The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 16, 1897, Image 8

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TBCRaDAT, Dk. lth, 1897.
. 9. CfDN, Editor a-ud Prop.
MlLVLi. Hats Uble.
Qotnc West. Going Eul
. 8Uea, 11 : Ko. I, mixed : 00
F. M. V. 1. R. is the bent
to led from th
' OF
A. map of the
United States.
BuryDgton Rule it three fet
-ida by four long; is printed
iu seveu colors; in mounted an
rollers; shows every state,
county. Important town anU
I railroad In ibe Union, aJ
(i forms a very desirable and
( used adjunct to any bouse-
,l hold or busine-ia entablement.
- . , .. Purchased large quanti
ties, the majs cost Burlington
Route rooro than fifteen cent
each, tat on receipt of tbat
amount In stamps the under
igued will be pleased to senf
yon one.
Write lmmeately, aa toe
upply li llmtttii.
J. rAAKCls. Gen'l Pass'r Ajjept, Omaha, Kb.
Jlae A, Holeomb. ..Governor
.Jaotei E. Harris Lieutenant Governoi
W. T. Porter Secretary of Stave
.Jobs f. Cornell-.. . Auditor
,J. K. Meeerve '. . Treasurer
ft. J. Smyth. Attorney Genera)
J. V. Wolfe Land Commlseionei
W. R. Jackson Supt. PybUc Ini true: ion
John M. Th arston JT. -S. Senator, Omaha
W. T. Allen.. JU. S. Senator, Madison
J. B. Strode, Congressman 1st Dist., Lincoln
P.H. Mercer, " 2d " Omaha
amuel Maxwell, " 3rd " Fremont
W. L. Stark, - 4tb " Aurora
fL. I). Sutherland, " 6th Nelson
Qt. L. Green, 6th " Kearney
Ji. M. Poet Ctjef Justice, Columbus
ff. O. C. Ilarrlaou ..Aa'to ju&g, Grand Inland
. JU Jturvai ".AaKOCtatu Judge, fjewarl
p. A. CampbeiL-Clei k and Ee porter, Lincoln
fL r. Ktnkald Judge, O'Jtplll
T. II. Weetover " Kuvtlle :
ft J. Blewett Clerk, Harrison
Ptstrlet Court, At Hiuxison, commences
Spring term April 13th, Jury 14th,
Vail " October 2i, in ry2Ctb.
(County Court, At Harrison, cpmmencei
4rt Monday of eacb month.
fttXo Mati..8eaator, rlt. So. 14, Spring-view
A- E. Sheldon. Dist. So. 53, Chart r on
Robert Wilson Coujuty Judge
M. J. Blewett . Clerk
fnu. Hie hie "reaurei
W. ri. Uavijj upt. Public Instruction
D. Bartlett ...Sheriff
J. E. Phlnney Coroner
B. r. Tnoina purveyor
M. J. Blewn .Clerk of DifU-t fourt
rant Gutbrie Coyuty Attorney
rrank Tinkjbam 1st Diolrict
M. J. WtbCT(Chalrman). Jd
James t . young . 3d '
F.. Bohwer (chairman) . Tr,stee
,J. W.cett , "
J. H. Griswod ,
W. B. Marsteller -
S. D. Hamlin . "
M II. Davis ciOTk
lewla Gterlacb . . Treasurer
J. W. . Director
B.L. Win uck Moderator
I ewis Lerlacb . 1 .......Treaaurer
Methodic Sunday School moets every Son
day luoruliig at 10.-40
HnperiDtendent. STray
Regular bvtlBftas meeting flrit Tuesday
evening in emc month.
W.H. Davis, President,
Dwvtrtlg I nreUog every Sunday evening
i.b. D. J. Clbk, Leader.
lets each Ruoday afternoon at 2
MM. D. II. fiinfpLD, Supt.
Meets sreond Monday in each month In
the cemrt boose at Harrison.
' ''' E. K. Livermore, Coin.
fUMmm Camp, Xa. M, mfeta on ach a)
rna Vixf nUy evening.
m. m. 9Tria, J- a.hswk,
Clrlr. Coa, Coin.
B sirdar evening
A. R- SW, T. C.
Prompt attentioc giTM to J1 legal
matters io Justicej, Couaty oi District
Courts, and before the United Suites
Laod OrHce.
