The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 03, 1898, Image 7

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    ia'.1 I M- Hi 1 I aTaalai'l '
- Till 1-ugiil.fc
Why doesn't Hun tstuart turn in ami
K both of tbeiu?
Mr. Orbett il still willing to meet
Mr. Fitfiuimons in a 24 page newppaper
lor a purse and ai-Je la-t.
It niust be con 'edeJ in Fitznirnuiona'
favor that lie makes no .rebiw of
iae "wedded to hia art'.'
' Fitsiinmoiia giya Oorbett ie a cur,
and Curbed cays Fi; numinous is a pup.
Tliat ought to iiiBure a dog fight at least.
Very Painful
totild Not Move Without Great fsufTerliig
Hood's Cured.
"My shoulder and arm were very
painful ith rlieurnaticrn go that I could
hardly move thern without sireat miller
inir. I have taken four Ixi'.t'.en of 1 1 . i
Faraapa illa and now find myself free
from rheumatism." Mhn. Msiiy A.
Tuckkr, 4"i4 Ninth St., Red V in, Minn.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the hot-In fact tli One True Wood ruriflcr.
11omJ' I'itis eurfi sick heudai-hc. 2o ec n m.
Fix this fact in your memory: The
Burlington Itouto is the shortest;
quickest ami cheapest lino to Seattle (
and Tacoma,
Only 2 days, Omaha to INijfot Sound.
Ti'-iift ! nfTirs of fonn'-ctinir Wufn.
Klondike foMcr. t'tiritnitnn li psifi M
pwttrai ltlfmnatton Mel HM llp-ij-lftlr
uiAp, will t nti in st(tins.
J. fra.ur.ia, (((-imtr! l'aKfiir Agent,
Ouinhd, Neb,
iihn' fain are VUrrantl U Prodor.
X. !uf , f ' fit fit i1 l' MnU iM li .rl
rt rawing 2 W buH)s r- in fafir, J. K-nii
M,i.lrH, ITi It n, t)rlfT. ti'i P f-r,s
kn4tli, laws,. h f ( -.f 1 1M tuatt tr ai
II pkrtrvf rr farm H f .t.'l Vft-Ji,
!'tutm- Wi bttt.
,4 . '-Ott)t
a4t, ftliiDg,
3fF' iuns, be.
fl('tiV rffV ffl lh hjir,1.t e.l.rma
Subitfttjlfi will J j ,jpp ,(nt. Ak tr
it-tt t thtx urana romm! sir ker
It is enf(rly nw. If nof fur sai In
your town, writ (or ouloruf to
A. t Tc iWl iV Mrtv-.r. Clj..,
, "krriinnnl rrmn
i ? BEST In Hie world. iinii
ioihnr an COOD; '
"ranted In I. a lv fur th
f I Prelttml lxik In r1 n C C
. all Hi" woridr lUlai
JSEEDSt''"1! up for lari-pm it'is
O Heiid jriinm and n-la t t nam" fin
JL lm)r Beutllul lllmlrilrd Catloiuc.
"TWR.H.SHUrVIWAY.Rockforcl, III.
Wwlabtgi 1W,100 DtffCBi 2
-Biara, ana btc uflr j
rig uu.r u-fii.h, fv
Hvriam Ttirnlp. lfto 1
1 - b,mt
am arc k (,'iumhr. 0e
Qtio Virt'irtalttaM, 1U)
Kloodrk Malun. )M
jainbo til ant Ooloa,
rtihaal lr b1a, Uu
Wtwtk fr 1 4 Mate. .
AboMkft, wnrtb tl Ut. trill ,
tall Jon fra, logathar wltb our i
graat Piaat aad i Oataloaua 3
apoa rtwaiut of ibia aotlra and Tin.
Bxataga. Wi in ita toor Iran aod
loot ir baa ran onca tr Aal(i I
aaadiroa will aarar gat aloag with- I
Bbl.OaiaUgaluaaaa. fTo.C.K'
UlHI ttl to., La cmilfiaV, wia. j
a i
Plants $1.50
par tkMa4 an4 up. 1? 0e I'Mrh Trs 1
audop (mil iirnrt Hd(. ii.i4 p. r tbou
ajtd Ask fwdlng. p-r ItaoiiMnS Alarm
aastyelall tlndiof tdlnlr wll ruou4,
Itm to nuns, m l itrlrtljr Int-cllM BurMrr
ttoak. Wrtia lor Prlrs l.lnl to
kOaHMIAM MVHMKKIB, Bcraolds. Nsb,
fiardm t Flewir
with a world-wlda
rspiilailnn. Catalog
IVra la all.
