The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, January 06, 1898, Image 1
' i-C ' .r y'tl :d'- y,''. vV-f f -V'T i- ' -, - -,v,,.-.vl V"" ij, '- -'' ''--' . f "a- M .it1" The Sioux County Journal. VOL. X. HIRIRvISOlSr, NEBRASKA, TSITJRSIDA.Y, CTA3ST. 6, 1898. ISTO. 13. 8 J y K "'-1 r I f - Tb Sioux County Journal. ESTABUSHID 1888. Subscription Price, $1.00 OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. Geo. D. Canon, Krtttor. Katared at the Harrison post office second clans matter. Russia and Japan have allied them nelres together for offensive and defen sive purposes. Over 10,000 tons of wheat borne"), to gether with a warehouse, at ptockton Cal., on Jan. 4 th. vvj,"- M OHAN'S COLUMN. Edited by . " Mrs. Geo. D. Cum. Short articles from the Indies of Sioux county are soltcitpd. Robert A. Van Wick 1KJ M Mayor of the second largest city in the world Jan. 1st last Saturday. China has secured a oan of $80,000,000 fro- England and in return the British wilt demand Chinese teritory. Russia, Germany, France and England no doubt each will succeed in getting a slice of Chinese tritory before the far eastern trouble subsides. George Fred Williams the great free Silver orator of Boston, spoke at the Bryan traveling, men's banquet in Lincoln last Tuesday night when M". Bryan and his wife wws expected to arrive liotne from their trip to old Mexi co. Toinorrow, Theodore Durrant the murderer of. Miss Blanche Lamont and Minnie Williams in the Emanuel Bap- tirt chuVch "m San Francisco most two years rigo will be hanged at San Quintan that city. How tho Japs Propose. A REMARKABLE custom in connec tion with window-gardening exists in some d is tries of Japan. In houses where in reside one or more daughters of a marriageable age, an empty flower-pot, of an ornamental character, is incircled by a ring, and suspended from the win dow or veranda by three light chains. The Juliets of Japan are, of course, as attractive to the Romeos as those of other land. But instead of serenades by mYnlight and other delicate ways of making an impression, it is etquette for he Japanese lover to approach the dwelling of his lady bearing some choice plant in his hand, which be boldly, but let us hope, reverently proceeds to plant n the empty vase. This takes place at a time when he is fully assured that both mother and .daughter are at home, neith erof whom, of course, is at all con scious that the young man is taking such a liberty with the flower-pot out side their window, this act of placing a pretty plant in the empty flower-pot is equivalent to a formal proposal to the young lady who dwells within. The youthful gardoer, having fettled his plant to his mind, retires, and the lady js free to act as she pleaser. If he is the right man, she takes every care of his gift, waters it, and tends it carefully with her own hands, that all the world may see the donor is accepted as a suitor. But if he is not a favorite, or if stern parents object, the poor plant is torn from the vase, and the next morning lies limp and withered on tha veranda or on the path below. Treasurer's Statement. Statement ol money received sitil dis bursed by the treasurer of Sioux Comity, Nebraska, from June Hutu, 1SU7 to January 1st, 1398. T ATE FUNDS. llalance 307 76 Collections J JW "I l'aid State Treasurer 1.?1R71 liulance 3S !,G(1S 47 11.603 4' SCHOOL LAND FINKS. Balance 24S Collections OS 19 Paid Slate Treasure tialance . 