The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, January 06, 1898, Image 8
as. ' .... . ' . , . '' i v-- ----- ..,.. ... 4 , 111K SIOUX COUNTY croTJiisrXi. THl h-sDAY. Jan. Clh. 1"'. .. 1. Canon, K'lltor ami Prop. t. E. 31. TE.4. liuie table. Ooing West. tiuiug Kant. S, mixed, 11 .10 No. 8, mixed :(W LiUANT GUTHRIE, Attorney-at-Law. Proiuot attention given to all legal ttjiiturs m Justine, County and District Court, uiJ before the United State Land Office. r'irt) Insurance written in iwtiabl son: panics. J3Lepil papers carefully drawn. Hariuso.n, - Nebraska. North-Western "LINE i M. V. It K. is the best to and from the SUG3 BEET FIELDS OF -Nf'RTII NEBRASKA. A map of the United States. lSurllinrton Route U three feet wide by four long; is printed in -.ven colors; 1b mounted on tvuUurs; shown every state, county, important town and Trail road In the Union, uid forms a very desirable and nsefl adjunct to any house- hold or business establishment. lnrchased In lniye quanti ties, the maps cost Burlington gonte more than fifteen cents tub. but on receipt of that amount la stamps tne under signed will be pleased to Jiid yon oue. Write immediately, as the supply Is limited. f. Francis, Gen'l Pass'r Agent, Omaha, Neb. f 1 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATE OFFICERS; 44tla A. Holcomb . .jGovernor James E. 1arria ..Lieutenant Governor W . F. Porter Secretary of Stafj ,Iohn T. Cornell , Auditor J. R. Meserve Treasurer C.J. Smyth PAttorey General J. V. Wolfe Land Conimissionei W. R. Jackson ,-Supt. PubUe Instruction gOJJGMSSIOHAL PSLEGATI05: John M. Thurston C. 8. Senator, Omaha Wm. V. Allf i . U. g. Senator, Madison J. 11. Strode, Congressman 1st Dial., Lincoln p. II. Mercer, " Sd Omaha ejnuel Maxwell, . " 3rd " Fremont W.I- Stark, " Ub - Aurora R. I). Sutherland, 5th " Kelson W. i. Green, " 6th ' Kearney JtTDICUBT: i A. M. Poet Chief Justice, Columbus ! f. o. C. MarrUoo A'te Judge, Grand Island 1. L. Norval , associate Judge, Seward p. A- OampbellClerk and Et porter, Llnaoln rrFTEESTII JUDICIAL DISTRICT: M- P. Kinkald- -t. Judge, CSeUl W. II. Westover 1. J. Blewett . ' RusavWt -4erk, Harrison J. E. PHLNNEY. H D. PhlMcUa aad Ssrfaoa. All caUa giTea pBOt attention. OIBce in Diragtore. -HARKteOS - XXBRASKA. A. T, CLARK, Lawyer. Office "in the Riolwwtn Building, HARRISON, NEB. NOTICE TO SETTLES. The rules of the local land office hare recently beea amended so that settlers to make final proof shall settle with the publisher before sending in their apptica. tion. All parties desiring to make final proof can have their papers made out at Ths Journal office, free of charge, and promptly trauunitted to the land office bo tiiat no time will be lost 1ST The Ranch Supply House will sell all mens and boys caps and ladies fas cinators at first cost come and get bargains. EST We are able to offer the Jouenal, the Thrice-a- HretWeu should dwell together ie unity. Buff Coffee was in our midst on last Tuesday. Local items are as scare as lien's teeth just now. Old papers for sale at this office, 5c par bakers dozen. T. Ore well of Ruftning Water was in town Tuesday on bweioesn. A number of newly made benedicts wee oo our streets this week. Sow is the time to subscribe for the Jol-kx AL only $1,00 per year. John Bourette was the lucky winner of the saddle which Ed. O'Conner raffled off last Saturday. Dr. Btser left for Crawford last uieht to remain until the 12th when he will go to Chadron. Buff Coffee says bezants it under stood that he drives MULES and not horses see? them long ears. Mr. Thomas Dunn and Miss Dunn of Warbonnet were pleasant visitors at the bub the first of the week. Mr. James LaCrone and John C. Shipley of Bell were pleasant callers at this office on last Monday. County superintendent Davis U male ing his flnaj visit to the village schools this week in