The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, January 06, 1898, Image 7
I i - . . ii i " . i K 1 ll e lu i. Theie'a no fun In livin when v ... dead. It U proliable. that Anni( ir i si nil pointer frou rea.IinR ti e .t p tu of aeaahorrt retort. young couplm Could ml v art . t if were married, iieople. would neve' pect they were envtowX. The Kirl who refuM the man a It is in the n.oflt indignant tone of voice ife n erally the one who would have b- en leaitmad ifhe.'d tak-ni' w thout askm. lo You Dance To-M.-iil? Shake In your shoes Allen's Foot Ease, a jiowder for the fort. It makes tight or New Shoes feel Kiisy. Cure!' Corns, liunlons. Chilblains, I'rost Hites and Sweating Pi-cL At nil dniKj.'Isis and ahoe stores, 2.ric. Sample sent FUKK. Address Allen S. Olmsted, I Koy.N.Y. Any girl who raves over a foothall player will prove to lie fond of gritty go Bfcberry pie. Piao'sCnre for Connnniption has been God-send to me. Win. IS. Meldeilun Cheater, Florida, het. 17, 1:C. Many a man whoee marriage was the recall of love at first mUt wishes he hail been blessed with the gilt of second light. Scrofula and All other blood Diseases are promptly And Permanently Cured By 1 lood's Sarsaparilla. If you suffer from Any lorm oi Blood Disorder, you should Take 1 looa's and Only Hood's. 7 3 POfiS Thf tisl $&St Out SLICKER in both rlJerani ii'jjjli r- frrtly tirv In the hir Jft tfunns. bvtiMjlr s win JKaroolriL Ask for iK7 t t HranJ 'rnii SlKkffr it i fn'irrly ntw. if ri'it f,r vjlein your trr nf for c tlai wir to A I. TO- u ;,.. ,m Msss The St, Joseph and Grand Island SI Kana City and Omaha Railways 4 Kfc JHil AND QUItKLST SHOKItST AND QUItKLST HUUUS NORT H WEST HAST SOUTH a '. in (-on iim-- n,-.. p..,c a., . li'B 'Ub till- umuu idiiiuu urninui AKK TMK IaViiRITK LINK f'-noli urifl mil Wftstru I'liitMS n reilitrdiliK rale. eliv, cftl J on t m;fia ur -v. M. Ali-lT, -r. i.,-i.n Mn n ft n Strawberry .UUUPlants$1.50 (1 and hi.. Him ivm h Trwii lc , 'rnm' lleIifi, li.'U p r triou. ll Wluilmif e rislinxiy well rooiwl, me. an' utriiil flrt-"la numery rlt fur f'rli-e I it tu IAN M'lisl lllt, K4.yio.lda. Nrb. xyi UUht TuUKStLF! urKf.ft I I . I. I - iiuaamral 1 I diilu .. inrDiiiiailuaa. VJ Krila; -il Hrratloaa t.'.r-. nf , ., r . uiliiiia. ekiiii.-, ,J i,.,t aatrta. iHrti:Oiui.jtCo -i'iT puio'uuu. OinClHKir U.C l lrnBlat, 'ir :t, (lUin wrap', I'T .T-rf. rrrAel. (or ? '. -1. iiim. nit. Iirci.:i 11 1,1 iiti raooaat. Life! Life! Life! HHhqlan Ki ri , , . -fi n r Vvc 7 r '.l ( auri rinxnw,,' ..... pi, ...... . II i -rl ui rure 4 t TA III! II awl I iron. hlUa. I la ' TtIMa Hi malll iai Hit. ItiilTalo. N. V. I lie Imii Keo Hijii ltiMjiiuii lor le. IHir HI, It., ealii and nalla k I ,1JliifltifiKi. Hutwtttut ltr I mnli-a free. THK KAV MANILLA irlNIi CO., t nnlrD, H. J. Si-art lor liienU.ra- Oaiau, fri KIKjAR Ta7 A !Xl.l'aiintjsiovJUira.lciiarii4 Maw Vura. OPEN -H ft 7Maw Vu To MOTHERS. ' ' ' i r ) V Ar. ASJ-'FRTINC. IV THE ACIUSIVE li.E 11 'ILK. PITCHKIl 8 )R. SAMUEL PITUHtn, wa the vrigittfitor of that hsis born ami does iww aSTORIA," which has been hear ths facsimile ui '(nature of ' Smmlmerica for over thirty This is the original " PJCHr'3Tra,f,prr end see that it is used in the homes of the moth years. LOOK CAREFULLY the kind you fume ahv and has the i i per. No on has uu T ..VfA Centaur Con m .ii -i .71, si - ; It"1-"- is ' resident. ';:Marrh S.J, I." t Met -d the Jewish l i i" iueoe ning vol 1 liii in-ni ui TeJlt's am-ral r- r - ., o 'i n iikri her bati. g tit o it T I II I -lie i-l I liail ' luck, a Inch ine.irh- nodi aoiiien dowie'- r-- ii . ni.trei.