The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 10, 1898, Image 1

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-La. ' '1 J'm " iJ-'jL. W-' -m' i- fw'.
1 :
1 HE
The Sioux County Journal.
Subscription Price, $1.00
o. I. Canon,
Entered mi tint Harrison Kjt office as
second class waiter.
The JomXal stands fairly
and squarely on the Chicago
platform, Out will not hesitate
to support and work for the
election of candidates for the
various offices to be voted for
this fall no matter, irhether
they are Democrat, PopuliH
or free (silver Republicans, if
" .er btop to tiling thut less than half of the
,tieS, Conditional, however, that, Cubans have been more than a match
ihey advocate bi-melallmn the '.tor them.
income tax law, Opposition tO Thos. R. Reed, secretary of the navy,
national banks Of AkSUC, ar'Ci Imand Mr. Rowtell of Maine are doinf
opposed to the rctirerrnnt of theM t'y to assist Spain in her Cu-
, , , , j'b in conquest of murder und starvation,
greenbacks and treasury notes, ttnd the Xew York an(, UmAon nVm
faVOr government Control fjroh thie nation. No other man had
railroads, k-'lcgraph find tele
phone lines and th txtablish
merit of postal savings bank
ing (.istem, and aUo are op
posed to the iHusing of nation
al bowl in tims of peace.
Every citizen of the United
StatcH phould, by word, act
or deed help the preniiVTit,
miuntain the honor and dip
nitv of our country, should
war be declared by congress
n.ainet Spain for their dev
ilish treachery in blowiBg up
the battleship Maine.
Adolph Luctgett will have cbirge of
till Joliet penitentiary sausage factory,
nd will lience-torth make sauucs for
ithe prisoners.
The Maximum Freight Hill of Nebras
ka which hasljeen liefore the V. S. sup
reme court for over two years was de
clared unconstitutional by that august
tribunal last week.
lst week, Mr. Long, Secretary of tne
navy assisted the Wall Street gamblers
to clean up $24,000,000, by giving them
A little inside information The question
arrises just at this time, how much did
Mr. Long make out of the deal.
Congress ha shown its patriotism hy
appropriating $50,000,000, tho same to
tie used at the discretion of the President
for the buying of battle ships and carry,
ingonthewar with Spain. There was
cot a dissenting voice when the biM was
put on its Anal .passage partisanship was
lost night of, while our cotinUy is in
danger. When it comes to tha final
struggle the whole American people will
be just as patriotic as was coogrets on
tire 8th lost
The JolunaI it opposed U making
the Trans Mississippi exposition at Oma
ha a political sideshow for any particu
lar party organisation but if tbe golditee
of the United States have no liigher
Aspirations than to make the exposition
oothing but a bi'b campaign bureau, we
aay tbeo, give all political parties the
am opportunity to display their politi
cal cunning by reproducing the home
stead of their twtron rJaints, whether liv
ing or deed. Uence, we say under the
circaaiiUnces, y all means reproduce
lb homestead el Don, William J. Oryan
rbaeo gallantiy fought the Utile of
tbe people in 18, and is still the most
formidable champion of their cause. Af
course the BrM homestead would not
be quite ae lmjeng a Mr. McKinley's
but it would ibe more in keeping with
the houses lived in bv the Deoole. whose
nuH. lie basso faithfully championed.
Ho doubt that enough could be raised
bv Donular subscription to make the nro-
tect a Nucces. and we bop it will
This nation was conquored and taken
prisoner in 1873 by Europe, without
fireing a gun.
The president ought to dispatch a
f(ecial envoy to Spam with instruct
ions, imploring thatvernment not to
declare war against a fourth rate nation
like the United stales.
I lad a battleship of England, France,
Russia, Germany, lia!y or any other
of those foreign nations lein blown up
in llavan harlior as was the Maine,
Havana would have been dislroyed e're
The administration done every thing
possible in its power to make the Spanish
government understand that the U. S.
government is'nt going to light against
the wishes of the money power, also M.
A. HannaandMr. Bowtell of Maine, who
represents them in congress.
Some of our loyal citizens seem to
think that if the United States was to
undertake to chastise Spain for blowing
up the battleship Mtine. we would have
more than we bargained for. They ncv-
such patriotism in this nition except,
Grover Cleveland and ux-i-ec rotary of
date Olnev.
