raj f. V: I'j. ' ''Sr I 11 1, r v.. THE SIOUX COUNTY oroxjisrL o TbcSDay, Dec. 9th, lg'J" (Mo- D. Canop, Editor and Prop. F. E. A M. T E. tl. lime table. Going Went. Going East. j!o. t, niUed. -il :20 J So. e, mixed S:00 GRANT GUTilRIE, filtorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all legal matters in Justice, County and Itistrict ' ourts, ami before the United States Land Otlice, Fire Insurance written io reliable zompnnios. 'iTLegal papers carefully drawn. Hai'JUSox, - Nebraska. 10 -.,! . $1.00 -t;!e SI. 00: The Greatest Rep'.ib'.icv.i Paper of the West T It k. North-Western F. K. M LINE V. R. R. to and frora the the best SUGAR BEET FIELDS OF XOIITII NEBRASKA. J. E. PHIN'NEY. M. J. Phjscan and Surston All calls given prompt attention. Office in iru(? store. HABKISONa NFKKAKA libhed toiav ti 1 eta r.wayi be rei.td upon lot Uit and henest re-, pens of all pjot.cal affirs. J -gTheWecklv IM;rOc?an Si pn".e 'i of the New J rprflj U and thi pest ci Current L;t:ra!urc. It U Morally Clean, a-.J ci a Faaiiy Tappr is Wi.nout a Peer. fs Literary t olumn are equal ) fs Kouf ?s Department is tkeW S .ji-sr cf.i lend. S S3 OB A map oi the United States, a" waTl issued by the Bu rllnctor- iioute ti three feet -U!8 ty lour long; Is print! 10 eeveu colors; Is mounted on rollers; tbows every slate, county, important town und railroad In the Union, mid forms a very desirable and usefl adjunct to any house SioM or business establishment. Purchased In large quanti ties, tlie mps coft Burlington Route more than fifteen centa each, but on receipt of taut 4 aroount la stamps the nnd.Br igued will be pleuaed to send ron one. Write immediately, as the supply in limit, d. i. Ti.vciu. Cen'l Pusa'r Agent, Omaha, 'eb. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATE OFFICERS: "Ulas A. Holoomb Oovernm James E. Harris Lieutenant Governoi W. r. Porter Secretary of Mate John F. Cornell Auditor J. R. Mesere Tre;uiirei 'x. J. Smyth- Attorney General J. V. Wolfe Land Comml-wkmei W. R. Jackson Supt. Public Instruciion C05GRESSI0NAL DELEGATION: John M. Thurston V. S. Senator, Omaha Wj. V. Allen V. S. &e:iatjr, Mitdiaon J. B. Strode, Congressman 1st Dlt., Lincoln A. T. CLA K, Lawyer. 1 f!5!-e: 1st I oor South of U Tt-! H n ISDN - It brines to tbi fan: ;v tr.it ew. nf thn l-n'ip- M(,rli and the best and .b '-l d si'MioTiS o alt i;u'IO'is ff tsemv. h later -ai tarlv v tl r.lir.ir n.j!r "urn weelc nrl hainir .hH in (i rp.l In '-".- S.pte.J IO ll H.tS Ol U peepis west of the t.Mn.tt nv i..:;f Un paper. $1.00 RJl5JS!!LESL si. co: Where are you going? We are on our way to the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. THEY SAY EVERYTHING IS SO CHEAP AT THAT STOKE. My vnfe wants one of thorn bcztiful SWING II ATS and dry good yrovmom dc. J need Spring SUIT myself and ice think tee can save mon ey by trading at the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. LEWIS GERLACH. EB. S Tbe Da'lj and Sunday Edl- ft. H.Mercer, ' "Al " Omaha rtouel Maxwell, " Srd " Fremont W. L. Stark, " tb " Aurora K. I. Sutherland, " th " Kelson W. L. Gr, " eth " Kearney JVDICUHT: A. M. Post rhief Justice, Colnmbns T. O. C. Harrison ..As'te Ju'ig';, Gr mi laiund T. L. Xorval Associate Jadg, -w,.ri . A. Campbell Clerk and Kcporter, Lincoln rilTEKSTH JUDICIAL DISTBWTT: M. r. Slnkaid Judge, O'N.