The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, February 10, 1898, Image 1

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The Sioux County Journal,
TtaSioaxtoty Journal.
wr laumuD 1888.
Subrwription Price, fl.W
Um. D. Canoa,
sjsttereil at thai riarrUou pott ece u
teoad elau maltar.
Congress shall have power to coin
tnoaey ami regulate the value thereof
From Tlte fkle-ral CotutHtutwn.
Congress atone ha power to coin
M issue moHjr, and President Jackv
sea declared tbat this power could not
be delegated to corporation or indi
vfdaals A Paragraph From The Na
t tonal Platform Democratic Convention
Xearly every tiling is now
control of trust companies a
under the
nd njooop-
8poln lias va jrmJot McKjnley
notice, persooaUy to keep liis bands
oB Cuba.
Pure gold is to be used to plate the
tuirway to be built in the new house of
(aeorge Ooaiii at Lakewood, N. J.
Thirty trusts formed in sixty days,
nailer Hie fostering Dingly tariff law
iutd the republican party to back them
The Dryfeus case in France is receiv
ing a if rent deal of attention of late, aod
niay be the means of disrupting the
Germany, France, Russia and Eng
land are still working their foreign
policy, trying to gobble up a part of the
Chinese Inspire.
The delcit in tba revi
of the fed
a result of
eral government caused
the Dingly tariff law for
months is
i inillioo
51, Ml 6, a little over
a month.
The Chad run Recorder was struck wiUi
it huge wave of McKinley prosperity,
last Wednesdav. when the sheriff of
lawe county levied on the Recorder of
fice and its contents.
The middle-or-the-rood poplilists of
Ohio ought to feci proud of the part
they played in helping to make it po
mble for Senator Hanna's election in the
legislature of tlutt state.
The three reform forces in Nebraska
in (act through-out the nation hould
unite in order to defeat the common
enemv of all. the republican party, who
are commited to the gold standard,
trust and corporations.
A Kloodyke is said to have been dis
covered in the Black Hill S. D. If some
one could discover ene in this state, then
we would be in it, but if you will aoUoe
the Klondykes are discovered a long
ways from home.
Hheriff Martin who has m urdered over
a spore of men at Latimer Pen., six
months ago by ordering 70 or 80 deputies
to shoot into a crowd of miners march
ing along the public highway, is being
tried in court In that state for hi lire
Mow come the new of a mammoth
trust just formed in New York city to
control the entire bakery concerns
throughout the United States. Accord
ing to dispatches M per cent of all baker
ies have been swallowed up y this new
friend of the poor.
' The Dingly tarriff wall has been made
so high that Oeraaany ha began to re
taliate against our produce entering their
norta. A foreign market is what we
want for our eurplui products, but t
Diogly tariff law is doing nil possible to
out off our foreign market
The demo-pop administration of Neb
raska, has, during the past year reduced
Mie stale puDiic newt over a nan a mi'
Hon dolian, while some of the former re-
OuUican administration have run be
hi il, stolen or squandered that much,
Heople should ponder over these matter
8. B. Nickum of Logansport, lad., ha
discovered a new light, which is destined
to revolutionise the country. The dis
covery becomes important from the fact
that, the new light will be no much
cheaper than the ordinary oil lamps
gives whiter light; will not explode
and win not ignite nameawe material
and the light it generated from the air
we breath noting upon certain Mmi
The following is a sample of How the
republican feel in the fourth (fad.) con
gressional district, in regard to the gold
standard, and no doubt foreshadows what
ttieeepurdicaa Ut convention of Indi
ana will do in regard to the monetary
plank which will be embodied in their
GREENSBURO, Ind., Feb. i.-Th Re
publican Congressional convention kt .he
Fourth Indiana District to-day declared
in favor of the single gold standard.
Senator Ttiurston, in a speech deliver
ed before the Uaion League dab at
Baltimore, last week, admits openly and
above board thattbe political combines,
Jugglers, trusts, monopolists, wl.ich
used to infest the ranks of the Democrat
party, had been forced into the republican
ranks; and that they had come without
solicitation, which verify the old addape
"birds of a featlier will flock tgetner".
If aver a man told the truth in his life,
it was when tlte Senator made the state
ment at the Union League banquet at
It is true the democratic party purged
themselves of that class of oppressors
at the Chicago Convention in 1896.
They were such mea as Ex-Senator Briee
Caffery. Smith; W. C. Whitney Ex-governor
Flower, Don M. Dickenson John Q.
