The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, February 03, 1898, Image 3

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    flcbrasha "Olotco j
Work bis commenced on the erecti m
of a mill at CorlUnd.
D, Blank meypr of Pen'er li m gone t
the Argentine Iiej.u'.lie to seek his fir
tube. The child en's home society of Nel.rus
ka has reerntly orgmued a local branch
at MeCook.
The Fairmont Creamery company put
apon the inarki t 1,4 0,000 pounds of
butter (or its work during IK'M.
The new creamery at Guide Rock is
proving a Bonanza to larmerd and it
patronage is steadily incieaiing.
Wood Hiver buBinesn ni'-i are making
an eltort to organize a company to build
and operate a butter and cheese factory.
Has'.iiigj firemen are asking for the
next annual meeting of the volunteer
firemen of the state to be held in their
The Palvat'nn army has looked up"-,
North Pl.itte ai a good point for wi rk.
and last wceko;pn-d barrncl:" at thai
Frankli i has organize 1 a creamery
station, and 'he f irmer of that vi.-i -ity
are coming enthusiastically to its
The farmers of V rdon areenthusiatic
over their new creamery and report re
ceiptg for miik as exceeding their ex
pec tations.
Frank Coleman of Red Willow county
while out hunting ret-to 1 the muzzle ol
hii (tun on his right foot. He is now in
a hospital.
Hyannia, a town on the Burlington in
the gand hill country to the northwest,
received 170 car of merchandise during
the year 1897.
The paving brick manufacturing husi
ness at Table Rock repor: a prosperout
year and a propoced enlargement of the
plant for lhOi.
The MethoHiat church of Schuyler
that has been very suiceesful the lant
year, will hold a three days jubilee the
first of February.
The Polanders around Neligh are pre
paring to devote a large acreage next
season to the cul i nation of beets for the
Norfolk sugar factory.
Wheat thieves at Litchfield have been
arousing the people of the vicinity and
aeveral arrests and trials in court Lavt
resulted from the awakening.
Fremont points with pride to its re
cord of bank clearances the first week in
January, showing an increase of 82 per
cent over the corresponding week a
year ago.
Ogallala baa incorporated a creamery
oompany which will commence opera
tions, using the milk from 500 cows. The
farmers of that vicinity are preparing to
profit by the enterprise.
Dr. Hutchinconof Madison had a mon
strosity born to one of his pet c-ws in
the shape of an eutit legged calf. il
baa told it for $250 to parties who wil.
exhibit it at the Omaha exposition.
Members of the state militia are re
calling that it was seven years ago thit
month when tbey went on iheir memor
able campaign to the north, which ter
minated at Wounded Knee.
There is an epidemic of diptheria in
the vicinity of Alexandria, Thayer coun
ty. The deaths have been numerous,
mostly among children, but one man
forty years of age succumbed to tlr m,i
Washington county is in goot'. finnn
rial shape and its affairs have lren econ
omically managed. On January 0 thert
waa $(12,075.39 in cash aii'j availahl.
resources. Of this amount $01,O3t.29
waa in cash.
A new swindle :s being worked in Ne
hraska. Parties advertisa to aeud ie
yards of the finest silk, any color, for $1.
The victim who sends receives ten yards
of fine silk thread, which is of course, as
much as is promised for the money.
Two young men who residence is
unknown and who give the names ol
William and Bryan Armstrong, have
beenarreated at F.igin. They are char
ged with frightening the school children
and the young woman teacher by flour
ishing revolver and threatening to
hoot them.
Campbell, Franklin county, is not a
large place, but the people of that vici
nity raised a crop last year and made
some shipments. The B. & M. road
that aeees through the town took from
Campbell in 1 897 in carloads, corn 893,
wheat 197, 'oats 31, barley 0, hogs, 50,
cattle 25. Total of can shipped, 617.
The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Holly, living southwest of town,
ays the Battle Greek Republican, goi a
sandburr in her throat on Friday of last
week, and for a time she was in a critical
condition, her throat swelling ao badly
that she could scarcely breathe nntil the
doctors inserted a tube for that purpose.
