The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, February 17, 1898, Image 3

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    "Nebraska llotce
A ttock company at Gordon proposes
to build an opera house.
A herd of antelope has been seen of
late by settlers near Lodge Tote.
An epidemic of disb mrer has appear
ed fmonij the horses at Hyannis.
Lincoln county has had almost snow
enough to inpure its wheat crop.
Scarlet fever in a mild form is having
the run of the town at Butte, Boyd
Mrs. Ed Cord of Emerson wai recent
ly granted a divorce, which included $16
Fremont people think they have a
ugar factory where they can put their
hands on it.
Two BHttle Creek residents shoulder
ed their picks the otherday and started
for Alaska.
Thirty youn;:men applied for member
ship in the newly organized Woodmen
camp at Fo-tter.
Qus Nelson of Lyons look a tumble
from the loft in his barn and broke both
rmi when he lit.
A lamp exploded in the residence of
A. T. Geyer at Willard and the house
went up in smoke.
Frontier county bad a cash balance of
13,000 in her fuvor when the new treas
urer went into office.
Belden, Ced u county, has secured a
newapaper, which all the people take
pleasure in patronizing.
Having no bridge across the Loup
river at Monron, the business men have
decided to put in a ferry boat.
Silas P. Berry, an old settler of Madi
eon county, died recently at the ad
vaced age of pcventy-eight.
A couple of elders from Utah have
been working Kearney for accession to
the "true faith" as expounded by Jos
ph Smith.
The Emerson Enterprise haa enlarged
to a seven-column quarto and rained its
ubscription price to $1.60 per annum.
It ia a great newrpaper,
Norfolk has the Klondike fever and
twenty citizens have signified their pur
pose to equip a man with $2,000 and
end him lo the front.
The farmers in the vicinity of Wayne
talk of organizing a farmer's mutual fire
Insurance company to operate in Wayne,
Dixon and Cedar counties.
The village council of Randolph haa
been petitioned to fix a license fee of $25
lor the protection of home merchants
Irom the itinerant peddlers.
Henry Jolts and A. V. Yorman of
Holt county are each minus an eye, and
one Is short a thumb as a penalty of not
being aware that the gun was loaded.
The ex-superintendent of schools in
Nance county was found short in his ac
eountt, upon which he went into the
lerk's office and paid theclaim without
a murmur.
North Platte people ire hopeful that
Ihe newly organized Union Pacific com
pany will bnild the proposed branch
line through Keith, Deuel, Cheyenne
and Scott's Bluff counties.
Mrs. Natha'ia Jung, living near Camp
bell, became a widow a tew months ago.
Her husband had $2,000 life insurance,
out of wh cii she has paid the mortage
on the home and has f 4K) left.
Ponca has given up all hopes ef being
the terminui o! a trans-continental rail-
way and has turned her attention to
mailer tiling and now believes she ha
a flouring mill within her grasp.
Upon the propo-ition to build a jail,
the commissioners of Franklin county
voted no. Prisoners will be farmed out
as heretofore until there is money
nouah in the treasury to pay for a
Frump Will Keep I'mre-A Mention Called
to Alaxka Attorney (ienrritl Jnventl
gatett the Knriiinc of Two Indian In
Oklahoma hy a Mtih.
The treasurer of Cherry
money on hand to pay off
county has
the bonded
tnaeoeteuitess of the county, and baa
(sued a call to the holders of auch ae
turities to send in the papers and get
the plunks.
A Gordon bum went into a drug store
the other day and helped himself to a
rVof turpentine, from a juir he eup
paeed contained gin. A stomach pump
was successfully applied to the saving
(his life.
H. A. Groves, an employe of the Oma
fca Packing company, fell off the perch
here be was working, a distance of
ight feet, and landed on his head and
boulders, receiving a fractured arm,
ollar bone, and internal injuries that
It is feared will prove Jatal.
There will bo new houses and barn a
t&lore built by farmers of Wayne county
this year. Many of them have paid off
their old debts during the past year
tays the Republican, and have unbouna
ed confidence in the future and money
with which to improve the farms, and
they will use it.
If you want a newspaper man to feel
good and really love you, say fbe Gor
don Journal, just drop in an I tell him,
Iter his paper Is published, a number
ui iuiiiid mo iijirni u ami which you
knew all the time. 01 We Just dote on
such friends. They help make the edi
tor's life interesting, though it doesn't
help the pa pi r.
