The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, November 25, 1897, Image 1

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S The Sioux
ty Journal
KThf 'l iim- U4
StHrrrbe Yr th
UL U CS2D"5T. 1 QQ7 tv-ti -i r
- - - . - , ww . A."M S- J..
. ,
The Sictix County Journal.
f T iSt-PSttXt llt".
Kutivriptrof. Prs. fl.M
-i0Ai.AMft 6 SIOUX COUNTV. j
f.'i'o. P. Cauon,
.. - T !
J.lE.,,"rrlM' "0t "
Ljian i.. r '
r.vAiultof Maybe g. EHkot !o;
. i lvii bfW far emrH-zil.-m-m .
jttiitd by U Jury oi tlw 22nJ J
' 1
' Jnn. w:tt fSOO.OOO iriWminfif.iio.i '
rstrji Ilriwail to pfiy for d:nu;ijr-ii caused J
t tfw Ua'aiuii imnii;rutiou exclusion i
'.vvlon EaKiamThHK i hatl n $10,W.6OO :
iV.'W tf tb worst flreH for many
::-r Pe', if any UtaJilitu to life has
tr.ifu rjfrtft.
Atitri-niintfnrU, hti rallel down
'!: O"onvin trofernnient for a
iniillt Hi'i:r,lin; in fliil,he alliil
f vnil b v ctnMi to tio-i like a little
'i' in. Tbl fim It wan not - little
lw t.
H'lMC'.'toit, the pruaiilent of the
Cuntriil Piclflo RUIroml is now bendiii
ewry oerv to have the nate of his road
'nd(j till 1901 so that lie will a bet-
ior opportunity to defraud tjie govern-fiH-nt
out of it equity in the road. , A
i 'nteiful lobby will K In Washington
tbU winter ti .tr! thi njjross.
To ' ma1 county or pi risli in the !
r-biotl of Cubi onlv'O.'.S fople hrtvej
i?il within a ") i of 23 yenrn. nnd j
: vuHhln f like 6.000 bnve rwen aituallv
; iiri'it to- death within the past IS i
M-outlfii;. KliouM the United Statiss tol- j
raht-n:h IwrlierouBacts? That is what j
'hi flcvfnn.1 MiKinlry ndministrAtion
iy H- done. ;iud is doing toHjy. s
lr.pilnt Cievi iiiJ' foiien notify
a waiting one; pwiid-mt MKinley
" f p-rMilog the wioie kind of a polb-y
" tie nraititifj until the Cu'sins nro all
-f.im4 arM itiurdert-d and our trad" re
IttotO wit! th i Islnvl a'e Awtroyed ls--ttkiuM
be" will not m-t Mr, Mi Kinley (
. -irrig out th horn- nn.1 for-iirn poll-, cuM llSHit or have a voice in the man
y of Oi-ovcr Clevlaml to tlw letter. . aenieut of lho wlcJ to i,,, lle as.
mp;ri tlw-tr niliuinistratioo ns far ptred.
pr!ilKsnt M'-K-uley's goea and draw the j And lhey MVtlT fftor t0 ,hink how em.
OTrttparisou. i barr.issing and annoying it must he to
., SSS j such a one after having been defeated
The ltrpublHun papers jw'nt wib .
, : , i , ., bv lite detesded, party to have ones ow n
,.tiL aiim ii lhtii t. l..titt hoiv ' - -
(Ttfidunt M'Kiubv hs raved the federal
'oveTnment,fii', in full. -when in re
fility tin New York World was th
t rinw factor in doing ihe nwving business
for lit goeenifiient. To prove it, after
he jjfew'Trrk WorW went after the syn
dicate miI ahowttd it up wiili the admin
titratjon the syndica raised their first
bid eight milUon dollars did McKinley do
it? ho did not. '
rrrxklent M Kinley sakl iu Ms roee
' .ikm to congress in rueommanding a sew
fnff Taaure last msrcli the purpose of
te. law waa to provide tufSciatit revenue
wtthful delay, liindnfico of postpoo
menu The law has been a uces only
til treat aad corporat ions who, of course
taytHt Kftvw re-;oniu?nt f ? th part,
fi t'toott toaniitiiR1 V'.nr ih v"! ' ,he
TWiran parl)i loiint tr with the con
tfCuatioe of tike aisgle gold standurd.
