Emrrtson 3ournal , W. CAMOV. EsUSas- m4 Tn. UKRIS09, KB. Ta)CfeiBe Invented gunpowder, tfcay irnr Warned bow to use it. but At present quinine is two dollars a pOl t Klondike, but it's going down If possible the census of 1 '' ought to be completed before the census of 1910 Is begun. Talking of grain elevators there's nothing more satisfactory to many than increased prices for wheat "Shall we flyT' anxiously inquires a Baltimore paper. The answer to that depends upon what you're been doing. Several valued contemporaries have recently noted the fact that China's 4oom Is sealed. Russia, it is inferred, tuck down te flap. Immense outgo of American money would be downright discouraging were It not for the fact that Great Britain Is yearly becoming more and more com mercially dependent upon the UnKei States, and that perhaps In the end she may fully reimburse us for this outgo by her Increased demand for our Amer ican products. --v., Granting the farmer gets some satis taction out of the present price of wheat, many stock gamblers are also Indlng a grain of coi fort in it. Haytl had an earthquake the other 4vy, but Simon Sam couldn't be fright ened by a little thing like that after his recent experience with the Kaiser. In the old colonial days of Virginia wives were sold at auction for 120 -jounds of tobacco. In these days ihey'd make the men smoke for sug gesting such a thing. Mrs. Emma Best has applied for a divorce from her husband. It is Im possible, of course, to suit a woman who isn't satisfied with the Best the matrimonial market affords. The diabolical assassination of WiQ lam Terriss. the distinguished British actor, by a worthless crank with a homicidal mania, brings up before us again and in a must urgent form the question of dealing with this class of pests. What are we to do with him 7 That Is the question. Of course, we can hang or lynch him after he has de stroyed some useful life, and when the tragic manner of his exceutioa is a tribute to his deceased conceit, but can we not devise gome means of prevent ing him from all this dreadful mischief of saving lives for which his is not the smallest recompense? We take it for granted that the insanity plea is now pretty well discredited by enlight ened society, and that the crank has little If anything to expect from the niuudliu sympathy which once restored bo many of these devils to pernicious activity. This, however. Is the matter of least importance. What we want is some method for disqualifying the crankfor scotching the serpent before he strikes. It seems to us that the hon est citizen who receives a letter from one of these pests, or who has had any trouble or altercatiou of any kind with one of them, should arm himself at once and remain armed until the con troversy Is definitely terminated. He has no other hope of safety. There Is no law for punishing or even lo king up a crank, no matter how dangerous ha may notoriously I. Justice waits tin til he commits murder, and then offer to society the beggarly reparation of the gallows. The peril is one which the Individual must meet for himself. Gov ernment avenges him only after he has been slain and b!s family isolated. 'iwe r. "r. - a 3 turn 1 M I ) t X -l f W 1 I 1 A , .j t.T'-..j? -i.'1 in , i i art,. r MM mm lis? SI M it' 1 "rwsei N 3 ,4 &&'&: A Two-Story Hen House. Poultry ki-eners. as a rule, arc not some overhanging llmls? It not only adds to their comfort to rub them down, but it draws t'ne blood nearer the Mirface, so that the animal Is warmer. With the same feeding a well groomed cow will kw-p In go-xl condition wbeu she would Is; scrawny and rawbouod if not regularly curried or brushed. "1 am going to mart a little magssme. Give me a snappy rame for it." " ell, how will "The Yellow Doit' do?" France is ,uttering around as if she had got trie wrong kind of an e;g in her milk punch. The obvious duty of our educators, and of