Jain 1.1. CIKVOBf ADUH.BsrkUktas.aaM.
Life! Life! Life!
fetlcr1! rarholaf of lodlns r'nrkat Inhaler.
tMrsaiMS to rurr f: ATAHftll twl Ursarhitla.
idlrunlM Mi mallll.uO AS4rw
W.U.SkllTM ., I'rw,. MaVaJa, M.T.
at Tsnr fsaalsa
paaaMasBaaajaBaaaBiaiBBBB wlwv
TkS kast 14 Hops Roofing for
la. aarn. ft., eaos and nn
iMludad. kuuallluUs for Pl-
pr. urn
sr. atsalas frsa. rm WA1 Manilla
3 k
1 I
-! Of Okaaslssk, H. J-
Klondike NuggrU.
It lKk aa though aitout all the gold
the Klondike can supply will be needed
to build the rail way and pay for tf
steamship linei that tre projected and
in prwed of creation to reach the o
kon valley.- Indianapolis News.
The discovery of a "dome ol
iold" north of the Kio-id k", where tha
ore assays from $10.0 0 to $.'50,000 a ton
has an appearance of o-erproduction.
No seiinihle argonaut is uxious to spoil
the market. St. Lewis Globe-Democrat.
Tha Olive Tree.
The olive tree is supposed to hays
been originally a native of Greece, but
it ia mw rjataraliz.-d in the south of
Fiance, Italy nd Spain, where it hai
been extensively cultivated from Urns
immemorial for the oil expressed from
he fruit. Tne tree at fans an aim il
incredible atre. Near Eerni, in th
Vule of Marmora, is a plantatlou about
two miies in extent of very old trees,
supposed to be the same trees mention
ed by I'liny art growing thern in ths
first century of the christian era.
The Urgent iiiat-s of pure rock salt in
the world lies under the province of
( iallh-eia, Hungary. It is known to b
550 miles long, 20 broad and 250 feet in
a mum i ( ii;i;s Aiiiiri 101
Fr ma the li'iiuh'v an, Vrrtaillrt, Ind.
The Tin kers of Versailles. Iud., like ail
fond pari'iits, are mmplte!y wrnrKl ur
in tii"ir tliildreu. Tbelr danrtuer Isac
lias Ki'eii them much concern. Khe
rif'wii, and from a strouif, health y gin,
iiiri' .Trs airo, li.vl hi'.nine wok and
kopt fnl'inir off in ft h, until sh be-'w.m
n mere skeleton. She wer.ied to hare no
life at all. Hnr bl'Mril be'.ni impure and
finaily she beeaine the Yi'-ilra of httou
priuftniiion. Io-lom did nt hs!p br
Most of the time she was confined to bed.
was verv nervous and irritatli, and sea
ed on tlio verpe of St. itus' dani-.
"One liioniiiiK," said Mrs. Tucker, "tin
doi-tor told tis to five her Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pain People, which k
brought wltb him. lie said b was uat
Disrumi-ri Dinr Dah'cr'i ( e for Rirurt
injf a similar cav with these pills mi
they were rurtig the patient. We begaa
Kiviiiit tlie pillii and tile next da roiiJd
ee a rhaiiK for the better. The dxtoi
came ami aa surprised to see such t
iinii-o'enie'it. lie told us to keep giving
Ip-r tlie medi'-ine. We if ve her oue piu
after co eh meal until eisht boiea had
tn-e-n used, when she was we1!. She has
not been airk s.nee. and ue tiave no fear
of the old trouble retnrnimr. W e think tin
cure aitnotot in i ' a.-uloin."
FRANK I I t'Kf.ft,
Siibseriheil iiiifl sworn to before me this
''Mh dar of April. H!i7.
lil tlirjOHNStiN. Jimlice of the Pac
TUene pilla are wonderfully effective is
the treatiueiit of aJI srnwnif from
l iipure bloxl, or shaitere! ne.rr for
They tire ailsiled to young or old, an
may be bad at any drug store.
Why does a small boy invariably miss
what he throws at when there is a pane
of glass back of it?
