Tha Kltrhon Kg Watch nd see that linker u not allowed to loitn on the tinirij;. In giving ttie fire a thorough fair nt remove all clinkers with the jv.ker Remember that Fhakniit liankg the fire drwn Into a solid ma?, and tu 'he air cannot circulate through it the draft will be poor. At niffht the firebox nhotiM ; ev'i lull of coal after raking out all the dead ashes and cinders and putting on the night' supply. The asbea should never accumulate in the ash pan ontil the reach the gate. If thin happens often, the grate w ill soon be burned out. The need for a state constabulary be comes more apparent every day. In dealing wi'h highwaymen and state robbers such a forre would be invalu able. Alnmeda Encinal. The people of Tennessee have one of the finest and most costly statehouses in the country, and they pay their gov ernor one of the smal'est salaries. A million dollar capitol ainl a f'2,000 per annum governor. Rinhmond Htate. Queen Christina of Spain is a very fine, go ahead woman, and long before the reptrietions on hor.-eless carriages in London were removed she bad or dered an electric victoria to be built fur her there. Abnul Ifamid, sultan ot Turkey, has a parasol of white silk which it! era brodered with gold and set with pre cious stones. Its h mdle is one long, superb piece of coral. It is the most valuable parasol in the world. rVhtn the fingers are t-tained in peel ing fruits, preparing green walnuts, or in similar ways, dip them in strong tea, rubbing them well with a nail brush, and afterward wash them in warm water, and the stains will dNappear. Ringing Noises Troubled for Years with Catarrh, but Now Entirely Cured. "I was troubled for yearn w ith catarrh, which caused riinriiis: nome In my earn aod pains in the buck nf my head. 1 wan tvied to take Hood's' Sarsapnrilla. 1 did so Slid N few bottle entirely cured me." HKNUY MK II: Ii V IT Kit. Lnporte. Iowa. ii t out.v llood'n hecAiife Hood's Sarsaparilla It the bB.t tn fa t. tlin Otm "I rne ISIool l'urlller. Hood's PI 'a n lK"tlmi Ml onsries. ttr n POMMEL Th? Bs.t Saddle Out. 5 n sw "m. SLICKER Kwps bn'h rtjirnj SiJJIt per fectly 4ry in Hi h-rJut jtorms. Suht:iuln will disappoint. Ask for t?j7 I i.h nrani I'ommi Slickrr it i nitrily ri"w. If not for sale In your town, riti for catalogue to V J TOW U. Bt.-i Alan. 7 JO lhe St. Joseph and Grand Island AND Kansas City aod Omaha Railways IRK TMK SHORTEST ANO QUICKEST ROUTES TO AI L rOl.tTK NORTH WEST EAST SOUTH ?ionw'ttnnttI Union Paci6c System AUK THE raVOKITI LIKE To California. Oregon and all Western Pointa For Informal Ion refiardinic ratra, kic, call on or ii'irea u .rarest ML-entor S. M. A omit, W. I'. Knr.isnov J k.. ;n. 1'aaa. Aft. Oen'l M anaer. St. Joseph, Mo. 1 UN it . ce- Pii!tnr has a v'ikx! nifht to te prou teeatine it bait Im-immii-a three days' cir- ru town. Kannaa City tar. ( h eat;') is not alarmed over tbe pos sibility of yellow fever. She bun been mm! iinuiiine by the Chicago river. New York Journal. Progress is simply tearing its shirt at F.lkMder Tiev'x L'ot two trains a day and now thpy're gome to fix the s de- walk ll;nt r ii ii h to the deiMjt. v-t Union (la.) (laette. I' lu viold Tiik Companion's Souvenir Calender for i vi a -n! oi charming Hgure-pieces, I-, tf Ii 1,1 1 I t- iu.1 in ..ol.irn unit w n . In ikHiI I O Hold, is recognized everywhere as a most charming piece of color-work. Kverv new nuhscriber rei-eives it. without aiiditionui etiarge. .Moreover, the pa;er is sent free to new stil scnliers everv we k Irom the tune tli" Mihscrintion in received until Jan- nary l.