-e-. I'll.- Prince . it V le- Ins ln-come per-i- a-, if mm I a "i a 'In-re ih in (ires K-.t he ki n In.iieie t "hi: n.' at piiraautt n'i evt-'v hi il ,p crew trmi-r on. The ' r -t ker. it ii u wold adopli' Caretaker i u wold adopted In'0 mod- em nc m;I mean one who take t are if. and is ciy k turally a 11 d to those employ ill lo take rn re oi tliiiiK coni inilli d lo llii'lr keepini;. Tin way some pi-opli' have of liibiiii; rare of them Helves Is very HiigeMlvi1 of the need of u caretaker. The human hody to sueli Im a ina'isiiin tilled willi pri-cioitv Ihlns liiu-aii'd for. where thieves may break In and rust doth corrupt. I'aius and nehes arc thieves, and I he body left un cared for to Ihelr spoilage will lie roli lieil of all its comforts ami despoiled of its peace of mind and happiness. It is n happy thought to look upon St. .laculu Oil as a caretaker, to employ It as a watchman against sm-h intruders. There is hardly an n he. from a tooth ache to a toeac'he, that it can't take care of anil effect a cure, ami pains the most violent are coniiierel l.y Its use. Its otlice as n caretaker is lo prevent the spread of aches and pains into a chronic utairo. Keep a bottle of it In the handi est place and be assured of good cure and comfort. One decided hv turn of the Ku"diari blouse ia the eliifht poiii'h'iii; of the ful ness front and back. T ii idea will bo carried out in all material of Biitlicient body to preclude the effect of a charac terless droop. A vi iii tn never feel" a i proud of h' r htlsbiud'H love hh wnen lie f a i i aick : it-1 becomes delirious, and rnfilea to let anyone but her come near him. An Atrhif n man in attracting a good deal oi ai tentiot) beciiiHn he has three hired girls, but a formerly of A chiNon lielle, now living in Nebraska, ha four. The dirtiest frying pan will benoin" clean if aoake-1 in amoion a and w,iter How's Tm. WeotferOne Hundred Dollnrs reward not lit for attv rn-e of catarrh l! ut can vureil hv i!nil's nrarrli Cure. " K. J. ( lll-.N KV .V I'd.. Toledo, O We, the iniilcrMgned have known K. J Cheney h r the hit l"i years, and believi him I'.erteetiy lionorahle in all husmesJ liansaiai.iiif and i nancially alile to carr out an ohliguiions maile hv their tirm. w kit ,t Tki.-ax, Wholesale druggiits Toii-do, I)., Waluimi, Kinnan it Makvin V holesiile driigvista, 'l'oledo. 0. Hall's Catarrh Care i taken internally, uctinj: upon the bio ui and mueou! aurlaci-.i ol the aysU-m. Tciitinionials ai-nl tree. 1'riue 75c. per bottle. Sold by ad iJiuHgisU, The day alter a woman hail wnt f (f-eitdea! of money on foolisiinem ahe iif. ls the potatoes' with their jackets on 111 order not to waist the iikias. Atchi son ilobe. It Keeps file I ( llry autl Warm And is only cure lor Cudblnm.v I'rost I'-ites, Damp, Sweating Keet, Coins and Jiiiniotis. Ask for Allen's Knot Kase, a powder to be shaken into the .shoei. At ull ilriiKgisis and alloc stoics, i'jc. Sample sent KHKK. Ad dress Allen S. Olmsted, l.eltoy, N. Y. A woman's soui seeuiH to be a good deal more valuable than that of a man's j idging from the frantic effort she makes to i-ave it. Klondyke Hnlletln" Will t,r jiulilUlieil hy tin- Sou Line every Miiiiilny, i-oiitiiliilnis .Ml leb-criiiihu- urwi mid iip-ln d. ii.