The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 30, 1897, Image 8

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    l' :
THt'KSDAY, lc. Will, 1""JT,
leo. V. Cquoo, Kill tor uud Iroj.
F. E. 4 M. V II. rL 1 iBif talle.
Going Wet. Ooinjf KaHt.
,Ho. 5, inUed,. 11:20 No. 6, .mixed :(
F. E. M. V. R. R. is the best
to and from the
A map of the
United States.
Rurllnsjton KouU) Is three feet
.yeide try four long; Is printed
lo colors; lg mounted on
.xollers; shows every state.
county. Important town and
irailroad In the Union, and
lorms a very desirable and
Jusen adjunct to any noune.
UoM or business establishment.
Purchased In larare nuauti-
fies, the maps cost Burlington
iioute more thun flftoen cents
each, but on receipt .of tyat
amount in stamps tke under
signed will be pleased to send
yon one.
Write immediately, as the
supply Is limited.
jS. Francis, Gen'l I'ass'r Agent, Omaha, Keb.
jfHlag A. Holcomb Governor
James E. Harris ..Lieutenant Governor
W. Y. Porter Secretary of State
John F. Cornell Auditor
jS. E. Meserve , Treasurer
C J. Bmytb Attorney General
. J. V. Wolfe Land Commissioner
W. R. Jackson Supt. 1'ublic Instruction
.John M. Thurston L". S. Senator, Omaha
Wra, V. Allen V. S. Senator, Madison
jS. B. Strode, Congressman 1st Dist., Lincoln
1). H, Mercer,
.Samuel Maxwell,
W. L. Stark,
ft. IX Sutherland,
W. L. Green,
A. M. Post Thief Justice, Columbus
it. O. C. Harrison ..As'te Judge, Grand Island
T. L. Norval Associate Judge, Seward
p. A. Campbell-.Clerk and Reporter, Lincoln
ft. P. Kinkaid . Judge, O'Neill
W. H. Westover ... " Kushvlile
d. J. Blewett JClerk, Harrison
pistrict Court, At Harrison, commences
Spring term April 13tb, jury HU,
fall " October 25, Jnry 26th.
County Ceirrt, At Harrison, commences
rat Mondty rf eacb month.
Otto Muti-Senator, Dist. No. 14, Sprtngvieir
A. E. Sheldon .Diat, No. 53, Cbadron
Sobert Wjlon County Judge
M. J. Blewett..
ha. Blehle ..
MT. H. Davis..
, Treasurer
T..Supt. Public Instruction
. Bartlett Sheriff
. E. Phtnney . Coroner
B. F. Thomas ...Surveyor
M. J. Blewett... Clerk of Dtwrtct Court
Grant Guthrie County Attorney
Frank Tinkharn IstDlslrlct
M. J. Weber(ChairmanJ 2d "
J am its F. Toung ,- Sd "
E. Botawer (cbBirman) .Trustee
pobn Davis T
D. H. GrUwod t
W. B. Marrteller , . "
K. P. Hamlin . .
W. H.DavU .... ark
Levi Gerlaeb Treasurer
Eggart BobvT . Director
B. L. Smack ...Moderator
Lewis Gerlacb Treasure
Methodist Sunday School meets erery Son
pay morning at 10 :00
Tf .H. Davis, ij!S B BTeLL,
Superintendent. Secretary
fQlW business meeting first Tuesday
prenlng in pack month.
Miss Palmbk, '
O. KSKDAU, President.
Secretary. . y
'Svrotlmstil tasetinn eywy Srtnday evening
tm. MM. KibdalL, Leader.
Meats each Sunday afternoon at 2 :30.
MM. KiDALL., Supt.
. , CBBT BUSK POST, Wo. 84 (i. A. R.
" ' Veta aeeond Monday lnacb month In
. . f be ent house at Harrison. "
i S. E. Uvermore, Com.
fUfrlao) Camp, No. M, meets on each at
fern ate Wednesday evening.
