The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, January 13, 1898, Image 7

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    IndnUrent mothers are the ones who
jormit their cliildren U annoy othe'H.
I iseaey to see through people whoare
ilv Ti making spectacles of the mHetves,
0 e aTerejre man feels that he is only
jetting what he deserves when he draw
7y doing nothing.
' Hie man who can come downt wn of
f cold morning and refrain from lying
iboat his thermometer has a pretty fair
thance of alipping through the golden
ptes. Chicago Record.
I You Dance To-Xtght?
Shake In your nhoes Allen's Koot
Ease, a powder for the feet. It nmkes
tit; lit or New Shoes feel Kay. Cure
Coma, Bunions. Chilblains, Krost ltiten
t and Sweating Keel. At all drui.'tfsta and
Ihoe stores, 2.1c. Sample sent FKIiK.
I address Allen S. Olmsted, m Koy.N.Y.
Two bottles of I'Iho's Ce for Conminip
4on cured me ot a bni lung trouble. Mrs.
I, Nichols, I'rinceton, lnd., Mar. '-''i l!)f.
OomptfilnnaJ defwta tr eroAtcmltd. not hidden. r
UoimY bulphur N'i.
Hill's l.alr ami Wirier i re, buu or brona, 50a
Wrath It unually found in t' Jrn.
Tftk T.autlve Brmo OiiIdIiio TnblfU, All lirujilua
afmul Uie wooey II It falls i" euro- 2fo
Ineane asylums ate no riaftwd as re
pair shops for whei'K
Mrs. Wlnnlow'n Soohiihd Syrup lor rmlil
len teethlnx, mfwnn lie mum, miners IntUm
aallon, allay pom. cuic ni'l cullc. Lc bottio
How snnnhiny tdje wc.rhl seems when
e know that there is hiihi: one who is
lonstantly thinking ahont ns.
Both the method ana rrnulta when
Syrup of FigH is taken ; it, h plcanant
ind refreshing to tlio taste, and ai;tfl
Ejntly yet promptly on the Kidneys,
iver and Bowels, cleaimes the tys
tem effectually, 1ihp:1h wlK iioad
aches and fevers and cut-en habitual
eonatipation. Syrup t( Fis in tbo
only remedy of its kind ever nro
Snoed, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to tin.' Htomat It, tirompt in
Its actio: and truly bt'iiefidal in iu
effects, proj.'iirod only 'from the
healthyand ni(ro(alit(iibftfinw'K, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it tiie mont
- popular remedy known.
i Syrup of Figs is for Hale in 50
cent bottles by all leadint! dniq
r ists. Any reliable druggist who
'"roay not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
" " J ......
r-.'t hat tt fA nth m must ititniri
or rubrr rot. I' you af.'ncMi
lfiI will k n vmi drv in 'In- haril-
m tiurm fcuy the FUh HrtM
Mlckrr. If no for mlt in your
town, rrt (fir rUio?u to
Run a hnfineaa of your own. W'e ftart
foa. Particulars for atanip. National
Mfg. Co., Boone. Iowa.
Plants $1.50
thonnnfl' aa4 on. VI 0 I'eh Tree. 1U
tji4u .Kt Oranire HdK. i to r Ihou
tm4 Alii Needling- 1: p- r Ihrnmaii't A lm
Cpply ol all kinds ot wdmicly roill,
M to W ins, arei strlr-Ov flrfl-rlue nunwry
SMB. WriW tor Price f.ltl to
FOMKHIAN MtMl.lillC, Kr.ld.,
Cm ttl. il tnr tiBD.Iurkl
iiiiiiiiupi vr UK.r.lltyM
i'.lLl.M. .lid not ulrim.
iTMioUlOHIalCltCt. fltot (MIXJIUIU.
Umt kj iH-mgtaH,
ht .ipr.M, if p. id, let
I in i i l...i f i.. u it.
ClrHl.t .vut us maee
- Ihmy stop work, cost
An v-" M
V vaii.wniii.e.r-!
& m ... r r
rains and Bruises
It eelt jlttla to cur. e UAUe Mves time.
tnamngnt away with w ta wuiuua viii m
"Brevity Is the Soul of Wit."
Good Wife, You
' rt'hat are you tliinkini; of. mv dear?'
he asked.
"A lout Chr Btnms. Tliere so much
nionev wasteii in ill considered pres
ent.-' replied his wife.