Carlisle David U. Hill and last but leant
that old Political bossile. drover Clev
land and others to numerous to mention
And it is good riddance to bad rubbish
Nebraska's Junior Senator
He I'rrrtlcally Admits that the next
Ctigrr will be la-t to tbo
Republican Party.
Baltimore, Feb. 2. Senator Thurston
speaker at tlie Union League club to
night expressed himself iu part as fol
lows. So man is worthy to be trusted with
place or power who disregards the dan
gers ot any hour or or any situa
No man is true to the responsibilities
of place or power who conceals them
from the people, (believe thi Repub
lican party is indaaer of loosing the
next concress. and so belie vinir it were
cowardly on my part not to say so.
The allied fusion forces of free silver,
socialism lawlessness aod anarchy are
endeavoring to so falsely state the pre
mises aod frame the imues as to array
every man without a dollar against eve
ry man with a dollar.
"It was a feature of the last cam
paign that capital in every lorm,
alarmed by the threatened disasters
and danger of free and unlimited coin
age at the forced ratio of 16 to 1 by
this nation alone, rushed to the support
of the Republican party.
"It happened thereby that the finan
cial jugglers and manipulators, and the
great trusts and combines that had al
ways been with aod of the Democratic
party, were forced into the Republican
ranks. These unhealthy and dangerous
devil-fishes of the financial world d d not
come to the Republican party by invita
tion or request.
"The Republican party is the party
of law and order, of honesty and fair
dealing; It will and it must no more
tolerate the unlawful and indefensible
exactions of monopolies and trusts than
it would the unlawful deprecations and
reprisals of the mob.
"I am in favor of giving the country
a rest from threatened financial legis
lation and in my judgement the man
who under existing condition seeks,
to force gold resolutions through the
House of Representatives is no lew po
litically unwise than the man who
forces silver resolution through the
Mr. Thurston criticised the Adminis
tration for not recognizing the belliger
ents of the Cubans "at a time when the
barbarous administration of Weyler
would have justified our action before
the civilised world."
"I cannot refrain," he said, "from ex
pressing my solemn conviction that
further Spanish dominion in the island
of Cuba is a blot upon tne civilisation of
this enlightened age."
Concerning the Hawaiian annexation
treaty, Senator Thu mtoa said :
"The idea that any other nation of the
earth or that the allied nations of Eu
rope will ever attempt an invasion or
conquest f the United States is the
merest folly.
Wise advice ia given on The Mother
in Law in the Home" in the February
Ijuiin Home Journal. The writer details
the proper course for the mother-in-law
to pursue in order to make her presence
in the home of her ion a delight, and
directs the daughter-in-law as to her
duties In the case. The advice carefully
followed will make the mother-in-law
a welcome acquisition to the family.
The article will noraraand itself tor its
cjajfoon ane.
Crawford Bank will nay oat.
Crawford, Neb., Feb. 5. The State
bonk failed to open its door yesterday.
Francis C. arable, the promoter, is
president of the bank. Bank Exanvner
Oood arrrivdd this morning. Assistant,
Cashier Hobson says there is do oause
for alarm, and that depositor will be
paid in full.
F. C. Orable, president of the bank, is
owner of one-half the shares, The hank
U capitalized for f 10,000, and its last
statement showed loans and discounts
of $35,000 and deposits of about 1400
Something la Thl Column That Will
latere t Every Body.
Sequel to Fatal Charvarl.
Milan, Mo., Feb. 5. The Glass murder
trial has been terminated here by the
jury returning a verdict of murder in
the fourth degree and fixing the punish
ment at Ave months in the county jail,
and a line of $400. Gloss, a young farm
er, was visited on the night or In mar
riage by a charvari party and, without
provocation, fired into the party, kill
ing Roy Fear, a boy.
Postal Congress,
Sixty-eight years ago, when the postal
rata for the transmission of one letter
was 25 cento for 400 miles, a former post
master reports that he hod at different
times received as a just equi valent for
this service, eithor two bushels of oats,
live dozen eggs, four pounds of butter,
three bushels of wheat or one and a
third pounds of common wool. It Is
easy to compare the progress which the
postorfice hag since mode under govern
ment direction.
Money Orders.
