The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 09, 1897, Image 4

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People Hav Been Fooled by h.e H
pablican I'artjr'a International Ki
uietullic Preteaaea Lojaltj of the
l'eople'a Party Following;.
Uncle Sam's On'r Cunme.
The reply of England to the Joint
monetary demands of the United States
and France, the chief of whh was that
the mints of India should be opened
to sliver, was a courteous Tnt decided
refusal to consider tne propositions.
This fully determines che covrse of Eu
roe so far as doing anything for silver
1m concerned, and the hi" soundinf
scheme of the rehabilitation of silver
by international a&veemept has beea
knocked higher than Gib'troy's kit?.
England won't agt ?e, an'l what En
gland says goes so far as FVope is con cerned.
It is made iierfortly evidrrt
that If Uncle Sain proposes to do a.y
thing for the peop'e he ro'ir.t do it h' -self
without wailing for 'Ihv assistance
of Johnnie Buii or Johiaie anytody
ehe. In this connection ine is remind
ed of the fable of the sHvk, familJir in
school boy days jvhich, ci rdeused, ' as
A stork havlfg built It aest in i. field
of corn whict grew r'pe bef'tre Its
young were reiidy to fly, aeard tP.e own
er of the fie"? say he would incite his
neighbors to-came and gather the crop.
The wise Stork said: "We can re
main." next day the fi rmer naid that
Inasmuch a his neighl'ors had failed
to come, hp would ask lis kinsman to
help him to gather the cop. The wise
stork said: "We can remain." On the
third day the farmer and his sous came
to the field arid said that Inasmuch as
his neighbors and kinsmen failed to re
spond to his Invitation, thev themselves
must come on the morrow ami gather
the crop. Thereupon the wise stork ;
' told his fledglings that they must move, j
because when people depend on them- j
wives for the doing of a given t isk, (he ;
task was su to be dime. j
J0 it is with Uncle Sam. If he wants i
to establish an adequate rrt-nerary sys
tem the plan is mapped nit in the J
Omaha and St. Louis platforms, and no- i
where else.
The truth is' that tins whole affair
has been one stupendous -,tiam. Thc-e
has Iwen a pretense of holiest effort.
But there is little sense fu running up
against a stone wall, no matter how
how-st may be the intriitiotis of the
runner. Great Britain gave no promise
of favoring another confrrenee. even If
it were to be granted that another in
ternational conference would amount
to any more than the previous confer
ences have amounted to. There has
been no hope at any time that the com
missioners could accomplish anything.
All that they have be-n able to do at i hail the apparent Improvement of the
the most has been to raise a disturb- j fanners' conditions as the forerunner
jiih e when the Bank of England was ; of coming prosperity for all. Howev
rneutiotied as giving a slight promise j er. we must remind them that this ver
of doing under impossible citcum- j Dies our contention "that to the extent
stances what it Is expected by author- j the agriculturists prosper so may we
lty of its charter to do at all times. The i expect the country generally topros
long drawn out. negotiations may or per." Up to this hour, however. It has
may not hnve been the result of diplo
matic delays. The f ict is, that defeat
faced the commit.. ianeis when they
were appointed, and it has been facing
them ever since. If defeat had taken
Its eyes off of them for a moment their
lack of Authority and general uncer
tainty of object won' I immediately
have drawn the eyes back. It is no
wonder, therefore, that the matter has
turned out as it has. per oulv won.b-r in
the matter being in the patience of the j
American people in the face of this;
wide-oprn fllm-tinm game. The giilli- i
bility of the .V'.m rh :tn i ublic is great,
but It is almost too notch to believe
that it has been milled into the belief
that the present national administra
tion means to do anything for the re
habilitation of silver. The present ad
ministration dare to do nothing in this
line. The McKinley following sold it
self body and sou! to the Piatt faction,
dominated by the gold standard ex
tremists nt the St. Louis convention
l.Tt year, and it dare not now call its
soul its ow n. It is eomf.irting in all
this to know that this commission siiatpi
Is now a thing of the past, and that the
real policy of the administration will
i.ow soon b" brought to light in the
proposition of Secretary' Gage to retire
the greenback, run the nation into the
hands of the banks through bank cur
rency and hi;. l the n.ttlon for genera
tion yet to come by ronr! ls,ue ad
Modern Definition".