the taxpayer! as well, is to keep our common schools abreast of ail gen ine progress. T.ie girl in the church choir who is matrimonially inclined take her chants with others. To Cook Feed. The Iowa Homestead presents a plan for cooking feed for punlvy or pigs at times when it may not be convenient to build a lire. lIaee an old keg or half barrel in a box and iaek arouDd it with straw or rhaff. lrovIde both capitalists who need not count their J !)arrPi n(j tMlX witli tight fitting lids, dollars when Cuey are about i '"'J-'1'1 j Then, having mixed the feed with hot water, put It in the inner receptacle and A statistician says there Is relatively anore Insanity in Switzerland than In Che United States, and gives loneliness m the reason. Whatever may be said erf the American, be is not lonesome, a a rule. A J1.000 memorial window Is being put into a Newark. N. J., church, and either the clergyman nor the members of his congregation know who gave it Perhaps, after It is finished they may fee able to see through it A Kansas City paper scores Actor Richard Mansfield for "striking bis 4resser In the wings." This Is an er ror. Mansfif-id's dresser never has had ny wings in the first place, and he was struck fully three feet south of where his wings would be worn if he had them. Prophecies of ideal social conditions liave not yet Included rubber tires for the wheels of legislation, but such a provision would tie quite as practic able as some devices to make every one contented. The trouble Is that each philosopher would insist on the use of bis particular kiud of tire. The commissioners who were ap pointed to determine what sum should be paid by the United States to settle the claims of the owners of Canadian sealing-vessels which were seized in -Bering Sea from l,sH0 to W have, awarded the claimants ?lrt4.0w. This Is equivalent to what Canada altered to accept In 1S34. with interest added. Alphonse I.'audet, one of the most widely known of contemporary French writers, died suddenly at Paris. Mon sieur Daudet was o" years old. He was the son of poor parents, and ex perienced many hardships while strug gling for a footing among men of let ters. He achieved some distinction as a poet and dramatist, but was best known as a novelist. The best answer the collage can give to the namby-pamby persons and yellow Journals that are denouncing foot ball as a brutal sport is to im prove the rule and go on playing. A race as Ingenious as ours cannot be restrained from taking fair advantages in all contests, whether they tie com mercial or athletic, and the rivalry in foot-ball is so keen as to constantly encourage players of an inventive dis position to devise means for stretching the rules to the utmost. The momen tum plays of two years ago were not expressly forbidden by rule, and tbey were played with great success. But they were over rough, and the ra!e Wpre so revised as to make them impos sible in their original form. But this year the Ingenious young fellows of the Pennsylvania eleven Instated a play called "guards back." perfectly proper under the rule intended to atop the mass momentum plays, but in reality a nuts momentum play In a modified form. This play must be prohibited In the interest of more open and less rough foot ball, and no doubt other charges will be found necesiiary to re strain t'ne excessive liveliness and In genuity of the young men. But still more than :iew rules greater sternness on the part of the otUcers of the game in enforcing the old rules is needed. It is not enough to "warn a player caught striking, tripping or foully tacklUg an opinent, or roughly "pi Ung on." He ought to be barred from the game at once. A coach who sees his Ix-et men going to the side lines ryir'y In the play will sewn stop unfair ulaving. Then, again, there should be some way of driving a persistent foul player entirely out of foot -ball sys tui by which a flagrant