The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 17, 1898, Image 4
.airs m' T -4 ? i t tf THE BATTLE NOW ON. THE SKIRMISH LINE HAS BEEN PASSED. People Mont Advance la Solid Rank A(ainat Organized Monopoly and Hypocriey-Upward Trend of V ley and Downward Trend of Price. Time for Action. The skirmish liue In passed. The bat tle la on in every section of our coun try. Organized hypocrisy, falsehood by rail and by telegraph, great blanket sheets, smoking and steaming with falsehood and misrepresentation, mill ions of tons of trash in every form flood the country to enable New York and London to continue to rob and plunder the people of the United States. In any other country and in any other age re sistance to the cunning of Shyloek. aud the power of money to corrupt and en slave the people, would be impossible. It 1b not so with the American peo ple. There is time enough before the decisive battle for Justice, liberty and equality against the machinations of the most unscrupulous, grasping, hypo critical and avaricious foe that ever cursed mankind is finally settled In the campaign of HXK), to educate the peo ple and secure a victory over the ene mies of the human race. Wake up, arouse your neighbor, point out the dan ger, induce bim to procure, read and teach the truth-.' Nine-tenths of all the people of the United Stales, yea. nine-teen-twentieths, have a common inter est to overthrow the powers of dark ness that are impoverishing the great republic. Not more than one per cent of the people are really interested In and receiving benefits from falling prices, wrecking fortunes, stagnation of business, bankruptcy and ruin. Shall one per cent who are interested 1n devouring the substance of the peo ple of the United Slates, subverting our Institutions and converting the great republic into a despotism, control a ma jority of the American people and make lliem slaves? The one er cent and all the power of money and corrupt ion would be as harmless as a gentle breeze !f the American people would wake up. It is only when they sleep that they can be enslaved. If they will remember that "eternal vigilance is the price of liberty," and each man Join without delay the great army of reform and en list his neigliltors to unite with the mill ions who are striking for liberty, the cold hearted, wicked Shyloeks who are sucking the blood of the nation will shrink before the omnipotent power of an outraged people like cowardly curs. And every true American will not only rejoice, but will be surprised at the shallow boast and blustering sham of the conspirators who rob and plunder the great nation only while its people sleep. Silver knight-Watchman. New Director of the Mint. The Washing-ton, in announcing the fact that Mr. Uoljorts was sworn ;n as Director of the Mint ou the 14th of February, co iitnents at consbler erable length u;hs!) his great achieve ments as a political writer In the last campaign, and winds up thus: "Mr. Roberts lias very keen percep tions In the matter of currency, and his .niimacy with national finance, gained during a long and careful course of study, will enable him to grasp the duties of his office without trouble." The duties of the office of the Director of the Mint are simple and specific. lie Is to direct the operation of coining money. He is not a national professor of political economy. The brazen effrontery of several of the predeces sors of Mr. Roberts in the office of the Director of the Mint Is a disgrace to the Treasury Department. The Idea that a subordinate in the Treasury De partment should set himself up to teach finance to Congress and the country at large and assume an air of wisdom and Importance which would be Just as be om1ng In the colored porter that acts as usher for the Secretary of the Treas ury a.s for the man who Is entrusted with overseeing the mechanical em ployment of melting and refining bul lion and coining It Into money. We hope that Mr. Roberts will hare the decency to attend to his own business and nt assume to lie the gTand mogul of the finances of the world. Silver Knight-Watchman. Coat Manns $G0O,OO0. The Cleveland (Ohio) Recorder Is au thority for the statement that Hanna gave the State committee f 200,000; gave the papers $.'100,000; and that his personal expense were $100,000 a to tal of $600,000 to get an oflice worth (?) only $,000 a year! No Roman Senator ever poured so much corruption into tbe life of his nation as that. The la boring men elected Hanna. They like to elevate such men. They alone make It possible In this country for such men to hold office and pollute tbe nation. But for the political Ignorance of work- Ingmen there would be no H annas. The character of any people finds re flex In its government. A politically Ig norant people always bave a corrupt ana vicious government. , OoMlte Rilt, Wall and Lombard street have had exclusive