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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1898)
i. .... . - , - T JI THE SIOUX COUNTY j-OTJS.isr-Xj. . i -o THCBfcSAT. Jan. 13th, 103. 4ieo. D. Canon, Editor and Prop. F. E. A If. V E. it. liiue Ubln. Goiag West. lioiag East. Bo. , mixed. U :30 I No. 6. Biiied .8:00 North-western UNE F K. M. V. R. R. is the bett to .nd from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS OF NORTH NEBRASKA. A map of the United States. liurllnglya Koute is three feet wide by lour long; U printed in seven uolorn; Is mount! cm rollers; siiuw cvry .taW county, important town and Irailroad In the Cnkm, and rnrmu n ttv dttiixuble and SB lusefl adjunct to auy bouse liol'J urbminesti establishment l'lirclinstd In lurite qoantl tw-8, the iiiujw cos liuj-Uii(Vu ltoutc iiiore than fifteen ceijtK ...w i.ut on receint of tliat rn-" "v- - HinoMut In stamps the under sitfiifid w''1 be pleased to sml von ue. nii immediately, as U,e nunnly 1 limited. J. Fbascis, Geivi I'uss'r Agent, Omnia, Neb. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY, ST ATE OK ICE E8 : ,tla A. Holcomb ........Governor E. Harris Lieutenant Uovcruoi IZ-ZZ:TL r. Me irea-urer J Smvth Attorney oenerai a,, j. smyiu ' ji. V. Wolfe . mnu wmmiMwoci W. R. Jackson -Sunt Public Instruction OOVCHESSIOSAL DELECaTK: ,John M.ThunAon....-1'.S. Senator, Omaha Wm. V.Allen B. Senauir. laun .E.Strode. Consrre.inaa lt Liat., Lincoln J). H. Mercer, amnel Maxwell, W. L. Stark, R. D. Sutberland, W. L- Greeu, 2d ouiaim 3rd 4th 5th 6th i Jrernout Aurora Nelsoo Kearney Jt'DIClABT: A. M. Post Chief JuKtioe, Columbus ioTc. HarV'n.:! Judge, Grand .s.and . L. Korval Associate Jnuge, sewara A. Campbell Clerk and uehorLer, Liacom I FIFTEENTIt JUDICIAL DISTEICT M. .T. Kinkaid , Jude, O'Seill -W. H. wt.ver " Wimviut . J. . Blewetl Clerk, JIarriaou TERMS Or COCBT District Court, At Harrison, commences Spring term April i:ith, jury 14th, Kail " October 20, Jury 2tb. rmn Court.-At Harrison, commences prst Monday of each month. LEGISLATIVE: Pito Mntz..Snaior, Dist. So. 14, Sprlngrv'iew ., Dist. So. K, Chadron a. e. . shcidon- . 1 Botrt whsob county judge -BJ,":r" -:"T;r Elsie Merriam. ,-Sapt, Public Instruct ion rviftB Wnllv ...--.Sheriff j J. E. . I II i riu'v v v J.. K. F. .Thomas Surveyor M.J.Blewett Clerk of Dlstnci oonn tJrant Guthrie County Attorney BOARD OF COMMISSIOSE115 Jens C. Meng . 1st Dlsirlct Andrew PriK-tiii irr , id Jackson Sleitln( Chairman) li VILLAGE OFFICERS: r. Rohwer (clialnnon) - ..Trustee jjohn Davis , . p. IL Grtswod . W.B. Marteller . K. D. Hamlin , ' W. H. Davis r Clerk Lewi Gerlach Tteasurer SCHOOL OFFICERS Essert Bonwer , Director B. L. Smnck Moderator .Treasurer ewlt Gerlach r. CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES. Ietlodit Sunday School meats every Sun day morning at 10;00 W. IL Davis, Miss B RTcl-t., Superintendent. Secretary EPWOKTI1 LEAGUE. Regular business meeting first Tuesday pvenlng In each month. Miss Palme, O. KtlMU, President. Secretary. Devotional meeting every Sunday evening 6:4ft. Mas. Kendall, Leader, JUKIOR LEAGUE. Meet each Sunday afternoon at 2 :30. MRS. K XDALU, Supt. ERBT RUSK POST, No. 34 O. A. R. Meets second Mourtay In each month In the oeurt house at Harrison. E. . Mvermore, Com. WOODMES OF THE WORLD. , Harrison Camp, 2o. ft, meet on each si MrnaM Wednesday evening. W.H.DAVia, J.A.Ha. , Clart. Coa.Com. MODEstSI WOODMEU OF AMERICA, Mnli aril alternate Saturday evening MlfalsMtt. A. R. Dtw, V. C. i, W, MMMiCIWtf GRANT GUTHRIE, Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to ali legal matters in Justice. County and District Courts, and before the United State Land Office. Fire Insurance written in reliable looipanies. JTLegal papers carefully drawn. Harrison, - Nebraska. J. E. PHINNEY. M. I). Phjlsrian