.1, 5 t -i-, . , kf- r a. fl CHRISTMAS STOCKINQ. OLD I'ATHUR TIME RECniVES THE NEW YEAR. !l , j jbimtif llglit I'm cUilUf U,lllhf of long tlml Dr. cu be i , Wtil.e II. a flr!d liapea arc 0 1 1 U. k in U'l out among tli I On lujr heartliiitiiue In mail m-'n, ami 1 marvel. fir tu aeein- s.i03f 11 4 4 'au (iiuiir " tlif face aul the crura of hicb i iu Uieam lng. gulden (briatmaa da ja of yore! In tntlclpa- I lou lived their joys fur days before Their glorious renll- za Uuu, And on the dawn Of Christmas morn My child I Oi heart was knocking A wllil tattoo, Aa 'twould break through, A I uotning my stocking. Each simple gift that came to hand, Bow marvelous I thought It! A treaaure atraliriit from Wonderland, Tot Hants 'lau had brought It. And at my cries Of glad surprise The others all ramp flocking To aha re mj gier And view with me ThaC eontenta of the sto King Years sped-1 left each well-loved seen In Northern wlida to roam. And there, 'mid towing pine tree areen, I mad myself a home. We numbered threa And blithe were we, At adverse fortune mocking. And hrlstuiastlde By our fireside Found hung tin- babys stocking. Alaa! rlthln i.nr- h, ...... . .-su i.m young Voice la ringing, nd through lis silent room no light, MiiuiHri aiep aprlnclng. The wild !,,, la rave O'er . Where plumy pine are nx-klng. n mi f-r'Heri at rest Oil marble hreaat Tb handa that tilled my stocking. With misty even hut steady hand I raise my ( ' ri -t ma x chalice; riere'a to th children of the land la cabin or In pnlm-e: Miy eni-h one hold The key of gr.r The galea of irlce un'orklng, Ami lunula l,e found' Tlie whole wr.rld round To fill the f'lirUliiin atoeklng. I.adlea' Home .lournal. fUNCLE JEKRY'S J CHRISTMAS. ,m N C Ii K J i-; K K Y ! I f ti-r hk too stiii- l , L-.v io live, and evory- lioily liucw it. I!ut ' fvt'H-botiy didn't k n o w h o w poor A lint Ik-t.vy. hi.H if', had to niaiiUK'' uid contrive iind mm .skimp to irct iilouc. Hdc imvtT hud the lirunlliiiK o f a n ' inoiicy. ICvcn the liitiur iind cgi: uuni fiiruii'r't, vvifu ha for v ' : y tbixt ino si f t-rj lier own use. tKK'ketn; and v cut into Uncle Jerry's Ii,' uiinicl a new town puir ' shoes I hadn't warned 'cm, hut if she r a honiict orter miv if mut linvp cm, nml tlicri' un u l no possi ble aiflhiy way for him to skin out o' gct tin' 'cm lhi :i I'lidc Jerry would o to the store i(li her mid laiy 'cm and puv for 'cm, jest as it un a child or an ljiot, and iiiea;,a!oc o' dewin" lumincs on ber own ln.-ik. If Aunt I!e..i., ' idn't had 'he tii'at din. pi.iaitimi in thf noihl, she wouldn't stood it ell llicni year. As it was. it wore on her, Kiel t ild on her fearful. Though Uncle Jerry wtc u:e o' the richest men ni t'JWIl. hill' tlli'!l! 'a' )Cell the wife the porct and niiso-r hler, so fur' any on! ward indication was cntMintod or in ward indlciiiions, lithi-r for r-tie :n nl ,wen lulf ftnrvo.l, an, I vni'nt nothiii' hut akin inn I hone, a.i you miht say. Ctii le Jerry yr'-w wiim 'ii' im, and ooine hSoIik towards ( 'hrlvtiuas he e;ot a hran'-liert' ere. lie! f-r savin' into hi' !i";nl. It ma-, if faniilj jest he fore 1 he ce lt to Ills ie. 1 I ilev ol eiti owe iiioniin , liif . I ha he iln ul'a led tuel l he place in Nc- heliiiur- hi' ahsci read ihe hmu chapters IK fall and winiei to kis'p It, then, , he looks a t A tint and puis his ilium" in Ir.iwi'i' on a louj; fa, a", Ket-w-y over liia hpe'ta- flea, and sus he: "Wife, I are of a notion that this 'ere Christmas butim-as is all foolishness! Seems if it mils: be a sin in Ihe sight o' the l,ord to eat so much one day in the year. I don't believe it's necessary to make pigs 'u' gluttons of ourselves iu order to have thankful hearts; and if we go to merlin', and so on. why ain't that enough? I reckon we'll sell the turkey this year t ml have our usual dinner, 'long's there ain't no children cumin' borne, nor nothin'." Aunt Betsey set there with her hands (in her lap, uot exactly thinkln', but kinder WKjPrjn' , grievin". And when they kneeled down to pray she kept ou wonder ' In' more'fl ever. She wondered what she hail to be thankful for, anyway. "Now, if Kllen could come home!" Kllen was their daughter, all the child they had In the world, and she lived so fur away that he couldn't afford to come home and bring the children bein' she was a widder aud poor - but, oh, how her mother did ranter