V.H.VLr(B, . . J.A.HAISOIf,
JOmlf, - . .', , .Cos.Gom, .
' " tr"T rt3r erettlht
' . etllZUJ. . ' : . A. b. mm. V.:U.
filCANT iUTH!di;,
Prompt mention pven to all leal
ri.atter in Justice, County and litnt,t
Courts, and l.-fore the United State."
Land OH'u-e.
Fire Insurance writteo in reliable
Win allien.
Jif "'Legal jiapers carefully drawn.
llAKiastw. - Nebraska.
J. E. riliXNEY. 3L D.
Phrisdau and Surgeon.
ill calls given roinpt attention.
Oltlee iu iirug Store.
Oflice : in the Kwbatein Ztuildiii,
The r.ules of tLe local land office have
recently been amended so that settlers
to rxiaJe final proof shall settle with the
publisher before sending in their applica
tion. All parties desiring to make final
proof can have their papers n,ade out at
TitE Journal of'ice, free of charge, and
promptly transmitted to the land oflice
so that no time will be lost.
A happy New Year to
every body.
tZTDv, Kiser eye, iec
ialist of Lincoln, Avill be in
Harrison, Dec. OOtli to remain
until Jan. 5th lb'JS. Thote
needling spectacles? or treatment
for tli tir eyes should take ad- j
vantage of this opportunity
and have their eyes examin
ed. Consultation free, office
hours from 10 a. m. to 4 P.
M., at the Harrison House.
IST'AVeare able to offer
the Jourxal, the Thrice-a-Week-World
and the World
Almanac, all for SI. 95. Now
is the time to subscribe for
the three.
Holiday Rates.
To all stations 200 miles or under one
are for Round trip with minimum
fcharge of 50 cents.
Tickets on sale Dec. 24-25-&31st 1897,
and Jan. 1st 1998, good to return until
Jan. tii 19S. E. F. Pontics Agt.
"otice 1 tan cattle hides and all kind
of skins with hair for robes, or without
or leather. See sample and prices in
J. H. Kartell's store.
II. OlbRicht. Glen , Neb,
And still another adds his name to
the li A of our readers in the person,, of
Mr. P. B. Biglow, So it continues.
Amon the many pleasant callers
at our sanctum this week was M. J.
Gayhart of Montrose. We are always
glad to have our friends call.
: Charles Newman went to Chadron
last night to spend New Year's. He
will return next Monday and persue the
even tenor of his way until another New
Years, probably
We are glad to be able to state that
Miss Archerd who has been suffering
from an acute attack of inflamatory
rheumatism during the pait two week's,
is now doing nicely.
Quite a serious Ore occured at Lusk
Wyo. on last Sunday night The livery
stable was tetally destroyed also a resi
dence owned by a party named Gamble.
We did not learn Uie amount involved in
the loss.
lion. Judge KinkaLd and Judge
Westover who presides over the several
district courts in this judicial district
have net the term of court for Sioux
county for 1898, on May 8th, and Sept
We stand corrected in regard to
the statement in our last week's issue,
in regard to Mr. Kirkpatrick of Highland
as Perry will have to try single blessed
ness; while his family will enjoy the
sights of city life.
Cou ity commissioner Weber will
sever his conection with the commission
ers office with this meeting. We are
sorry to see him go as he has been a
most faithful" and Vigilant officer during
the time be has served the people rn the
capacity of public official
There will be a small sijjed law-suit
before his honor Judge Hester, tomorrow
afternoon. The parties to suit are J. II
Bartell, plantiff and F.J Witt defendant.
It is srid the suit is an out-come of ..the
county fair over a year ago. So it's fair
to say that a county fair is often
unfair when it should be fair.
Mrs. Alice Krugerof Burwell, Neb.,
who has been visiting her father, II. T.
Merriaiu aof other members of the fam
ily left for her borne last : ovenlog. If
she can sell her property where she
now lives loan advantage aba mar re-
tan to Bioux coaoty to live boom time
during Up coming- mb son.
