The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 17, 1898, Image 2

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Oarrison ""Journal.
BO. D. CAUM, rIMt sad Prop.
for trrvy slice taken by every other
power. For example, Oertnauy crabs,
then Englaud gralis much; Uussi.1
tekes something, then England takes a
jMirti.i!!-. France alworbs a province,
then En:--J arprorfstcs one equally
as large and powerf ul.
The latest abscond
tbOUt SJW.lMO sllAt't."
Loose hibi. no ii:
ply badly lucusnn
tight lit i -yiiniiyi.
r from Georgia Is
J. inches tall and
e necessarily im-rloihe-i
than a
oii w ii'i a drink
The fahi'Ui writer say that overcoats
are not worn as low: now as they have
been. Is this an indication of the re
turn of prosperity V
When it come to questions of nation
al policy the British lion may draw bs
wn conclusions, but it won't permit
the other powers to pull its tail.
An Easterns contemporary wants to
know a sure cure for insomnia. Go to
bed and sleep It off. If you can t get
to sleep buy a.n alarm clock.
It's seldom wise to become too much
absorbed by a pastime. Skating on the
river Is very well, but care should be
tken not to go into it too deeply.
An American lady in Paris writes in
spirit of semi-indignation that in that
Jty "they actually pay for water in
djeir houses by the quart." Don't give
the klea away to your milkman.
U costs Uncle Same about $'.t.(M).tK)
a year to keep his warships in com
mission, but, after all, that is cheap in
surance on all the billions of dollars'
worth of property in his dominions.
In the old colonial days of Virginia,
wires were sold at auction for 120
pounds of tobacco. They do not seem
to have been so particular about "cold
Dayments" in those elementary times.
fiomeltody In Boston has been mak
ing lifteen'$: bills by cutting fourteen
bills to pieces and pasting the frag
ments together. They are very wise in
Ronton, but there are better ways than
that to make money.
"We have not less than t, h a i,t i i
loaned out In Europe at this moment."
says nn editorial in the New York
Times. To prevent misunderstandings
It may be well to explain that this is
probably not the -'editorial we."
Speak well of every one. If you can
not speak well, then speak no ill. SI
lewce here la golden. This does not
aaeao that no criticisms are permissi
ble, but that you should never say of
atkers what you would not Is? willing to
amy to them or In their presence.
Iepew Is among those who believe
that the revival of college debates will
jet reinstate the old academic auxil
iary of oratory and bring hack the days
,.r Hi., in, -ii'i. lieu oratory was
fiiiioii" the inline Inbitious of A uteri !
an youth. The a ,c of oratory in the
sense iu which it was once exalted, as
a mover of public opinion. Is gone, aud
there is little prospect that it will ever
be revived. The printing press has
quite overshadowed it, aud the world
is too busy to follow mere forensic
idols. Oratory thrives where the spok
en words teach as far a the written.
Where is there such a place now? To
day the audience reached by the spok
en' word is so Infinitely small as com
pared with the audience furnished by
the press that mere oratory lias lost
much of its old charm and largely out
lived Its old-time usefulness. These
facts do not. however, argue the need
of discouraging oratory. It still has
its place, and If it could purify legis
lation or make men teUer citizens. Its
reinstatement would be worth any
price. Alas! it serves to gloss rascality,
obscure reason, and sugar coat Iniquity
as readilv as it serves higher purposes.
The age of the written word has come, j
The press, the telegraph ami the
"phone," of various dceriptions. have
largely made the traditional " god of the
forum" unnecessary. College debates
may serve to recall the majestic figure
of the orator, but it's the man who
starts the mammoth lightning press
that is most eloquent to-day.