his official capacity, Oo last Friday night at 12 o'clock. we inhaled the first sweet breeze of the New Year, what will the year bring forth? Charles Newman returned - from Chaaron last Monday morning where he had been to spend New Year's, and have a blow-out Ye editor's heart was gladened this week. By calling at the private office of his secretary, vou will recieve all information concerning it Mr. Venslaus Martinez left the first of the week for Wyoming where be ex expects to remain until spring as be has secured employment there. Carpenter James Wright, is putting on the finishing touch on his new house by giving it another coat of paint and Week-World and the World Almanac, all for fl. 95. Now Wa p " ia the time to subscribe tiffin j. w. g, took ber the three. T L Andrew's on last Sunday where he ex- rjgf" When in town Calll cts to teach a four month's term of of ,nvflfnrp anrl tiiVft fl lnoW1001 at th P1" S'1 at those genuine crayon pictures such as we have en larged, and give with each $10,00 purchase of goods. J. H. Baktell. BORK To Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rose of Highland precinct, a boy Dec. 30th. A. T. Clark made a a flying trip to the country the first of this week. Mr. Mason of Olen was doing busi ness in our midst on last Wednesday. tamed on Monday. Hon. Andrew Procuner Commission er from the 2nd district came up to the 'Kunty seat on last Wednesday on busi ness. He was acoompained by Mr. Oold e from Sugar Loaf. Merchant Gerlach was the first busi- n m man in Harrison to finish invoicing hi store goods. 1. II. Bartell and Ms rsteller Bros., have about completed tkjir work of invoicing. Rev. Kendall conducted the funeral sen ices over the remains of Mr. Thom M' I'Hle daughter which was held on last Saturday from the home of Mr. TEEMS OF COURT: Pistriet Court, At Harrison, m meases (Spring term April 13th, Jury 14th, fall " October 25, jury 26th. County Court, At Harrison, cotnnonces Jlrst HoridaV of each month. LKGI9LA1TVE: " ptto Mull Senator, Dit. No. 14, Springv, A. E. Slieldon.w Ubit- So. S3,Cliadroa COUSTY OKFICERS: Robert Wilson .r County Judge M. J. Blowett (lias. Bieole ... Clerk .Treaaurei Pste Merriam .JSupt. Public iMtroction Tbos Holly ...Sheriff J. E. Phlnney .Coroner B. F. Thomas Surveyor M. J. Blewett aerkof District Court 0rant Guthrie . County Attorney BOARD OF COMMIBSIOKEUS: en C.Meng IstPUtrict Andrew l'roconier d ' Jackson Meitlen(CbairmB,n) 3d " Notice Anybody Wishing to buy met- Thoma. at pieag-nt Rid. -i win Ar. will on or ad- ' al Pleasant mage. dress Chaii, Schilt Hirrison Neb. -"Shus been a week, of special -Mws Moravek is w looking after PJ'er eetings held at the homes of the culinarv derrUnenfekt the Griswold tUfferent church member. The meet- RrfjlArd. lings are pd.r tLe iminsdisU charge of -Mr. C. Jahnson of (Hen. was a pleas- ln? " FJerrv Will fpworth League. ant visitor at th. Hub on last Wednesday . nave ber team ru the misfortune mrmutL onrHial v-vir at thii nffit-o. I lt. A,v while at i. away with her UU " . . . - - - VI.J - Mrs. Perry White whr 1 bruising ber up somewht V. A. Hesters quite ill during the past week, irnow on I The buggy was quint not seri- the mend, and able to it up a ,,tttolac-.8aod the harness damag-'keo to u.hils amrv dav. 1 1 "Tl- r ... . . I 1 1 i Timir ssioner Wibw I n o;. f TJnrmln who has De. bu.v man vesterday. He spent most -rT . L.Ih r I 1' the lay at the court bouse, we o i his proffeeion as a specuuwv .u lmndln Hou9i wbo has been its see y go friend Weber. , . . treating the eye, nose, ear, and throat, flnaly 18OT until last May , has 'otl-I tan eatUe bides aoa reports conciderabie worn iu Tebbet -m tb House to Samnl r .u...:kk.!ffAr robes, or without! . I .. . n ZiZ"" -n .! and price, in Une. . essioo . wtll probably take pc- J. iriwir7Ito: " -Tae.alaymorn.ngu; ""Ih- 1 K May w, Mr, RohwW 1L OiJflUCHT. Ulen, ren. 1 called out W see irfeii neawe. 