see her! "What did she cure shout turkey and plum puddin' if Kllen id the children couldn't eat it with her? Ye, the money might as well be put in f OUR WIFB l A VKliT Sir K WOMAN." the bank! she didn't csre. rio he thought on and on. not hardly sensin' the prayer mite. Hhe went out to her work In the kitch en festlln' all broke up. Hhe didn't know why a should be, 'less she'd been kind er secretly bopin' to have Kllen and the ehildre. Christmas was more than she could bemr. There wa'n't nothin' to her, do time, m yo iiiixht say. and this was Us Mt atraw M he camel's back. T ft 4 I II " V V V . ' . " I ra IV I N I . ' A A AT.. , JE S any rate, all to once she tf'v' out and had to go ter Is'd. 'Ihe next mornin' she couldn't (.-et up, hut Uticie Jerry didn't think much about it, tTpoecd nhe'd he up binichy; hut when he come it) to dinner, there lay his wife jest the wnne, an if nil hadn't no thought o' Kettiu' up. He didn't know what under the smi to do, tint he knew lie must do soineihin', no he het n hrick and put to her feet, and was jest making a mustard plaster to put on her somewheren when Mis' Hop kins happened in. She wi' how it was with Aunt Betsey in a minute. She's awful cute about some things, Mis' Hopkins is, and she ain't afraid o' no man livin'. "Uncle Jerry," snys she. mutter of fact as you please, "your wife's a very sick woman, and she's Koiu' to die right off, I'm afraid, 'less we hyper round and do soincthiii'. and do it quick. Hut fust I'd better step over 'n' fetch the doctor." Uncle Jerry was wonderful took down. All of a sudden he realized that his wife was invalooable to him: lie felt that he f! T i 'tTija" Ml i AL A tAi .'roc a I -jar7 '.1I I.K ,)l KltV SKT I'AI.I. AS A STATU coil, I t,i,i cet uioiiL' whhoiit her. nohow. Hi' was as anxious to have the doctor as Mib' Hopkins was, and told her to hurry and brine him. So she went hp lived near by and she says to him: "Hoctor Cross, now ia your chance to do ii deed o' humanity, and put a spoke in Uncle Jerry Foster's w heel for all time! If he's :ot any heart and feelia's you must tind 'em and work on to 'em for hw wife's sake. U would be cruel to brins: her back to life, 'less you can do aomelhin' to make that life endoorahle. Don't, I bec on ye, raise her up to live on In the name old skimpy mlscrhle way! IWtlrr let her die and done with it." They discussed and considered over the matter for a few minutes, then went to gether to the house. They found Aunt Betsey layin' jfst the an mi ofi Iv she stoimed ervin'. The doctor examined her and dinKk'ernoscd her case na well as he could, then He motioned I n cle Jerry out into the other room and mhet the door behind him. It MS'inx the doctor took him awful solium anil in dead earnest, and uy he, to begin wilh: "Uncle Jerry, do you set high Tally on your wife's life?" "Ilih vally on my wife's life?" ny I'ni-Ie Jerry, red in the face. "Of course I dew. What you talk in about V" "I was here when you fetched her home a bride. I remember ho'v handsome shir wan; plump an a pn'tritlgc, fresh as a (lower, and n lauKhin' and chip'r n isirl aa I 'bout ever see. Changed, terribly I'hangeil, ain't sheV" turnin' to Uncle Jer ry and fcelin' iu his pocket fer hi hau' k'chif to wijK- away the tears. "It doen beat all how she'a (haugtHl," sii'h he. "Chanced:" ay Uncle Jerry, II of a (luster, "of course nhe's changed! Why, we've been married goin' on l!.r year! You can't expect a woman to stay IS all her life!" , . "I know that farmers wives grow old pretty fast as a Kineral tblnu; breuk down younx, ilou't they? But, Uncle Jerry," squarin' round on him suddenly and look In' him In the eye, "I want to ask you to compare your wife's looks with the looks of other wotnew of her sire In town, no handsomer, no healthier than what she wax. when you married her, and tell me if you think there'f. a difference. Now. they're different from your wife, ami why? I 7 fair nA ctn,M- whr shouldn't ahe look as happy, he as happy and mak as food 'pearanee every way aa theaa wowf And why Is It that she has took to her bed in the prim - J life and don't wan'er live no longer: Uor I Iind that's about, the way it is with her." When Uncle Jerry' came back he went up to the bed and s; down In-side his wife and looked at her. She was asleep, and Mis' Hopkins thought he must 'a' realized how pitiful she