( "I I f r slu at this o!!i e, V
It baker dnn.
The I cuiity Cuiiuiiissioiier urn in
si"ii, -ftilllx) New Years the
1-yth o the Christian era.
After next week, it will be Sheriff
Holly, if jou please also Superiatendent
Xoiire Anybody wisLing to buy met
tal wheels will do well to call ou or ad
dress t'hiis, Si-hilt Harrison Neb.
Mr. I. R. Mtlntyre of Hay Springs
will with this ix-Hie of the Joithsal in
scribe his name among its readers.
Studouts are all back at their
ntudie-4, many of them having tipent
chriM mas at the old home with the old
folks at home.
The tax-fuyer for North-Westenr
Town Site Company. Mr. Whitney was
doing business with the County Treasur
Henry Kreeman, of Glen was doing
business before the County Comrainsion'
ers yesterday.
Jud'e Westover is expected here to
day to reconvene the adjourned Urm of
District Court
Phil Dunn of Warbonnet Precinct
was a visitor at the Hub on last Wed
nesday. County superintendent elect Mer-
riam is expected home the latter part of
this week, or the first of next
M. J. Gmhart of Montrose was a
pleasant visitor at the county seat on
lasi Wednesday.
Burl Dew has been assisting County
Clerk Blewett in the office this week, on
account of sickness in the hitter's family.
I k) not forget to turn over a new
leaf in the book of your life next Satur
day, as that will be the begining of the
New vear.
Word and Works say's look out for
a storm period from the 3rd to the 6th of
next month and as a rule those predic-
ion's are verified.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Holly and child
ren returted from Crawford yesterday.
Mrs. Holly nd the children have been
visiting with her sister for tbo past two
On last Saturday nignt Mr. Thomas
Bingy rallied of Will Gerlach's horse.
He realized flO.OO dollars on the deal.
Chas Camenzind won the number it was
A happy New Year to all.
Now is the the time to make good
resolutions. But let us not expect to
keep them by relying entirely on our
strength. For if we do, we had tetter
not make any.
As we stated in last week's issue the
Graphophoqe at Marsteller Bros., was
awarded to the person whoce name ap
peared on the one hundreth ticket The
fortunate person whose -name was in
scrild ou the card or ticket was W. F.
Shepard whe lives in the Valley. Coa-
gratulations are in order.
A Christmas party was held at the
hrtne of Oustave Noreisd) in Warbonnet
oa last Monday evening. A lerge num
ber ware Present and a very enjoyable j
time spent by all.
, ...
Mr. Jens Jenson of Glen was
Harrison on last Thursday doing busi
noss at the court house while here h
did not forget ye editor, but came in and
dropped a dollar on our desk to pay fo
the Journal for a year.
Hon. Judge Wilson has just r
turned from a trip to Wheatland Wyo
where he has been on a pleasure trip com
bmed witli business. He was much
pleased with the country.
Mr. J. W. Eurnestof Running water
Charles Lewis and Herman Goedde re
turned from their Utah trip last week
They brought 000 head of cattle as far as
Rock creek Wyo., where they were ob
liged to leave them to winter owing to
the snow.
At this writing we are glad to be
able to announce that little Master Blew
ett is still improving, and while not yet
out of dancer, he is in a fair way to
ultimate recovery. The little fellow
has had a severe as well as a most dang
erous attack.
Will Wright think's Sioux county
is just as good a place and a little
better than any plaee he has struck
yet. He would rather live in Harrison
thn any place he has ' visited while
away. True Will there's no place like
home be it ever so humble,
Chas. Newman, of Spring creek 85
iles south of town, called at our oflice
i uesday and whiled away his spare time
in pleasant converce for a lialf hour or
so. Charley U a good conversationalist
and we hope he will call often in the
future and, also others, who may feel
kindly disposed towards us.
