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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1897)
The Sioux County Journal A4rrl fur What V..u Want lu li,- JOURNAL , Non 1 The line J.t' Su b'trbe r Tin; JOURNAL. VOL. X. HABBISQjNT, 3STEBA.SIC A, THURSDAY, HOV. 1837. 3STO. 9 The Sioux County Journal. f tsTjLDIJSHr.O lPt'3. rUibK-riptioii I'iv-', 51.00 OFF IGIAt. PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. ;o. 1). Canon, - - . llitor. Kntin-H at tin- IUmju pom olllce a ecUIIU fin IIIHlUT. OUR ROOSTER CROWS. STATE I COUNTY. THESE ARE ELECTED FOR TWO YEARS. The Election of Only one Candi dates Is in DouM. Fusion S'.nie Ticket. Tr Jtulf of tbe .nprm Court, J. J. SULLIVAN, Columbus. For tnt of the fitnte Cnlrf rnlty, fjEO. F. KENOWER, Wisner. E. V. FARRELL. Kearny. Fusion County Tieket. County Clrk, M. J. BLEWETT. Connty TtfiMiurftr, CHARLES DIEULE. fa a ty Sheriff, THOMAS HOLLY. Ountjr Judfe, ROBERT WILSON. Ceuaty Snperintenflfnt. MLSS ELSIE MERRIAM. County Sarveyor, B. F. THOMAS. County Coroner, Dr .JULIAN. E. PIUJINEY. County CommlMloner, lot Iikt. JENO C. MENG. County CommlMloner, tnd Iilst. ANDREW PRO.UNIER. 4'onnty r)uiui1ioner, lrl Ulnt. JAMES F.YOUNO. Victory is ours. Through the comb ined efforts of the ref orm forces Sioux county has done her part toward the redeeming of the state of Nebraska out of the hands of a lot of boodlers. It not only shows that the state has been still further VMRY i form administra- i tlOll at LiUCOlll, ' 1 , , out -tsryan and free Cll VfT ICS -nrf narl -AvtI HOD QCaCl, ; iDPlfhor 1CJ - nTrcariaTM - tV llGP in 2Iett ' . i CU.anTilLyS, ! Hon. John J. Sullivan is j (.'looted supreme Judge of the 1 1-tale of Nebraska by from ! 1 :. 000 to "0,000 majority. The fusion candidates for Regents are elected alo, though with a slightly decreased wor!.'!?; ""T j1 , J picked to piece, mii-T' presented, malign-1 New York, Maryland, Ken tucky, Colorado, and proba cy Ohio has gone Democratic. South Dakota only elected j three reform circuit Judges jout of eight to be elected in ! the state. jtousthat if the voters were j left alone without resort to ico-ertion and intimidation, they would be found voting right on all public questions it hat would be for the wel ; fare of the public good. j Hx-state auditor Hippie and the pres ent stale auditor M.iyhew of south Dak i fit:, have been bound over to the circuit ! court for embezzlements of state funds, i Let the good work go on, if men elected I to fill-important ohVes in the gift of the j people without stealing then tliev ouirlit ! to l d!nlt with accordingly, . No mat- Ur what party they represent. Report comes from Dawes county that the entire county ticket i elected with tlw exception of county Superintendent and that office stands in doubt up to last niht with three or four precincts to hear from giving tho fusion candidate a fighting dunco for election yet. Itav, Julian nas a v-ry popular candidate, and hence his Letter chance for election. ' .1 i i . . 1 now inau ine campaign is cioscu lei us ct down to business and let the past i be the past. It has been our aim during the campaign just closed to refrain from personal flings at any of the candidates running on the opposition ticket. And a paper or a candidate who will engage in such disreputable business ought' not1 to be countenanced in a neighlorhood. There is one thing we have this much to nay on that point; It has been with out doubt one of tho cleanest campaigns it ever has been our good fortune to pass ; through. Which in our opinion speaks volumes for the people of Sioux county. In a general way the candidates on both sides seem to have vied with each other in conducting the c invas on a clean vote hunt. Of courie we may be mistaken, in the above statements but believe we are correct in what we say. All the defeated candidates seem to take defeat like men without making a ! howl as some defeated candidates wool I ! do. The other fellows had they been de feated, would doubtless have takeo tbeir medicine the same. Henry George tha laboring man's friend and who was a candidate for may or of Greater New York City did on the 29th lilt- of apooplexy in that city while in active campaign word, having made a speech tha night he died and only sev en or eight hours before. No doubt but if he had lived to pass throught to tha end of the campaign he would have been elected the oext mayor of New York city He certainly had Tamany and the ' Piatt machine pretty badly beaten up to the time of his death. Whatever .... . . , night have been th. result as U hiselec- lion last Teuesday at any rate the labor- ing people of the United States have last one of their best friends and will be a i .