Bishop Potter's pronounced pessim- j
ism cannot chill the affectionate regard j
nor impair the resect In which the dis- j
tiuguisiied prelate Is held by his fellow
i .-itizens; but it Is, nevert l.-,. ;i source
'of regret to many of his judicious
I friends. His latest deel jratiou, to the
'effect that the country has passisl the
zenith of its prosperity, does not strike
a responsive chord in the hearts or the
intelligence of thoughtful people. They
do not believe that there Is any good
reason why we may not In the future
'have as prosperous times as any pa si
period has witnessed. They see no con
ditions, eith r material, moral or Int'd-
lectual, that do not justify a reasonable
expectation of continued progress. They
expect, of course, that the future will
' be lik- the past In that Its upward and
onw ard movement will be subject to oc
casional checks; that there will tie
waves on the ocean of prosperity and
depression between them. But they to
verily believe that, with the vast and
varied resources at their command, the
American people have every prospect
Beantiful Indian lscnd Which It
llave 1 umpired Longfellow.
The Indian story of Hiawatha Is
even uore beautiful than that which
Longfellow has told so charmingly In
the Justly popular poem Inuring thai
title, but It depicts the hero as a very
different man from the Itold and tender-hearted
warrior of whom the poet
writes. The Indian story, though iu
part fiction, is founded on fact; there
u no itoiilit that such a man as lii.i-
reilhil the clerk. "She Is from the
uiislcal conservatory, where she prae on the piano three or four hours
a lay. In order to prevent the finger
nails from coming In contact with the
iv iry key she has them cut very short
;iud we apply Iodine to take the sore
ness out of the ends of the linger!
after they have been subjected to three
or four hours of pounding. Most piano
players, you will observe, have their
linger nails cut to the quick, so that
li. i clicking sound Is endued w hen they
srlke the kevs. We keep a I Kittle O.
watba once lived, and that he played .Mine and a brush for the special use
The newspapers have copied photo
graphs of two couples with arms about
each others" necks. The ttrsi. mat or
the Czar and Kaiser, has leen conns- i
eated In Russia; the other, that of a j
bicycler of ephemeral fame and his nf
aaced bride, ought to be. To make
eapltal of affection is to shame It.
Never condemn your m-ighttor un
heard, however many the accusations
preferred against him. Every story
may he told in two ways, ami justice
require that you should hear the de
fease as well as Che accusation. Ke
neniber. moreover, that the malignity
of enemies may place you in a similar
Piracy is not made more respectable
by false pretense. When Germany
enhted Kao-Chou Bay she made a pre
text of the murder of German mission
trim in China. But tin- pretext was so
hldlcrous-ly irrelevant that even the
consecrated person cannot have meant
It to be taken seriously. But iNs-ause
Tour missionaries have Ik-cu murdered
o so reason at all why you should de
iiand a coaling station by way of atonement.
a leading part iu forming the compact
of the Six Nations, says a writer in the
Pittsburg I'ispatch.
According to the story, Hiawatha
was the wisest man of the Onondaga,
anil when the ditTereut trils-s were
troubled bv the Hurons. who lived to
the north of them, and the Algotiquins.
who were their Eastern neighbors, he
proposed a meeting of the trilies to
form a union for mutual defense. But
the scheme was defeated by Atatarho. j
a great war chief of the Onoudagas,
who was Jealous of dividing his mw I
er. and Hiawatha was driven out of j
the trilie. He did not give up the plan, j
however. As he Journeyed toward the j
south he came to a beautiful taut?
(probably Oueidai. On the shore he
picked up a quantity of licautiful white
Hiawatha, living alone all this tin
I'd never sis-ing any man, learned
much from the great spirit. It was
finally revealed to him that his people
were at last ready to unite, and he
hastened back to them. Then there
was a great meeting, which all the
chiefs attended. Atatarho still sat
back defiant, saying never a word.
When at last Hiawatha arose and le
gan to speak the people were charmed
by his voice and listened in silence,
for it seemed to them that he spoke the wisdom of the great spirit
himself. 1 if ting Ills strings of wam
pum. 11 law at Ma unroineo ms pian ioi
the union, telling off on each shell the
position and over allotted to each
tribe and to its chief. Atatarho was
to bo made the great war chief of the
confederacy which shows that Ilia
watlia was something of a politician -and
at this event he gave way and the
treaty was adopted.
While the people w ere celebrating the
treaty with the usual feasting. It was
observed that Hiawatha was sad and
silent. 'FeuKti" U not for me." he
said, when his friends urged him to
join the festivities: "I am to go on a
far Journey."
At that moment a beautiful white ca
noe was ss'ti approaching across the
lake, driven by some unseen potter.