sway in controlling the finances of tbe United State since the war. Ai tbe close of the war tbe Uni ted States was practically free from fore bra debt. We bare been bleeeed wtth good crops, and bave been free from any great calamity resulting from natural causes. To carry on peace trader tbe rale of Wall and Lombard streets for twenty one year has Involv ed us In a foreign debt estimated to be not leas than six thousand millions of deitara, aa amount one tad a balf Umea greater tban tbe cost or the war and tat and a half rimes greater than all the gold coin In tbe world. Tbe gold admlaletratloo and tbe advocates of the standard In Congress now In- form ui that we ire too poor to build coast defences or provide a riavy for common defenne, and that we must depend upon English guns planted all around and minting at us for moral supitort and the maintenance of the Monroe doctrine. No wonder the gold ltets are very anxious for a treaty of arbitration to prevent u from assert ing American rights and making Eng land mad so that she will hurt us at ail events, refuse to longer protect ua. An Object L,mho,i. On the Fourth of July, 1S7?, two nelghlior farmers John Doe and Rich ard Roe disputed aliout the probable trend of prh es in the future, and they agreed upon a test as follows: That on the tirst day of January, 174, they would each measure out from his bin a hundred bushels of wheat. Mr. Doe would sell his at the average price of wheat for the year l7o, put the money away and let it lie untouched until the la-st day of December, lXlo. Mr. Roe would keep his wheat one year and ex change It for a like quantity and qual ity of new wheat, and repeat the opera tion every year, so as to have a bun dred bushels of good wheat on hand all the time until December HI. IMC. The object was to ascertain how much would be lost or gained ou the value of one hundred dollars and on one hun dred bushels of wheat in tbe next twenty-one years the time it takes to grow a man. When the trial began, Jan. 1, 1S74. Mr. Doe sold his wheat, as agreed, at the average price for the year 1S73, which was 115.1 cents a bushel, receiv ing for the lot ?1 15.10. Mr. Roe started out with his one hundred bushels, ex changing It from year to year, aa agreed. On the last day of the year 1Wi5 Mr. Roe had his ?1 15.10, and' Mr. Roe had his one hundred bushels of wheat. On comparing the values of the two ar ticles at the beginning and the ending of the period of twenty-one years the following wa made: 174. January 1 100 bushels wheat, worth $115.10 100 dollars, worth.. W.05 bus. wheat. 1S!5, December 31 100 bushels wheat, worth $50.90 100 dollars, worth. .I!t0.4! bus. wheat. Doe's money bad gained in value In twenty-one years as much as would buy 10!' j bushels of wheat more than it paid for when the test was Iw-gun. Roe's wheat lost In value more than one-half, for while it was worth $115.10 In the beginning, It was worth only $50.!0 at the end of the test. Now let us suppose that Mr. Doe, in stead of letting his money lie Idle, bad put It out and kept It out a.s the money lenders do, at say S per cent, a year compounded annually. At the. end of the twenty-oue-year period his one hun dred dollars would have been swollen to $5or..2S. which would have paid for jsH.'-i bushels of wheat. If the Inter est rate had been 10 per cent, a year, the amount in the twenty-one years would have been $710, and that would bave paid for 1.454 bushels of wheat Ex-Senator I'eCer. Who Geta the Troflt? With thirty tons of silver a week go ing to England, and half of it coming back coined Into exact Imitation of American dollars, hasn't Rothschild got the silver question Just where he wants It 1 Fifteen tons of coined silver will buy more than thirty tons of bull- lou. Who gets the p: ofit?-Ch!cago Express. Reform Noli a. Labor alone can produce proserlty. It can come through no other source labor applied to natural resources. One of tbe most gratifying results of the Dlngiey tariff Is large deficiencies. How the gold Republican press can pet comfort out of such a policy is beyo A comprehension. Thousands of acres of cotton remains unpicked In Oklahoma, and in every Southern State, because the price la so ridiculously low that It Isn't worth bothering with. How can "honest" John Sherman be contented with being Secretary of State In name only? Has he lost bis ambi tion to be the most cunning statesman of tbe nineteenth century? Were it not for tbe crop failure abroad wheat would to-day be In tbe same position a cotton It would pay no debts at all and would hardly be worth enough to get Itself to market. Have the people figured out from the least treasury statement how much money per capita is In circulation? With a circulation of about $7 bow can any business enterprise be carried on successfully. Free coinage of silver means exactly what free coinage of gold means