Fred Thompson, one of the trio of
burglar who wai wanted for breaking
Into a s ore at Minden, Ia wm)t jr.0
Mogy'a plwuf at tvmtn Omaha, and ran
II the bootblacks into the street. When
Officer Hellsnd placed him nndor arrest
Thompson made a tlah at him with a
knife and tdccemled in cutting hia coat.
Be we speedily clubbed into aubmta
ion. Wakefield merchants have quit pat-
ronmn.' tue oil tr-iet and are selliug the
fcilef 'i licle fr,i oenUs ".lloo.
Washington, Feb, 8. A ci-eukr is
sued ly Siatistitan Hyde of the agri
cultural dej artment gives considerable
information concerning the cotton crop
of 1 8f t 97, its valu', the amount pur
chased by mills and the acreage planted
It sho a that the total crop amounted
in commercial bales to 8,532.705, made
up by the following states: Florida,
48,730; Georgia, 1.3SO.310; Indian Ter
ritory, 87,705 ; Kansas, til ; Kentucky,
414; Louisiana, 607,251 ; Mississippi,
I, 201,000; Missuri, 24,119; North Cnro
lina, 1)21,795; Oklahoma, 35,251; South
Carolina, Olio. 3; Tennes-ee, 22(3,781 ;
Texas, 2,122,701; Utah, 123; Virginia,
II, 539. It is stated that the large and
increasing amount of nw cotton taken
direr lly from the current crop by mills
from the cotton growing states is more
than ever an important factor in esti
mating the annual production. Ten
years ago only about 9 per cent of a crop
of 6,o(K),000 bales was used by thoBe
mills, while during the years of 1890-97
ibe- us d over 11 per cent of a crop of
over 8,500,000 ba es. The number of
mills in operation during the year was
402 the number of hales bought 981,991.
The investigation of the production ol
sea island cotton shows that the pro
duction of 18UG-97 was the largest on
record, the states of Georgia, Florida
fcoutn L-a olina and lexas having pro
duced 104,3H8 bales. The proluction of
Geoig a was Of, (ICS hales; that of Floii
da, 23,421 hales; Snub Carolina, 10,609;
Texa-s 2,500. The total value of the up
land crop was $285,810,006, which gave
an average price o 5.65 cents per pound
of that sold and the tot 1 value of the
sea islsn 1 crop $i.000.958. and average
price of J8 58 cents per pound. The
total acreage during 1896-07 was 23,
273,209, the numb r of bales raised
K, 532, 706, and avi nige of .37 bales per
Bympathy with the Mob.
Washington, Feb. 8. The attorney
general sent to the senate a letter giv
ing his investigation into the burning o
two Siminole Indians in Oklahoma hy
a mob, repored by Mr. McMahon. He
says the sentiment in the neighborhood
of the crime is all with the mob, and he
was in for me i that it. would not be well
for him or any other person to go into
thst locality if it was known that the
object was to locate the conspirators.
Mr. McM thou'a letter tells in the
main an old story, but he gives some
new details. McGisney was, he eay,
thr first of the Indians to move a muscle
Iter the torch was applied, and he did
not move until the flesh was beginning
to drop from his limbs and wart begin -ing
to touch his ears. He then gave a
loud whoop and bent over as far as the
chain would allow him, sucking in the
leaping flames, sank down and expired
without showing any more signs of pa n
Not so with Palmer Sampson. He did
not move until alter McGisey had tn
haied the flames. Then commenced to
kick with both feet, throwing burniu.'
pieces of wood t rents-five an i fifiy feet
away. It was Willi uillleu ty that they
succeeded in getting him burn d."
Mr. McMahon savs that a Baptist
minieter named Hiram Unit prayed for
the tw o Indians beiore their execution
and that as he knelt ih prayer he bld a
rifle in his hand.
France wlU Keep l'eace.
Pakis, Feb. 8. In the chamber ot
deputies in a debate on the govern men t'i
fon ign poi cy, M. Hariotuux, the foreign
mini let, pointed out the exclusive
privileges France has recently secured
in southern Onina, and said that France
was convinced that any cataclysm caus
ing a disrupt in in China would have
the most ttrnble consequences, and the
government's aim was to work hand in
hi nd with the other powers for the
peaceful development of the country.
.vf. Meliue, the premier, replying on
the subject of the F'ranc -Russian alli
ance, said t was only becausu of the
TeU the Generou reojl or America Sent
to um Food, Mrilinue and (lothing.