(,.. k., ., k 1M l- long time before another man will be found who can fill his place as well. It is a pitty there isnt more such men in , the world. I . , ... Henry George has been called an an- anhUt and a. inrv r ran If hut tha an. archist and a traxy cranK, out tne "P , ithets wer misapplied, and any body who took the trouble and was not too partisan to read bia views could not hesitate to say his political views war as sound as the views of tho two old par ti. Tl wns dul'l"s honst and sin- Wlmt 19 T1,ou-ht ofai,Eili("-- The man who -in run a. nfniniun witll0ut flnf criticised, ceosuivd and inremeneu, lias never iieen louiul, says tie M,.ysvine, (k.v.) i-er. h . a barrt" "Jahty, beautiful to think of hut incapable of taking on morality and ssH;ii',in wth vulgar hum.inity. t ' plei,se everv body as it is fr every """'y to p'eas,! him, and the u pner lie makes up his mind to the sttiliOin fact me ueiter ior nil concerned. 11 ne works l,ar.l for the public good, lie re ceiqes private sensure; if he compiim-tits merit he is censured by jealous dements; if lie approves morality he is cursed by immorality; if ha tries to be. lair he is condemned by the unfair; if he makes u mistake few overlook it or anliiz for him. No matter how innocent his pli'- ed, ridiculed and seldom defended. K: works hard for bread and butter while other men wax rich around him. He writes up a yard long marring article to the queho taste for nothing, and in threatened with a licel suit or a duel if he mentions a drunken spree of the bride groom six months afterward. Yes it is impossible to please all. As well attempt to chain a cyclone or lasso the lightening. Ten Follies. First To think the more a man? eats the fatter and stronger he lieconies. Second To think the more hours chil dren study at school th more they learn. Third To conclude that if exercise is healthful, the more violent or exli tust ing it is the more good it will do Fourth To imagine that every hour taken from sleep is an hour gained. Fifth To act on tha presumption that the smallest room in the house is large enough to sleep in. Sixth To argue that whatever reme dy causes one to feel better at once is good for the system, without regard to inUrior effects Seventh To commit an net which i felt in itself to be pr-jmlici ,, ti p mt that some how or n'lu-r It imv y,l'; in voiircin" wish i is pJi i Eight To advisa another to a remedy which you have tried youelf, or without speciai inquiry whether all the conditions are alike. Ninth-To eat without uny appetite, or to continue to eat after it has been satisfied merely to gratify the taste. Tenth To eat a hearty supper for the pleasure experienced during the briaf time it is passing down the throat at the expenceofa whole night of disturbed sleep or a weary waking in the morn ing Vni-th WuatArn Catholic o ' - Tke Illeks IS0S Almanca Hid paper. We are informed that the 1898 alman ac of Prof. Irl R. Hicks is now ready and judging from its past history, it will not be many weeks in finding its way in to homes and offices all over America. It is mnch larwer and finer limn any pre v,ou issue. It contain- 115 pages, is splendidly printed and illustrated on fine book paper, having the finest portrait ever given of Prof. Hicks. It can no longer be donied that the publications of Prof. Hicks have become a necesssity the family and commercial life of this country. His journal. "VVohd And Works, aside from its storm, weather and astronomical feat ures has taken rank with the i-st liter ary, scientific and funiily -magazines "of the ajre. Do not believe hearsay and re- ports. See the Hicks Almanac and pup- er for yourself. You will