Fir Insurant writtec in reliable
tyLegal patera carefIljr drawo.
Harrison, - Nebraska.
J. E. f HLNNEY. M. D.
K1 calls given prompt aUeUon.
Office in Drug Stttre.
Qfflce: (lit Door South .of Bjslli Store.
Tbe rules of be loca,l 4a$d office liaxo
recently been amended o that aettUu
to make final proof shaJJ fettle wth the
pubUilier before sending tlieir plica
tion. All parties desiri to oabe floal
proof can tuvj.e their papery made out at
Ta Jocr'al oiDc, free of charge and
promptly nujsmitted to Ue laod office
so that no i,ue will be lost.
yT Word just received
of J. R. Mclntire of Hay-
Springs, ,tht photographer,
saying he would not fee here
as announced in last week's
Jocbnal as the Village was
canvassed by a photographer
two weeks ago. He may be
here at some future time.
We are able to offer
(he Journal, the Thrice-a
Week-World and the World
Almanac, all for 81,95. Now
is the time to subscribe for
the three.
Subwribe for The Siocx Coo'TY
The murcury dropped down to tfie
twenties last oight.
Wonder if there will be any turkeys
in town for Christmas!
Miss has grone to Chadron
aad will be gone unli! Jan. 1 st.
YesterUy was prbap the wor?t
stejvi of tbe pt-riud so fpr tbis winter.
Mr. A. E. Gates o wVhite River was
a pleasant caller at ibis ofik-e on last
Mrs. Alice Kreuger, daughter of
U. T. Merriam expects to leave for borne
about the last of nxt week.
Michael Bruck and Ilenry Will wer.
at Crawford Monday "night us businen
Lbty returned the next day.
Sotlce Anybody wishing to buy met"
al wheels will do well to call on or ad
dress Chas, Schilt Harrison Neb.
Georgie Sherill, who has been sick
for the past two weeks is so far iropro v
ed aa to be up and aouod tbe house.
Mr. R. Niece went to look after his stock
of) Running Water the firt of the week.
lie was accompaniad by Mrs, Nisce.
VoXlc T lau utllu uioes and alt kind
oftkins with lir for rnben, rr without
or loathe r. See sample and prices in
J. H. B.vrtell'i store.
U. Orfjuumi. Gles, Neb.
Mr. Thomas Dunn was in town Tuev
day after Dr. Pbinney to go out and see
bis baby w bo is very sick.
Sberiff Bartlett came in after the
Doctor yesterday to ro out to his place
to see bis children, who are quite
Dr. Phioney was qalled to adminis
ter to Ube wante of a patient near And
rewg early Tuesday morning and did sot
return till te pent day at noon.
E. N. Pbilhps of Chadron who is
tra vel i ng f or an Elgi n n 1 s. , fl rra w aa )B
town two orthree days this week, selling
mem moral work. He is an old printer
by pro,TeioD.
Mr. N. P. Norlbness of Crawford is
vaded our sanctum sanctorumcn last
Saturday and dropped a 50c dollar on our
desk, at the same time requesting that
his name be inscribed among- the readers
of toe JoCiWAL. And so it 0s.
Will Pontius came down from Olen
Rock last Friday evening, where he has
been acting a relief agent for the rsut
four weeks. He stopped at home ovpr
Sunday, and then went to Hot Springs,
8. D., where he will act as relief agept
there for some time.
Frank Moowy of Craw fond
came in on Tuesday's passenpir train on
some business connected with a trade he
tween he, and I. Richstein who owns the
store building occupied in this town by
J. H. Bartell. Mr, Richste'n wants to
trade it for a residence building in Craw
ford. H. C. Rodger hud a cow run over
and killed by the train last July near
F. Robinson. He sued the Railroad
Company last wMk mod Grant fiaUjrie
WMt down Monday to represent the
ponpsifiy in the suit which wag More
JimUm U & Cor, and had the suit pU
pmi n H M) of text Rooto. .
Winter is rubbing pretty cloe now.
Henry wlod fcwuday also, at nigbt
Wil WiU tU New Year briog
J. tL BnrtaU has little time for a
Qoe week trom next Saturday is
Court adjourned until the :30th of
this mooth.
Old papers for sale at this .office, 5c
fit bakers dao.
The childreo of sheriff Batblett hae
Ah wbooping oough.