The Christmas tree and entertain
ment which was held at the M. E. church
on last Friday evening was largly at-
tendei. Many of the ladies of town did
themselves proud, in t he way th ey gave
them thoir time and talent towards mak
ing the entertainment a success, especi
ally Mrs. W. B. Marsteller. But all else
paled, when old Kris Kringle appeared in
their midst. Then the little folks were
in their element for the dear old fellow
forgot no one. The tree was .beautiful
Misses Palmer and Hester came in for
their share of applause for their persona fl-
caUooof the res ptctrva iharncters as
signed them, also Mis Gray, all did no
off. The choir led the singing and Jtf
K'ndall offered ' praytrr, ' .
Tm-.lay Mil lUitli just Judge
Westover will preside over th adj ourn-
e.1 term of the distritt court whiih will
tt held in our city.
Mr. Harry Ixrrimer of Andrew's
proved up on a quarter section of Soux
coAiuty soil before county clerk Blewett
on last Mond.iy.
Sheriff elect Holly went to Craw
ford last Monday evening he returned on
Wednesday. He experts to leave his
family there until Spring as it is jmos
sible to get a house just now.
Mr. Ed. Maine who with his family
sojourned in our midst during a few
week's moved his family back to the old
home'this wt k.
Now that the holiday's are over
our merchants will have a litte rest.
Trade has been lively with them all
during the past month. And we are
glad to announce it as they deserve
Through no everdmpping on our
part we have overheard that the
parson will be busy for a short time
on New Year's tying the nuptial
knot. The sweet bride, well she lives
just a short distance from town.
Wj have had ideal spring weather
this week, notwithstanding Hick's
almanac say's prepare for a severe
storm period.
Now is the time to subscribe for
the Journal only $1,00 peryaar.
Sheriff elect Holly is now a resident
of our city. Ha orders his Journal
left in our Post oflice after this.
Will Wright came homo on Xmas
morning to ppend that happy with
his family
He returned to Long Pine
the first of this week.
We are sorry to have to remind our
correspondents but most or their news
lettets come too late- for publication.
All new s intended for publication should
reach us on Tuesday or by Wednesday
noon at latest.
Mr. AV. B. Wright and family were
entertained at diuner on Christmas by
Mr. and Mrs. Wright Sr on the west
Dame rumor has it that B. 11. Brew
ster president of the Commercial Bank
of Harrison is now a Benedict.
During the past week the sweet
strain's of wedding Mis have come to
our ear's from the direction of Jtell and
Highland and now while the echo of
these lingers in our memory: Io! the
sound comes from o'er the western hori
zon. Well the Journal wishes to them
all much joy and happiness.
Mr. Samuel Thomas of Warlionnet
was a visitor at the Hub last Thursday.
While here he did not forget to pay his
rex:Ls to the printer and his "devils"
dropping a cart wheel on our desk, to
pay for another year's subscription to
the Journal.
The draw ing contest which took place
at Marstellers Bros., on Christmas day
for the Uraphophone was conducted in a
fair and honorable way as twenty or
thirty of the interested ones, who were
there at the time can testify .
Several of the school children who
hii ve Ik -n H'lir.-rin; ,f w ba -lAn-r coutrh
and coiibt-'jueiitly detained at home for
some time, are nearly all able to attend
"school again. So the school mam's
have liad their vacation for the pre
sent Venceslo Martinez, who lias lieen
a resident of this part of the country
for several years, returned from a visit
to his old home at Hot Springs, N. Mex.
last Monday evening. He also visited
the parents of Marcos Valdez while
there as they lived near by his peo
ple. Mr. Fred Blomberg of Glen and his
cousin John of Glen Rock, Wyo., the
latter named Gentleman who by the
way is a newly made benedict were
pleasant visitors at the Hub on last Mon
aay. v one nere jonn inougni mat in
order to keep house properly, he must
receive weekly visits from the Journal
and thereupon inscribed his name among
its readers.
Wlilt Itlver Ureczrs.