- li f iirnii. 1 m as In lnut routi-a, si'iilii'H, aiiMiii-iiii -uilni at, urn! every fa rlliiy Winn- ii-i.-.oi. Invaluable u Ala k;il' il-iI'i ' I- r .i!i-l t'l! Itli'il' friend. 'I n In id;.. -1 d uli luailliiK hit. "iid tlx i-euta 0"-.) null- t.l . It. CALLAWAY, i. l: A-, Mii.ui'iipvlm, Miun. Sikl-'iow ilaU.-ya makes a man feel like laughing to hear a woman past 4( f peak of hei m ther as "numma." Slit u inln' s.n.riiiHii svaer for rhllrt ren it-cthiuK, - lu n tne uin, n-ilnera Inllain lliatinn, adayi imiu, euren wind Colic. I c UiUle When a woman wants to give an un derhanded swipe at another woman, ahe makes fun of her d-ee-'maktTi T ItlKK A CKI.U I.N (INK I)Af. Txkr Ijiiallw llemm OtualiWrablfla All InufiMi nruuil ttwi money II It fajla ui rura. 26c Women have grea nsnect for t wo man who has her hair done op . by i profes-ional bairdremer. LETTER COURTS UVJR , WUKU "(JAaitlttlA caw.nuteirS AS OUR IKAI'a i iin. the tame on every of Ilyarfc. u,Jar& 'p.TCHER;sA755i& wrapper. on tlie wrap- use my name except. "is. 11. Fletcher in cheap Ntibntitiite more fiennici Md wHb :Xfa FASHIONS OF (iOTHAM WHAT TO WEAR AND WEAR IT, HOW TO The Poardinu Kt-bool Oirl'n Jaunty Outfit -Novel KffecU Striven After by Her Mder Siler, lo tlie liincoin poHure of tlie llresmiiMkersS l'ails in Feminine Apiiurel. New Yurk rnrreHMn'leni'c: 1ST as trig and cozy as she can be Is the maiden of the Isiarditig school tliis winter. Her jaunty hat is tipis'd over her eye. and there ks about f very I hing kIic wears the swing and swagger that makes it worth mamma's while to send her to II lin I s h I n g s h ool. Skeli'lied for tliis lull w as a jacket of heavy brown ..ry.,. broad cloth, I he skirt being a wi! leu plaid of large hut dull colored sipiaix-s. These skirts either just e-caM- the ground or Just touch the urcli wl Instep as she w alks. They are limsl, if the wmrcr Is lucky, with silk of a bright color, ami -how quick the young girls catch on to the fa.s)iion some of l hem are already llnl with orange slik. It Is wlospered that al fniuc of the awagger schools the Matron supervises M'.i -J : A".. lS Ef.A I50H A TEN KS.S THE the girls' drussiog, mid it Is guaraiiis- that u correct dress instinct will be in siilli-il ii Ion k with ii)ics.M'iillal i.aiin and algebra. These are the young wo men who are already wearing ulsuit th.-ir throats. Inside or the coat, a Unman rililsm scarf with fringed ends. Their silk or moreen petticoats arc pl.ildeil. ami tin- silk shirt waist ihat shows at the ciliro of the over -blouse Is either Itomaii plaid or si ripe. At either side t the hal brim just the hiiuii4; barrel of a gleaming poinp.-nliuir shows, nrwi at the back tin- little hair tliat ap pears alsive the storm collar glistens and colls without i-ithet stilf Ntralght nens or untidy frizzle. The older alsieT mav have more rnoni-y spent on l',r and may have more time to ton her dot lit, but she w ill pof " till r m m w g w '-Ti:ATJN J 'LA I.N NK.s.s AHuVE TI1K KELT ODTDOcins more liidhldii.