The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 23, 1897, Image 8

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t T
TafESty. Dec. 23' J,
';. U. Cuou, Editor ftinl lrip.
P. E.15I.VE. H. lime tel. le.
doing West. Ooltig Kitt.
S. iiiWmU, 31 :iv t So- . mixed s :W
E. X. .7. ? R. is the best
.io tit! from tl
OF 1
A map of the
United States,
!uITil"T"("r JJ by the
linrllngton Route Is three feet
wide by four long; is printed
in seven colors; is mounted on
rollers; (.bows every state,
county, Important town and
railroad lu the Union, and
onus a very desirable and
ucfl adjunct to any house.
hold Or business establishment.
Purchased 1" large quanti
ties, rue maps cost Burlingtcn
Kcte more Uiua filteen cents
t-tch, but on receipt of that
amount in stamps the under
i!)ed will be pleated to scud
yon one.
W rite immediately, as tie
upy!y Is limit d.
,1. I eaxcis. Gen'l Ptsa'r Agent, Omaha, Nob.
WIm A. Holcorab Governor
James E. Harris Lieutenant Uovenioi
W. r. I'orter... ecrctury of State
John F. Cornell Auditor
'j. K. Mcaerre Treimurer
J. Btnytb Attorney General
J. V. Wolfe Laud CommlMiouei
W. K. Jkcksoa Supt. Public Instruction
John M. Tharton V. S. Senator, omnha
Wm. V. Allea U. S. Senator, Madison
J. B. Strode, Congressman 1st Dint., Lincoln
i. H. Mercer,
Ntruuel Maxwell,
W. L. Stark,
J. I. Sutherland,
W. L. Green,
A. M. Tot Chief Justice, Columbue
.T. O. C. HarriwouAs'te Judge, Grand Island
T. l Sorval Associate Judgn, tfeward
P. A- Oampbell Clerk and Ilepox ter, Lincoln
M. r. KlnkAld Judge, O'Neill
n. Westovor " Rushvlllt
U. J. 1B1wk Clerk, Harrison
district Court, At Harrison, coramencei.
Spring Urm April 13th, jury Wth,
all " October C, Jury J6th.
nuty Court, At Harrison, commence
,8 rbt Monday of each month.
Hto Hntz..?enalor, Dlst. No. H, Springview
A. b. Sheldon Dist. Xo. 53, Chadroo
Xobvrt Wilson . County Judge
M. J. Blewett Clerk
lias. Biehle . Treasurer
.TT. H. Davis Supt. Public Instruction
I). Bartlott .Sheriff
1. E. Phinaey . . Coroner
B. F. Thomas Surveyor
M. J. Blewett... Clerk of District Court
r&nt Guthrie County Attorney
Trank Tltikham 1st Dlnirict
M. J. Weber(Chairman) 2d "
James F. Toung 3d "
y.. Kahwer (chairman) Trut-i
John Dsvls
P. H. Griswod V
w. B. Marsteller "
V. . Hamlin "
W. H. Davis Clik
Iwis Gerlach..... . Treasurer
:gsert Bobwer Director
B. L. Smock . Moderator
ft.airu Gerlach ..... . ....Treasure,-
JMettiodls t Su ndsy School meets every Sun
'tiny morning at 10:00
W.u.davis, MisaB KTetL,
Superintendent. becretnry
Hegnlar business meeting first Tuesday
vKtlng in each month.
Dovotlonsi meeting every Sundsy evening
jtt t .th. MIR. Kekdall, Leader.
M Mil escb hnndsy afternoon at 2 :.
UU. K 5DALL., Supt.
J.KY BUSK POST, Vo. M'., G. A. B.
Met second Mondsy In each month io
fh rurt bouM at Harrison.
E. F.. Llvermore, Com.
)lnrrlnn ramp, Xo. 65, mU on each al
lernste Wednesdsy evening.
W.H.tiiVis, J. A.Hi;sot,
.lrk. ton. Com.
ts)fs ac'tl IU.-rnst! bsturdsy eranlng
rfimk. a', n. Dew, v. c.
prompt attention pivo ij alt l-fal
rratter in Jjs'.a ', I un( y and I strict
Court.-?, aud le-fore ti. L'm'.ed Suit
Land ,.r.. .
I"ir Itisirar.ce written in rt-Iiul.l
fTl--'t I -open) carefully drawn.
1 1 a rua -a -: . - N f.iucaSK a.
rUyiMlin and Surgeon.