Havana, Feb. 7. Henor Ualvez, presi
dent of the autonomist tabinet, say
there is no disagreement among its
members, nor anything in the nature oi
a crisis. On contrary all the minis
ters understand their program and mis
sion, which he "" up as being "to
es'Hhli-1- "-3 new regime, to prepare for
the elections a.z.1 w constitute a cham
ber of deputies."
Unuer no conditions, declares Senor
G lvez, is it the mission of members of
the cabinet to address the insurgents
ofhcislly, or to negotiate for peace, un
less they should have a guarantee as
the outcome of their efforts. Neverlhe
less the mem'.Hrrn of the cabinet in their
official capacity, will do all in their
power to smooth the pathway and wil
contribute to all private efforts to brin
aUiut a favorable ir.sue.
oenoruuivez says the cabinet is ex
pecting favorabli news from the pro'
vince oi rjanti Uiara ami assurance?
that General Gomez retired across the
trocha into the Camaguey district ow
ing to lack of support and to "the con
Hiding opinions that distract the in
surgents in eastern Cuba."
I eace will come, he declares, by the
"combined action of arms and politics,"
but it is absolutely neees-arv to demon
strate the ellieiency of Spanish arms at
the same time that the beneficial infliv
ences of the new regime are being made
The French cruiser Du Bordienx
rived here yesterday.
Washington. Feb. 7. Hon. Charles
W, Rusi-e'l, United States attorney in
the department of justice, has just re
ceive 1 a litter acknowledging the re
ceiptofa new ork draft mailed to
United States Consul Barker at Sugua
la Grande, Cuba. The draft sent to
Consul Barker reprsaentel the subsrrip-
'ion of the ernplopes in Mr. RusselPe
odice. An extract from the letter is ae
follows :
"Up to date my district has received
nothing of relief sent by our people ex
cept through your thoughtful remem-brance.
"Of course Consul-General Lee hif
not, nor will he, in my humble judg
ment, have Biifbeient contributions sent
to Havana to share with us, so remote
and inaccessible in transporting BUp
plies. In view of this, contribution!
like yours, in money, will aid in savin?
thousands who must die withoutsusten
ance and medicine are immediately fur
nished. For instance, this remittance
from the generous employes in your de
partment wil1 do more now than ten
times the sum thirty days hence.
Speaking of the meeting with th
sheriff and deputies at West Hazelton.
wiuieis said :
"They rushed at us, pointing theii
guns in our aces and told us to stop.
explained that we were just going to
show ourselves to the Lattimer men and
were gomg to do no harm to anybody
The sheriff Bald :
" ' If you get to Lattiuior you musi
kill me."
Burge-s Jones of West Hazelton said
he could niiiri-h thro igh the streets, and
to the sheriff and deputies went awa)
a d we marched on to Lattimer."
The witness said that at Lattimer h(
again told the sheriff they were no
armed and would behave themselves
'I hi) sheriff pulled a couple of men outo
the ranas ana aresv nis revolver, anc
witness saw him trying to shoot one o;
the strikers. The revolver did not ei'
plode, however, and then a crowd
formed around! the sheriff.
At this time there was a shot and
then three or four shots, and at last
vollev. Witness fell down between twe
men, but did not think the men wen
shooting ball cartridges until he saw
one of them bleeding. Then he got up
and ran with the rest, and the bulleti
kept whizzing about his ears. He saw
lots of wounded men, but did not gc
near the deputies, as he nas afraid.
COMPETITION The I nilcil htale Court of Appeal Sus
tains it raleutu Ul Give tbe Trul a
-iirt:A;o, feb. 5. The glucose trust
will be strengthened by the opinion ef
toe United States court of appeals sus
tii'iingits patent). The etl'ect of the
decision, if ac epb d in other districts,
I.. 1 I . . X . .
" "i ue to give the glucose trust a mo
nopoly of the manufacture of glucose
syri ps. At least, the decision being Haw
in the circuits composed of the states of
Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin, will
drive out competion. Heavy damages
are alleged in the bill filed and upon
which tbe patent is now sustained, $1,
uw.uuu t)eim, tne aniount auije,i wr
me suit was brought hy the Chicago
ugar Helming Company against the
Charles Pope Glucose Company.