tli.;n know why they are so popular. They are ed- ucators of the millions and unrivaled safeguards to property and human life It is matter of simple record that Prof. Hicks has foretold for many yean all great storms, floods, drouths and torna does, even the recent terrible drouth ov er all the country. The Almanac alone is 25 cents a copy. Tho paper is 11.00 a year with the Almanac as a premium. Send to. WOR'J AND WORKS PUB. CO., 2201 Locust St , St. Louis, Mo. , , Notice To I,ni Uwiirs. ' , , To all to whom It may concern : The CoiniuhMlonera sDnolntcd to locate a rMMl commencing at so link , nt o. thu Cor- ners of sections H and 1 and .7 in Town- h!P " two r"e flrty lhT- thncn north lOch . Inn; thence wu t 51 11.. k to wet ' ,on Mne; , hJ eh ,n( to thn0e north chain.; tb -nee i.onb 70 degree SO tumutet eut ;.ou h.U.i tueu e , north a degrees li minntesemt 4 Uch,.ji.ii; thonce nurthlS degrees weste.00 eh. dim; thmce M mvnUm wua( t;, ,,. thciice north 41 degree, we.i nt chains: ttaeuce north snd 70 hundreds i chains to corner of kc tlons 4, 6, R and 9 In 1 mm iuwiiiiii nu rniiKw bihi niero : nus rnortd in favor of the cn.,biin .mat iti-re. r nd objections thereto, or ulaliii for ,uinagc must iw Bi.d lu the ounty clerk offloannor befor noon of the w day of tMhllahml arlthnnt rnfri.iii.ji thi ntn. U.J. BbHWBTT, County Clark, QYPHILIS 01M 'tU-e't aunt. H fmft',.!. Cm. 1 Final Proof Notice. All persons having flnul proof notice In this paper will receive a marked ropy of thu i i.jucnu-u ii i'&;uiuue men notice ami If any -rrois exist report the wiiiie to tills office at one!. X'OTICK FO I'CULIC I . . . Land Office at AIIIuiipp, Neb., ) October Z',tli 1W7, j " ,ro: Ice i hereby pi ven that the fol!owin nhnied settler busUled notice of hisintentlon 1- n.uke tliml proof iu euppoi t of bis cl..iiu, a-id that uiJ proof will be made befre M J. Jlli-wett, Clerk, Dit. Court at Hnrrison eb., on December, 6th 1C7, viz: William Voigtof Fort Coblnaon, Neb, who made II. E. No 2S-JI for the S JfS.t Sec. 22 and w. S-W See. 3 Tp. 32 N. It 64 W. Jie namen the followinir wi ir sseg to prove Ins continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, aid l.tnd, viz : F'.eo SW of Ft. Robinson, Seb, t'A!!L ijCIMIKU, " " i'l.E!) Amis , . " " SiJ . t I'mtKs, "' , f J. VF, W ins Jr., Ke-jlswr. How To Find Out .Fill a bottle or cotunion glass with ii ne and jet it stand twenty-four hours, a' sediment or settling indicates an un healthy condition of the kidneys. When urine stains I men it is evidence of kidney t fouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or (rain in the back, is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladerare out of order. What To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Lr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fullils every wish in relieving pain in the liack, kidne-H, liver, bladder and every partof the urinary passages. It corrects inability to held urine and scald ing pain in passing it, or bad etfects fol low ing use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of lmin; compelM to tret lip many times during the niht to nrmnie The mild and the ext rnrd.iiiir ell'.ctof Swamp Root is 8(wn realized. ,'t stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by (iriia-uis s, price fifty cents and one dollar. You mn hnve a sample bottle and pamphlet lioth sent free by mail. Mention The Siorx ot'NTY JonrtN-H, and s nd your address to Dr. Kilmer & Y.. Binghiimpton.N Y. Thu proprietors of tins p;iper truarantee the renniri' iii-ss of fh;s offer WhyDanYYou Waar Diamonds? It is not because you can not afford to, because YOU CAN if you will let us help you. "We have secured the exclu sive control and output of the celebrated SOUTH AFRICAN OT COLOR DIAMONDS. White, steel blue and canary color" and offer them to the readers of this paper at $3.00 per carat, or a one carat, stone set in a sj.l l I pin or stud, sent post-paid any where in the United States or Canada upon receipt of $5.00. WARNING-Don't confound these stones with being ad vertised by certain unsorup lous parties. The genuine can only be obtained through us. They positively cannot b; told from the finest $100. GEMS. We make a special ty of duplicating rare gems, and are importers of geuuine DIAMONDS, RUBIES, EM ERALS, OPALDS and do our own cutting. Our repair department is the best equip ped in the west, all work done promptly and satisfat tiong uaranteed. SPECIAL OFFER: Send us 2.00 and mention this pa per and we will set you a one carat stone in gold ring, stud ro pin and send it to you any where in the IT. S. pont paid if you will agree' to show it to your friends and help us to iutroduce these goods. Send 10 cents for catalogue and book on diamonds. UNIVERSAL VPP Y OMPANY. DEPARTMENT N. 69-71 D BORN T.. CHICAGO, ILL. rnpp mill a pattaitaotobr bllhb lllini. iroatmenl for rlULLi'""1" weakness ai.r f KBjanaai denty . nnrrous debility aad ' -' - '!'!' ; th fr p t 11 f . postaite. STOCK HKAXIW. The Joue.val will p-UiIIhIi your brand, Ike the following, for f2:), per year. Each ad ditional brand 7j cents. Kvery farmer or; runchuieu in hioux and adjoining counties siiould advertise their brand In TheJoue MALns it circuit. tes ttn over the state. It may be the means of saving money for you. FRANK KCTTO. On left side of cattle and on left, slinoldcr of horses. Jtange on Antelope creek I. O., Gliilchrist, Sioux Co., Neb. CHARLES P.IKHLE. On let t side or htp of cattle, On left shoulder of hnnes. ( Range on the head oi Warbonnet crek Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb. cf-T"-?' W. CARF.Y. Jt r'n '"ft shoulder of cattle and jt'OT: horses. KMk!$ HsniP'on I.lttle Cottonwood. i'U. ., Crawford Xebr A Ur Hid tiiaily. Tlwre are tod.iy thousands of young people on the farms and in the villages who are tied down by lack of education to work they heartily dislike. Are you one of them my friend? If so, the Grand Island Business & Normal Coll age can put you on the road to success if vou are iimtntious ana willing to study. It makes no differ nee how backward you are provided you are plucky and mean business. We teach everything necessray for a successful start in life. If you are short of money we will accept a good note without iu-i terest for tuition or if necessary we will furnish everything tuition, board, and books and give you time to graduate and pav for sam afterwards. Business, Moroni and Shorthand courses. Hoard $1.50 per week. Established 12 years. ollege Record sent free or catalogue for 6 cents in stamps. This is your i-hnwe of a life time Will you let it slip by? Adress, A. M. Hargiis, President, Grand Island. Nebr. i r F"I k II PI MARSTELLER BROS., They iuiil3 3317 thing usaaly hndled in a gen eral department counry store. SUCH AS DRY GOODS and GROCERIE, BOOTS arc;! SHOES, HARD and TINWARE; also FLOUR, FEED ani. GRAIN, KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY GOING TO MARSTELLER UKOS THE COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1888.1 Harrison, E. BUK'-rSTt-R, l'resident. D. H. GRISWOLD, Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50000. acts a General CORRESPONDENTS! Amwucav Exchange National a!k, New Torlt, Omaha National Bank, Omaha, First National Bank, Chodroa. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. HTDRATTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OP EUROPE. (via ijtmi xnoqi avai in imMuida moit m 1 joa UBn. ias je auon VmUnri aajat jeeaqaMit alqamndeal ;q lasaaiq aLMltaarav) 1 UU euaa IMpto wmei WoA MIR 'IfMWW M 00 NNflll r tANOMAslM rM "H" log (GRANT GUTHRIE, Attorey-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all legal matters in Justice, County and IiHrii t Courts, and before the United Sun Land Office. Fire Insurance written in rcliubla companies. 3TLegal papers carefully drawn. Harrison, - Noras a. DBS WED? But still on deck to do wagon work and blacksmithing. Third building south of livery barn, DO YOU WANT JOB WORK DONE I THEN COME TO THE JOURNAL OFFICE. Nebraska. C F. Comn, Vice-President Banking Busine CO !.... kt9 WOOD Rcltpt ra rirfcik 1 mill X'lWtit. Tnk. -. Hun OatAia, Hi, t. -1 f llrlnitvr sIii-II'1.Vot.. Iflv PxlliH, I'lnr, Ml -nrM aoMl. M HtaailarM Mealm, low. Ort Ibr nM. CUlnBut. PUMPS OF ALL KIN9I, f 4 - i PAIKOANK8, MOniE :;02 Fpmairi 8t Omihi, w jlt'- ML flit i, 'i f ..'Ml 'f ' 1 " n V ? M ' je . i ' '? .1 f J