Kow da yjM Ke it?
For the four month that the Dingley
tariff law ha been in opperatioB it
howi deficit of ao average Of tO,4M.
790, or total of 41,719,000, ainoa the
he weot loto sffact. If it ahould roo
tiou to fall abort for the neat eight
fiMfliba it baa for the but three
tweottia sad ft half the amount will reach
tb eoermou deficit or 138,177.000,
wblvh caueeda the deficit of th Wilaon
lajf pteftMine ter aojrooye,r white is
vsirfttioo moat asaty-lx million dol
Um iok of it jros Ugh proUotionitU .
like 4 rowels, tbe reader of tho
tiMKrJiiva Mt In tkis state are crraso
iiikT at atru w. After being fairly boa ten
nttbputl Nov. Sndj they oorue now
iMtsatiog agaiiwt oaMtesjsir the vote
: ui haat 51 counties which would defeat
' lire w fjf Sue people ISI MSI wwwrvtvw v
' t His Htflllvftn and the two . reform
1 " rewtf .of the 6tU Uoivnty
!wer ftod Vua rtU. Of cosrat
v'ttis U ii prMmtmtj in towsnl
trruwi hf Uzs limy N
vrvCs:.tfUt3Wocl.tto U
- tr ' bmxlihwi C-'tam that
"'''" 7 eartvr ha ts perfomrfd
" ' "."i meatiftt t law tad Wiere
H - M B BWs. - - V
oat r mii rr it.
O & l t"?i kata
Jut about the time cor rrese it readv
j the Spanish Kovernment get wond-rfu -j
l.v humane in order to liavs a quieting
i flt on th memia'rs of congreaa.
j -Tl-mpUiof cf.VSp.uwd by the'""' .TT j""1, frt",h,'t "'I"'
; Soamsh government in Cute,, . ater ' " f-,rt M
Hlllibustewalittleoverayear .go and W "hie" ,ll mk it Ji,t
is-nte,. to death l.v thai p,v,nm,ent,
ha la. 4rd..ned by tl,e Queen R.geot.
! Tlk 'Miv itrji ,
TtiecepulilRaiisor Ohio voted th old '
Soldier at tbe Dayton Ohio Soldier
Home which is a federal institution. It
W0W "PI1 lht tne vot 0511,1 from that
institution ia to he contested by the
Democrats tlw ffr0UIKj ,hllt tne vote9
lflsl (,v jt nmat, ,.ouid not vote tliww
ln! . u, (mvJ .e t0 their own home
1 ( Hst ibeir voii tli wtnie anall fader
nl tFc'rH 4ir iuiploveei. Should it prov
to Iw t;o.d law and b funtiiinl by the
courts of the land it will rmlucts th t"
pull is i majority in the Ohio;;: It'n 4
lit letiNt live which in tltxt event, wou.d
t dumocnt P. 8. Snato.-.
No CoinprimlsHs Here.
It is surprising to note how Very little
it takes make some people smile awl
look happy, If it, were before Election
.i I.I l I.: i ..n . 1,.4-r
' . ... ..