The decision of the court of appeals is
a reversal oi the decision of Judge Uros.
cup a year ago. Judge Grosscup held
mat there was no novelty in the patent,
it was simply the adaptation of an old
process to new purposed and ae such not
the opinion handed down is the out
come oi a legal battle of nearly four
years' standing. Prevbus to that time,
it is said, the Charles Pope Glucose com
pany was formed and maintained an
antagonistic attitude towards the trust
The process they used for extracting the
glucose syrup from the corn, the plain
tiff's alleged, was an infringement on
the patents of the Chicago Refining
compang. This at hret could not be de-
termmed, and the Pope company had
been in operation for some time before
the bill in equity for an injunction was
filed. The case before Judge Grosscup
was long drawn out and bis decision
was not given until a yt ar ago. At that
time the court held there was no infnng-
ment oi the patents in question on ae..
ormnl ,.r l... i .
"""" ' "I" pioeess ue nir Known in
foreign countries before it was patented
in the United biat.e. For this reason
Jr.dge Grosscup refused to grant a per
petiiul injunction in the case. Judge
Jenkins and Showalter held that there
HUB au infringement of the process pat
ented and they believed th one used
prior to that time was entirely different
to the one used by the complainants
LAcootuvtreu iiy me decision n
said to be the only one by whch glucost
;au oe extracted from corn.
The lllff Htrike.
Nkw Bedpokd, Mass., Feb. 7. Th
fonrth week of the big strike will begin
tomorrow, and owing to the rupture thai
prevails between union and non union
operatives, it is a question if tbe battU
can be waged much longer. All thai
will help this rupture is a liberal supply
alliance that Europe had escaped a gen-1 0, fl,mis (rorn ouMd sources to hvid
eral conflaga tion, and the European
conctrt became possible. To those who
I ad ex ressed the fear that Frame was
Km i.'a dupe he would reply that when
i ne has nieiitUone must not display a
const it ut distrust of them. The alliance
wart a work of long duration. Therefore.
he ooucluded, France's friendship is not
impatient. luisnia n irienuenip is a pro
found and durable puntimcnt.
American Fruits,
Berlin, Fab. 5. Under the headina.
"Order Counter Disorder," the Ber
lin Tageblatt describes the bungling of
t russia with American fruits and asks,
Are we really drilling Into a fierce tar
iff war with the United States becans
we have petted the agrarian desire?"
The Vorwaerts publishes an articl
head, d, "Agrarian Attacks on America"
detailing the stupidity which the differ
ent revenue stations display in inter
pretingthe prohibitory decree. Othei
liberal newspapers make similar com
ment. The issuance of the decree wat
brought about as follaws:
Vou Hammerstein-Loxten, minister
of agriculture, saw Dr. Miquel, the min
ister of finance, on January 30, and
earnestly atked that a decree be issued
forthwith prohibiting absolutely the
importation of all American fruit, freeb
and dried, and all products of American
nurseries. Dr. Miquel telegraped the
order to all revenue stations, making it
effective on February 1. United States
Ambassador While immediately vigor
ously remonstrated at the foreign office
I . i . . ... '
oom in writing and verbally, and the
decree was temporarily annulled on
Feb. 2. During the annulment the fruit
was ideated at Hamburg, Emerich and
Dusseldorf. wag re-estab-listed
on February 3, in a milder form,
oeing miue eulorcible against fresh
fruit onhy.
The New Natiouul Itiscuit Company Begim
Buwiue&g Today.
Chicago, Feb. 4. All the biscuit and
cracker companies between Salt Lake
City on the west, Portland, Me., on the
east, St. Paul on the north and New
Orleans on the south is today under one
managtmont. the name or the new
corporation, whicn was incorporated in
the state of New Jersey with a capital
of $25,000,000 of preferred and $30,000,
000 of common stock, is the National
Biscuit company.
The actual transfer of deeds to the
various plants controlled by the com
pany took place yesterday in the ofTce
of the Illinois Trust and Savings bank
in this city. Benjamin F. Crawford
oi Mansfield, O., was elected president;
II. F. Vories of Chicag), first vice presi'
uent: frank u. I owden, Chicago, sec
ond vice president; 0. FJ. Kumsey,
Pittsburg, secretary and treasurer. The
following board of directors waselected:
Benjamine F. Crawford, Mansfield, O
H. F. Vories, Chicago; Thomas S. Oliver,
New York; David F. Brenner, Chicago;
S. S. Marvin, Pittsburg; Henry J,
Fvans, Chicago; Louis D. Dozier, St,
Louis; Norman B. Keain, Chicago;
William K. Baker, Chicago; Joseph 3.