The msn who pilfers a loaf of bread
is n contemptible sneak thief; the man
who robs the country of millions by
means of the tariff Is "one of our great
Industrial and financial magnates."
The man who loans money on a Si!
watch Is a usurious pawnbroker; the
man who locks in his vaults the Is.nds
of a natlou Is "a great Wall street
manipulator." The town councilman
who get his price In cash Is an un
crupttlous bsHller; the Congressman
who iKK'kerfs a block of sugar or gas
ock Is "a leading tvtatesimiu." The
man -who defend an Ignorant gutter
uie for a $5 fee Is a shyster or a
blackleg; the man who receives $50,
Caxt for fastening on the public the
yrnsp of a disreputable trust by means
of n technicality In the law is "n great
legal light." The magistrate who tils
misses with a reprimand a stealing
ragabond la "derelict In hla duty:"' an
official who winks at and cotniound
With a powwfn! corporation for con
tinned and flagrant violations of the
law Is "a shrewd politician and a pa
triotic cltlaeo."
, (Isle Pawlflc Deal.
Tfc gttatloa begun by the popie'g
rtrtir la aQjr bearing frvlt, notably
. bantlas trp of the deal entered
. tbr tbalaot natW.naladnrlnlstrnHon 1
C' I VMK&Hl lot r.irr1a4 out by the
:.d.JL "era Wfci IS roaccaalaatlrm
committee of the I niou Pacific Hail
road. The deal eotititiplated a c-ar
teal of th'riy or forty million dollar
from the people, every cent of which
would have gone into the pockets of
the syndicate.
It now apiH-arn that th'ut deal has
ben declared off, and that a new plan
to hoodwink the people has Is-en
launched by the President. A fevr
days ago Hii-m-II Sage threw Wall
street iu'o the j t in jams by announcing
tltt he had Imii invited by the Presi
dent to form a syndicate to purchase
tne Union Pacific railroads by paying
the Government It claim on these
properties la full, and ttiat he liad al
;?a ly secured f 7-,xi,iMa for that pur
Jxse. Now Mr. S:ige declines to make
public the detail of the dicker be
tween himself and President McKIn
ley. There are two thintrs, however,
that the people may safely rely upon:
First, that Sage and his syndicate will
make big money out of it; and. sec
ond, that the object is to head off any
test of Government ownership of railroads.
Party Loyalty.
Pary loyalty U strong even In the
People's party. In Davis County, Iowa,
fusion was adopted by a close vote,
whereupon those delegates opposed to
fusion, numbering within two or three
of one-half of the entire convention,
withdrew, held another convention,
and nominated a straight ticket. This
straight ticket received but about loci
votes, according to the returns publish
ed In the Blnomricld Farmer. Until
recently we have always favored sup
porting the action of the regular con
vention, preferring to go along with
the Islys arid endeavor to get them
right next time; but we have come to
the conclusion that interested particw
can so manipulate affairs, that, by quiet
work, taking time by the forelock, and
working in secret, they can secure the
adoption of the fusion jollcy in most
of our 'con vent low. even where three
out o!" every four Populist are opposed
to it. Itelievlng that fusion with either
old party is detrimental t the cause of
reform, that it upholds the old party
fused with and tears down the Peo
ple's party, the oonvieiion has forced
itself upon us that fusion must lie root
ed out, and that bolting from conven
tions Is the only tiling that will do It.
This conviction musi come to the
masses of the party in time. It has
already come to thousands. Missouri
tlold Men and tke Formers.
One of the many evidences of the
penuroeu stare or riiiml our gold
friends Is the eagerness with which
they seize upon the temporarily In
creased price for the fanners" wheat
to argue that the fanner must now be
prosperous and happy; that he no
longer looks for the restoration of sil
ver as n necessary means of maintain
ing the price of farm product. Thev
not leen usual, in these parts at leant,
to see farmers driving in coach and
four, nor do they, as a rule, wetir silk
hats or tanned shoes. They feel and
look just as they have felt and looked
for ninny years past. It Is true the fail
ure of the wheat crop In other countries
has, for the time being, strengthened
the wheat market, and just now out
farmers are getting a price for their
wheat lust about sufficient to rv tin.
rost of its production.-!. I. Bland, in
North American Review,
McKinley lipIomacy.
