The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 30, 1897, Image 7

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    I DnrM Tnplr.
TLe sooner the sean-h for Amlre in
Started the sooner il will be time to Ih
gia searching for the aeareht-ra l'in
barn New g.
"cs Koutli B -tin t arrot .. ho
suppot. Usry J. Br'iford ban left lit"
income of $t,(H)0 re'M-ei lo tfU on tl-e
subject. itifton il--i.
The Frenchman who invented a rub
ber oyster wafi smart enough to " ake l'
always available tiy having an "" at
ach end of it. -Char;emn News.
It Makes Cold Feet Waim
And Is Hie only cure for Cliilbltln.',
Frost Bites. I a nip. Sweating Feet.
Corns and Bunions. Ak for Allen'
Foot-Ease, a powder to be Mm lien into
be shoes. At all druKglxh tind hIio.
tore, 25c. Sample sent FUFK. Ad
Ceaa Allen R. Olmsted, Leltoy, N. Y.
There it a man in town with a nianifi
lor poisoning doa. He get in hia orl
bout the same timi' eich ya ir and ead
time the owners of valuable dogs are ib'
sufferers. A vain ible b rd dog beb'ii
ing to Charlie Wh'tmer was p ia med
.- "Klondike Bulletin"
Will be published ty the So t.lne every
Honda;, lontaliilni; nil tPlt'Kriipliic nrur
nd up-to-date Inf.iriiiHilmi an in Im-hI minis.
Services, RteuuiKlilp ullini;s. and every fa
elltty aa same develop. Invaluable tu Ainu
kit proaiicttora and all tlielr friend, 'l'o In
plaord ou mailing list, wild nix ceuta (&'.
u tuirt" tu
W K CAU.AWAY. (. P. A..
Minneapolis, Minn.
A firl always seems t' th;nk the mei
Won t Uiink she haa a happy dixpowti' ii
Unless she ehowe all her teeth when kIu
baa ft photi graph taken.
f 100 Reward,
The reader of this paper will be ilraen
to learn that there is lit least one dreaded
iiaeaae that science hat been able to c re
m all its stages, and that in ('alar h
Hall's Catarrh Cure is the onl positive
are known to the melical fraternity
Catarrh being a constitntiotial diseune, re
Hires ft constitutional treatment, il ull'i
Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting
fllrcjctly on the blood and mnrams surlin-e-f
tne system, thereby destroying the
MundatliTn of the disease, and giving tin
Ratient strength by building up the eon
litntion and assisting nature in doing it
WOfk. The proprietors have so much laith
tB it enrative power , that they ofler Oni
Hundred Dollars !or any rae that it i ai t
toenre. Iend for listoi te.Htimonutis.
Add rase, F. J. t II KNKV .t tu., Jo edo, 0
afa'Kold hy Druggist. 7 c.
A young married woman on North
Vftn Buren street lately took enough or
der for baking powder, in two after
noons of two hours each, to proenre lo
bar bubind a bicycle.
I know that my lif was saved by PixoV
Cure lor t'onsumptiim. John A. Miller
An fcahle, Vii hijriin. April 21, 1H1IS.
An article thai should te found ir
every kitchen is a vegetable brush
Letuce, spinach, celery and many ollie
vegetables may tie cleaned much nor
ri.. !,t. ..... i... ...J..
Without Distress
Poor M alth lor Years-Hood's Sar
saparilln Cures Oys epsia.
"My b'i!.lmiid wan in health t-
jtam oiviiyK io djpeps a and lie could no!
pel relief. We jture bin) Hnml'i Sriiitt
rills, and after he b id takeu tlirev IciUlfn
Sw-iuiilil etit' if liwrt diiWtiMid waifcuhle
oxork." HAliUAKA KKH I'.KUIJ, l.'.'J
North I 'earl street, Ijreeu Bay, Win.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is Um) to.t -in (a. i. tin (Hi lrua Hltxmt furlflir.
Hood's Pills eura dxutlpatlno. a .wits.