'j three year r for the past two or Michael Enick is liaving a brick mmunation of the kidneys and a will now be ab. ,n the r'ope'ty- He ehimnev nut to on the saloon tliis ,1 on bi lungs. Mr. Hester attention to hi tt., j4yoto bis tir r -j - . . . . a- M-Lla . . GuhUvo NoreiHch w doing ine iroofined to hitbea u au ub w No douw v wvui pd ImrDtwi rtiop. Mr. Ceo. Turner of Story was a pleasaat visitor at tlie county seat on last Saturday. The solicito r and collector of the Omaha World -Herald was a pleasant visitor in our midst this week. Sheriff elect Holly moved his fami ly into rooms on the second floor of Andrew block for the present Mrs. Levi Smith of Bodarc was in our midst on last Saturday. She was accompanied by her son and heir. John Christian who is wintering his stock on the sand hills was a pleasant caller at this office on last Satur day. Lutbern services were held at the court house on New Year's. It is the intention of the members of the Luthern church here to try and have services at least once every month if possible. Mrs. O. W. Hester and Miss Claudia of Grand Boulevard spent a day or two this week with Mrs. Bonsell at the O. W. Ranch. .They made the trip over land on last Saturday. Mrs. Jelf llewit of the west side spent a few days at. their ranch on In dian creek tins week. She spent one night out at the Turner mansion. S. R. Seman has made several good resolutions at the commencement of the New Year, among others he is resolved to read the, Journal. He will begin with this issue. Mr. 8. E. Eldridge from Indian creek over the line in Wyoming was in town with his son Tuesday to consult with Dr. Riser the boy having accidenta- ly stuck a splinter in his eye which bis father thinks th e boy may be liable to ose. The case of Pauline Moore vs B. F, Moore for divorce was tried in Judge Dickinson's court 4th judicial district with the result that Mrs. Moore was granted an absolute divorce and alimo ny for fl.WO and attorney ,s fees for $300. The annual calender for 1899, sent out by C. L Hood & Co., arrived on time last Monday morning. They re beauties to behold and will be ornamen tal as well as useful and they will be appreciated in the same spirit that they were given. Leon B. Smith, who sued the village of Harrison on warrants which the village board refused to bonor sometime ago, obtained a judgement in district court at Rushville last Thursday and the same, is now filed in the office of the clerk of the court at this place. Sheriff elect Holly, of Sioux Co., came down to Crawford the fore part of of the week and in company with bis family, who had been visiting rela tives here, left for Harrison where they will make their home. Their loss from the recent fire is estimated at about 700. Crawford Bcujcra. The case of Tinnin vs the C. B. & Q Rail Road company, tried at the last term of District ceurt held in this coun ty, Dec., 6th wherein the Jury found for the plaintiff in the sum of t-3,500 was ron-'luiled in District court at Rushville Dec., 30th by the grunting of a remitter of 750, and judgement was rendered in favor of the plaintiff for 2, 750 giving defendant forty days to file a bill of exceptions, asking for an appeal. VILLAGE OFFICERS P.. RoUwer r chairman) Trustee John Davis.- p. II. Griswod .- " W. B. Marsteller .