Modern diplomacy is continually hid
ing its head 'n the sand. We see the
Stare I tepart.tient nt Washington mak
ing a ridieu'ous affectation of secrecy
respecting matters of which the whole
country is Informed. All the "notes"
and "representations" and "ultima
tums" and "replies" which have Is-en
exchanged between our own govern
ment and that of Great Britain con
cerning the seal fisheries or the Vene
zuela ii question have been printed In
substance several days before the for
eign office of either country admitted
their existence. The same is true of
the diplomatic correspondence resect
ing Cuba. Newspaper enterprise, the
"lea ki ties' of diplomats and the eag
erness of cabinet ministers to forestall
public opinion have combined to ren
der diplomatic secrecy a mere histori
cal tradition.
AVht-T Home I.ont Her Power.
It was the policy of ancient Koine to
build swne paved roads Into nil the
provinces that iter legions might read
ily and swifts march from the capi
ta! city loto all pnrts of the empire on
a sudden call to repel invasion or to
suppress insurrection and to maintain
lite Konun supremacy. In that way
only wo It possible for the empire of
'he Oiosar to maintain its independ
ence and autonomy for 1.000 years and
io earn for Itself so proud a name In
Those magnificent highways, paved
with cut stone, belonged to the Re
man government. They were free to
all the KoiiKiu people, and the title of
"Komitn citizen" was greater than that
of a king. When the legions were
lieaten nnd the public highways fell
into other hands, the empire crumbled
to pieces, and Kotne lost her power
John !avls.
"HBealive PtatUfica.
In 17.1 there were 1.970 national
banks that hud $-TIO,000,ihhi for circu
lation, an average circulation of $172,
(XH) per bank, amounting to $10 per
capita, and they had loaned out I2.4M
for every dollar of their circulation.
In IWtt there were 3,721 national
bank that had $183,000,000 of circula
ou. on average of $48,500 to a bank
tr capita, and they bad loan-
C W.03 for eterjr dollar of tbe
circulation. Hlix-t lSli.'i the number of
banks have decresl about l,(iuO an4
their circulation redweifl bbout .'10 per
cent, and the amount louried out by
these banks for every dollar of their
circulation stands alut $17 for onx
Krieuds, draw; your own conclusion.-
Dourer Koad.
the DanarrouK Injunction,
111 deciding a case in I'enver recent
ly Judge WlWn. of the Conrt of Ap
peals, with the oHier judges concur
ring, handed down an opinion In which
he made a vigorous attack on govern
ment by injunction. Tlie Judge de
clared in hi opinion that "this seduc
tive and expeditious method of making
a teuiicrary disposition of an unpleas
ant emergency" ti.x-s not "tend to in
spire re-s;ect for the law."
lie tanjot approve, he continues, "
practice uor subscribe to a doctrine
which permits the exercise by court?
of the extraordinary power of Injunc
tlve relief for eery wrong or infringe
ment upon the rights of another. "Such
a course of procedure, if carried to its
ultimate natural conclusion, would
tend to entirely subvert the funda
mental principles upon which our ays
tern of laws Is founded."
May to Attract Vote..
The only way in which Populism can
attract voters from the rauksof Ibeoid
parties is by a straightforward, con
sistent tight for priuclples. A scram
ble for otlices, which is nlway the mo
tive in a fusion deal, can nee;- Inspire
the respect necessary for tin building
up of a great reform party. Populism
must win on principles if it wins at all.
If Populists wii! -land firm In their
tight, reforui'Ts l;,:a every party will
rally around their Iwnner, but a waver
ing, cowardly cause will not only fail
to win orders, but will drive gisid mem
bers of the Populist patty to seek oth
er alliance. Dallas Mercury.