offender com 1 be blacklisted as unflt to participate In the sport A few heavy penalties la Cicted on "sluggers" would do more to Improve the game than all the revisions of rules. business. Economy with thei i is u.e first conM?rat:on, And as It is much less ! cost to build a two-st.ry house than ; one id a single story, it seems to be a sort of want of wisdom that two-story houses are not the rule for kceplng bens, Instead of the rare exception. The accompanying Illustration shows on excellent two-story hen house, in which there Is a very pleasant roost lug apartment alsve the ground floor. The lower door is list 1 for an exercis ing house, aid for laying. At one cor ner Is i separate pen for hens w!th broods, each of which has a pen to it self, in which It Is enclosed until iua hicks may be safely let out Into the a-di around the building, it Is in- . . . . . . , ..!. in teiiti.-u tnat tms nouse nwira b.jicj ,u the center of a plot of two acres, di vided Into four yards, into which th fowls may be let. This house Is supjKse-d to l? Dfty feet long and twenty-five feet wide. This is wide enough for any purpose, but nie length may be increased to any extent It must be confessed that swearing Is altogether too common, both in fic tion and on the stage. As It grows less common among well-bred and civilized men it seems to thrive on the lips of heroes and villains of novels and plnys. It takes an artist, and a great artist, to use profanity or even slang, acil the more sparingly he uses it the bet ter will be the effect. There is a so called realism which is merely repulsive. FIRST TO CROSS CONTINENT. The conduct of men in great emer gencies often rebukes the ingratitude and lack of self -control in every-tluy life. Nannen's eo tint ry nut a. Dr. Sv n Hedin, after suffering from hunger and thirst for days in . unexplored Asia, found a huge pool of clear water. "I thanked God first" say Iw, "a ml then I felt my pulse. I wanted to see the effect that drinking wonid have on it. Then I drank." KeUgiou and science, hj the face of the Imperious demands ut the physical nature, thus as.-rted tbelr controllng power. COOKIMl IS A KEO. A TWO-STORT HE.V UorSK. desired for larger flocks. There Is a slatted ventilator on the top. '. hleb Is clo.d at will by a suding door in the bottom of it. The lower floor Is seven feet high to the floor above, a broad sloping way is made, with a si-itted floor, for the hens to go up to roost. and as thir i nothing for them to roost upon below, they must go up. Cuttle Industry Cbanire. The tendency to feed cattle and n . i runners raise tiK-m is growing moi y-imi with the farmers of the Middle West everv year. 1 lit JH a snort cui iu iiu.cn return, and ;-a7es about two years time, (if course, somelMxlv has t- raise the stock cattle, but as :ii!s part -of the industry can ! earn, d'oii more cheaply on the big ranches, f.-irmers who r.U.-e corn prefer to let them have a monojioly on the breeding and rais ing end of it. The number of range (..,!. in that are being f"d on corn e;ich winter is growing rapidly. This fact is just as noticeable with sheep as with cattle, for naturally the same thins and results Utaiu. -Chica vers' Journal. place both lids In position. The mess will cook In the time eiapsing from one feed to the next. It I surj.i islng how Ions the water will remain hot, even In very cold weather. Steam Ivnicitu-s fur Farm Ue. Because farmers always have horse power on the farm it does not follow that It must be used f..r every purjKwe where additional i ner is required. There are many kinds f jobs where small enciite. whit-:, any farmer can easily learn to run, w ill ghe bcthT sat- tefartlon and be far less expensive than keeping a horse. Willi the proper con nections so as to furnish tue power such au engine will do the churning or run the milk starat'r. It will do the washing and turn lit" irrlmlstone In summer, a fob that !i:t- d;.