-ilr W. H. WestoTer al. J. Blewett NOTICE TU SETTLERS f The rules of the bx-al land olCte have recently been amended so that rettlers io make final proof fchall settle with the publisher before sending in their applica tion. All parties deairing to ibaJte final proof tan have their pajwrs made tiut at 1'HE Jufi:SALof5:it, tree of uuire, and promptly transmitted to the land tdlk-e io that no time w ill l lost. I. R. Mclntire, the photo- igrapher who was here two years ago and now located at Hay Spring, informed us that he will be in Harrison cn Dec. Hth, and will re main until .Christmas only. He also informs us that he has kept with the times and is better able than ever be fore to turn out the best work at right prices. Par ties desiring work in his line should not miss this oppor tunity. Remember until Christmas only. - Burt ew return d fr.nn bin visit to Iowa on last Thursday. The Snow seem d to have diaered very quick since M-ndnv morning. Mr Spray of Soldier creek was Uo iuir I us nst at the Hub la.sl Saturday. -J E Ptlren of AileiU will with this isstiH commence reading the JpfRNAL. W. :. (i Itwrt of Kltworth t is state ... Koshvlllt isliereiisa witness in the case ol lin-j .Clerk. HarrtHon nln v B M railroad. II. A priddy, who ha len to Greenfield, la , for a we-' or two on bosineK- returnwj yest-rilay niorninir. John fdd if Snir Iaf was in town on bin'iiess Tu-"d i v an I cll-d at the office for a f-w nrmrtit visit. otiPP Atiyhtiy wishing to buy n.e- I wheels will d well to call on or ad drej 'hsw, Scliilt Harrison NVb. J 8. Tucl:er of Glen was in ton last Friday and appeared lfor the board of county uom oissi mers fir.i!.-t-ing: apiii'ist beit'jr axl lor the ri-'h'-i ll.nl P Tk IntAi. ffa,n the best of their kind .... U , Prtee of n'W b r.i'H Srti -.f Su-i'tv by ria! ... 1 usily anJ Eu.iddt ly raall. . I Address THE IXTr.Il OCn.VX.Chlcaeo.J ..t 00 per ysr . .51 no prr yesrj . .10.00 per jffar ? WE SELL THE Axercin Hand-Se3cl Shoe Co's iiMfmnr- - -lkre we come sixain. This has been a bu-y week in town. Court has been in session this week, Jtide Westover presideing. Old iiatH-rs for. sale ut tliis office at t-nt part of th f tr iiiiUcrs (lo7.zcii. I The follow.n.,' cas. K set for It will not be lotijf uat'l the year 1S97 will I a matter or history. I Born to Mr. and Mrs. James Nolan of Warboiuiet preciuct. als.ut da h'ht ihs.s morning a soti; o far all are doing nn-elv. ' L;.M.t forget to MibstrJie for the NEW '! IME is coflite. U:.J with the Joi"U SA ; fi i'h) !(..( J'J"K L d a year's siio.-sr.pl. ai t. llic NEA' lIM - ! barbs Newman acd his friend, harles J , mis. m, Itak out citizens papers M .mlay Th y are aubj cts of Uncle Saivuel now. ' harleH Coffee who, with his family Court New - Cases Disposed of. District court convened last Monday noon, with Hon. Judge Westover presid ing and a fairely goixl sprinkling of at torneys were in attendance from differ- state. trial nt this tt rni of court have leen tried aiid jodireiiients enter.-d on the duckets or d.su i s, 1! w to .. ts (:l x. l op . c-, r l.nt- l : (Ii.MlNALCAEs, C.,se of Nebraska vs Alois L S'aud t nnmi'-r d sioiss. d with costs tax-d opto the deiendant. Case of '!.. r:i-l;a vs 'har!-s Uiss-ll d- si, u aial costs U,.el up to di'leti dant. S1V1L I'ASES. Case of Charles F. t'offee vs Thomas B Sin (U-r, contimi. d. t'ase of Ao.elia Nur.st.h vs Charles Si hilt et al, dismissed. use ol R S, Van Tas-el s h.irles hie 10 nit v Ireasurv et. ul, dismisstl CCLC3R ATEO .SBOOTSE SHOES m. WORU) .CGESTBuOl IN Trt Also, We handle a full line of Queens-ware, Hard-Ware, Drry-Gods, Groceries Sc. are ji"j"unjiiig for the w inter in the lit-, tie vii aire ol . hadroii, was up attending j B court last Tuesday. Lst Uixed up to plaint'!,. . 1. 1 ww n t'ase of Ashurv E Holev.n vs Count R. C. U. Grove of iX)tlenwooa was a . , ... . 1, Wadsworth, mandate spreac on record ,.t t , ,.f!i, Toesc av and ori'M-0 i ....... ..1' i....-.'i ,t-.it wi.i..ii ihnd j.idgem.-nt ordvr.d, TEKM8 OF COUBT: 2Hatrtat Court, Ai Harrison, coiumencef prtDf term April 13th, Jury Hth, Jrall " October i5, jnryGtfi. fntj Court, At Harrison, commence fl rat Monday of each month. LEGISLATIVE: tW Mntl..Senator, Dist. So. 14, Spring-view A. E. Stejdon Dlst. No. 53, Chadron COUSTT OFFICEKS: aert Wilson County Jud(re U. J. Blewett Clerk kas. Blehie TreKnrer nr wi n.wl. Cnnt Pn V.l 1 e Tti u frnf t Ion ,j. Bartlett JthwIS , "J of ,he r ,lJr"a l ' "My X. Phlnney Coroner ! 