- - " p. D. Hamlin " Vf. U. Davis 1 ......Clerk Lewi Gerliu h Treasurer SCHOOL OFFICERS: lEgfert Rotower 1 Director B. h. Soiuek ...Moderator UvU Gerfcich Treasurer CHURCHES ASD SOCIETIES. slethod 1st Sunday School nveets every Sun gay morning at 10 M JT, II- Davis, MissB areix. Superintendent. secretory EPWORTH LEAGUE. Regular business meeting flrU Tuesday evening to each month. Tiding Frejsi Fl The New Year uubm KMgt. Miss 0. HBvVALl. Secretary. l'Aiwtn, President. Devotional meeting every Sunday evening at (1:45. M. KAl.L, Leader. JtTKIOR LEAGUE. Meets each fundav artemoou at 2 :. M. KiKUALL.,Supl. Eft IT RUSK POUT, No. 845, G. A. R. Meet second Monday in each month In ah emrt boose at Harrison. E. E. Livermore, Coin, WOODMKH OF TUB WOKLO, Harrison Camp, o. S, mU on eneb al anrnat Wednesday evening. W.H.Davis. J.A.Habjob, ..Lr Vwea-tv. VJU" V v jw'a .... I - . . . a. mar.hani. al work. Table to be up a part of the time. clam land lor, wnwjl make a first President McKinley lias shown his n has been currently rumoreu tell. time along can ii . i ' . us i ann ; ik. m,; tip-tit for nis ineou niirtreetstnat miss An.y IMIJU II WSia "J"'- 1 w u vci.v i.,,ii!d ha not help him, as o-orroWebs were mamed on new 1 a : rA Wks KtwrttK- a I VT a V b m 1 m gimv H II nil I LIU 111 I V V a . , , - n eh wiu uui k. .ran. i - : uvi sunanuBtwi. -By U appearance of things there is er8 the story was denied in Wto. i - Z'.Z L,.ji n mn i. ni ...t ,t v m HMtan. wnereivn u- mmu to DeweouingicniKui- - - nm.uu o --- utafimmons ai , r . ,xn iiAor uie I .i :. Aino KiiM-worii ana asnsuwc wi - - - . uieuiru luiureurew..." - 1""" .'. ., . u. t.B A a trio to tfamao. tT. i.. v.11 tl ear OI Mrs. tiesver, w.. u-. . mkit,.. ..L...u , I Jolin Ky w - 'av. UBV Miajnw I W . . WT . L I -v J . j . a M. a. K. Cook of BunniDfif waiMiBuww um I . ri.ti:.iiiArtJi wu m tin a livery aod feed table in Uie rear of wa. a .pleasant " " y.cenUy theUamsonHon-, which w.U o. ,n -7- - 7"7 " tremely connection with the hoUL Wur in pieneani. v. rvurch who has bBB bb a nlnasnnt caller at this office on last I gentleman to engage in " months bbbIB. anddobath right quariwitn we iouuu u r n - i- ia Moected home iL li I .. 4V am nal AM B V nan V I ui ibbbjim ' a . fnr n wear s BUMCflktlon to W I to nave our innu I . ., .i, nlaAaad IO TrJt,-., a w liav com to SU.T, bi - vv.v.... I . . , MMaUMflrHIS' M -Will Wright who has been at work for dirous 01 Dscomiog TW who has been drilling a wu for the F.B. A M.V.H.R. Company at! quainted with all th. rUcU of Sioux I W luck to to- Pin durlnir th winter so for r-1 County. I , i.. - in tb well at r. " ... I . , , i. A.- nl I nt HIS Bou uu" tA hnm. Tueadav on account ol iauc I a waoa nw IT .. . tfTJLl an. lUnUlOl I V IMi He may return! riven at the born of ona. wngu -r- f Bid cbangM pi, mum 1 SADDLES SOLD AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, I ALSO HANllL Flour and Feed of all kinds at my harness shop. Third Building West of J. II. BarUU's Grocery Store. EGGERT, R0IIWER, Propritor. 7 THE EVENING STAR. The best of Wines, Brandies, Whiskey and Beer kept constantly on hand. I handle the Omaha Beer. MICHAEL 13 RUCK, Proprietor. A $2,000 Word! -Oy . This papfr announces, in connection with The Atlanta VVceJtDt Constiiutution, a new offer in which everyone may have a chance to supply the missing word in this sentence: "At FIRST IT WAS CONSIDERED BY WE ' ' AS A GOOD OMEN." The sentence is taken from a well-known publication. 71m word is a familiar one, aryl it may readily suggest Itself. U Contest h u an Jan. I r i ii ii to os itiarcn . TO HTE8 THIS COHTEST YOU MUST SUCSCXISE FC3. ibsbtv -i ffcet H 1 f ' I IN CONNECTION WITH THE SIOUX COUNTY JO $1.75 sru: AT THG EXTREMKLY LOW PRICE OP In connection wit'.i ih's CJubbing Rate, we will. :!s With tiic aubstrintion orice. forward all far civs rov i chiko; tr mz umct ej rer At the end of period covered Vy this corut Tb Constitnt! to tne ueei:ui pany or parurt Ine full In the contest. The Dian Is slmnle and i popular and have nea conducted with such nnselute fa they have been widely copied after, but none bar bee' Constitution's area! nrlarinal mrU 7V IN ONE YEAR THE CONSTITUTION HAS PAID 1 NEARLY $6.000 IN In these nhwlng word contests. It sets aald M per eentdf th ebeertp- I . tlon fund received from