-gustcd more Ipovs with farming than any other, One or the tcst uses of the engine Is to make It turu a lathe, wiiere the young people can cut out various kinds of wooden ntensils and learn skill Id handicraft that will be useful to them all their lives. A Corn Marker. Take s plank 15 fer-t long, 10 inches wide, 2 Inches tni.k. Make six abort IS Inches long, siojied enough to run isi v. l'astcn mem to ine plank underneath with two 4-Inch wood screws. One foot aid a half from each end cut your plank ',n two and nit on a g-M. 1 hinge, polt on tno Iron straps Pish was hiiig is one of the nnn-cce pary burdens of i ivi'ired life and wood fjilit tinz is another. Why don't peopie eat off wooden plates and then use them to kindle the kitchen fire with the next morning? A tew curtain-pole bracket has an at tachment to hold a Bha.ie roller in posi tion, two extension shafts being rf ided with nil eves into abudi the of the -oilers fit. To prevent cut ting the '.ide ol the ani mal bcn Bkinning it, a new knite tii t. dull blad lying parallel with the cut ting bUde, which keeps the latter away from the hide. Louden contains 150 piano lactones. A VIGOROUS IttTTIiE. frr t!f A" te Era. ';rn-$'-ra. M. The following is a stan-ment of facts br a veteran of the iale war. No comr.nl.' will need fiirllier prfHif tlinn tlieir tnemt a owu worilw, as here given. Squire John Castor, of ewp.;ni. inn.. Is the narrator, and an ho.-it. witwl citizen he is, too. 11' said : "I Imve In-en troubled with rheiiinatisni in till my joints ever since I went In the ar. It as brought on bv rny exposure there. It mine on me gradually, and k-pt geiiins worse until I was unable to do any work, I tried several physician!', but they d-d me Solrlda ill Parts. The official sUtistics of the number ol suicides in Paris during IBM h l been Mued. The number of self-murders was 953. Of the toUl, 231 drowned themselves, 113 used guns and revo vers 198 of the shots being in the bead; 71 gtabll themselves to dath, 6i used poison, 4 aspliyxiation and 77 threw themselves from high buildings, monu mentr, etc. The remainder are pot do n in a business like manner as uo-c'aseifi-d," If I was starving I think it woul'l ae moralize more to be(? for a loaf of bread than it would to tteal it. In Tcrki y polii emen get $3 a week. Is r rfi.VT' X 5a A I i Km.. CM v i- tile In; r it. Nei the 'hsr : ! t .-mi to ' tiliisi, S" nyseif, : .mhis' I ',.4 soiiM : :,-. fo -oilS in ..Hji-'chsl t. The I I COliti'! akii.K " "--W . ; J t cn, r Ui S-tme I" no'f. nn r -! 'l'Lev said in v troiii. e was r:i mii,siii riiot;iiK in d:Ma-e o and t iiat t here v, a i iir- t thel-'-s I had tiv I an ! for.-ii' for thirty year, and did In i: mipiy i'ii'.-aiise tti-y r,l I limited til' some reillnh'n f-t Klia'.lv haplM-licd ou Or. V. '.S fill f .r Tale IV.. pie. I my ticii!hli..rs aU.al the tie c had i..i it v.s--l tiy eii'Uti .. community, and 'hey rn.,.. rv iLi-tilv. I r,n-"irisi a t'" hotixvl inn' ris-iit annv. and I coiiti'i " ! takii.g them. 1 commenced 'aking '' "'I las: f-.il, am! finiJi..! the i. a ;ov nmths ago. I a n not tm-h-r- wi'h t rhemiiat -til t. - tic tn dieine has nir-il m-. I csm niot cauunly r tu.-neu( I Jr. Williams' l'lli. TIicm" pills art not miiy s''d for rheu matism, but a-e vabinbi" f r !!uy diwase rhnt arise front innr,.