The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 28, 1897, Image 3
1. mark p. e Court P. iff p....n A 5 si i rei v4- -En fcf Deeds Vnt of Public i) then bo ncil in jeption ilidates nd the. ) on his T" TT-V f xecteri. e than r the eyor GOV.HOLWB TELLS ALL ABOUT EX TREAS URER BARTLEY S BONO. REEKING IN CORRUPTION. HOLCOMB ACTED CAUTIOUSLY, AND DID HIS DUTY WELL. Had Conspiracies of Public Plun derers to Contend with on all Sides A Fearful Condemnation Which Is Fully Warranted by Facts Known to All Men. To the Citizens of Nebraska: Smarting under the defeat suffered ty them at the last election, disgraced and humiliated In the eyes of all honest peo ple because of the startling disclosures and Indisputable array of evidence con stantly being brought to light, showing one continuous revelry of fraud, cor ruption and extravagance In ofllce by those put forward as their representa tives and entrusted with the manage ment of the affairs of state, the man agers and ring leaders of the republican party of Nebraska have adopted a policy of guilty silence as to the wrongs com mitted against an outraged people, and, with the instinct of the guilty whose pockets are lined with Ill-gotten gains, have raised the cry of 'Stop, thief:" to distract public attention from their own grave offenses, hoping that in the confusion ttuy may hide from public gaze and soorn their long train of evils and escape the condemnation of the peo ple, which they ho richly deserve. Their position Is: It Hartley go; let Moore go; cover up all the fraud and ex travagance which la being brought to light every day; let the guilty parties who have been entrusted with these im portant affairs of state and have proven recreant to their trust go unwhlpped r f Justice; give us liarrabas, but crucify Holcomb. CAMPAICN OF LIBEL. Quallf catlcns For a Present Day Republican Politician. In order to carry out this ingenious plan of distracting public attention from the real Issues now before the voters, theBe astute, unconscionable defenders of republican faith and practices have engaged In the most disreputable meth ods ever employed In any campaign In this Btate, or perhaps in any other. They have made it a campaign of libel, slan der, falsehood and deceit, such as prob ably has never before been witnessed In any political contest. The person who Is the greatest stranger to truth, hon esty and fair-dealing; the person who can utter one falsehood after another with the utmost abandon and reckless ness of character Is the one seemingly who has the highest seat In the councils of the party and the most potent voice In the conduct of the present campaign. In HTir with ttita policy ttxi oumraittM On resolutions at the republican state convention, reported a resolution, with mock virtue and feigned Indignation, condemning certain republican ex-state Officials whose wrong doing had been thoroughly exposed and the proof there of made so complete and overwhelming as to require only the formal Introduc tion In court to establish the fact Judici ally. And the resolution went further, saying, "We condemn the governor for falling to exercise his prerogative in requiring the treasurer to make an ex hibit of and account from time to time for the publie funds In his custody and by reason of this palpable dereliction of duty he cannot escape his share of the responsibility for the treasury defalca tion." I can readily understand how a resolution of this kind reported to the j convention would be adopt-d without .discussion or Inquiry, and of the acll in 'of the convention I have no comment to I make. But to the committee who draft j ed and reported the resolution I charge jthat there was no truth In the portion Just quoted, and no sufficient foundation in fact for its creation; that It was in tended to deceive and for the purpoa.j Of shifting the responsibility from the republican party, where it rightly be longs, to myself, who In no way, by any fair construction of the facts, am charit able In the least with any responsibility CHAMPIONS OF CORRUPTION. Character Sketch of the Republican Platform Committee. for this shortage or any part of It. These facts must have been known to this committee, and 1 will not presume that they were too densely ignorant to un derstand them. Iiok at the personnel of that committee moet of them men who have been the especial champions of republican policies of extravagance, corruption and boodlery; defenders Of olllclals who, entrusted with the dis charge of Important public Interests. jhave failed to measure up to the respon sibility Imposed upon them; men who have stood sponsor to the official In tegrity and official actions of those same men whom they are at last compelled by public opinion and force of clrcum stancts to condemn. One of these dis tinguished promulgators of republican belief wns In his paper taunting the pop ulists of Nebraska over their alleged chagrin because Mr. Hartley was ac counting for and would account to his successor for all moneys he was charge able with, when at the very same time Mr. Hartley was short and was unable to produce the funds which he should have had as state treasurer. Another one much later arraigned In the most bitter tortus Judge Haker, who presided at the trial of Mr. Hartley, for thu man ner In which be conducted the trial, when to every fair-minded man the de fendant's guilt was beyond controversy or cavil, and all that was required was iha nrrtinl Introduction f if the testimony as to facts already within the knowl edge of all wvll-informed men In the I tat. f-'uch are the men wh' undertake to condemn me for doing my duty. APPEALS TO SPIRIT OF FAIR PLAY Olve tho People tho Facts and Thoy Will Render a Verdict. Never