All ctlls given prompt attention.
Office la DruK istore.
Lawyer. t
C Gee: 1st Door Scuth Gf IJrtell.s tore.
The rules of (he local land oHk-e have
recently heen amended so that settlers
to make final proof shall settle with the
publisher iiefore seDdinj in their applica
tion. All part ies desiring to 11, tike final
proof can have t!i-ir piprt n.:ui ' U'
I'HE JOCRNAL o.'Iicv, Iree of r, ii.-i
promptly tr..iiiintt.--i to L'ic land 1 ll) ?
o that no tlu.e will le liwt.
STDr. Riser eye, epec
ialist of Lincoln, will be in
Harrison, Dec. 30th to remain
four days.
Tim rtn,l'r.r
xiiuc iiv-vwu.!,
spectacles or treatment for
iheir eyes should take ad
vantage of this opportunity
and have their eyes examin
ed. Consultation free, office
hours from 10 a. m. to 4 T.
M., at the Harrison House.
1ST YvTeare able to offer
the Journal, the Thrice-a-Week-World
and the World
Almanac, all for 01.95. Now
is the time to subscribe for
the three.
TThere will be a dance
in Harrison, New Year's eve,
Dec. 31 will endeavor to furn
ish good music and mike an
enjoyable time for all, come
everybody envited to attend.
Leroy Wright.
A merry Christmas to all
our friends, is the Season's
greeting from the Jocsnal
Old papers for sale at this office, 5c
per baker dozen.
M;ss Maggie Hunter will spend the
holiday's with her pir-nts.
Uon't forget the Christmas enter
tairment at, the church ristmns eve.
Sotiee Anybody wishing to buy mt
al wheels will d well to call on or ad
dress! 'has, Schilt Harrison Neb.
bounty clrk BUfett h is Iven nn-
dt-r the weather this week, sulfering from
a bad cold.
Sheriff elect Holly has sold his half
section of Sioux county soil to Judg
Hunter, the consideration ls;insi ?UI0 00
The talking machine at Marsh Her
Bros , will be put up and the lucky num
ber on a ticket will be drawn for that
purpose Saturday.
.'ome and subscribe for the New
Time in connection witn the Jor'KSAL'
onl f 1.65 a y-ar for Kith. It is an up
to date magazine. Try it one yar.
Charles '1 Jameson, cashier of Mi"
'"hdron Ntti"lal bank and on of itie
directors of the Hirrison i V)uni"'r. inl
bank came in on the west Kiual fai'i
Il.-nrv L n le on Muro-d from
Omaha ystt-rday wh' re ue went with
two car-loads of sheep Thursday night.
He tjid not do as well with them as he
expected to.
-'Mrs. Henry Lindeman went to
Crawford Monday evening where he
met her husband and stopped with her
brother-in-law for a day and night re
turning home yesterday.
The rost, already accrued in the
case of Tinnin v the p & M Railroad
company for the four pases tried in (.he
District court in tbia county amounts
to over $1000.
There will be a Christmas tree at the
parlors of the M. E. church Friday eve
ning. Every body are cordially invited
to be present and have a good time witji
the little folks. Of course old Santa
Claus will be there with presents for
young and old alike.
It is with extreme pleasure thst we
ran say this morning that Mrs V. A.
Heste Is slowly but surely improving
under the skillful treatment of Dr.
Phinney, Mrs. Hester has been very
ow for the past week and It was
thought she would not survive the
night last Saturday. The abova will
be good news to the many friends and
relatives of the patient. ,
II ,lidaj lUt.
far t. r R '
200 n, i'es or under ore
util trip w,!h f i) a f ii f M i i i
iLfi'V" of 50 eM.
T. lifts on .! !" ei c" -illnt la7
niilJtri lt 1 g"'d t r-tiirn mM,
Ja.i 4-. i 1 ;. E F. I '"Mil's Act.
Iok out f'r f iM utlteron Chri
ma w tif.y.
Aiv.inl tji.' tc every lat'iration, w intM'
is (-.erj t i pt ay.
Hark! it t-eni n if witaa hear tlif
swwt strain of wvti'.mif iiK
Tlw (.elet.rtU l Alb.on Family Pat
ent flour roU by Ifeter & Sjn at $2.40
per .hundred.
A merry 'liristmas to all the read
ers ( l!e JulHSAL. is Itie Season' tfrett
itifT ft in; Hie Jol'KNAL fortv.
