The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 17, 1898, Image 6

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    Si.'SC AlJ.1I TJg - -ft 1
i' i
,1 . if i i , -
As Stephen has not put in an appear
ance at the Court uotv for fully two day,
peculation la rife as to what ha becutu
nt him.
"H wai at the lake yesterday," aayi
Portia. "He came up to u from the
southern end of it."
At this both Dulce and Hoger start, and
the former changes color Tisib'y.
"I renl'y wonder where he can be," ay
"So do I," nmrmura Dulce, faintly, but
iiminetly, she is in duty bound to
ay utu(thiDt;. "Swplien never used to
Diiss a day,"
Here l am, if you want me, fcy
Kti,',b.'ti, coming leisurely op to them
from behind the laurels. "1 thought I
hen re! lomehndy mention my name."
He i looking pale and h(txard, and
Hofiether unlike the languid, unemotional
Stephen of a month ago. There are dark
eiri-ie under his eyes, and bi mouth
looks Binins'dr compressed, and fu!i of
at! mip!e:i,a;it nnmunt of detenu ination.
"1 ha ni'iMied it," sa.-.s Dulce. She is!Iei to (tny tills, because he has
fued his eyes upon her, and plainly every
body ejpec!! her to repiy to him.
. "Did ji,u want ineV d, he, castltist a
Cffitiisii:ii: l'!;--;'-' upon her. Ho aft'ib'd
Is he in V. coiPiiipiatiorj of her that lie
!r.; p'.-itivpiy forgotten the fact that he
h..s omitted io bid any one a "fair good
morrow." "1 r
w .-e,"
1v:: w
certainly w cmlering where you ,
,' ci
There- is (ofmnliins lei ii.'hir
in "'lis 'I :' ." that ol ei-n ' i'..;-.
"It is very -od of y u to remember
jay ex' Then you were only
wuadHW tit my iiti-eni'e? You i.d not
want me':''
' Julee maken no reply. She would hare
riven anything to be able to make "me
civil, fumuionplac rejoinder, but at this
D'.meut her wits cruelly desert her.
"1 nee. Never mind," says Stephen.
"V. i ;1, cvn if j on. dmi't want me. I do
uj.i coioe with me as Tar
tone if ti" te a command than ;i
-lion. Hearm;." it, Uoger mores ,n
mtarily a s'ep forward, that br'uga
i nearer to Duice. i!c een pnti out
hand an thoutth io lay it upon br
i, when Stephen, by a gesture, checki
Jt. f
" irfou't be aiarnied," he says, with a
io-.i, nn 'ring lai sh, every vestige of
eo:o.r ione from h': fijee. "1 shall do
her no harrn. I shan't murder her. I
g: c you rny word. I'e comforted, he
w ! he quite s iaf with me as she
couid even be with you."
He laughs again, dismittwa Roger from
bis thoughts by an indescribable motion
of his hand, and once more concentrates
bit attention upon the girl near bim, who,
with lowered eyes and a pale, distressed
face, is Baiting unwillingly for what he
may eay neit. Stephen leads her In
i'meg and with a brow dark as Erebus
up the graveled path, and past the chilly
fountain, and thus out of sight.
To say M! Blount Is feeling nervous
would be ying very little. She i look
ing crushed in anticipation by the weight
of the thunderbolt she knows is about to
fall. Presently it descends, and once
d..'wn, she acknowledges to herself it was
-only a shock after all, worse in the fancy
than in the reality; as are moat of our
daily fears.
"So you wish oar engagement at an
end?" says Stephen, quite calmly, ha a
ume that might almost be termed me
chanical. He wait remorselessly for an anawer.
"I you I didn't tell you so," tam-
i.f&J;-i e:l 5P. .--,-.--:
nVT Wnv VA
7 t'V' 7ir:il4
umar- I tar with m. Bnerfy ha. deserted me
'No prevarication, please. , There has i wlob all the rest. You hav broken my
been quite enough deception of late." j heart, I enppoee, and that explain! erery
Dulce looks at bim curionaly, - "Let us thinf. There, go," turning abruptly away
adhere to the plain truth now at least, i from ber; "your bui where I can sec
Thla ! bow the cse stands. You never 1 yon only makes matters worse."
loved me; and now your cousin has re- j Some Impulse prompt Dulce te fe op
turned you find you do love him, that ; to him and lay her band gently tm hia
mi ;cmr von er r:vreTn or Hatred to- i
ward him were just so much air or, let
aa aay, so much wounded Tan4ty. Ton
woald be retaaaed from me. Yon would
' gladly forget I ever played even a ameU
part in the drama of your life. Ia not
all thia true?"
Hia tone, which ia extremely mswterfol,
rouses Dulce te anger.
"There is one thing I will any," she ex
claim, lifting her eyes fairly to hia. "But
for yon and your fala sympathy, and
yonr carefully choaan and moat rnetdlotM
worda that fanned the flame of my oajnat
wrath againet him, Roger and I weald
ever have been eparated."
