The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, February 03, 1898, Image 1
r f The Sioux County Journal, TOL. X. HK,HIS01sr, 1TEBBASKA, TECTJSTJY, FEB. 3, 1898. UTO. 28. The Sioux County Journal. f ESTABLISHED 1888. SuW-ription Price, fl.00 OFFICIAL PAPER OF 6I0UX OOUNTY. Alfii. It. Canon, Editor. Kntered ut the IlarrUon post office u second cIumh matter. Every indications points to tlio in dependence of suffering Cuba in the near future. Speaker Heed, secretary Gaffe and the president will vie with each other in ord er to prevent the Teller resolution from jiassin"; the lower house of congress. Watch thoir tactic. If you wish to know how the republi cans stand for the gold standard, reaii the vote on the final passage of tlieTel lr;r resolution w),iich will be found in another column of this patr. men, that nickles expended in treats to the boys now retu.n in dollar to your tills after the eppetita has been formed. Above things create appetite. The following is the vote on the Teller Kesolutions as taken in the U. S. senate Jan 27, showing who favored bi-metal-lism and who favored gold monemetal lmni: The vote in detail: YEAR. Jones (Ark.). Kenney. Kyle. Lindsay. M Enery. McLaurin. Mai lory. Allen. Uacon. Bate. Berry. Butler. Cannon. Carter. Chandler. Chilton. Clark. Clay. Cockrell. Daniel. Urny. Harris. Heitfeld Aldrich. Allisoi Baker. Burrows. The republican administration is mak ing history which will ultimately floor1 the party for all time. The tat ill" Cuban j a,.erT party end monetary policy are snflicient to distroy any party's usefulness. The republicans in emigres have suc ceeded in preventing a favorable retort on the Teller resolution which camo be fore that house on tin) 2i inst. Senator llmnit and Czar Reed are running things their own way this winter. M irk Hanna who was elected by pur chased votes and bribery, was given a night's lodging in the White house on his return to Washington from his Benator in contest in Oltio which was to show the appreciation of president McKinley for Mark's cuteness in polities. Senator Liriyey of Kentucky improved the golden opprotunity to ( limb onto the free stiver band-wagon as it passed along, J.y voting for the Teller resolution when it came up for final passage in the L. S. Senate a week ago today. Ho was an avowed gold bug di-.ring the last campaign. Cullom. Davis. Mantle. Martin. Mills. Mitchell. Money. Morgan. Murphy. Pasco. Pettigrew, NAYS, Hale. Hanna. HunHbrougli. Haw ley. H ar. Ixlga. M'-Bridu. Tettus. Pritchard. Rawlins. Roach. Shoup. Smith. Stewart. Teller. Tillman. Turpie. Turner. Vest. Warren. White. Wolcott-47. Penrose. Perkins. Piatt (Conn.). Piatt (X. Y.). Quay. Swell. Thurston. Wellington. Wetmore. Wilson 32. Fairbanks. McMillan, Foraker. Mason. Oillinger.MoiTill. Gear. Nelson. The pairs throughout tho voting were as follows: Turlev with J;boe, Faulkner with Elkins, (Jot-man with Frye, Jones (Neva' da) with Proctor, Walthall with Spoon- er. The first named would in each caso have voted with those sustaining the resolutions and against all amendments, while the last named would have voted against the resolution and for the amend ments. There was no demonstration on the an nouncement, and at 7 p. m., on motion of Mr. Allison, the Senate adjourned till Monday. exercise a censorship over the press or to limit its right to publish. Second Because, even if the court had such power, this injunction was void as against the World-Herald for the reason that no indemnifying bond was given to the World-Herald or it officers. WELL WORTH READING. Something In Thl Column That Will Interest Every Body. told Standard Panic In Japau. Now comes the distressing wail from Japan that a gold standard panic is sett ing in. The Yomiuri, one of the leading Japanese papers, says: "The financial panic which occurred in Osaka is only the first of the disasters that will follow the adoption by Japan of the gold stan dard. "Several big Osaka merchants have become insolvent and as circulating medium is becoming less daily, em barrassment will increase. Cash Paid For a Vote. The republican papers all over the con try hnvebeen making a great deal of noise altout a certain artii l? that apiwar in the New York Journal some two weeks ago, which made it ap.-ar that the Journal had no more use for W. J. Bryan or the Bryan I 'emocrats. The fol'lowihg ought to u t at rest all such bolderdash: As to the position of the Journal on the miH.Ttof Mr. Bryan, the matter is sim plicity itself. .The supported Mr. Bryan in 1 '!!)