very much
iM'tter under the cure of a mail w ho I"
'i utlo with thctn than with one who
rent them roiiihly. Feed mid waier
nuliirly. My nnlmaU usmilly ifln
uty to seventy pounds per month per
aiecr. If at the Marl I have a l.ODO
lound Meor, and fin'd him live month",
lie usually welL'lm 1.'.'..0 to 1.800 at the
einl of that period. At the present
price of corn, llilrty centf, It pays much
better to feed corn to eiillle thfin to
hell It. The manure from fattening rat
lie Ih of tbe very bent (iunllty, mid I
lieuer than any other fertilizer In tha
produetlou of crops, AKrhMllturlat.
AU ins Too Much.
A writer on sheep says that It Is ask
In? too much for a owe to make her
growth and shear the heaviest or uext
heaviest lieece of her life and raise a
lamb In one year, it cannot be aone
without checking the growth of the
Kneep and producing a lamb lacking In
constitution. Continuing In that line
for everul years the Hock ma.ster will
have a very uneven flock, anil constitu
tion will be bred out of thorn.
v in- unlit;' and nfjjUM-l th
Don't monk, -v in- imlitie. ami nefimtne l-"n. a jo u- .. y mu u-o - '. -e "
lioliiK t 1- buhl, anil ihe ),tce onclil lo he hiMn. J here win I).
I,,.., 1) vermlv Minr croim, "0 huve more ilotn o;
Fur nowliin niiriHisis, will I"' o.-teil by u e loin.' hs ih,. 'nan
over b hall mil la I Mm Write fo' I re-fi how to sow it
til i I'. i ihs i iron ml l.inwed I'nke, lor Mii-ii, Hlwitycxi ha"'!
il-ohialot Wooi lliait .IllSl-en Ull. punm nnu
Kllileli-.l ISTJ. MtMd, .!.
b tier market at your aoor
v sirnm lo your bow.
mill will consume-
W also manufacture
INSKKU OIL W OltKS, lluialia, ?eb.
Parking Ejjgii In Salt.
The following Ik a commonly used re
cipe for packing eggs In aalt: Cover the
bottom of the keg or a ma 11 barrel with
li layer of milt two Inches deep. Pack
it layer of ogns upon It amall end down,
and far enough apart not to touch each
other, and not renting against the
allien of the barrel. Add another tblck
layer of salt, and then of eggs, and no
on until the barrel la full. -Ma.soachu
Kelts Ploughman.
but ha -Mi direct to the eoa
truruer for X yen at !tOi
litlo priwsfi. hitn tl;
dnaler i profits. Wupanjf-
wher fur ciaiii rinir'n.
Krry thing was Ti.itei.
llrt itriea of VpL.i -,
Stirtfii. t-"t to iirr.ii-
M.. PrtilfM M"n. MJHa I'.T IterjB. ir9
AIMU.1.IMIII .or t.'i. CUi-8ui of nil t.ix Hyt
w. u. riux x, w
Ui e4-Wi
w ir
ELKHART caubiaok amo uaum-ss urn. co.
N, mtturr.,. Prl-r. with oarteiB., lampt.
ithlMU ii.ruo and tf.Brters. Jo). A. (oeilai Willi Nir
Feeding Ibc Herd.
Th. ftrnt fidvleie la not lo fed th hrd
e hard. Cowa dlff..' lu Uilr taJte-
Poultrjr Note.
The dried blood sold for fertilizer Is
dniigorous to une for poultry.
Split the carrots In halves, aud allow
the bena to peck at them at will.
Cull your flocks and aell off nil bul
the best, keeping them for breeders.
Have the feed trough Htiltlelently
largo no that all the fowls can find
Heet blood mlied with ground grain
is excelleut for both old und youiu
Popcorn contain more nitrogen aud
phoKphnle. than the. regular Indian
Ilefuse crackers and stale bread
make an excellent addition to ibe morn
ing itiiihIi.
Buckwheat ir, nr. -producing food,
but a steady diet of It is apt to be over
Wben you bear of a flock of hens that
averages len down eggs each a year
you hear of a good one.
Pullets begin laying at from four to
nil and a half months of age, If they
are batched parly and kept growlng.
Weaterlu Plow mm.
"Forbid a Fool a Thing and
That He Will Do."
Don't Use
Strawberry j
Plants $1.50;
I 'OOO I rarh Treei 1U
end up. 0f" rnr Hedge. I . 0 P t thoue- ,
and Ail) Heed In 7oo p-r thnnaanil. A Urn ,
fupplyofall Hilda of eTllri'l7 rll rooted.
true to none. en' en,. .,.
tte-k. WrlWorPrlol.i.tlo
I UHatHIAN MUKMKKIBe, BwraultU, Nek.
per th-ounena ana up
JOflta or BIN OH AM TON,
n. y.
How lo erew ehral t 4" a bn ati.iri h" "eir
I7J l.tia. bnrloj tind lew boa notatoee ,ei e,-rr-
larMi-k oca oiii-ai iairti,i, .
with II nia irt-ll erelee. iiiem im-h"o.
line) i "
Il'lll Nll'l
E joiik i. mum eo n en.
, i Hoaar, wie. .l.a. I
eae. a eeeeeeee
Ce a aJAaru ctrrolari free Addree P It
, S. m. RuRLT C1I1CNKV. II . I 17. Mlilnal.llblo.
n i ateiift?tigl fiiaf""; i ?
I 1 Reel (ioll Sjrup. Taalea li'aal. Ua I r
IS In 1 line Hold hT dnirlle. tj
H 'ftA&ftftafrefrei&&
j POTATOES ."r !
S lu'e llerel MewTerker" (leea ALXIR't
E ARLII T Held .1 Ael ...k.l. per aere.
l-rl'-redlrtekrap. Oarfreal eWl, II fere,
a. aartl Seiealea, weria flO ll a Mart, er lat eee tel.
T a.t laa. illMI a. (at Ul SHU U. .Utraeee.Wle. (C.. I
9t tiMllCtlClMMIMWM.
ttee Ule 4i lor aaaalaUlri
4larkrcea, leiaaiaiatkxat
Irrtlalieae er oUerelleajl
rreraer aeewwe. re a eee. aa aol I
taltUIUHlliiCatO). f-eter
lal a I
ar aaal la alala
kr eiBreea. aeaMlal
I a. i.r 1 ix.iiiet
--r awaai
f la I t 4aa. I
LrJ -' U
y iaeiali.B.ri