When it reached the shore Hiawatha,
bidding farewell to those who had
crowded about him, stepped ldo the
canoe, which moved rapidly away. As
It reached the middle of the lake It sud
Into the ii ir Hizher and
of a pros,K-rous and progressive future. nt) f,w U)(t w,lte
Ours is a young country, the greater , ,
pan oi u asv ,,,,uB o-.. ., WaniP. , .iin, HIMH-k and then van-
..f the pianoforte pupils ol me con
servatory. They come in here for
treatment two or three times a week
and pay by the monlh."'-New York
A sensible negro preacher in lUe
South has lieen advising memlsTS of
hat race to stick to the farm. Good ad
rlce. The negro is a lsni farmer and
agriculture suits him bolter than any
other occulta tion. Herein is one field
M least in which he has an equal
chance with the white man and In
which there can be no isisslble discrim
ination against him. In business, in
the profession. In the industrial world
the color of his skin is often against
kin and he must tight, race prejudice.
But thla Is not true of the farm.
Mocb has been said. IhiIIi Justly and
wisely, on the education of the feelings
that la, on tbe duty of discriminat
ing ! regard to them, repressing some,
stevdoplng others, and so training and
llsclpllnlng them as to bring them Into
haraaoay with our entire Itelng. aud to
aiake them couduce lo the best ends of
which we can conceive. When we re
aiesnber how strong Is feeling as a fac
tor in life how, on the one hand, it
may override conscience, Judgment,
aad even commonr sense, and. on the
atber, bow afely It may conduct us to
tbooe realms where giKKlness and spon
taneity unite to make the character and
tbe life beautiful we- must admit that
wo cannot lay too much stress upon It
a a power for good or for evil, nor too
earnestly strive to direct Ita Influence
towards tbe one and nway from the
fbe Manchester Guardian, which has
tbe reputation of being one of the beat
tafonaed of English Journals, givea tbe
world to aaderstand that John Bull to
till doing boslneMS at the same old
, and propose to protect ms pat-
i sad iwprrlgbts with hl. scenstotn-
4 bttcttlgewce and vigor. All he a
mmtU now in that. If China U hanged.
f -jnr gad quartered by the gentle
ed to settlement within the past forty I
or fifty years. Our agricultural re-
sources, even In the old States, have
had but partial development, while in
the new States their development Is for
the future. Our lands could feed the
world and furnish a surplus under Just
such cultivation as Is practiced In Bel
gium aud Holland. The Southern
States have just Iwguu lo grow towards
their magnificent destiny. All over the
country there are lauds fur the land
less," and a (sqiulation of L'tJ,iJN).(S
will still find ample room aud opiorfu
uity. The solid facts of commerce
prove that the Inventive genius of our
jieopie, aud their skill In manufactures,
are uuequnletl, and this is the natural
result of obvious causes. The most en
terprising Inhabitants of European
countries have made this nation, and
our laws and natural facilities have
afforded them the best field the world
I ever saw for the utilisation of their tal
ents. Our mineral wealth Is literally
inexhaustible, and the w orld will be j
. 1 I..... 1. f.m lu l.lirillij,d
tat geiy oejeuo'Ui oi ii iui n
of all the products of Iron ore. Foreign
nations will need our cotton, our K-1ro-i
leitin, and oilier staples, and there is
scarcely a limit to our capacity for
1 meeting these demands. The fact that
the era of railway construction is Hear
ing its end is a hopeful rather than a
discouraging circumstance. We built
too fast and too far. but time will cor
rect that error, and capital that U now
unproductive will Itccoine productive.
And our geographical iosiiloti. together
with our tiolicv of minding our own
1 business, will always give us an fldvau
t tage over European nations. ltecnd
j lug on- the patriotism of the eople to
defend the mil Ion's honor, by taking up
arms In any lime of need, we cnu con
tinue to cxicnd our energies In promot
ing (he arts anil Industries of cnce.
while Europe Is exhausting Its re
sources in the maintenance of vast armies.
Ished altogether.