$ because he was tho rvgular nominee of the Demm ratic na tional convention. H will support him ia ltMH). orauyliody else who may occupy the same position. It supported . Mr. an Wyck last year forsimilur reasons. The j journal is not and never was either a. Bryan paper or a Van Wyck paper. It U a Democratic paper. The Newsp;ier Press of Nebraska, certainly owe to (iillicrt M. Hitchcock, president of the World-Hrall Publish ing Company of Omaha, their lasting gratitude for the part he played in the Judge Keyaor injuntion case to maintain free speech and a free press in the state, and to permit publihboin to advertise their own business. If a nation t to indure, tho public press and free speech, should not he abridged or muzzled. LAID DOWN' OS THE IN V ESTJ (JATO US T A Ii LK. Complete Exposure of IIuiiiiii Corrupt ion in Cincinnati. the Sound Money. "Sound" money is money which never reaches the channel of trade without paying several interests to Shylock on the way. No money is sound but what pays interests, and the larger the inter ests the "sounder" the money. Facts (Denver, Colo.). Wages And Dividends. The following throws a side light on the recent reduction in the wages of the New England cotton mill operatives: Mr. Ross said a strike was certainly emminent from the sentiment cf the operatives, and in view of the fact that the mills here, after paying an extra dividend, now make a horizontal reduc tion of 11 1-9 per cent." How To Find Out Fill a bottle or common glass with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours, a sediment or settling indicates an un healthy condition of the kidneys. When urine stains linen it is evidence of kidney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in the back, is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladerareout of order. AVhat To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfils every wish in relieving pain io the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every partof the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold urine and scald ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp Roet is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention THE SIOUX County Joi.'knal and send your addrefis to )r. Kilmer & Co. , Bingham pt-on, N. Y. The proprietors of uhis paper guarantee the genuineness of this oiler. JUST ARRIVED! A car-load of Wheatland Flour at the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, at prices that will defy competition any where in the state. The RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE is Head-quarters for DRY-GOODS & GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, HARD-WARE & TIN-WARE &c, &c. Our Motto is, "LIVE and let LIVE" We need money, and the people need our goods, bo come in and see Low cheap we can sell you goods for cash. LEWIS GERLACH, Prop. tioo'l Logic. Some newspapers claim 'we ought to annex the Hawaiian Islands because Americans have thirty million dollars invested there. Well, that is good logic, the United States ought to be annexed to England because the British have over fifteen billion dollars invested here. Bricklayers' Journal. It looks .is if the New York World was making a great deal of fussover the acts of tho republican administration, after doing all in its power to elect president McKinley in the IKiO campaign. Hon. W. J. Bryan did not liesitate to say what he would do if elected to the presidency, wliile Mr. McKinley hedged and is still hedging. The New York World and Dav id B. Hill should have a party by them selves. . ' "Other Men's Holt's." Considerable indignation has been aroused by the remarks of the presiding officer of the Ohio Liquor league, who in calling the league to order made a re markable speech in which he said: It will appear from these facts, gentle men, that the success of our business Is depending largely(uon the creation of appetite for drink- Men who urinK liqu or, like others, will die, and If thero Is no new apptit created wir counters will be etjjpty, will bo our coffers. Our i,iMin will iro hungry or we must change our business to that of some oth er more ramunrative. The field for the crcatioD ( t this af p lite U not anmng men .tiMr tiiev have crown and their habits are formed they rarely, if ever; change