The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 30, 1897, Image 1

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    The Sioux County ! Journal:
E DDsirs; 1897":
The Sioux County Journal.
established 18S3.J
Hubscription Price, fl.00
Oo. D. Canon, - - . Editor.
Kntrerl at tha IlHrrlson pout office as
wcouil clued matter.
A happy New
every body.
Year to
The Chestnut National batik of Phila
delphia was struck with a severe stroke
of prosperity last week.
The old year, like some fit our pros
perity hanks will close it .doors to the
world Friday evening.
KirtZ, chairman of the Ohio, republi
can state cohtral cotnmitte, declares
that Senator Ilanna will bedcfeated fort-lection
to succeed himself in the lcyisla
lature which conveue in that state Jan.
Booth Tucker, commander of the sal
vation army in tlia United States, left
New York city on the 23th inst with a
cilony of Salvationists for Monte ray,
('!., where they have secured several
hundred acres to muke their future
homes on.
The report that secretary Gage of the
treasury was alxut to resign, has been
denied by the assistant secretary of 1 tie
treasury, Mr. Vanderhp;he also makes
the statement that the views of the
president and Mr. Gaga exactly agree on
the (fnancial policy.
3STO 17.
China stands a good show of being
divided up among the different nations
of Europe.
On December 24th the Chicago Collis
eum that immenence structure, which
was twice as large as the Madison square
'garden building of New York became
it total ruin. The fire ignited, and
, ru over in about one half hoar. It was
the quickest ever witnessed in Chicago
(which by tt way) is noted fof her rapid
ity every thing. At leat ten persons
ure rousing and the injured wili number
about tweftty-five.
According to a statement made in 'the
New York World of the 23ed inst, 92,000
people in New York City alone are
without visible means of sunport during
the wioter, and those figures may be
augmented by forty or fifty thousand
more by next spring. If this is true
and we do not doubt it, where is that
wave of prosperity that was to strike
thio country, soon as McKinlcy was in
aufjarated on the 4t!) of bit March
If editor Rjsevvater, of the Omaha
Boe, and Jude Ksvsor, could read the
comments made by tho editors of the
coiotry press and how they feel in re
eard to injunction processes as a last re
sort to siUnce free speech and the press
as printed from day to day in daily and
Sunday World-Herald they would con
elude at once that tho people and es
pecially country newspapers which re
presents the sentiment of the country
are opposed to disreputable methods
uaod by certain kinds of politicians,
trust companies and monopolies in order
to gratify some motive that could not
be attained in a fair and honorable way.
But such acts as government by
ioj unction which the gold standard
people are resorting to in their last
day's of rule and ruin, is opening the
eyes of the great mass of the people and
Wore another four years has passed
away the party represented by such
nscn as Judge Keysor and E. Bosewater
of the Bee. will have been numbered
wrth the dead past for, beholeold tilings
will have past away and all tilings will
become new.
Only two week's ago 23,000 cottc-n
operatives of Fall Itiver, Mass., had their
wages cut 10 per cent. Now, on tho
2AUj inst the Manchester (N. Hampshire)
mills have declared a 10 per cent, cut in
tbe wages of its operatives effecting
20,00 hands. Also at Sun Cook, N. II. ,
10 per cent cut of wages has been declar
edaffecting 1500 hands at that point;
And at PawtucketU. I., the Koyal
Weaving Company have shutdown their
mills because the weavers would not
stAQd a cut in wages of 15 xr cent It
is id by the managers of the several
Companies, the cause for cut in wages
ant. shutdown wan over production.
Yet, tbeDingley tariff law is intended to
stimulate production, A little more
Boston went democratic last Tuesday
by 2,300. MeKinley's majority in No
vember, lS'JC was 18024.
Should tho ex-captain general wyler
of Cuba plan an expedition again.' t the
United States and carry it into effect
this country will be safe so long as cap
tain Levering lives. He would soon d.e
patch the bloody Wyler.
Another huge Octopus in the form of
a coal trust has been formed to control
the coal nies of Illinoies, Ohio, Indiana
the Virginia's and Pennsylvania, which
will absorb $14,000,000 from the people
and turn it into the coffers of J. Pier
point Morgan & Co. This man Morgan
controls 40,000 miles of railroad in the
United States, and not content with that
lie b now turning his attention to getting
hold of the natural resources and public
utilities of the country besides he has
his hand on the finance of the nation.