-!i and then for a lull year to Jan uary, ISH. I llui.1 Pmwri wi it nf I h vol i me for 1S:i an 1 sample copies of the paper sent iree. Auuress, 1 ii k Youth's Companion, 207 Coluinlina Ave., Boston, Mass. The city of I'lttsbnrg is proud of the evidence of growth bhown in the fact that a big traveling circus has thiH ve given it an extra 'ay on its schedule, as compared wuh former years. It is nov a three days' cireuo town. Look out for a "Greater Pittsburg" next. Bos ton Glolie. Artificial legs are to be made with pneumatic feel to lesson the jar on tbe body when walking. lilRI.IXi I ON liOL'TK. California. I n ursion. Leave Omaha 4 :35 p. m., Lincoln 6:10 p. m. and Hastings 8:50 p. m. every Thursday in dean, modern, not crowded tourist Bleepers. No tansfers; cars run riglit through :o San r ranci-co and Ixis Angeles over the Scenic Route through Denver and Salt Lake City. Cars are carpeted; upholstered in rat tan ; have spring beats ami back and are provided with curtains, bedding, tow els, poap, etc; Uniformed porters and expirieiiod excursion conductors ac company each exeu-sioii, relieving pas sengers olvall bother about baggage, pointing out objects of interest and in many other ways helping to make the overland trip a delightful experience. Second class tickets are honored. Kerths f 5. For folder giving fnformation, call at neareH lJ.nt liiigioti Route ticket otlice, or write to J. Francis, General Passen ger Agent, Omaha. Nebr. There is nothing that excels cornmeal for fattening fow ls To defend one's self from tbe dust and cinders from the open car window just in front of a railway passenger, take a newspaper, fn'd it in rough plaits and fasten it fan-we to the back of the forward Hint The iiewspier receives the cinders and the victim behind ie relieved. Static or Ohio, City or Toledo,) !.t ( asCoi ntv. f Frank J. I in M v makes oath that he is die senior partner of lhe firm of K J. Ciiknkv A, Co., doing business in the City ol Toledo, Con ty and Siate aloresaid, and that raid firm will pav thesnm of ONK HUNIjUKU ImjM.a US lor each and every case ol Catarrh that cannot he cured by, the use ot 1Iai.lV Catakhh Cuue. FRANK J. CHENEY, ' Sworn to before me anil subscribed in tny presence, tliisiith day of December. A. 2,000.000psSbS jer lhounaii'1 and on. I .'.(Mi leach Traea and up. oaK oranite Help, l.(0 pr thona anil Ah hcd Inn- V., - r tbiiiand. A larra anpplr ot all kind of cewllnnly well rooted, trua to o m. an i atrietly tlrit-claaa ouraery Stock. Wrlta for Price l.lnt to HO H KM I AN Nt7KKltlfr, Rajnolds, Nek. lift Vsur Ptntlaw DOUBLE -v. ninnir t I m i in mi mi "V - - r tPrhCtpt.O:rACIIU. Petiiat Ai;,Wiblift. V.t n a. no. ou-a. PENSIONS Vork. b. V. OLEAPON; Notary I'ublie. Hall's Catarrh Cnre is taken internally, and actH directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the. system. Send for testi monials, free. F. J. CM KN ICY A CO., Toledo, 0. ilafSold by Druggists, 75c. When ink is spilled upon linen, try dipping the damaged material in pure melted tallow. The hot Ullow seems to absorb the ink, snd, after washing, tlit stain will be found to have disapp a red. No flock of fowls will pay nless kept healty and vigorous. I believe l'iso's ('ure is the only midi cine that will cnre consumption. Anna M Ross, Williamsport, Pa.. Nor. X2, 'U6. Ii they thrive well, fowls must have a good place to scratch and wallow. Mia Wlnalow'a .hoothinj Hyrop for child ren teething, sollena the nam, reducca Intlam rnation, allayn pain, curea wind colic. 145e bottle An automatic door for furnaces and locomotive boilers has a standard set on the end of a rod which runt through the floor and operates a lever to raia the door and s ing it back whenevei the standard is stepped on. AIM OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE U.-E Of THE WORD " CASTORIA," AND " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," A3 OUR TRADE MARK. J, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Magsaehusetts, was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does now jt Zlfj-3F n 6WrV hear the facsimile signature of CjfAU4cMtC wrapper. This is thA original " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you, have always bought SJf yf. ?" on e nd has the signature of tCciU wrap per. Xo one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company of which Chas. 11. Fletcher is PMarch 8, 18971 Q?4L ,p. Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endinger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which tome druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on It), the Ingredients of which even he docs not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE 8IGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. . r-r. f TLjI.I ;i'i'-:"-V:lV: lh'" u:r"it of oats mnv U: d'mitiis hry5 to the extent Hint the bi-nn by weilit Is subsiii me,!. As lhe i is dry cat, the proportion of ir:iii may be decreased iiini! none is given. Vet In sennoni whe.'i outs ;ire ileiii'. bran and corn mpal is often umiI us a substitute for feeding to working horses. Feeding IVn for Iih. Where hogs are fed near the house or liirii, the fowls are apt to go among hem and eat a huge portion of the Ved. An Indiana fanner ban solved he problem by eonstmeting a feeding en so that the hogs and pigs eotild go n and out at pleasure, but fowls of all dnds were exelmled. In the Orange ludd Farmer lie tells how it is made. Ilulld a feeding floor several Inches ibove the surfaee of the ground nud j ni'lose with a light board fence sur jiotiiited with pickets a foot or more ong. Make one or more openings miir he ground for the hogs and hang a hxir, a, from the top so that it will twing pretty freely either way. Leath r straps or hinges that work easily it-111 answer. The hogs will simmi learn (Miveriiiiunt Seed Shop. I-ast spring the liepartinent of Agrl-ciiliui-e distributed, at a cost of $lo0, 0'K enough seeds of all kinds to plant fin .in a of ;:,: square miles, or 227.20C ai-i i s. Now, if there were some way of liinling out just how manv acres wore ui-tiially phinted with these seeds, and : how iimch the crop produced therefrom 1 Is worth in cash, we would probably have a better argument than we can produce now in favor of knocking the ( lovernment seed business on the head Many a musty old humbug has been I suffered to exist simply because It was impossible to corral it witn ligures. FOWL- I-Urn if KEKDIXGPKN. to go back and forth, but fowls will lot enter. If there are two sizes of hogs, make a partition and in it con itruct a small swinging door just large enough to admit the Htnaller pigs. A Good Old Notation. The six-year rotation so long followed .ii this section, the Shenandoah Valley, has some strong points An its favor. I'he crops during the six years are In thiai order: Corn, followed by wheat, lhe ground being tatrrowed and, the! ilit-at drilled In. Immediately afle-r ihe wheat Is ctrt the next year, (he ;round is plowed thoroughly, prepared by harrow and roller, and sowed again !o whear. Hit tune accompanied wuu ibont a bushel of timothy to six a-res mil the same (uantity of clover In the ar!y spring. Then three crops of hay ro mowed, making Ihe six years. Very ften four crops of hay are made. I have nrrt counted the second crop of ?lover usually cut and bulbs! for seed the first season. Since Western seed yenenil'y can be lioiigm at low prices, many ItiiriK tr miter to pasture, or cm this s.vimd clover for cows. It will be noticed that this rotation, running six rears, calls for plowing only twice dur ing that time, and gives three crops of ,.ny, which we think pays better than at her cni. Fanners who follow this old time way are not getting rich, but they are probably holdlug their own about as well a.s others who follow newer and shorter plans. Try all and hold fast, to that which is good, is not a ban motto. American Agriculturist. Fall Set 1'onts It is not generally considered a good time to set posts in the fall. No mat ter how well the soil Is compacted around them, rains will sink down in the soil that has lately been disturbed. The winter frosts will also penetrate more deeply, and in a winter when there Is much freezing and thawing will gradually lift the post up. If posts are set In fall for a fence the boards must be nailed on so as to keep the posts from being twisted, so that they must be reset before a fence can b made. Ity ProductH