The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 02, 1897, Image 1

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    s j -t...iiSfc t "iir 1 i fi --- " n : pi i ) - t f1 'mm p0m il i
The Sioux
i '
TbStaxCady Journal.
Protest Kicks Back.
Hrtw To Find Out ;
a bottle or common glasa
Kuhwriptida Price, fl.00
ira. ft. ; Canon,
Kntered at the Harrison pout offlce a
svoud claa matter.
Republicans Fall
Fraud on tiecretary Por
ter's Part.
with Why Don'tYou
' Wear Diamonds?
It is not because you can-
or pain in the tu:k, is al convincing : not afford to, becaUBB YOU
, ! proof that the k dneva an I binder a re out p t if ;l1 v T?TT.
to ShoW of order. . f'- U.JOU Will let US Iielp
! rAin iki , urine ituil let it inm4 twenty-four lioure,
j BIG GAIN IN COUNTY OF- a sediment or Settling', tfldliites Hn un-
,i j healthy condition of the kidneys. WWeti
I FICES. : unoe stains linen it is evident 0,1 kidney
trouble, loo freojuent oexire to urinate
18 Pages a Wwk-
Tro Nebraska Editorial Association
will meet in Lincoln, Jan. tt Md,
The building at the grounds of the
Tmns-Mtssissippi Exposition at Omaha,
is Luinf? pushed with till possible speed.,
ft)l withstanding the severe cold cnap.
A city ill the pbilipine Island wa to
laly 'dintiftyed on the 6th of OctoVr.
Ovi.t u.000 natives perished besides a
lout 500' European.
The members of. Congress are now be-j
fining to" gather'frorn the four wind, all
;.ro wendiogf their way toward that
"Mi rca whicii in this case, is Washington, j
mi &a to lo on hand when Congress meets.
E I. Sizer aa4 a lot of the old c mf rer s
of Burl ley, Moeher, Moore and ! organ
who have robbed the state of over 2. 000,
080 in the last (en jeiirs. made a proo-st
against earivariug the vote of 1 lu lust
election. They ntakf noh ire h it veil
one vote bus bt-en niscount.d or sii
pressed but they say that the envel opts
containing the returns sent io hv the;
MMMty clerk were opem-d in th' -(-retary
of state's ollice befori. Uf prop, r
The facts of the case are that a lare
proportion of the retunw were snt 1 i
the secretary of stat in iaio or un-;
marked en vclopes, and m on t o i! I I '
what was in them-un-il th.-y wit- np'-ned
Then- r'-turni nre simply curt id d
copies of tile ri'iirnn a; r-co',li;.l m
on couBtie-i of t!m Kt.aU', the oriinaU
being on (lie in !t e oflii'ex o' the coimtv
clerk-i, and if Mr. Porter hu I har u d ovu-
Wlint Tu Do. ;-.,,.;
There iri comfort mi lie k v l! :jt'- so
oftill tXile.s.-nl, that . r. v Kll'.o-i
8wa up iii..i, tie- r.-:it kuiiity r ioni
I ulU. , ever vu.ili lu 1 1 -lie vet, ' i'i,f:ii in
in- ock, K.JieK, l.ver, l;l,Utler .nJ CfSl'iyU ARipAM C".C
15C Paper a Tear
For One Dollar.
Do not loeger be 4reel4 kf awll-ewaid tm. .
the truth. It will Ml T
TO-DAY thu moment you an btlne nU4 it
mt yem emm. Mow much I Sot Ml tiuai n.ww
f tar. It jrvu kuvw tew I D yoa kaaw w7 '
ever . p ii't il Hie Ui ii.iIm, piis.sii',!
col rels hi. .till, t v t !ii Icl nr. nv and
uijj pan in pass!', it. r b.ut .-II.
lowi ..g or liqu r. Wiiie i
ok'.'i'Ooine lijal uupleasunt nec-Hlty
I.. I-
i yoa. ..-.'