"Ton ran betieve what yoo like about
that," aay Cower, indifferently, nnmered
by ber vtbemeat eatborat "Believe any
thing that will mak yonr eoodnct look
Bare credit) I t you, anything that will
make yea more comfortable la yonr mind
if yon eaa. Bat a I have aa wiah te
detain yoa bare laager than 1 ttrVroy
aeeeaaary, and a I am tm yoa hare no
wish to ba detaiaed, let u aat waet time
ta raerbalaatiaaa, bat eon at oeoe to tha
"WWt patatf I da aat noderataae
two," aajr Dnlea, Uly.
"Ttoraay, wbjaa paaalagf by nhe eeatj-
an end ef the laba, blddaa by
aawttaa, aad beard yea dlatfoctlr
naa waat i aaat a toceea a
toy bar kaawa befeta) tkat yaa 4M aat
tow at, m wa tba Mbatomaa at wbrnt
til, bat few Mm nayyii Car
It M bajtoea yaa kaK to
-Ckl Tm woj iiinliiMbia,
was iKit, he rays, calmly. Fie
jrivat cf-mfort: to his sou! in the n--
memhrauce that he uiifcht h.-ive heard
much more that a nit intended for hi
ean had he snttyt-d in his ;du. e of cri
cealniMit yesterday, hich he had n.,t.
"Accident hrotu-ht me to that part of the
lake, and brought, too, your word to my
ear. Vh(-n I lizard them I reiiienibeied
how ninny trivial things that-at the no,
ment of their occurrence had svemei a!J
nought n
i am no loiter fitnd. l Dave broujht you
here to tell you I will give you back your
promise to marry me, your freedom." with
a (sudden bitterness, as suddenly suppress
Pd "on on! condidon."
"And that?" breathlessly.
"Is that you will never marry Roger
without my consent."
The chance of retndnitu? her liberty in o
woet to Duh-e at this first moment that
j it chasi-s fmm ber nil other c-tiiderationi.
i Jo- t free asaJn! In vain she strive
' to hide ber glndnesi.
It will cot be hidden. Her eye f'nm;
' Hpa pet back their color; there is vuch
; an abandonment of joy and exultation in
! ber face that the man at her side the
; man who i now resigning- all that inakwi
j life iweet to him- feeid Irs heart grow
' mad with bitter hatred of her, h1mlf.
; and all tie world an he wan he her with
; miserable eyej.
And be poor fool: hd once hopd he
might win the prii-el-s tr-ao;e of th: I
gri love: No word could convey ;he j
cu:eB,t and orn with wbi. b he re- !
F'irds himself.
j o u-.t try to reatrnio your i
"ays in a li-nr-e, unnatural to'
fche het turned h-r head a !;t;.'e
'houch to avoid hi searching e
ef," h
i !e. HA
iiiow use oiid.t.-on I impost
pared to abide by it?"
ou are piw-
Dub hii'nte. "Later on he will for
ce? all this and give hi c,veut to my
niarryinK-,iny me," sbe th'nks. hiirr.e,.
ly. in fj.i'e of th mW v.,i--e withla I'mt
bi.N her Ueivare. 1 hen out h,ud she av-
liven if he should prove, she
telN hc,-M?!f, it will be better to be an old
tniiid than an unloving wife. She will lie
rid of this hateful entanglement that ha
been ImWtteriog ber life f.,- month, nnd
-and of course he won't keep her to thie
absurd arraurenKtit after awhile.
"Vou swear it?"
"I wear it," nyn Dulce, answering a
one might m a dream. Hers i a dream,
hanpy to rwk !)!. in which she ia fast
losing - -elf.
"It i- omh." he Kays again, a if to
give her a last churn-e to eirsp.
"It is." repliea h. softly, stHl wrapt
m her dream of freedom. She mjiy now
love Itoger withmit any shadow cming
between them, and ah.' how divine a
world it is! be may perhaps love her
"Ilmicri ber," nay Oosver. s'emly, let
ting ea.-h wrd drop from him a, if "with
tiie nettled intention 4
miDrtntine nr .
I..-,!... ,1 i
btirnirig them upon her brain. "I shall !
... ... i-riTi ijui iii.f. iot nave giveu i
me your Bon-ron oatfl, and 1 fchsU keei)
you to it! I shall never absolve yon from
it, as I have absolved you from your first
prom! to-day. Never. Do not' hope for
nut. r-noukl you live to be a hundred .
ysr old, you cannot marry your cousin !
w.hhout my consent, and that I shall nev- '
ergive. You iiuite understand V j
"Quite." But ber ton has grown fatot '
and uncertain. What ha she done? Some- I
thing In his words, his manner, has at last j
awakened her from the happy dream In j
which she was reveibing. j
"Now yon can return to your old lover,"
says Stephen, with an indescribably bit- !
ter Janch, "and be happy. For vonr deep- '
er (wtisfactkm, too, let me tell you that
for th fotura you shall see very little of
"Yon are going abroad?" asks she, very
timidly. In her heart hoping that thla may
be the reading of hia taat worda.
