.... nl mf trrr Hi t n - ' ' . , . , '1 if "1 L n Jl t'J .f r- -v V ft 5 I 's VOL. I-C -A2-R,IS02NT, '"HlTJst- MAHOI i 9c. 3iTO. 32, . 1 1 TV TRNAL 0 Ths Sioux County JoiirnaLi I KSTAnUSKL:!.) ItSl. 3Ui p? Subscription Price, fl.OC OFTICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. jfo. D. Canon, Kntnrvd fit Hurr'..fon pot office a? ecoacl cliua mnt.er. A Dnily I)!;-cst cf Siiuiusri VT.ir News C'otimicncliiif Monday, IVb. M!i. Tim lattle-hliip limine blown up hv RiMiiiUli merHmiK Throa ureU'bes br.t:-.i acnU to destroy the I'niU-fl Stat es i.atUo hli! Slaughter of Ameri cans (lelilx-iMtly j .liirin,-. Leckers cine. Secretary of the navy appeal to ron jrress for ;in auxiliary fleet nwl morn Marine. Gravity of the situation em phasized' liy nniisal exertion m:u!o to pet nil V 'im U in (I ''I i tint' trim. j Relief general! v enlcrtiiinoil thai. Spain xtaihls fairly will never consent to pavin any iml-mnity to Unitel States for tliernuitio di.sa.ster. rtiKMtKtt ka;asta Says Spain admits no alien intrusions or interventions in her own alfair, "We will tolerate nothing that may mean intervention, however indirect." Tuesday March 1st. i uoii.uoii, ior a better navy, that is i what. UeMvwfituive Bromwtll nrotx-wKK ! 1 1 , The Jones at. and xquartlij on the Chio igo platform, but will wot hcnitale to Hu'j.port and work for thv election of candidate for the various ojftces to be voted for thh fall no matter, whether they arc Democrat, Populist or free diver JiepuUicans, if endorsed hi all the reform par ties, conditional, hoirercv, that they ad locate hi-mctallim the income tax law, opposition to national ianls of usue, are opposed to the retirement of the (recnlacks and treasury not ex, favor government control of railroads, telcrraph and tele-1 taken to Key v phone anas and the establish merit of po dal xaviny bank ing tyttem, and aUo arc oj 'posed to the isyieiny of nation al bond in time of jieace. One of Two WaYs. TI:- bladder was created for one mr pose, namely, a receptacle for the urine, and as such it is not liable to any form of disease e.vq,t by one of two ways. The first way is from imperfect a'-tiou of the kidneys. The se'-ond way is from careless local treatment of of her diseases. ( im;r causj:. I'lihealthy urinj from unhealthy kid neys is the chief cau-e of bladder troub les. So the womb, like the bladder, was created for one pnrpos, and if not doctor ed too much is not liable to weakness or disease, except in rare cases. It is situa ted back of and very close to the bladdej therefore any pain, disease or inconveni ence manifested in the kidneys, back, bladder or urinary passage is often, by mistake, attributed to female weakness or womb trouble of some sort. The error in theliouse today. I is easily nuido and may be as easily avoid Appropriation is to buy new ships and j t('- T" "M' ol11- correctly, set your urine to arm and equip then; properly. Ob- The Republican Hold standard adminis tration, favor trusts at home and money lords abroad. The eight-hour law in Utah, was de clared constitutional by the United SUtes supreme court on the 2sth inst. Mrs. Lilian M. N. Steicris of Portland, Maine, has liecii choen to wear thecloak if the dead, yet ever living heroine Frari cis K. Willing. Acting pribicent iiautia, liai; nstirped a Hs;ht In-lonpc to coniwt that there will, or will not l o war w ith Spain that in a prerogative of conLcresn. The vultures devounn;; our brave sail ors bones! a si;ht to make the God's v.eep!