And Surgeon. All call give prompt atteutWn. day. Office In Drug Store. -HARRISON - NEBKASKA. A. T. CLARK, Lawyer. Ofltce: In tUe Kichttuln Building, HARRISON, - - NEB NOTICE TO SETTLERS. The rules of the local land oflice have recently been amended so tliat settlers to make final proof sliaJl settle with tlie nublislier before sendinir in tlieir applica tion. All parties desiring to make final proof can have their papers made out at The Jocrkal oflice. free of charge, and promptly transmitted to tlie land office no that bo tim will be lost. Z?jT We are able to offer the Journal, the Thrice-a Week-World and the World Almanac, all for 1.1)5. Now is the time to subscribe for the three. We wish to announce to people of Harrison and com munity at large, that we have just opened one of the finest lines of boots and rfwes, that tl at bave ever neen nrongui - . trn, eAn Wo ivnnm ap- ij iiaiiivn. pr:aft fl,R faVor if all OUf I 1 T .A A c -nitnrwr 01U CUSlUIIieiB, ail-1 as man, neV OUe 8 pOMUUJ Lau . . . it. i 11 . , -i m i1MpWa,1q v.-r shall deem it a uxavi . rvv J , , pleasure to display uiem ana give prices on game I hank- incr our patrons for their very i r . generous patronage, in the past, We TePpeCUUHJ UIK it an enlarged amOUL Ol rJ-Ult; ov.,.t tn enlarge our etock, with prices to puit plimmest purses, thus by fair dealing to merit and obtain a liberal patronage, J. II. Bartell. The Poultry Farmer is the name ot a new paper puu i llished at Des Moines, la., in the interests of the farmer 1 fnmvwiK'a Tim fa Tchrt m lRft il III! I fl 1 I I I U 1 S3 f I J X V poultry and produce egg3 to Iay the grocery and dry ffoods bills. It 13 a 16 page , , . i -i 1. rn i -v t i ur rm h e ipm h ) i - r vear and IS a - Cal I ariUerji pOUlLQ' payci, aa i . . i , distinguished from a poultry fanciers' journal. It is just the kind of paper that wanted on every farm where a hen cackles, for its purpose js to help make the cackling profitable. Send for free nip r-nnv. adressing Hie Poultry Farmer, Des Moines, la, Mle Anybody wishincr to buy met- u,Vi. Im will do well to can uu w w dress 1M 8cbilt ILtrrls0D Neb- Almost all who could get away ik. Miintn aide this week have I I ui" . ' succeeded in w dolnif. Mr. Joseph Stasny of Indian creek snent a dav at the Hub tin week. Ho reports McKlnley Properitv" making things bloom just like the Bowers that don't in the spring. jSotioe I tan. rattle hides and all kind of skins with hair for robes, or wiinoiu or lnthr. See sample and prices in J. IL Bartell s store. H. OlJJRICHT. Olen, Neb Mr. D. Nelson of Olen was a visitor at the Hub on last Tuesday. He also paid his raspecta to the Journal force and we had the pleasure of enrolling him among our readers. Mr. and Mrs. Boniell came down from the O. W. ranch on last Monday and Mrs. IL will remuin at the home of hes parents for a visit while her better half wilL enjoy the glories of single blessedness. The new board of County fathers have been in session this week. All our town and county people are unan imous in their verdict of the qualflca (.jonaof our new brd, for thim ioy aol ardoui dijWef vf their office. Wood taken on subscription at this oflice. Mr. Alex. Lowry is tlie bu.iest man in towo just now. -Ideal stock weather this we are having of late. Old papers for sale at this office, 5c day. per bakers doen. iteby Hoily is a little under the weather this week. Vr,rc i lie time to subscribe for tiie Journal only $1,00 perysar. C. F. fcmku of Five Points was do- iog business at me nuu ou .i ti .1 1 Mr.rt Miss Eksie Merriam is now domiciled . i, ,f Mr. ajid Mrs. W. IS. ai mo iw""- v ' Wright, ter. The first renular meeting of the now Board of County commissioners was held this week. Pnnntv clerk Blewett is now the owner and manipulater of aS nith Prem