What are the people thinking about? f
corporations, trusts, and monopolies
continue in the future as they have
been in the past two years, what will
the next four tiring fourth.
On the 30th inst senator Chandler pub
lished or nither, permitted a personal
letter to lw published warning tho
administration and congress that gold
monometallism would defeat the re
publican party ki 1898 and also, in 1900
if the and secretary Gage's
financial policy was persisted in longer.
Then follows senator Walcot's protest
threatening to resign his seat in the
Senate if the president was determined
to ignore bi-metallism, and asist Wall
st., corporations and trusts to the ex
clusion of all other interests .and the
people of the west and south.
Will tluso man bo denominated cranks
and anarchists by their constituents?
No we do not believe they will, because
iu our opinion these men, though they
have given the administration the bene
fit of every doubt they, now have arriv
ed at the point where the two way's
part, and are justiiied in standing for
the interests of the masses the wealth
produciajf, who are the laboring . class
and which represents H't per cent of the
population of the nation. Bi-metallism
s coming as sure as the sun rises and
Commissioners Prom-dlngs.
Harrison, Ni-i
Dec. tt'tli, 1.,7.
Board of county coiriiuis.-loiicr-t met u jpr
l'rfisent, commissioner Weber. Meng, Me1;
tlen anil Clerk.
John fi.Ttiw -.aid hU Real K-
tiite taxes under protest appeared before
the;i!oard ami comp.u. ilea tljut proper
ty was Illegally ushimmhiI nod not liable to
tixalion; Unit said piopcrty was twice b.s jh-
j sedin samu year and taxex paid thereon.
After due consideration the Hoard
the facts complained of are true, and on
motion the county Treasurer is herety
authorized and instructed to refund the
mini ,f10.4I ThefolfwirlDKl llleial I'.oiulh
were presented and on n otion approved:
Hobert Wilson, County Jml;;u,
Charles lilehle, " TreaxHrer.
Thomas Holly, " Sheriff.
Ii. F. Thomas, " Surveyor.
Elsie Jlerrlwii, .Superintendent.
II. I,. Smuek, Justice the Peace Ilowen I'ret.
A. L, Ij'Itliolf, " " inland
I). H. Coi, " " While Itlver"
JJicdriek Nelson, " " "
K.J.Miller, ' "Montrose "
I can cux, Cottonwood "
I Charles U. irovo " "
! M. J. Cayhurt,
John Mooloy
Fred Stemmer,
lhivid Kinley,
J. C, Shipley
'e Kngbrel,
Ii' Zimmerman
J. W. Tidd
Z. F. Aubrim
J. '. Cook
A. I,. Staudcnmaler
C. I!. Smith Bridge lumber join
1 he following Annual settlement of lioad
Overseers were presented and on motion
upproved and certificates ordered on the
vnrlous Itoad Districts for amount due on
ii. ii. itussell, District No. 1.1
Henry ClouD, " rt
J-Ted l-elthoff " js
John Herman "
Mike Hulling r,
I.'eury Kreeman "
Cus Nureisch
H ( 0
l:i iu
27 '00
27 00
27 00
" " Montroso "
" " .Sugar Loaf "
Asncssor Antelope I'reclnct
While Itlver '
" Whistle Crek
' Highland "
" Hat Creek "
" Sugar jumf "
" Hodnrc "
lluunlng Water "
Andrews "
liobt. Celser, Kond Overseer Montroso "
Jus. MeCaim
Ceorge Jaeobev
Jiijtnnlnue Haas
II. S. Clough
John Herman
F. I!. Lclthoff
Hat Creek
Sugar Loaf
Five Points
United States senators, Carter of Mon
tana, Shoup of Idaho, Clark and Warren
of Wyoming, Wilson of Washington,
Chandler of New Hampshire, and Hon.