Dor't bt 1-rn-4 wi'h a mil- kntth
or fulNf itMi. If -u wantcjjt
IhJt mi Jwp you Jry m tlir hard
ett tVnm buy fh BrjnJ
Sikkff. If no for mI? fn jrur
town writ for cUitene to
A. J.TOWf k, H a. s,
DdDD. unaio) "ranae uenjce. v i r inout
a4 AahAed'lm
t pt-r IboiiMnd. A lartv
anMilv ol all alndi nf etuerdluiilT wall rooted.
troa to n me, an i utrleily Bmt rl iiunwry
atsek. Writs for I'rlne l.l.t tu
araids, .
H't W i'tt kuialVll
4lsV ti, lts1ililaMB0Ma
lrrit(tf)i or uU vrftlUasV
tif .u ucui awUrMa
PaVlulfsM. klld uvl satUrlaV.
ImllMI INIMICAL CO. "'(.., IkVlaoBUlU
or viit iu Ua ifriMf.
Crr.j1s int uu rsM0(
Life! Life! Life!
Ctlr'a ( arbolsui uf I'm kut lnhlr.
tuMMellurarf 4 4T ltl aul Mr.MieliitU.
. HMITtl a CO., fTop.. HuffaJ. . t.
Inn ordqrr til an i U. ol
I b.k Kill . h I -.Itlna
MklUII' el fv""""l -"-'"
Hanlllft. Write for Mmp esMMd prler Thutmr
1 Knocked
m gtm - I
mLSm aai M u..r
EE3STWM imnwa.
by Lonlteg?
It's keaiMyv slon't our it wtth ST. JACOM OIL, which pmt-
enratM ta thm aaat af th In Mtsj hMum, MtthM, curaa.
sssssrt''f' f t'fM'f tM
w w
"Cleanliness'ls Nae Pride, Dirt's Nae
Honesty." Common Sense Dic
tates the Use of
f el . ,.rl ii K iiki k
Wtien a in in has ma j i. reisnn
fur doii'g a tli in he has . n gm d rea on
lor leUii.g it liloue.
A Wipe old U ly u-ed t fav get a littt"
a! o around ti, I eHri of the call Itv
i i the Ii") d.iys
If you hae Uen "r'nk d into pn'tinc
o: luiit I y Hi -. ' "colli proies'." don't
fft it, thr w ! iv av.
Tl e Viiiriei bdt ri rnd crowd ha e
"ei.tiv broil .-lit 351,11 0 to-res in AW
Vi g:nia. Wli r i'e t' e single tazera?
i .uppWy 1'h'm Kind of Harlta
Cliivolrf Im Scarce.
A well-dressed. respectaMevlooklnj
nan we will uot mention his
ty traveling with hia wife in a remote
iu:mr of Knlitid, was delayed by
lefeetlve railway aervlce, and was mi
tide to rem Ii his detitinatiou until 10
iVlork in the evenlug. He had left the
aihvay train at a small station where
here was no restaurant, and had hired
. coach to carry lit m with his wife au.1
lis baggage to the Vttle Tillage where
ie wan to spend the night.
When the tnweU'rs drew up at the
dd-f.ihloned inn In the village afreet
hey were very weary and faint with
luii'-jor. They had eateu nothing slues
heir early breakfast.
As kooii as the rooms had been en
raged and the baggage properly stow
mI, the husband sent for the portly
audlurd and said:
"We are the hungriest pair you ever
saw. We have lost our train connec
ions. and been delayed at stations
.vhere food was not served. For this
easoti we have had neither luncheon
tor dinner. Now you must do your best
'or us We want a hearty supper."
The landlord murmured that It was
ery Iile, and he had not been expecting
my one to arrive, but that he would go
lown and talk with the cook. He re
timed In ten minutes with a troubled
"You have taken us by surprise," he
aid with an apologetic air. "The mar
tet stalls are closed and nothing can
e had In the shops at this hour. This
s only a modest, quiet country Inn. t
tave been talking with the cook and
Ind t!iat the pantries are quite empty."
"Have you no meat?" asked the ani
ons husband In a tone of Irritation.
"I regret to say," answered the laad
ord, "tluit there Is only one mutton
hop In the house, but I think that Is a
,'ood sized one."