Hainan wrongs you, there Is two
ways to (jet perfect revenue forgive and
forget him as soon us you can.
Mother Cray' bweet Powders for
Miccessfullv ufed by Motherfiray.nurs
in the Children's Home In New York,
cure i-'e.verihhiiPKS, Bad Stomach, Teeth
ing ninorders, move and regulate ths
Bowels and destroy Worms. Over 10,006
testimonials. They vver nil. At all
druggists, '25c. SHnijile l'KKK. Address
Allen S. Uimsted, Le Hoy, N. Y.
Talent frequently desuends from fath.
it to son ; genius descends from heaven
How's This.
W offer One Hundred Dollars rswar
for any cse of caisrrb that can not b
('red by Hall's atarrh Cure.
K. J. CU h.N EY A 00.. Tolsdo 0
We, the umieraignyi havs known K. J
Cheney for the last IT .tars, and beltsvr
him j ertertiy honorable In all bnamew
iratisactioi s and linsuclaljy abls to carry
out anvohliKaiiona mads by their firm.
W kut t "Jarx, Wholesale druggists
I 'nledo, ')., Wa i.oisa, Kinsas k Marn
V hoieale dniKi'ti, Tolsdo. 0.
Hall's t'atarrli Curs is takan Internally
acting directly upon the bio d and niuooui
surtaees ot the system. Ternlmonlals sent
tree. Price 74o. per bottls. Bold by ail
The office of true wit if to discover
truth, and to show it up' in a new and
concise manner.
Pine's Onrs for Consumption Is the beet
of all cough curn. tleorga W. Lots,
Pabucher, La., August , IMS.
The grave is said to be the end of am
bishun, but I hav often seen it airing
itself on its tomhstun.
It Keeps tha Feet Warm and Dry
And la the only cure for Chilblain
Frost Bite. Damp, 8watlu rrL
Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allan's
Foot Ease, a powder to tie sbakea lot
the shoes. At all druggists and ataa
stores, 25c. Sample sent KB KB. Ad
dress Allen H. Olmsted. fKoy, N. T.
Tb world, after all, judges kindly,
and ia more often deceived in Its over
rates than in its underrate!.
Mra. tVlnlow' -ooi iiiku hrsor for eatlA.
ten ttetkdns, vfini its suur.t. rsd'ices tDflsss
uiatlou, si.ayi pain, turn wind colta ibe twills
One ol the visitors to tha Tennessee
Centennial was a Rutherford oounty
man, eighty-one years old, wh aatll bit
trip to the Nashville exposal a, kad
never bean on a railroad train.
Tas hasauvs nnins QnlsSa TSAUM, Al His Si
ssruai Mm aMassll li falsi loeat. 0m.
Black, bine end red Ink need In tHf
bu nubile echool bag been found
eooUln gfllerobet, When seientileniey
developed, inay prove lets to ntloe itn
in tour Aeya.
CCTtfllD sssklr Seas fas aWk -UvsaMaas Wj
Ullsfilll as." asr Vai e OS., sal -. IVf
V f i fi 1 ill rur
The I.lttle Bchool ma'am.
Bpeak of queen and empress.
Or of other Indies rojal.
Not one of them has lint? tne power,
Or subjects linlf so loyal
As she, the little schoolina'am,
Who riis alone the way
To tnl;e the chair she makes a throne
At 9 o'clock each day.
Her rule Is ever gentle;
Her tunes nre low nnd sweet;
She is very tr'i nnd tidy
Fnm her head unto her feet,
And it matters very little
If her eyes l,c hro n or blue;
They aimply rcml your inmost heart
Whene'er she looks at you.
The children hriiijc hor presents,
Ite-1 iiiiplen, (lowers jjalore.
For all the merry l.nys ami K'ris
Th is Miee!i ef tl-eiis adore.
'The rl-irlii a little n'hoolma'am,
Who r ilih v it I'elit II peer
In a hundred lin.r,and (lass rooms,
'Phis t';ly Hyine; year.
Hlim lci-H in F xu mi tint ioiia.
School .' :i tnlnat!o:iH and coiiiposltlon
writing produce funny rveult the
world out. An A u-1 1 ian tem-her has
recently published la Vienna a book
called "Humor in the School," which U
tiiailc up of iu--:a!!c,-i of bluu'ler.s col
leclcd In the -Siislrian scIuhim. 'J'hc
mind of the Auslri.ati public school pu
pil, Judging from the Instance contain
ed In this Irools, Is of a peculiarly limpid
nnd artlesM character. In an exanilna
tlon in history a pupil was asked, "How
mnny coalition wars can you name?"