looked for (the seen him draw his hand acrost his eyes two or three times ou the sly. Bimehy he got up and went out to Mis' Hopkins, and, says he: "What was die doctor's orders? What can I do to help ye?" "He ordered nourishin' food, and wine, and so on," she says, "and 1 guess the fust thing you may kill a chicken, if you're in inter, aud git it ready t'er the broth; then g" over to Jim Jackson's and buy u ipiart or so of that oldest grape wine o' his' n. She'll be awake by the time yon eel hai-kwith it, I guess." Uncle Jerry didn't so much as wink at mention of ihe chicken, but when she spoke o' the lv jm Sl, offhttUd and matter o' course l.e ih'U'.vcd in his breath once or twice l.iuiler spa smodicky, but he never open.-!) his le ail. When the broth was ready Uncle Jer ry M' e, if he might, take it in; so Mis' Hopkins tilled one of the chiny howls that was Aunt Betsey's mar's and set it iu a plate willi a cracker or tivo, and he took 'cm along. The broth was good and strong, and when Aunt Betsey tasted on't she looked at her husband real kinder scairt, aud, says she: "Where did this 'ere come from?" And he 'uugbod and says: "It's made out o' one of our best Plymouth Mocks; is it good?" A vvouderin', quiverin' smile hovered for a minute on to her poor face; she didn't know what to make on't. But when he lunged in the jug o' wine ami poured out a hull half a tumbler full and handed it to her, her eyes fairly ; tuck out of her head wilh astonishment. "Ilrink it: it'll do you good," snys he. "It's Jim Jackson's oldest fc'iupe wine you've heard tell on." "Why -why, husband!" she whispered, "didn't it cost an awful sight o' money?" "Only 0 a gallon," he answered, tryin' to smile, but lookin' rather ghastly. She sipped it slow, cyein' him ovt.r the top o' the tumbler as she done so; but pretty soon she set it down and spoke again, awful nieachin', and 'pealin', her lips tremblin' ss if she was froing to cry. "I'm sorry to put you to so much ex pense, husband. I'm afraid I'm afraid it ain't wuth while!" He Rot up and blowed his nose with all his might and main. "I want you to pet well, Betsey. I want you to get well!" he managed to say. The strsngont expression come Into her face you ever see in any creatjre's. Then, ss if struck by somethin' in his looks, she 'X. . - ' .. ' . -ss II -s fflo3lDe !bf Christmas holly overall Ilx door Wh(r Irjf bjiofcr junst;irj ,a flood otflloryfoanj) Hp t()t(brisfmcis roi cucryuljae U6 cai), Ler jen; brtale fj)tir soa souls inlljebtarfofDar). IS '"fl t!H'.WnycbuK& Wls'RiiKilbiro Wand clear, 1 Rrffif liflk (rJnsr-Cfiia born fo S acWcar. Sit Hiro mK arxnoJy.inlb mngirfo, Andtyt sfirof Prorwsf m)t fawn JKy . caftrloueand seemed to get a dim idee that he was dif ferent, and she tried to make out how it was, but couldn't, and, bein' too tired and weak to think much, she jest shet her eyeR and give it all up. That night Uncle Jerry harnessed the old mare and went over and Rot Mary Buell to came V stay with 'em a spell. Mary's an excellent: good ham! in cases o' sickness, and be!u' an old maid, she's always ready to go fsi dew fer the neigh bors. She's a prime miss and housekeep er, and she's good company, too jest the kind o' person to cheer Aunt Betsey up, you know. Wall, it come along the day I.N THdliPl O A PAKt'KL O' H ILUf.HV. 'fore Christmas, and Aunt Betsey lay back in her easy chair in the cheerful sit t in room. A pitcher full of late fall Dow ers stood on the mantelshelf; a crackliti' tire was buniin' in the open li replace, and the old tabby cat lay before it on the rug, punin' for nil she was wuth a erfect pictnr' of content. The door was open into the kitchen, and she could see Mary steppiu' round about her work, gettin' ready for to-morrer. She could smell tlie stullin' for the turkey, and the plum puddin' hukin' in the oven. She knew there was a hull shelf full o' pies iu the pantry she see 'em yesterday six mince, six puukin, three apple an' three crnub'ry tart. She thought it was too many to make a;t once; and seemed so strange. She sighed aud laid her head back, wilh the old look on her face. She was think'm' of Kllen and the children. She sat there, blamin' herself and think in' what a poor, weak kind of a mother she was, tiU the tears rolled down her cheeks. Then, all at once, she heard a noise outside. The stage had stopped, and there