The husband glanced at his wife and
hen stared at the landlord.
"What Is my wife to have?" he asked
rlml after an awkward pause.
The matter-of-fact way In which this
lord of creation appropriated for his
"xcluslve use the only chop, revealed
hi idea of the relations of the sexes
Wronger half of the family was to
served first, whatever might Lw the
.1 -essltles of the weaker half.
of course, the affectionate wife pro
tested that she was not very nuugry
aid would be satisfied with a tittle
toast snd tea, as she aewle.d sleep toon
than any thing else.
Th ? hruw ate the chop aud grumblec1
vhen he finished It because bis biiu
ams uot satisfied.
I'! is true Incident makes a very un
attfw-Ury stfMy ' at the kind uf
.uarltal chivalry that Is sometimes
'onnd In thia clnsiug decade oS the
jloeteeuth century.
Ten chick' linu j,i,i hutched, weifh
ft etllt IM1B p I'Hl t.
TIM Urtiliif numed tf ilo aiwauM and l lie gmta ol
alirati'iu n ilnui mmt iiii-nu -ulj.linf Sio
uuca Uair o i iuur Ore. Mm ur browu. Guc
Wiien rookiiiiT erHih!e. do not en
tirely cove- (U-: kallie. It will be better
t lt part toe sUtam emrape.
Ti Clj'HI! A Wl.i IS OSii uxr.
Tskn I uiln Kr iuin iuiulue I abteta. AU orutKlaM
CM'ia.l t.'i tuouvy If U lalU ti' rtira leOc
No receptacle for noiled clothing, no
matter bow unico adorned L.jr uimtaken, slioul.l be kept in a sleeping
M WlinUiir'.i.iiHi.u iKCf lor chUd
ren tetblni(, m llein tne kuui-, irducea tufiam
tiiatloii, allays palu, cuie AUtd colic. 'it bottle
Chicago, Laving iai.ed tu el it street
cleaned liy men, is now trying women
on the job. It is ueeiess to say that the
dust will fly in that town uow. (St.
Louis Republican.
CITfi feniuuiem.y. iirH . nuor wnnnnairuir
I I I O flrrt 0T aw ul l)r. Klloe'n Orna Srrve II-Uin-r.
SniJIml llll Sk.uii irUl tHle and tnaulM.
ba H Kuna. U4., HI Arcb sirrai. euuadoliibia, ft.
Much of the new elaborate wintei
headgear is large in site, the hats tilted
well to one side over the ear, the othel
side rolled high or in an upward direc
tion. fo You nanus) To-.Night T
tftiake In your shoes Allen's Foot
Fuse, a powder for the feet. It makes
tight or. New Shoes fel Easy. Cure
Corns, Bunions, Chilblains, Frost Bites
and .Sweating Fee. At all druggists and
hoe atnrwa, 2Tk.'. . Hauiple sent FREE.
Address Alien S.Olmsted. Le Roy, N.I.
Black materials will be greatly favor
ed during the winter season and a spec
ial and very etahoiBt display of elegant
b'ack fabrics) is made at the various im
pjir'ing bouses.
Diacusnioii und Co-oierution Aid la
Attaining Profitable WenultM Keep
the Iuiileiii-nU in a Tool Houwo
liow to Dcntruy Alder - I'unlry Note
I-'ar:neri' C'lulm.
It has Ist-ii ik-urly deiuoiistralivl Uie
past-few years that fannini;. iilsive all
other occupations, requires the t-xerHj
of iutelllKeiice on the part of tluse who
follow 11. An eminent agriculturist on
belli),' asked how he fertili.twl his fruit
ful acre!, made, the siKtiitleant remark,
that he "used brains." Had his exam
ple been Reuerally followeil, there
would have U-i-n less rea-son the past
few years to complain of hard times
and the effects of low prices for farm
products. Those who farm iiitclli-nt-ly
may not succeed in every case, hut
nine times of every ten I hey have the
a d vantue.
Iu order lo keep pace with the march
of progress, there should he an inter
clianj;e of views and experiences
among Intelligent, cultivators of the
soil. There Is no belter way to secure
this than through the milium of far
mers' clubs, organized and conducted
so as to accomplish the urea test ns-1
ble amount of food. F.very neighbor
hood should have one of these clubs.