79i 17 7G 1U ST ATK SCHOOL Kl'XU. Balance 94 Fines 34 on HUlte Apportionment Fund.. 609 7 Apportioned to Districts CoiumisMion. Bulsnue.. ten 61 So ft GO Duifiag the progress of a political meatSar bain? held in the city hall at LJbodon, Out., on the 3rd; the floor atra way precipitating 2,000 people to the) floor below over twenty feet-killing shout 45 and wounding and crippling rninay others. T aaaillanna forces of Ohio suc ceeded in organizing both branches of the legislature which convened at Columbus on , the 3rd inst. Every indication, now, points to Mr. Ilanna' "defeat, but until the defeat actually takes place we shall refuse to beleive he csVo bo knocked out President McKinley iu his message to exxijgre claimed soon as the Pingley tariff law had reasonable time to oper ate that prosperity would come. Now secretary Oace makes the statement tha.t prosperity is here and tliat it ex tendi from ocean to ocean tliat every body is happy every body is doing well and tliat all is" needed is to place the ouutry on an absolute gold satandard and turn the issuing of our currency over to the National Banks and then we will tot for anything. l fttttu ill TAX SALE REDEMPTION (USD. Balance Collections. 45 20 Certificates lb-deemed..- t 8 50 Fees . 25 Balance - 36 45 43 20 COU.VTY GK.NEIIAL FCMIJH. Balance 247 00 Collections 1,796 17 Transterrwl 1,0052 Commissions I Wair uits Kedeemed... Balauce, IH5 20 How To Find Out Fill a bottle or common glass with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours. a sediment or settlinsr indicates an un healthy condition of the kidneys. When urine stains linen it is evidence of kidney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in the back, is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blader are out of ordar., 'j , What To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfils every wish in relieving pain ia the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every partof Hie urinary passages. It corrests inability to hold urine and scald ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol lowing use of liquor, wing or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by, druggists, price fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention The Sioux County Journal and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & t., Bmghampton, N. x. Ihe proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. just arrived; A car-load of Wheatland Flour at the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, at prices that will defy competition any where in the state. The RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE is - Head-quarter for DRY-GOODS & GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, HARD-WARE & TIN-WARE &c, &c. Our Motto is, "LIVE and let LIVE" We need money, and the people need our goods, so come in and see how cheap we can sell you goods for cash. LEWIS GERLACH, Prop. s-o avl 89 A3.051 SOLDIERS lU&CtMftTtiW Balance Collections...-. 112116 .. 12 50 Commission.. Warrants It in reported from Columbus, Oh., to the mtr)oliUn press all over the country that lion. M. A. Banna, who is askint.- the Ohio legislature to turn him td Uie U. 8. sonata, likes five vjtes in order to be successful, and that the irdi cat ions point to the elec tion of Gov Bushuell. - Mark Ilanna is too sleek a politician to be defeated by any ordinal candidate. A man, who can manipulate a national campaign like Mark lanna did the 1806 campaign there is little chance for his defeat as U. 8. Unator, of course we have in miadtbe tcriptural proverb "A pn p'let i not without honor save, In his own country," farltatlon to the Ettltor. 1- BiAvra City.Nkbh., Dbcehmek 1WT, DEsb Bbothjw Pcbuhheh. The twen ty-si;th annual sessioo of tho Nebraska Pre Association will beheld at Lincoln, TiKklay and Wednesday, January It and W, 18W. That date is fast approaching. 