"No; I abli stay her. But the Court
I shall troitbla with my presence seldom.
I do not know," arclalma he, for tha first
time losing hia wonderful aclf-control and
speaking quanloui.Iy, "what ia the ma-t-
"Stepnen," aha aaya la a low tone, "If
I hav caused yon nay onbapploeaa, for
give me now."
"Forgive youf exde-lma he, so fiercely
that aae recoiia from hia In absolute
Lifting her fingers from h1a arm aa
though they burned him, ha flings them
paaaionataly away, and, plunging Into the
short, thick underwood, la seoa loat to
Jm at Bret It la ao delight fa! to Dulce
to have Roger making actual lore to her,
and ao delightful to Roger to be able te
make It, that they are content wrtfc thar
preaent ud heidlaaa of their future. Net
that everything goea quite (moothly witk
thesn, even now. Little skLrmishea, aa ef
old, arise between them, threatening te
dim the brigbtneaa of tbeir daya.
They hold to their theory aheat the cer
tatnty of Stephen' relestrag hi doe time
until they frww tired ef it; and aa the
daya creep on and Oower, alttieg aJone
it hlaeva eaetk la aoUea alleaee, refuaea
t aae er eseak te them, er give aay Inti
mation f a deatre to often toward theaa,
they low heart altogether aad (It thrm
elves na pray to despair.
fcofar one montiag hue plaeM a cow-
aaad had gone over to th Faaa, aad
had foreed himealf late the pruaaa ef It
mutm, bad expeMlatoi wttk na uaM
ty bat Irariy," ha aaamd Dale trm
wMi, wftaa tkw eat braae hkMi to
Aa Cet tka gta bwlini dm ba had
tot big temper weiiMalia.
OrtaJaiy, fraaa a to, a mti
laionii; ..f Titttp-ia:i.m
a openly avowed deli
ilr. (oert rinrt
queied ti p pit atii
or oiiy other occa
Ke the laxt tice It
if at the Fen;
ol on the part of
thnf th discomfo.
im -t i it never c
by 'he joy he ex.,
t-. ' .3 a fev lito-c h ;
ly lei tf tdnr.dshii!
When Itoger th.,
! niiteiy neit mo
that i, ow indeed
em1, -hat no hope i
Fc1 rutiry is upon
Bin to anrt ;t.
IcirHie t' Mll'le a:
e-a r'y iij.l u : m .
"NVe hhali have
pr tty early to-n
"Why?" u-ks P-
"The loeet, yon
"Wig nay off.
when I've got to !
"Vou needn't go,"
is pressing you."
hat an
he h-
,. ,,r h; '
on, he br
er w ',u! i
hnl.OM IV(
to :he edi ct
ic fe't
I t
!ish' it all over difpae
rnirig he to'd hiime f
thii wc;e at an
iv ntiTwhere: and now
hem. and pr!r. he
f, and th" land ha
.in. t.n.i all 'he pre ,v
.n ;i the hedictows.
i' iiake ort dull sloth
.orrow," My Dicky
fia, almost startled,
know," ay Dickv.
tlate hunting my'if,
. i e my bed for it."
says Duii-e; "nobody
"Ob! I'm not
iike you,"
e.iisly, "lik
iif a
I'ruwi.e, f',.D!ni!iit
in n j
to-day and hating ii to-morrow. You used
to be a sort of modern I tnenn dec-nt
Diana, but lately you have rather sh rkvd
the whole thing."
"1 had a cold last day, and and a head
ache the day be: ore that," stammers
Duii-e. blushing scarlet.
"Nobody could hunt with a headache,"
say Roger, at which defense Mr. Browne
"Weil, you've got over them." be s-ijs.
"What's going to keep you at home to
morrow T'
"I don't understand you, Dicky," says
.Miss Blotmt. . h dignity. "J urn going
hunting to mor.-ort : there is icihing that
I know of likely to i,eep uie home."
She is tine to her word. Neit morning
they hnu her ready equipped at a very
early hour. "Tan: and trim," ns Dicky
tells her, "from her hat to her boots."
"Do you Kr.ow," he suy, farther, a
though imparting to her wine informs-
i tion hitherto undiscovered, "joking apart,
1 you will uudiataiwi, y-u are reaily quit
! a pretty young woman."
"Thank you, Dicky," says the. very
nie-l;!y: ot.-d as a more substantial mark
of Its r .."a ii: ".ni" for th;a gracious ,peech,
;h' i!roc a .:,h lunip of suar into hi j
; c. .'T'-e. j
Sh'jttly after this they start, Dulce still j
i lu the very gayest t.!;i. with Roger
on her ritfht hand ami M :. rk :..'e on her
J left. But as they near she happy hunt-
j lug grutii'iis her friphtue.-s ilaga, she
grow s il nit and T,'" ''''Up'e-i.i. and each
rreb hoof ep-.B the road behind het
makes her betray a dSre to hide berseif
; Whind aomebody.
i Of late, indeed, bunting has lost it
thsnn for her, and the meets have be
come a source of confusion rind d'.soonv
1 fort. Tier zest for the cbae has mxntain
ed t e-vere check, m great that her favor-
; ite hounds have solicited the usual biscuit
i from her hand k vain.