io thin reffard. Jtwlll be needful, there , fore missionary work be done among the bojg, and I make lit? iUfgeUion, gnH The exKMirete is comple, and the mon ev Inishf-eii thown. Yesterday f 1,750 in crisp bills were laid on the table of the S ma ti Inv-ostigaliog Committee by the Gentleman who received it from General Boyce, M. A. Hanna's agent, for the vote or John C. Oil. The money was produced by Colonel iT. C. Campbell, who, with Mr. Otis, j testified in full yesterday to '.he story of the Hanna corruption. The testimony of both gentleman made a deep impression, and it leads to the final conviction of the truth of what the Hanna people call a "conspiracy" and a "llinmy fabrication'' in the same breath. The situation is certainly a extraordin ary one of Senator James Garfield, who declared that he would leave Hanna if he were shown to be corrupt. Since that expression of opinion he has declar ed that he does not believe tho charges of bribery. Yesterday he refused to re main to hear the testimony of Colonel Campbell. It might almost be suspected from Senator Garflelds demeanor at the recectnt hearings that he fears he will bo compiled to believe the charges. Queer. "Men in this nineteenth century," says Mayor Jones of Toledo, "are to-day without any other alternative th"l t0 steal or starve. I meet th" very day. They are good ri"-" Jl,st ali J?00'1 ,ls most of thK l"ous 1'un of the city, but they are unfortunate. They are not to blame. We must vvie out the present social condition of things and have in- i stilled into us that to love all men is the highest type of patriotism. Trees and Plants, iieneral Assortment of Karocry Stock Bi'Ht varieties for Nebraska. Millions of Strawberry and Raspberry Plants at wholesale and retail. Our plants have been irrigated when needing it therefore V3ry thrifty and deep rooted. Buy the best near home preventing loss by delay and saving extra freight or ex press from eastern points. Write for price list to NOKTHBEND NURSERIES, ' North Bend. Dodge Co. , Neb. STOCK BKAMDS. TnE Journal will publish your brand, ike the following, for 2 :00, per year. Kuch au ullionnl hmiiu 7ft cents. Kvery larnier or ruui'ltmcn In Wonx unit adjoining counties gnoiild advertise their brands In ThrJouh NALns It circulate nil over the vtute. It may bo the menus of saving money for yon. FRANK KUTTO. On left side of cuttle and on left Kliou Idcr of borCK. ItaiiKu on Antelope creek , l.hllchriot, Sioux Co., Neb. Mayor Jones Says. There is really prosperity among the steel workers making cannon. Queer, twould be wrong for the government to employ workers to produce the nec essaries of life. Appeal to reason. CHAB1.K8 IlltHI.K. On left side or hip of cuttle, I im lei t shoulder of li'ii-ncH. j llCiuign on the Iicad ol waruonnet i're"k Address Harrison, Sloii Co. Neb. s. W.CAKEY. i In left shoulder ol citUlc ttnu lories. llhuiKKon l.lttl" Cottonwood. I'O. ., Crawford Nebr. Mistakes Of The Printers. Found on Tim Editors Round Table. THE INJUNCTION VOID. Judge Kcygor Admits That the Court Han 110 Power to Punish Mr. Hitchcock for Contempt, Because the Injunc tion wan void. Judge Keysor today rendered his de cision in the contempt proceedings which he had ordered instituted against Gilbert M. Hitchcock. Tho decision is a complete victory for the liberty of the press as contended for by the World-Herald. The full opinion is published below. It bases the decision in favor of Mr. Hitchcock upon this proposition: The injunction issued by Judge Keysor against the World-Herald and O. M. Hitchcock was void, and therefore Mr, Hitchcock cannot be punished for con' tempt of court in violating it. This, Judge Keysor now admits to be true for the following reasons, either one of which is sufficient to vindicate the position taken by the World-Herald and its attorneys. First Because, under Uie constitution of Pebnuka, do court baa any power to An eastern newspaper in describing the journey of the Tunisian embassy from Leghorn to Paris, said: "They went through Mount Saini," meaning Mount Cenis. A polish newspaper once startled ths world by publishing the tele gram that "the state of Italy was preg nant with a lamb," when the correct reauing should have read "Pregnant with alarm." Some years ago the Philadelpha Post published this erratum: "In our last is sue a biography of Newton was said to contain this: 'Yes the immoral Newton lived just like