-l-,. ,r bad blood. They do leu act ,,ti the bowels. A cait.ive tn-e, striving to epcaiw, liss l ei-ti mace to reiord as many as 15 510 wing strokes per minute iti a recent test. OTvre ENJOYS Both tho method anl resultfl when Syrup of Fists is uktn; it is pleasant arid refreshing to the Ufite, and acta gently vet promptly on the 1 wnejs, Liver and r,owcl.s,'clcaiics tho sys tem effectually, dids colds, head aches and fevers and cureH habittial constipation. Syrup of Fig is tho only remedy of 'its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to "the taste and ac ceptable to tho tiUuiiach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and atfru('ahl""Htilwtanoc8, its man v excellent qual'n n-s commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for pale in 50 cent bottles by all lending drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it " Do mt accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. sad mncisto, cl IWirwi'i- r r:fw fOffrt. r cond" ;o Dro- (jooti mi v M t i:k t ):. The trouble with most youujr men is that they do not understand the dig nity of manual labor. They do not real ise that honors and fortune may be more readily realized otiudde of the so railed learned inofeasioius than !n thesn. arwl that tt Is Just as honorable to swing the hammer or to hold n plow a W Is to make a Kpct-ch In court or amputate a limb. The les-sou young Biro !iould be tiiitaht tin parly as pol Mete that It Ik not so much what a man for a living as It U how well he It, ami that manual labor Is as beoorsble as any other. While the balance of trade between JM United States mikI (ireat Britain pfvpondera tes in- favor of thl couutry, It la paluful to note ihut (hi difference fj Mere tbau equalized by the enor- i eiiui of money which American annually iu (ireat Britain. This The Iri(le of Two M ision,irien Made the Tripf-ix learn Before F remont. In the Ladies' Home Journal George Lnd:riTton WcmI writes of "When Ir Whitman AdWd Three Stars to Our l-'lutr." aud shows eonclu! veiy tlutt a ;:;trty of live puoj.le. IrfliKline two women. crosiMMl the Rocky Mountains at South IVisis in IS.".'!, six yir prior to Fremont 'a croadn. Cwrninj thi.i '.ntiresrtin? hlKtorical Incident, Mr. Weed writes: "The firt wwldmj tour across the continent was in lXJii. There wme two cociiie-. Marcus Whitman, M. l.. and the U'-v. H. ii. B(au!d'nt;. and their brides. Tlwy made the jour ney of thirty-five hundred milos. o-cu-I'Ving seven months. In a waon, the fit) to irrum the contineftt. Dr. Whit man, having v!itwl the region before, w as guide to the new home In (Vrejr n. He was the first lo make fc'iown Us i value to tne Felted .States. Homh I'ass Is reached, writes iir. eHi or me famous Journey, "the hljfhest jla.te.'iu. the divide of the continent. In the Pasx the traveler reads the inscription, 'Fre mont, 1S42.' AU honor d-ue to the Tath fi ruler,' but a!0 to the two heroines who had gone through six yearn Ik- fore his claimed d,icovery. Let another Inscription read: 'Mrti. Wb!tmn and Mm. StuWiofr. 1S30.' "It Is th Fmtrth of Jnly. The jinny pauses In It Journey. Iatrioli.f w!s are 8ken as the Bible and fitt are taken from tihe wafon. The one te kid on a bLaraljet spread upon the ftram; the ot her is ra!ed over all. The knd Ina; company offer prayer and prais, and revereintly take poMWioi of the reicion beyond 'In the name of God and of the United flate.' The only human witnesses to the scene are the two Ne Ferce tad who witnessed the Whitman wedding cereimony a Anirellca, N. T, lmumllately nwedlnir the mart for Oregon." How to 1 ie a S(rai. The illustration hu s borfi 'he rls'.U and the nroug ay of tying either leather strai or rojies, sas a irr jijKjiulent of Farm and Fireside. Fij.'. 1 1 not reliable, althoush it mnv im-wer for a temiioniry bitch. But If I wanteil to be positively sure that my !ior-c could not get loose I would not to;i short of the Ue, Fig. 2. TLi U the same Fii,'. 