"Four," he answered.
"Name them."
"The first, the second, the third and
the fourth."
A young lady who was required to
write a description of a ship ended with
the sentence: "From all these particu
lars we arrive at, the conclusion that
the ship may justly be called the camel
f the sea."
A student of natural history, treating
Df the hllieriintlon of animals, said that
"the marmot sleeps so soundly In the
winter that he does not. evm awaken If
be is struck dead."
The author of an essay on the "uses
rf animals," asserted that "the horse is
serviceable to man by his swiftness.
How many brave soldiers owe their
lives to the swlfmcss v.iih which their
horses have carried them away from
battlefields. "
A lsiy who was asked In an examina
tion, "What Is a cynic?" answered: "A
philosopher who lives a dog life." Nono
Of these answers are more remarkable
probably than that made by a school
boy In France. "What are marsupials?"
Iiskod the teacher.
"Animals which have pouches In
their stomachs," said the boy.
"Correct. And what do they have
pouches for?"
"To crawl Into and conceal them
selves when pursued."
Iteechcr's tethod of Heading.
Henry Ward Itoeeher was methodical
In hla reading for Improvement. He
said: "1 read for three things; first,
to know; what the world has done In
the last twenty four hours, and Is about
to do to-day; second, for the knowledge
which I PHpirlnlly want to use In my
work; and, thirdly, for what will bring
my mind Into a pn'r mood. Among
the authors which I frequently read
are Up Toquevll.Ie, Matthew Arnold,
Mm?, (iuyon, and Thomas a Kenipls.
I garher my knowledge of cirrrent
thought'f rom Issiks and periodicals and
from conversation with men, from
which I got much that cannot be learn
ed In any other way. I am a very slow
reader. 1 should urge reading hlHtory.
My study of Milton baa given me a con
ception of jiower and vigor which I
athewise would not have had. I got
fluency out of Burke very largely, and
I obtained a aonse vt adjectives out of
Barrow, beside the sense of 'exhaua
rJveDesa.' "
He he me Wa a Failure.
At the beginning of the school year
coriKW-al piinlwliment was abolished In
the Eighth Ward of Allegheny, Pa,
When the pupils became unnily they
were to be sent home. At a meeting of
the Ismrd held Ipc. 4, the vprdlct waa
unanimous that the scheme was a fail
ure. The momprat the pupils knew that
the teacher had loat power to apply cor
poral puntahment, control, to a certain
pxtent, was lot. rtinrtpala arid teach
ers advocated a return to the old meth
ods. 'Ilie board arrived at the same
Kdncatlonal Intelligence.
The railroad! of Florida granted a
special rate of one cent a mile to the
State Teachers' AsAoclaAlon at be
Indiana University ha chapel exev
rtoea btrt once e week, on which oocn
aion soai prominent minister dia
eoirreea on a ml table theme.
Harvard University baa shown a gala
of 15S atodetiU thla year, there being
over 4,000 to all, of wbtch 2,200 are la
th academical deparemeat aad 550 ia
eat ef tk lavw aa
I'ln l the
The proposition to tax Virginia digu
as a lively successor in the bill to tax
Virginia bachelors. K v. change.
Huring the past six months more
ban 4,000 claims of ti e discovery of
.old and silver in New York f-la'.e have
been filed at Albany. Troy Times.
A Pennsylvania rope factory ie to re
moved to Kentucky. We have all along
oeen confident that the lynch. ug busi
ness in that slate would sooner or later
a'.tract outside etitei prise and capital.
Why are borrowed bkates 80 easily
Why don't sailors uh6 cat boats during
Why can't one tail the bid's of a dog
i'h his lurk?
Why don't tl ev have buffet cars on a
train of oisnste-s?
Why is the sole of a sled called a run
aer when it merely slides?
by does a gun fail to do good exe
Juion when it haiiL'H fire?
Check-reins cannot become unfasten
ed iiecidoniiaily from a new holder
which is hinged to th" pad and spring"
npw.iid to receive the loop in the icin,
after which it ia pressed back against
the ; ml and held in a place by a tpring.