was a more striking Illustra tion of the devil attempting to rebuke sin. Th'se men, If they had wantid to be fair and honest, would have con dsrnncd themselves and the republican party, for liiey alone are responsibly fur this great wrong to the people. I do not exptct fair treatment from th-ie man. Fair treatment, -truthfulness und honesty are qualities not possessed by thoss who ara managing tha affairs of ii republican party today. They pre. ftr dclt, falsehood, slander, fraud and corruption as best suited to their pur poses. It Is not to them, but to the hon til, fair-minded people of ths slat, of 11 politic! partlsa, that I cppeaL Let thern know the truth and (hen past Judgment ujioo my every act. I rhal ierign and court open, fair lind hones! (Tltlclxm from any source and lime m. liar of the result. THE GOVERNOR'S POSITION. Hartley Required to Show Up the Funds on Hand. What are the facts regarding my con nection with these republican defend ants? It la true that I was governor; that I approved Mr. Hartley's bond, it Is further true that I required In good faith a full and complete accounting by blm of the funds In the state treasury at the beginning of his second term of of fice and my first term. In the first place I have all along contended and yet contend that Air. Hartley should have had his bond approved, his accounting completed in all respects and have en tered upon his second term the very moment that I entered uion my first term. In this contention I am supported by the constitution and statutes, which provide that all state officers shall qual ify and enter upon the discharge of the duties of their otliceg f(,r the term be ginning the first Thursday after the tlrst Tuesday in January next after th-ir election. It will thus be seen that Mr. Hartley should have qualilied for his second term and entered upon his du ties at the same time I began my hrst term. A responsibility was thrown upon me by his failure to thus qualify prior to the ad of January, me time fixed by law, which I should not have been re quired to assume and which belonged, as I understand the law, to my prede cessor. Hut this was not done and I was compelled to meet the conditions which 1 found to exist. I did so to the best of my ability and with perfect fidelity to the people. BARTLEY'S BONDSMEN. Were Endorsed by the Com merclal Agencies as Good and Sufficient. It has been said of late and often te peated that the bund of Mr. Hartley whs insufficient when approved, and th!s falsehood, like many others, has grown until now It is boldly asserted that the bond was worthless and that I knew it to be such when I accepted It. Let us see about this. The bond was presented to me late In the evening of January 3. I advised Mr. Hartley that I could not possibly act in so Important a matter that night; that I could not pass an In telligent Judgment regarding Its sufll ciency without careful examination and extend;d Inquiry; that the sureties were all strangers to me and I knew but lit tle, It anything, about (heir financial responsibility. I then talked with nu merous people about the financial stand ing of the sureties, and all spoke favor ably as to their being persons of high business standing and recognized finan cial responsibility. I asked the aid of the commercial agencies and their re ports, a great many of which I now have on file, gave to the parties signing the bond a rating in many Instances gr..-atly In excess of the amount for which they Justified and In all Instances showing that all sureties were financially re sponsible and proper persons to be ac cepted as sureties on obligations of this character. The aggregate of the value of the property owned by these suretl-s, subjet to execution and sale on Judicial process, far exceeded in amount the sum named as the penalty of the uou 1. The reports, I undertake to say, were reliable, trustworthy and such as any prudent, careful business man would have relied upon to ascertain the re sponsibility of the sureties on the bond. DEMANDED MORE SURETIES. All Swore That They were Worth Over $2,000,000. fBufur,tiu:.r; Th0 ar"ount of the bond ujh-u nmn iirenernca to ma Janu ary 3, at one and one-half million dol lars. I regarded this as lower than it in Justice ought to be, but did nut feel warranted in rejecting the bond out right, and, because the sureties seem-d to me after careful and painstaking in quiry and Investigation to be barely suf ficient and the amount of the bond ex tremely low, I requested Mr. Barticy for additional sureties. These were fur nished, and all Justified In the aggre gate by their solemn oaths for over f.vo million .lr.lhiru U'llhmil !... ... i "- niiiivui (.jiii uiiu ue- tail regarding the different Individuals ; composing these suretlis, suffice It to say that they were persons who had reputations for personal integrity and . standing and financial responsibility of , the very highest character, nearly all of them being actively engaged In rep , utable business and having business connections equal to any who might be secured as sureties on undertakings of the kind under consideration. The bond : was good and sufficient then, and it is now so far as I can learn; and this notwithstanding the very palpable faU-. , hood which is now given currency for j political effect, even to the point of Im ! peaching the Integrity and truthfulness ! of the sworn statements of these sure i ties, whose standing and character uicieioiore nau oecn a Dove reproach. ACTED CAUTIOUSLY. . The Republican State Senate En dorsed Bartley'a Bond. I submit to all fair-minded men that I acted In this respect with due caution and business prudence and that this false charge must fall flat and should react on the heads of