That was the last of Hiawatha, but
the league which he founded continued
for centuries, and was never conquer
ed by Its enemies, and every year since
the wampum has been brought out at
the great council and the solemn riles
with which Hiawatha had instituted
the confederacy have been rehearsed.
Harmless lUspt rsiors.
Scientific Investigations in reganl to
the health of those engagl In the vari
ous industrial occupations, have re
sulted in definite regulations, public
aud private, wblcb are of lieneflt .to
the community us well as to the Indi
vidual. The fact Is proved, beyond any
doubt, that sedentary occupations In
m. ventilated atiartiuents and those
which expose the workmen to the In
halation of dtiai should ! especially
avoided. The different sort of oust
vary, too, In their harmful effect;
thus the sharp dust produced in the
grinding of uewlles and sieel tools and
In the mining of metals is particularly
Irritating, and the mortal. ty from con
sumption among operatives in such In
dustries Is high, but oiwratlves thus
engaged may diminish the liability by
wearing "respirators" over the mouth
aud now w hile at work. Iu a number
of factories In Massachusetts aud pre
sumably elsewhere, in which consump
tion has made serious inroads ujmju the
0eratives, the adoption of measures
for the prevention of a dusty atmos
phere has secured a marked diminu
tion of the prevalence oi this disease
among those employed in litem. The
fact also appears that owners aud su
perintendents of mills, factories and
workshops can accomplish much to
ward the prevention of tu!rcuIois
among those whom they employ by the
Introduction of adequate systems of
ventilation and heating, aud by tbe use
of hard and smooth floors without
cracks or crevices.
The estate of Mrs. Margaret Oil
Pliant, the authoress, who died June ZTt
i- i.toior s-.'.iisni. It was left to hel
adopbsl daughter.
"An Oregon Boyhood." by iouls Al
bert Banks. Is an interesting narrative
of the author's early life In the unset
tied Oregon of ante railroad days.
ll.'iu-v .lames, whose recent novel.
What Maisie Knew," has had eotifld
era ble success, is giving up his connec
tion as a iiirr-sKiilenl of Harpers
Mr. Bellamy's "Equality' is likely to
be read In a greater number of lan
guages than any recent American ltook.
One of the latest propositions received
by the publishers is for a translation
into Bulgarian.
GillM-rt Parker's new story is to le
called "The But'le of the Strong." It
is to ape...- as a serial in the Atlantic
Monthly. It will be rcincinU'red that
the Atlantic printed Mr. Parker's suc
cessful "Seats of the Mighty."
Umls Zaugwill. who has heretofore
written over the initials ". '..." has
decided to Use his full name in future,
believing that it will au-e less confu
sion. "Cleo the Maguilicetit" Is the title
of lib new l.ok. which, by the way.
(bo s not allude to the French dancer.
No one is quite sine just what baa
brullgll' -'"Hit the prfsetl! Hickeus
ciaze; but one and all acknowledge
that they are reading, or writing, or
talking alsmt Dickens. The newest
IxMlduii editions of the great novelist's
works are to be illustrated by Phil
Mav, of the Enudon Punch, and
Charles Dana Gibson, of the New York
Mr. Gladstones recollections of his
friendship with Arthur Henry Hallam
are announced as the leading feature of
tbe Youth's Com pan ion for 18:. Mr.
Gladstone calls HaJlam "the noblest
roan he ever knew." The general list
of contributors to the periodical for
next year is as starry a usual, ranging
from tbe Duke of Argyll and Thorns
li. Iteed lo Kipling. Zangwlll, ami Cy
Mm. Pinkham Counael Young Wives to Keeep Tbeir AttlactiTtaas
A Letter From a Young Wife.
Seven-eighths of the men
in this world marry a woman
because she is beautiful jtT :
in their eyes.
What a disappoint
ment then to see the
fai in if'"'s b' anty
faiV:i;- away before a year
passes over her bead !
1 feel as if I would like
to sav toevery young woman
who is about to be married -"Strengthen
yourself in ad
orr. m that vou will not
break down under the new
strain on your powers." Keep your beat
it la nroeions nosvssion ! Nourhnsban
your beautv, be is proud lo be seen in public
with you; try to keep it for his s,ake, and jour
own. .
lhe pale cheeks, the dark shadows under
the eves, the general (trooping - me y".
wife s form, w hat do they mean ? 1 tu'y mean .