of the Dairy. Close as competition now is in all dairy products, those will achieve most success who are able to get most profit out of the by products of their bust ness. Wherever butler Is made the farmer can often make nearly as much from skim-milk as he does from the ! sale of butter. When skim-mllk is fed on the farm and only the butter sold, little of the soil fertility is lost. If It Is fed to poulty or to growing pigs, It will in eggs and moat bring a-s much money to the farmer's oocket as the sales from butter itself. Ciistvi er (nt tonall book tm I've got ninn children and tl.ev a I n Hchool books. I enn't afford Vj .ny ' caflh don, out if you cn wa t a S-v day" KoOKBclier You keep the little t-h... store around i'ie corner, dou'i you? "Yeb." " VVe'J, I e got nine children are! 1 1 all need f-hf'fo Order all the book '' u want. I'll r".n the rick of your gct;i. g ahead oi -iv." i ui-iiie wliitjB ikOI New DcHtroyer of Fruit. He -enforcement", to the aeveuteen year locusts, the gypsy inoth, the browntail moth and all the rest of the busy army of fruit destroyers are to be found in vast luautities In the "San Jose scales." The San Jose scale takes lta name, not rHK HAN JOSB ftOAI.E from tne locality to which It routines Its depredations, but to the one in which It first ap peared. Since it made Its debut in Cali fornia It has shown an impartial fond ness for every part of the Union. Flor ida has not been too warm for It and Massachusetts has pleased. New Jer sey has not escnved and the Pacific coast as far as Hrltlsh Columbia has appealed to It. The scale, though ap pearing only recently, has evidently (gient several decades In preparing to descend upon the world. It Is a micro scopic Insect, which pierces the green bark of the tree with Its proboscis and sucks the sap. It has, doubtless with an eye to this age of germicide solu tions, rendered spraying an Infested tree useless, because It has a scaly cov ering which remains on the bark of the tree or the skin of the fruit and which acts ns an armor against such weapons as washes. Fruit lufested by the scale Is unmarketable. The 2(H)-found I'lif. It H a pretty good rule that the soon er a pig can be brought to '20 pounds and Hie sooner he can be gotten to mar ket afier reaching that weight, the greater will be the per cent, of profit in feiilliur him. Aside from the risk of cholera, etc., It has been shown that the gain above 2no o-ts :r.oro, ..'c' Vit, even with pork .bringing good prices, there U often an net mil loss In feeding alv.vM iK) pounds. In this case the logger they are kent the greater the lOHS. Feed I ii tf New tlutx. Xn experleuced farmer once said when he was obliged to begin feeding bw oats, while still moist, he bad lated Injury to hi horses by giving in equal bulk with them of wheat fama. A the bran la Itself uutrltloua, A 1M ilk Strainer. One correspondent of the American Agriculturist seems to think that a wire screen in a milk strkiner is not de sirable, while an other asserts that if rightly placed It will be found en tirely satisfactory. In the illustration is shown a strain i'f. with a wire screen In the fun nel at a, just as in an ordinary strain er. The bottom should be four Inches in diameter. Place' a piece of muslin over the neck at c and slip the collar b over it. A perfect strainer is formed. The cloth must be kept perfectly clean. Each time the strainer Is used remove the cloth and wash it thoroughly, scalding in boiling water. Kenew frequently, for it is less ex pensive to get new cloths than to run the risk of tainted milk. Also scald the wire screen at c?cli washing and care fully scrub the tin portion. i I (Ii 1 Agricultural Notes. Keep the wagon well greased. Burn up the brush on the place. Grain feeding of cows In summer helps the fertility of the soil. Remember that you were once a boy yourself, unless you are a woman. Fresh top-dressing of pastures Is an Insult to stock If itJa turned on them. A new variety not suitable to