Mr. Barte II succeeded in Dnding his
co. which etnuedaway a wet kao Lie
found her out with Will. Chart's herd
Perry Kirkpatritk cf Highland pre
cinct is a resident at the County seat. lie
will spend the wfinter here so the child
ren can attend school.
Mr. Jerry Will went dow n on Run
ning Water lait Sunday and brought
track eleven head of cattle which he took
out to the home ranch.
J. F. La Tone of Bell on last Mon
day called on us and (Jc'ded that after
thi date the Jot'fSAl. was a necessary
art ii I-- in hi hmiM-liol !
-.Sr. 1i s ..if e i iioe up frun had
r .'i 'ii 1 l-l I' l k tifl- r and went
..ut t ci on Hut i rrtk with Buff
who "as in town to meet him.
Mrs. Thomas Hotly and children,
went to t Ira ford hist Friday evening on
a visit to her si-ter's. She will be absent
for a week or two.
J. C. Rtiipley of Whistle Creek
precinct was io town Monday tn bust-:
..a.... ii !
nessarui doing some trading, lie
elected precinct assessor for the second
tune at this fall's election.
A car of hogs are trailing across!
the country from the Piatt & Ferris
ranch on the edge of Wyo., which wtfl lie
shipped from this point to t tie South
O iuilia market Friday or Saturday.
Notice I tan cattle hides and all kind
of skins with hair for rolies, or without
or leather. Kje sample and prices in
J. H. Bartell's store.
H. Of BUICTT. filen. Neb.
Liney Sutton is now at work in lot
harness shop for LVgerl Rhower, and
will spenlthe winter putting up new
harnesses and doing all kinds of repair
ing. Sheriff elect Holly will move his
family to town to live soon as he in
rent a dwelling house. The chances for
renting are pretty slim this season of the
A ft. An t'L-inc tt Lrif visit vvilh Itis
family Mr. EJ. Bowker return.d to,
Valentine last week. The ties of home j
are so strong that it is impossible to
push them aside e'en though we would.
i 'iiari s I ifif-rt and family were
up from Ft. Ilobirson yesterday doing
business ith our merchants. He and
Ins betu-r half made a social call at this
o;F,re wfiil here, wc are ulays glad to
see our friends.
lmost all the ranchers came to
town this wv-ek to see old Santa. We
should judge by the numerous package
they took home with them t fiat the
majority had got acquainted with the
old (jetlt.
Mr. Tom is D'inn and sister were do
im: busir!es. in our tjinvinn little c'ty on
last Tui-nlay. We were very much
peaed to hear from them that, their
little Kibe who had heen very ill of lung
fever was gt ttirg along nicely.
Through an oversight on our part we
neglected to mention in our last issue
thatRih ! unn hail moved wilh his
family to Guthrie, Wyo , where he haj
secured permanent employment for the
f ut u re. He orders his Joi'RX vL sent to
that point
Judge Hunter and wife of B slare
were d 'inir business at th Hub on
Tii'-sdav Mr Hun'i-r nn r-fl-ction ie-
-i .m hut Tna -i"t x c.nty Jci r al
was a led ter I nio than he supposed, and
(Withitiis i-sije we inscribe his name
iig., .n among (.or renders.
j -Mr (. tiara s i irie ho is sjiending
tli- winter with his family at Cbndron
(who b the way is ono of the heaviest
stock raisers of the North-west) has been
out at bis Hat rretk ranch since Mon
day vaccinating his young stock for
black-leg. During the summer and fall
he has lost several head of young cattle
from the fatal disease.
Santa Claus has been swn prowling
around the stores here in Harrison, the
last few days. He will be mistaken for
a burglar some of these times by the
merchants and be shot or so badly hurt
he may not get over it soon, and (hen. he
he will not get wound to distribute his
presents to all the little boys and girls
in town. If Santa should see this local,
we hope he will take our advice -and be
a tittle more careful next time.