ier tvn&Ariter. Superintendent Merriam arrived at Harrison on last Thursday and is now at tending strictly to business. John Herman has moved his family an,l vL- fmm Storv to Hat creek for the remainder of the winter. County attorney Guthrie went east os fir n Crawford, on last Friday eve ning on legal business bent. Mr. A. McOinley, shipped two car loads of cattle on last Saturday from An drew's to South Omaha markets. Mrs. S. R. Sarnan entertained her brother Mr. W. Rodger's an employee of the F.lkorn R. E., last week. Mr. Warwick who represents the Smith Prtmier tvrwiitcr was in town a rlav or two this week, lookintr after the intrests of the company. Mr. Buff Coffee has moved his fami lv to Chadron for the remainder of the winter. We hope our Iriena Bun s mules will not be taken for horses in that big city. We understand the annual meeting of thejadies aid society was held at the home of Mrs. S. Tebbet on 16th St. yes terday. The object at least onfl of the chief, 'was the election of officers for the ensujng year. On last Wednesday attorney Guthrie went to Montrose to defend John Serres in a damage suit, as we go to press too early for result of suit, we will eive our readers the desired information in Our next issue. Mr. Henry Lindeman has sold his liorsoa, and will also dispose of his land soon as an opportunity presents, and will then embark in other persuits, what they are, he has not fully deter mined at this writing. Our Sunday dinner taMe was fur nished from the poulty yard of Mr. and Mrs. Etrgert Rhower and without being at all presumptous; we may say it was all any epicurean could desire, and our tetter half served it to the King's taste. Plevise accept our thanks kind friends. Mr. James Erdman accompanied by his father-in-law Mr. Deuell was in Har- rrs 'n doing huin" inn ween.. mr. F.iinmn intends t' -nt.'' t'j II "t SlJI ins in a few aav'c for medical treatment. He ports his little one aoing nicely and about fully recovered from its recent illness. Mrs. F. J. Witt and two children were passengers on the east bound flyer on last Thursday night, hlw expects to be gone some little time, visiting among old friends and acquaintances in Iowa. In the meantime our friend Mr. Witt, will have a chance to try single blessed ness. Robert Ellis, brother of Linn Ellis of Warbonnet Precinct came in on the morning train lust Monday. He was formerly a resident of Sioux county, but for neven.1 years Imck has been out in Wyoming, and Montana. We did not learn just how long the Gentleman in tends to remain anioog us. An article in the last issue of the Chadron Journal informs us that there has been a change in the management of that paper. It will hereafter be un der the immediate charge of Julian brothers, county superintendent Julian of Dawes county son's. Well here s suc- ces to you brother knightsof the quill Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Hester who have both been quite sick for several week's, were broucht to town on last Saturday, in order to be nearer to medical aid when necessary. Mrs. Hester is at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Pontius, and Mr. H. is at his parents home. Liitet-t reporU inform us that while Mrs. HesU r is trainii'K as rapidly as can 1 expected, her husband seems to ba makihg rattier alow nroiiress, and we understand Is con siderintr seriously going to the hospital at Omaha, where be once before took treatment We hope however, he may not find it necessary to adopt the latur course. The Sioux G u iy Journal ack- nowbidL'es receipt of cony of Omaha World-Herald Almanac. It is not only useful as a calendar, but is plum full of facts and figures relating to Nebraska and the Trans-Mississippi Exposition which will be held at Omaha in this year ef our Lord 198. It also, contains information of ten thousand other things wall worth knowing. Every citizen of Sioux county and In fact Nebraska, ouirht to own a copy of this almost priceless almanac and year-book com biced. 