I have thought that things hypnotic,
Were a trilbj idiotic,
And I f-.-ar that some narcotic
Quite difiuu hie. and strong,
Or a pint of "O, he joyful"
Was turned down to till tliat boy full
And benumb bun like the "toiiu,"
Else he hasn't slept so long.
To dampen the clothes before ironing
Texas woman has invented a device
which consists of a wa'er receptacle with
a sponge attached to the nine, of the iron
nd wets the clothes as it slides along.
"I told my employer 1 had only 10
cents to my fame. What did he eaj?-'
"He trie) to borrow it of me."
fver 'I oo Sure
Against the probability or pos.sibilPy
of mischance or accident we can never
be too sure. But if we should stop to;
Consider how great is the chance of!
sudden den Hi, we would be made too!
timid and unhappy. Caution Is needed!
not to be foolhardy, and precaution oj
know what Is best to do when an acci
dent happens. One day this winter
two men were walking and one said:
"We're too timid in treading on slippery
places. 1 l road firmly ami never tninl;
about them, and so escape a fall."
"Never be too sure." said the other;
"It Is that that throws you off .ml
makes the fall Hie harder." .lust then
they came upon a place covered with
thin snow, where kin-, hud been slid'tii?;.
The lirst speaker slipped and came
down willi his tool iiiriied n'ei badly
sprained his ankle, lie was ;, cripple
on crutches until a short tun hav
ing used many thiius v ille.ii: bciielif.
I'p to that time he had "--d St.
Jacobs Oil. which, v. hi n cured!
him completely, so thai ie .ads as
usual. There Is a prohnl y that for
the rest of the sensor- he .-all; cau
tiously, with the pr , ;u : : having
this great remedy ri ';. i.
In a forlorn hop i a " . .n'a wit is
worth more than man's j'sd-.-ne nt.
'Jiie eiliior eslimaies Hint the In
crease in yields had by the American
fanner by planting's Potatoes
and new creations in Wheal, Oats, ("urn,
Rye, brasses and Clovers the past year
amouiib-d in round numbers to $."i(i.iiuo,
000. The reason of tills is's fann
and vegetable seeds ere bred up to big
yields. Is the largest grower of
grasses, clovers and farm seeds in the
world; 100. oi") barrels potatoes, $1.50
a barrel and up.
Jimt send This Notice with 10 Cent
to John A. Seed Co., I.aCi'ossc.
Wis., and gel their great catalogue and
eleven packages farm seisls, positively
worth $l'i, to get a stun with. e.u.
Why does a woman i.evr skip uneis
paper ariicle on "How to be beautiful?"
$400 Fun m:v nam rcs!
The Salzer Seed Co. want suitable
oames for their 17 inch long corn and
White Oat prodigy. You can win this
f 100 easily. Catalogue tells all about It.
Heed potatoes only $l..riO a barrel.
Rend Th is Not ice and 1 ) Cts. i n Stamps
to John A. Salzer Seed Co., LaCrosse,
Wis., ami get free their great need cata
logue and eleven new farm seed sam
pies, Including above corn anil oats,
positively worth $10, to get a start, c.n.
, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Ilyaiinis, Massachusetts,
was th originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same
tluit has borne and does now S &"? -ta." on every
hear the facsimile signature of (utxTciccU wrapper.
This is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been
used in the homes of tits mothers of America for over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
the kind yon, liave always bought tTTT- on the
and hat. the tignature ofC wrap
per. No one has authority from me to use my name except
The Centaur Company of which Chas. II, Fletcher is
President. i srf J
March 8, 189T. Q&-C X.
Do Not Be Deceived.
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute
whith some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies
on It), the ingredients of which even he docs not know.
"The Kind You Have Always Bought"
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed You:
ae eaavav eaatvaa, rt
... 1 U 4UIUUIS.
Mr. Gladstone's price for a review is
1 1,000.
Conan Dosle received $3.",000 for "Rod
ney Stone."
RiiBkin'B 61 books bring him in $L'0, i
000 a year.
-winburne, who writes very little, ,
makes f o.O K) a year by big poems.
Browning, in his later years, drew j
HOHIO year by the Bile of his works.
I in Maclaren made 3,000 out of The
eairiie B-ier Bush anil Auld La Syne.