-il charm of n,rrZ7l'r . harm of comi-im HiHIl hs- the dwell luair.ltr,., . Junior. Tiit Miiiie older flsb-r Is mur fo )r!v lug tiroxsmikerw Insane witli hi-r de liniiiis for nivej elalhiintloiis. KHp-. ally is this true nt pr.ent of housi oresM-- 1 lie Issue vrt. ii(ioii tne mouse lib, of mnrvii ln with so uiuci, ror a mnrt. they ,xt U(1. rhsl out of all comfort bv the ap,,l(11 kjii ui iinmiiiig aniK, onr side. u-ed!i- biiUons. etuleittc effis-is, ,.(,. s,,,,,,, f in- mlinct1iti of the blouse Hre ery clever mid If wn not a difficult matter to rhw ihree at -active nKiih'Ia for illimtrjitlon. The flrs,f on.. Ingtenloiisly produced s tirliHi.i,. ptTrvt wa In .!.:. frlmm.-l !( slid ,raU nd button. A d-r nraiatton of Jacket able h low on Mori DkitlM wan eltr ndisl Imlnw akya tw.i. iu" alniulated. the continuation of the ef fect below the iK-lt bhmdisl Isxlice and hklrt In line, thus Hddiug trace and KleiideriH-.- to the figure. A bib and collar elfis-t a' the IK-ck suggested tlie turning back of the blouse, while the imriion that hi supiKvsi-d lo show under was cut away in a tiny yoke. This was tilled in with foldeii chiffon that ewtiLhed the throat In a high stock. Kpauh-ttes prevail. As a rule, the blouse Itself is cut to extend over the armhole, or Is provided with shoulder collar extends in epaulette fash ion over l he arm. but often epaulette pieces are set In along the top of the armhole. This last luelhisl was em ployed in the particularly dainty blouse remaining of the thru-. Cray pen il de sole was the material of this blouse, which operusl from throat to belt, narrowing towards the waist, and was held togelher by tabs of embroid ered while satin, one tab buttoning on each side. At tlie opening an under bodice of white fJMj allowed, and at the throat re vent or the satin turned over the nlge of the blouse. (Jray is a favorite color for house dresses, though In the lasl it ion t Ii the flame orange shade thai promises lo lie popular Is appearing. Minuses for the street may be as plain as you like. and are ordinarily made so plain that relationship lo indoor blouses is not, at. all ch-nr. Some of the modi-Is are fairly austere. Such a one comes first In the three tlie artist shows and was sketched in nut bro'vn caslniiei-e. It fastened on the shoulder, the fit tit jdeais necessary to take in -.he fullm-ss al the neck were covered by a few rows of narrow braid, each fin lshed by a little loop and button, and the round plain stock was stiffened by -,' mm mi ii j AIM FOK INDoOJi KODICES. rows of braid. The blouse hutf splint, I he fullness Is-lng only from- ltt-'k ot darts, and the In-lt was vert narrow .mil l,i-,.l, Kxeent for f touch of In aid at wrist-i and 'basque 10 harmon ize with the lines on the shimlll,'r- '"''N' was no further trace of rimming on the bodice. The skirt vr is braided at the foot fo match the res' t Such a dress! mav as well be of brir"1'""11. mo'hait, or heavv jacket V,'r sllk' an,i' with a clmnuppear In It wif""'' wearer wll' clumsily bundled0 ,T ,lleloth. women i' furs. bit Vi4 In Uif ll IU wanner than this wv, iiioujm- imt at the omsKlte ude of the ilhujtrfltion, but !t wa.s In form, the eont Hkene.s coming In me T.unicj-tj4ili revens. Tlie mode) " foimblnaflon of wirlet otK-vlot giving skirt, Hlecvc and vohi, Uie bloii- and baml at foot o ssiii la-ing camiu.J colorwl