To confirm he truthfulness of what
M. A. Banna says, "their will be no war
between the United Stales and Spain,
we quote president McKinloy.
"You may rest assured there will
not be war with my consent, except
for a cause which will satisfy good
men here, the nations of Europe and
almighty God."
The Republican paers, who are fright
ened to (tenth over the mire defeat of
gold standard party in the next congress
and the routing of McKinleyism in 1900,
are trying to make the reform forces be
lieve that ths 18 to 1 idea is dying out,
and that is the only reform issue the
democrats fg vor, which is as false as the
blackness of night. As a representative
of the democratic parly, we point with
pride to the Chicago platform of 1H90.
Ur in Sioux county. Neb., nothing has
Iwen eliminated from that platform by
the democrats.
The following is cliped from the Cin
cinnati Inquirer, and is Uken from a let
ter written by a survivor of the Maine,
and who is a defendant of admiral Bain
bridge: " Dear Tom: what do you think of Mc
Kinley now? Evidently our president is
a strict constructionist of the scriptural
command to turn the other oheek for se
con limiting. He carries the matter fur
ther,, for he has already been smote on
both cheeks, and now turns the nations
"There are several survivors of tne
Maine now in Key West, and tney say
that the ship was certainly blown up by
tho Spaniards. If we had anything but
a figurhead at the bend of the Govern
ment we should have blown Havana off
the edge of the island the day after the
explosion. You understand I am not
spoiling for a light, but it is exasperat
ing to think that the infernal Spaniards
can murder as many of us as they like
and then we do nothing but lay here at
Key West and load our guns to prevent
them from demolishing the
If the Maine had been an English ship
the English would have had surveyors
there now trying to find out where Hav
ana used to stand, but we are a peaceably
inclined nation, Just write to say that
you made a fool of yourself by voting for
McKinley, at whom the whole world
is openly laughing at present."
Young Kicharuson is a lineal descen
dant of Admiral Bainbridge, the naval
hero of the early days ot the republic.
In The County Conrt ol Slom County, Ne-
F JoMS II. llaWS, LSCSABtO. I""'
Ordik Foe Heakiso Or Fimal account.
Now on thfl sth day of March, 1H9S. cainn
ANNIK IIROW'N, the Administratrix nf
aid LstaU, anil prays for leave to render
a final account as such administratrix. It Is
therefore ordered that the 4tn day or April,
IsW, si one o'clock p. m.. at my office, In
Harrison, Nebraska, be fWed as the time
and place for examining and allowing such
account. And the heirs fif said deceased,
and all persons Interested 1 i said Kntate,
are required Ui appear at the time and
place so designated Hud show oituso, If
neb exists, why said account shoulit not bu
allowed. It Is further ordered that the
said ANNIK HltOWN, Administratrix, give
notice to all persons Interested In said F.n.
late by causing a copy of this order to be
published III TIIK Hloi.'X COUNTY JoliHKAI,, a
legal newspaper printed mid In general cir
culation In said county, for tour weak
prior lo the day set for said hearing
Ifetnd inarch "th, MM.
A true wpy.
Robert Wilson,
33JSJ County Judge.
Sheriirs Sale.
iiy virtue of an order of sale Issued bv the
Clerk of the District Court of the county of
Siou x, and state of Nebraska, upon a decree
rendered by bald Court in favor of J. K.
Woodruff pluintiff, and John Meinhart,
Jovcphiiie Meinhart, Lewis Huffing, Mrs.
Lewis Hurting, wife-of j-ewis' Rutting, whose
true christian name Is unkuown, and W.J.
liowdcn, defendants, I will oil the 9th day
of April, A. I. ltf.W, at the hour of 2 o'clock
p. m. of ald day, at the east front dour of
the court house, In Harrison, In said county,
offer and sell the following described real
estate towit: The SE", of Section 32, Town
ship S3, itange 14, in Sloui county, Nebraska,
at public auction to the highest bidder for
cash, to satisfy said order ef sale, In the
sum of t-Vti. 43, with interest thereon at the
rate of ten per cent, per annum, from the
Gth day ot December, 1H97, and costs and
accruing costs. Thom 8 HoLLr,
Sheriff of aid County.