That her nerves are failing, that her strength is genng and that something
mustltedone to help her thrown the coming trials of maternity.
IU ild her up at once by a course of some tonic with specific powers. Such a
Lvdia E I'mkl) am's Vegetable Compound. You can get it at any druggist t
i Uow I J publisn bv request a letter from a young wife -of her own ac
cord she a.hlre.sMPs it to her " suffering sisters," and while from
Mka to withhold her name, she gives her initials and alrert number In
Chambcrttbnrg. Pa., so she can easily be found personally or by letter
TTmv Suffering Sisters: - Ul me write, this for jour benefit, te hng you
what Lvdia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound has done for me. 1 am but
nineteen and suffered with painful menstruation, leucorrh-ca. d.incss, burn
L sensation back of cars and on top of my h-ad, nervousness, patn and
lofene"s of muscles, bearing-down pains, could not sleep well, was UD.bL
to stand without pain, and oh', bow Il.mged to lie well. , , ,
One day I wrote to Mrs. Pinkha.n telling her ail, knowing I could do so
'UrSeTl'ovely letter in reply, telling me exactly what to do.
ftcr taking nine bottle!, of the Comiund. one box of Liver pills, and using
one-balf package of Sanative wash, 1 can say 1 m cured. 1 am
.. .. i :,. . ntlur than Mrs. I'inkliatn.
ana owe my niq m i..... - - -- , ,
ww .i,t women suffer when help is near? Let me, as one who baa had
all suffering women, especially young wives, to seek:
Mrs. P.. S. It.. 113 E. Catherine St., UianitxTStmrir. I a.
Whv will women sutler wnen neip
wne experience, urge
Mrs. Piukham's advice.
Itun l (lore Hour llen.
Hen thst are being "c.uaciod" for etg
production should not be "sUifT-d."
i,eif f'od being of proper ctiaiactcr
hir crops should never be more f an
noderatelv f ill. It is a oehiion to sup
pose that hens w ill not eat more than i
(rood for them. As in the rw "I Human
sx.-dlsli riil1hy.
A bo-bind alvays lak hm wife better
after hae find out she get mad Jioorty
Aye tank d g catcher could make guto
el of money el hue vonld send vat hao
get oi pen ilea Klondike country.
Never yutiiti on a fuller ven
haft es
t n ii. -u when temn'e 1 ny sr.peuz ng iiown. lor vui as ia - "c
v and-, they wdl gorge them-eives and ; hot Ink ihcket.a vn he get opp.
thus bring on indigestion, ;-nd wate! K( young liln get married balora lies
energy in the effort lo get rid of the
sui plus.
-. iskers BUM line can never ox ct pjorty
vans lak old ba -helor hae haf.
limlter that
Tit Thin t
onliie to Alli nr
like ild Helil.
the Klin-
Itiniam leronry Would Iteacli.
While altiKtst any one knows about
the principles ou which an ordinary
thermometer operates, there are a
uumlter of things about this apparently
little Instrument which are not gener
ally known, and which are of a great
deal of Interest. One of the most m-
culiar of tliese Is the question of the
length of tube which the mercury In
the bulb of au ordinary thermometer
would fill If It were stretched out In
utmrle column the sir.e of th&t In the
Most people, when asked how long
this would be, would probably say
from five to fifteen feet, while as
matter of fact this column of mercury
would In an extremely delicate instru
nieut be miles In length. The reason
of this is that the column of mercury,
while It apjx-ars quite large. Is really
of almost Infinitesimal siae. If the tube
of a thermometer Is broken, one Is at
first at a loss to see where the mer
cury goes In, but close examination
will disclose a line line, much thinner
than a hair, running across one eud
of a little slit In which the mercury
rises. As It has Its flat side toward
the eye, It appears to lie quite large,
and the couvexlty of the outside of
the tube, through which It Is seen, mag
nifies It and gives It that rounded ap
jiea ranee which Is so deceptive. The
reason why the slit Is made so small
Is to give the greatest ratio of result
for the expansion of the mercury la
the bulb.-ISoston Transcript.