staff. Per hajih n look of warmth win nought In t he miri-ber of color n,it (yw1') The reiiminlng garniort, thoiiffh trtw fo thf ciirrei.t fancy for bloniRes, was for tt,. woman who regret the bygon 1pLi8it I'-ill, stilt MMttftl tl oni awat'ger tucked gray erg the Micka In biitieh of eight or ten, nwtirlria dlajronaily. With thla wi. Hut. Piaiu ciotn jacket that opened all U way down. It off at the hlpn to nluawf nothltiK at tfi hack, ami wmuit-f-d In a high curved rolled collar at lh o'-k. ii ik neiitlaJ that mich mm .... bodlo ithotiM be vry plain ij, ihaion aiw ml at th Ku a - n i-ouar la worn aiul a H tka . Miai lr-a iu i Planting too cl I iro a iiiL' em it . i I'lantmg t m Using d rrv, se '.t cutting si week. P acini! Ji-i hi- batle i r - - Nov nr. i,-.- ci' rollei c." r tid- 0 I -i Us'iii! ne M.ry plant t .no- 1 ho-1 for fn In-'ei I j The In'".el lr.:, t -jJ9 jN.ees, mid nearly -ti.OiHi -. t ' i . i ; , man Church rt rejid, tjays Uie .New thousand authors an erythiug tliut Itenaii i; l: f.ilhfnl in Mm Klg'it d in it. Kv is coiideiun olk ed, but only the more ,:fofun-, from a Itoman Catliolic staii liioiui, of Vol taire's works apiieai- in Uie I mb .t. Taine's "History of ICnglish Litera ture" is under the lan, but his studies on th French revolulion are omltteil from the list of prohibited hooka by the wish of Ieo XIII. All of CousinV books are c-ondemiied, but only four of La niaj"tl tie's. For obvious reasons Eugene Sue's "Wandering Jew" and the "Mysteries of Paris" are both forbidden reading The Index contains a complete csitn logue of the works of lwth the e)d i and the younger Inimas, but only tw of Victor Hugo's books are found in i: "Leg Miserablcs" and "Notre I)uin de Paris." There are two Zola.s In the Iudei one Is the author of "Rome,' the other Is a theologian of the last century. The man who asked and receives not, because he a-ked a-misa might ba-.e een more suixea-ful had be asked a widow. A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NLNE. Heat, sense of tenderness and swelling- of a part, are all indications that there is need of instant repair the stitch in time. Where these symptoms exist on the left or the rif;ht side of the womb, disease of the vary is setting in. and soon there will be, if there not already established, a discharge, trifling- at lirst, but later copious and irritating. Soon, also, there will be felt dull, dragging pains radiating from the ov;.i-y. Da not. my oistcr, let your malady go those of you who are already suffering in this way should begin at once a course of treatment with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It will restore tlie organs to their normal condition. In tiiis connection Mits. E. L. Myers, QuaW ake, I'.i., says: "My ovaries w, -e badly dis eased. : :id for almost a year I suffered with se vere burning pains which were almost unendurable, and a dull, heavy pain fj, the lower portion of my ' ack. If standing I was most relieved with my foot resting on a stool or chair. The doctor told me I would have to take mv bed ami keep quiet. I had not used half a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound before it worked wonders with me. I now owe my health to the Compound. To those who are suffering from diseases peculiar to wo men, I would say