namely, that all the silver brought to the mint shall be coined Into money for the benefit of the depositors on tbe-pay inent of the actual cost of mintage. It would be a losing game for tbe farmers to abandon politics, acquiesce in tbe single gold standard and wait for the diminishing supply of fanning land to starve out tbe plutocrats and make the farmers rich. The fanner 1 In politics to stay. The persistency with which all the organs of both old parties Insist that sliver mftet be tbe sole Issue of the next campaign U at leaat enough to make a fellow stop and think, and If be baa a spoonful of brains there Is liable to be a grave suspicion that there s a trick In K. Under tbe value-squeezing single gold standard, monopoly ownership of railroads and plutocratic control of taxation there la no chance of Improve ment la the farmers' condition. Prices will continue to fall, while fixed charges, such as Interest, taxes aad rest, will remain tbe same, or Inert and, ao matter how low tbe price may fall, the railroads will exact tbe same ameM In money for carrying tat i tape ta market. THE FIELD OF BATTLE INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES OF THE WAR. The Veterana of th Kebrllioa Tell of Whietliag: Bnlleta, Hrleht Bayonet, Baratlac Bombt, Bloody Hatttea. Camp Fire, Feative Bna, tc, i.c. Sheridan at Finher'a Hill. . I s A FTER nearly t. JtayV l years s-n lee In 7$ O 1 Louisiana the summer of 1;4. ar- tbe First Division, "aai under Emory, to as;si in repeiung the attack of Early on the capital, (leu. Sheridan had been :ailed from the West to lake command f the troops operating in the Shenan leah Valley, and in August the Niue :enth Corps Joined his annj. In the ;orps was the One Hundred and Thir ;y tiret New York Regiment, which nad 6ome Interesting ex'r;ences at Winchester and at Fisher's Hill. On the evening of the 18th of Septem Ixr the One Hundred and Thirty first v,ns fc'jlpped for the fight, all baggage btlng ordered to the rear at Harper'n Ferry and long before morning It moved out across the field toward Opequan creek. Early In the morning of the l'jtb we got into position, til ing U rough a oeavy U-lt of timlter. and formed a ll'ie of battle In the edge of the woods. The Second Brigade (Mollneaux s), Second Division tGro ver's). advanced to the charge In splen did style, but pushing forward with too much zeal was met with a terrible fire of musketry from the "Stonewall Brigade" of Gordon's division, which wiis In our Immediate front. Our men broke and fell back In considerable d!s oiot to the shelter of the wools from w:ich we had auvauced. It was al llils. critical moment, when by the re pulse of so large a portion of the Nine-teeuti- Cor), the right center of the line of battle was weakened, and per l.::;.s 'he fate of the day imperiled, that Nicholas W. Day, Colonel of the One Hundred and Thirty-first New York (a New York City regiment i. seizing the colors, rushed forward a hundred yards in front of the whole line and rallied Ihl regiment out nearly to tbe line from which they had just retreated. This example was followed finally b; regiments. Dan Macaulny, the young Colonel of the KU-veuth Indl- ma Zouaves, Gen. Lew Wallace's oid j regiment, led his nun on horseback I'uoutlns, "New York and Indiana for ever, boys." The Twenty-second Iowa. O'je Hundred and Flfiy-nhilli New i York and the Third Mas.-achus(-i,s Cavalry 'acting as Infantry) followed In ra,-'!d succession, and the break In Ce l!ie of battle was quickly filled up. After expending all our ammunition we were relieved bv other regiments and r'tirei from tiu- field. While resting in the wooden our brigade commander, Gen. Molimnux, rode alotig the little wood j, 3 ih in our front, accompanied by Gen. William 11. Emory, tin corps '.onimandcr, who after warmly thauk- Col. Day for his gallant conduct aisc) bis hat to the little band before hi tn, and said: Men, you have saved the day; I wish every man present to consider himself ay personal friend." Twas no Idle compliment from the jritn old veteran of two wars. "Praise from Sir Hubert Stanley Is praise In deed." Iate In the afternoon ife were attach ed to a brigade formed of picked rai ments and marched by left oblique icross tbe big field to support a battery which wa furiouwJy firing imto the woods, where the liue of battle had now receded. After reaching our des tination we lay down watching the long line of Torbert'a cavalry on our tight Very soon the notes of the cav alry charge were heard, Custer's long saber flashed high In the a'r, and we witnessed tbe famous cavalry charge tt Vlttcbenter. The Fisher's Hill figUt was more like t foot race than a battle. It was nearly alghtfall when our men on the skirmish lines rose trp and shouted, "Here come Sheridan." It was Iwleed the little bero, mounted on his big black horse Rlenzi." Coming from the right, where he had