'Vv have secured the exelu
i . . i .... l ..a. . rit. - !
tivt. .UJHIUI d.IlU UUlDltl OI liiC P,i1,lKt.1 -rerv Al-rnal : nrontSnnilav
The Thrice-a-Week-World Edition of
iTiieNEW Yoi'K World is first among
bLOrTT5lAMONDS " the -"weekly" papers in size, fre
qiiHncv or putilication ana tne lreriness,
lurunu-v and variety of its contents. It
I , rr. r9 n n I fTt i. 4 4 ft i nt :... . a .1 ..I I.. - J.. :
i-u'ui an I inn i I in. in w i,iic 1 nan ;iii iiiepitrnis m a trerifuuniiuruai-
the price of a dollar weekly. Its po-
r iv r, and j Whtye, gttel bfue and canary
I... I : . . 1 1 . ....
I'Cllii, JtllJ l)'.in,'U lit I I I ' it 1 1 V t lilt J , . i
ilurii iii .n.K'itl n4iVma f im uai i t Vt a dot Of t!ll DflDtT at S3 00 !
aiHi tii. t.xu- t'-nii(t;ir ri- t t ii ? ' . 1 htk-il news is urooiDf. coniDiete. accur
fMT'f 'IT' T liF J f 1 n -'tT"T
' ' nt iimi iiniiirii- I un un pu'indrti
a r iinu unpin ion ui i o - - j
EeforaMaciTry .. ( LSar ter
inibaWerM. Maeati
Ho it
IM -.(l.iil I
in.;' t':.T
IIMilt iii.v,.-','-;;:i,
HW'tHVl. 1 i
H.ii l.y
on ,- dol'nr Y
! 1 1 : ;iiiu f..ll
n ail. .M.i.ti -o
Jo KN M. and fc1 nd
1 h.
;l t;
i i'i.r.
it i
nits I lie
Of til;
jouM hi-v-
i s, ;.'!". :i,i v s
I ii!-' hoth s-')
'!'HB SnfX vOtSTV
'.(.ill' ;oldri-'. to )r.
'or.c :;ct in a soMd frold ring, ! tetifv.
MotUJUp-eighty JFm0m.
B. O. rimw. roaaatr of nw Iror-a.
w; (".'st. ui.r cr ?tua, se.ii
it is atraitist the monopolies Hswrint lkfnitdvoctoftaliiitiii4
hcrBHUH. Mtjorltr Kul. SrtmtMe OemmMif,
! -
.;,,i.js.,riy whi-rc in
iv-i- IjV-i Vl-ntft .....
of i.).-o'j.
Kiimer &, o.. Biiiclr.uii) ton, K Y. '!'!;
proprietor of this puper utiwiuilm- thy
petiniiieness of- this "tier, -
Ex-state auditor, Eugene Slooie, who
4'tubezzled state funds during his term of
flico to the amount of 23,0O0 was. oh
tho 30th day of November Mjntenced to
gK ytiirs in states prison. Truly, -the
way of tlw trnsjrresHor is hard."
. Tb sentiment of the members of the
U. S. Senate has boen obtained, and it is
found lliata large majority favor grant
iTg ttfliiierent rights to the t'liban-t in
tHetr struggle for independence. Tbey
i-thNuld ruve it, without opposition in eith
er Uiuso bf co acres. f
A irand
art Uh!j v
' CipVviii1 Dryephus, who 4 sentenced
to pcnitl 'servitude and hanithment on
Xivifa island off the coarts of Africa
hy tin trtttah, government for selling or
fiMaa awaj secret of Uio french jfover
ou.cnt todernsnny three year ago, is
4'iHteine "air; Europe just ow. It
, rcrr.a as if the Captain has been wrong
fully condemned, and the caan now bids
liurjoltw reopened.
Oppotiiuity. ,.;f '
thousands of.- lypitotf
ry one of tltein. it would not have -liaoK- j fteopte on the tarm:; unt; -c T,.t; x
... . , ,.,, : . who iuv tied down bv hu'lt of. kt-ation
edtho bf one vote. ... U , mnrll hu. ailik ir,, vn.
the envelope is not awidence or ine. cor
rectness of tJw returns, but tho domriioiit of it bearing the sina'turoanil sal
of the county clurk.
The republican secret rics of state have
si ways iciven thi ruturns to thsj press as
fast as they coirwi in, no every neyspnpcr
man in the state knows.