Up to the present time the sandburr it
still in the little girls throat, the opinloo
being that it would Una ly be coughed
out; but if it is not, the doctors will try
to remove it with instrument. The lit
tle girl picked the burr out of her mit
ten with her teeth, which waa tbs
means of it getting in her throat.
I Receiver Watkin of the defunct Nat
onal bank of Ponaa, accompanied by
Counselor Learned of Omaha and Judge
Tibbies ol Lincoln, are at Pone to take
testimony to be used in a case which waa
brought by the receiver to racovei
a dividend which ia claimed to hart
bean wrongfully allowed and paid by
Um firat National.
Two hundred and fifty cars of io wen
received at North Platte in Are days
last week logo toward (1 ling the tTnloij
Paeiflc lew boueaa at that point.
r. 8. Ftrniii-lilp Mlne 1 Or-lnrrd to Pro-C''i-l
l-i l'h:it I'lure Artlnu U lM-lllierat
Afl r h Ii-r ui,.ii iu the 1'rei-iiJeiit'r
('!.iet lint hpaln Thin as.
Wanrrs(T"K, Jan 25. Within forty
eiyht hour, lor ti e iirrt timo ni wo the
iiiMirrei tj, j) l.ri l.Hi ut in theOiha three
years I'ifi, i,t. United MHt H poem
nient w II b re; ren-n'e.1 in the harbor
of Havana by a w.i.shi,.. The do i-ion
to Hend the I'n ted btaes steamer
Ma ne a f nally a'eed to at a special
meeting at the White Loupe yesterday
iiiorrrtujf U tu-en the prei-id.nt, Secre
tary L nu, AriHt,lf,t s-erelary Day,
Attorney-iienera! M.-Kenna and Gen
eral Mile-i, anrl it is an accepted fact
tha', n ith t he exeep ion of the ceere
tary oi the navy and the attorney-iren-'
ral, not a n eu,l,cr of the cabinet knew
of the prsi,li,i'H intention to take this
radical anion. It is not den.ed, how
ever, that sirne pneti move has long
b.en in coiiiemplation, us a evidenced
in the foll.iwing nateineut of AHaistant
t-ecietary lay, made yesterday morn
ing: "The een iing of the Maine to Havana
mean - (-imply the reeump ion of friend
ly naval rtlatioi s nitb rpnin. It is
UBiomorv for naval vesne.s of friendly
na ions to pass in and ontof the harbors
d other countries with which they are
at peace and ftritiHh and German war
hipn liave recently vioi ed Havana.
This is no new move. The president
i as intended to do it for tome time,
but heretofore aometu ng bag happened
to postpone it. The orders to the Maine
mean nothing more than I have said,
and there Is nothing alarming or sensa
tional in them. The Hpaniah minister
here is fuhy informed of what is going
on, and to tar as 1 know hag not made
i he td.ghicHt oi'j etion to it.
Further, Assistant Secretary Day said
that Ooiihu -General Lee had not sent
lor a wargtup.
This Buiieiufut fch.tts tnat the move
lias been taken deliberately and that it
ou'd net have been taken if there
were iloutits h to the resulia in Havana
I he pen ml heli. f here ip, however, that
in M.i!r'd rather than in any Cuhan
uiwu is trouble to be looked for if there
rhoiitd bu any misapprehension of the
,j'irpme of our government in (tending
iIibM.iIi.oU' Havana. I'he temper of
t"e 0pO-ilnm newspapers in the Span
ih ca,. li his bten threatening for
ouu.e l.iue, ajd it may require the strong
hand oi thn ne ab censor iu -epress utter
ancea thai uotnd lead to rioung.