Komam e ami ItealUm.
One of the passages in Miss Wilkins'
new novel, "Jerome," which have Iteeii
pronounced too eccentric ami Incredi
ble, Is the story of the rich miser w ho
hanged himself -stealing the rote- lie
cause of the fear of losing a third of
his property. Hut It Is not necessary to
come to New F.nglatid for such avarice
as Ihis. Wirt, the New York baker,
who hanged hlinelf In ills cellar to
other day, was driven to his fate by
the widening of Kim street, which he
feared would take away part of his
house. Ills estate Is valued at $10t.
". - !l! ingllcld Republican.
Children Taught to I'se th l icger
Among the w ilder tribes itf the Cnti
caaua every child Is tnuglit to use the
dagger almost ns soon as he can walk.
The children first leurn to sub water
without making a splash, and by Inces
sant practice acquire nn extraordinary
cotnniiind over the weapon.
Give the average nisn a position, and
lie will so cas'. hi eyes around
for au aiM'-siaut,
Iodine for IMsno Player.
A modest aptearlng young woman
entered a drug store In Madison are
nue one morning recently and, walking
to the end of the counter nearest the
prescription department, mutely held
nut lioth hands toward a clerk who
chanced to be standing Iu that particu
lar place. This clerk, equally mute,
reached behind a screen and brought
ou: n liltie glass bottle from which a
brush handle protruded. After stir
ring the contents of the bottle with the
brush for a few seconds tbe clerk
daintily brushed the tips of the young
woman's fingers with the mixture,
leaving a dark stain around the top of
each finger nail. With a pleaant nod
of her head, and low murmured thanks,
tue young woman quickly withdrew
from the store and the blue glass bot
tle was put back In lis hiding place.
Observing a pn.zled expression o
the face of an old pa trim of tin' stora
who bad come In to get a cigar, tb
clerk said. "Iodine."
"What for'" asked tbe smoker.
T.-f rant Angers from getting sort,'
A Chapter of Ituaaiatt History.
Here Is a little bit oi Russian history
that Is nut told In the school books and
Is not generally known. When Oath
erlne II. met her husband, Peter III.
for the first time his ugllnesa caused
her to faint, it waa only her am hi
tliMi to become czarina that enabled her
to go through with the wedding cere
mony. The torrlble consequences were
Inevitable. Catherine forced Peter to
abdicate In ber favor, after which she
murdered blm. Hut before these events
had taken place Catherine bad takes
mi with Count SoltlkotT, who w.ts
doubtless the father of Catherine's son
Paul, who succeeded to the throne,
only to bo aasaaalnaUKl a few years
Where I'eoplo Ilve Longeab
In Norway the average length of llf
Is greater than In any other country
on the globe. This Is attributed to tbe
fact that tbe temperature la cool tod
uniform throughout tbe year.
(Joe thing eh juid be impressed Uon
very miner, prospector or trader com
ing to Alaska, to the Klond le, or tbe
Yukon country, and that is the neces
4itv for providing an ad quato and
o'oper food topplv. Whether procured
n the States, In the Dominion, or at
the supply stores here or f .nberon,
hie ruu-)t ba bis primary concern. Upon
the manner in which the rnmer has ob
served or neglected this precaution
more than upon any other one thing
will his success or failure depend.
The e supplies must be healthful and
should be concentrated, but the moet
careful attention in the selection of
fxxi that ill keep unimpaired inde
finitely under all the conditions ubich
they will have to encounter is impera
tive. For iiitcie, as bread raised
with bakiu powder must lie iei ed up
on for the chief part ol eve-y meal, im
sine the helpiesness of a miner with
a can ol spoiled baking powder. Buy
only the veiy best flour; it is the cheap
est in the end. Experience has shown
the V- val Baking Powder to be the
most n liable and the trsdtng compari
; a i ow uniformly supply this brand,
:-.i otto t will not keep in this climate).
Be sure thai tlie bacon is swe. t, soun 1
and thoroughly cured. The-e are tlie
absolute i ec-silie upon which all
must place a chief reliance, and can
under no circumstances lie neglected.