ter the election is over to biok liliit
little item in tlie ijwsf!ipr relative to a
siuiilur election in rtnoiber county ktMUld
so stir tip tlM (k-feated part that they
iiimcine tbey can mm lhroii(h atBoke mA
j:loom a faint din.ish f:hm aiaring ray of
hone. Dnuniini.' people mill catch at
! straw so it is said This HenN to be the
case with ttw iiwn-c-Jecti-d . p-rty in this
coimly They are in water to deep to
j wade through, awl they cant swim and
I under such circumstanccH they realise
j that it i only n qiiestion of time, und
only a very short time at that,
Thfn tlwy will have sunk s dep and
far out of s't:bt lhat there will not, be
even a ripple in the water to tell where
they went down ami so, to buoy up their
sinking spirits and to ressurect their dead
hopes, they catch at everything however
frail that cornea within '.reach. Hoping
that by ho dointr, one niemlier of their
party may be able to puss safely through
the dark waters of despair and be the
means of prolonging the life of their par
ly. . AihI they hint that even at this late
iUv i not too Ute conveying the idea
that its never ton late to mend, and
that he illicit yet be able to patch up
matters in some wav or other, so tbHt he
any snow so nine leeun nou sympiii
hy. Because the opposing candidates in
Hurt county concluded, just before elec
tion, that two could run the office better
limn one and so up and got married' in
order that both might win the election
is no reason why one's own party need
to be so onsysmpathetic toward their de
feated candidates. Iu this county
the idea of aconipromii-e of any kind is
all ono, equaly riiiicilous, laughable and
imbecetiu to the lady superintendent '
elected in thia county, as it is annoying:
and embarraaiog to her dofcuted appoo
ent. But should any auch a compromise, as
the defeated party hint at, be affect
ed, Burt ounty will know that tbe
earth is off her track without any bom
Urding from Sioux County at ait aod
that the final smash up of th entire un
iverse may be expected any second.
Ifas Eunc MnutiAit.
To tho Iloadcra of the Journal.
Ft. Collina, Colo. Nov. 17, 1997.
Ed. Journal: . I have thought you
might be glad to hear of , my observations
unu eierwa' m uuiurwu. i ootii ana pampniet Doui sent ires PJT
are Americans with true yankee push, ! irmn. Mention Ttr Siont COUr
aod patriotism. Citiiohlp her mean j JcxkxaL and aend your address to )r.
freedom of speech, pre. nd sex to th lCilntr A Co.. Bingbaaipton, N. V, TIms
fullest extant for all. There ia no tax- proprietors of tin paper guarantee tbe
atioo without repreeBnUtioo here. It fouiooeas of this offer,
was a pleasing sight oo th 3nd to see ssa9
busbaod aad wives ooroing locked arms A (Jraad Otaetaalty.
or ia carriage and making out their . , . -
, . . ,l . There aro today thousand of youiig
francui together; tiler wer no drunk- ' . , f,,"
, m . " , . people on the farm and la the vt aim
aids oor Bghta, nor brawls, but the bum "r , 7
j ' ' . . , . who ar tied down by lack of education
nesWHdooHUoDtly and orderly at to work they heartily dislike. Aro ynu
going to church. Hurrah for universal i on of them my friend? If so, the
suffrage! I havs looked over ooiiaidersbl ! Orand Island Busine Normal Coll
country here, tbs climal and acenery I' Pt you on th road t. siicos
7 ,...,, . 1. 1 i i if vou are nmbitiou aod will Ing to
very nueb like theHatcrk Basin, only Btudv ,t nmw A,trwm1w
that it is enlarged aod inteaaifled; th bat k ward you are provided row are
mountain are higher, with soma leaniog j plucky and mean basin Ws teach
to tho east. The oWree of cold ia lower r.thmg Det-estiray for a uccvafl
to too east. 1V 'C "w" .tart in life. If you are short of money
to wlnUf, coming dow to Mot more lie- w- w, t BoU wlthftlll ,i
low fttro, Tby havs lb advaataga of
larger traM but not ooo-foarth ao
amny of thatn. Th plain ars smooth
r; asd tbs psopU abost twexty yaars
tjo began a work In saraaat U tain wt
d4tohand build irrolra. I karate
apacted om rrvor aortb cf Iowb vtl
oovera about C9 aorsa aa anrtj cf U
ftcti tit O i1c t ,C5rrr
f-r h-park but artificial diMies made
Hi lakelets It. 'in lantifol r.lo-oi '
p i t that Hi day w .( In as
enterprising people will no approta mVe
T. I 'tore .,d di.eft tbe 1
I ' II
"i-.rrtui, mini ivi ier ami,
j mow hospitable people it Ii ih never been
,n3' good fortune to moet,
1 1) ure iruiv, . l'. inOBUS.