Slicrifrs Sulc.
By virtue of an order of sale issuod by tne
Clerk of the District Court of the county of
Sioux, und state of Nebraska, upon a decree
rendered by said Court In favor ot Haraee
0. Kan ton, pluintiff, I-orenzo D. Harmon,
A. L. Onnsby, trustee, Frank Donley,
Isaac A. I'ratt and Francis E. Pratt, defend
uuts, I will on the 9th day of April, A. I). 189s,
at tho hour of 1 o'clock p. in., of seld day
at the east trust door of the court house
In Harrison, In said county, offer and sell
the following described roal estate to wit:
The S W'i of section 5, Township St, Runge
M, in Sioux oonnty, Nebraska, at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash, to
atlHfy said order of sale In the sum of
$431.21!, with interest thereon at the rate of
ten per cent. $er annum frum the 6th day
of December, 1W7, and Costn and uccrulug
costs. Thomas lfoi.r.r,
Sheriff of said County.
Sheriffs Sale-.
Notlco is hereby given that by virtue of
an order of hhc to ma directed Issued by the
clerk of the Distrlet Court of Sioux county,
.Nebraska, in an action ponding in said court
wherein (ieorjfe . 'lurnpris plaintiff and
George W. Cohii, Mrs. (icorge W, Cobb whose
true christian till me Is unknown. Farmland
Security ' 'oiiuny Ami C. Davis, and Mrs. Asa
C. Davis v bos christian name i unknow n, are
defendants, I will on the '2f,tb day of March,
Isiis, at 3 o'clock p. m. of said day at the
east door of the Court House, tn Harrison,
Nubnwku, offer for sale at public vendue
the following described real estate, to wit
The South lmlf of the North East quarter
and North half ot tho South East quarter.
Section 21, Township 34 N of Range IS7 V. of
the llth principal meridian In flhvux county,
Nebraska, U) satisfy a decree of foreclosure
entered in said cause by our said Court at
the regular .November A. D. Is97 term of said
court, to w it : on the (ith dav of December
1X97, wherulo our said court round due to the
said plnlntifl, (ieorgc H. Turner tho sum
fH.Wwith ten per cent interest thereon
from said date nml costs, together
wilh an amount equal to 10 per cent, of the
amount so found due, and adjudged the same
to be a first lien on said premses, with
costs and accruing costs.
Said premises will be sold for the purpose
of satisfying said sums.
Notice To Non-Resident Defendant.
In the District Court of SIout County, Ne
The Farmers Trust Company a corpora
tion, plaintiff,
David Anderson and Dora Anderson,
To David Anderson and Dora Anderson
non-resident defendants:
Toil aro hereby notified that on the Sth
day of Febuary, IS'.IH, The Farmers Trust
Company, a corporation plaintiff herein,
tiled lis petition In Hie above entitled cause,
in the District Court of Sioux county, Ne
brmkii, nKuinst the said defenunts, the ob
ject and prayer of which is to foreclose u
reol estate uiortKaKO executed on the 1st
day of June, lsai, by said defendants upon
tbe property dlscrlbed as follows: The S K
of Section 'i-i in Township :0 N Rane 54
west In Sioux county, Nebraska, to secure
the payment of a proml)ry note for the
sum of t.il3, 'luo and payuble June 1st, lst4,
that there is now duo and payable on said
note and inortifsK" the sum of 4U7.:i4, with
Interest at tho rate of 10 per cent, per an
num from tho 7th day of Febuary, IHOs, for
which sum, with Interest plalntltl prays for
a decroe that the defendants pay tin; same,
and that In default or such payment said
premises may lie sold to s.itlsfy tho amount
found due.
Von aro required to answer said petition
on or before the 4th day of April, lHKS.
Tin FahmesS Tut Co., Plaintiff.
Hy W. W. Woon, A ttorney for plaintiff.
NhcrlfTi Sale.