other men.' It should have read 'The immotal Newton.' " A New York editor who wrote an ob ituary on the death of a man of some celebrity said : "He began life as a legal practitioner, but was diverted from it by a love of letters." He did not see the proof and was confronted the next morn ing by this: "He began life as a legal politcian, but he was diverted from it by a love of bitters. A convivival host once offered a toast to a woman at a dinner party. He said: Woman man without her would be a savage." When the words appeared in print the next day they read: "Woman without her man would be a sausage., In the begintng of the present century Dr. Kunze, a prominent Lutheran minis ter of New York, wrote a communicat ion on a vexed chronological question. He spoke of the Gregorian style and men tioned Pope Gregory. Tho learned doct or went to the editor and requested an erratum to specify, instead of Tom Gre gory, Pope Gregory. The correction was made to pope "Pope Tom Gregory." The Doctor made another attempt, with tins result, "Tom Gregory, the pope." Fearing to lose his reputation on the sub ject, the doctor submitted Ut the inevit able und asked for no f urtber corrections. Final Proof Sot ires. All rwrminH hnvlnir final proof notlcs in this paix-r will receive a marked copy of the paper and urn requested to examine their notice and If liny errors exist reiort the same to this oUice at once. TlltllEli (TLTVKK, FIN A I, I'KOOF.-NO- TICK FUU PUBLICATION. Alliance, Neb., ( Dec. a", ISI.7. I Notice Is hereby given that liohcrt Math- er ol i cdur KiipnH, lown, iuir iih-u inst " Intention to nuiko flnnl proof bcfoio M.J. Illcwctt, Clerk District Court, at his office In Harrison, Neb., on tho ith day ol tvim ry ISilS, on timber culture, application No. IM1, for the SX of N-U'Vi, and S-w V ol Section No. 2i, In Township Ho. 3 Komi Uane No. M West. He names iu wltncsm-s: K. A- HlOr.LOW, I. It.'ANT (jfTll IK anil G. W. IIE8TEK, all of Harrison, Neb. J. W. VVKII J , IteglHtcr- Notlro of Itagttolutlon of Paotneoshlp. To WHOM ! IT MAT CONCURS. Notice Is hereby (jiven that the firm of II I'T Kit A WN com posed of ii. W. HESTKfl und V. A. IIESTF.K, hs this (lay been dlssolv rd by mutual consent, V. A. HKSTEK with drawing- from said flrn and O. W. HESTER nuccei-dluif In the buslncus of said firm. All dehls due and owing said Ann to lie paid too. W. IIEKTEK nd all debts owln by itald linn to be paid by ld U. W. Hester. Dated Kcbuarv nd, IHSH. . W. HESTF.K, V. A. HESTER. Legal Notice. CnrlHlInn Jcnnon will take notion that on thn'Wth day of January, ISMS H. L. Sinuek a Justice of tlie peace of Howen Precinct, Sioux county Nebraska lwued an order of attachment snil ifurnlnhment for the sum of 16,40 with Intercut due thereon at 7 per cent, per snuum from July 1st, 1HW, In an action pending before him, wherein M. J. (iuyhuit is plaintiff and Christian Janscn defendant, that property of the defendant consisting ol a school order to the amount of (MU.OO dated Oct. Iht 1SK7 Issued by School District No. 23 of Sioux County, Nebraska to mid Christian Jauxen bus been attached un der said order.' said rausu was continued totholflth day ol March. WIS, at 1 o'clock p. in. Harrison, Nebraska, Fehuary 3, lsflS. M. J.ii .TkAKT, 1'lalnlltT. Ity A i.vikT. Clark, his Attorney. FnFP.TnlALS'3 libto decay, nervous deMlitvaad A $2,000 Word! -4- 'V This paper announces, in connection with The Atlanta Weekly Conjtihitution, a new offer in which everyone may have a chance to supply the missing word in this sentence: "AT FIRST IT W AS CONSIDERED BY THE AS A GOOD OMEN." The sentence is taken from a well-known publication. The word Is a familiar one. and it may readily suggest itself. Contest Bejja TO ENTER THIS CONTEST YOU MUST SUBSCRIBE FOR. IN CONNECTION WITH THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL, $1.75 AT THE EXTREMELY LOW PRICE OF In connection with this Clubbing Rate, we will, if you send your guess with the subscription price, forward all for you and thus GIVE TOU A CHAICL4TEJCRSJgOPJ.Bl!nHL At the end of period covered by this contest The Constitution will pay eut to the successful party or p:rtle the full prize amount that has OCCTUt J in Hie contest. The plan U simple and these contexts have beooaw popul ir and have heen conducted with such absolute fairness te all Wj they have been widely copied after, but none have become equal te The Constitution' great