We have ijUiced on several occasions
duriing the cold we-tther this fall hors
es after being driven or rode U tow n by
their owners as the case may be, and tied
up to a hitching post for hours at a tune
without being blanketed or fed. The
thought often occurs to us, and wa won
der if those people realize they are abus
ing the best friend and servant they ev
er had. Think of it, the dependant horse
and, in fact all domestic animals will be
a friend to their master, if the master will
only befriend them and do mistake about
-HitnrLy il l.rnlnini tl..!.) j
I Un (ill otlwro t tli liltl' Mlt.
j - Wtnta lot i f fiti!ir.j l.tllij fan -m j
;licr w ill m in lljrn'm CtiriMtiia j
i nn.rnini,', J
- M'i" ' liritonen (aiiie from (Miailroii
to Sjnil tlw li iliil iy's Willi her jiarciit's j
ut or near M intniMj. j
-Mr. und Mrs. I?.T Coll'
, pleaKHrit ittorH ut tli Huh n
lint M 'ndav. Tliey came ti set- Santa t'luus,
at i-ast wethou.-htK...
no material charge far tie better. It
Utretntical lmt jutnow.
Ehteen hundred and ninety-seven
years ajfo Saturday morning, Christt
was born and the Angels proclaimed,
'-ac on earth, good w ill to men".
Chas. Umpheulniur, who h.i gono
t,, viit his parents in Oklahoma, nub-
Mr. lied lor the Jol'RNAL for a year and
ordered it sent to his address at hia
future sunny, southern home.
The Ltickmao and Lacy school com
menced last Monday, with Miss Ilattie
OVonner as teacher. From what we
hear about 5Lss O'C'onner the directors
of that school district have been very
fortunate in obtaining her services as
teacher in their school.
Charles Uuiphenour, who has lived
in this county for three or four years
ai d, by the vey has succeeded in col
lecting togtbfr quite a herd of brood
nirmt which he hns let out on shares to Riglund (or two yea r 'left hero
lat Friday evening for Tela go, Okl,,
to visit his parents whom he has not
seen in eight years. He may return in
the spring and he may be gone two
Mrs. Albert F.iilman, who was men
tioned in the JOURNAL two weeks ago a
havimr taken concentrated he, died
. . .. ...
irom Ilia ellects OI II l ist rriuav nigni
nlxiut mid-night It was intended to
burry the remains in the Harrison ccme
tary, but on account of the long dis
tance it was fin ily decided to birry the
corpse at Fhasant lide. Rev. Kendall
of this place preachud the funeral ser
mon. The friends and relatives of the
deceased will have the sincere ym4ithy
pf the people of Ilarriwdi und vicinity
w here Sir. aud Mrs. E.dman are so well
One week, last night, Will Phillips
woke up alKiut 10 o'clock at night when
he discovered his grainery and hen Iioum;
on fire. He dressed himself at once and
made haste to save out of the lire what
he could 'mi' only su' ceed.-d in saving
about a doza-n chic kens. 1I lost nKiut
400 bushels of small grain t'!iides har
nesses and saddles and other stuff
amounting in value he thinks taOO.
Unfortunately Mr. Phillips had no in
surance so t hat the burn .ut is a total
loss. lie cannot account for the fire
unless some Ksly had lieen snijwing
grain and in some w ay set (he grainery
a fire, although he accuses no body of
tt is a query in our mind how it is,
that parties who ought to do all their
trading with our merchants here in liar
r 'Son, iro to Crawford and Lusk to do
tracing h.r"i r..;, riy l. fi.nv'S to this j
town, ami io i-ou.e in t;.:ni-s p y fre fit
on the goods to from Cra ford to
nson. is it pos-iiiie ttiat our business
men here charge more their goods
Ifian they can be bought for at Lusk or
i raw ford as the case may , and pay
freight on same, do merchant at other
points ma k fpecnil prices to tt rons lie-
longing to Harrison tiriton or tsl tly
put u.fei i r gmsls onto our people for firs',
class, whi(h is it? or ijtil both. Certainly,
there is no mere aorommodaling class of
business men lobe found anywhere than
right here in Harrison. They are al
ways willing, and ready to arctnudule
their customers whenever Oossdile to do
so. Arid we believe they sell goods on
just as dose margin as they do at other
towns. People ought to patronize their
hometown, everything else being equal.
On last Thursday night the grim-rs-r
invaded the home of Mr Jens
Jenson at Glen, and took her whose
presence ever makes home and w ithout
whom there is none. Medical aid from
Harrison and Crawford were summoned
but alas (he relentless sword was un
sheathed, and claimed llie loved one for
its victim res its own. The JOURNAL
extet.ds its sympathy to the grief strick
en husband and family in this their hour
of nil I ict ion.
Darling mother thou hast left us.
l.eath hasclainud (bee (or its own.
But e'er long we hope to meet thee.
In our true, jf brighter home.