Bo She Is to
A Woman's Knowledge
f , V(- c :'V;Jf) A woman understands women as a man never can hope
i-e "' "yi l'or n's reason Mrs. Pvdia E. Piukham. of Lynn,
Mass., now known
set to w ork
jt, A fterlontf and patient in
) tc Confirrucd her own cnucli
eitrhtbs of the Kiiirerlnys
! W
This was why she prepared her excellent Vegetable Compound, which
has been such a boon to thousands and 1 1c u sands of women. If you have
headaches chiefly at the top of the In ad, and ; troubled by painful menstrua
tion, dizziness, sleeplessness, backache, and ti.t.t bearing-down fec-iing, Lydia
E. I'inkham's Vegeta ble Compound will tone up your whole system. Mits. Chas.
D. EiiBKltT. 330 AVood St., Rcadiutr, Pa.,
t 4t.,. r., ....,...,!
11 Vtw Pinlli'im I e'l n ;;i e turtt T-rtliT
mp of the tinios and iron blt-s whicil I
t , i 1.1.1.. .i.-...
a very UUU Dm:, arm puzzieii me uocttir.
iaiien ana I nail lerrmie. pains in my
I could hardly walk. Mv husband went
ilv doctor, and he. tirescribed medicine
I found no relief, and grew worse instead
m, . , , j .
X ne oocTorexamirieo me aim vvuiiLeu
ojieration, but my husband would not
the advertisement, in the paper, I got a
ja. 1 lnktuuu s vegetatiie compouua,
taken half of the second bottle, I felt like a new wo
man. In all 1 lis-ve taken four bottles of your medicine, and can say that I am
entirely cured. I hope that every woman suffering as I did, will follow my ad
vice and take your medicine at once."
M RFir rir
To I lie. -WANSON KHKCMAT'C CtTJi CO . Chlrairi. III.: OEN'TI.KMKN: twill Rlamtliat I hail the Rlieu
niatim out 4" i.;hii' siient uK-r.tuOOOii in trying to vt well, but all I" vain, until no brutber.iti-law aav
niH '.,n bi'iiin Iil'oi'v" ,.n ti nl IwtJuno. 1 useil It for two month , anl ain nw a wll man. I curtain!?
IipIIcvk It Is all V"U in'mi (or I', anil fii lr worth Ihc mou. y lo icooii.'. I hope tlio public will hcuetlt by ouj
Haunoaat'ul uiy own ra I auuuwUldiwta writs mo will rerelvsan answer. N. Wittamoth.
It Kent. Ill . Nov. 12. 1A97.
SWANSON HIIKI M VIIC ClTiECO., 117 IWarborn St.,CMrai;o. Ill . sirs: My wile luMIMtonsulferine two
vnain wllh lihrniinalHin. sie coul I noi Kt about at all she lias uv il about one i.olheof -5 liBOI's.'' aad ran
now iro about witli-mi erutehen. l never have fountt anythinii that did her so much good, ami I h -pe to be abls
to continue i he treatment until he is entirely well. J ames VWi.i.iajh
AH a ninillvi) eure for f; lieumal ism, clatlea. Neuml.-la. Dyspepsia, Itaekarlie. Asthma,
Ilav I'ever atarrh. Sleeplessness, Nervousness. Nervous uri l Neur: luic HemlaelitM. Hear
Weakne.s. Toot too he, lUra. i.e. ( roup, ellinK, l.a (.l iipe. Malaria. Creepn.B aiulf
i.e,et.;.,etc, ..piyrr DROPS" has never been equaled.
llXZ nDflllo'l taken hut once a ilav Is a dose or this irreat remedy anil toenail's aM sufferera to make a
0 UnUrO trial of Us wonderful curative eroperlles, we will send .ait durlnic i..e next thirty days, too,.
OHO sam Pin hollies, 2rs: eaeli, iiosi oaid bv mail. Even a sample hot tie wi ll convince jou of Its mer.t 1J1 anj
clieai-st in ilk-ine on ear h. barite hot ties i:m Uwwil.Sl. fr :tO days a '! fr J2.TO. Not sold of
driiyffl-ta. only by us and our aiieuts. Airenls wanted in new territory. rite us to-tlay.
but hart told direct to the oon
laiier i-jr 'Z-i yean it whoU-
a1- pncei, Bavtnn
op.iiftr s prouta.
riorra lor exaruinatiuD.