And all this is be--atie the one thing
dear to the soul of the gloomy tstepheo
i the .ursuit of the wily foi, and that
therefore i n the held of battle it becomes
: itM-viuble 'hat she must meet her whilom
j lover face to fao. .
j Looking around fearfttlly now, she sees
h!m at a litt'e distance seated upon an
irrcproa"na!',e mount. ms crows ar
; knitted moodiiy, hi very attitude is re
. pellant.
le repmd to the pleasant sal tf alliens
' showered upon him ftiro all quarters by
a laconic: "How d'ye do." or a
fri-eztng nod. Lven Kir Christopher's
,..... ';, .. i i.j i ,tr,
"""o.i own ujuiuiiij my, UBB IW Clira
iTo be coBtinned.)
To t utnlgate a Room,
The projxT way to furnljrata a room
Is to clone the doors, window, fire
place, etc., paste strip of paper over
all the cracks. Fumiyatlon by burning
sulphur la uioM eaiilly aocompl!sliel.
Two pounds of trulpbnr should be al
lowed for every room from 10 to VI
fe't square. It ia letter to divide it np
and put it In several pans, rathor than
burn the eatlre quantity of sulphur
u.swl in one pen. To avoid the dftntj'tr
of fire, t !; puna should be st on
bricks, or in other and largtir psxia filled
with water or with sand. Attar pour
ing' a little ak-ohoi on the ulpbur, aad
properly placing the ptLaa about th
room, tba fartheai from th door of exit
should be lighted firat; the other In
order. The curator will need to mora
quU.-kly, for no one cat breath ul
phmrou fume with aafaty. Aftor
closing th door tie cracka around it
should be pasted up, aa wa done wit.
in th room. Blx hours, at least, la
generally necemary to fumigate a room
properly; at the end of thai Uni It
may be entered and th window open
ed, and tbey abosoid be left open aa loaf
na convenient, even for a week. If pos
sible. After fumigation a thorough
procej of cleansing should be Insti bat
ed. At least the walla aad ceilings
should be rubbed dry. Much the better
way 1 to whitewash and repair. Tba
floor and the woodwork and tba fur
niture should be scrubbed with a oio
Uon of carbolic acid, er eecae other dis
infectant. The Son-tn-laW Contribution.
A certain young man bad a mothar-In-law
who was alway nagging at
him, and everrtbing be did was alwaya
On day n waa tola by his wife thai
in had died suddenly, and that they
should har a tombstone erected.
Accordingly, th fathar-ln law, wUb
and buaband wast to tba mason.
They war at a loa to know what to
baT written an tba stone, bat Anally
tha father-in-law aald:
Tut tsoua beforal'
"Ana," said tba wttn, "yen ean psjt
Nat dead, but alaeednf' far ma."
TVbatr said tba young man, "stoag
Ingt Wall, pnt aa for me, 'For baaTa
sake coa't wak bar npr "-tpara M
bafe daM bast at aJWw4 to
Male Takaxto.
If a tin C waaar to plaead ad afljM
tk roaaa wttarn psnpii haiTa.bMai
aaMtBag. M tonai awB f ataiatata
a wU aa aama lnma irHiaj.
afaslaa tba aakaai alalMM wm
.t:!..,.! niT f J . -r S. I N ,S-t- . tt I
d ict . ofc . t - 1 I t J J a V if, i
it r " ' " -a, '! ".;
i;::gi , - s - - - ' -.V I
M.'an ei ' ; ' j
'iiartinif, 0: ( " ; ..' iv Nil '"I y ' tim anv other el of
r near L , ' ' "(,' I' mt :.t long Mri.iw, y,.r p ...
I I 4 " .- v i -: . le li- .nritieioe nt.H i...v . r
J , t it, r f t
f v-' V " y , I t i -
I N ''" ' r " i
, 1 ll .1 v ,th
i '4B' ' j this day, ncii we have in j
T ' I ! the fint tin... Dr. T.-tlmage it;
r- this dlscour!' ti ils in ! ; way his
X sermons haw come io a inultiplicily
of iiitblieMtimi sin-b m ba nov r in aiiy
Ki'icr case bc-n known xii-,. (.,. iiri ,,f
t-rii'ting ivau imi i.i. ,!; teM. .Valium ii., '
4. "They I m-cui like torch.--; they
tlall run like the lighlning--."
Kxpress, ruil train aad telegraphic com
munication arc n lege ted. if I m foretold.