Leesi, Kansas City; C. E. Rumsey,
Pittsburg; James W. Hazen, Boston;
F, 0. Lowdeu, Chicago; A. Q. Garret-
son, Mirristown, N. J. ; A. W. Green,
The new company has purchased for
cash all the assets, bills receivable and
operating plants of all tbe bakeriea
which were controlled by the Ameri
can Biscuit and manufacturing com
pany; United Slates Baking company
and New York Biscuit company. It
also assumes all the indebtedness of
those companies.
Practically all the stockholders of the
old companies subscribed (or stock in
the National company. There is a small
amount oi atocd outstanding, but ac
cording to A. W. Green of Chicago, the
counsel for the new company, who en
gineered the deal, the amount of this
stock is so small that it cannot in any
way effect the working of the new con
cern. The amount of money paid in
stock and cash by the National com
pany for the holdings in the various
companies which h.tve been merged in
to the National is exactly $13,000,000. It
was determined at the inception of the
deal to limit the amount to this, and it
was declared last night that any stock
holder in any of the old companies who
has not subscribed for stock in the Na
tional company will not now be able to
subscribe for new sto, k, it being all
taken up. Such stockholders will be
offered cash for their holdings in the
old concerns.
Ti e total indebtedness of the various
cmcerns absorbed by tiie national com
pany is placed in round figures at
2,000,000, and this, it was taid, would
be paid off immediately. The directors
of the national company estimate that
after all contingeuuea have been pn
vided for they will have a cash working
capital of $6,000,000 and $10,000 of quick
Zola iJeiuauilg a Fair Trial and Wihe
Defend Himself,
Pakib, Feb. 9. When the trial of M.
Ernile Zola and M. Perrieux, manager
of the Aurore, growing out of the far
mer's denunciation of the Esterbaa
court rr.artial in a letter to the news
paper mentioned, was resumed in the
ass zes court of the Seine, St. Koche
fort was cheered when be arrived.
When the eout opened there waa a
terrific struggle to ettter, people fighting
their way with blows and kicks toward
the couit room. Toe entrace of M. Zola
was the signal far an outburst, during
which the few cries of ' Vive Zola" wer
drowhed by shouts of "Abas Zola."
When the judgeentered the scene waa
so tumultuous that lie directed the m
nicipal guards to force the crowds from
tbe doors and to remove soe of the
people from the over-crowded halls.
the presiding judge, M. Deborgue,
letter from Count Esterhazy in
the latter refused to testify.
Thereupon M. Laborie, counsel for M.
Zila, insisted thar Eiterhazy should be
brought to court hy farce.
the couit admitted the claims of th
defense and decided that General Mer-
cier, the former minister of war. and
Major Patydu Clam should be sum
moned. The couit, also decided that
the other witnesseo alleged to be ill
should be visited y a doctor and that
if found able to appear they should be
Madame Dreyfus, the first witness,
was asked by Zo.,t's counsel whether
she could tay under what circumstance
she was informed ny Major Paty du
Clam, in 1894, of her husband's arreet.
The judge declined r,o put the que-tron.
Zola here arose and cried : "1 de-
ieaa a
Attention tailed to Abulia.
Wamiiinuton, Feb. 8. An amendment
of more than ordinary importance and
bignificain e at this time was proposed
in the senate by Mr. M igan of Ala
bama to the resolution offered a lew
days ago by Mr. White of California.
Mr, White's resolution declared that it
was the right of the people of Hawaii to
maintain their own form of government
and the United States ought in nowise
to interfere with it. Mr. Morgan's
amendment provides distinctly for the
aiuiexat on of tbe Hawaiian islands, de
claring that the ptenent government ha
a 'ight to n.ake such cession to thii
Cat Loose From Kliodes.
London, Feb. 8. The Duke of Fife,
president of the board of directors o( the
British South Airica company, and Sir
Horace Farquhar, But. M. !',, h tva re
signed their seals in the duectorale ol
the company.
Tartu and Pew aU flf hi.
ArillNa, Feb 8. Sanguinary conflict
continue between the Turkish troupe
ail the peaanta in Tnea-ely. It it re
ported that tbe Tuaka hare occupier)
wvcral village and that 600 perwni
hava been killed.
among the discontented ones and keej
them in line.