Henry Liodnpan shipped two cars of
sheep Thursday evening.
Mrs. V. A. Kester, who has been so
very sick for a waek, is improving.
. Soon another year will have gone
into eternity never to return again.
Old cellars and wells ought to be
filled in and Uxed up to tbe lan .where
ever found.
Dr. Richards of Lusk was inH vrison
doing business Monday and Tuesday of
this week.
Harrison is to emi'ient an occu.
list in tbe near future, so says the Craw
ford Bulletin.
It took most five days of the Cou rts
time to bear tbe Ti mafia vs B & M, R. R
Co., suit lust week.
Perry White was iown to Crawford
lat Saturday and did ot return until
Monday morning. He went for mill re
P4irs. Attorney Guthrie went to Ft Rob
inson to attend to some legal business
last tnonday Samuel Tebbet took him
down with a livery rig.
Come and subscribe for the New
Time io connection witn the Joclnal:
only $1,65 a year for both. It is an up
to date magazine. Try it one year.
Pv. J. L. Kendal was holding re
vival meetings at Plaaaant Ridge and
will continue them this week. Rev. Ken
dall reports big congregations and lots of
The children of Mr. and Mrs. D. H.
Griswoid who have been wrestling with
whooping cough for soooe time, are now
doing very nicely, and we are glad to
tear it.
Mrs. Jens Jenson of "len is very sick
and is not expected to live. The Doctor
called there last. Tuesday, early in the
morning. He thinks there is little hopes
for her.
Master Pierre Blewett is suffer
ing fr 1 to a very severe att:u:k of whoop
ing cough. Mr. Blewett's mother i
helping to care for tlie litllo sufferer
this week.
J-idge Wilson lost a fine, five-year-old
horse last Wednesday by being
thrown off the railroad track by an eu
gine Also, he bad a cow h'wt the
wmi way laet Monday and she is all
bruised up.
J. W. Sherrtll found his thre-year-
old cow in an old cellar a fev dsvs sro
where she bad be tnr most a week, al
most dtnrvod. Mr. Sherri'l thinks th-
C4w, with good care and plenty of feed
will pull through aM right.
Jut as we ro to pro h. wd
Com from sheriff D.irt-is Ihnt their
little fliree-wpebs-old K'the diel some
tisne during last nieht as a result of
whooping cough. The funeral services
will occur tomorrow at 1 o'clock from
the bouse; Rev. Kendall will preach the
Jack Rirdorff aid Neal Jordon im
ported five cars of cattle from nenr
Natches, Miss. They arrived here Sun
day night and wer unloaded early the
next morning. The cattie look pretty
hard after their long ride but no doubt
will come out next summer all right.
J. 8. Tucker was up from Glen last
Friday for the put pose of paying up his
taxes, had the corou.issioners deducted
the amount he claimed he had been a
Res 00 land belonging to the Railroad
Company, but as they failed to adjust
the difference be refused to pay tliens.
but left the money to pay them with
M. J. Blewett when the commihsioners
adjust different! as be Kays they agreed
to 00.
Tbe case of John Tirinin vs B. A M.
R. R. Co., was concluded last Saturday
morning Jo court by the jury bringing io
a verdict in favor of tbe plaintiff for
93,500, hich seems to give universal
satisfaction so far as we bav heard. Of
course the Gor;ipaoy feel UiHapoioted and
have asked for a new trial for several
reasons, the principle one being an ex
cesive verdict against tbe Company for
Frank Wright's wife, last Thursday
ha the misfortune to fall and hurt her
self quite seriously. Mr. Wright was sit
ting on the jury at the time when tbe
word was brought to him about 4 o'clock
in the evening from his home in the conn
try. Court was adjourned until the next
morning at 9 o'clock so tha t Mr, Wright
could go home and care for and make
arangetnenU for ber health while be
would be absent during the rest of the
term. She is mcuh better now and will
be alright io a day or two.
ft was said that treasurer Biehle
would never be able to recover in the
case of Van Tassel v Chan, Biehle.
, ircMiirer n- uxe; but ancn is
not r, as slr.i Van Taswd was elad
enough to come, and settle and save
further cots bv oavimr tlM.OO whirh
Included cost and all. TreaetMvr Biehle
s the right man in the riu-hl nine: h
haa stiereeded in collecting taxes seem
inglv where his predecesaora have been
unable to do so: Charlou ia a anas at An
pat'rAs tor tbe people and by tha people.