L".st year Secretary Piper puWiuhcd tho
v tu i;i t kbiil it' I f m t-v.i .d.ivs befor
the statu sinvasing board met and the
(iocuraetit is on U!o nt the state house.
Get out and give one more yell, for the
victory is bigger th in we thought it
Populist news always comes by the slow
freight, since the -oldbuis took charge
of the Associated Press and the great
dAilies, hut when it d es come, it. always
tells of one more ad vance into the enemy's
countrv. T. H. TlBBL.ES.
in-, of tbi'tu my fri-.-nrtr If ro, the
Graft, kl:md Butines & Normal Coil-
study, It make no riilFernce- how
backward you aro' providisl yoti- arc
plucky and njean-buKinet.-i. We tf-ac!)
overj-tliiiij,' . necewiray for :i mcce-fsfu)
start in lit'o. If you arc liort of money
wo wil accept a, jjrortd nolo without in
terest for tuition brJ if nece.ssary we will
ftirni.-.h cvervtltWip--ti.ntipn-, ,1Oiird, ani
bookw and ,'ive you time tcgiadttnte and
pav- for wim- ttfterwdA, . Business,
S"orm;il and Shorthand i-ourse. Itoard
$1.50 per week. 1 Estithlished 12 years.
College Record sent free or catalogue
for 8 cents in stamps. ' This is your
chance of a. life time. ', VVrll you let it
slip by? ' AdresS, '. '
A. M. IaKOIS. Preident.'
, Grand Island. Nebr.
DOSl-Daid i nl for the people. UuMlary Kefurm and Phyilcaa u fit teal CmMuru
U:fj j It prints the news of all the world, Antony huntl ream nf hrUttmnt trrMera
llliea . 1 HUraUu-lyetUramUUltMV
I l.nitm.r un, .oin onunecnini n nu f all m
nnndrt UnOII rcfeint : . . . . iL , -Prof.rrank Parnma.
j irnporiant news points on me giooe. j t Henry d. uru
! Iiiih brilliant illustrations, stories
"3 Kltwcffd Ponutror.
WARNING-Doil't Confound tauthera, a capital humor page, con. STwr Sum.
these stones with being ad
lO'as. parties.-' Hie genuine
. i ... i. ... ,e..... i f., u lu.i.c, fcumine V. Debt.
pe n- mm rn-ii,, uc,.ii i uimu 0o, H pinarea.
Havayoii "read tl Declaration of In
il'tjmiaoi just entiifcia ted by the Culian
J'utrtot" who' have a republican form of
(-"VrttTnunt'MtaUishad, .on the inland of
'id&'hm had for th. paet two
VoTfi-.' ''try:'- "
' Hpath" waa "ono of the -ftrat jff foreign
paJef!Wiiant 'ieligerent rights to the
KiiiilieW Coolederacy. Now, when the
t'lb'fes '. turned, the Spanish govern
tiH'ot ia whioiac around Uncle Samuel
ItN iv little try-baby. '
WaQ, UnaWi. itMZ? crvUry of the
C- & tmMryVhutf. tike hin predeceseors
John Q, OtrtMOvCba. W. Foater. Chas.
it faiK-btld, toba Bwrmaa awl others
w&o txw ttM Engfe aeoaetary system,
told momtti4alliMeni and the retire
' weotof tta fobacl. aloojr - with the
frvasvry ejote, tWKutir In their
ffcttt. :Xi0tfV. Krt, n
- y . h,Kn
yjfff-k tanpiet4 kjr the commercial
Sjfi Pf' the largest money
'rter IB h World, tilling them what
tifi was going: to do for the west and
' eetfth. Ilia plan as has been stated in
. these columns during the fall campaign
U to ritire everything that ia govern
taant paper aad perpetuate gold mon
oinetaUisfn aod the National Banks.
Watch his plaa which will be embodied
' ia tho form of a monetary bill to con
grosa when jt conveoes. Bead for your
lr( aod
A Curious Morrlogc Custom.' "
Marraige is a prosaic atfair in onstan
tinople, hem? in moat cases, purely a
matter of business. When a man reaches
a marriageable age, his parents make a
list of houees where eligible young wo
men are to be found, and bis niotlier calls
at their residences, and inquires of e.u-h
matron, " Wirnt can yourdaUghter do?"'