" 1 hat a true
'I've lieen tidnking adont my present
to you this year." she went on, "and I
think I xliall give you a new Iwinnet
that is tat'-lul as well is eipenpive."
"That's a capital idea. And I'll give
you a 1kx of cigatg that are really avail
able fiir the purooses of a uioker."
Is permanently cured
By Hood's Sarsaparilla
Which neuiralizes the
Lactic acid in the blood.
Thousands who were
Suiferers write that they
Have lelt no symptoms
Ot Rheumatism since
Taking Hood's Sarsaparilla
Some nietiV minds are like a pint d
filler in a wash tub broad enough bill
not very deep.
l-'uriner'f Handy KVeil Cooker.
We di Hlre to on II our render' at ten
tion to the Fanner's Handy 1'eed Cook
er, which Ih sold nt the low price o
$112.50 for 5U fiillou capacity.
V.y fi'eillnj; poultry and stock wltt
wkt-d food (luring the winter uiontlis
il lejist one tlilrd of the find Is navetl
iNi) h:i vim; stik In a healthy condl
'ion. prevenlliiK hog cholera anion);
voiir Iioh, and Inmirlng the hens laylnt
freely during the winter months when
egs an? ulways wanted at high prices
This Cooker will pity for Itself In out
cek'n time nod is without doubt the
'(St and cheapest on the market Jun!
uli-'t. I'h t'Mije hnplies, a Karmer'i
!i;i!i ly !' iil . looker. Upon application
'o i he Kthpire Manufacturing Co., tJU
II street, tjuiucy, III., a catalogue, glv
rig it full ili-crlptlon, may be obUiiued
i'liey are made In all sizes.
i Some won. en get ted in the face f-ou
I modesty, come from auger, aud othert
( om he druggi -t.
Daafness Cannot be Cure
by local applications, as they cannot reach
i tie diKraxed poi tioti ot the -ar. There ii
only one way to cure lieatness, and that is
iiv cons itutional remedies. Deafness is
aused hv an indairied condition of the
mucous lining of thr Knstachian Tube.
. hen this tube gets inflamed yon hare a
rumbling sound or iinpe feet hearing, and
when it is ei.tirely closed Deafness is thp
result, and Qnlesnthp iiiHanimation can be
hkn nut nd thi tnbe restored f il"
normal condition, hearing will b tie
ntrovtii lurrur: nine cases out 01 ten & t
caused by catarrh, which is nothing but
an inflamed ecnilit ion of the mucous sur
facef. We will give tine JI uudred Dollars lot
any cae of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot bp cured by J all Catarrh
Cure, fend for circulars free.
K. J. CHUNKY fc CO.. Toledo, 0
fT-SoId by Iggjswfic
To te a gentleman, all a man baa U
d ie to hide his meatmen.
It Keep the l-eel Ury and Warm
.'.ml Ik the only cure for Chilhlaiui.
f-'ro-i Hlles, Dump, Sweating Feel
t'oriii. and HtiniotiK. Ask for AIIen'
I oot Kiise. a powder to be ahaken iu It
the shoes. At all drugglKtM and aho
store. 25c. Sample hetit KVtKK. Ad
drehK Allen 8. Oluisteil, Leltoy, N. Y.
The Wst wat to tM a
in a whimper over tt-ft it-
man 8 ge 11
ion ft.
CITQ IVrmwMtntijt urwi o ,,p r ntrwawmnm tffmi
II I O flr (Uy i uw -t Itr. itiliw ii Urait Nrrr R
ajtrjrcr n4 fr Fll I- f. lrli bottle and trratlw
LfR K H Klutk. Ll4 , cn Af -ft Mr-., J'WUAlelptilA, J a
DiNon'ti oa' bill o ' ti rult in
hf&Ud oontroverif.
or Ladle Only.