- Iloes it .-em as if the true snirit of patriotistn burned in the breasts of all Americans? The womans temple is to b a .monu nient to the deul leader, and to I named Willard Temple, K n as the W. C. T. U. liquidates a certain amount of the pres ent encumberenco, already flHO.OOd have been secured. ject is to iruin footing "for immediate hostilities with any foreign power." Will the Maine board return? Navy department knows not whether moivi sessions ho held at Havanna. Issu ance of death certiticates lo the heirs of the dead sailors b.-in conducted. I! idles hi'i'e,ift.er recovered will hi t, where they will be fjivcii temporary interriwent. Wednesday, M irch '.'nd. Tics Americati battle ships at Key West and dry Tortillas, are ordered to be ready at the tap of thedrum for immedi ate action. Secretary of war, Lone;, in structs Ic'ar Admiral Sicard to prepare bis iniu'lity squadron for a piiek trip to Cuba. Spaniards fin tint hosts of sinking the battlcship'Maine. Wa.-.Iiitiirtnn author ities iinjiress.-d with the idea of an uprMne; in Havana by the Spaniards, against the Americans, residents there. Spaniards row bolder in Havana and an outbreak is expected when battle ship Vizcay arrives at that Port, Kvery thine; at this time looks very serious and will no doubt result in war sooner or lat er. Thursday March Drd. Spain will not bo implicated. The board of inquiry is expected lo return virdict without fixing the guilt, Span iards will nevertheless be held to account for the blowing up of the Maine, llelay c ountries to be the nolicv of the admin- j islration with siiipression of the facts. in 1119 cppinion of the JoLHNAl. there will no no war with Spain. Watch the future, it will liear us out, whether riyht or wrong. aside for twenty four hours: a hedirnent or settling indicates kidney or bladder trouble. The mild and t he extraordinary direct of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, the great kidney, ami bladder remedy is soon realized. If you need a medicine, you should have the best. At druirirists fi ft v "r bri.nd, ike Her vi.nr I. ...-I, ...i ' ' 4 - '' "r:"'" '-'leems. t-.very nirmer or "'' ';"'" '" H"'1 adjoiniiiB i-ountiM altm their I. ran, Is l Tiir.JoiK ..:. it -ireuIi,leH :iu m.-r tlic t.ite. n ..u lie tl:e mimn s.n iiitf money for you. , ; . I r ii.i u 1 ill). Jj itJ left side of cattle m,d oil left i-i? sbi.uidi r of borseu. tiiiJ! !:-1"eo Atitclopo creek J'. l., (luietirint, Sioux Co., Neb. ciiAi:t.i:s isiKiir.H. ln left side or lilp of ch! tie, ( lei L Hhuill'ler ol lior.ses. y tlie lieiiil 01 Wurboniiet "TTTj Address Uurrison, Sioux Co. Net). ST? S. W. CAKKV. Wi-PJ-'C4')n 'eft slioulder of tattio and ti.(ili!A)iltMi?eoii I.ittlc Cottomvood. l 'l. ., l uwlurd tdjr. just mmu I'iiiiil Proof Notices. All persons liiivtn'; final proof notices tn 01 -. pnT will reeelve n marked copy of the mier and Hie li.'iui'Htcd to examine thej. notice mid 11 any crroi s exiMl report the eiiuie lo iniMoiiu;e at once. NOTiCK YUU I'l T.I.lCATKl.N. ('. S. Lund (ifllee Alllnnce, Neb. Fidiriiary ll, ls'.H. Noltce i lierelir "iven tluit Mm following- nnineii neiiier 1111H 1 en noliceol i s nten tiun t i innke lliiiil iroof 111 suppnrt ofhis elililn, nud Hint suid proof K ill lie, iimde be fore M..I. tlli'wett, Clerk District Court lit cents and on dollar. You may have a p '"7 : '"'U r''.'' .,v!' No. Ii.'il. f.,r till) S-Wi, h-VA. Hi: .S-W U.Sep. tiiiii 4 and s K', S-Kij, section 5, Township '29 lie e m' inj . lie imnii's the following witnesses to prove h's eonliniions re.iilenee upon and eultivn tion of said hind, viz : V. H. Karnest, Wit liaiii liou1th iiinl Uiiliain liouret t, of liar rison, Neb., and l.ei.ry llrnndiKe, of Ijien, '""1U. . j, wkiiv ,je, l!et;i.