Whereupon embroideries are exlhited
among theui always a rug made by the
daut:liter's hands.. These rugs are con
riidered pricelcs- heirlooms, and are never
put ilpon the market,. If the caller ap
proves of these, she takes them home,
and shows them to her son. If she does
not, she makes some excuse and passes
on If on the other hand, the young man
is not ap r ved by tho young lady's p.
rents, they advise the good woman to go
elsewhere, as she might perhaps find a
prettier girl at some other house. At,
the wedding neither bride nor bridegroom
appears, the ceremony bini c inducted
by proxies.
McChII'i Magazine.
parties. obtained through
Tkejr positively cannot bo
told from the finest $100.
0BMS. We make a Bpecial-
age can put you on t.w road to . rtwisess ! w duplioating rare gems,
if voa are umhitiouts- uod wiihog. toj . . - , e " : '
BRALS, f OPALDS and do
our own cutting. Our repair
department ia the best equip
ped in tho west, all work
done promptly and satisfat
tiong uaranteed.
lis $2.00 and mention this pa
per and we will set you a one
carat stone in gold ring, stud
fo pin and send it to you any
where in the U. S. post
paid , if you will agree .to
show it to your friends ana
help as to iutroduce these
Send 10 cents for catalogue
and book on diamonds.
UriVtPtU. S4pPvV f OMFaNT.
09-7 t o UCmn : ' CMICftOO. tu.
i.. 1.1 ....,1 .. '., .....k1, .....I H,cr Llllljin Whltlo.
. , 1 ... ' IIUIU .till. vi.F,c-i, n i.iF n nim vi.iv. ninvmi " "
vrtinArl riv curtnm itnRrrnn- i . - a. u. Lewu.
,r.v r ' j w r , . ..n.-, rt n imik of unusual interest.
Prof. Mcbard T. Uj.
Senatar Tlllmaa.
Herbert K. Camen.
Franeet t. Wlllttrrt.
Pret. George a. Oatea
Mary A. Uemer.
Abby Morton Ulaf.
John P. Altceld.
Helen CamplieU.
Seaawr Fctusw. '
SPIOIAL TO TO. Sem IS two eeat etaaM aaa re-
We offer this umqualed newspaper 'J-J .Hf g2?Z
Frederick o. ASaae, aa lllnetraua eeet 01 m fefiaeae
aa Met M oTPaa. Write toHtay.
and THESlOt X1 OtTNTY JOCKNAL togeth
The 'regular sucscripti n price of ti.t Cfcarfes B. Kerr .& Cooquuiy, PuWtn
two DaDers is S2.00 PMh Avenue, CHICAGO,
f ; t , 8TtCK BKAKDH. "
, ttis Jocbmal wlu'n'iblUh your briind. Ike
the following, for 2':00, per yeiir. fUch (id
ditloiml brHnd 7S cents.1- Br.-ry furnier or
ranchmen In Slonx iinrt HCljoining counties
itoukl udvertiiM) tbclr lirsndti In ThkJoUR
pal an tt ctrcul.itns all over the state. It
may 1 e tbn means of saving money for yor.
, pttAS'K nctto. , '
itn iWt'strle of cattletv4'on left
huoider of bOraes. "
Bang - Antilop 8iwk
V. O., Uhtlcbrltt, fttouxt'o,, Neb.
:" ;'f;ifAni.E nictfte- ;
On let t side or hip Of cattle. (
On left ahonlder of nnnSI. ( .
Range on' the head lor Karbonnet
cree.k'" -' -. .
Address llArrieon, Siott Co. Son.
i I if I
- . W.CAREY.
On left shoulder of Cuttle
IRaiiireOn I.tttle uotlonwooa.
TO.-., Crawford Nebr.-.
Acaiu tbe noted infidel "Bob" Inger
foll has been beard from on tbe rostrum;
this Uiue making, a Utanksgiving speech
or rather it was in the nature of a lect
ure at Chicago. In that lecture lie
gave the church of cbrist, (which he owes
his whole I ifo and fortune and all that
I14 ever will have or he) or even the
"lilorals It'teachoe oo credit whatever,
but makes special effort to cast discredit
nod rellectloo upon it.