'itlii-l tan cattle hid- s arid all kind 'jl.r. Thomas Surveyor 1 ()f jn w,(h hair for rot.es, or tfiJhout U 3. Blewett... Clerk of District Court ;iraut Guthrie County Attorney BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: Frank Tinkham .IstDisiriel M. J. WebercChalrman) 2d Jiiim F. Toung . . M " VILLAGE OFFICERS: y.. Itouwer fchalrman) Truntee ,J. W. !cott " D. H. Griswod . " . W. B. Marsteller . " r.'. D. Hamlin " W. II. Davis Clers lewl Gerlach Treasurer cnooLorricERS: J. 'W. Scott Director B. L. Smurk Moderator Iwis Ierlach Treasurer CHURCHES AKD SOCIETIES. -Methodist Sunday School meet every Son ftay morning at 10:00 J. K. MAR-TKLLtR, . W. II. DtVIS, .superintendent. Secretary KPWOBTH LEAGUK. KerJr uslnete meeting first Tuesday Evening In each month. C. L- MaaiTCLLH, W.H.Davis, Preeldent. Rerretary. Devotional meeting every Sunday evening jit S AX D.j.CLAna, Leader. JUXIOR LEAGUE. Meets each Sunday afternoon at 2:30. MRU. D. H. GBliWOLD, Sopt. i ER BY RUSK POST. No. S4. G. A. R. ' Meet second Monday In each month In 1 lie eaurt house at Harrison. E. B. Lirermore, Cpn- WOODMEX OF THE WORLD, llafrtson CliflP, Jo..M, meeU on ach al fftrnat Wednesday evening. W. If JATa, 4. A H4KIOW, or li'.bir. See simple and pri.-es in J. II. B irtell's store. H. OlB nrr OKjn.Neh. Mrs. Williams, daughter of Mr. aod Mrs. B F Thomas alter a brief bu' pleasant visit with her parents left for herw ioti r home the latter part of last we k. A. E BiiTelow, with this issue Ije- tomeg a fead.-r of th JouavAC, II tO"V fcdfantntje of our lubluntt ratea w ji hhe THRiet-A We e Would, ais-. P N. ha ajibscr bed for the we received with tliauk. Mr. E B.wk r who h.ta bt?en at Valentine l r the past two months Working at his trade, rfclurnwl home last Thursday and will pmtubly stay at home with his family te rest of tlie w inter. -We tan furnish IheSOX orTt JctCRS'i. Thkicb a-Week Wokl') abd the NEW TIME magazine oce year for $2,35. No other pider in the North West can furnish so much reading mat ter f -r so tittle. Try the three one year and you will never be without them. Bob Wallace who killed John II Brown last July and who has len in carcerated io jail in Fall Itiver county S ..all Minn if. wis nrn?ted last week 'bs p'. v l-l" V-'f i'e fen.--, "t i h r ' ! ' ' be H t-l less. n. OCM In- " lii tiot fo'get so' n The I t o lie '..flitlO-siO!:. J . ' son Met Han and Jens ' Meng s-nned . take hold of the county biisiness which m Miiro-'. d I 'h r ' '.i-i'' . f"p id,- ,- i-.f r two iM.,,.t ntf! leiiceiii oc t r (.ii ! 1 w;a'"vr ;Ve 1'C heve they will make good men ' b..,r.t I !- Wrght, son if :ira-nter Wniihl of this place, r-turned ironi Ripid 'ity, S. .. last Fnd tv in irnng u. re he has b en at work foe the rul p.,u1 eomrvmv dnrinir tlie sunmier. He JtTnriio'rstiiirtt)in. ..Anumt' Diwii I U Agent for the world famed M.'.'kORMICk BIND ERS and MOWERS. I keep on hand all the time a full line of supplies for these machines. Last but not Least. PERKINS WIND MILL When you are badly in need of the only sold in Sioux County, call on me. J. II. KARTELL. The case of Tinitin vs B St. M R R Co. , up to time of going to pregs is still occupying the attention of the court A. (i Fish, r and A. T. 'lark for the plaintiff are useing every means in their oower to win the suit for their client. On the other liand A. W. Agee, K. C. K-lby and Grant Guthrie, who represent the defendants nr just ns industerouB and determined to win the case if possible. At thin stage of the trial it would lie hard to say just how it will terminate. One thing sure are of. a lielter set of jur man pre haps.