-ler sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent free by mail. Mention Tltu Slot x Corx TV JufRXAl, and send yonr address to I r. Kilmer & Co., Iiinghaii..ton, N. Y. The propietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this olfer. Corliett, who was appointed U. S. sen ator from Oregon by the governor a, year 8go to succeed JKilehel, the retiring Miiator on account of the Jegislature fatling to elect, has been refused his eat in that august liody by a voto of 50 to 10. The administration, of course, will want to subnjit for arbitration the assassination of the 253 bailors and the blowing up of our battleship Maine in the ICavara harbor, like it did the money .question Boon after it came into power, to foreign powers probably witb aboutas much consideration for the rights of the American people. The crewned heads of Europe stand together, the stealing jof Chines teritory is proof of it. Russell Sage one of the Wall Street millionaires is the only capitalist who hag had American patriotism enough to , rise up and declare that this government iihould not hesitate to cliastiso Spain severely for the blowing up of tlio battle ship Maine. He is one of the iroM men who believed last fall that the houor and integrity of this country ought to be maintained by adhereing to the gold standard. He, evidently has the cour age of his convictions at heart, and, w ill tand by the government should it en gag in war with Spain. The boadsmen of ex-state treasurer Hartley have been released from having lo make fcood Hartley's shortages during hi. term of office, as a result of a long fought Ieg4l battle just concluded Jast wook. Tia liondsmen, it would seem to U (dwiuM have been released long ngo, whan tliu supreme court will turn a criminal laose for embezzlement of tweotyor UrLA thousand dollars, be- auwtjiey can, un they claim, llnd no law to punish liim, Hartley should, by all means be liberated am' he certainly has been "tmjustl" itcttverate,!. Kr, in H,o opinion ,f the J'itmNAL Mr. J;,ir. tley, is entitled to lif,), IMwrt.y and the pursuit of happiness as Eurrmie Moore, ;ind it would seem as if ho wan a murtvr nude so oy bin friend ' cut- M'arbonnct Warblings. J. f i. Merriam is busy these days t ng cord wood for J. A. Anderson. Wm. Slattery was a caller at O. A. CJarton's Tuesday. O. A. (iarton made n t rip to the north ern part of the county the fore part of the week. Mrs. Valdez visited at (Justave Nor- oisch's Monday. Ernest Lyon m:tde a call at J. W. Ricedorfs Friday. O. A. Oarton made a call at Mr. SUt terys Friday. Koio. Free to Our Jlt-udcrs. Our readers will be pleased to learn that the eminent physician and scientist, Dr. Kilmer, after years of research and study, has disco ved and given to the world a most remarkable remedy, known as Swamp-Hoot, for the euro of kiduey and bladder troubles; tho generous offer to send a bottle free that all may test us wonueriui merits without exjienso, is 111 itself sullicient to give the public con fidence and a desire In i.l.liln it Swamp-Hoot has an established reputa tion us me most, successiui remedy, and is receiving the hearty endorsment of all up-to-date physicians, hospital