Full two n f luif ,m-tu tn Womn r f
tu-u ) with Lui-orrh -r iwnitTt) mtui uffor yrr In n
ant l bn kfinwiiiy thfct Ui rllnMaMt U plm o
uu-u ttpth-n tn -Mif tli ronntitnt flrftln on th irnUiitf
rtnitftr t(iiii likhtf Ut variola wektnlnir illnArclr
K j': am! " 1.1 in pie mmi rmiy urn)wUxi in
lni Hr wHi iwnl any IimJj -how to cur hxritml
ri tlciut m 'lt litr- of any kind or an y irtoBMi what.
f ftfe''m f Aa'Al ordnr. ir expn-nt ord f"(rleler-
J ti-r or II rjciilior ran lf had aaotj amount In twooeu'
1 htn l tl.- i1loorT of an old rlortor who ha growi
ifttt ua( iiit i-male iiiMiam and In willing to stak
nt rtpuiaiion a a fucrraiifiil pra''tttanr that thl'
plan Himitle and pa m ) a It l, will alMOlutfly run
vt rr M' in from one to thr wfi' kfi If thu ay inr
"impla lttHtitin at followed. Will alto and ftill iti
t rat ltm h" to rim that dl-trMing and tanirrtmi
inrao AMiffii)rrh(Ha, or miftprexMid Mnntruatln
' u-'d Uf t-t Id dtiiinit Ihf Mr-nxtruai pnrlo1. Knttio a
hock -U) , without inodl'-ttift or anr ftppllanr what
"vri , fhl trmtment muirt not b ! m whrn imtrnan'".
I kn'iwri to rilnt f.'ut thU ailrrrtlMUitfnt out and cii
'om with four lMlr. It adoulil b born tn mlri'
that tbt uem ' tan of trdatlnff dlatmiM la aripllrahl
to anf ftrt d I It fou want lntra tlonn how
to tr-al and r'ira any dUraxr not moaltonod hr ad
twwilj fle cenuvitra. AddroM
ii. S fennlon Kiamlntnf flarfon,
Lo k Itot '! " Uotl, Kama.
A Urt ftotrd4 might be a ewft cr
monoy, glv pain.
moiMy. mlary.
All Three Are In Evidence A iiiom u t he
FaNiiioiiuhlca and You May Wear the
One that Itent Itecom r t'our Figure
aud CirctinihtanceM.
KuhionH for Keminines.
York correspKiHlence:
KNKATII her lovely
opera clunk a woiiuin
iiiny have almoht
any sort of a tikirt
nnil waist, but an i
era clonk to the heels
made of ritdi inate
tiul nnil set olT hutid
Kouiely with u fur
enpe. a liih collar
for you to nestle your
hind ami throat iu,
mid lined either with
fur or with a rich
Killt of coiitriistinc
i dlnr, w ill be :t very
expensive iranneiit.
Vet It will hist (i seii-
koii or mi and w ill save (ptite 11 penny in
jrownx. 1'earl ttrtiy with chinchilht for
the fur Is the favorite combination Just
now. The one sketched here whh pearl
(,'rny satin lined with rone pink. The
fur collar wan lined with the same
shade mid could be worn separately
as a collarette, and fur edicinj; of the
wrap's fronts beint; alone lived.
All (itestlons of cost aside, tliere are
many reasons for preferring a cape to
11 Ioiik. loose clonk, handsome and rich
ns the latter Is. The short cape has a
Jtl KDS OK 'j;UY
more wholesome, healthy look. Such a
garment, we argue, niakeft quite as
good a background when fdippd hack
as d(X'! the long cloak, and It Is a deal
more dainty before It Is slipied off. To
be sure, the young matron with a love
ly figure to consider may prefer a down
to the-heels redlngofe, richly trimmed
with fur ami w ith big sleeves and arm
holea. to either the long, loose opera
c!al the short, saucy cape. Such a
redltigote In eminently beeoinliig. 11 nil
you can spend nil the money you cau
get out of him on It. He would lo-ed to
he easily approachable to have (provid
ed the one the artist pictures, for It
wax made of purple mirror velvet trim
med with black silk braid and white
Thibet fur.
Fine as this looked and sounds, the
redltigote really Is not as generally use
ful ns either the long, loose cloak or the
little rape. For one thing, the tight
fitting garment Is not as gracefully slip
ped off as are the other two styles, and
then o far as appearance go the ac
companying large picture Is a strong ar
gument In favor of the more perky rap.
These have altered little from the mod
els first offered several years ago, ex
cept that, an a rule, a single cae suf
fices, and that the Inyer ftyle In vogun
a few Majioh ago Is voted lump shady.
The collar la a feature of nil. It must
coma very feign and softly about the
rwjyjl fWwHl V"-T
9Z-&M xxmf 1 :'kv
lia i)V
fni-e, and the flttlnf? find shnpiiij; don !
Iu fur la simply wonderful.