1, except that every part of it Is drawn up Tiifbr. To mai.i it, tie feet from e.icli en. braces to them and 1 to a loitue, a:id you I. fasten two Iron listen she braces i ;t v e ii compile corn iiuirlver. Iirive the !imiii so that the out -side runner will run !;i the track previously made. Voti can turu up the two ends to turn. The hi use !n the center will make It murk all of the ground, even if St is -k very level. Farmers' Advocate. A BOON FOR SUFFERERS. Kenirdv Which Has lured More than J, 000,000 People. "fr 1 irops-' is the remedy n LicU Is t ijelltliat ism. Iietji ma. la - ii j an fiaiiie nf a powerful uaraliteed to cine aiui.i. ejii.irih, astii d k'ttdle.l lliilnctlls, tiie common bowktKjt, Fig. drawin-f the knot ai fairly tight; pn-s the end MTM Never a toy pistol In the minx's V, KONO USD i:i-.i! r h i . (hi of tne strap throicii the bc or and draw the h-ip by p-iTira at strap uii until It htlK the end !i. When doing ibis, the knot tat It liable to oos- f i, which must be prevented by hd Has t i;li rhumb and foretiner of one band while the other does the pulllnyr. Then draw the end 1) through the drawn-up lo.p (cl, FI- 2, as fur as ;os- sible, and you will have a tie taat no animal is nine to unuo. ! Old Ufa. There are hundreds of farmers who are opposed to "Inxik farmhss," or what . they term "fancy farming," who bc- l.eve In giving a nick iw a jiece of salt )-ef to "brius Isu li her cud.'' When a cow Is sick she refuses to eat; It is then b'iiled that she has "loit her cud," and she is treated fur Its rentora- : lion, ie-ii in fact the chert Inn of tho :ciid by a cow h s'mply the forvlnjj of :',! food into tic uenith from a large storage "tomach be chewed and then ' su all",. c i the f.HKi passlnz Into a nailer suuna ii for dlirestion. Hun :rls. of i o , lecAi vi-r, are treated for "loss of cud," inn! t.helr burns ar lsired as a reuii.jy fr "liollow horn." i The Middleman a Necenwity. I T!ie middleman i a necessity. If a ' farmer had a thousand bushels of wheal to sell he could never retail It. I lie is compelled to sell In bulk or lone more time than the wheat is worth, i The middlemen are the distributors, aud J hey are also consumers. The farmer can pet rid of die middlemen to a cer'aiti extent by necking markets WHEAT. 40 cts. a Bushel W Ml -aiT' rr? UotM m iiriux hktr- to h mvs tt tH-fstre April "tl irii fiii mtr ht at 40r Iff . - L.ini t.il n.iikn tiiimn. 3 ! T liliiM.iv u is iftin. Mm . w n,otlA' 1,1,4 h" "1-'u" fr Cotton fre.l Meal. After extolling the merits of coiion seed iiii-al for years leading agricultur ists are taklnx the stand that It Is an j m ar home for articles that are reaii-iy unsafe food, as It vari'-s greatly accord-; Kulabl". such as butter and eggs, but If lug to the conditions of the jrro.vtb of j he buys from bis neighbor any of the the tilant and the t-eatment of the seiii ; article be wells them be, too, become Tbecompittiy i eliiifeiy sate in making tin- jiuarantei'. because every muti'ii tiny !'eccie ihniis.-iii.is i,f raicltil let ters from those who were Miff' t'crs. but lune liever received otic complaint. The effect of "." I ii ups" Is felt at once, .lames Willhinis of Kceeut. 111., nr,li-s 'in Nov, 12, ls:i7: "My wife has been snfTei-itii: two years with rheumatism. She used about oil" bottle of '." I :;.' and can now t:o wi'hout lu-r crutches To iiiDte extensively advertise the mer its of l his remedy the producers !! for the iic;.t thirty days scud out V), OiMI of their sample bottles ,,f this posi tive i nie fur 2j cents a buttle by mail prepaid. Large buttle, :;if doses, ifur thirty days li b itiles 2.."su. Those Htlfferiim Khould write to the .Swansuti Hheumtitie "ure f'ompai y, PiT Pi'.) Ilearbuni street, !bicao, lib, and lake advantage of this yeticruus offer. This company is icjuble and promptly Ii I J every oi der. There a e tu wayc to tei! sbetbera girl is in hive with you; tk her or don't ask l.er. D;ifnt Cannot b CuriQ hV hC.ll Mppt.t !' I !!". Hf they cailliut reach 1 Tie d ." :c 1 )rtin!i ut t:.r- i ar 1 here is only otic v. .e. t'ici.re Jie.iiiiesM, arid liM is Uv con- r -ii ic::.i reiiu Uii ". Ileattiess is canned bv ill u: !l i u-i euu i tuci of the mwous tiiatii' ut the lviv.ii h-an Tube. When this lube r. t iiit'ac.e I yon have a runibliiiir. -untnt ui impe ie. i !..