3a iwiataka wax rmmm) b raalactig him
fTaraaaart VTarbllagt-
Earnest I.yon is working for J. W,
Uitwlorf at presf nt. f
8. L. Ellis ao(! Low. Wilson were
Harrison visitors Tuesday. ,
Oraodma Ellis started for Goaper
County Tuesday evening. S'o be gone
all winter.
Thomas Dunn was a Hacriaou viaitor
Mrs. Leslie Crne is visitinjf her par
ents Mr. and Mrs. 8errill at iiresent and
Leslie is latching. Echo.
Edited by Irs. Geo. D. Canon.
Short articles from the ladies of Sioux
(County are solicited.
A Serious Lore Spell.
A young lady sings in our choir,
Whose hair is tbe color of phoir;
But her charm is unique,
She has such a fair chique,
Jt is really a joy to be nboir.
Whenever she looks down the aisle,
She gives me a beautiful smaisle;
And of all her beaux,
I am certain .she sheaux,
Sbe likes me the test all the whsisle.
Last Sunday she wore a new sacque,
Ajow cut at the front and the bacqu;
And a lovely boquet,
Worn in such a cute wuet,
As only few girls have the knacque.
-Some day ere she grows too antique
In marriage bar hand I shall tique;
If site's not a coquette,
Which I'd geatly regruette.
She'll share my six dollars a wique.
Recently I heard a funny little story
botil the youLlilul King of Spain that is
certainly good to bear repetition liere.
It is said that his small majesty has
never been pleaded with any of his por
,jdiU. The cause of this dissatisfaction
has just come to light. The famous ar
tist, who not Jong ago was coramiasion
ed by the Queen Regent to delineate
another likeness of this captious critic,
had alt his brushes laid out, and his roy
al sitter posed in a graceful positin,
when suddenly the youngster, th rowing
court etiquette to the winds, approaiied
Use painter and in a voice in whicjb. a
boyish desire for mischief seemed curi
ously blended with a consciousness of
his high position: "Mind, this time, you
paint ie as a big, tall fellow, a long
black ilooubUclie."
Confidential Chat
Tbe season's compliments will soon be
the order of the day, for all the intrest of
December to most of us women at least
centres in i hristmas. Every year the
preparations for this grvat festival are
carri'd out in a more and more elaborate
scale iitilil one renders exactly what is
the linii', of modern extravagance, and it
we shall ever get back to the simpler,
heartier ami infinitelv more ejijoyable
ways of celebrating ule tide that were
in vouge a hundred years ayo.
JIow To Flue; Out
Fill a bottle or common glass with
uniw nod let it stand twenty-four hours,
a aedniieiit or staling indicates an un
healthy condition of the kidneys. When
urine stains linen it is evidence of kidney
trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate
or pain in the bac;, is alo convincing
proof that the kidurys and blader are uu
of onW.
What To Do.
Tbe"? is aiil-rt in the knowledge so
often eXjjreiwsd, that ur. Kiluier'o
Swamp Root, the great kidney nui.-dy
fulfils every wimIi in rieving pain in
the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and
every part of the urinary pas-suges. It
correct inability to hold urine and scald
ing pain in passing it, or Uul effects fol
lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, and
overcomes that unpleasant necessity of
being compelled to Ket up many limes
during the night to urinate. Tne mild
and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-
Koot is soon realised. It stands lite
htgtiest for iU wonderful cures of the
(iiott distressing cases. If you need a
rneoicine you should have the Umt.
Sold by druggists, price llfty cents and
one dollar. You may have a sample
bottle ana pamuiiet both sent free by
mail. Mention The Sioux Conrry
Journal and send you"- address to Dr,
Kilmer & Co. . Binghampton, N. Y. The
proprietors of this paper guarantee the
genuineness 01 this offer.
A (jransj Oppotnalty.
There are today thousands of young
people on the farms and io the villages
who are tied down by lack of education
to work they heartily dislike. Are you
one of them my friend? If so. the
Grand Island Business & Normal Coll
age can put you on the road to success
if vou are ambitious and willing to
study, it makes no niirernce liow
backward you are provided you are
plucky and mean business. We teach
everything neve ray for a successful
start in life. If you are short of money
we will accept a good note without in
terest for tuition or if necessary we will
furnish everything tuition, board, and
book and give you time to graduate and
pay for sama afterwards. Business.