that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound isjnstwhat they need." Mrs. Pinkham wishes to befriend you, and if you will write her at LyntL. Mass., telling her just how you feel, she will give you the very best advice free of charge. Think what a privilege it is to be aHe to write to a woman who is learned in all these matters, and willing to adise you without charge. BETTEK THAN FUSION. J'in't mohkf v wiUi politics h rtd iit1''-''! the frm. Alont: wM your other crops this florinr mw m j ruts wHl st'iwtrii Mux "M-cil on vonr m-v mnnii. K'juik I 1 IiisTit, and Wiv. j.iji e ought Lo Ut Ini. v ' '-iciriij J ' 1 1 '"I"-. i liBYB PRIME RUSSIAN "LAX Fur KOWlilK miri,uM-.. will bo fltl.-reil liy an ah lonir over h imli mil ion iiuiirl. in lss V rile fnr Ol.ii ' i-ss ;rii! Liusved Hake, for tne ceipMttic-il vv o. .iiuj" j.iiiBct-a uu, Cmied and t.slal. ihh.-.l I1IHH; "IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, TRY SAPOLIO I had two diseases, malaria and indigestion, which were gradually dragging me to the grave. The doctors told my friends I could not live. A friend told me about Ripans Tabules. 1 tried them. For the fact that I am well, healthy and can attend to my business to-day the same as before I was taken nick, Ripans Tabules must have tho credit perons Ymt ft DOUBLE V QUICK I -i of - Iih liitta-ia OI-- . , in uow r i.i he hnu-H can thrive ii- l-iied down with kittens five) o - i i me to 1 "i.s i mi t i a purr .-si in'a v ill (itu rulf med fur; i i o t. - o i Iin en now r e i c in a .w I 'I 1 1 - a c I t f i i si k n id eyes that blink, r i in o'ii ic's accent how me iow ineaow. meaow, I A 1 1 l i Cunt in. i Crete a number of individuals of . coose a young girl, who must be l.y- no dill. cult matter in Crete, uey inform her parents of their In t. ut ifiri. and the ueedful consent is nev er withheld. Then a priest is sent for ami told to begin the ceremony. H Hikes a very long girdle and Joins all the men with it In a circle, In the centei of which the young girl is placed. Then the clergyman recites a number nf prayers and winds up by giving bl benediction to all present. The mo ment he pronounces the last amen the circle and its center stand in the rela tion of brothers and sister to each oth er to all rell-kius and social Intents and purposes. ICach and every one of tin males Is bound in honor to protect that girl throughout her life, but none of .hem can take her for his wife. She ii and remains their sister to the end of her days. There Is something wrong with the woman who talks only when she hat something to say. A man must mak his way in the voi Id, while a woman merely has bera. It was Solomon's wisdom that kept iiia: from backing his judgment at the rc-ei. so far, but -Mnitiif "in my t wen. i ha icreue Ih There vili he a h iter market at your door' IllUI'e I ,J ' mi iuK m jour uow. SEED, as.'tie siiniilv lunts oar mill will oonrani t.riri'rfiOHl lnv U) sow It. ativk, alwaya on hand. We also manufacture oi. I.1NSKKU OIL WORKS, Omaha, Neb. r mm. ll t yi I: H ,TlOf U look of the cornera o Wrkt of whk-h ar tucked In at th b4U. ''V'..'h,.',7' t'-. . ' ' ? '( , ' -' rtf- Af Ui ian tlma i - - mmtm.W tiaijy ttma t4( ft kMkM wm tkua 1 ' i-r"- . A. Hi m vans runu ritnaatitLWuiiiftn it Aim af cbwfaiiMM Jikwib. I TWa" ) 1