During the ttscal year ending June 80,
1870, money orders to the amCunfof
34.0.VU84 were itsued by the United
States government last year the
amount was f 174,482, Q7. The excess
of receipts over expenses paid from pro;
ceeds was f"90,230. Since the commen
cement of the system in 1805 money or
ders to the amount of 2,74,047,886
have been issued. At during that time
only $2,071,243,330 have beea repaid, it
is suggested that the balance of 8,404,
or0 due by the government to the peo
ple is in part deposits made by the' peo
pie with the government br those who
prefer the government to banks or stoves
as a place of safety deposits New
Defending Wholesale Murder.
Tbi comments of the corporation press
on the Hazleton murders simply reflect
the private conversation of those who
have amassed wealth by fattening on the
toil of others. I have heard a score of
men declare that it made no difference
whether the marching miners were riot
ing or not, that "it is a good plan to
shoot down a few of them now and then
so as to teach the others a lesson." It ia
not unfair to state that this sentiment is
endorsed by thousands of men, who, on
other questions, are rational, humane
and logical. Yhy this thirst for blood?
W hat good does it do to slaughter
crowd of ignorant, imported workmen?
When did it become a capital crime to
peaceably march on a public highway
behind an American flag? The faction
which attempts to shoot down all of the
deceived, defrauded, hungry and uDetn
ployed wageworkers of America has
undertaken a task which will be
fraught with many difficulties.
How To Find Out
Fill a bottle or common glass with
urine and let it stand twenty-four hours,
a sediment or settling indicates an un
healthy condition or the kidoeya. When
urine stains linen it is evidence of kidney
trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate
or pain in the back, is also convincing
proof that the kidneys and blader are out
oi oroer.
What To Do.
mere is comfort In the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy
fulfils every wish in relieving pain ia
the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and
every partof the urinary passages. It
corrects inability to bold urine and scald
lag pain in passing it, or bid effects fol
lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, and
overcomes that unpleasant necesnity of
being compelled to ret up many times
during the night to urinate. The mild
and the extraordinary effect of Swamp
Root is soon realized. It stands the
highest for it wonderful cures of the
most distressing cases. If you need a
medicine you should have the best
Sold by druggists, price fifty cent and
one dollar. You may have a sample
bottle and pamphlet both sent free by
mail. Mention Tbi Sioux Couimr
Jouknal and send your address to Dr.
Kilmer A Co. , Binghampton, N. Y. The
proprietors of this paper guarantee the
genneneuim of this offer.
) Some Plain Facts.
Crave errors, injustice, wrongs of
greater or less degree, arise from lack
of knowledge of the truth, and more
frequently from deception.
The most infamous case on record
of deception and injustice is the at
tempt to demonetize silver as a money
of final redemption in the United
There is no learned judge, skilled
lawyer, or court of justice that is
capable of reconciling the effort with
the constitutional laws that govern
the issue of money in this country.
The people have been deceived,
official! in power, chosen to adminis
ter justice under the laws, have
ignored their sworn duty, and given
aid to the scheme that has paralyzed
industry, reduced property values
one-half, and beggared millions.
There is no authority of law, either
Specific or by inference, by which
gold alone is made the only money
with which to discharge debts, either
public or private. The effort to
make it so is unconstitutional and a
1 national calamity.
Plain and ample information, facts,
and truth, concerning this almost suc
cessful scheme to corner the wealth
of the people, is now being printed
in the Cincinnati Enquirer, a news
paper which the combined power of
money has failed to muzzle or buy.
The Weekly Enquirer is only 75c
year. I he address is
Enquirer Company, Cincinnati, O.
Tree and Plants.
Oenerul Assortment of H artery Stock.
Best varieties for Nebraska.
Uillioos of Strawberry aod Raspberry
Plants at wholesale and TstaiL Our
plants have been irrigated when needing
it therefore very thrifty and deep rooted
Buy the best near home preventing loss
by delay and saving extra freight or ex
press from eastern points.
Write for price list to
North Bend. Dodge Co., Neb.
Thr JotrawAL will publish yoorbnmd, Ike
the following;, for t2 .00, per vesr. Kach ad
ditional brand 7 cent, fcwy tariuer or
ranchmen la fllonx and adjoining counties
should advertise their brand in THKJoi;
haL a it oircalateH nil over the ate It
may be the meaus of savins money for yoe.
On left side of cattle snd on left
thou Ider of boraeo.
Range on Antelope creek
P. O., GhllchrUt, Sioux Co., Neb.
On leit ldoor hip of cattle, j
On left shoulder of hnraes. (
lUange on the head ol
Address Harrison, Rloux Co. Neb.