subscribers guewaing at ths missing word, so4t t this fund is given to tb successful guauwrA- gveaaers In tb contest. f The fund a distributed wltb absolute fair" and the fe that Tha ? Weekly Constitution baa MORS THAN I?Jvj0 subaenhers and that M ruis aaide 10 per cent from a:i gueesers aiibaeriptions for this dlstriko- , tion fund shows that th amount to be divided at ncb Interval, to laraw enongn to e worth striving for. It Is not a catch-pnny or sesal rul proposition, but the plan Is open and slmnle and I ADMlTTst. I tbm mU, try th. rn OSlaa UrpsnMlM a asHtrtMS .; MT hA.,k frrtm 1 1 -ih. -- -. . , .. . . . .... .. . . . . v. ... . , . , m i Mnrpmvm m 117 vmill. rannfV VSI.HIV latMsTiil Jsutsniik ZuoiT trton oomuMu. wluoi mtkm la mri sltsr a In on of these contests there was onljt csm sueeaMfgL ho meivM more than Il.toO; and m addltlo to this ia en lias bw d.strlbuted among successful gveeaera. J Remember that, whether the missing word Is supplied at - nothing to guess, and even though not suceeasful, ib gv THE 6REATEST Of ILL WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS, mJ CUrk. Con. Com. jcmny wooomm of amixica.. tlmi enafe Jvfv Stnrdjr avenlBg a -- r- - 17. . . tif u laaar I I TM mail WVW w " to his labors later on. . I "T1 .7. now carried from Lu Saturday and if you oorre uuna - ,. . Keep that In view and send roar rues with rvur ell or your nom paper and Tb Weakly ConaUtuUcI Should you already be a iubscriber to your hf to mis caper lor i ne weekly ttonstitufion wm dc iorwaraea to i ne tonsiitunon fith Z .TI-inailrouU.ftb.RW-c I. .-Urf from Lua to KurtWy and 01oy Kodall ... a 1 - U I - a 1 A im aaM Earnest rhinoev bad baa iucb bioo- i osiunsj v. - - , - . voorb. dav rXTa. h lost on. of hi. fin year-1 was turkey in abundaoc u.t aak frid ! m.Uad Vo. linff calve, from soiDcau, be doe not W. B. Wright A targ 4h. Kitht. on a BportioK know what He iy th calf was all If oesta wm prBeBt aawag wttch wer. Dumb,r of tb Bidgw riht the nitrnt nefor but h found it included th foUowiog. P""" ti-am oo a hurt and tby dead th next moming. I Mr. Bad Mrs. W. B. wnpit anu mM gjl th Rolf Coffee is thinking: seriously of I Daughter. I.7T r..ii-ina. hu Wa-brother's eiamDle and Mr. " " Hanson. lL w 80th Littl Jennl . . u al k. tha eamninder of the wiatr but ana ssw r mnn 1. Constitution guarantees that tb amount of leas than SBUO In cash, and It mar Im as i . rtLV CONSTITUTION IS THE GREATKST WEEKLY NTWZft It is a TWELVE-PAGE. SEVF.N-CrjLUMNS-TO.TK , na and V.'i eoelaiung EIGHTY-FOUR COLUMNS every week, lit a a MA.I5wNwPH Is Aaerka; its news ssnortt cover BM wb i B AH KDGCATO BbSfenU sr Ie b bssad ia almost ery baOiwick of iWt IT nrwiAi. raaxi SBBW; areartrsaBBn el Ths QisaiBiiBsa BaBBssmlef VsapatlBnyi every km bam Asasrhsv VaWT, It Wmssi Deaartusi a f'' "esctloa, aa ar sseraiiv aameais tasrn , km a p.ssssrstis to r."slsa. ia tmm wens I naswi it rABf abo pa an rm. Departsseal 1 iSWnsvn kwnrtr adveeal THE WLU Bag spending SIM flSil rwwTv.naoambsr 80th Littl. Tno-pscaag-tw.? th city of Chadron, in order that hi. Mr. ana ra. aanoy, - - -T'T 1. Tb littl on bad lwn suH littl ones roav enjoy the benefits to derived from s city school. Mr. 8. E. Bdria of Indian creek, who was coasatliag Dr,roo Inst Tundav. decid4 that to order to keep Dostad oo cumat )tob be roust sub erike for the atoOttUl. sMloartini; on the & A very enjoyable Mm wa speai t alL Aftr th sumptuoa otnnsw vn... gam. wr lodulgsd la sad at a law hour that prapau guest departsd all aarsstag host and lyMtass wr o l is , w Yr'- hotiss w hooping by lung a to lift. for BOOM tsSSS WW which was foUowet Thai remain WSfS ll p. tUdas oBfntsry st. ffioiaUog. Tb rsUtim gymnathyof th oommuaity rstt Y r 7 nt i Tan Pat CM GuMrt' Su mm roe Fund Mjr lnot- ssiiasB)saswfc aasT sms Bat -a visa sass Di ttfr P. t npiration h 4M so tlpif . partjr.