E. O. Wolcot of Colorado, have finally
come to the conclusion, since president
McKinley s first annual message to
congress, on the first of December, en
dorsing and recommending secretary
Gage's prepared bill to congress to re
form of the monetary system, that tho
president is either trying to ride two hors
es at once or, he is only trying to de
ceive them by still further fastening the
single gold standard onto tho people of
the United States, and assist the natio
nal banks to get control of the finance of
the nation. There is no doubt in our
mind but that the Honorable gentlemen
here mentioned have all along been
honest in their support of president Mc
Kinley, because, as they thought he
would b honest, and use every means in
his power to bring about international
bimetallism. But they find out the
president has wholly ignored bi-metal-lisrn,
going so far as to endorse tho res
olutions passed by the Indiannriolis
convention on the 12th of last January,
which he recommended to congress in a
special message last August, and then
the first of this month in his annaul
message to congress when, pretty
near the same principle was embodied
in the form of a bill by the secretary of
the treasury and recommended to con
gress by Mr. McKinley, for their earnest
consideration. Forbearance has ceased
to be a virtue any longer with these
men who have had represented to them
since the election, that the ultimate end
of president McKinley's administration
would bring about international bi
The petition of Fred Jieudix and others
rcmcstina that county road be established
eomuieucing at half section corner, between
Sec. 20 and Township Kango. 50 and
running east ol south until It Intersects
Mith old road, was presented and on motion
the prayer of the petitioners is hereby
granted and tho line petitioned for declared
a public road.
Iho protest of Charles U. G rove and oth
ers against the establishment of county
road, commencing at the north-west corner
of .Sec. Hi, Township 82, Kange 53, running
thence one. and one half miles north to con
nect with road No. 22, was presented and all
papers relative .o said road were taken up
and after due consideration the protest is
hereby rejected and the county Clerk order,
cd to appoint appraisers to view and ap
prntso the line petitioned for.
Ihe chum of Henry Krocman of ;0,00, lor
the completion of county Bridge on Scetloi
line between Sections 31 and 32, Townshp 34
ltange 61, was presented and on motion al
iwncu unu warrant oruereu urawn on
Bridge tund of I H07 for sumo.
Thcallldavltof If. L. Whitney, agent of
the I'ioneer 'lown Silo Co., alloging that Jxt
7, in Block !), of the Village of Harrison was
illegally assessed as an improved lot, and
al ter duo consideration the Board find tha
the facts stated are true and on motion the
couniv treasurer is hereby authorized to
reduce said assessment to f'.'O, the same as
other unimproved Lots.
On motion Board adjourned till 9 a. m
Dec. 30, I8U7- M. J. Blkwkti , Clerk
. in, Amelia I.WIU oi m. j. jjiewett, county
clerk was prrsented and on motion approv
On motion commissioner Meng is hereby
authorized to have the necessary repairs
made on the county Bridge across Sowbelly
creek near Gilchrist.
On motion Board adjourned without day.
M. J. Blkw kit. Clerk.
How To Find Out
a bottle or common clans with
urine and let it stand twent v-four hours
a sediment or settling indicates an un
healthy condition of the kidneys. When
urine stains linen it is evidence of kidney
trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate
or pain in the back, is also convincing
proof that the kidneys a,nd blader are out
of order.
What To Do.
There is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that lr. Kilmers
Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy
fullils every wish iu relieving pain iu
the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and
every partof the urinary passages. It
corrects inability to hold urine and scald
ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol
lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, and
overcomes that unpleasant necessity of
being compelled to eret up many times
during the night to urinate. Tiie mild
and the extraordinary effect of Swamp
Hoot is soon realized. It stands the
highest for its wonderful cures of the
most distressing cases. If you need a
medicine you should have the best.
Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and
one dollar. You may have a sample
bottlo and pamphlet both sent free by
mail. Mention Tim Siocx County
Joct.naj, and send your address to Dr.
Kilmer & Co. . Iiing'hampton, N. Y. The
proprietors of this paper guarantee the
genuineness of this oiler.
Harrison, Neb.,
Dec. 30, , J7.
Board of county commlaMloners met as
per adjournment.
Present, commissioner Weber, Mcnt', Met
tlen and Clerk.
The following claims against Sioux county
were audited and allowed and warrants or
dered drawn on the General fund of 1S'J7 for
M. J. Blewctt salary and postage $93
J. E. Hartwell, medical ade to pauper,
' claimed ."H 00, allowed 37 00
A lex. Invry, wood for Court house 7 00
J. L. Stratton, service as Bailiff i- 00
Charles Biehle, pestage 1101
Samuel Tebbet Livery hire 4 00
Grant Guthrie, salary as Co. Attorney
4th quarter claimed 175 no, allowed 70 00
Cno. 1). Canon, printing and stationary 7 75
Omuha printing Company 3 73
Frank Wright, cutting wood for pauper 3 00
Marsteller Bros, supplies for ' 23 20
Fremont Tribune, Stationary 25 70
David Bartlctt, service as Sherifi 7 oo
J. C. L. Kagland, wood for pauper 5 00
George II. Turner, Interest 8 at
August Melr, wood for pauper 5 00
' 6 00
Edwarb Schwartz, services as Juror..