A Few ThieveH.
These United States Senators are all
owners of railroad shares, valued nil
the way from $1oo.(hki to $.1,(hm),isX:
lianna and Foraker, Ohio; Piatt, New
York; Wet more. Ifhode Island; Fair
banks, Indiana; Hawley, Connecticut;
Morrill. Vermont; Hoar, Massachu
setts; Quay ami Penrose. Pennsylvania.
We presume that some members of
the other branch of Congress are In a
similar situation. No wonder bills to
virtually give away to a syndicate $.".0,
(nh,(xwi or more of United States Inter
ests In the Union Pacific can pass.
Each of those thieves will of course get
n slice. San Francisco Star.
A Prophecy Fulfilled.
Ii has long, however, lieen my opin
ion, and I have never shrunk from Its
expression, that the germ of dissolu
tion of our Federal Government Is In
the constitution of the Federal Judici
ary, an irresionslble Issly, working
like gravity, by night and day. gaining
a little to-day aid a little to-morrow,
nnd advancing its noiseless step like a
thief over the field of Jurisdiction un
til all shall Ih usurjs'd from the States
and the government of all le consoli
dated Into one.Thomas Jefferson, in
Vecenaary Flattery.
It was the first afternoon of the club
meeting, and the girl who prides her
self on the earnestness of her alms and
objects 111 life cmoe into tbe room, with
the light of a noble resolv glorifying
her countenance.
"I've )ecn rending the iovelbst Iwsik
in the world, girls," she exclaimed en
thusiastically, "and henceforth I shall
never flatter or deceive nnyfiody. The
author says Hint (lattery Is the worst
of sins, and that "
"Tell us your experiences next week,"
Interrupted the sarcastic maiden grim
ly. "They'll le a lot more Interesting
than an account of the txtok's preach
ings, and besides- " But the earnest
girl ha 1 flown off in indignation. And
she was decidedly meek and crestfall
en when next the club members met.
"You needn't laugh," she remarked
to the sarcastic maiden who was grin
ning expectantly, "for I lsdievt what
the ls)ok said was true, only we're rot
sufficiently developed to lhe by such
an elevated standard. You know, I
said. I should never flatter anylsidy
again all my life. Well, that was last
week. Now I'm going io flutter ev;ry
liody. I've had enough of plain speak
ing to last tne a lifetime. Last Monday
I told mamma she was getting crow'a
feet,- when I knew she wanted me to
say she wasn't. -ext dity Maude asked
me how old I thought she looked, and I
told her honestly. Mamma hasu't got
over Is'lng vexed yet, and as for !4iule,
I don't suppose she'll ever sjK'ak Co me
"Wednesday our pastor culled and
wanted my honest opinion tf his last
sermon. I told him and he was awfully
hurt. Friday I told ij.y dressmaker
that I considered her awfd'y careles
with nice material, and she left the
house In anger, with my new dress half
done, and not a soul among us who
knows how to finish It. Other dress
maker's won't, you know; so what shulJ
I do?
"That's the way things have gone all
week. Now, I'm going to say lovely
things on principle again, whether they
are true or not. You glrln do look per
fectly stunning," she continued sweet
ly, as her listeners sighed rympathet
Ically. "I do think we have the pret
tiest set of girls in the city In our club,
nnd the nicest."
And then she wondered that they
didn't really seem grateful for the
compliment. "They acted Just aa If
they didn't think I meant It," she told
her cliuin afterward.
Pitcalm Island now contalna 120 In
habitants, tbe descendant of the well
known Kngllah mutineers and Tahlt
Ian women. Only 40 of the Inhabitant!
are men.
In a Boston court a few daya ago a
man engaged In manual labor teatlaWd
that he waa obliged to work twenty-aaa
boar out of lb twenty-four.
:i riPrWV
- - - - j -
Kven as far back as PvTo Clinton was
one of the most important Interior
towns of Missouri. Its people have al
ways lieen hospitable to the stranger
,uid encouraging to "newcomers."