and homes. If Our llinn uni wswiien hdn.L.. are 1U neeil of a medicine of this kind no time should be lost in sending their name and address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Uing Jiamton, N. Y. and receive a sample liot tie and pamphlet, both sent absolutely free by mail. The regular sizes piay tie obtained at the drugstores. When writ ing please say you read this liberal offer in theHiorx Cotnty Journal. Siiorifl's Sale. Notice In hereby given that by virtue of an order of mile to inudireeled Issued by the clerk of the District ( ourt of Sioux county, Ncbnisku, In an action punMing In suid court whendn (h-orne H. 'Iiirnorls phiiiititr and Ceorjie W. Cohi,, .Mrs. Ceorge v. Cobb whose, true chriMiiin ihuiiu Is unknown, Karnilnnd .security company Asat.t.lluvis, und .Mrs. Asa C. liiivls Ihm christian name is link noun, lire defendant,., 1 will on the SCth day of March, 1"'.'S, lit 3 o'clock p. in. of said day at the cust door ol' the Court House, In llarrUon, Nebraska, offer for sale nl public, vendue" the I'oliowinK described real estate, to-wlt The South tin I r of the North hiist ipmrtcr HiidNorlh tniif ol (lie South K'it ipmrtor, Section U, Township 31 N of liauei-,',7 v. of the-idh prlncliml meridhui in Sioux county, Nvl.r111.k11, to satisfy a decree of foreclose enterod in suld cause by our raid Court, at the rcyuhir NovcmlHjr A. i). IsIlT term of suid court, to it : on the cth day ot lleeemlifr IS'JT, wlierein our said court found due to tl.f suld phimtifl, (,('i,rpi II. lurner tlie sum fs.tDwtth ten per cent interest thereon from said date and touts, together with an amount taiml to 10 orr cent of t. amount so found due, and adjudged tliu8ax.ie to tie a nrt lien on Bald premses, with costs and accruing costs Said prcnilwH will be sold for the purposo 01 Hatisivinif said sums. Thomas Hoi.i.r, .sherin.' NOTK'K H)l ri'itl.lCATKlN. I'. H. J.und Ol'lce Alliance , Neb. ( Febu.irv il, 1-Jd. i N'o1;ee is hereby pfven that the followin nnnied settler lias tiled tn.tice of bis intei tion 10 niiiiie ltnal proof in support of Ills claim, and tbut suld proof will be made bc lore M. J. lllcwett, Clerk District, Cmm at 11,11 1 isi, 11, r.ci,., on ,pru, 'jnu, js, viz: Henry I.ludeunin, of llnrrlson, Net,., wiio made II. K. yt.'.t.j lor the K'i S-WLj, and WC2 S KI,,, Section 4, 'J'onnslilp No. s N Kriiijc eli W, He niimi's the tollowlnr; witnesses to prove bin continuous residence upon nnd cuuivaLion 01 H.ti'l lunu, viz: l.'.ris (,er. liicli. chnrles liiehic, Julin l'liinket and Oiarh K. Slillt, all of Iliirrison, Nebraska. J. W. Wkiin Ju, Kegistur. TIMBER CULTUKE, FINAL. Y KtHlF. TICE FUH 1'UBUCATION. -.NO MOA M3N a8eoo y NNfiN moi a u imfi mna i 'itiiiiniii im.. ( 'HIUJA I 'mum mwm iiftocij 'oo v iiunn itSniijin tutu hiii.uti ,1 'filiMitirt jltiun.Mi joj i.iuoxv l..,.(i in, ..,H,l ll'l nut UIIVH lU'll'll'l. llrt ' ' 1 " V" - , 1 I -I ,'"! I,..f..l -V.IIIIII1IIIII1,.) DUU.lli:.( i.ic,ij. U' ,H"iiil li J.,in,inu ami .... - . ........... m,tJ nn ai.fiHl luiu uii)i1juhi, pu "Jim. Diiu.). auuiuy .Notice To Xeii liesiiU'iit beOndnnts. In the District Court of Sioux County, Ne liriiska. The KarmiTs Trust Company a corpora tion, plaintiff, vs. ' David Anderson and Dora Andersoi, dcfendantM. To David Anderson and Dora Anderson non resident defendants: Ton are hereby notified tlmt on the sth day of febuary, ls'js, The Farmers Trust Company, it corporation piaintiir herein, filed lis petition in the abov,. entitled