K. Kohwor " "
higb protection stimulation, and legis
lation in the interest of National banks,
trusts, monopolies and corporations and
the laboring class may be able to get
work at Wc and board themselves. The
laboring class ought ' to keep right on
Voting for high protection and the single
gold standard. Oh yes 'vote her
A Woman "Without a Stomach.
Now that medical skill has attained
the highest round in its ladder of fame
nothing seems to it impossible; at least it
assumes every-lhing. Its latest feat
winch has so astounded the medical
world, was performed in Switzerland, on
ast Septum ber, tho subject was a
woman years of age who had for years
suffered from stomach trouble after
being confined to her bed one month this
woman left the hospital and is now to all
appearances a well woman without a
stomach. She is able to digest all kinds
of foid.
Previous to this operation the stomach
has al way's been considered a vital or
gan. Tho writer is now seriously con
sidering if it would not lie a good thing if
some of us, himself included' should be
relieved of that organ which causes us
so much annoyance, not so much from
its week ni'ss, but because of the dilllcur
y ' we experience in finding enough
dellcat jea to gorge thara with.
Charles p. Grovo " "
J. J. Henry "
John Kagland "
William Martin "
I. S. Mcintosh "
Henry dough " "
Ashbel Orton " "
William A. Glaze " "
John Herman "
Andrew Rosenburg " "
Henry Koxo " "
Lanlo Huffing " 1
John Marsteller '
Charles K. Schllt " "
J auifi It. Johnson
J. 8. Dickinson ' "
F. II, O. Koaket " .
Clang Chrlslenscn "
Frank Wright ' "
John McKom " "
Frod llendix
M. J, Wober' service as Co. Commis
sioner... " 3f) 50
Jons C. Mong, service as Co. Commis
sioner . i isoo
Jackson Mottlen nor vice aa Co. Commis
sioner , g no
Tho claim of Robert Wilson for county
Court costs in tho case of the state of Ne-
uiuKnn vs Aivin nicnoison was taken up
anil on motion rejected for tho reason that
the county Can ut pay costs In mlsdomoiui
or cases,
. 3 ho following claims agtmt Sloui coun
ty were audited snd Allowed and warrants
orpored drawn our county Bridge fund of
1HV7 for sumo. . . .
II. McNftlr Bridge spikes . too
Marsteller Bros., same t U
Lewis Ocrliicli, smo.. , : too
10 10
20 00
10 30
20 00
20 00
14 00
17 20
11 80
18 10
11 00
12 10
21 !X)
18 00
12 GO
10 30
12 Ml
A (jirand Oppotunity.
There are today thousands of voung
people on the farms and in the villages
who are tied down by lack of education
to work they heartily dislike. Are you
one of them ray friend? If so, the
Grand Island Business & Normal Coll
age can put you on the road to success
if vou are ambitious and willinc- to
bitudy. It makes no differnce how
.backward you are provided vou are
p.ucky and mean business. We teach
everything necessray for a successful
start in life. If you are short of money
we will accept a good note without in
terest for tuition or if necessary we will
furnish everything tuition, board, and
books and give you time to graduate and
pay for same afterwards. Business,
Normal and Shorthand courses. Board
1.50 per week. Established. 12 years.
College Record sent free or catalogue
for 6 cents in stamps. This is your
chance of a life time. Will you let it
slip by? Adress,
A. M. Hargis, President,
Grand Island. Nebr.
The Journal will publish your brand, lko
the followlngTfor 2:0O, per year. Kaeli ad
ditional brand 75 cents, hvery rarmer or
ranchmen in Sioux and adjoining counties
should advertise their brands in The. Jour
nal as it circulates all over tho state It
may bo the means of saving money for you
On left side of cattle and on left
shoulder of horses.
Kange on Antelope creek
1". O., Ghiiehrlst, Sioux Co., Neb.
On left side or hip of cattle,
On left shoulder of horses, j
liango on the head ot Warbonnet
Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb.
8. W. CAItKY.
On left shoulder of cattle
Kange on Little Cottonwood.
I'O. ., Crawford Nobr.
Filial Proof Notices.
All nersons havlnor final nrnnf nullo. in
this papur will receive a marked copy of the
paper and tiro requested to examine their
notice and lr any errors exist rctmrt t he
unit? ia) iiunuujcu aioncc.