inaugurated a Hank movement, and not waiting lor etaff jtueera to carry bis orders, thus wast ng precious time, be da bed down In front of tbe whole line, taking big rocks and busbee and gullies In flying leaps. When he heard the ringing cheer of the Men for "Sheridan" he suddenly puUed jp, tore off bis hat, and shouted: "Don't you cheer nie, damn you. We've got 'em, damn 'em. We've got heir guns! We've got their works! Get ap and go for 'n." This was not a very formal order from a major general, but It had tbe Merit of being effective, for Instantly a race was begun to see who should get lo the enemy's works nrst; but when tve got there Mr. Johnny bad departed. Die pursuit was kept up all night trough woods and fields, through vll- igea and over gardem fences. New 'ork Run. Tboaaas Ha ghee' Harprle. There are a number of articles re tting to Grant In tbe Century, one of hem being "A Blue and Gray Frlend hlPi" 7 John B. Procter, denerlblng .he relatione between Grant and Buck ler. Mr. Procter says: About fifteen years ago I visited Lookout Mountain with a (tarty of gen ie men, aad stood with them on tbe pinnacle overlooking the beautiful val ey of JCaat Tennessee, and range after snge of mountains vialble from our xlat of vantage, from tbe Qreat imeklea of North Carolina to tbe Cum berland of Kentucky. Tbe battle Held of Miw onary Itldge formed the Imme diate foreground of this vast panor ama. In our party were au who had served with distinction ast-Sicers In the oppof.: g armies in that battle, and nat urally: he Incidents of the conflict form ed an Interesting subject of conversa tion I-1 ween them, with much good humored badinage and friendly Inter cUauge of views. Mr. Thomas Hughes, the author of "Tom Brown," who had listen! with an expression of surprised Ibtere-t to the conversation between t'lese friendly foes, turning to me, said: "Why. this Is extraordinary most ex traordinary I" "What?" 1 asked. "Why, that these men, standing In full view of the field where, only a few years ago, they- were trying to slay each other, should be discussing the incidents of that battle calmly, kindly I might al most say In a brotherly spirit with no trace of bitterness or 111 feeling. Now. I doubt if we In England could discuss the wars of the roses, or the Croinwelllan wars, with such in entire freedom from antagonism." Could Mr. Hughes have witnessed, a few years later, the funeral cortege of the great general who ha. I hurleo the successful columns against the Scmb eru lines along the crest of Missionary Ridge, and who had brought final de feat to tbe Southern arms In Virgin! 1. his astonishment would have been greater, and his pride In the "kin be yond sea" would have Increased, on seeing that there were no more sincere mourners than the Southern generals who came from faraway jioihs .o pay a last tribute of friendship to the mem ory of Grant. Saved Twentj-two Men. After rescuing twenty-two wounded Union soldiers at Glasgow, Mo., In Se tember. 1S;1, Mrs. Dellna Roberts, of St. Louis, Is to be presented with a medal of honor by Congress. Mrs. Rob erts belonged to a family which distin guished itself by patriotism during the war. Her four brothers fought for tbe I'nlon, and three of them died from Injuries received on the battlefield. Her father gave nearly all he owned to the St. Iaiu's army hospitals for the relief of wounded soldiers. In these Institu tions, as well ai in the prisons, to all of which she had passes, Mrs. Roberta continued her labor of soff -sacrifice un til the cud of the war. She denied her self society and homo, aud left lucom pleie the collegiate education which had lxeu discontinued when the war broke out. The action for which the St. I-ou!s heroine la thus to be rememl-rid oc curred when she was only 17. In Sep tember. lfeUl, slit; boarded the steamer Des Moim at St. Louis, en route to Fort Doneisou. to bring back her broth er, Charles Reader, who had been wounded In the battle of Shiloh. Five minutes before lie boat pulled out a courier rode furiously down the levee Hnd announced that the destination of the Des Moines had been changed. It was to go up the Mississippi River, with several other boats, aud take a regiment of soldiers to re-enforce Col. Mulligan, at Glasgow, Mo. The lioata reach el Glasgow at 10::',U p. m. Most of the so'tiier disembarked, leaving only one company ou board each boat for guard. While In the act of landing, aud before they could be drawn up In position, the troops were attacked by the Confederates. The onset was irre sistible, scattering death HgU and left. The Union soldiers were driven back to the banks of the river. Many had been killed and many more were wounded. The attack had struck ter ror to tbe hearts of the women on board the boats, and a numln-r of tbem swooned away. Miss Reader was not of the numlx-r. Putting her right una around a wounded soldier, she