By vlrtne of an order of sale Issued by tho
Clerk of tho District Court of tho county of
Rloux, and state of Nebruka, upon a decree
rendered by said court In favor of William
If. Male, Ilonjainin (jrshani, William HaJJi
Jr, and Harris II. Hayden and against A, K
Oates, administrator of the estate of Albert
II. l'lnneo deceasdl Kosetta I'inneo, Roy
Plnueo and the unknown heirs of Albert II.
l'lnneo deceased, I will on tho 2th day of
March, A. D. lws, at tho hour of 11 o'clock
a. in, of said day at tho east front door of
the Court house, In Harrison, In said coun
ty, offer and sell the following described
real eststo towit: Tho South half of the
South east quarter of Section 'CI, Tho North
half of the Noren east quarto! of Section 27,
Township 31, Range 53 west. In Sioux comi
ty, Nedraska, at public auction to the high
est bidder, lor cash, to satisfy said order
of sale In the sum of I353.M), with Interest
thereon at tho rata of ten percent, per an
num from the 13th day of April, lsu7, and
costs god accruing costs.
Sheriff of said county.
If our government can Induce Spain to
refrain from declaring war against the
United State then we will be safe.
The Jourkai. win publish yourbrand, ike
the following, for '.!:, per year. Kadi ad
ditional brand 7i cents, farmer or
ranchmen In Sioux and adjoining counties
mould advertise their brands In TheJoub
KAI. as It circulates all over the state. It
may be the means of saving money for you.
On left side of cattle and on left
shoulder of horses.
Range on Antelope creek
I: 0., Gbllchrlst, Sioux Co., Neb.
On left side or hip of cuttle, j
On left shoulder of hordes. )
Range on the bead ol War bonnet
Addresn Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb.
shoulder of .cattle
On left
Range on I.ittle Cottonwood
Crawford Nebr.
Fiual Proof Sotices.
All persons having final proof notices in
this punier will roceive n marked copy of the
pler-aud are requested to examine tho;..'
notice and u any errors exist report the
SiUJie to tliis ofhe-e at once.
V. S. Land Office Allianee,
February fti, IS!.
Neb. 1
Notice is hereby (riven that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his inten
tion t i make final proof iu support of his
OlHltn, and that said proof will Is; made be
fore M.J.Blewett, Clerk District Court at
Harrison, Nob., on April Sllh, W, viz: Wil
Ham og of Harrison, Neb., who made H. K.
Ho. 951. for the H-W.8-KH, HK H-W', Sec
tion 4 and S-EK-S-EK, Section 5, Township 20
1 Range , w.
He names the following witnesses to prove
bis continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, vl 7. : W.ll. Earnest, Wil
liam Hough und William liourett, of liar
riHon, Neb., aud Henry Ilrundlgu, of Olea,
Neb. W. J. Wkiis Jk,
U. S. Land Office Alliance, Nob. j
Febuary 21, 196. I
Vn.t.a ta tinpol.T, trlirtm tl,t thtt fnllnidnff
... ij.'i. ' ' v.... .........
nu...u.l ...... In,- 1kiu n..llnunf hty nt,m.
Hon to make tlnal proof in support of his
eiaim, anu inai sain irooi win iru iijmte uw
fore M.J. lllewett, Clerk District Court at
Harrison, reo., on April, xnu, wj?,, viz:
11. ....... I r.r ll..l....i V.-..K ulwt
Il.'lll J l. Ill uuiiii.ii, ill 1 1 111 l inuii, niiu
made H. E. .Ne. IWJ5 for the KS-Wy and
'-iii nuwuviii r, juiTiiani uw
Kan go M W.
11.. Oi. Inllnvtli. lv'il)in.aA. tn
prove his continuous residence upon and
euiiivai.ion oi saio ianu, vijst i:wmut-i-lach,
(Iharles ltiehle, John 1'luiiket and
Charles E. Shllt, all of Harrison, Nebraska.
J. W. VV Ell n JK, liCKlSLttr.
a.'..' -
L. S. Land Office Alliance, Neb. (
Febuary 21, 1S9S. (
Notice la hereby given tkat Herbert S.
Woodruff.ol Livonia, ,V. Y., has tiled notice
of Intention to make final proof befor M. J.
Blcwett, Cierlt District Coart, at his office
In Harrison, Neb., on the 2nd davof April
IKW, on timber culture application No. 1594,
for the S-E'i of Section No. 1, In Township
No. 33 N Range No. 04 V.