Admiral Ct carl 8 orders were not madv
pub.ic in their luxt a-i the uavy d pait-
nenl, but it was slated that the sub-
nam e of tin ui was contained in the
niaU uieiit ina le by ISfcrt-tarv Lontr,
t'he ordera were not Bent Uireoily to tlie
.vlaiii. , lor tli reason thai she is no
reguia ly atti.cned io toe equa iron, ai.d
tue naval re ulauorn r q .ire ad ruch
ordt-is to ko iliruiigii ihetupenoroflice.
1 he details of the Maine's movements
are neueved to be let L lor ll. e arrange
ments ol Admiral hcird, bu. it h
thought tnat ihe all p ni.uii put to sea
wiih tlm hqua.lrou Hill return to Key
Went before going to H ivana.
f.utlcert u the gtaud Aaln.
CiiiOAOo, J..n 2o Aiolph Luetgert'a
Btory ol the ciroinniaiicei surrounding
the disappearani e ol his wife Louisa lai
May wan reruuieu on the ilne.-8 giand
yenteriUy. Luetgr-ri explained bow the
6 airway door leaoing lo the basement
bad been blocked, and thus, it is alleged
excited the suspicion of Biaik, the old
watchman, wi.o, when h returned with
toe Huuyadi water, for which ho had
been aent, found that he could not enter
the door, and he made use of the eleva
tor door Exact y us Willi im Chirl s
told the j ry, Lueigert said boxed had
been moved about to give the dogs a
cnauos at the rata which infested that
part of the basement used as a storage
room for odd and ends.
"You had no intention of blocking the
door against enterauce?'' the witness
was asked.
"None whatever; the door waa seldom
Mi. 11 rm.Hi atkid a few questions
a.Rjji. ui.iiv .ilid nt-A .. 1 1 tw s en.ig
which Luetgert declaied his intention
to the fact of the children's saving
bank had been broken open waa called
by eithtr Mary Sietnmering or one of
hia little sons.
"Now," asked the lawyer, "will you
tell me how you provided for yo jr wife
during the ye ir prior to May 1 7"
"Oh, when she wanted money I gave
it to her or sh') took it from my pocket,"
smilingly answered the prisoner.
"Shortly before May 1, just when I
don't recollect," Luetgert continued,
"she took -'0. Hhe knew I'd know who
had it, and it was all right."
"Did you kisa Mary heimmering of
ten 7 hianuiy interrogated the attorney
while Lueigert sat up straight in his
chair and the spectators looked intense
ly pleased.
"No, no, no, I did not," came the em
phatic answer, which made the crowd
titter. "I could kiaa my wife il I want
ed to klaa."
l'okrr and riht.
Pmavtu.a, Ky., Jan. 25. William
an I Harvey To pie are dead and Lew
Wallace ia fatally wounded aa the result
of a pistol duel in a riot in Leslie county
near t! IteU Hra county line
last night. The Topte boys were Invited
by W llaoa to go to hi bouae to engage
In a draw poker game. The game aeemed
to be onesided. Wallace won all the
money. A quarrel followed, pistols war
drawn, tbe light shot oat and a desper
ate duel Uftn, resulting a above tteted.
Is Not Continued Vrtil are Iu Sootb
ni Patera.
Jackhonvii.i.k Ha , Jan. 24. Admiral
icar l, with the battleships New York,
Indiana, Masiehnnetts, Iowa and
Texas, arrived off the bar at Key West
at 10 o'clock yesteiday moruiiri. The
M line, Montgomery and Hetro.t and
! r; u .. CuHhing ail' Dupont
nt ( n'
p 'riant t
It oM c,
l- no i' a
ind j iued the fleet. An im
eetge a-i ri-s'eived here at
or Admiral S'card, but there
of transportation to the fl' et.