its authors. But this is not all: A republican sen ate, upon a motion to amend, made by Senator Campbell of Nance county, ap pointed a committee to investigate the sufficiency of this same bond. This committee, after having the matter un der consideration for several days and after iiaking a thorough examination into the matter, reported as follows: "Jn regard to the bond of Juscph S. Hartley, as state treasurer, we have to report that we have gone into the inves tigation very carefully. "The sureties thereon are, with few ex ceptions, men of known business stand ing, our Information having been drawn from non-official, but none tiie less le liable sources, and In each instance, confidentially received. "Having given due consideration to all the facts prtsenied, we beg to report that In our opinion the bond of said Hartley, as state treasurer, Is good and Bu.hi li nt, "All of which is respectfully submit ted. "S It. AKKKS, "VM, STKUFKR." This report cannot be said to be false and unreliable without Impeaching the lepuhlictin (senate which ordered the Investigation. Lo these purveyors of this falsehood want to be under.stoo't ns S'l.ving that the republican senate falsllbd the condition of this bond and that It was worthless at that time, und that the report of the commiMee was a lie and made to deceive? 1 usk the hon est citizens of the ntute to say whether I was derelict In my duty ri guiding this bond, and to them I submit the matter. ARTFUL DODGING OF LAWYERS Using Every Concolvablo Device to Escape a $500,000 Judgment. In the suit on Mr. Hartley's bond now In progress In th district court of Doug las county, every Imaginable and con ceivable defenso which -the Ingenuity, skill and learning of counsel for the surety defendants can bring forth Is being employed. They seek to profit by every issue nd obstacle which can , raised, whetlur regarding the merits of ths case or some dry technicality, ar4 I can rsadlly ooncslvt how these de- feridanti, with a probable Judgment ot half a million dollars staring them In the fiicc. will through their counsel ie. sort to the most desperate means to reiki-ve themselves of this responsibility. It has been asserted during the trial of this case that ex-Treasurer Hartley was a defaulter at the) end of his first term, and that 1 had knowledge of that tact. An offer to Introduce evidence to sustain this charge was made by Mr. Cowin, one of the attorneys. People generally know how much importance attaches to an offer of this character, especially where It is known, as must have been in this case, that the offer was of evidence that did not respond to the Issues In the case and could not relieve the bondsmen, SENATOR RANSOM'S DENIAL. Never Charged Governor Holcomb with Bad Faith. even If true. Much has been said abmt Mr. Hansom, one of the attorneys fu the bondsmen, making a charge of this kind, and scurrilous nondescript circu lars, embodying these assertions as hav ing come from Mr. Ransom, have been circulated ail over the state, presumably by the republican campaign managers. I desire only to say that I have received a personal letter from Mr. Hansom en closing an editorial from the Omaha Hee under the caption, "A Startling Ar raignment," and embodying the sub stance of these statements, in which Mr. Hansom says: "I notice the enclosed editorial in the Hee this morning (Oct. 9) and without thinking It is necessary, because of the source, yet I desire to say that the statements therein con tained are unqualifiedly false, and f you desire to Inquire, I refer you to gen eral Cowin, the leading counsel In the case, and the other attorneys in the case. Personally I made no offer whatever hut argued the admlssahlllty of an of fer made by other counsel, but nowhere was It claimed In the offer or argument as stated in the editorial." A DAMNABLE FALSEHOOD. Refused a Challenge to Submit Proof. Whatever may be the truth as to what was uttered In the court proceed ings regarding this subject, and by whomsoever uttered, I have only to say that never was a more heartless and un Justifiable falsehood uttered by man than the statement or Insinuation that I had any knowledge directly or Indi rectly or In any manner that Mr. Hart ley was a defaulter at the beginning (f his second-term of ofllce. Upon the con trary, I had every reason to believe, from a careful examination of the con dition of the state treasury, that he had every dollar on hand that he was pro perly chargeable with. The fact that the attorney general consented that the defense might prove that a-shortage ex isted. If one did, at the beginning of the second term irrespective of my knowl edge regarding the matter, and that the court permitted them to offer proof of such alleged shortage, and their failure to offer one scintilla of evidence to sustain the charge made by them, ought to be conclusive proof that no such evidence existed and that there was no ground for the cruel, unjust and false offer made by Mr. Cowin to prove such charge. It leads one Irresistibly to the conclusion that an attempt was mad" by counsel In this case to prostitute the courts of justice In order to manufac ture some cheap political capital to bolster up the waning cause of a thor oughly discredited party. It was proposed In this offer to prove these assertions by Mr. (5. M. Hartlctt, deputy state treasurer for many years, and yet, as the evidence afterward showed, Mr. Hart let t'a testimony and my own on this point were substantially the same; and our knowledge of the en tin transaction - practically coincided. How, then, can counsel be justified in this unwarranted, outrageous, untruth ful Insinuation that 1 had knowledge of any shortage, or that, In fact, any shortage then