Therefore, when P. T. II. Morrison,
young, handsome and skilled In ids pro
ft -sion. sought a home in Clinton in the
f::!i of 170 and hung out his shingle.
he was not pestered by the usual (pies-
lions of curious old women ns to wheth
er or tiot he was married, nor by the
often embarrassing Inquiry of garru
lous old i.n about his antecedents and
prospects. In fact, nolmdy Isithored
lioctor Morrison with orvlng ouestions ;
of any nature when lie rented and
handsomely fitted up an ottlce In the !
principal building of the town. Kvery-1
body he met extended a warm welcome
to him and hoped he would do well, j
l-iv.-n the fraternity, headed by
tioctor l'.rltz. Joined In welcoming Ioc
for Morrison to ('Union, and besides
manifesting a natural interest to know
from what college he had obtained his
diploma, none of the doctors In compe
tition wilh whom he was liound sooner
or later to come annoyed him with
iies!ions alsmt his former home or
how long he had Is-en practicing.
From the very llrst there was an air
of mystery about 1 octor Morrison
which less gentle people than those of
Clinton would have insisted upon pene
trating. He was reserved in manner,
answered politely but in monosyllables
u'l questions asked of him, showed
neither interest nor contempt for the
affairs of others, kept a light burning In
his otliee hours every night after even
the night owls of the town hud gone
to Ited. formed no companionships, vet
was agnnihle and always approach.-!-
lie, and In a thousand other ways de
ported himself in such a manner us
would have excited to the point of fren
zy the curiosity of the ordinary coun
try town. Some of the more gossipy
Clintoriites predicted when lioctor Mor
rison first hung out his shingle that he
wouldn't stay In the town long, for the
reason that nearly all of the dot-tors
then there except Doctor Brit, "were
almost starving to death." One of
them tentatively remarked this to !)
tor Morrison one day, and the Itoctor
only smiled and said something alstut
"he mipised he would manage some
how to live."
Weeks rolled Into months, and still
not a citizen of Clinton or of Henry
County called Iiocior Morrison to at
tend a case of sickness. Still he con
tinued to live at the principal hotel and
to be the lsnt dressed man in town. He
wore a Prince Albert suit of black and
a slUmmering silk stovepipe hat. He
paid all of his bills promptly, anil ask
ed nolKdy for the loan of a dollar. If
he had an account at the bank there Is
no record of it. It is remembered that
be bought four new suits a year, one
for each season, though he always
dressed In solemn black, and that the
Iwiy who cared for his horse and buggy
always got his pay promptly. lie at
tended all the meeting of the town
and district medical societies and dis
coursed learnedly on the various phases
of therapeutics. He whs a regular at
tendant at church, showing no denomi
national bias and patronizing the fairs
of all churches alike. Ills conduct was
o genteel In all respects ns to disarm
,nying curiosity, even If the people of
Clinton had Assessed their full share
of that common human trait. Ills walk
and talk were too conventional to give
rise to unusual comment or to excite
undue Interest in hlni.
I)s-lor Morrison was permitted to
4Ive his life in Clinton ns lie saw fit to
live It. As Is-fore remarked, nolssiy
bothered hi in with question alwitit his
pat or future. Not a soul In the town
exeijit himself knew when? he came
'fun. In the course of a year Major
Salmon observed that Doctor Morrison
managed to get on every Jury, except
the grand Jury, summoned In Henry
County, lie also noticed that every
Jni-y t! wnich Doctor Morrison was a
itieiuls'r returned verdicts that were de
clared by the lawyers to Is- the most
surprising In the history of Jurispru
dence. The Major remarked this to
Doctor Hrit one day and that worthy
gentleman said lie was going to make
a quiet Investigation of Morrison "to
see if anything waa wrong." Both
Major Halnion and Doctor Itrltx were
busy men and didn't meet often. And
so it hapened that six months passed
before Hie two were again brought to
gether where It waa convenient to dls
cuss the case of Doctor Morrison. Then,
when Major Halmou asked Doctor KrlU
If lie had made any discovery with re
gard to Morrison the old doctor simply
book hla head In oracle fashion and
walked away without giving an an
wer. A .si( j:' ' tbnractw waa Judge Mc-