K er? tin
ll.i BtflvTi at
5'i itrifi of ifarneea
Top Bu?pn-n f Hi
Surr-vs, - to 11
(rf. I'ft&ct'iDS, I rafi. Wafin
attfls, H Tin ne Kiad and Milk.
ft: TT. Btirr-r rTr-B-i. rr1cr. $16 00,
A (ood ft MtU for
Bear in Mind that "The Gods Help
Those Who Help Themselves." Self
Help Should Teach You to Use
Don't iron key Willi ie. lines and neiilect the ferm. Alonjr Willi votir other ernps thh S'prinp. sow
some well selected tittx seiol on your new treutul. Noi h i UR wi'l 1 .ay so well, 'the aereaun ia
gouiK tii lie Unlit, anil 1 lie u i e oucbt to I lnuh. There will tm a ll tier market at your door
than ever before. iMermiy jour crops, aim have more than one siring to your bow
For sowiiiR imrposes, will hf oit,.reil by us as loin bs Itie lasts. Our mill will consume
over a hall mil ion bushels in is'.w w rite for prices nml how to sow It.
Ol.ii I'Ikm I. Oroiiiul'eeil ( site, for stock, always on band. We also manufacture
the celclitated VVooilniau Linseed till, Hoileilatul Kttw.
Kslnhllshed iHTi. HIIIHIM tN I.INSKH) Oil. WOKKH, Omaha, Neb.
aorMv era
fill, la to Dulrylneu.
While it is an item to supply a gool
variety of food, all radical changes
should le made gradually.
Have you a cow that does not piy?
If you have, she should soon be made
ready for fattening and turced off. If
she lias a bad habit, get rid of ber. If
h 1 1 d ics not come up to the test, get rid
of ic-r. II she has borne and you are
c ,s"d to dehorning shut your eyes
ac : letiorn her; that is, shut your eyes
to entinipntaisin.
Thorn Not bo to a Woman.
Saves M r. Ebbert From an Operation.
all over the Knglitih-iapeaking world,
to help her sex.
t investigation, Mrs. Pinkham
usions, namely: thatseven-
nt-'.s of women are due to dis
orders of the uterine system. Reasoning-on this line,
she fu-.v that the only preventive of early breaking
down, was a specific medicine which would act
alone on the female organism.
testifies to the
md lei ne tins cored
had. Mp case was e
i u i..,a '(
iiy yvuuiu uau jp?TS
naca aiiumps. J.f--.i
to our lam- 'Cle
for me. but WJ.I1
of better. l JS.I$:T
r a-.9U3; TlWt'MS.
I'lpniurmiiii --w'" VT:
bottle of
ana ociore x nau
J 42
Orlnnll, twa. Nov. 17. 1R97.
liim tha
Mnp any-
U f 70.
( arna-
W attorn. Sf-nd for larfB, fre k 606Surrj. Prlee. with onrUfni lanpi, nt
CatJo(ua of all our strlea. ihaJe. atjrou and feodera, 60. Ai foo4Mfll turfas.
CO. W. li. I'liAl 1, ttco( EUkUiKT, IM.
The St, Joseph and Grand Island
Kansas City and Omaha Railways
Ana In eonneo- tt v e a .
tion with the Union raoino System
To California, Oregon and all Western Polnta.
For Information regarding rates, etc, call oa
or address nearest atcenlor 8. ML AnaiT,
W. 1'. Korinson, Ja., Ova. I'aaa. Art.
(ieu'l Manaaer. HI. Joseph, Mo.
How to rrow wheat at 4A a bu. andKIl biii. oaM'
171 Imih. trlr and 1600 hui. ixitntDva ber acra-
HVMKR fit R UUKAT CATAl.OUUK mallrd jmu
with 11 (ran ard anmnlra, upon r-alptaf
T II I ak Oil IM' aaiaal I ti I. .Ua..!
JjIMIN A. IUI.IN ftVK )'., Iii r ft OMR, win. ti.n.)
a maat aa a aa a aaa'
It hit for nDDatan)
tar,hara, 1 a flam iaatiaftft,
iiriia.ioai or tilt araitoajf
-I auqui
l " " 'oiaaa, ana not
mio. my on
N. N. U. NO. 480-9. YORK, NEB.
m la 1 laye, I
LmL-f Oaaraaw4 J
RC)7 aat w atrMtafa.
. . . .