wns the Bound o' voices talkiti' and laughin', and of feet hurryiu' up the alerts. Then the door oi-ned no, h was burst open nnd in trooped a parcel o' children, and behind 'em, not fur behind, with her hands stretched out and the happy tears stream in' down her pretty fa'", come her daugh ter Kllen! hm atut an foJLr " Vim How them two kissed and clung to one V other, till the children got out o' pa tience and wouldn't wait no longer for their turn! Then Uncle Jerry came to the resky and says, betwixt laughin' and cry in': "There, there, children! I guess that'll dew! It's my turn now," and he took her to the lounge whe-e she could lay and rest and still he with 'em all. She pulled him down to her and kissed him and w hispered: "Oh, husband, how good you lie! You've made me the happiest woman in the world!" Uncle Jerry got away as quick as he could, and went out to the barn and set down on the hay cutter und laughed and wiped his eyes till he was some calmer. Then he fell on his knees and thanked (lod reverently for ;howin' him before he died what true happiness wuz, and how to get it for himself by bestowiu' it on others. New York Tribune. Another Year Is Iawning Another year is dawning! Itnar Master, let It be, In working or In waiting, Another year with Thee, Another year Is leaning, Upon Thy loving breast Oi ever-ileepalng trustf uluesa. Of quiet, happy rest. Another year of mercies, Of faithfulness nd graeej Another year of gladness, III the shining of Thy face. Another year of progress, Another year of praise; Anoiher year of proving Thy presence all the days. v Another year of service. Of witness for Thy love) Another year of training Pnr holler works nbove. Another year Is dawning! hear Master, let It he On heaven or else In heaven. Another year for Thee. Don'ts About Gifts. Don't above all things ask the giver whether you may exchange her gift. Don't forger that it is the inward spirit that makes the real value of the offering. Don't express dissatisfaction with a gift, no matter how great your disappoint ment. Don't above all things be guilty of mak ing a list of articles you desire. This is a species of polite blackmail. Don't, even in your innermost self, spec ulate as to whether your gift will bring a return, and above all a return in mone tary value. Don't forget that the chief charm of a gift is essentially the surprise. Don't, therefore, barter with a friend as to re ciprocal gifts. Don't, if you have neglected to remem ber a friend, wound her pride by sending a New Year's gift in exchange for her Christmas present. The motive is too ap parent, Don't cive gifts because you feel com pelled to do so from a sense of social obli gation. There are other ways to acknowl edge indebtedness than by making the holiest of holidays a matter of trade aud barter. . Don't consider the Intrinsic value of a gift when you arc the recipient. And when you are tlie giver let the gift be costly as thy purse can buy don't be skimpy 1 Another Altered Will. Little Alice Mamma snys she ain't go ing to give you anything for Christmas this year. Tapa's Maiden Sister- Oh, she isn't, eh? YVhynot? Little Alice 'Cause the present she give you Injst year was worth twice as much as what you give us. Will Receive Calls. "Do you expect to receive calls on New Year's day?" asked Willie Ilicollnr. "Y'es," answered Mamie Hollerton; "I'll have to. The telephone exchange where I work wouldn't give me the day off. Isn't It mean?" Washington Star. A Clincher. Mrs. CobwiKger You are to ask only one more question the whole evening. Freddie Then, ma, if Santa Clans really brings the presents why am I not to look out of the window if an expreas wagon drives up to the door? Judge. A Definition or Christina. Sunday School Teacher Johnny, what does Christmas mean? Johnny My pa tayt Chriatinaa mean swapping a lot o' thlnga you can't afford far a let thlaeja fm don't want-Ufa. How to Keep Cracker. Complaints are frequently heard that crackers bought at grocery store are' Boggy and stale tasting, even when1 comparatively fresh. The fault, says the Mercantile Jou nal, Is In the way they are kept. Crack-, ets deuiaud a warm, dry place, and they, Khould not be stored near oil, fls-h or other stroug-smelling goods. Great eara should be exercised by grocers In this respect. The cracker trade is one of tha most Important