T !f,',.i:i r. ceived from Havana last
light eiate iiial extra guard had been
lured an r.nd Consul-General 1 e's
(ho lor protection. Circulars have
ieen di' i i lined mound Havana ci ll
i g on volunteer for the protection ol
'e American colony. No news of an
it'empt to i -annate General Lee has
ieen receive ).
v AMiiMiios Jan. Z4. ho lar as
oiiid h Ic'irned the adminitttration had
io aiivicea from Havana yecterday,
doth the state and navy department
tlirmed hat nothing had been heard
rom Genera L e and profess -d to look
upon the lack of news as a y d gih'n
'Jo the other hand the city was full of
rumor-i in imoor ance from tl
ftitemeiit that the White squadron hai
1 .1 e 1 Iroin Key W est to that of Lee
o n .
a s.iHSiiiat. d at Havana. In
t i ry, However, tailed to reveal any
oa-ns fo sensational reports.
vIadkid, Jan. 21. Tue report tha
ArriHucan warships have been ordered
to 0 i ban waters has caused great ex
j.lement here.
The I nparcial, in the course ff a vio
lent article, says: ''We see now the
eagerness of tbe Yankees to seize Cuba.'
A grand banquet wa given at the pal
ace a turday evening in honor of the
tiirthday of King Alfonso. The mem.'
Ders oi the cahinet and the principa
members of the diplomatic corps were
..resent. The cabinet met afterward
and decided, so it is reported, to ad
dress a manifesto to tbe country. One
member, in the course of an interview
-ai i the iiovernment wa quite tranqu
respecting the movements of the Auisri
can warships, which were fully known
to tbe minister of marine.
Kkv Wkst, Fla., Jan. 24 The fleet
of t aitleships will sail for Dry Tortugas
liiis uioining.
KloU In Alglera.
Amjibrb, Jan. 24. Anti-Jewish riots
were renewed here Sunday. The men
invaded the Jewish quarter and pillaged
the sh ps in the Rue iiabazoum driving
'he Jewish merchants out into the
streets A squadron of chasseurs waa
ordered to the scene and charged the
mob with drawn swords, but the mob
reiormed turther on, cheering for the
army. Revolvers and daggers were free-
. used. One man who was stabbed In
l e back and shot in the head died oi
the spot. Many were seriously stabbed
one named Cayol dying from hia wounds.
The crowd, hearing of this, became dan
gerously excited and ahouted: "Tue
are murdering us; death to the Jews,'
and resumed pillaging. The front of
rix shops were destroyed nd the loot
was burn d. The policy repeatedly
c mr ei the rioters, but were stubborn
ly resisted and powerless to restore or
der until the troops arrived.
8everal policemen were seriously mal
treated. Many arrests for theft have
he u made. The Jewish authorities
r commend iheir co-religionits to re
main indoors. Both the men killed in
in the riot wtre Christiana and their
companions have sworn to avenge them.
It is feared there will be further riot
Disturbances and the looting of Jew
ish shops continued throughout the eve
ning, despite the tfforts of tbe troop to
quell disorders.
At 1 o clock Saturday night some Jew
ish flower stores were pillaged and their
con te. its destroyed. The zouave then
chained the crowd with fixed bayonet
ami dispersed them many persona being
At the moment this dispatch ia aent,
11 o'clock, the rioters are reassembling
on the quays and setting fire to the Jew
ish spirit stores. Troops are being hur
ried to the spot. Already there have
leen 150 arrests. The maintenance of
order has been entrusted to the military.
Hbo Wrtnll-rJ jiMWUg;.
Black Rivaa Falls, Wis., Jan. 24.
Attempt to wreck a passenger train,
with revenge for the killing of a horse
aa tbe motive, ia tbe charge agaiuat
Mary Miles, arrested here Saturday
afternoon, Deteotivea aay the evidenoe
against ber ia positive and that other
arrests will follow, clearing up a mys
tery of nearly four years' standing.
The woman ia a somewhat notorious
character in this locality. The onmi
with ahich she 1 charged was com
mitted near Withee during June, 1894.
A horse owned by her wa killed by i
passing Wisconsin Central train and
tlm company refused damage. In re
venge, it is alleged, she placed tie in
culvert to wreck a pasenger train.
The obstruction waa struck by a freight
train, doing conaiderable damage, but
the wreck waa attended with no loss
of life.