It la Mo'trulaV ta us that there would
te people enough go to hear such a man
'mi "Bob" Iogcrsoll belittle his maker as
it is his custom to do when an appor
tunjty prwi:qtai(elf. It ia aafe to amy
thai his influence has dooo more toward
1 'hiding people to become atheists than
liic'st ad -other, lafluance now in the
vofW. NV'hile be tears down the chris
tiuV (tape he gives nothing in return for
wba bf takes away. He like a cyclone;
' roBtd a aaafhborhood and passas out
laavtag nothing but moral and spiritual
n rota. . Yet' the very creator whom he
seems to toVa to ridicule has made it pos-
1 sible for tnfil and family to live in and
enjoy tbe beat government and oouatry
on. the fisoo of the globe. "TIM fool
enyetii In hl own heart there W oo'
A Library In Itself.
Few people are able to buy as unny
books as they would lik yet it Is lmoss
ihle without thn to keep in touch with
all the leaders "of .literature, as well as
to follow the world's prorr in every
department of science and industry. The
YotTTH'a . OMFAllIOy alrealy provides the
means for more than half a million
housholds at an expense to each of
1 75 a year. Every issue of He com
panion gteee as much reading matter its
a 12mo book of 175 pages, and the
companion comes every week. The
quality of it contents is shown by the
announcement for 1893, which promises
contributions next year from the Rt.
lion. W, E. Ol ulstone Ttu.lviird kiplin,
Speaker Reed C ipt. A. T. Mjihan. Mary
E. Wilklns, W. l. Ho wells. Lieutenant
Peary, the Marquis of Dufferin, 8enstor
Hoar, Justin McCarthy and , more than
two hundred other eminent men and wo
men. !
All new subscribers for 1899 will re
ceive the companion's gold embossed cal
ender, beautifully printed in twelve col-,
ors, and the papr will also ha sent free J
from the lime the subscription is receiv-!
ed until Jmiury, IS91, and tlvm for a!
full year to January IH09 A handsome
illustrated proapeclus of tho vol u mo for
1898 will l sent to any one add resting
The Youth's Companion, j
105 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass.
ro ja 'w A D . .
JL '
They handle evary thing usualy hndled in a gen
eral department counry store.
wrier t wiiotiE nuiLmits.
' newaiaat thelhr-ird of coniitv
lneaf lmomity. Keb: .
vNeHae t1iettty glve i th -t alad Md
W reecitrafl'aiid fl'-d v the i irten.lim
ef, eeaniv eleeX'antll Ho'olock noon of the
ti, dJmml tMMenber 197. for the ra-roarul
ti Fhit taJwtewn as the Montroe UrtfrUw
Aruas Wfrmmm; nnd for tne eonstras taioir
Of a new BrMge where pnblle road crosses
add rrertr . w
Psn nd epecftlflstlnns esn onl be has
trV ealttng at the ofce of the vnny Clerk.
bVnd forstleHst one thousand Uoll.ira'Sl.ooO)
ttiuat sreompany nil hWl. and the no rd re
srrves the right to rojeet any or till bids,
Osted at llurrlsnn VtOj., Nov., Sth lat:
. M. J. BliKSSTT.
i " - ' .-;-ftisjta
tbdc rashiooabW. OrigiosL
Soma rslUblc iperchaul atOf thatt
Fittinr. FrtceslOi
I I eV
r1. I T
i ii n m
a . at .
naz Kf I
filial Proaf Ratieas.
Harrison, Nebraska.
c r. n
r.-w is liai-lHK nnul' proof notirei in
fpamv 1U reeeivn i miirkeil copy ot inc
Hr ano
ire reaue-ted to nsamiue their
'ibtiue and K uny ,-rrois eaimt report the
f 4ium p iiiih omei- hi onuu.
naartv ewcrw sfty Of tOSPD.
them, or they 1m lM T m
in .Jtw Umt York or C
Sftaenaa . Latest Fashtofl
seat upoa rWl aa. ttnt t fy
BrtjMMt fsdha tnaptfna pidiitA
Invaljabb for the aoms. TtMMf ft
the daw. Haaas UtaUtata. liaVJ
HJnh, finer Work, Cumot T&L
oLu ifrre eaMsra. twat apii.1 1
uonaaytlma. twiitj
lor umpw copy. narmm .