Korrnal and Shorthand courses. Board
91.50 per week. Established 13 years.
College Record sent free or catalogue
for 6 cents in stamps. This is your
chance of a life time. Will you let it
sup yr Aires,
A. M. IIaroih, President,
Grand Island. Nebr.
ed, m viAir
y IXIltlCJCf
V Tram Mamr
aVa ft STsMI si nX SR
'rsfvs4 eosyaarr 4e.
AssrWltM Mtw4lMf ft
sasSak enX XsasrtetleB ssay
ir oesnkje free wsr aa
if MWSliiM" fosn.asa.
Ms If ssisrtm oar
favenOnn Is sveatMy
ttons stftatir rrS Imi
Hflf irW rB4sal 9&990f fOV aWxnlHatPtsMrtaV
F'stmts taawi taraMh Mean is Co. rssen
leanoe i rausu
la tbe
A "SfJantalaf ppsMg.
mmtm ef jay J mj f j y 1 sy-e,i a
American Hand-Sewed Shoe Co's
h f.'lGCtSf BoOl IN ThtVMLfl
Jt sx Ttr ria or rats s boots a siior..
I am Agent for the world famed McKORMICK BIND
ERS and MOWERS. I keep on band all the time a full
line of supplies for these machines.
Last but not Least.
When you are badly in need of tha only PERKINS li IND MILL
sold in Sioux County, call on me.
Flour and Feed of all kinds
tab uiy ixaiiAooa onup.
Third Building AVept of J, II. Kartell'. Grocery Store,
F.GGKRT UOHWKR, Proprietor.
The best of Vv7ines, Brandies, Whiskey
and Beer kept constantly on hand.
I handle the Omaha Beer.
II k Imponubtc to promise partkutar ftsturci that wiH spars ia taa
"AMERICAN MONTHLY" during the comine yrir, for It I, u Ua
Bookmin says, "a great monthly nraipiper." As such, it prin'j fit
Its readers aa Illustrated account of the notable thing which make tlx hinory at
"Ws know of in review publish. In this
eauntrv or In Europe, whi .h oomblno so rxettt
fullr tha AutmcoM I.omtmlv ths alertness,
tlmdlntu snd tr.ttjy al cnrsliim with the
sand (udgmsnl ere(u.y wl(hd oplrion, euct
iny'.eig ti4 wl-c(vt tnjl.,h oHl pufslv
lncrry!. Tit Oaf'owr.
give the best thoaght and inlormstjon of the current maguincs In five eofiti
ncntsi the conl.lWuted articles furniih tha character sketches of the man of the
month, and give timely discuuioes by authorities on any quest ion of ImmcdiaU
serious import.
The mult of this comprehensive effort Is edit In one monthly velum tits
tnfoecrulion needed by intelligent people of "live" jastiarts is best giuged ia
the opuiioas which the readers of
fctvc sera fit to repress. These
are thinking business men, clergy
men, editors, U wyen, ercfcten,
mgtnecn, the wide-swake women
t( AmericA. They write that the
indiipeaabWi "it 4sapfy tavtlaabic'! "is a gt nerous library is lull" I is
" a historlcsl cycloped' ai the warld " 1 'the best mesas a aid for a bury man " 1
"the best periodical of the kind we have ever hd" "a triumph ol cilteruj
gsehaj" "the world aoaer a flcU-fUss,'' tc etc.
5udscri:tion PRICE. 2.S0 PER yeas
American rTontlily Review of Reviews
j: a;tc?. puce, new YORK
Where ere you going?
Vie are on our way to the
My wife wan cueofthoe
beitiful SPUING HATS
and dry goods rovmons &c.
J need Spring S Ulf mynelf
and v:e think we can save mon
ey by trading at the
Also, We handle a lull line of
Groceries &c.
the month, of tbe political li
economic, and bttrary happrcingt
which are of value to intcl.'Jgcet
men and women. Tbe Editor's
"Progress of tbe World " ttl'j r--tiactly
so iflustrated ttory of L'ia
month. The "Lcadinc- Articles"
The current number
and tbe two prcttd j
Ing luues. ...:..