IllDitrnu Daag htor Dea4.
Clevbland, Jan. 24. A telegram
from Palm Beach, Fla., announce the
death of Mr. Mary Payne Bingham of
fhia city, daughter of the late Sonator
H. B, Payne. Mra. Bingham' husband
and children were with her when he
died, at wart also bar only surviving
brother, Colonel Oliver Haaard Payne of
New York and har nle a, Mra. Almerlo
Hugh Paget, daughter of tha late Mra.
William 0. Whitney, Mra. Bingham's
Jpanl.h NsniiMM-ni k off t Mat Corl
Some .11 ore.
Marium, Jan 2ti. The Imosrcial ex
presses feir that the di- i.-.teh of th
United 8ia es battle-diip Maine to Ha
vmia will provoke a conflict, and adds
''Kurope cannot doubt A meriea's at
titude towards Spjin, but the
pe7 e, if necesa'y, will do their cu:y
with honi r."
The newspapers generally comment
unon Secretary long's explanation oi
tiie visit of t tie United States battle
-li'P -Ma ne to Havana and aree in ex
pressing the opinion that her visit is
''inopportune and calculated to encovr
age the insurgents."
It is announced that, "following
Washington's example," the Spanish
government will "instru t Spanish wai
shipii to visit a few Anted an ports."
The Epix-H neks if the dispatch of the
Maine to Havana Is intende 1 as a sop
to the jingoes, and ad Is :
"We cannot thLik the American gov
ernment eo naive ami badly-informed
as to imagine that the presence ol
Anietiean wa- vesstlb at Havana will
be a cause of satisfaction to Spain or
an indication ol friendship."
Va9minut n, .inn. 20. The battle
ship Maine in in Havana harbor. The
torpedo boat Dunont, which left Key
West at 5 o'clock under sailing ordera,
hailed the Maine at Dry Tortugas and
delivered the orders for the battleship
to proceed to Havana at once. The Du
pot tl en returned to Key West. It re
ports that the Maine was about to sail
when the Dupont left.
It is believed by the state department
that the Maine entered the harbor af
Havana at the earliest hour that the
Spanish port regulations permit. No
cirect report, however, has yet been re
ceived from Havana.
Havana, Jan. 20. The United States
battleship Maine, commanded by Chas.
D. higabee, which left Key West, Fla.,
on January 24, arrived here at 11 o'clock
yesterday morning and was saluted by
the forts and war vessels.
A report is current that the United
States consul general, Fitzhugh Lee, and
Dr. Congonil, secretary-general of the
Cuban government, have had a alight
Generil Lee, when seen by a corre
spondent of the Associated press, said
that nothing unpleasant had happened
bet veen ' imnelf and Senor Congosso.
Shortly after the arrival of the Maine,
Lieutenant Medrano, representing the
captain of the port, Vice Admiral Pa Lore
visited the battleship &nd extended the
customary countesiea.
The arrival of th- war ship caused
much surprise and excited conaiderable
curiosity. AU is qaiet.
Captain Sigsbee yester ley evening
had a prolonged conference with Consul
General Lee. The otlice' and sailor of
bo Mnine ill not bo ashore at present
to avoid possible trie: ion.
Cantain Sigsbee has expreesed himself
as gratified by the recoption rendeied
and the courtesy and cordiality show.
It i reported at ties palace that Gen
eral Maximo Gomez has fallen back
across the Moron Jucaro trocha into the
Camaguay district.
A Had Fire Iu Bpokaue.
Spokank, Wash., Jan. 2ft. A fire in
which the loss will run up to (400,000
worth of property and at the very least
five lives were lost, took place Monday
night. The Great Eastern Block, at the
corner of Post street and Riverside ave-
a ne, six stories tn height, and con
structed of brick, caught fire about 11 :45
p. tn., and in three hour wa totally
The names of those known to lost are:
Rose Wilson, aged eighteen.
Rose Smith, an invalid, aged twenty.
Mrs. Davies.