Ill :l in text, and from it I stBrt to rcach ;
a sermon in grn i ii m!c to (Jod ami the
uev. spaper press lur the fail that I have
h:id 'hi,' opporniiiily of delivering through
t':C ;n ; ; ri or pr' '! . ' M " f rm-M.s .ir rc-
lig'ol-s fol.'r... ,) t,.,t 1 li;,( . for ITIHIIV 1
yenrF lieen n'UMwd the j rivi.i ot pr iich
big tl.e gospel en ry no t t i very r.eigli
lrhootl in 'hriicudorii itod in many
).!:!' nf I'hri-ieiuhim. Manv have i
wondered st th- pr.c-.s by vhii h it Im ,
: .im' to pat-n. ut.d for t! fl:st in pub- i
lie place 1 H'aic the three entities. Mirny ''
5' r f go a vociig nmn who Im since be
coioe eiiiii i'i.t ill iil-i profc.-iioii wim then
etiidyii.g law iii n (iii rai.t c:'y. He cimie
to mo fitid :'id Ihat f.-r lack of funds he
r,"'-t -top h's fMioyi'?' t:i loj.s t'lrotiii
s'c.ii -rahy I w nilhl gi-e hi'.i fkctclu-H of
wri.iou. tot l-e tn'gl.t by lh' ah- of them
lo'ci re rueai.n for lui- ciuii( lotion of his ci- i
tirii i ion. I (N.ii'tely declined, txcniiM- '
it to ciu' d to rnc im ioipi jil.ilii;. , but lif
Ii r M'lne iiio!i!l:s tad pse.l, ami I Lad
('cct.-d upon t! ' great
bri:'!::!!' Vi'iiPj: v.-nn t-
i. :.i for ti;i
ilef.-a ted
S ilti,
i in n i ' : : c Ic;
.1, to u ; hia:.
a! profoioti, I
if course frov of
li t here en ;)(
graphic reports
" Within th:. " .
!l M for tiiOte Steit.
I tunny parts of the
me I'l.-'-ed, s 'id so
.ii. !,:.
gelltlcm.'IJ of
my oe, ii protes -aon,
tliilt 1 1 er V. :. S 1,51 I'd
for my s-elf in this o
evidently thinking
room for tin m and
tinetit, l'gai) to as-
saii me, and became..) violent j,t their as- , there arc s..m skeptical m n. lon!vwn.
sault that th chief nc -paM-rs of AunT- ,i,.r tjlat j oii brieve anytliing. l'ii!es an
iea put sj ccii.l err. s),on,. ills in my ! editor or a reporter La's In Lie pr. -.-ut or
chun h Sabbath by Sabbath o take down , : i,:, ,.nrlv p a ,,.odel of earnem char
such reply as- I might make. I never made , , .r or , ,;irw llmK,.r ,, ,,e iip
rcpiy, i xo-pt once for l.nt three min- , holding gtn-c of ;,.,!, , mav make leiu
utes. but conv -pom i-nts Could H"t i .ral an.) cternnl bipwreck.
waste ti.eir tinic, ni-i so they telcgriiphe.j j Another great trial of the newspaper
the sermons to their ... ticm'ar paper-., i ,,rf).sjiJ ilt inadequate coinpcnsatioii.
After nwhtV Jr. 1-oiiik Klops. h of S-,v , The world seems t-i huv,; a grndg-against
l orK sj sternal i tii- Mini, mtn a tvu-!u
fliciitc until t!trst:.!i that and other no- t
dicates he has t i:i the iii--eui;r-o- m rk Lv
weeK ts-iofi. iisori. than VJMai,itst psiii!e f
on both ti'hos the s-a. There have beea j
so uiany friioscs on this snl.jc.-t. many of
them iiiaceiira ic, that I j;ow tell the true
st.-ry, 1 hiivc not in.jrf v .-d the oppor-
tis I on.-lit, but I feci the tiiii" hits
coioc when a a matter of e.!niit: j-rst Uv
t.i the iiei t.j-er pre-s ! kU.mbi make tl.i-t
stateo.i.nt ji, a (icrmoti cjinnienioiative of
th two thoi!s;.ieItb full publication of ser.
moos and religions n.llre-s.i-, Kayhig hoth
itig of fragmentary report", which would
run up info many thorn-amis more.
Nothing but Point!.
There was one incident that I might
mei'tion in this connection, showing how
an insignificant event might influence us
for a lifetime. Many years a;-,, on g Sab
bath morning on my way to church in
Brooklyn a representative of a prominent
newspaper met me aud said, "Are you
going to give us any points to-day?" I
said, "What do you mean by 'points.""
lie replied, "Anything we can remi-mlicr."
1 said to myself, "We ought to lie innkijig
'points' all the time in our pulpits and not
deal in platitudes nnd inanities." That
one interrogation put to me that morning
tarlcd in me the desire of making points
all the time and nothing but points.