-..ri?igr, and when it Is e llielv cluseil Ih-ult" s is the result, and hi lir-the nitlaiiiin.itiun can lie tiiketi out rui'l this tuiti- teswjred to its liuini.il cutiditioti. Iiinriiit will be de stroyed (ori-ver; nine cases out of ten a ca iset hy csiurrh, which is nothitiif but an iiitlamed condition of the mucous sur face. We sill (five One Hundred Dollars ler any cae of lteufticn (caused hy caiarrh) iut eaniiut he cured by Hub's Catarrh (. ur. rend for cireulars free. F. J. ( HKSKY A CO.. Toledo, 0. 6old by iDriiiia-iau. 7ic. a middleman, as be handles the pro-luct of his ncljrhW between the prolucer and consumer. titter It isreiuuu iiuui uje in,us, i .n- toti seii.1 meal Is tbe pr.sluct of jmnmd . that has bisti subjei.-t lo pressure In order to remove the oil. the need Itself being Immrmnc us Ihe bolls are pick.si wtoto tne seen can luny r u. , f , .nr,i.,loW ,0 jit,(J;( There is no unantmity resamtn met WBl(,h(.s ,, iUn i,h analont eyes, merits of cot'un seed meal, however, on j A (, 1lWlj brushes off the flies. thepart of those Interested in lf tils- Th,, ,r is lotiK, the sua Is hot; V,hr He's slow. I The fnrm hand working in the field, OATS. 209 Bus Per Aero, Htlit U'MtK s tea u url'l, with a rcmr'l r I C I) t hf III WUionotil t( i :t imti3 ji-r Ht'fr iu Ih'Ml, M hut , fr 1.(2 t ftU! ittH in Entd m f' ) ftFi(rtm(tf uur tn-rt ot onler. BARLEY. I 73 Bus. Per Acre. ilnt. It r-tttr. M Iihlrott tijuof rtlir',tl v ts(-K If ik imrivy rrttin tine ntrum- i- V, ll Uf, t If Ml 'ft . ttt( f.'i-. fittt toil ! ti -tui! I fidt' w hy you A, I nu H ttTIU- r.ORN. ------- Y 'iini tins. t-r hits that". , 'A w i.ti.rf 'il. ell, w-,i..r V sra-iU in , l,n,l I,, , ,.1.. 1 POTATOES Xli 1 7 1. 607 Brs. Per Acre. i 'n Ik (tr ! Hut -.-) are hrcxl lo 1 GRASSES. if lr ! Uvr . v . tl tn l lit frif ht'ftvr I ttir w i'iNtiiT i;imrBtil-l, ML tnl rn n lift imouri lryr U uii'f (, r "m-(U K rntt inic ' n ll.t sil h H-lii OtUUAur VEGETABLES. f'lnr.l. Usl In he h;d. On r H ii-i .in .il mri't l.e li. iii. liv hny yiiiir rttt lui.r mil n. r rEI-lS- l,ll Si 1 .1111. nisl ,nl. v!,..l!?l.e leal. v. I.v biu X t ' ! in .I.e . li Si -4. Vf' jt'I I lli'-ncl iel , .-I t.Vf ii mili liu-ri-il fr i For ICc Stamn (C.N.i Cvi nii'i i his ri H r. fit 't.iS P ll ,,i: 1 I Itnr. SS I ,y 1 itrni e -I i4iei es Hint I . I .1 -i' t il Semi this we JOHN A . v.i SALlEa SEED CO., I f l:oM . M K. No man is a real cynic til after he bus met a woman who thought the was one, li : cii'Sion, and the ejfHrniient stations will now have plenty of work to do In Investigating It. Carrying; ( a The brush and currycomb are far less used on cohh than Ihey are on horses, yet they are quite as neceniiry to the animal's comfort, Who has no' seen cattle m hiring Ihelr Mib-x aKilnst fencs or tree, or their bucks utuler He siiicUs the dinner in tne pot. lie's working by the month, yon know, And that's want makes the man so slo. Vt hitewaah. AVhpn makiUK whltewaah nse lime and skim milk and the whitewash will Inst bmifcr. If a red color Is desired ii froh bullock's blood, which will still further Improve It. The mixture toon heroiiii aliuost taaxbubte. NO k'MiXIOKK FtHf M R I Thus says K. S'ulters, Le Uayville, Pa., who grew fnworn to) 2.Vi bushels Kaiser's, corn per acre. That meujis , 'XH bushels on 1'tO acres at IK) cents a bushel, equals $T,.rs-0. Thnt Is better than a prospective gold mine. Hal.cr pays $400 In gold for bet name for his 17-Incn corn and oats prodigy. You can win. Seed potatoes wily $1.50 a barrel. Mead This Notice and 101'ta.lafttnmps to John A. Ktiler Heed Co., LaOrosne, Wis., and get free tluMr seed catalogue and eleven new farm seed samples, In cluding olnive corn and oats, surely Hin-tb $1'', K't a start, c.n. Colorado for Consumptives. "Titers is no better place on earth or sufferers from pulmonary trouble than tbe eaatern plateau of the Koeky Mountains." , il. Idd- inft in Srrihnrr'n MagniUtt. rll!iurtw1 and teltuWe bif rmatlnn atmiii the T.rtiiiin j ru nl t.olotalo can bs bul br tililreuliix I, tr.iii ti, Oeneral Paenir Aient, Omaha, Neb.