Alllaneo, Nb., )
Doc. 27, IH'.iL j
Notice is hereby giveu that Robert Math
cr of Cedar Kaplds, Iowa, has (lied notice of
nteuttonto make Until proof befoie M.J
B cwett, Clerk District Court, at his olllce
n Harrison, Neb., on tho 7th day ot Febu
nry 1W8, on timber culture application No.
41, for the SX of N-W, and N'T B-WJf ol
Soctfon No. 2fl, In Township No. Si North
K-inRfl No. 66 West. . . ..
Tlo names as witnesses:
K. A. BlOBLOW, P. B. IlKiKtOW, GilANT fp TII-
tclC snd O. W. Hestkk, all of Harrison. Neb.
J. W. We'iin J ,
tl It'iin weoa or netsl P If to
i tend fur Calaiugua of
Pe vcR Machinery,
Ffactk!, Atrofig, Durable.
VT. p, 4 Joka Barnes Co.,
4 I
I S Pages a Week
15G Papers a Year
For One Dollar.
rublisiied every Alternate. Day except Sunday
The Thrice-a-Week-World Edition of
The New Yokk Wot.LU is first among
all the "weekly" papers in size, fre
quency of publication and the freshness,
accuracy .and variety of its contents. It
has all the merrits of a grert .58 dollar dai
ly, the price of a dollar weekly. Its po
litical news is prompt, complete, accur
ate and impartial as all its readers will
testify. It is against the monopolies
and for the people.
It prints the news of all the world,
having special correspondance from all
'important news points on the globe. It
has brilliant illustrations, stories by
grea tauthers, a capital humor page, com
plete markets, departments for the house
hold and women's work and other special
departments of unusual interest.
We offer this unpquiiled newspaper
and The Siocx County Journal togeth
er one year for $1.70
The regular sucscription price of the
two papers is ?2.00
Do not lenear to deeolvoi' by wM-wtM Ran,
Read the tnrth. II will pay jm 0vMone-
TO-DAY this moment -jen are beta robbed
what yoa earn. How much I Not tea than tl,to6 n
year. Do you know now ! lo yoa Know wnjr I
The Best S Only
Reform Magazine i One Dollar a Tear
in the World. W cants a i
Monthly-Xightu Fafe.
H.O. Flowrr, Pounder of the A mm.
' ir'red'k II. AOmnm, Ed. Mew Oeculone.
New Time Is tbe t earleig advocate of the IviTXATirs and
KEratKxDtm, Majority Knle, Sclentltle OoTerninniL
Monetary Kef orin and Pbyaical and Ethical Culture.
Anutng hundredm of brilliant wrUerm w
bUI regularly anUrUmt tm it pmget mr
Prof. Prank Parsons.
Prof. Richard T. Ely.
Senator Tlllmaa.
Herbert N. Cauol.
Frances E. Wlllard.
Pres. Oeorge A. Gate.
Vary A. Livennore.
Abby Morton Dial.
John P. Altgeld.
Helen Campbell.
Senator Pettier.
11 two east ataM ana a
ceive THE sTEW Till three months aid nUTnit
JOHM SMITH, tbe Story of a Peaceful Eerolntiea, hy
Prederick U. Adams, as Illustrated book of 3M BafM aad
aBidaaoBerarr page. Write to-sfst.
Charles E Kerr & Cofflpaay, rIishsn
M Fifth Avenue. CHiCAQO.
Henry D. Lloyd.
Henator Butler.
Eltweed Poroeroy.
Hamlin Garland.
Justice Walter Clark.
Eugrene V. Debs.
Gov. H. S. PingTea.
Lillian Whiting-.
A. H. Lewis.
They handle every thing usualy handled in a gen
eral department counry store.
Harrison, Nebraska.
B. E. Brkwstrr,
C. F. Corm,
D. H. ORISWOLD, Cashior.
Transacts a General Banking Business.
American Exchange National Bank, New York,
Omaha National Bank, Omaha,
Fihst National Bank, Chadron.
Interest Paid on Time Deposita.
We pay the freight
SlfPl Nebraska and Western Iowa.
You Get $198 Organ for $88.
(7, .
down ud 16.00' vtr mooth.
Fally 0aaraata4 fay yrm.
Now writ us for Dolcrlptlon and CaUlojue. We will tell you. all
kMl It. We hy been telling our friends about thin now 28 yean.
( . .. i '