- lit. Ih Kent we niean-tliaii the one now li-t-ning to the evidence in tnis case. We l lievethey will give a fair and impartial verdic. HARNESSES 1 SADDLES SOLI) AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, I ALSO HANDLK Flour and Feed of all kinds at my harness shop. Third Building Went of J. II. Kartell's Grocery Store F.GC F. UT K Oil W K R , Propn.tor. ) 1 1. i z t Ji t n , ; f t:;- a r i n e n T il it: t'c and E EVENING STAB. A Nature g' v s In trail nuMi ng, With out i'l l.i 'itllig ' "O te pr-iiLlc. l Wt.fd Is tit pto.ttn r f nal!!i. il w then, is it tli.it there i anie to I d.slinc tiv Iv working class? U w is it that i. t w i r " ti is . v r w h' r 'I f i . V ' '- t -... 1 ; The best of Vines, Brandies, Whiskey ' and Beer kept constantly on hand. ttlollt Worn, lit:. In 'llili, ' ri 4 Me- bur- on the Jen ,,f their work upon t li-ir fellows An Eniilish writer ii:i divided all nu n into Mir. e classes w orkini.'iien. K-Kars in d Mm ves and this is correct There lire oily three way a of getting the pro ilu t of la'iB.r - by wiirkio' for it by hav ing M given to you ui.d by stealing it - Henry George. ! handle the Omaha Beer. MICHAEL 13 RUCK, Proprietor CJrrk. Con. Com. MiHtXH WOODMEJf OT AMERICA. V rts aeh alternate tetarday 'evenlaf . til'ataa. A. R. Dr.wl V. V. Kirkpatrit k World to. Glaus Christensen invaded our sanc tum Monday evening and authorized us to st''; 'bsit he pr d cted a great victory for the reform forces again text fall in tbfi election of a state ticket. Well we believe you are riht Clans? There is a l.i i) our at Mute books, which prohib ts thu sale of 'ic! to minors. The penalty is $21,01 for every offence and thia in not t n y true in re gard to tohairo but, also the selling of i D xcnt'Otf liqti e t't minors. If pa rents want their children to indulge, in the ho bit of chewing anil smokin. tolwtc co and drinking intoxicating liquors, let. th ;m buy it for them. The following attorneys were in attendance at court in Harrison this week from different parts of the coun try: A. 0. Fisher, Chadron Neb. K. C. Kelby Omaha J. E Porter Crawford A. W. Agee Ogden Utah. Chambers Keller Hot Springs, S. D. Word was rceived here yesterday that the house of Tohomas Holly, (tier- is undetermined as yet whether he will go hack to Ripid 'ity 'his winter or not He will know within a week or Irn days. Hon. Jud'e Westover t wk time to t all at the Journal office Monday eve. ninii after supper ami spent an hour in pleasant conversation with ye edstor. It is a pleasure to meet th Judge, as his ability to converse upon any subject is not limited and he is ah(d at all tin es to impart good sound logic o his hearers Vmie i fu n JmLe, when in Harrison. MARRILD At the Court hoiis in Harrison, I ecember, 7tb. la97, at 10 o'c'ot k. Judt-e W'iis-in offlciatcing. Mr. B rtieL Holbbaiih. tif lnwes County and Mrs, Susie Hixod t,f Ad lia. Tie Jot'BAL ex'ends congratulations ' to the bride and groom, hop.ng tlieir vo.ge of life t ca I r n.ny he fill, tl t overflowifig with the j ys and pleasures of hie. The unpleasant new wa brought to town yesterday affernooo from Indian creek tlut Mrs. A. Efdman had, through mistake or otherwise ArnV concentrated lye aliout 6 o'clock Tuesday evening. At the tinie her husband was here in town on business aod knej nothing of the trou ble until informed by his wife's Uncle, who came to let him kno about It and al so took the l oclor out there as she wna still ul vo-to try if possible U save her life. The iJocter in company with Mr, E-dnun started at one for the home of iff elect of this county, had burned down Mr. Erdinan where unoersUnd tho with all its contents save the family and a bureau; Mr, Holly was in attendance at court since