WarboBMt Warbling.
Omaha pcddlew were dointr bunir.eSH
in the valley one day lant week.
Mrs. Ltnlie ! rane is recovering from
Lon fever and whooping couph.
Jamea Merriam in sulTennK from an
j attuck of rheuniiilisiu, but is itill able Ig.
be up nnd around. , '
Dill ShitU-ry is hack in the valley onit
more Luving rtlurntd Iowu hist S iur-'
day. . " f j
j The whooping founh has m ids itsit
pe;iram in tl e family of Siim IeelinL. I
j Several f the children are down with it. j
Gene f'igi nw iir.d fumily visit il with''
I Mr. ainlMth Piiildy life- d:iy. last Week.',
j Mrs Alice Kiue- has dci'lel to, re-i
. !
IU. T. Merriiiin visit lOjf lier relatives uid
.j fnViwl and kvifingovi:r tlni '-ountry.
ry-, ''II
thw contiiiiits to JiH-; Kionx cou
f i i l t . - J I I i-!'l
oprioa sto mav -aeoioe n i nevsv
e. v. v taii a '
jv u. awi, uwm jbius, jnr. av
Priddy, Mrs. O.irtoSand severs! rh
from thM burg werel doing butioaw i
t.h lt.iK t .m. lil.,i.t..v
tlla Neongii had the inisforune na
thrown from a horse and hurt her
quite badly, ao ahe nan been uoalrle ito
attend school. At thia writing sru d;f
on a swift path to recovery. 1 1
Jotin Anderson and Ham Leeling have
been hauling t-orJ wo(sl from Warbonsf t
canyon dun tig the aast week.
. Ecaa
' Montrose Clipping
These morning are quit.) uold on tbe
mail carrier. . . - k , - , .
Jacob Uenfy, Sr. will move hi cuttle
from .near Ardmore to bis much oo
aqaaw creek tomorrow.
Lew Gtyhart went to E Igamoot list
Frid.iy to pay his lif t, a vivit. .
Mrs. J. J. Henry from AuleloM creek
has twon visiting her pareoU iu sowbel
ly canyon. ' t.
F. 1'iekeobrock i building a new bora
ou his place near M mtros.
There were twenty grey wolves aetai
mh east of Montrose last week. The
oeig ibors all turned out last Saturday
after tlie wolves but we did not hear
the rotult. , , . Sags,
' , How TtiTPluU OMt . r
Fill a bottle or cqinmoh' glass with
j urine and let It stand twenty-four hour.
a sediment or settling indicated an Uft
hralthy condition of the kidneys. Wheq
urine stains linen it is evidence of kidney
trouble. Tiio frequent desire to urinate
or pain in the hack, is also cpnvi ncing
proof that the kidneys and blader are out
of order.
. What To Do.
j There is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Ijt. Kilmer's
Swamp Boot, tbe great kidney remedy
luinis every wish m relieving pain fn
the back, kidneys, liver, bladder aod
every part of the urinary paasagea. It
correts inability to hold urine and scald
ing pain la passing it. or bad effect fol
lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, sod
overcome that unpleasant necessity of
being compelled to set up many times
during the night to urinate. The ruild
and the extraordinary effect of Swamp
Hoot is Boon- realized. It stands the
highest for it wonderful cure of the
niost distressing cases. If you need ft
medicine you Should have the bsl.
Sold by druggist, price llfty cent asd
! OIM dollar. You may have a ample
taraat for tuition or If necessary ws will
furolb vrythirjg-UiiUon, board, acj
aad gia jrou Urn to gradual art
Kjr for aam Mtwwaro. jfitn,
wsnalasjd Uierthaad ooar.
(LU par wsak. rata4tad U yr ,
Uotl3a Caoerd aast tm flat, " 1
for resets Is atsrL tat.fct
L IJ. UiT, rrli : y4 1
Why Don't You
Wear Diamonds?
i It is not, because you cam
not afford to, because YOU ,
CAN if you will let us help
'" We hare nernrer) th purln.
lve control and output of the
i to, Bteel blue and canary
color" and offer them to the
readers of this paper at $3.00
per carat, or a one carat,
fetonc set in a solid gold ring,
pin or stud, sent post-paid
atiy where in the United
Statts or Canada upon receip
of ').00. "
5V ARNING-Do t't -,0-ifoun '
tlicHe stones with h-lrxg
vertised by certain uiia.ii!