Where there is no hour of parting.
All is peace and joy and love.
0Mst be mother; flood live dear one,
Soon I know we'll meet above.
Bertha Louisa Duel was born Feb.
19th 1571 and was married to Mr. Albert
Erdmao Dec. rd im and died Dec. llh
197. At her death she was 26 years of
age. She leaves one child who with her
husind and parents will mourn her loss
and who will have the sumpathy of the
entire community. For some day's
previous to tier death Mrs. Erdman was
deeply imbued with the sweet consola
tions of religion firmly convincing those
around her bedside of her unbounded
love and confidence in the sweet promi
ses of hi rn wlw say's "come to me all
ye who labor and are heavy laden and I
will refresh you." The funeral took place
on Tuesday at 2 o'clock from the home
of her parent near Pleasant Ridge Rev,
Kendall officiating; 1 '
A car-load of Wheatland Flour at 155 L
prices that will defy competition any
where in the state.
Tj,(, ANTH SUPPLY HOUSE ia Ilead-quarterH for
mwoom & giocehies, loots & shoes, hats
. . - . - . , i rn Itf A Till O O
& CAPS, 11 AK1MV AlirJ X l
Our Mono is, "live ana lei uvt
We need money, and the people need our goods, so come
in and see how cheap we can sell you goods for cash.
AT.erican Hand-Sewed Shoe Co's
iS : t --"
Jl'ST TRTi rvis Of TiiBsesooTi k t nsi.
I am Agent for the world famed McKORMICK BIND
ERSand MOWERS. I keep on liand all the time a full
line of supplies for these machines.
Last but not Least.
When you are badly in need of the only
sold in Sioux County, call on mo.
Flour and Feed of ell kinds
at my harness shop.
Third Building West of J. II. BartoH' Grocery Store.
EGGERT R0HWER, Proprietor.
! pi,
mo Q3St
tof Vines,
and Beer kept constantly on hand.
I handle the Omaha Beer.
THE tt$Jfi1)
It h ImjjotiiMe to Fron-ilie pr!kukr ttxtvrti that will j-por in
"AMERICAN MONTHLY" durinj the comine ycr, for it is, ts
Dookmsn liys, " a great monl'j!-
its rciders an illuitrittd account of t!
" Ws knm of no rrle pMUIihed, In thtt
omktj or In Eurcp. wh. h ccnituKi so socests
lu"y li lh Ahiiioii Mostmlv iho lienrjits.
L.Tit'lnrn snd ereryy tt jr-irnhim wnh lh
7jidui) , m1 c;rW.y vr't-Sei of-Mitrn, ict
isiwe4 wnl.tlv tn Erpl.ih 0( purely
mcsT.h, The "Lcwlaz Artxks"
give the best thought and information of the current In five cco'.'
ntntu the contributed articles furnish Cm cluracter ikttches of the raia cf Cj
month, and give timely ducuuiona by authorities on any quaUtoa c! UtocJU
icrious Import.
The reiult of tht comprehensive effort to edit in one montUy vdvmc l'
Information needed by Intelligent people ol "live" instincU U LeU zuspJ U
the opinions which ti e reidert of
have seen fit to express. These
are ('linking buiiness men, clergy
men, editors, lawyers, proftvsors,
engineers, the wide-awake women
cf America. They write that the
indiipnufcle"! "t simply lavi!ua':!c',j "is a generous rjrary la L'J"; U
"a hUlcricalcycIoptJia cf the world " "the best meant of aid for a bury man " I
"the best periodical of the kind wc Lave ever had"! "a Uiutcph cf eLo.-ul
genius" "the world under a Held glass," etc., etc
sunscrjrnoN pricu, $2.50 per year
eAmwipn Monthly Review of Rcvjcwa
p A5TC
l - W AU iVC, ffC.
.. ........
We Also, handle a full line of
Groceries &c.
"g'J.I" .-J.t.JL-UIIS
Brandies, Whiskey
Mwipiper. Al well, it pr'.r.'.! fir
coUk'.e things whith mail Cm kltor? ti
tlx month, of the rz'.'.'.xi
economic, and literiry Lstrinp
whicb are of value to ir.Ul'ircri
men and romtn. Tht EJiUx'j
"Procrtss of the Vct'.i" UUi suc
cinctly an Hlustritrd ttory of t e
The current nunjber
and the two prectiJ
ins issues. ,...
,1 i.
1 al
- w,