your soil and climate la worn than an old, Inferior variety that la. "Mary had a little lamb," and her father sold It, but the money he got for It did not pay for the Injustice he did the child. "Got cheated In a farm machine that I bought of a farmer's supply house,'' says a farmer. Buy of a reliable home dealer next time. Read our ads. ; -unci ion. That the world is coming to an end suddenly at a giver, lime is not what is here referred to. There are different kinds of sensations, as very many peo ple know who feel sharp twinges of pain in the big nerve of the thigh. Sci atica is a very painful semation. and the torment of it makes one think some thing is come to an end. liul just at the first sensation or twinge is the best time to use St. Jacobs Oil. The less pain the more easily it is cured, and the Oil prevents its development by oothiug the nerve. At any stage it will 'lire. Planter scattered over the floor makes t good absorbent. Shake Into lour Shoes Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cures painful, swollen, smart lug feet, and iustitully takes tie stiuji out of corns and bunions. It's tin greatest comfort discovery of the age Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight-fitting or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Try it to-day. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By mail for 2't cents, in stamps. Trial package FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted. Ie Itoy. N. Y. Boiled potatoes mixed with scalded c rnmeal makes a splendid fatttning aiion. .1 r e" t:nds in the l'-esby i imi . tmr. hvard at Basking Rulne. 1 tio-.Mir. s 14 b-et 4 inches in oir cinii r-n ea!5 feet high, while the :aii-lies shade a circle ofll5ieetin liimeter. It hr.s been a famous tree or more tuan a century, and it was . i doubt, a noble sp cimen in 1730, .1 hen a log church was built on the liiound where the present one now -tauds. .Merit Moans Money Made. You eanret advertise money out of peo ple's pockets all the time; you may do it i.ow and then, but if yon don't give them iiiiething of absolute merit in return, ad-cei-tising will never prove successful. The md of advertising ihnt pay in ailvertis iiik ti Kood thing. As it has merit the iei.i!e will use it nprain and again. Never lins this been better illustrated tha.n in ihe ureal success of CaseareU, caudy ca thartic, that we have been lately adver tising in this paper All druggists call Cases rets repeaters, that is, people buy them, like them, and buy them again and recommend them to rheir friends. Cas carets are ftmiranteed to cure constipitiun or money refunded, awl are a delightful laxative and liver stimulant; the bet medicine ever made. We recommend all our rt.iders to try Ihetn. ' The Washington Post notes that the English sparrow is disappearing and cannot find a reason for thia fact. The reappearance of quails on the New York bills of fare may account for it. Chi cago Times-Herald. TO CUKE A COLD IK ONK DAT. Take Laxative Bromo QiflnloaTaUata. All lartatla refund the qiouej If It fain to cora. Ma, The ultra-lasnionable cabochon ior hats is a large round design in dnll sil ver, set with mock emeralds or with rhinestones. Orchard and Garden. Fruit trees or plants will not take care of themselves, Annual pruning largely avoids the necessity for removing large limbs. drapes thrive best In well-cultivated and well-drained land. No fruit repays Judicious pruning and trimming better than the pear. Make quality rather than quantity the principal aim. In setting out a tree, save some of the top soil, especially to put around the roots. It Is not a had plan to plant trees along the roadside the whole length of the farm. By stirring the soli after every rain the weeds will be more easily de stroyed. The peach and plum are nearly enough related to be budded or grafted on each other. Mulching prevents the early flow of sap by preventing the ground from warming up too soon. Nectarines and apricots can be rown anywhere