2.5c will secure a copy, which will be worth double that amount to a person before the year doses. -Mr Jerry Will and family took an outing into the country on last Tues Mr. Jens. Jenson and Mr. Russel and number of other residents of Glen, were doing business before the county commissioners this week. Mr. Chas. Northeness of Crawford was amonff the many from tliat section of the county, who were doing business with the county commissioners this week. Mr. B. E. Brewster writes us please send me the Journal., for one year, Mr. B., did not state whether the re cently circulated report of his being a benedict was true or false no we are still in oblivion in regard to the mat J. L. Fitzsimmons of Kirtley Wyo., while in Harrison on last Thursday, invaded our sanctum for a few moments but long enough to drop a tiilver dollar on ve editors desk to pay for the JOURN aL for one year. k the readers of our 'Demo-Pop" sheet continue to grow daily. As the editor in chief of this sheet, took a day or two off this week, the poor "devils" assisted by the roust about of this office, have endeavored to cover the blank side of the patents, so also we will ask our readers to cover with a mantle of charity any very serious mistakes which we poor amateur's may be ignoramusus's enough to make. Montrose Clippings Clippings have been scarce around here lately. Jake Wasserburgsr has dug a new well on his place. Jacob Henry son of Peter Henry has come back to Sioux Co. he intends to m uL'A hi lionia here for the fut ure. W. E. Waisner returned from Key nr,a St H inhere he was VlsltlDC 111 riarenls durinir the holidays. I ,J . . . p..ti.r Wiedenfe d purchased a bloouea Hereford from Henry Wasserburg er. Aueust Baumgard bought a quarter ....tin. rf l-in1 rvn ItuUnn rreek he will ;kw (.iwij v' " move there next spring. w ill be mass at the Montaose Catholic church next Sunday Jan, 16. Henry IL Wasserburgur is busy work inirn(l:ir"-Pikm on his place. He will V O . irrigate about 2.r acres when finished n,r will 1 a hie- dance at the Was- serhurL'er mansion next Tuesday night IL U. Wasserburger is breaking hors for Anton Rhein. Sage. Warbonnet Warbling. Delia Johnson has been quite sick thi week but is better at present writing Agues Plunkett, lias also been unable Ihenast week on ac- ' , count of a cold. Dollie & Karma Priddy are rather un der the weather also. H. Lindeman has sold his horses to a man ou Indian creek wa did not learn his name. J. O. Merr'mm has been rather under the wealu cr ilh ib-uiiiatihin the past week. Edwin & Ernest Lyon took a trip up inti Wvnminir last week looking for some of J. W. Ricedorf's cattle. J. fJ. Merriam was a Harrison visitor last Saturday. Ira Thomas was seen plating along our street Friday. Ina Noreisch returned to Crawford Tnewl.iv. after an extended visit with her mother. Bad cold's seem to be the order of the day generally. EcilO, A Great Sunday l'i)r Free. The Semi-Weekly State Journal wants to get 5,000 new subscribers during the next thirty days, and as a special offer, one that is bound to bring new subscnb- ers, will send ibe serai-necmj oai Journal every Tuesday and Friday for aj whole year for one Dollar, and as a special premium will also send the Great Sunday State Journal, sixteen pages eve ry Sunday, for three months iree. tte ruember you will get The Semi-Weekly Journal a whole year and the Great Sunday paper for three months ail for One Dollar. To get the advantage ol this greatest of all offers you must send your dollar direct to The State Journal Lincoln, Neb., and not through an agent Never before has so much good