7b latter is sent you to remind you, to that y on may make any necessary arrangement to attend. GlrlH and Their use of Slang. It is unfortunate that slang prases are so easily slipping into our every -day con versation, and taking apparently so fixed a place io our talk. And the worst of it is that so many people are using slarg entirely unconscious of the fact that they are doing so. Some of our slang phrases are scarcely recognized as such so familiar has common usage made them. Where a dozen years ago a re timed girl would hesitate to use the most moderate slang phrase, to-day she employs the most expressive slang terms without thinking, A few years ago her most pronounced expressions of surprise was "Oh, gracious!" After a while this was not strong enough, and we heard "Gee whizt" Then it turned into "Heavens! while now it is not at all uncommon to bear a girl make use of "Good Lord!" A girl speaks of a friend who is tired as being "knocked out," entirely unconscious that she is using a vulgarism of the most pronounc ed sort "Nt" is used for "no"; the sense of being bored is expressed in "You make me tired." A young man impresses a girl, and he is spoken of ns being "immense," or " way up," or be is "smooth. A girl of stylish carriage finds herself placed as being "swagger." A girl of nerve "has sand." For a girl to bs told by her companion tliat she is "not in it" is common thing. Things suit girls "down to the ground"; what they do not understand they do not tumble to." And thus the vocabulary of slang grows. IF THIS common usage of slang wore confined to a particular order of girls, it would, perhaps, serve as an indicator of character, and pass unnoticed it than at least, would not touch the sensi bilities of gentlefolk. But it ia not so confined. Slang is invading the very nicest of circles: it is begin ing to influen ce the talk of our most carefully reared girls. And this is why the habit should receive closer attention. Girls are for getting that slang phrases and refine ment are absolutely foreign to each other, A slang phrase may be more ex pressive than a term of polite usage, but it is never impressive, except to impress unfavorably; We may argue and excuse certain slang phrases and say they are harmless in their usage: that they an employed In a meaningless way. But the fact still remains that slang is vulgar, aad invariably vulgarises the girl who uses it There are no two sides to that view of the question. rv Balance $173 72 OOtTITY EOAD FUSDS. Balance-Il! 10it 89 Collections 1 Commissions 7t w arrants Kedcemedp. Transferred Bui an oc Sim 46 COUNTY BRIDGE FUNDS. Balance , 4W5R CoUeotlons 026 22 Coimnutiionf. Warrants Bdeeinl Trruiofp.rrwl Balance - . $178 72 12326 T? ' SllttSO 11,015 80 COL Y SPEC) 4.L 1) EET VUXD. , . Balance '. U- W Collections.. Coinin Issions Warrants Redeemed... Trnferr(Kl.. . Balance--.- - . 179 51 26610 BOWEH I'UEClNCTBOND FUKDS. Balance 311 M 260 10 Collections Commissions State Fiscal Agency. . . Balunc . 494 87 484 700 00 3.401 50 Balance. Collection a 4,106 40 4,106 40 UOAD DISTRICT FUJiUS. IvOUim iBaioiia. . . mtgy Amaaviw ana sjeceipu- CortiAcates 1'sMi- . Bf unded '.!,.., . Balance 316 00 118 90 i 7 78 274 14 - KK56 pan 66 BrEClAL UOAD D18TBICT FUNDS. Bftiuusev. 1S5 69 67 56 AddltloMl Locals. Almost every one took in the sights Of our fair city on New Year's. August Ring of Story was doing business at the Hub on last Thursday. Master Liarvcy E. Archerd returned from Iowa on last Thursday morning. The new Board of County Commis sioners will meet In session on Uie 11th. All the newly elected county officers were Installed io their respective offices on the 8th. Tbedaooa bald at the court house M Maw Yarseva was a (rand success. Twaaty It Bumbers wan told, -Mr. Oibrkfct of Qtm was a pleasant oUar at car aaaotaai on last Friday. W an always (tad to rtctive calls n. O YIARS XPKMINCC . aa . , iTikM MAMA ssV A " " " 1 Oormwirra At). 