Comiti)f to details: of the three show,
herewith, there Is In the picture dlag '
onally opposite to the redinote ulremlj
described an exquisite cnjie of dull j;raj
peau de soie. It was finished lth
tnoutllon, iind Isiw knots and wavy eudi
of silver ribboil were appliqued on It.
'i ' 1
. -I- A
This appllquin of bow knots Is much
done this season, Is very effective, and
is very easily accomplished by any
Ktitchhii bus been used 11s a finish tc
the ilf;es of (.'iirments in close rtiD
rows, nson the edges of the wheel skirt,
but only lately has stitidiins in wonder
ful Hwlrls been practiced. It results
ohnrinliiKly, giving stiffness and body
to the garment and when bullion thread
Is used. Introducing a glint of color. In
this model gilt, thread stitched white
Batln, feather trimming appearing at
all edges and giving the collar. Above
these two is a bright red cloth cape,
trimmed with mink and appluiucd with
black silk. t'iip-s that like this are cut
Into a drooping point In front are not
quite us full as they were, hut they set
out well from the shoulder. The dressi
est, though of course not the cosiest
of them, expose the arm to almost the
It Is lovely to be all a fluff in full
dres rig, but she Is a foolish, woman
who ueglecta her street Jacket for the
sake of her opera cape. For young
gtrls nothing Is prettier than the close
back, shield frout Jacket. Two of these
are shown In the third picture. These
Jackets are cut rather longer on the
hips than other Jackets are, and are
ma' ' of any heavy kersey material,
mu'' have a high collar topped by a
flaring finish at back and Hides, and
may or may not be fur-llnec Ii raiding
Is usual, and many pretty effects sug
gesting the curves of the figure are se
cured by fancy braiding along the side
seams. Such Jackets do not usually
match the rest of the costume, and
therefore they are of very general use.
The blouse Jacket Is more In favor
with the ohler sister, or the girl a little
more exactly up to stylish date. It Is
very short oil the hips, and many mod
els fit the figure to the belt with entire
1 precision, with no trace of blouse. The
shield front. Is adapted v ;ih entire suc
cess to the, and n vers of fur
are set on others iulti' us If the Jacket
were of the more conventional type.
Hut the belt and the short flaring skirts
below It rate the garment as a blouse
beyond question. Of the two presented
here, that In which the shield front was
counterfeited was dark red cloth trim
med with black braid. A hit of fur
came nt the wrists. Cuffs, reve-rs and
collar of the other Jacket were seal. Its
material being dark gray broadcloth
finished with tucking.
Copyright, lfW.
Artificial FJyeU.he.
The Tarlnlans are credited with hav
ing found out how to make false eye
lashes. They draw a fine needle
threaded with dark haJr through the
akin of the eyelid, forming Ion loops,
and after the process Is over It la aald
to be a painless one a splendid dark
fringe veils the wearer! eyes,
111 1
IJevioUH llrtlll'luiu.
' bate The art of nianuiscturiti.' pills.
: et -omethiutr a woman gel some
ne t 1 he'p her keep.
- I ry A win sometime" used to cover
lie bal Iness of character.
'per A ticket b nker ho loweis
are or an Indian ho lais hair.
ma iac The cemet rv in which tl.e
ge l joke is finally interred.
-rony e A word that can tie ued in
p ace of anot tier hen you don't know
i w to "pi I th ot' er.
store woman's health, we know of no better or more inspiring inedicin than
Lydia E. I'iuUham's Vegetable Compound. Your ailment taken in time ana be
thrown off, if neglected it will run on into great suffering and pain.
Here is an illustration. Mrs. Lucy Goodwin, Holly, W. Va., Bays:
" I suffered with nervous prostration, faintness, all-gone feeling and palpi
tation of the heart. I could not stand but a few moments at a time without
having that terrible bearing-down sensation.
"When I conioienced taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound X
only weighed in imutnU, and could not sit up half a day; before, however, I
had used a whole lioltle, I was able to be about. I took in all about three bot
tles of the Compound, and am entirely cured; now I weifrh 131 pounds and fdel
like a new woman, stronger and better than ever in my life."
So it transpires that because of the virtues of Mrs. Pinkham's wonderful
fVi'"""!"" 1 - ve cick woman can be cured and live to a green old age.