And now bow can 1 more appropriately
commemorate the two thousandth publi
cation than by speaking of the newspaper
press as an ally of the pulpit and men
tioning aome of the trial of newspaper
The newspaper ia the great educator of
the nineteenth century. There Is no force
compared with it. It ia book, pulpit, plat
foini, forum, all in cue. Aud there la not
an Interest religious, literary, commer
cial, scientific, agricultural or mechanical
that is not within it grasp. All our
churches and school and colleges and
asylum and art galleriea feel the quaking
of the printing press. t
It is remarkable that Thomas Jefferson,
who wrote the Declaration of Indepen
dence, also wrote tbeac words. "If I bad
to choose between a government without
newspaper and newspapers without a
government, I would prefer the latter."
Two Kinds of Newspapers.
There are two kind of newspapers
the one good, ery good, the other bad,
very bad. A newspaper may be started
with an undecided character, bnt after it
ha been going on for yeara everybody
find out just what It is and It ia very good
or it Ii very bad. The one paix-r ia the
embodiment of news, the ally of virtue,
the foe of crime, the delectation of ele
vated taste, the mightiest agency on earth
for making the world better. The other
paper is s brigand among moral forces; it
is a bealimer of reputation, li i the right
arm of death and hell, it is the mightiest
agency In the oniverae for making the
world worse and battling against the
ranae of God, the one an angel of Intelli
gence snd mercy, the other a fiend or
dsrlrnees. Between this archangel and
thla futy i io le fought the groat battle
which 1 to decide th fat of the world.
If yon bar aay oonbt as te which la to
be llctor. ask the propbede, ssk God;
the chief batteries with which he would
vindicate the right aad thaader down th
wrong sr sow ssllmbered. Tba (Teat
Arautgeddon of tba nation I net te be
fought wltb swords, bat with steel pen;
aet wttb bullets, bat wltb typ; not with
eaanon, bat wltb lightning perfecting
nresses, and tba Santera, sad th Moul
trie, aad tba Pnlaskls, and the Gibraltar
of tnat eoantet will be the editorial snd
ooana ef oar great aewepaper
it. Men of th nrass. God
a mere atapendooa respoeatbUity
1' r M
c. and bcciiuw
aoi.e tliev were ascrilwd
lie devil, snd books were
I I 1 lid Kcv.
; mated ih.Mirxt Americtu,
tcl I !e t iiuim.iu o'lticil
i-oii ii.i; r .ii tit ion. offer r who would ci'tno
i!:d v hen the speaker of
irli.'iiii-nt in I.nglaiid in
iliL'iiatioii that tic pub
lic pri:.'i cad re. ogmi'.ed some of ti.eir do-
j ll.s. uij!,, in this day, in n we have in
j tii in ootjiiiry many new sf aj ers sending
lout opi.. by the billion. Tie press and
i the tei. : r.ioh have gone down into the
' 3iiio gr.-.-it harvest field to reap, and the
telegraph Miys to the newspaper, "I'll
, rake, while you bind," and the iron teeth
of ihc telegraph are set down at one end
' of the harvest lielu and drawn clean
acrop, mid t),c new-;. a; .t galhcrs up the
, sheaves, s. tting down one sheaf on the
! breakfast table in the shape of a morning
Dcwpn; er and Hitting down another
i sheaf ou the tea table in the shape of an
evening n. vv spnpcr. and that man who
neither reads nr takes a newspaper
would 1h- a cariosity. What vast progress
'''' the i!;.ys win a ,s-.!i: ul Wolsey di
.'uri'd that either the printing pre-s must
go down or the church of (lo.l mtit go
c. iv. n to this time, when the printing press
and the pulpit lire in hundreds of glorious
Coiiilonai ion and alliance.
Triulu of the Iiditor.
Oiic of the great, trial of thin newspaper
profession i the fact, that they are com
pelled to sec mere of the slillllli of till'
vi i. iM than any other protcxioti. Through
every new rpajr ollicc, day by day, go the
iii'liiw. of the v.o rid. 'lie vanities that I
want to I." pnfiod, the revenges that want
to be wri-iil:'., all the
to l-c correct. ,, ,n t!,
vv in. t to be thought i I.
tiewH tha t watits to g
grati in ti e edit' rai
m'e-ta Ihnt vv fl ut
e fliill si ertsers who
o'lUciit. nil the im nn-i'-t
its wares nut iced
I colnnum in order to
advertising column.
save the tut of tl
nil t
tm ri who want to he set right who
Wore right, all the crai k brained
irl V'-r VV '
I !..!..-; !
hair and
nil the ii
r. uifh story ns h'ti as their
as gloomy as their linger nails,
ncr.'itit I. res who com.' to sr.-iv
I've n
innies and Mop an hour. I'roin the
aland t, port ..riiil t'li.ini all the fol
lies pnl'S ('f t1 o v.or'd s-.-cn day
by .' .r, and t;.i loin; taih.n It to believe
neither in ti'.d, tnnii nor vvoinati. It it no
snrtirisc to me that in vour tirof''iion
iiian who, n. th.-y
say, gets his livitig
day laborer sav s to
l.y his whs, aiid the
the man of !. .-rar.v t.
you eomo down
and shoVe a plane mid hammer
last and break cobiesto!,.
and earn i
an heiii-.:i in h g as 1 do insteu
there in MIcmcm scribbling '."
lire i:o harder worked men in a
than the new-paper poo;,!,, of
It i io. t a mailer of hard times
i Of Sit I
Hut there
!i the earth
is country.