cause, In the District Court of Sioux count-, Ne brssku, ngiUnst tlie said defenants, the ob ject and prayer of which Is to foreclose a real est,Ue mortgage executed on the 1st day of June, lsill, by said defendants upou tlie property inscribed as follows: ThnH-E of Section Min Township 5 N Itungo w west in Sioux county, Nebraska, to secure the payment of a promlsory note for the sum of due und payable Jim,, lm, isin, that there Is now duo and Payable 011 suld note unit mortgage the sum of WU7.:H, with Interest at the rate of 111 per cent, per al lium from tho 7th day of Kehunrv. isas fnr whlcli sum, with Intercut plalntill ,rays for ii nit, iiriuniiiuiu pay the iiuno, ami that In default of such nuvmenl .1.1.1 premises may be sold to satisly tha amount 101111U dun. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 4th dav of April, ls!. Tint Faumess Turner Co., I'hilntltr. ' liy W. W. Yoon, A ttorney for plaintiff. -;i'K Hand Offlce Alliance, Nob. I t . Fuuuary z, isw. Notice Is hereby glvon that Herbert 8. Woodruff, ot Livonia, S. Y., Ims Hied notice of Intention to make finul proof lu for M. J. Rlnwett, Clerk District Court, at his office In Harrison, Neb.,'on the 2nd dav of April, ls'JS, on timber culture application No, 159-1,' for the S-K'i of Section No. 1, in Township No. 33 N Itimge No. M V. He nanes as witnesses : John W. Hixsoiv, John W. Tldd, .Wllllath . Hl.vson and Henry C. Hunter, all of Adelia, Nebraska. J. V. Wkiiw J 1, Register. Shcrirs Sale. Hy vlrtHo of an order of sale itsued bj tho Clerk of the District Court of the comity of Hloux, and state of Nebraikii, upon 11 decree rendered by satd court In favor of William II. Male, llenjuinln (Iruluun, William Halls Jr, and Harris H. Ilaydcn and against A. K. (.aU.'S, administrator of the estate of Albert H. I'luneo deceasd Uosetta I'liineo, Hoy I'lnueo and the unkuowii helm of Albert II. I'inneo deceased, I will 011 tlie 3;th day 01 March, A. D. IWIs, at the hour of 11 o'clock a. 111, of said day at tins east front door of me court house, In Harrison, In said coun ty, offer and sell the following described real osUto to-wlt: The. South half f the South east quarter of Section IK, The North half of the North cast oiiHrtet of Section 27, Township., Kai,Ke.-slwrst, In Hloux comi ty, Ncdniskii, ut public auction to the high est bidder, lor cash, to natlsfy KM order of sale In the sum of eiiii.wi, with Interest thereon ut the rate of t pr crnU pp R. niuit Iroiu the ISth duvof i,.rii ,w.,s tooU and accruing costs. TI.VLKU (TI.TI UK, FINAL ritDOF.-NO-TICK FDIt I't'l'.LICATION. V. i. Land Olllcc, Alliance, Neb. J Febuary isw. i Notice is hereby given that Maggie Wun der of Adelia, Neb., has filed notice of Jnten. tion to make lliiiil proof Is'foro M. J. lllcw ett, Clerk District Court,, at his olllce in Harrison, Net),, 011 the 2nd. day of April 1SSIN, on Umber culture application No. l.Wi. for tlie N H''4 (if .Section No. 2, la Township No. :a N Kaiige No. M W. She names as witnesses: John Kerrcs, I'nirl Herres, John F. .Meyer and Anton Mo- Kein, all of .Montrose, Nebraska. Also, that Andreas Wander, of Adelia. Neb., has tiled notice of Intention to make final proof at (he same time and plaoc. on timber culture application No. lni.'i. for th s tij or Section No. 3, in Township No. 8 N Hange No. .4 V . He names as witnesses: John Scrros. pi,i Serres, John F. Meyer and Anton McKom, allot Montrose, Nebraska. Also, Andrew Wonder, of Adelln. Nch who made