Don't monkev wit" jtoiitwh niid m-frleft the farm. Atony with your other crops this 3ptig,aow
(nine well t-t-I"ctt'l i'lrx -: (1 011 your new ground. Not hing will pay so well. The icfM It
fcoiufr t he liu'ht, uinl ihe pri e ouht to he hih. Tin-re will be a better market At your 4Ntf
Elian ever hef. re. U ersity your crop!-, aud have more t han owe string to your bow. ;
For gov-, 1. , .jrjmM'M, will bo oif.-rci hy w long as ibe supply lasts o'ur roill will eoanuft
(vera :.uif uni iom bushr-ln in in'ta W'ritu for mikI how to how it,
ol o is j ro 11 ikI LiiiHeed t;ke, for Ftocit, always on hand. We also moulMtttn
'f!fj jaM-d Woodman I.iiiBwd Oil, foiled and KaW.
Walter Baker & Co.'s
Breakfast COCOA
Pure, Delicious, Nutritious.
Coats L,esa than ONE CENT a. cup.
Be sure that the package bears our Trade-Mark.
(Ettabllahcd 1780.)
Trad Mark.
10c a41feara!f2iftKia
A risrd-worldnf;, Indnstrious woman, sctire, and to all outward appearances healthy
a woman uwd to doing all the work about her home and sometimej going out toserriee,
relates that when she lived at Oyster I'y, lmg Island, and epecially on ironing dap
when confined to a hot laundry, she would often become faint, a condition usually eea
ceded by a shortness of hreaih. At timen she could barely keep up to come out latat
the fresh air to refresh hervelf. After she moved to New York, the shortness of bteatfc
affected her when woiUirg in a closi room or after climbing atair. At one time, white
o KUiTering, she waa recommended to try some Ripans Tabulea. The Impromneat
In her breathing was such that the felt greatly relieved and she now keeps the Tabulea
always at hand, and since she ha done this she says ihat the faintness hat not beeaj
noticed and she can now readily climb str.irs nr work in a close room without any ef
the symptoms of distress which formerly oppirssed her. When this experience was)
related to a physician who is familiar with Ripans Tabulea, he said: "The Tabulea
re not advertised to cure faintnefs or shortness of bieath, and my imprensHne is that
the symptoms referred to were caused by the stomach being distended with gas, as is
sometimes to be noted with prrwms who use vegetable food mainly. Potatoes car cafcv
bage," he said, " were quite likely to produce such a condition."
S aw xjl. ravkM oofitalnliw mi airi m Tisvu tma iniiriarv (wltSnnt k now tin wssSyss,
Sntf MUrm- wok ,itk cw,t. Tnl low irloNl nor llntnlHl fr the poo hw llio joonoiBloul trw
,f th..flTr,nl i-rt.nilUb'il) wnlm hul Ii, mill hT inllnir f .rrtt -rUflll ' loth. II !, mmmt
Ckiwm, o. lOniinmlHnM. Now Wk-or lnl orl"ii (Ten t i i u hdi tvr Urn mute
Manilla. wrllfor,a
en orfters of mosq.ft. of
ril for aamnlr, and nrlrM. Tb kTwy
Manilla Hoofing OratMsny, t nrndn, N. J.
tt. a. v. . f a-.
r atlMtM amy m Uw a
ta skfa swr.
I'lU kuu fever.
Ii 1 you ever know a lodging liotio
landlady who would own to bugs?
Did you ever know a dancing mauler's
daughter w ho was not to excel Taglioni T
I lid you know a man who did not
think he could poke fire better than you
Did you ever know a housemaid who,,
on y our discovering a fracture in a raiu
able china jar, did not tell you it wani
"done a long time aga," or that it was
done cracked before?"
ir n Who Know the I-awa of Nature and Obey
Them May Live to Green Old Age.
Mrs. Finkliani f-ny When We TlolnU NataM's
Our I'uiiislimcnt Is Pain It Wm ContlM
to Keglect the Warning W IH.
has allotted us each at least seventy
years in winch to fulfill our mission in
life, and it is generally our own fault if
we die prematurely.
Nervous exhaustion invites disease.
This statement is the positive truth.
When everything becomes a burden
and you cannot walk a few blocks
without excessive fatigue, and you
break out into perspirations easily,
and your face flushes, and you grow
excited and shaky at the least provoca
tion, and you cannot bear to be
crossed in anything, you are in dan
ger; your nerves have given out you
need building up at once I To build
up woman's nervous system and re
Baker & Co. Limited,
Dorchester, Mass.
... , r
3 '
fcwi . lev i