Other bodies are supposed to be in the
building, which is too hot yet to enter.
All of the upper two floors and part of
the third l )or were used for lodging
purposes, and at least 150 people were
asleep in the building when tbe fire
started. While most of them escaped
with only their clothes, it is thought a
number perished.
Cornell Slgm Article to Fifht.
Ciiicaoo, Jan. 26. Jamea J. Corbet!
yesterday signed articles calling for a
tight with Robert fitzsimmona, which
George Considine of Detroit is confident
he can pull off next summer.
The articles are identical with those
governing t tie fight at Carson City, with
the exception of the puree, which in
this case is f.'5,000 as against $15,000 at
Carson City. Considine agreea to poet
forfeit of $5,000 to go to the men in
case he fails to pull off the fight. In
return he demands a forfeit from each
of $2,500.
Considine expressed great confidence
n bis ability to have the tight without
uterniDtion. and said that besi.te the
puree for Fit.simmona and Corbett he
would off r $15,0(10 for Kid McCoy to go
against Chonski, Jeffries, Maher or
Kublin. Kid Lavigne, he said, had
promised him that he would fight Mo-
artland at 12 pounds, tor this event
good puree will be ottered, Air. Consi
dine delared.
Considii.e is to meet ntzsimmons in
Detroit on Sunday and expresses him
self a confident of bting able to induce
the champion to write hi name besida
that of Corbett on the articles of agree
ment. Wanted 8)0,000 or
St. Locis, Jan., 20. About noon yes
terday a well-dreaed young man aged
about twenty-five, walked into the pri
vate office of Judge Madlll, president of
the Union Trust company, and pointing
a revolver at tbe Judge'a head, demand
ed $8,000 caah, threatening to kill him if
th money waa not paid. Jndge Madill
engaged tha man In con venation nntil
detective arrived and handouffed him.
The would-be robber waa taken to tha
Four Covrta and looked np.
If it Faili. in una I in n- ham Jluy Tk a
Hand in Hie War.
Wakiiixuiun, Jan. 21. Gentlemen
in congees who by their p siti m have
rea-on to be accurately informed on the
pos tiou of the administration towa-ds
C'uhi, say that ihid policy is ia sub
stance hs follows:
At the present moment it is V that
the same national cond.tinns prevail
as existed when the president tent his
last message to congress,
At that time
ii wax sT-.tea that tiie piaa of autonomy
having been inaugurated, it was the
purpose of the executive branch to give
pro;,rr time for this plan to he tried.
The administration plan was inaugur
ated only three weeks ago, so that it is
felt that there has not leeri adequate
time up fothe present moment to form
any lair judgment as to the power- of
the plan as a means of ameliorating the
c ndition of the ialand.
The recent occurrences ft Havana are
looked upon aa affording evidence of
dipcontent at the pian, but whether
this will be tuificient to overcome tbe
p an itself is not loos e I upon as estab
lished with any degree of certainty, or
even approximate ness.
kkaijy kok ax kmkrorxcv.
In the meantime, w il) clo ely ob
serving the progrei-s of the autonomous
plan, the administration has adopted
every pi eeaurion to guard against any
sudden emergency, such as an uprising
that will threaten American interests.
Thij is not expected to occur, but if it
should come it ia said that the naval
vessels of the United State-are bo dis
posed as to be in the harbor of Havana
within six hours of any crisis which
would imperil American intereits. In
order that there may be no delay Bhould
an emergency arise it is said that Con-sol-General
Lee lias been empowered to
make direct request to te coDicianders
of the warships, so that the veseels
could start on receipt of word from him
w ithout the delay incident to having
his requests paes through the official
routine at Washington. To a great ex-t-nt
the intelligent judgmen of Gen
eral Lee is relied upon as to c Kermin
tng f any emergencv requires tje pres
ence of American vessels.