142-14 Vest 14th Sweat, fsW Vatfil j
IC9 Fifth Avcnvc, OaVaV,
-;',t,TJCo fo PDUMC
Lnd Uftli-s st Alliance, Neb., )
..... . .. iMtober ti law. 1
' Settee la H'SMw given that the foiiowlne
aainedr jBttlOlednotieeof hlslnteiitiou
roof In mippoit oi mi claim,
out will he iniiile bnfure M J.
st ' oert at Harrison eo.,
IS!T. viz: William Votgtof
Fort Robtuiion. Neb, who made II. h. o
JK4 for the N M 8. K V Heo. 22 mid w. X 8-W
H, ke. 'It l"p. K K 94 w .
, en -tinea the lollowinc wl nsses to prove
his eo'itlnaoas residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, vis:
i'tieo swan of Ft. Koblnson, 5eb,
tsat, MBiMita, " "
Fsto ASDR , .. ..
II t FaiciK, ' "
J, W, Wehs Jr., Register.
jaainsdjr it'
he .mi llrsx
n-w,cT. oi
a iftlnler, rih.
D. K. ORISWOLO, naaWar.
ansacts a General Banking Business.
Land Office nt Alliance, Neb- ( '.
November Cth, 1SDT- i
Omaha National BAtnc, Omaha, 'v
First National Bank, Chadroo.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
t IXpfllltH
T - - ' -
In Weodor rletalf If as
aaad ler CatalegtiJ af
' - arnbs' Foot
j Practical, atreag , ParsMs.
I W. P. Mm Barnes Ce.,
RecliferJ, NHeetS.
f n Vi, j"a4iTor?
i JiM a?lk HAkM !
'- Notice U hereby given that tbe following
nsmed settler bus Died notice of fels inten
tion to make Anal proof In eapport of hit
elstm, and that said proof wUI be mails
before M. J. Blewett Clerk Dislrtet ( onrt st
Hun tson. Neb., on December 18th, lT, vis,
l'ry Prlesb.iff, of Montroae, Neb., who
made H. K, .No. I9 for the N E SW.
?N '4. $EH SE'j, Sec. 2t, 'lownthip Jt,
Ho niimo tiie following witnesses to prove
till contlnuoas rtmldfitioo and tultivs
5 tton of said :and, vis:
i Juco!) .Wasaerburger, J. J. Waesoi-burgcr,
T a'ntnn i!hin mid lltnrv Wttmurbiiracr. ul!
Of Montrosr, Neb.
AUO Theoilorc E. Plikenbrock, o,r Mont
raw. Nob., who made II. E. No. ;ii'.M7. for tUu
.1 s- W V,, See. 13, Townsliip U S Kunge l' w.
U Ha names tho followlns wltm-ssss to prove
b;i canstnaous renidiTiCS upon and cultiva
tion of itd laud, vis:
Heary Waaasrbarger, Anton Rhi.ln, J. J. I
WBSSefinrrer and M. J Guyhart, nil of
Meetrase. Neb. j
' Also. Henry If. Waaserburger, of Montrone,
Kk., wtemadeH.K.Np.atio.fortbeii-W',,
Ma. (I, Township M, N Range .st w.
Ma aaasaa the fellowlaa Drove
assaaattnaoas rmtdsnes naati sail enltlvn.
I liamat aatd land, vis:
r I v Ma.M
K. riekenbroek, Anton Rbela,
fjaarp fcaisbat and Bear nekeabrocb,
aUef Mantrort. Nh.
Ve pay the Irt....
on rnu
Kimball o
la Wwbrlf and Western Iowa.
Yoa Oat $198 Orgaa for I .
t t m i.a ., . -.ey, -
down aad 13.00 per l-aonrv
fan sTaaraateed far I rear.
wlta us for Description and Catalofoa. Wa will W yva a!!
, a have 1cti telling our friends about tbe now 23 yvan.