1'ney may, of coure, be supplemented
jy as uisny comforts or delicacteu as
the prospector may be able to pack or
lesire to oar for. rrom the Alaska
Mining Journal.
A book of receipts f x all kind of
eiokery, which is specially valuable for
uee upon tbe trad or n tlie camp, n j
published by the Royal Baking Powder;
tmpaii , ol ew lork. 1l receipts;
are tlcr Ubly practical, and the meth- J
ods are carefully explained, so that the j
inexperienced may, with its aid, readi
ly ptepare ever)tning requisiu fori
i good, wltO-psoms meal, or even dain
ties, if he has the neceassry materials. ,
i h i matter i) in compact though dur- j
..ble form, the whole book weighing
but two ounces. Under a apeciat sr
rsniren ent.tbis book will ba sent iree to
ml ra or itl whw may desire it We
would recommend that everyone going
lo i ha Kl'nlik proca a copy,
tddrers lhe Royal Bsking Powder (jo.,
Sew York.
Truthful boys ara the
great men are male of.
One ol the (iarman cities boasts a
stnet laid w ith rubber.
A position of trust and an aching
tooth are hard to fill.
It always unmann a woman when she
obtains a decree of divorce.
Trouble and mules should always m
approached from the front.
A rtai by any othar name would b
just a eipensive in midwinter.
A man's hide is too poor for ntilily
wheo it won't hold an opinion.
In pi ying bis organ, the street ma
sicisn always knows which way to tarn.
Mt winiow- soothis.j stBUr for SfcUl
in leetliln. i,f!m Ihs nmi. reduces tttflsm
mmon. ily (lii. eir mJ eolW. As twlUa
Phonogrsphs are like women: they
w-ll talk all at onoa i f they get started .
twin Hpmixi UulsltwTlMeU AB HraestSSl
MTuBd Um UUtuef U II IftlUtArnn sfts
In prearing carrots for cooking, al-
wys scrape; never pttei.
Ask for Allen's l'ool-tKae,
A powder to shake Into your shK-s. It
cures Corns and Bunions, Chilblains,
Swollen. Nervous, Damp, Sweating,
Smarting, Hot aud Callous Feet. At
all druggists' and slute stores. 'AVr. ASK
To DAY. Sample I'ftKK. Addreaa
Allen S. Olmsted, U-ltoy, N. Y.
When a man Is a loafer, ba la put o
ine rock pile; when a woman la
loafer, aba la put la society.
When maa makes
near that he tnakaa
a oant, M k1i
Cinders form a gosi miterial (or cover
ing tbe flojrs and paths of the conserva
tory. Ptso'st'nre for ("onsnmption has keea
a liixi send to me. Win. tl. McCUIIanf
Chester, Florida. Hept. 17, liSiT),
In mending gloves, use fine cotton
thread instead of silk, which is apt to
cut the kid.
Thirty-Ate unfortunate gamesteit
c mm t ed suicide st Monte Carlo, last
y-f -r.
Ac ore and barbers are men of many
If it wasn't for the lynch n js occasion
diy there won il be more trials in tnis
Merry chickens iel others do the tight
ng. Iin it far from home who has none to
o to.
If yon can't swim, never wide in un
known w st art.
I'otlu.k ttnty be poor luck, II taken
ith a alrangr.
Few wear their character lika tbair
. ak- outaida.
They catch
4 to S feet long and weighing 100 to
I -W I Iw. alt along the Florida ooaet
This in mid-winter, mind you, wheo
Nebraska and Iowa ar covered with
snow, and the thermometer Is any
where from Un below to twenty
Il enau roinirilltlv IIUIs te reaott
Florida If you purh, Urkets via lbs
Hiirllnn.n Koula. I'ailleulan al local
lirket tlic or by wrlUm u
J. I lands, Oenrral i'SMeager Afaat,
Omaha, Neb.
d nnci ii r Th u,t Hmi tt or
Irr. Ssmplri
! m an. II.. mm aaal nalta
inulmled. SiiUalluiUa ia fn.
CO., t'Mn, tt. 4,
N. N. U. NO. 482 II. YOftK, MM.
i anoa
' ;V;:: ;;