The opera'ives who are making most
of the trouble are not nearly as bad oE
as many of their fellow workmen, wh(
declare tle-y will starve rather than re
turn to work.
"We have been cut down 15 per cenl
since 1894," paid one, "and this ten pei
cent redaction will bring the cut down
to 25 per cent in four years. We car
earn only enought to feed and clotht
ours Ives, and was not a slave ai wel
off as that?"
The city has paid out to the striken
who shovelled snow last week the sun
ol f 1,223. 8 .me of the men have beei
making at the rate ol $9 per week, whicl
Is more than they could make in thi
The soup houses are crowded daily,
and the stock of wood and coal a!
the city yard is running low, muol
fuel having been given to strikers.
At Htim Again.
New Yorx, Feb. 7 The North Ger
man Lloyd steamer Kaiser Wilholm II ,
joe li hles, and the French linu st"ainei
La Bretagne for Il tvre. which wero re
ported to have beun grounded off Sandj
IIok near Gelney channel, durmi
tblek weather proceeded to tea yester
day morning, clearing the Sandy Hook
bar at 7 and 7 tlS o'clock respectively.
The German learner got off under bai
own atmim and the Frenoh liner wai
polled oflbv the wre-t-ino -'ompanv,
la The Home.
W'asiiinoton, FVb. 5. Yesterday wat
privatu bill day in the house, but bv
ystematio filibustering the calendar
containing the bills repjrted by the
committee on claims waa not reached
ino wfiole day being consumed in nll8a.
ing eighteen of the twenty-four rrivute
0 u.-ho,, hills fitvo i.h'v rfii..,i I. ,
the house at the aeision last Friday
night. During the consideration of one
of the bills an interesting discussion of
the uppr iacbiug sale of the Kansas
Pacific road, set for February 19, was
precipttatcu oy air. lUermngof Georgia
who, with his democratic colleagues, de
sired legislation to require the president
to bid the lull amount of the debt, prin
cipal and interest. Mr. Powers, chair
man of tbe Pacific raihoad committee
contended that thereat purpose of the
"fr"""11 "nn r-ompei me govern
ment to tike the road and operate it
He said he thought that thea lminiB,ra'i
tion had ncured every dollar oing
from the Union Pa.-ific and could be
SHfeiy trusted to protect the govern
m ih'b interests at the sale of the Kan
sas Pacific.
A bill was passed to amend the act ol
January 31, 18K5, granting rights-of-way
through the public domain for
trainw ays, canals and reservoirs so at
to grant those rights for cities and nri
ate corporations, v
Mont Have Health to M.
CoLO-Hi'i, O., Feb. S.-Uepreaonta-tive
Parker ol Cuyahoga county intro
J need i.i thr. Iegislaturu yudternsw a i.;u
req.uinall peisois applying for Uq.
eusej to marry to pass a modie.1 ex
amination. Persona haying dips
m m, any form of insanity, hereditary
..bcculowiior consumption or blood
diseasea are barred from marriage by
the bill. An Muminlng board of three
phyriciana in each county ia created bv
the UlU
Miiiijifj; FtilcrprUin.
Philkdei.phia, Feb. 4. -The gentle.
men in this city who are interested in
some of the mining enterprises which
were promoted hy Francis Grabie say
tiiat they have no particular interest
now in Grabie or his doings. Fix-Govern
or liobert Pattison, president of the
igemout and Union Hillcompahy was
seen this afternoon and stated that
Grabie bad not been connected with the
Unin Hill or Edgemont companies
since September laBt. These companies
on January 11 consolidated under the
name of the Edgemont and Union Hill
Smelting company. He said Grable'a
actions could in no way involve the
One of the directors of the company
made the following statement, which
was spproved by President Pattison.
"Mr. Grabie," he said, "acted only at
promoter of our company, and since last
September he has had uo connection
with it whatever. Shortly before that
the company purchased 20) claimi held
hy him for stock valued at $1,800,000,
but since then all of the stock has been
purchased, and the company can in no
way be involved.
"He came to this city highly indorsod
and strongly recommended by bankers,
ineichaiita and business men through
out the west and also by many in the
east. No one invested in his scheme
blindly. All of the investors who be
came interested visited the property aad
made a thorough inspection of it. All
who were interested pronounced in its
favor and there U no reason for a change
of mind. He did not exaggerate the ad
vantages and we are therefore surprised
over the stories which have been pub
lished concerning him. Bufure th
Edgemont anil Union Hill Smelting
company was organized we had experts
visit the locality and they repo.led in
its favor.