JJetli, who presided over the Common
Pleas court. Judge Mciteth was rugged
and brtis(jiie ami direct of speech, lie
did not permit the lawyers to clrcum
locuttt when examining a w itness in his
court. He made them go after the ti-s-timony
by direct methods, ami he pur
isued the same course In his examina
tion of Jurors. An important case, In-
volvlng tliousatels oi dollars, was i be
fore Judge Mciteth for trial. YS i,en the
'jury was Impaneled-and sworn In Poe
: tor Morrl.-oii was a member of it. When
It was organized he was elected fore
man. Nearly all of the Juries on which
lie had previously served had honored
him with the foremanshlp. The lead
Ing counsel for one side of the suit was
Judge James H. Gantt. now a Justice
of the State Supreme Court. Judge
Gantt had an acknowledged advantage
over his adversary In having all of the
I evidence and the law on his side. Three
! days were consumed in the trial of the
jcasc. The jury dellberatisi on It tweti-jty-four
hours, and then returned a ver
Idlct against Judge Carta's client. The
court room was jammed when the ver
dict was announced, and everylsidy
was astonished by It. Judge Gantt sat
for a moment appalled. He was abso
lutely certain of winning the suit. So
! was everylsidy else who followed the
trial. Judge Mciteth had practically
'instructed the Jury to find for Gantt's
'client. Nolssly seemed more surprised
than the irlal judge, not even excepting
Judge Gantt, w hen the verdict was an
nounced the other way,
Itehind Judge Gantt in the courtroom
that morning sat Ir. licit z. "That ver
; diet is atrocious," said Gantt to Kritz
1 in desperation, "and I cannot under
stand it.'
"I understand it," replied Dr. Pritz
"Then, in heaven's name, what Is it?"
replied Cuutt.
"Why." nonchalantly responded i'r.
P.ritz, "the foreman of the Jury Is
"Do you mean that?" anxiously In
quired the lawyer.
"I do," solemnly answered the lioc
tor. W ithout any more ado, Judge Gantt
sprang to his feet and startled the
crowded courtroom still more by mov
ing for a new trial on the ground that
the foreman of the Jury was Insane.
The motion was so unexpected that
even Judge McP.etli lost his equilibrium
and asked Gantt If he meant what he
said, and if he really knew what he had
"i do," replied Gantt. "I know exact
ly w hat I hare said and I mean every
word of It, I again charge that the
foreman of the Jury just discharged.
Dr. T. H. Morrison, is lusiine,"
Judge McMcth could not conceal his
excitement. He squirmed uneasily In
his big armchair for a moment, and
then blurted out: "Dr. Morrison, come
to the bar."
Slowly, and with measured, dlgnitled
triad. Dr. Morrison approached the
bar. A cynical smile played over hU
Immobile face. He stood like a statue,
while Judge Mciteth eyed him coldly
for a minute.
Without any preliminaries. Judge Mc
iteth brusquely Inquired: "Are you
Not a muscle of the accused man's
face twitched. The smile left his com-
rB. T. ii. Moaniso is lasAKK.
tensnce wilh the asking of the qticHilon
and an expression of solemn dignity
took it place.
"Certainly, 1 am not crazy, your
Honor," calmly replied tbe strange
you iik doctor.
"Morrison," again aguealed the harsh
voice of Judge McBetb, "Wont do you
do for a living la thla community, any
way? You aay you are a doctor, but
nolmdy baa beard of you bavlng a caae
Incc yon cauie to Clinton, naarly two
yean ngo. Ton arc a myatary, and I
, . . .. .. , ... . . ,i
want to know what your bnsineaa la."
"Well, your Honor, alin e that ques
tion has is en asked me from the beach,
I siipie 1 will have to answer it," wit
Morrison's unconscious commeut. "If
you demand officially to know what my
biisimt-s Is. I don't mind telling you
that I am a I'nlted States detective eu
the trail of a bund of murderers. I have
rounded four of them up here iii Clin
ton, and a in ready to put I hern in JalL
I will have all the others within a week
if you don't expose my mission here."
lty this time Morrisons face waa
atlame and his eyes bud lu them that
unmistakable glare of insanity. HI
splendid form was aqulver with excite
ment, which Increased as he warmed
up to his subject. Judge Mciteth waa
quick to sot aside the verdict of the
Jury and hastily adjourn court. Morri
son retired to his oftice and locked him
self In. That night he left Clinton aa
quietly and unostentatiously as he had
entered It two years before. Nothing
has been seen or heard of him since.