features of a generall grocery business, and it should be taken care of. Crackers should be purchased! In small quantities so that they will D(M have time to get stale before being sold.; They should be kept, as stated, In ai warm, dry place, and customers should' be advised to place them in the oven a! few minutes before using. This Willi restore their crispiness, even though' 'bey have become damp and soggy. Scalloped Oysters. Tuko two dozen large salt water oys-! ters. Put them in a pan in their own juice and place on the fire until they.j boil, then drain. Take five ouiices ofc best table butter, one large tablespoon' of flour; mix, and let it simmer for &,! half minute without getting browu.j Then take half of the oyster juice an(Jj add au equal portion of cream, and lot it cook to thick sauce; mix it with the oysters, and dour and butter. Season with salt, a little cayenne pepper, a' soupi-ou of nutmeg and a little Wor cestershire sauce. Wash and. clean thoroughly a dozen large, deep oyster shells; then put about six oysters in a1 shell; sprinkle with pa.rnics.an cheese,' bread crumbs and a little fresh butter.' Bake for ten miuutes n a brisk oven and serve immediately. Corn Custard Pie. One cup uf gra ted corn, half a cup ot. milk, salt aud pepper (cayenne) slightly,; butter the size of a walnut, oue round ed tablespootiful of cornstarch and tha yolks of two eggs. Stir the cornstarch into tin; milk, then add the other ingre dients. Iitike with an undercrnst only and cover with a meringue, to which add a pinch of salt and the same quan tity of cream tartar; no sugar. Serve as an entree, not as a dessert. H inte. To every fifty jhuik1s of fresh sau sage or pudding meat use fourteen ounces of salt and four and a-lialf ounces of black pepper, and herbs to suit taste. Fat which is to 1 kept should be cut n J small, and boiled iu a saucepan in a little water, and never put into the oven Io melt. If it has to be done in the oven, the door should be left open. When copper is very much tarnished lie coated with verdigris, diluted oxalic acid, in the proportion of a tablespoon lid of the acid to a quart of water, will clean it more quickly than anything eise Celery from the market may be kept l'n-sli for some time by wrapping the bunches in brown paper, sprinkling lhriu with water, then wrapping them in a damp cloth and putting in soma cool, dark place. A steady heat for baking cannot be expected from a stove that is imper fectly cleaned and choked with clink ers. Too often the cook blames the stove for imperfect work, when the fault lies iu her own neglect to put it In baking or cooking order. An easy way to clean the horrid, sticky oatmeal kettle iu which the breakfast porridge was cooked is to drop a lump of washing soda in a quart of filter, and soak in the kettle on the back of the stove for half an hour. The glutinous crust can then be easily re moved. Uieh cooky dough may be prevented from sticking to the baking board by inking a piece of unbleached muslin, stretch it over the baking board so there will 1m no wrinkles; dust it well with Hour, and roll out the dough. Try this method, and making cookies will not try the patience half as much. Sickroom Talk. For cramps or pains in the stomach -try a few drops of essence of camphor. For binding up cuts and wounds al ways use linen, not cotton, as the fibers of cotton are fiat and apt to irritate a sore place, while those of linen are per fectly rounded. For tired feet put a handful of com mon salt into four quarts of hot water. ' I 'la ce the feet In the water while It Is hot as It can lie borne. Then rub the feet dry with a rough towel. For making a clear complexion stir wo tetiKpoonfuls of flour of sulphur ilito half a pint of new tnllk. Iet it stand n while, and then rub the face over with It a short time before wash In,'. Household s pice. Everything is impracticable till It la put In practice. The vwy worst of creeds Is better than no creed at all. A decaying body Is not so pernicious as a decMlug ul. ! An evtl soul Is not nn evil substance, ' but an evil Influence. A revfitlon that needs to be propped up is a "orry kind of revelation. The iiiku who has no belief (veuld bet- . ter sell all that he has and but one. ' A poor sermon following ft f04 aa acts like damp air on an elots1oftl M l?hlne.-Oall Hamilton. V - : T