Ibus parties. The khv
lionjy be obtained throus
iThey positively cannot be
na itom the unest 8100.
IMS. We make a svucial-
of daDlicatinit raroircnM.
d aro importers of geuuine
Mamonds, RUBIES, EM-
EtfAUS, OPALDS and do
for own cutting. Our repair
CJipartnient is the best equip
txki in the west all work
dttae promptly and satisfat-
upng uaranteed.
Special offer: send
m 2.00 and mention this pa-,
per and we will set you a one
c&rat stone in gold ring, stud
rd pin and send it to you any
where Jn the IJ. S. post
paf4 .-1 ? y ou will asree to
ftrXvWr U to your friends and
feelp us to iutroduce these
'-goods.; y-;$ .;.;:-
Send 10 osnta for catalogue
and book on diamonds.
, fry order of tho Bourd of ronntv coinm'.s
stenera of sloox rountv. Neb:
PoUco is berody give i th it sealed bids
W4i im leuniTeti ann nivu ny a andersig-n-e4i-eantv
ehirk, antll ) o'clock noon of the
Srd) tiey or Iiecetaber 1S97. for the removal
of wast is Irnowa a the Nontrone bridge
cruet list ersek, atidfor eonatrnctlon
of a sew Bridge waer paoll road erossos
said creek. . ', ,-.,7 .
Plslia and Tactiftaa onlv be had
by oaUiBg at the ofBe of the : v.aiity Clerlt
Plslia And rneetnciitJoa onlr be had
Dent forutlsHst on tbeoswnd DuIIktw.;)
Wttst scmmhhmi7 all H4A,
serves the right to rejeei
, Pavad aritarrtMii veb..
7 an ohm, ana toe re-
any or HiLia. i
Hov.. (th UV7.
County Clerk.
Final Proof Notices.
All iMraon havis final proof notices la
thia paper will receive, a marked copy of the
paper and are reiiested to examine their
nottcvandif any rrurs exist report tti
am w mm once at one.
f Nones rxi Puauc .13.
i. Land Oftloe at Alliance, Seb., I .
x- 's October 2&Ut 1MT7,
Kotlea I berfby given tbe t tb foliowln
nam settler has Sled notice, of hit Intention
to wae anal proof Inwappert of hi claim,
n4 t said proof will be mad before M J.
iW, detk, BHV Court at Harrtaon Neb.,
oa Hwher, ith 17, vis: William Velgt of
fort Wanton, Xetr, wo mada II. a? o
l Osaie th toliowiaf wl ness to prove
at eonttnuow restdeae nnoa aad cultlva
ttoa ef, esM land, via:
ra) awA. of rt. KoUnoa, Wb,
CAkiHCIatltB, "
raADB , ' M "
na i t rsicxK, -
It, ': J.W.WaaaJt., Register.
rOmc at Atllanee, Kb
fKovemberlta, UH77-
Katlaa M trSbv ativa that) ha fnllawlnv
Baadr'wbssflld nottee of Ms Inta.
Hon w ttea-4 anal proof la aapport of bis
eMim, sag tbst said proof will be made
befer M. J. BleweU Clark DHtrtrt court at
lUn.Mb..oa I)miibrlth. Wi. vu.
tOsava freeb..r, of MOntreee, Meb., who
tMBOj i g. ftO. SHI tor th MB N W H, N
X-Bn. aVLk XBU. sea. Bt. TowsihiA st.
Kaaot w.-
it SBaia taa followlag wlta to prove
bis aaae reakteao apa and raltlva
Uooof askttlryii:
Jm- WaaWeaniaw, J. J. Wnsserburger.
Atj Jttteia fad Heary Waawrbargpr. nil
of lCtiM,ie.