They are deservedly popular, and tney
ore destined lo supersede the old-fashioned
HKrictili ural exhibitions where
the rnonsti-ositiiw of the farm were
shown to an admiring world. The aim
to-day Is to attain profitable results
from the tillage of the soil, and not to
win prizes for the fullest ox or the
!arj;iHt pumpkin.
Discussion and co-opera I ion among
farmers are undoubtedly aids In this
direction. DuriiiK the long winter even
ings which will wmii be at, hand, an
oiKrttinity will U offered for these.
Ideas will be old allied which ca.ii be
put Into practice next si-iison. Ktii;zes
tlons as to the bust paying crops and
how to cultivate them are always In or
der at these KHtherinss. FHrmln Is a
different occupation from what il was
a half century ao, and the airrieullur
1st of the present must keep up with
the progress of the age. 'J'leslions of
transportation and the marketing of
crops In coiniH't illon with the great
West are more iinsrtjint that ever.
Kvery agency which will aid in solv
ing the problems confronting farmers
Is valuable, and there is r-ason to !'
lieve that few excis-d in value t tie
fjelghliorhood chib. Norristown Her
A Kurm Til hrtune.
What a farmer's toofhouse should le.
and the Lsls It should conbdn, depends
aitogt'ther upon the ability of the far
mer. It Is not lo be supiiosud thai, he
would equip himself with ft full set of
blacksmith, wagon-maker, carpenter,
harness or shoe tools, but a few of each
comes tutndy every few day.s. Kvery
farmer, land owner, or r-tvter, mnsls a
goixl handsaw, a square, good augem,
from two I lichen down ti the size co:n
.liioiily used . In the bra-s, cite.
When buying small bits, it pays to
buy drill Irit.s, They do nut splln thin
luuiLi ; ;a boring, ami they jiy for
rUi-iaselves the firnt joli. A poht maul,
wire stretcher, planew. cold chisels,
drawing knife, copper rivet IjxiIs and a
K'od claw hammer are es.seut,ial ami
iiMCessary tools. With (M-oper care theri
need be tiut a few breakage that can
not be repaJred at home. Having ion
tnh nce iu our ow n abilily to do almost
any kind of common repairing Is hslf
the Job.
We small farmers are not all sup;
ed lo have a line workshop or toolliouse
with our work bench and vise, but we
can have n slnl o store our farm im
plemcnis in. and while doing that we
can make room for the few tools we
pie-seM. No man able lo own farm ma
euluery can afford to hi It stand out
and rusl and rot away, Just to try his
baud at repairing. I have a rough sh-d
l2t. thai sheds a binder, mower, sul
ky plow, riding cnltiviMor, walking stir
ring plow, steel harrow, buggy, a two-
M-fcted carriage, and there Is plenty of
room for all the small tools tJie uverage
i farmer needs. Io atid build one like
wise.- (.'ol man's Rural World.
Drxtrojinu Abler.
The couiinon Mvoet alder often he
comes ii nuisance, an its seeds re left
by birds In the corners of old rail
fences, where a clump of them will
noon grow. It Is not a difficult, shrub
to uproot und destroy, as Its root, like
its top growth, Is very soft, and easily
cut. All that Is necessary Is to dig on
the side of the clump next to the fence,
and then hitch a span of horses to a
chalu bound lightly around the bttsh,
close to the grouud. As the horses
pull, the roots will come into view, and
can be cut off with even a dull ax, as
tin- strain on ihe roots will make them
easily severed. It Is only Ihe work of
two or three hours for two men and
team to destroy a large clump. If tne
fence can be taken down aud the
ground plowed snd newly seeded, a
hue turf will be a year hence In the
space now occupied by worthless ai-
To Kecii Fruit in Winter.