IOn left shoulder or cattle
I Kan ire on Little Cottonwood.
, Crawford Nebr.
Final Proof notices.
All person! having final
proof notice In
this paper will receive a marked copy of the
nanerandara reauestod to examine tbeiv
notice and It any errors exist report the
tame to this office at ouce.
Retire of DUiolation of Fartaersklp.
Kotlee It hereby given that the firm oi
HESTER A SON composed of G. W. HESTER
snd V. A. HESTER, hat thlt day been dissolv
ed bv mutual consent. V. A. HKSTER with
drawing from said firm and O. W. HESTER
succeeding In the business of said firm.
All debts due and owing said Arm to be imtd
toO. W. HKSTER and all debts owing by
aid Arm to be paid by said G. W. Heater.
Dated Febuarv tad, ISM.
Legal Notice.
Christian Jensen will take notice that oa
the tilth day of January, ISM It. I.. Rmnck a
Justice of the peace ol Bnwen I'reclnct,
Sioux county Nebraska I and an order of
attachment and carnithment for the turn
of f 11,40 with In lerett due thcron at 7 per
cent, per annuam from July 1st, 1HW, In an
action pendlug before him, wherein M. J.
Gayhart it plaintiff snd Christian Jensen,
defendant, that property of the defendant
consisting of a school order to the amount
of r. dated Oct. 1st 1SW Issued by School
IHatrtet No. a of Sioux County, Nebraska to
said Christian Je nsert has been attached un
der said order. Said cause was continued
to the 1Mb day ot March. ISM, at I o'clock
p. m.
Harrison, Nebraska, Vebaary t, IMS.
M, J.G vmabt, I'lslntlff.
By alvik t. Clam, hit Attorney.
A car-load of Wheatland Flour at
prices that will defy competition any
where in the state.
The RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE is Head-quarters for
Our Mono is, "LIVE and let LIVE"
We need money, and the people need our goods, so come
in and see how cheap we can sell you goods for cash.
K. Buws'rut,
D. H. ORISWOLD, Cashier.
Transacts a General Banking Business.
Akkricax Exchamok National Bank, New York,
Omaha National Bank, Omaha,'
Ftmr National Bank, Chadron.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
OTDRaJTS sold on all parts op surops.
Flour and Feed of all kinds
at my harness shop.
Third Building West of J. H. Bartell'a Grocery Store.
EGGERT R0HWER, Proprietor.
The best of Wines, Brandies, Whiskey
and Beer kept constantly on hand.
I handle the Omaha Beer.
Tram Mahno
Ooovrwnts Ac.
seaelat a tsetse, see atsertptliie iay
ittttala ear opts ton free wfcttker an
Is rofctMr patentable. Coaieianln
l eoaaaeatlti. Ktaneanok on Patents
Hi ai
tsnt free. OMttt teteaT for tesurlnetateiii
Patent taken ikroacs Mann A to. rec
panel nan, wnsoat starve, in taa
Scitctlfic Jlctfica
A aanriaoasety ffltlialst weekly. Lartett el
ralstkM of say tUteltas loarnal. Tenia, P
rear; roar oalkt, 01 BoM tyta tssaiiaiaw.
f Para
c r.
r t M ,oa wl.k east ot the W
S" 17. notltieat an tat seeeaUMwt
I " vies, this Kerase ctt stMte
e I hew to traces. issetselLstljll
T yoetorpajMsaeiWieeeWCM
Knerrv.tect aadare
MHicauoa are ad ae,sis.tawtrs -
Tim Bureau ht th kett fatWUss js'asast for any
taktine patents and UMis irw Jw
iwintrW Th. chlrt oj this dept. ifcawhs fmj
mIm a. Chief Euadan. CepaHwlaOtr Or'
I'sisat., a1 Patf at Attorney, sap is i
nil In stcurinc broad pwuntt sad ia llM
el all paltnt UtHiailon before She town
This Rwresa oa SI yim for tdeilstlen ks m
tad erepirt TH tcttve pfaclite la ttasjtjtta,
withwit auurtallf Intrnerwif wttli year wastes
wrtn year sratrsw'
sbksya arsMtj
ties. Oar munition an in
thoroeirh, snd oar chartst rrsM
es sre laaiai: uniriiy, mm
lai for nartkvuirs. UMtsa. SIC
Msw Vers Are., Wsshaajtee, O. C