308 25 IViU Answer Any Question You may Ask It. iru MARSTELLER BROS., They handle every thing usualy handled in a gen eral department counry store. SUCH AS DRY GOODS and GROCERIE, BOOTS and SHOES, HARD and TINWARE; also FLOUR, FEFD and GRAIN, KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY GOING TO MARSTELLER BROS. -THE COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1888.1 Harrison, Nebraska. Standard American Annual. President Vioe-Prastlaat D. K ORI3WOLD, Cashier. GENTS ' AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. 160 000. '. Transacts a General Banking Business. Ready Jan. 1,1898, On All News Stands: Larger, Better, Mgre Complete Thah Ever. CO&SlSPONDENTSt Ajixricak Exchamqi National Bask, New York, Omaha National Bane, Omaha, Fust National Bank, Chadron. irTTlt moit wUUfy told Ammi tof ma Book va rmcea mummm pmrnm, . . Collections Commissions . . Warrants Redeemed-. , Balanc f'" ... a ' . ADVERTISING FUND. BsJaaee. U 61 C0UHUon m 30 , UMBmlssioas Trsasfer . , i 60 91 50M SVVm Or THE VILLAGE OF HARRISON, balance 24 21 Collections . . 83 M Commissions . . 70S ' Paid Vllle Tressuicr.. 1M 18 Balaaoe. v 1MK . ' us ir' aw is ' SCHOOL DISTRICT FUMOfl. Baisnesw. . ..ijm a CoUotlotts MM 24 State Apportionment 634 61 School Hood 14 SO OomalisslOD .... IS 16 BsJanoe . 1M a Orders; raid ZSOM THE WORLD,f ?UHtxr Building, Nw York. Interest Paid on Time Deposit. trvnxm solo on all pabts of iusote. STOCK BRANDS. Tnit .TOhrkal will nnblish vour brand. Ike the following, for S2 -.00, per vr. Kch sd dltional brand 75 cents. .ry rarrucr or ranchmen In Sioux and adtoiaing counties slionld sdTrtls their brands in ThbJovs- HAL as It circulates all over the state, it I may be the mcaus of. sarins money for tou. P.O. FRANK NCTTO. On left side of cattle and on left shou ider of horses. ItaDfre on Antelope creek Ghllchrtst, Sioux Co., Neb. We pay the freight 6 ON this KM .Vj Dalance- .... -.1,072 IB Collections- Wto Commission ... ... To flenool Pund Coapons Redeemed..... Brlancc ..... Cash On Hand Iovestment sinking Funds Sloui County Oeneral Fund Warrants...-.... .......... insn lK77 6,00 B 1,073 Cask and Warrants WARRANTS RKOISTK1ED. Oeneral Fund MM 87 Hpeolal Debt Faad .. S21 80 asaisTSBSD waaaaaTS etrrsTAsviao. dsmersl Fund 4M IT TcUl Dab fund 18429 SnsjBlsl Bond Fund .... M8tt ' Chaslm Bishls, County Treasurtr CHARLES BIRIILK. On left side or hip of cattle, J On left shoulder of horses, i iRance on the bead of Warbonnet Jcreak Address Harrison, Sloax Co. Neb. S. W. CARET. On left shoulder of cattle horses. Runs on Little Uttnwoou. swiora sour. O V Kimball o I o ORGAN In Hebfaska and Western Iowa. i , You Get $195 Organ lor 48 Final Proof Notices. YOU PAY FOR IT j WITH A FIVE DOLLAR BILL down and 15.00 par moatk' Fatly taaraataed fer yeera. No write us for Description and Catalogue. Wo will tall yen S U. We have been telling our friends about this now 23 years. ddftaa. All nersons basins final proof notices In this paper will receive a marked copy of the saner and are reauested to examine their I notice and if any errors exist report the I same to this offlou at once. A. HOSPE, -A OMAHA KESe TIMBER CULTCRIC, FINAL PROOF.-NO- TICK FOR PUBLICATION. . Alliance, Neb., v Dee. 27, ISW7. Notloe Is hereby Riven that Robert Math er of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, has tiled notice of Intention to make final proof befaie M. i. Blewott, Clerk District Court, at his office In Harrison, Neb., on the 7th day ot Febu- ary lata, on Umber culture application No. IML f or the SM of N-Wfc, and S-WhT of I Section NO. 2, In Township No. W North angw Mo. M West. He names as witnesses: E. a. Bieauvw, p. b. Bionurw, Oaairr flora- aia and Q. W.Ustraa, all of Harrison, leb. J. W. Wans Jn, Register- LfHt MIB?-'s f. Ml! Ji 1: it ft i ' v kit'.- i v ' - 0 ' .1. v y l i J was--"'? r 1 .tXZ.