; it is char-
a. i.-r slic jit till times. .Men have a oct
tr for that whi'"h appeals to
the s'lituai ii than for ihnt which appeals
to the brain. They have no idea of the
immense finaiicutl and intellectual exhaus
tion of the newspaper press. Oh. men of
the press, it will be a great help to you,
If when you get home late at night, fugged
out and nervous with your work, you
would just kneel dow n and commend your
case to God, who has watched all the
fatigue of the day and the night, and
who has promised to be your od and
the God of your children forever!
Demands of tbe 1'iiblic,
Another great trial of the newspaper
profession is the diseased apic(ite for un
healthy Intelligence. You blame the new,
paper press for giving such prominence to
murders and scandals. Io ymi suppose
that o many papers would give promi
nence to these things if the people did not
demand tliem? If I go into tbe meat mar
ket of a foreign city, aud I find that the
butcher hang np on tbe most conspicuous
hooks meat that i tainted, while the
meat that i fresh and savory I pnt sway
without any special care, I come to the
conclusion that the people of that city love
tainted meat. You know very well that
if tbe great mass of people in till country
get hold of a newspaper and there are io
It no runaway matches, no broken np fam
ilies, no defamation of men in high posi
tion, they pronounce tbe paper insipid.
They ay, "It 1 hocklngly dull to-night."
I believe it 1 one of the trial of the news
paper prea that the people of this coun
try demand moral alnsh Instead of healthy
and intellect nat loou. no', you are a
IUU luiriiroii-i luvu. .ow, i.iu UIV a .
respectable man. an intelligent man, aud i
s psper comes into your band. You open
It, and there are three column of splen
didly written editorial, recommending
some moral sentiment or evolving some
sclentihe theory. In the next column
there is s miserable, contemptible divorce
case. Which do you read first? You dip
Into the editorial long enough to say,
"Well, that's very sbly written," and you
read tbe divorce case from the "long prim
er" type at the top to the "nonpareil" type
st the bottom, snd then you ask your wife
if she bss read it! Ob, it is only a esse
of supply snd demand! Newspaper men
are not fool. They know what you want,
and they give it te you, I believe that If
tbe church and tbe world bought nothing
but pure, honest, healthful newspspers,
Dothing but pure, honest and healthful
newspaper would be published. If you
should gather all tbe editor sad the re
porters of this country in one great con
vention, snd ask of them what kind of s
paper they would prefer to publish, I be
lieve they would unanimously aay, "We
would prefer to publish an elevating ps
per." Bo long as there Is so Iniquitous
demand there will be so Iniquitous supply.
I make no apology for a debauched news
paper, bat I am saying these things In
order to divide Ibe responsibility between
those wbo print snd those who read.
Tans pis tioaa of JosraallsU.
Another temptation of th newspaper
profession Is th great alluretneot that
surrounds them. Every occupation and
profession haa temptation peculiar ta It
self, and the newspaper profession la not
an egceptlon. Tbe great demand, aa you
knew, Is on the nervous foroa, aad tie
brain I racked. Tba Haaderiac aeittkai
pMxh niii 1 veil for the ake of tha
ery, s:.d so the refiner or the editor
t.. make it read well, aliboogtl every
t Kcnteere Mere a .ti'a.-lro! he to 'be l.'ng-
! Inngiing'',
( :.,. rc.i rter must lnnr
' Lie speaker, v ho tbiuke
ik out. says, and it must
.( tiioruli.s vr 'he nest
ipers. lie ugh the n'cht be-atidieiiis-
sat with i hantl
ni vain trying to catcb it.
t go tli rough LiUing night
si go into heated (tsscm-
all that an i
it is vulgar t.t
1 right t! .
n.gbt in the i i
fere the !o,c
ii hind its car
This man im
work, lie ni
l a fc s
ro. iijin
and Ellin unventiliitcd audience
that an enough to take the iif
out of him. He inns! visit court room,
which are almost always disgusting with
rem and tobacco. He must expose him
self t the tire. He must write in fetl
alleywavs. Added to ail that, be must
have hasty mastication and irregular hab
its. To bear up under this tremendous
nervoiis strain they are tempted to artifi
cial stimulus, and how many thousand
have gone down under their pressure God
oi ly knows. They must have something
to coi.nierai t the wet, they must have
something to keep out the chill, and after
a scant night' sleep they aiust have some
thing to revive them for the morning's
work. This is what made Horace Gree
ley such a stout tcmiienim'e man. I said
to him, "Mr. Greeley, why are you mora
olo.jiiciit on the subject of temperance
than any other subject?'' He replied, "I
have seen a., many of my best friends In
journalism go dow n under Intemperance."
lh. my dear brother of the newspaper
profusion, what you cannot do without
artificial stimulus God does not want joti
to do! There is no half wy ground for
our literary people between tectotulism
and dissipation. Your professional suc
cess, yonr domestic pence, your eternal
salvation, will depend upon vour theories
in regard to artificial stimulus. I hav
had so many friends go down under tha
temptation, their brilliancy quenched,
their h.uiieH blasted, that I cry out this
morning in the words of another, "Look
not upon the wine when it is red, when
it giveth its clor in the cup, when It
liiovi'th itself nrgbt, for at the last It
bitcth like a serpent and it slingetb liks
an adder."