If fruit ml vivgotahle must be kept
u i lie house cellar, a room should be
M i iiioiied off in the coklent part. If the' Is txi warm, and mads asx'Ura
igj.iust rat and mi. v. This Is bast
tone by having the partition of brick
ui'i i he iloor of good cement, laid so
:ia; iho rati eannni undermine It. No can dcecrllK' one's feelings on
ii 'nMveriiig the work of a family of
'ui- la bins of apples, potatoes or Otbar
1 1 -.ables. Much a room should htva a
n'ndiiw open to fhe north. If posaJblt,
m curdy protected by wire scrsao, to
Mint cold ulr can Im let In when neodad.
Keen npples on the coliWt sMt and
vUiioi on tlm waruiasn, St faara hj
danger of freezing. In exlreino co!
weather an occasional pail of ho
water or a lamp or two may be needed,
but the colder such rooms are, up U
the danger point, the better stuff wli
keep, some think that young grasi
cannot Ix-ar sunshine, and that a grait
crop is needed to protect It. A rurs
cni m winter Is often of benefit bj
holding the snow, and thus shielding
the tender grass from cold, drying
winds; but in summer grass likes sun
shine, as well as does grain. The grain
robs tbe grass of needed moisture when
lsth grow together. New England
Mack va. White Oats.
The popular prejudice in this coun
try Is for white oats, as is generally
explained Issause the black oats have
much thicker and harsher chaff. But
this Is not always the case. The black
oats are generally heavier, and for thia
reason they are mostly grown in North
ern Furope. It is iu the moister Euro-s-aii
climate, rather than Iu our dry
and hot American summers, that the
oat attains its highest excellence. The
tendency of oats Is to run out in this
country, though if only heavy oats are
usisi for seed, and the seed Is sown
-aily, so that It will tiller, good crops
can te grown several years before th(
seed uii-ds renewing. When new need
is secured, It is usually called by some
high-sounding name. Black Norway,
Russian ,)! Irish. Vet we believe at
good simhI can lie grown In Maine as
any -.vhere, and It will pay more South
ern farmers to procure Maine oats foi
seed when their home-grown oats be
gin to deteriorate. It never pcys to us
pisir seed. If heavy oats uloi.e ar
sown, a smaller quantity of seed will
l sufficient, as the plants will spreai
How to Set Fence I'osta.
In taking up 200 rods of board and
post fence more than twenty-live years
ago, I found that nine out of ten of the
locust posts that were strong enougt
to re.set were that had been pui
in the ground top end dow n or the re
verse of the way they grew in the tree
Those that lasted best were round .re
gardless of isize. Split posts, no mat
ter how large, decayed more rapldlj
than ronnd ones. Where there were no
knots in the post there appeared to be
little difference lietwtjeji the soundness
of those set upside down or upright. II
there were ktiot.s, however, those stand
lug upright bsik water more readily
than those placed upside down. Dur
ing my fifty years' experience with lim
ber, 1 find that posts cut In the late au
tumn and winter mouths before tin
sap ls.gliis to ascend last longer that
when cut In early spring or during the
summer. I have also found that II
poMM are cut in ttie autumn and win
ter, they w HI last longer If put In th
ground green than if kept out until thev
are seasoned or thoroughly dried. Jo
soph Allen.
Cure of the Sheep.
Those who sit out to feed s-heep will
do wdl to oliwrve a few essentials.
Pmt among these Is a dry yard. Il
tued not tie large, but must be (;rj
and well beddod. Keep it fresh and
cleau. Next, insist on absolute qulel
f th shep. If ueosary, keep ev
erybody and everything out of tlfe yarii
cjiiiut Wie nnaa who feds them. Iai
nothing frtgh'tn or disturb them. Wild
rrl slw-ep never fa,tten ruphlly. An
ort.her esshearial is constant aixvwa U
clean, wholesome water. Kewd at reg
ulax intervais aiul at a uniform ration
Make ail changes gradually. Sheet
cannot be put ou to fall feed In as short
time as caotle. Feeding too heuvlly at
the srtart is a very common oiUtake lo
all kinds of fllng. It Is of the iK
most importance to slitrt right. An anl
uial ttmrt is overfed at die start rarely
does as well afterward. Farm aui
Have Good Tool.
ioxl tools and implements are bettei
than those that are apparently cheat
but worthless. On a farm every too
should he sharp; in fact, not one should
Is? allowed to become dull. The dif
I'erence in the amount of work In a
day with a sharp tool, compared with
a dull one, may be more than the value
of the tool.