that the peacn or prnns will thrive well WOMEX DU M)i- ii,.,. X liill vviIOLE TRUTH. Modest Woman Evade Certain Questions When Asked by a Physician, but Write Freely to Mre. Pinkham. An eminent physician says that "Women are not truthful, they will lie to their physicians." This statement should be qualified; women do tell the truth, but not the whole truth, to a male physician, but this is only in regard to those painful and troublesome disorders pecu liar to their sex. There can be no more terrible ordeal to a delicate, sensitive, refined woman than to be obliged to an swer certain questions when those questions are asked, even by her family physician. This is espe cially the case with unmarried women. This is the reason why thousands and thousands of women are now corresponding with Mrs. Pinkham. To this good woman they can and do give every symptom, so that she really knows more about the true condition other patients through her correspondence than the physician who per sonally questions them. Perfect confidence anil candor are at once established between Mvs. Pinkham and her patients. Years ago .women had no such recourse. Nowadays a modest woman asks htJp of a woman who understands women. If you Buffer from any form of trouble peculiar to women, write at once to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., "VxNXSIL and she will advise you free of charge. I SsSs- IrVJlJl lu 'ie act iafc "8 6' 000,1 which is I t jj jjlf I extended freely to women by Mrs. Pinkham, is- apprcciabeu, wit: uiuu&auus ui tebicn wmvaare received by her prove. Many such grateful let ters as the following are constantly pouring in: " I was a sufferer from female weakness for about a year and a half. I have tried doctors and patent medicines, but nothing helped me. I underwent the horrors of local treatment, but received no benefit. My ailment was pronounced ulceration of the .vomb. I suffered from in tense pains in the womb and ovaries, and- the backache was dreadful. I had lenconrhoea in its worst form. Finally I grew so weak I had to keep my bed. The pains were so hard as to almost cause spasms. When I could endart. the pain no longer I was given morphine. My memory grew short, and I gave up all hope of ever getting well. Thna I dragged along. At last I wrote to Mrs. Pinkham for advice. Her answer eaine promptly. I read carefully her letter, and concluded to try Iiydia B. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. After taking two bottles I felt much better; but after nsing six bottles I was cured. My friends think my cure almost miraculous, Ller noble work is surely a blessing to broken-down women." GaACB B. Stams BUBY, Pratt, Kansas. Jilt x War with Spain. vivid nicture of the stirring scenes which would follow a declaration of tf Tf war with buropean Powers is given v under the head 44 A Brief History of g f Our Late War with Spain" in the S g November Cosmopolitan. The writer S has undertaken to apply the knowl- 5 edge gained from the late war to the g conditions prevailing to-day, with g modern ideas of bigness and modern g methods oi organization. He assigns 2 posts in the war to prominent men now hoc ac wptl M &t UclUrC lllw Jjuunw, aim whwuvo ' upon the political, mechanical and fi- nancial problems involved. Novem- t ner twOsmuuuiiiuu, ui iwc iv win.-. -. 1 ' c "Forbid a Fool a thing and That He Will Do'." Don't Use SAPOLIO f AimiiriXI M - QaaraM4 SkJuI a hi amwii l -J Mauatat, CtttHihui OhihiokOs. cmibti,o .1 I CURE YOURSELF! Uaa Blf far unoataral lacharaaa, luaaaiaiallaM, Irrllalloai er ulr.ralloM t lanital aiaoitiraaaa. and nut aalna gaal or poltonuua. Sola- by niaMlaS, er arm In rlaln wraaaat, bf irr, (iripnlil, far II li. n .1 Iwiiika, fj.7. Circular aani un rauaaal ROOFING': iit. Hamulm Vi'I'l IMI. Tbe bast atod Kopa Kaateff taa pvraq, la., capa aaai luvluctaU. rtuUIlialaa lo F a- lre. THK Hal MAR1L .A , mm-. r -I. si a.f ait tm. IMS Hat Coouh t rot. 'fiaaui (UhL In iinm. if A 7 aruca:"-". r ii a - I I li ElJ