Tfiis, however, applies solely to the
question ot tumult of a critical nature
and has no connection with the general
qnejtion of intervention f r the purpose
of bringing the war to a close. Such a
stp i not und r immediate consider
ation, for, as already stated, it is pre
dicted on the failure of the plan of
autonomy, which leeult, it is said, the
irovernment does not regard as estab
lished by the evidence at hand up to
the present time.
Avenged hU Bister.
Nkw York, Jan. 21 Inside the Gtagg
street stHtion bouae, borough of Brooklyn
last nignt, the policeman w-re all in
line ready to go' out for night duty. The
sergeant was reading to them a descrip
tion of Herman G. Hintz, who had just
shot and mortally wounded Otto Diehl.
He was telling the men to arrest Hint
and warned them that he wa a wild
westerner and p'obably dangerous.
Outside the station house was Hintz
doing his beet to get inside and give him
self up. He told the doorman guarding
the entrance that he had imoortant
business inBide and must pass. The
doorman declared that no one Bhould
enter until the men had been sent out
for duty. The policemen filed out past
the man they wanted and Hintz went in
side. He told "f the crime he had com
mittsd and handed Sergeant Ruthen-
burg a big revolver, from which a forty
four bullet had been discharged. He
was locked up.
Hinz had been a cowboy in Texaa for
tho last sevn year. His mother lives
in Brooklyn, and he came to vieit her
Christmas. He found that Diehl wa
treating his sister brutally and he took
her away. He went for Mrs. Diebl'a
clothes. Diehl refused to let him have
them and Hinz saya threatened to brain
him with a kettle.
"My sister is dying," said Hinz, "and
ynu'er her murderer. I guees it won't
be a crime to kill you, and I'll do it,''
and he did.
California Will Celebrate.
Sam Francisco, Jan. 21 Preparationi
for the golden jubilee of California the
fiftieth anniversary of the discovery of
the yellow metal are making raoid
headway. The celebration will begin
on Monday next and continue during
the week. It will embrace many entire
ly novel features, nearly every country
in the State contributing to render the
affair a notiable event in the annala of
California. In connection with tbe jubi
lee a mining fair will be held, which
promises to ba the most complete of the
kind ever known in the west. San
Francisco is afrerdy gaily decorated in
anticipation of thecoming carnival week
and visitors are arriving in Urge num
ber. Governor Buddha leclared the
opening day of the jubilee I legal holi
day and during the week of r'eativity the
public school will be closed.
Seldom before haa state and civil pride
been aroused to a greater degree, and it
is already evident that all former popu
lar demonstration here will bo equalled
it not eel i peed.
' Mat Qoodwln Dlvorred.
Naw York, Jan. 21. Junitice Pryoi
in the supreme court confirmed the re
port of ex Judge Donahue aa referee,
recommending that a decree of absolute
divorce be granted Nellie E. Goodwin,
wife of Nat C. Goodwin, the actor.
Goodwin ia ordered to pay hia divorced
wife $75 a week alimony. Shale privi
ledged to marry again if ah ao deairea,
with right to resume har maiden nam
of Barker. Goodwin cannot aaarry
again iu this at it.
leut;hkt a witness
-trraka I'onn tVhni Krfrrenre In Made t
lit Furim-r Wife II.t.4 llwo Married
lbrp. Ti,iii"t -Alt-niitH to Expiate
llirt Willi, j)ai.tiirtjice.
Chicago, Jan. 22. Adolph L. Lent
Pel t v.o-lf nn thn . ilrifica ctanit clu.
day am) lolJ the - rv t,,e g of tfa
doings in his sausage factory the night
of Mav 1. He endeavored to explain
the mvH'ery surrounding the disappear
ance of his w fe, for whose murder he
is bein? tried. An immense crowd gath
ered around the criminal court building
long before the case was called, but
warned by experience the police allowed
only those to enter who had tickets of
a luiiesion. Judao Gary's court room
was packed soma time before the open
ing hour. There was an unusal num
ber of women present. The audience
paid the closest attention to Leutgert'
Prior to going on the witness stand
Leutgert, white taking exercise in the
jail, was accompanied by James Smith,
who has been on trial with Chris Merry
for the murder of Merry's wife'. Smith
was extremely nervous over the out
come of the jury's deliberations in his
case, but Leutgert spoke encourarigly
to him.