reading matter been offered for One Dollar. The Sunday Journal contains more reading matter alone than many magazines. If you want to keep up with the world's do ings, here is a chance such as has never lun nffered l.fnra. Tnis offer may be withdrawn soon so do not put off sending your dollar for fear you may be disap pointed. One Dollar does it all. SO YEARS' IXPCRICNCE J. ' Traoc Mam 'rttfl' CoTMiOKTa C. Anynna son4ln( s steer, n4 rtCf1ptVl sur qniosly smrtsin nor opinion free whstliw sn Inrnnilon la BTohslily patntahla. rnsnnnl U'inistrtctlrormlM.iitfaJ. Ilsndhooae Hll u fn. (ilWl unrr tut crnrtne nuanu. mm Lhroa.h Mann Co. I $ptrial mHu, wltkout ebarwe, la tbe PTOt WHM, wiWWMfc vmiml Scitcfint Jittiica ss Miisi-.r3f irri r it,Wisissjo.c. ! HARNESSES SOLD ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, I ALSO HANDLE Flour and Feed of allkinds at my harness shop. Third Building We.tof J. II. Barters Grocery Store. EGGERT ROHWER, Proprietor. . The best of Wines, and Beer kept constantly on hand. I handle the Omaha Beer. MICHAEL BRUCK, proprietor It is laipaoiLte to promt particular feature ibat wifl apftar im "AMERICAN MON I iiLY during tat coming year, i Bookman txyt, "a great monthly newspaper." As such, it prints isr its readers ao illustrated account of the notable thinp which make tlx nistory of "We bisw of no rrriew puUlshyiJ. In this country or In Eurof e. which comWnM so tocceis fa!!y b Auuiui Mothi.t 1s sirins. timeltnejs snd enerpy o( CMrnstifn vf.h lh sound (udrment wtifhri opinion, ct know'odg. snii weil-ci-own EnjLJh o( ins purely lilerry f snodiciL" T).t CM'x. give the best thought and information of the current magazines in Cv conti nents the contributed articles furnish the character sketches of the matt ti ti month, and give timely dbcuuions by authorities on any question of hunWiaU serious import ' The result of this compreheniiv effort to edit in one montSIy vohtmc Ui Information needed by intelligent peopU of "live" instincts b bet gauged ia which the reader ot the AMERICAN MONTHLY have seen fit to express. These are thinking business men, clergy men, editon, lawyers, proftuon, engineers, the wide-awake women cf America. Thty write that t!ie MER1CATJ MONTHLY "is ' indUptnutU" "U aim?! invaluable"! "is a generous library fa iticJ l b a hiitorical cyclopedia of lie worli " l " the bat mean of aid for a by man "the best r,,:i.kal cf e Wn4 e f.ave eve, bad" Wwnpb el (Carial liaia,"' "tl-c vwU unJer a lic'd-glass," etc, ic SL'CSCWPTION PRICE, $2.50 PER YEAR American Monthly Review of Revlvs 13 A5TGR PLACE, NEW YORK lie World Encydopedia rasa Answer Any Question You may Ask It. Standard American Annual. Ready Jan. 1,1898, On All News Stsnds. Larger, Better, More Complete Than Ever. VTht mod wU oU Awmul toft m Bo tmi Pontic THE WORLD, int. TfVIW A tpnlsJrTim rj7cyclopfi2ii PRICE A GEHT8 1 SADDLES AT THE EVEtlltlfi STAB. Brandies, Whiskey IOC mumis w yv". economic, and literary happenings which are of value to intelligent men and women. The Editor's Progresa of the Vorld " telfa suc cinctly an Illustrated ttory of Ibe month. The "Leadine Articles' SPECIAL OFFER The current number and the two preccl- . tnz issue. , . . . 'OOV3SU3 'sssswav MU aar ss-i esst sffs3 asssesvessjssjo rn tm Mi mwnn sssy Sjssssssst snsATI iimm ssj SSBM ajriatsTu wm mtm nu jsM t - -t ssn sesMis hm ut tl ssl M WsMsV miStwj xumn 4 "W iwi omoh tvr MMWn v 't sxo y saioso wj rIIIM a IIUissj - Mssisia Pi PCS' tfsSESf 9 AS9ffjsM ft MS iisiii laaeists iiiihim stBna fmii fsjsM iiassm 1 For., 25c, SSJSJ'ASfcj assp sstAtsnv MstaLS sTsissasaBssssssasBr ' - SNOBVDOO A2N iJ I is m riaslea isxe aasfsst sJ t ssm! t ss stssj -0m mU ftsjs s)s. m ml ismsi lis awdWl. lel 3AJJU1S 1:0 a ss mmmm GAS0L1IIE r 01 MA KNHNs 'AISsVmsV mm t IT k J 'V, sm m k f r.u am i i E n i