oritflnil .erlos. IN ONG YEAR THE CONSTITUTION HAS PAID OUT nl NEARLY S6.000 IN CASH in these mlKsing word contests. It sets aside 10 per ceat of the subscrip tion i und received from subscribers guessing at the mlMlng word, and mis fund Is given to the successful cuesser or KUessers In the contest. The fun, is distributed with iihsolute fairness, and the (act that The Weekly Constitution has MORE THAN Vm.OUD subscribers and that It puts asl.le 10 per cent from all cuessers' subscription for this distribu tion fund shows that the amount to be divlited at eaoh Interval ll larga enough to be worth ptr:vlnr for. It Is not ii catct-penny or a deoeit Inl proposition, but the p'nn Is open and simple and IS ADMITTED t" Hie mulls l the P.t Offie Department an a ineiitorlM emtMt. f9- The hook Imm which (he wnf-n Is taken Is dppo-tlterl In m Nnfetv att. undar Sent, and will ha oprnr'ti hi tw- el' w- nl the rmit-Ni beiore a i-nniietent committee, which mahai SM award after aa sxami imtiou ot ttie HUITiitiwi tiookft. In one of these contests (here was only MK uooanful fuener, who received more than fl.UUt): and In iiddltlon to UUa ta OB year li.(lN has heen d stributed Hinons successful (tuessera Itemember that, whether the nilsslnc word Ii laapiM or not It costs nnth'UK to Rueas. nnd even thniiRli not succcmful, Uk auesser gets THE GRFATEU Of ALL WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS FOB ONE YEAR Keep that 'n view and send your Rufss with your dobbfcng Subscription for your home paper and The Weekly Constitution. Should you already be a aibscriber Io your home paper, remit $1 to this paper for "The Weekly Constitution for one year, and it will be forwarded to The Constitution with your guess. The Constitution guarantee that the amount of tba award will not he lcs Until $50 in cash, und it may be as much as $2,000. TIIK r.KKI.Y CONSTITUTION IS 1 II K G R E ATEST WEKK I.Y NEWSPAPER IN THE WORM). It is a TWKI.VK I'AGE, SE V EN-COLUMNS-TO-TH E-PAGB NEWSI'AI'I.K, containing EIGHTY-FOUR COLUMNS every week. It hat no equal as a Weekly Newspaper in America; its news reports cover the world, and in rurrr5pnnlrnls and agents are to be found in almost every bailiwick of the South ern and Western States. AS A SI WiA.IMi U prlntu more matter than Isoidtnsrtly found In any macaitneui theconatn, ASA'S Kill CATOK M In nsr'houlhouaetn Itir: avw sreilnc (if TMtmMMUitka Is lltierMoataa. ITH Hl'ltf'l Al FKATI'lt Ksl cotumrn.1 imperially Ki every farm hoagela Aaaertca. ITS I' Aim All) K A II SIKHS' IK1AIIT.II: r, t Woman's Oeaartairni and Irs Phil. i ll...,iiH.Hi an. fl under ahle dlrertlnn. mnA are suiieliillv aliN44lve a, I liene densrtnienui are aiuimnen. i ne lonwnuiion m irrmarraiir la ralliara, mmm VI M a at IB rsni. esrlr snvaeate m( Ifce arlartalaa eaaaelalea la tba Matlaaal flatfara THE F0LL0WH.8 AKE THE COHDITIOM OF THE CONTEST y Ten Per Cent of the Guessers' Subscrip tions goes to the Fund to be divided. In other words if this Subscription Fund amounts to $20,000 lor this period then the fund to go to the successful guesser would be $2,000. TIIK rOHHTITI'TIOJI PI7T in PKR CHUT n rccHves lor autarrlptlons from narttiaentertns Uh kTlaslae Wor-l naa teal Into a fund for dMrlbuuVm snirmir Ihnsr wha aam eaereeUf (ha nilaslnt word. II only one contestant fta Ike rfcrnt oisM. he nr aha will tie siren tba entira land, if uinre than one mimiH the msaaaa . the sum will bs proaonliiaKlely dlvldea aiaaat UM aaaoasspal TIIK fOIDlTI01f FRfCTIEDKFIT FOB MKIOIJIO A GCHM at the Maalnf Wora. Is that nrh and evrry Kea must heaenooi. pan led br a year's solsK-rlpUon Ui 1 lie Weekly lunstltullon. U ami through the paper publishing thin sdvrrtlwment In aavntannt at aut dabbing onr, the guesa at tba mtmliiv will be forwarded. Tlie guess must he sent with tlx sulMvriiitlon. -"h-.ntd one senna (sad more than on anewer. lie or she will lie entitled bin share nl la I end for eai-h i-iirreet answer. There will be no fanrbil arms- will gel a flrM prist. I'mons aiay guess us any Itnaas aalktf I suheciiptlons. MIKIM1 VOrn AKSWKII yon need nnlwrHe Ihenentenre out hi full- onl lor Uienlmve pnitl.lilr period (dnstgnnttng H) Is"........ " ... AUKKIM.S AM. n.i:BHlNM ORPKaW TO THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL, Harrison, Neb. ) Jt .1-. 1 ' , MT t I V. i i ft r . V . ;' i I fr..'!';'!' " It ' - yv 4 f,-!: -He V waw 'aaaaasBjTaaaaaaraaBaBBsi BBaaasai