An A muting; Sight.
One of the most amusing sights at
the fairs Is the dairy fasriner ridiculing
the "fancy" farmer, who gets more
milk and butter from one good cow
than the dairy man does from foui
Poultry Note.
Starving hens will lay no eggs,
l'oultry req aires salt tbe same as ani
mals. Keep all laying bens quiet and com
fortable. Generally fifty fowls Is aa many ai
should be kjt together.
Ixw-prieed pauftry must have plenty
of opportunity for sxercise.
Fowls being fattened In conflnenueot
should ha plemty of gravel.
If the hens begin to eat feathers, feed
them seasoned food, and give them a
granny run.
Much of the diseases to which poul
try are subject may be traced to a
want of ventilation.
Do not be guilty of sealing only "fair
sped mens" for breeders; It will prove
poor economy.
Usually there is more profit In mar
keting poultry early than at any other
Lag weabtxats In young fowls nearly
always comws front high feeding and
quick growth.
Uvn la gnat) purifier, aad can be
used to m advantage to wtuto the
ooopa, parens and next boxaa.
Ducks shook! always, ba Uwed as
much Mberty um possible, m oV-y do not
bear confinement well.
Os many farms poultry Imgeliai can
hs mads auxiliary tu tha atsr farm
wort wltboM InfringlDg upon H, and
be made to bring In ad
Oraaga Sullatln.
UriKrnd in tlrrrra.
Brigandage is run pant at tho present
moiiient in (ireece This is accounted
for by the dinhandment of large bodiet
of volunteers, who. owing to the stagna
tion of trade and induetrv. have no em
ployment or means of livelihood and
have taken to highway robbery lor tl e
purpose of avoiding a arvation. Mcrt
of them ere permitted to ret. n their
arms when dismissed from the service,
and are now putting these weapons to
private accounts.
Mm Pinkham Counsels Young "Wives to Kooep Their Attractiveness.
A Letter From a Young Wife.
Seven-eighths of the men
In this world marry a woman
because she is beautiful
in their eyes.
What a disaopoint-
raent then to see the ,
fair voung wife's beauty
fading away before a year
passes over her head 1 ,
1 feel as if I would like
to Eavtoevery young woman
who is about to be married
"Strengthen yourself in ad
vance, so that vou will not
break down under the new
strain on vour powers." Keep your
it is a precious possession ! Your husbant' loves
your beauty, he is proud to be seen in public
with you; try to keep it for his sake, and your
Th nale cheeks, the dark shadows
the eyes,- the general drooping of the
wife's form, what do tney mean 7 l ney mean
that her nerves are failing, that her strength is going and that something"
must be done to help her through the coming trials of maternity.
Build her up at once by a course of some tonic with specific powers. Such as
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. You can get it at any druggist's.
Following we publish by request a letter from a young wife of hr own a
cord she addresses it to her "suffering sisters," and while from modesty aha
asks to withhold her name, she gives her initials and street nnmbar la
Chambersburg, Pa., so she can easily be found personally or by letter:
To my Suffering Sisters: Let me write this for your benefit, telling you
what Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. I am but
nineteen and suffered with painful menstruation, leucorrhoea, dizziness, burn
ing sensation back of ears and on top of my head, nervousness, pain and
soreness of muscles, bearing-dow n pains, could not sleep well, waa unable
to stand without pain, and oh! how I longed to be well!
One day I wrote to Mrs. Pinkham telling her all, knowing- I could do aa
in perfect confidence.
She wrote me a lovely letter in reply, telling me exactly what to do.
After taking nine bottles of the Compound, one box of Liver pills, and using
one-half package of Sanative wash, I can say I am cured. I am so happj,
and owe my happiness to none other than Mrs. Pinkham. '
Why will women suffer when help is near ? Let me, as one who has had
some experience, urge all suffering women, especially young wives, to seek
Mrs. Pinkham's advice. Mrs. R. S. R., 113 E. Catherine St., Chambersburg, P.
m m ssssw -r m
25c 50c 'Wf
Walter Baker & Co.'s
Breakfast COCOA
Pure, Delicious, Nutritious.