H. K. No. 3317, tor tho S-KI. 9 Wt ami S.K! N W14 of Section II, Townihlp S3 N Kangc 4 W. He names the follow ing witnesses to nrnvn his continuoiiH resldenco upon and cnlttva- tlon of said hind, viz: John Scrres, 1'aiil Serres, John V. Meyer and Anton McKein, all of .Montrose, Nebraska. J. W. Wkiin Jr, kegister. A car-load of Wheatland Flour at tho RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, at prices that will defy competition any vhere in the state. Tlii; RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE is Head-quarters for DRY-GOODS & GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, HARD-WARE & TIN-WARE &c, &c. Our iMo is, "LIVE and 1st LIVE" We need money, and tlie people need our goods, so corns in and nee how cheap we can sell you goods for cash. LEWIS GERLACH, Prop. THE COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHED 1888. Harrison, Nebraska. BANK. C. E. BP.KWSTT.Tt, l'residont. C. F. Vic-Fiidnt D. H. ORISWOLD, Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General Banking Business. CORRESPONDENTS .Amkrican Exchange National Rank. New York, Omaha National Bank, Omaha, First National Bank, Chadroa. Interest Paid on Time Deposita m ty DRAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. Hhorlirs Sale. .Notice In hereby given tliat by viitue. of nn order ol mile lo mo directed issued by tho cleric of the lilstrict Court of Sioux county, NcliraKka, in nn action pending In said court wherein (Jeorge 11. Turner la plulntitl and (iuorgn W. Cobb, Mrs. tieorge w. 1,0111.1 nose true cliristian nnnic is unknown, and Dakota Mortgago Loan Company arc delcndants, I will on the 2iitli day ot March, ISW, at 3 o'clock p. in. of Raid dav ut ih cat door of the Court llonsn, in Hurrtaon, NeliraskH, offer lor sale ut public vendue, the follow lug described real estate, to wit: lAiti one (1) and two (2) und the east half of the, north west ouurter of Sectli.n m Township :m, N ItangeM W. of tho (it h princl clpul lncrldliia In hionx county, Nebraska, lo sutlsfy u decree of foreclosure entered In una causfl ny our said Court ut the regular November A. I). Isj.7 term of said court. to wit: on the (It ti dav ol' Ix-i-i inbnr lk(.T wlierein our suld court fuond due to the said plaintiff, Ccorgn II. Turner 11m tl'.UiS witli tai per rent Interest thereon from Suid date ami costj. together unh mi nuiomit eiiiinl to 10 ner cent, of i,,. miionntso round due, and adjudged thunnnin 1. 1 nn a nrst lieu on null! iu-buiImcm. win, c.it and accruing costs. (Mild prcuilHcn will be Hold for the mu m... 01 Minifying said sum. HARNESSES 1 SADDLES SOLD AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, I ALSO HANDLE Flour and Feed of all kinds at my harness shop. Third Building West of J. II. Bartell's Grocery Store. EGGERT R0IIWER, Proprietor. THE EVENING STAR. The best of Wines, Brandies, Whiskey and Beer kept constantly on hand. I handle the Omaha Deer. MICIIAlvIv BRUCK, Proprietor. i"'t. It ,-.e!i A ,, .v...'.'w.y; Vc pay tho f rc-Iii ON TUJ.S ? 7'T O AFT Y 19, 1 v. f T ji ii!I;ciirR::''l''!it Western Iowa. you pay ron IT Willi A FIVE DOLL A H KILL (Imvii anil 3.1.0 J law uinulh. I'nlly Guaranteed for S cur. r v,',;:c rn,' rr!.i,1otl ftt))1 CaUlo-uo. W.-, will loll yen nil U c .i.-.vu l:o ii our frlotid aboat thl Bow Zl yours. ' , , ' '-.-it c" .' i':' A V. ,"rt. 1 li'csa, f " 5? L''- A. HOSPE, . OAJAilA, NEB. HV3A Ofl .s Thohab Uoi.i.t, t-hcTlil of uid eouuty. lllOMAS iroi.i,--, f-hcnir. , i " VST