support ed him and led hhu up tbe plank Into tiis cabin of the boat. Although bullets were tlylng thick and fast and those on board remonstrated with her, she made twenty-two such trips to the riv er's shore, each time bringing back a wounded man. After the boat had cut loose from her moorings there were forty-five wounded meu gathered on the guard of the ladle' cabin. Mlas Reader aaolsted the surgeon and In duced tLe terror-birlcken women to tear up everything they could find to make bandages for the wounds of tbe sufferers. Al! that night she stayed un and attended to their wants. On that memorable voyage the supplies of tbe officer ran short and rations w ere cut down. The young rescuer and nurse had scarcely enough on which to aub siwt, yet she divided her single meal with others. On the morning after the battle CoL Wheatley presented the brave girl with a fine white horse, and the soldiers gave three cheers for the heroine of the battle. fcoldiere in tbe Civil War. The call of the Union Government for troops with which to suppress the rebellion received the most enthusias tic answer that ever cuuie from a na tion, exceeding even the famous levy en mawse of the French by Gar not, Tbe Government called, from time to time, for 2,7i1,70 men; tbe total number furnished by the States under these calls was 2,859.1112. The largest csll was made upon New York, &07.1S4; New York responded with 407,047 men; the demand on Pennsylvania was 38fl, &;0 at'd that State fnrnthed I5W.107; Ohio uj aked for 'M,U2Z, nd fur nished 300.C59; IIHnola followed the patriotic example of Ohio; the call was made for 241.41W, and 26,147 were sent According to the official figures the number of soldiers killed In the civil war was 67,058; 43,012 diod of wounds; 100,720 of disease, or from other caus es, such aa accidents. In tbe Confed erate prisons there died 40,164; total deaths, 840 044; total deserted, 109,105. No one can M provident of Ma time who la net undone la the choice of hla nesasaaj. OUR HUSBANDS. Who weds ecniise e are so dear And lh?n forgets, when it is here, The anniversary every year? The bunds ml. Who, when he's donning evening i d ithes. Would wi'li au angel conic to blows And lets 'he whole house hear hi woes? The husband. Who Miin-f imes makes ns ipiail and ipiake U'ith tad s about the bread Btid cake ilii mother used to make and bake? The hiisdand. iVho calls the landlord with a frown A-.J then .'ips out and goes up town While ;fey talks that landlord down? The hnsdand. Rut. when the skies are dark and gray Aud ruin seems not far away. Who tukes the helm and saves the day? The husband. August Raymond Kidder. Jntiifin tiirl a Good Nurse. One of the most successful profession al nurses In Philadelphia Is Miss Kate Grindrod, a full blooded Wyandotte In dian, who was educated at the Gov ernment school at Carlisle. Her ser vices are eagerly sought by many of the leading families in the city. She i a hard-working, experienced nurse. She enjoys the distinction of being the only girl to be graduated from Isith the Visa K KTY. Cil;IMi:oIl. ':rl)s!- Indian school and the hospital. I ',;r!iig the epidemic at Carlisle in 1V.X) and ls'.il she volunteered her services as a nurse ami so successful was she that, acting upon the advice of the phy sicians, she entered the Woman's hos pital at Philadelphia. Being a high spirited girl, the thought of possibility of non-success spurred her on. Munuicinu Help. The best rule for managing help, In (he opinion of a writer in the Philadel phia Ledger, Is a two fold one, simple in Idea, complex enough, but still pos- j -iblc lu practice, 'leach your maids: self respect and keep your own. On jour own side uu even tcmixr, a plea i 1 1 1 but lirm oversight of necessary natters, a systematic plan of bouse i eplug-all these keep up the mistress elf-respect In dealing with her house hold staff. As soon as you feel that you have been careless, or that you have lost your temper In a trying mo- inent, you realize that u false position; exists, that endangers your self-respect- : lug relation with your maid. Just as she feels when her room Is wretched, her tools out of order, her hours of work Irregular ami her training neg lected, that her standard Is confused and degraded. The Ideal mistress Is always self-respecllng, and, having pro vided the essentials of self respecting service, may reasonably expect the Ideal maid lo live up fo the opiiortuuity. KvenlnK Toilet Skirts. The newest skirts on evening toilets are very light anil supple, being merely silk lined and not at all stiffened with Interlining. The majority of the mod els lately made in this city or received from abroad, are mounted on an under skirt of silk or satin, each skirt made separately, but Joined to one waist band. The underskirt la made slightly narrower than the dress skirt proper. The dart seams on some of the new prlncesse