Coats I.e thu ONE CENT m cup.
Be sure that the package bears our Trada-Mara,
(Eatabllahed 1780.)
Trade Mark.
Mlv- rasa f (tr m warn
arkkk thay i'Priioa4 fraat tb accatailT ol IWag laaa impura ataaaaatta. tlaaa, Sfcaia waa a
aaaa waa (apt a ra-caal ldfla(-Nint is thr Bowtry, New York. Ha (avast Skat TafcaSa Sahaa
M aa. Una kaat kiai iraaa gattias tick ia har MtlutW atmMpkara. Tkaa SkaM was s aasa sVs
worked la a coat aalaa iaOMa, vkara ike fftat dinaaca undr tha hilla aaa k laaMasOjIa as aa
para air, (to air toiaf ioKaat to tha aaea to great (aaa which waukl aoanrtaiM ssasa SlaaVr aaaatoa ai
accauat al toaaka ia tto machlaerv aa4
taas iaa
ia rba toa4. aUaataaaa ana laiariaa. I'hU aiaa
i i klai (rmm the aala to had artvioutlv aaBcrlaacad.
auf ara4 fraal tto laul ataMaphat a to breathes lar
EMt aa daata. "my ataaiatit toner aict
,aa Tabulea, aaai was a aiuch btaetital thi
uch btaetitMl thai
ask Tatolea la hia aacket, to at to to able te aw
Tto (aartkeaaaia that ( a Philadelphia tailar w o
aruabHfcat ta arnMtoara at a tiraa in IhaDraaalnii,,
Cm when tba ataMapaare at vary n'T aiaaea6ia. nit raaaaaaa ra a 1 " "J ; I'
4aehta. traaa which to aaaalhaaa aulafaat craai tonara. Tto awelattaaa fiatiiHi ay Mr
ahrtlcUa brought ae rcliaf, and to was. ba aakT aa tli verga of aVapalf wtaaa a Miai aaa ay
aMaa4 hha to t-y rUiawa Tahija. Ha Ai aa aaitto mail waa that ike am rwaTabalat n 1 1 sail
with Mat aa ahaaet atajrlc chaa-a. " I Mcawa aU totoacto, wow" to wrwaa, Maaal a atawaar tow
tot tha room ia, oaa Takttla Ooae away with aU alariaa I always carry aaaaa wa aaa fat
aaaargtacy aa4 aaa datwaly racaiaaieejal thiat "
aSWawasaaaaiii - aaa a. a
C I Hi' I
V. V. Ma. Vtl-aVt.
lorfc, waa,
WIbn' Watmai umlai
u sew aaa aStanawaaiat
Au Incuil'l Uliailuaaa.
Chsrity is a r atadnx to tbe covetous.
T II s mi-cr of bounty to a trend or
mercy to the poor, aud point biui out
his duty with evident a as bright and
piercing aa the light, yet he will not un
erhiand it. He tdiutn his eyes a cloen
shin hand. In toth cares there is an
tic ura ble blindness, caused by a resolu
tion not to see; and, to all intents and
purposes, he who will not open his eyes
is, for the time being, as blind aa he who
can not.
mars' r ns-s- is?
; 7 ) '
.MtTI" laI"-l
Baker & Co Limited,
Dorchester, Mas.
tuaaa tsmimm rtaavasaaasta anas ssasssrsaansa
atr wvna Dccoaaa rwry wmm mmmgm cwawiH
(owad a
Kiaaaa TatolatakaaMaaa ahpa wwaSs
akaa at awem a aapa wwaM saw
r,watjaala1ltisalaa,fsv, atiaaa,raamkaaajttoiMaaato
A act!
at may year in tto
tais ha. rinallr to was tosacwa to auk (rtataf
ha now atakee a eractk a aaa 1 1 las a tawat I
,.1'ow sh ai tha Irtl ain
liAiichatae iheauaafa
ai tha Irtl ataa af aawewackli
t(M.nilis ant' iroaiof