"I received an invitation to masque
rade ball, which takes place on Febru
ary 2." said Leutgert to hia companion.
"I'll let you have it. You'll be able to
use it before I will."
After reading the Btory of the various
financial deals in which he waa inter
ested, Lautgert was asked if during the
time he was first engaged in business be
was married.
To this Leutgert replied in the affirm
ative. 'I was married to Miss Pauline
Riielke in 1S72," said the defendant.
"How do you spell that name?"
"Oh, I don't know. I never could
spell it," was Leutgert's reply.
Attorney Harmon of connsel for tha
defense then went into Leutgert'
financial affairs at the time of Mr.
Touia Leutgert's disappearance and
drew out the statement that Lodger!
was worth about $0,000 exclusive of
real estate. Attorney Harmsn then
asked Leutgert when his first wife died.
"In November, 1878."
"And how long were you a widower?"
"Until January, 1879. In that month
I married Wilhemina Mueller.
At hi-i point Luetgert broke down
and commenced cry ng like a child. See
ing the condition the client waa In,
Attorney Harmon .sked for a receaa,
but Judge Gary refused to allow it. Af
ter a few moment Leutgert regained,.
control of himself. Tbe display of griel
drew smile to the face of Police Captain
Bcheuttler, who occupied a seat immed
iately behind thedef ndant, and the ju
rors looked on in astonishment a Lnert
g rt buried hia face in hia hands and
sob tied.
" Before you we e married where did
you and your little boy Arnold live?"
waa the next question.
"I slept in the store myself and my
wife at my mother-in-lawa"
"When were you remarried the se
oond time?" Leutgert was asked by hi
"In 1883 to Louise Bicknese." There
was not a trace of emo ion in the voic
of Luetgert, a he mentioned the name
of the woman he is charged with having
murdered. The defendant then told of
the various places he and his wife had
lived, and of hi going into business al
his latest location iu 1889. The court at
'.his point took a recess.
Chris Merry Moat UitDf.
Chicago, Jan. 22. Iu the case ot
Chris Merry, the peddler charged with
wife murder, the jury yeaterday re
turned a verdict finding him guilty.
Smith his alleged accomplice, waafonnd
not guilty. The jury was out all night.
When the verdict waa read 8mith
jumped to his feet and ahouted for joy,
but Judge Horton sternly commanded
him to sit down.
"Bring me a warrant," aaid the Indee
"I want thia man rearrested a an ac
cessary to the murder after the fact.
and I want him indicted by the grand
jury toitay."
Thia had the effect of cooling Smith'
spirits, but he soon recovered and looked
pityingly down on his fellow prisoner.
"Chris, old boy, I'm sorry for you,"
he said aa he held out hia hand to
Merry. "Cheer np, maybe thing won't
be so bad after all. Congratulate ma
anyway on my end of it."
But Merry was in a date, and holding
out hi iiand remained silent.
Merry was found guilty on the firat
ballot. The reat of the period of tha
j iry'a deliberations waa confined to a
d scuesion of Smith'a case, the ballota
atanding six for conviction and six
a -inet until loday. Then with tha
understanding, it is thought, that there
would be no legal difficulties in the way
of Smith' rearrest and indictment a an
accessory after tbe fact, it waa agreed
to return a verdict of not guilty aa
Indianapolis Prepare.
Imdianapoms, lnd., Jan. 22. Tha '
work of preparation for the monetary
convention ia nearly over, and when tha
delegate assemble in this city next
week tbey will find everything in readl
nesafor tha business at Land. Mat
aagee and letter vera raoafvad yeater
day from a number of cltia anying they
nao appointed delegate ui toe lute el
men prominent la basineee and flaMa
etel eirelee who will attend Uu aoafai
lion are ateedily growing.