MARRIED At the residence of
John Shipley on Xmas day Mr. J, F. La
Crone and iliss ltoisv bhmiey were
united in marriage by O. A. I'uddy. A
number of friends were in attendance
and a very sumptuos dinner was served
immediately after the ceremony by Mr,
and Mrs. Shipley. We congratulate Mr.
and Mrs. l.aCrone and hope their journey
through Jife may be both prosrous
and happy. Among the presents were
Mr. and Mrs. Olhright a table cloth also
set of knives and forks, Mr. and Mrs. Gil-
Imore a table cloth, Mrs. shipley a large
lamp, Mrs. Quigler set of tumblers, Miss
Quigler card plate Vinigarett salt
and pepjx-r, Miss Devenport picture, Mrs.
Puddy flower holder, pr obably others
that we did not learn of.
The Xmas tree at the church was
largely attended and a very good time
had by all, old and young, the pro
grame was well a ranged and everything
went off nicely.
Rev. Iktrr will preach at the church
next Sunday and we exjieet a prat ratted
effort will be put forward in the near
future. Cap.
A car-load of
prices that will defy competition any
where in the state.
The RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE is Head quarters for
& CAPS, HAi:i)-WAIiE& TIN-WARE &c, &c.
Our Mono is, "LIVE and let LIVE"
We need money, and the ieople need our goods, so come
in and see how cheap we can sell you goods for cash.
American Hand-Sewed Shoe Co's
. . ..'"".
I am Agent for the world
ERS and MOWERS. I keep on hand all tho time a full
line of supplies for these machines.
Last but not Least.
When you are badly in need of tho only PERKINS WIND MILL
bold iii Sioux County, call on me.
Flour an
at my harness shop.
Third Building West of J. II. kartell's Grocery Store.
EGGKKT R0IIWER, Proprietor.
The best of Wines, Brandies, Whiskey
and Beer kept constantly on hand.
I handle the Omaha Beer.
It b Impossible to prom?i cartkulaf h-ahirra tfut wit tCl
"AMERICAN MONTHLY" during the coming yea,, for it U, as tl
Boohrun says, u l great monthly newspaper." As such, it prints for
Its readers an illusUitrd account of the notable thingi which make the history of
I W know of no rryiw puUlnhsd, In th(
country or In Europ, whkh canbinei to cuo-ctt.
fully lh Akihicax Mohtmlv Iht iertrwr.
! llmi!lln, tnd nerfy Ol 0Mfiu!im with the
sound judgment. ardu,ly WfighH optr.lcn, rxict
knwido nd eil-cho-n Er.vluh ot It purely
' tlteury fansdlcaL "
give the bed thought and information of the current magazines In five conti
nent! j the contributed article furnish the character sketches of the man of the
month, and give timely dUcusiioai by authorities on any question of -Tffita
serious import
The result of this comprchcothr- effort to edit in one monthly volume the
information needed by intelligent peopk of "live" instincts is beit ranced te
inc opinions wmcn tne reicers ot
have teen fit to expmj. These
arc thinking business men, rfeagy
men, editors,-lawyers, profeuon,
engineers, the wide-awake women
of America. They write that the
indispensable" "k simply invaluable"! "is a generous library in hstlf"t is
" a hUlorkal cyclopedia of the worId"j "the best means of aid for a busy man"
"the best periodical of the kind we hare ever had" "a triumph of editorial
genius" "the world tinder a fieli-gUn," etc., etc ,
. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. $2.50 pntf YEAR vr.ii'
AC2RES3 . '.
American Monthly Review of Reviews
Wheatland Flour at
We Also, handle a full line of
Groceries Sc.
eedof all kinds
the month, of the political, the
economic, and literary happeaJafi
which are of value to intelligent
men and women. The Editor's
"Progress of the World " tells suc
cinctly an illustrated ttory of the
month. The "Leadinir Arueba"
The current' number
and the two preced
ing issues.
' 'i ',