Monday aud knew nothing of the flpe until told by a party coming into town from that way. Mr, Holly thinks the fire was caused by a defective lady is being in a criticial codition We hope that tlie Doctor and Mr. Erd- man find Mrs. E. in batter condition than at first reported. LATER-As we go to press we learn from Dr. Phln ney that Mra. Kruman will probably re WOMAN'S COLUMN. Edited by Mrs. Gen. D. fanon. f-Uort articles from the ladies of sloux coutity are solicited. If ( hristmas day on Monday he, A great Winter that year y ou'll see, And full of winds, both loud and shrill: But, in Hummer,! ruth to tell, High winds shall there be and strong, Full of lemie sts lasting long. While Imtlb-s they shall multiply Apd gri al plenty of la-asts shall die. The Ifarost Social Quality. "Speet h is silver, telence is golden," says the proverb; but speech is golden, too, sometimes, wn,n they say !he right word in the right place. The Iwing who is gifted with that exquisite (a-rcetion called tact who can oisiiKree with us and tell us of onr faults without wound ing the most sensitive among us, who can turn that delicately-worded little compliment which gives us such pleas ure when we are feeling discouraged, de serve 'the highest honor. Scorn tact, looking i.pon it as nothing but cunning and intrigue. Thine are lolk who in form us that they always "spenk their mmds" which means figuratively they treud on their neighbor toes right and left, and then make things worse by apologizing to the poor victims, Tlwty never appear to ae the harm of their ways. Truly, preserve us from tlie tact less woman! And this female would be greatly surprised to hear that her strait forwardness was nothing better than self Ishenesa. For tact can be acquired, and the happy prosseaaor is no artful chtmer, but one with a charming par aonalttr, who wtabea to btlp Ihoaf THE AMERIGlHLY immmm 4 ft b lmeoMn;Ie to promUe fjrtkular feahiro that will tftt in t"ie 4 AMERICAN MONTHLY" during the coming ytir, for It Ij, m O Cooktntn wyv 44 a great monthly nrwspaper." As suclt, it p-Lii f'f j tczdtn 4& illulrated account of Cx notable Ulings wiiicit mii:e tic LLlccy ef . . the month, of the foL'titil, O W Vrm of no rrtc pjVitshed, in this I economtc, and ulerary Uappeturi hich re of value to hUl i;crt men and women. The EJaV-x' "Proreai of the VorU" teHi suc cinctly an illustrMr J story of tl i month. Tb "LrxdLtj fjda" jive the but thought and Information ci the current nugaiir.es in five cont ncntti the contributed arlickt furnlih t'.e character iketches of t!.e man cf tKe month, and :ve iiw.c.y diuiiions by authorities on any queUiun of ImnW'j'a icrious import. The resu't cf comprehtmlve effort to edit In one monthly voltitn tfcj Infer mtion r.ocd hy lnti!l:tnt people of "live" ir.rtincU b tit aogd fc) f' e ci'.r-.oii which i' e ffiirrs of roun;ry or In Europ. wnl' h combm so fuocej f ii i M.e A"h I.osTKtv rhs nenrjiit. li'''.!is ri r.rfy of curnlim wltH ins i Jul mi-t ctrefu ly we!pliel cpwlon, etiet knenj- tv) wifil-cfevin Enpl.ih U wn pu::y li.eir jTr,:i.ciu lit C't'rA. r j SPECIAL CITLR I "I The current ntimber OCft and the two prccuJ- Zubi ,n lssue, 'e VP.3fCArj MOrTKLY ve Ken !!t Io exprett. These r : t'.'nltlng Liincj rntn, e':rgy i, tJi'ors, hwen, pti '.jort, ,.r.:tf, the wile -a wake vomia f rnerici. They write that the ?.!ER1CAN MONTHLY Mb .iiit?nsit!e"i "a i!m;1y lavi!uaUewi "b a generous I.'hrary In lUetf"! b a hutin'cal cyc!:pc Jia of the world" i "ihe but meani of aid for a tu;y on " I "l!.e fcett periodical of the kind w have ever had" "a triumph ci c;:a;ial genius" "the world under a field-gtau," ctc etc SUSSCHIPTICN PRICE, $2.S0 PCR YEAR American Monthly Review of Reviews J. ) f; i - v T 6-- s V s r jrvnr- atound bar. 13 ACTOR ILACC, NEW YORK