dresses extend to the very edge of the skirt hem, and these are often hidden their entire length by a Hue of gimp, a design In braldwork or a machine-stitched band, decorated with tiny tailor buttons. Dora the Mnn Love Home? That woman Is wise who chooses for her piirluer in life a luuu who deslitn to find his home a place of rest It Is the man with many Interests, with en grossing occupations, with plenty of people to fight, with a struggle to main lain n gal nst the world, who Is renlly n domestic man, In the wlf's sense, who enjoys home, who Is tempted to make n friend of bis wlls, who relishes pratfle, who feels In the small circle, where ndbody Is above him and nobody unsympathetic with lilm, as If he were In a heaven of ease and reparntlon. Tbo drawback of home life, Its contained poibillUea of Insipidity, sameness aud i if kj a. -a - - s-a consequent weariness. Is never present, to such more tires of his wife than of his owu happier moods He Is no more bored with borne than with sleep. He Is uo more plagued with his children than with bis own lighter thoughts. All the monotony and weariness of life he encounters out sdle. It Is the pleasure loving man,, the merry companion, who requlrca constant excitement, that finds home life unendurable. In marriage, as In every other relation of life, the eom-M-teiit man Is the pleiisantest man to live with, and the safest to choose, and the one most likely to prove an uuw ear led friend, and who enjoys and stiff era others lo enjoy, when at home, the end-; less charm of mental repose. Phlla delphla Times. A Bed Kreni liwoman'a Honor. Trance has bestowed the cross of the Legion of Honor upon Mdle. Margue rite Bollard, the eldest nurse lu the Sal- petrlere, where she has worked for UN ty seven years. Mdle. Marguerite Rottnrd, who ha "-, passed her i6th -Oi-x . ... ,.. . . is. jeai, wiia wjiu Mlie Cote our m O When only , 1H, ou Jan. 12, 11441, ' she entered the Sal-- mi i.k. hoi l ai:i. petrlere as a nurse for the wards of Dr. Trelat. She be came first substitute, then under war den, and finally warden, without leav ing this great refuge of misery. She was employed lu the care of the insane of Dr. I'abret and Dr. Le (Jrand da Snnlle, and then passed to that of the epileptics, attended by Prof. Charcot and Prof. Raymond. She Is, despite her age, still warden of the clinic of maladies of the nervous system, per forming the duties of her position with rare skill. All France acclaimed an honor so sig nally vveil deserved ami bestowed, and It Is not the first time that the Govern ment has testified Its appreciation of Mdle. Rottnrd. The then minister pin ned on her black dress the palms of o.'i cer of the Academy scveu years ago. Don't Worry. Don't worry about something that you think may hapis-n to-morrow, bo cause you may die to-night and to-morrow will find you beyond the reacb of worry. Don't worry nlsiut a th'ng that happened yesterday, because csu.-rdy. is a hundred years a way. It you don't believe, Just try to reach after it and. bring It back. Don't worry about any thing that is happening to-day, be cause to-day w ill last only about fifteen or twenty mlu'es. Don't worry about things you can't help, because worry only makes tbein worse. Don't worry about things you can help, because then there's no need to worry. Don't worry at all. If jou want to lie penitent now and then H won't hurt you a bit. It will do you good. Rut worry, worry, worry, fret, fret, fret why, there's neither sorry, penitence strength, penance, re formation, hope nor resolution In It. It's merely worry. Mukinic Over n Muff. If you have an old, 111 shaped muff, here are directions for reconstructing it. Purchase first a head and a tail. You can be either economical or extrav agant here. Heads come from Jl up ward, and the same with tails. Take your old muff, and if It Is out of shape remove the Interior, ripping the THK KB WEST Ml'Vr. lining out as carefully as though Ifj were of fine lace. Now take an old' muff 1kx and sew your lining around It. Over this sew two thicknesses of stiff crinoline, then several thicknesses of other stiffening. Finally, when firm, tack your wool wadding around all. When you have brought your muff to the right size slip the fur covering over nil. Draw tbe muff box out and care fully fasten the lining In place. When completed sew your head upon one side of the muff and tuck the tail In one end. Ne mora I of Hpnta, Siiots and mark on woolen gowns are easily removed by rubbing them well with a cake of magnesia. Hang tbo gown away for n day or two, and thea brush thoroughly. If the spot has not entirely disappeared, repent tbe proc ess. Other gowns besides those of wool can often be clesned by tola means. Miss Jessie Puller has for some time past given satisfactory service aa the clerk of the Supreme Court of tht Itafta of South Dakota. A t 1 i j .J-""f-K.' i