He nunes as witnesses:
John W. Hi json. John W. TMd, William F.
Hlxson and Henry C. Hunter, all of Adclla,
.Neliraska. J. W. YV Ell v J ,
U. S. Land Ofllcc, Allinnce, Neb. (
Febuary 21. MM. i
Notice is hereby given that Maggie Wun
ier of Adclla, Neb., has filed notice of inten
tion to make final proof lieforo M. J. Blew
ett, Clerk District Court, at his office in
Harrison, Neb., on the 2nd, day of A prll 1S3S,
on Umber culture application No. 1M12, for
the N-W'4 nf Section No. 'I, In Township No.
33 N Range, No. M W.
Sim names as witnesses: John Scrres,
Paul Serres, John F. Meyer and Anton Mo
fein, all of Montrose, Nebraska.
Also, that Andreas Wander, of Adclla,
Jlch., has tiled notice of intention to make
Anal proof at the same time and place, on
timber culture application No. 1015, for the
9 E',, of Section No. 3, in Township No. 33 N
Range No. M W.
lo names as witnesses: John Scrres, Paul
Scrres, John F. Meyer and Anton McKem,
all of Moatrosc, Nebraska.
Also. Audrew Wnnder, of Adclia, Neb..
who made II. K. No. 3317, lor the 8-W'4
snd S.E'i N W' of Section 11. Townlhlp 33
N Range M W.
lie names tUs following witneste.s to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz: John Serres, Paul
Serres, John F. Meyer and Anton MoKcin,
11 of Montrose, Nebraska.
J. W. Wins Jr, Register.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notico Is hereby given that by viltue of
en order of sale to me directed Issued by
tho clerk of the District Court of Sioux
County, Nebraska, In an action pending in
aid court wherein George II. Turner Is
plaintiff and Georgo W. Cobb, Mrs. George w.
Cobb whose true christian name Is unknown,
end Dakota Mortgage Loan Company are
defendants, I will on the 26th day ot March,
im, at 8 o'clock p. m. of said day at the
east door of tho Court House, In Harrison,
Nebraska, offer for sale at public vendue
the following described real estate towit:
Iits one (I) and two (2) and the cast half
of the north west quarter of Section 19,
Township 34, N flange M W.of tho tllh princl
cipsJ meridian In Sioux county, Nebraska,
to satisfy e decree of foreclosure entered In
laid cause by oar said Court at tho regular
November A. J. POT term of said court,
to wit: on tho 8th day of Docomlior, IMJ,
wherein our said court fuoint due to tho
said plaintiff, Georgo II. Turner the sum
042X3 with ten per cent Interest thereon
from said date and costs, together with
an amount equal to 10 per cent, of tho
smountso found due, and adjudged the same
to be first Hen on laid premises, with
con It and accruing costs.
Ssld premises will be sold for tbe purpose
of satisfying said sum.
Thomas IIou.",
Slier Iff.
If you don't believe what he says go
take a look at those 500 pairs of Boots
& Shoes just arrived last Tuesday, and
you will see he is warring with every
store in the north-west. You can buy
foot-wear of him cheaper than at any
other store in Harrison.
Fresh Garden
' e Head quarters for HARD-WARE, TIN-WARE, DRY-GOODS an
dlSU, GROCERIES, FLOUR and FEED and everythiug needful & useful.
D. H. QRISWOLD, Cashier.
Transacts a General Banking Business.
Akuucan Exchange National Banx, New Yortt,
OMAHA National Bank, Omaha,
First National Bank, Chad rem.
Interest Paid on Time Deposito.
Flour and Feed of all kinds
at my harness shop.
Third Building West of J. II. Barters Grocery Store.
EGGERT R0IIWER, Proprietor.
The best of Wines, Brandies, Whiskey
and Beer kept constantly on hand.
I handle the Omaha Beer.
Proprietor. .
NewTime." Let me take those loadstorn
Seeds for Sale.
c r.
Co i ru,
Editors it 1. 0. flower
Trcdtrlck Uptea Jtdiat
Monthly, too Isrge pages,
llhulraled, not a dull fine in
ll, It Is lighting your fight;
It deserves your support.
Our dollar ft vesr. locents
your backs" a copy: sample number mailed
Fifth Ave., CHICAGO