Auai'tbsastsi E. nkabrork, of Mont'
roae.treb., wayiai U. B. o. wt, for tbe
wtfftM. It, t jraehlsM M Baoga w. .
Badrs tb fUewtag wtnin to prove
hweSaUaaomaMasaan aadaaltiva
ttaaMlaMrtrdjjrfct V
Wst sJiawsad ttd Oetaun, aa g
t . i jatyii. wamax3s ag axaatrow,
f vm -s t, prove
n rJTi. :
1(1 -awtosO, Aataa Kbnia,
L Ciarr rxiteek.
TllE .fonrs-AL will rmhitab yor bmnd. ike
rtwfoikinir, for.:00, per year. Kaeh sd-
(Jltlonul hrinxl 7S rent. Everv furnier or
ranchmen tn Stonx nnd adjoining- coiinlle-l
suould advertise tfcelr brands in The .Iocs
KALae it eireeliites all over te stale. Jl
may be the nw;aiisf savin: money lor you.
On left side ef cattle ai.d on leftj
rhooldervf borw. j
Range on Antelope creek
o.. oailokrlH, Sleux Co., Stb.
On left side nr hip of rattle, j
Oa left shoulder of h"e. I
Ban uu tbe head ul Warbonue.t
Address Harrison. Sioux Co. Neb.
8. W. CAREY.
I On left sboulder of cattle
IKHiireon Little Cottonwood.
I'O. ., Crawford ebr.
Bellas sb rilrbsalM Wlsft
mills Tower. Tasks, Irrl(
tlos Ostata, Hom. B'Ulnn,
Orlsder 8bellrr. Wood awt.
pure ruisn. rine. rut ids.
d ralrkaab
0 au mat.
taaeasw nealca. I' ci
low. Oct the beet, tend ior
, uoa FBrnam m. omsni. hod.
They hand fe e vsry thing
eral department counry store.
1. C. Bajrajwrut,
D. H. QRWWOI.O, Caahier.
Transacts a General
AxoauCAM ExcHAWig Natio!ai. avk. New York,
UVaBa National Bank, Omaha.
First National Bank, Chadron.
Interest Paid on Time Deposito.
Kow writs o for OwKfrtptij CCiiu. Wa will tall you a
I'..n, it. to nav uoea XfU fZt,
i-ewi4ai Mtus aw
qoM 'etjcuio )8 uivuej SOI I
:MKij.-tKi'ioMaiwwff -nr j-t
iautoi;j 1.JI4J .'tit. f u .Mr.y
tfffi .IA"J.( U .HljM fi iioa i-if Vi g "
ew HVHHtvA im"i tarri -jiMtji t
Xh jtafi -uii-ax -Mi'j iuui u i .ii ..'.-.
itqi ns .111 tna -.ifiintiAOis H 11 irf nu fcf f
is-Uii Atii .i.iaii)..-' .na i '' ,'"
.-'i-"'! mi,i pM i.ittn l.nvf : '
iiii : Cjmh-ii M'r.v(tiuii.i
j M,r KVn l"Wl"JuJ'(?,',, i m.
JTor Inf-irmatloa and bea Haadboolc write to
Olilent Isirpaii for areurlaf patraU In Aatarls.
Ererj rMt. ni taken out ty u la browrht brfH
tfee yuUlo tf a oolio (Itm fraa ot cbarsa la Ua
Sf. mnMit ntiAm
Lareest etrenlef Ira ef nT adeatlfle paper tn U
world. t p:c-naillr Illustrated. latellleent
maa ihotilcl lie wlUioat lb Weekly, 03.00
year; fUCI six month. lUsAltn!ri (X,
fuai.uat Hi. aot aajadwaj; Mv VurA CHI.
us jaly hilled in a ga.v
1 tU
c. r. noma.
Banking Businecs.
Vc pay the l.
la Nebraska and Wtsjrn low
Ym Get $195 Orpw tV S.
: 4oni aad I&.M par mom' .
tZ"J SuiraMd tor rr.
f,'vCJ. this now Si year. . -.
1 1
s " (' U
. v-.