That afternoon Dr. Briu told a crowd
in the drug store of how a few moDUis
previously he liad examined Morrison
and discovered his insanity by a-sking
him the very question which, when put
by Judge Mciteth. had set the strange
young doctor off on hlsdiobby.
And to this day the old citizens of
Clinton who remcmls-r Morrison are
still wondering how it wa that lie, le
lng Insane, exorcised such a remarkable
"a tta Tocr cbazt ?"
power over the minds of the Jurors with
whom he served. Some of them think
that despite this insanity he was a hyp
How ludinriH in Deep Hrurilian Foreata
Hew l'i a Wound.
Down In the Brazilian forest sur
geons are not always at hund and ho.
pltais fitted with modern surgical ap
pllances are few and far between. Hut
these facts do not bother the Brazilian
Indian. For centuries he has known
how to fake care of himself, how to
treat wounds and cuts and distemper
without medical or surgical aid. and
one of the most novel of these rude sur
gical custom Is that of sewing up
wounds with the aid of ants.
Septicaemia and pyaemia have lieen
banished from the world of stirgwy in
civilization almost entirely by the pro
gress mailt" in antiseptic methods and
the Introduction of anaesthetics In sur
gery has made jiossiblc oeratloti
which fifty years ago would not lie
dreamed of. P.til no surgeon, even of
the most advanced school, left to him
self In a Brazilian forest without In
struments or appliances of any kind
could cure for a cut us neatly us do the
Indians. The means employed Is a
species of very large unt. which is fur
nished with very siwcrfiil mandibles,
capable of biting through almost any
thing. The lu -ect p;is no sting and no
sw eliing or t n-r painful results follow
Its biti!. Its lower Up Is a strange Joint
ed organ, which the ant litis the power
of pnJceiiiig fur beyond the upper lip
on occasion. At Its extremity it ha a
pair of stwerful forceps with which it
can grasp mid hold tenaciously small
obje is and nothing not encased in met
al can nslst their strength.
When the Indian receives a cut or
wound from a knife or a thorn he pro-V
c'-ciih to eaicii a number of these ant.
Holding the lips of the wound close to
gether, he applies the mouth of an ant
to the cdgitj nnd the Insect at once blteo
through and holds on. Then the body
of the ant is pinched dfT at the neck and
the Jaws remain llxed. Another and
another ant Is placed In pts-ltlon until
then- Is n row of Jaws along the wound,
holding It firmly shut, and when It is
healed the Jaws are removed with a
forcc or other Instrument. This style
of surgery Is strictly antiseptic, since
there are no evil nfter effects from the
lints' Jaws, and the bite Itself does not
cause any Inconvenience, although the
pain must be considerable at first
Chicago Chronicle.
Ilia Iteal Worth.
Tne splilt of thrift which pervades,
or used to porvHde, New I'.nglund, la
amusingly Illustrated In a remark once
inside by a Vermont farmer.
He had !eon seriously III In mid
summer, but his strong constitution
st'sid hi in lu gvnl stead and he quickly
rallh-d. On In-big neked In the nntuinn
how lie was feeling, he said cheerfully:
"(h, I'm fair to nihWlllng now, thank
ye; but anyway It don't make so much
difference, sedng the farm's retty
well slicked up. If I'd 'a' died In hay
ing or harvesting time, It would have
Wii full fifty dollars' rUiuiage to me."
Then, after a thoughtful Interval, ha
added: "Cotno to think of It, that'a too
low a flgger-slxty dollars would be
it la Ike Maaae Thlac
Jagg -Gimme a loaded acrobat.
Burkeep-Wot'a datT
.Tftggn -Tumbler fp f wUtky.
i 1 i,
'S 4
"i, ,..'