"It ia tbe general opinion here that
Mr. Grable's troubles have been caused
by tiie fact that he has over-extended
his capital in the many enterprises in
which he was inteieated. Lust October
our office was moved from New York to
una city, ve are now Duilding gtnolt
eig and ai soou as thoy are completed
we will go ahead."
sire the same treatment as the assassin
or the thief. They have always the
right to defend themselves, but I am
deiried of this. I am mocked and in
sulted in the streets and the obscene
pre8 drags me in the mud. You see.
gentlemen of the jury, the ' position I
am in. I wish to l ave my witnesses
be-ird, but I am prevented."
' But do you not know the law?" tbe
judiie asked.
No, I do not and I do not want to
know," renlied Zola.
Tha scere caused great excitement
among the spectators.
M. Laborie, Zola's counsel, demanded
that the questions be put to the witness.
The judge answered: "I will enter
your protest if you desire, but I cannot
put questions fereign to the indictment
in order to arrive at a revision of the
Dreyfus case, which haa already been
M. Laborie exclaime 1 : "In the pres
ence ot the obstruction placed in our
way (cries of 'No,' 'YTes,' and 'Quite
right' -I have the honor to ask what
means we should emoloy,"
"That does not concern me," answer
ed the judge.
M. Laborie then proposed to aumbk
a list of quest ous, leaving tb.9 court to
indicate which of them might be pat
and the session was suspended to allow
the questions to be drawn up.
There was a big crowd outside the low
er court and as M. Zola emerged from
the jury door he was recognized and
obliged to return to seek refuge in the
consultation room, the doors of which
were then locked. The crowd then com
menced yelling "Conspuez Zola," etc,,
led by a number of young barrislerg in
their robes, who r .ughly handled M.
Zola's sympathizers until a detachment
of republican guaros cleared tbe ap
proaches to tbe c urt. M. Zola then
emerged, pale and irombling, and tbe
moment he appeared there was an im
mense clamor and s tout of down "with
Zola," "Long live Z da," and "death to
Zola," the latter dominating the others.
The noveleist had difficulty in keeping
his feet amid the surging crowd.
In the meanwhile the police, misun
derstanding their orders, closed the
gates, and M. Zola thus found himself
inside the court yard, surrounded by a
howling, threatening mob. The polios
were powerless and for a moment it
looked as though he would be lynched
with the friends who formed his bodr
His friends rallied arourvd him and
eventually the gates were reopened and
the police, having been reinforced, ea-
corted M. Zola to the street, while the
majority of the mob was confined in the
court yard, shrieking threats againBt
the novelist, who eventually entered a
cab ami drove quietly away. The wo
men in the crowd were especially violent.
AtlrweU Attention,
London, Feb. 4 A dispatch in the
8t. Poterhurg Novoe Vremya which haa
at. racied tiie attention of Eiiroue. de
clares thit France and Germany sup
ported Riissia'a determination and op
posed England's with relerence to Ta-Lien-Wan
and hence Lord Salisbury, it
ia claimed, la obliged to coniult with hit
colleagues before the meeting of parlia
ment a to the beat way to beat a retreat
II Great Britain wiahe to arold an open
onUict with Buaaia,
IHsKustcil With Klondike.
Victoria, B. C. Feb. 9. A special
f irm Niiniimo rtates that the steamer
N'oyo has arrived frun Skagviny. It had
'wonly-live disgusted passengers aboard
tiretl of the country after their first ex
perience, ami severely denouncing tbe
Ki.ind ke rush. The treasure on board
was $10 000. One of the passengers said
that 200 men could do all the work offer.
e i at . KkagwHjr and that there were at
least 500 men there who had nothing to
do but drink ami gamble. When t! a
Corona was passed Its position wat
more c ili al than heretofore reported.
Action for Damages.
Nkw YoitK, Feb. I). Annie 8. George,
widow of Hensy George, it the plaintiff
in i:n fiction for damages against the
Pennsylvania Railroad company, which
a on trial in the supreme court of thil
city. Mra. George alleges that her foot
slipped in a hole in the floor of thePwao
tylvanla oompany'i oepot in Philedelph
iaon March 21, 187 causing injaria.
which necessitated the ute of crutch,
thiee months. She askt 15,000 damage