V gbt Corruption.
Lot me ask all men connected w ith th
print ing press that they help us more and
more in the cfoit t" ! '.e the world bet
ter. I cliaifc-e vou in li e name of God, he
fore whom vou ttiii'-t account for the tre
mendous intliirnce you hold in this coun
try, to eiiiiecnite Joiirs' lves to higher en
ili'inuin. You are the men to fight back
this invasion of corrupt literature. Lift
up your ri;,'it hand and swear nev alle
giance to the cuuse of philanthropy and re
ligion. Anil when at last, standing on tha
i plains of judgment, you look out upon
i the unnumbered throngs ov.-r whom yon
j have hm! iiillnence, may it be found that
i joii ejP turning the mightiest energies
; that lifted men npoii the exalted pathway
' ibrit h :n!x to the renown of heaven. Bet
, ter than to have nat in oditnral chair,
I from which, v-ith the finger of type, you
j decided the (b'st inies of empire, bnt de
j cided them wrong, that you bad been
j some dungeoned exile, who, by the light
j of window iron grated, on scraps of a New
. T. s'.-uueiit leaf, picked up from the earth,
spelled out the story of hiin who taketh
' away the sins .if the world. In eternity
i I liven Is the beggar. Well, my friends,
j we ill all soon get through writing and
printing and proofreading and publishing.
What then? Our life Is a book. Our
rears are the chniitcrs. Our months ar
,, ,,, j.. . ,v,
tencs. Our doubts are tbe interrogation
points. Our imitation of others the (jno.
i at ion marks. Our attempts at display
it dash, fleiiih tic period. Eternity the
peroration. O God. where will we spend
it? Have you the news, more
startling than any f. nid in the journals
of the last sis weeks? It is the tiding
that yuan i lost. Have you heard lis
news, the gladdest that wa ever an
nounced, coming this day from the throne
of God, lightning courier leaping from
the palace gate? The news! The glori
ous news! That there is pardon for all
guilt aud comfort lor all trouble. Set
It tip in "double leaded" column and di
rect it to the w bole race.
The Angel's Wins.
And now before 1 close thia sermon,
tbnnkfully commemorative of. the 'Tw
Thousandth" publication, I wish mor
fully to acknowledge the service rendered
by tbe secular press in the matter of evan
gelization. All the secular newspaper
of tbe day for I am not tipeaklng thl
morning of the religion newspapers all
the secular newsptiiieni of the day discos
all the question of God, eternity and the
dead, and all the question of the past,
present and future. There i not a single
doctrine of theology but ha been discuss
ed in the last ten years by the secular
newspaper of tbe country; they gather
tap all the news of all the earth beating
on religious subjects, and then they scat
ter tbe new sbroad again. Tbe Chrle
tian newspaper will be the right wing of
the Apocalyptic angel. The cylinder of
the Christianized printing press will ba
tbe front wheel of the Lord a chariot I
. ., 1 . - .V. I - . t . 1 . . j . . .
tike the music of thl day, and I do not
mark it diminuendo I mark it crescendo.
A ptor on a fiabbath preaches to a few
hnndred or s few thonssnd people, snd ea
w j a . . .
l?? ,be V th prtnU!
e - - - --" B-iiiiuu saa
preacn it to million of people. God speed
the printing press I God save the printing
press! God Chriatianl.e the printing
When I are the printing press standing
with tbe electric telegraph on the on
side gathering op material and the light
ning express train on th other side wait
ing for the tone of folded sheets of nwa
papen, I pronounce it the mightiest fore
In onr civilisation. 8o I commend yoa
to pray for all those who manage th
newpaper of the land, for all typesetter,
for all edltora, for all pnbllshers, that, sit
ting or stsnding in positions of such great
Influence, they may glv all that influence
for God snd the betterment of the buaaaa
race. An sged womsn making her living
by knitting unwound th yarn from tba
ball until she found In the center of the
ball there was n old piece of newspaper,
Khe opened It and read an sdvertisetBeat
which snnounced thst she had bsmnsi
heiress to a large property and that rraa
ment of a newspaper lifted ber np fraai
pauperism to affluence. And 1 ae aet
koow hut a the thread of time feefst
snd unwinds a llttl farther through the
silent yet speaking sewspapera amy fen
found th vast Inheritance of the world'
Copyright, IM
A German veterinary sorgaon haa 4jg
covared a method by which tiniaiakiu
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panar. it is ianpragntad with i
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veaonr cuuma tnat a norm
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