existed? I understand a copy of this offer by Mr. Cowin has been printed and circulated by the republican state central committee throughout the state under cover of envelopes through the United States mails. If such be the case, those responsible are guilty of cir culating a malicious libel and should be placed In the same category as those who will stoop to falsehood and vlllt flcatlon as the proper method of discuss ing public questions. These parties will be careful to say nothing In their de famatory circulars about the attorney general and the court offering to allow and permitting the defendants to prove any shortage during Mr. Hartley's firt term, nor of the defendants' refusal to offer one lota of evidence that such wh the case. How manly, how fair, how honorable, are such methods? Whit will honest .people think of such treach erous and unreliable methods of. con ducting a campaign? SHIFTING ABOUT. Trying First One Falsehood Then Another. It was first asserted that I had been negligent In my duty In not requiring the state treasurer to account for the funds in his possession at the beginning of his second term of office. After wards, when it was ascertained that such charge was utterly unfounded and could not be supported In truth, the allegation was made that the treasurer whs a defaulter at thut time and that I hud knowledge of that fact. Since this palpable falsehood has been refuted, it is now. us a dernier rt-ssort, publicly proclaimed that -the manner of the ac counting by the state treasurer was not such as the law required and was, therefore, illegal. 1 wish to examine Into this phase of the question very briefly. In the first place I would have It distinc tly understood that no respon sibility can attach to me In any man ner for whatever wus done or failed to be done In the office of the state treas urer prior to Janunry 4, IMij, at the time when I entered upon the active duties of m." position. Whatever con dition existed alien and prior to that time was occasioned by the policy of the adrnlnls. ration of state affairs by the republican party and their repre sentatives, ho had held almost unin terrupted control since thf organization of the state, and who had up to that time and since proclaimed through the press and upon the plump thnt their management of the (-tate's affairs v;s honest, economic, straight for ward and In the lnterst of the people. After being Inducted Into offlee nt' 1 fiB'-crtnlnlnp thn! theiMate treasurer hud pot qualified utuh r my predecessor and that the duly devolved upon rue, I im rneil'Mt'ly pet t' work i. autlously and carefully to discharge my duty In the mutter of the qinilllicZ'l'.on of the trean nrer for his second term of office. Net only did 1 consider It carefully, bin 1 fbo conceive I It to be my ilutv to apcer tain the true condition cf the fclate treasury mi l s ent" on accounting of the funds chargenbl" to the state tr.i" urer In order to comply with the spirit of the law. I thbik I can safely nty that never before in the history of th! state had such nn accounting been made certainly not to my knowledge. Hear In mind that what I endeavored to do was to ascertain the trulh regarding t lie condition of the state treasury and to be satisfied that the treasurer had In his possession snd under his control all funds with which he might properly ha chargeable. I hRd neither tho time, ability nor facility to enter Into an ex pert Investigation of this matter. I could only be expected to make a rea sonable effort, situated In my position a I 4. i require a full and eomplt accomting of the funds belonging to the state (reusury. This I did. SUPIEME COURT'S IRON HAND. Unlawful to Deposit School Money j In State Depositories. I vjsh to call attention to the fact that after the enactment of iie depos itory law by the legislature, the zupremc cour In an opinion handed Uowti In Feb ruary, U'4, held that the provisions ol the leposltory law had no application to educational and trust funds, and that it would be unlawful to deposit these funds in state depositories. This decision, then, required a separation of the funds. In the current funds, which should be deposited in state depos itories, Mr. Hartley accounted by ex hibiting evidences which to me were satisfactory and which I am satisfied were perfectly reliable. He had prac tically all the current funds for which he was chargeable in state depositories, where they properly belonged. The other funds, being the educational or trust funds, must then be accounted for in some other manner. It is jrged now that these other funds should all have been accounted for by the production of the actual cash. This was not dona, in the nature of things it could not bo done an! was not required to be done under the- law. DISTORT GOVERNOR'S WORD'S. His Idea of a Sham and Farce Ac count ng. My language has been distorted and I have been charged with saying that the law requiring the accounting was a farce and a sham. I have uttered o sueh sentiment. I have said that to give the law a construction which would permit the state treasurer to go to the banks of Lincoln and Omaha and tem porarily secure cash equal to the amount he was chargeable with and exhibit such cash as an accounting and then return it to the banks from which it was obtained, would be a farce and a sham and would throw absolutely no light upon the condition of the treasury, leaving us in as much ignorance as though no sueh accounting had been had. it is a fact known to many that county treasurers have made settle ments by securing temporarily the cash necessary to balance their accounts, re turning It to the banks after It has served Its purpose, and nobody was any wiser as to the amount of actual funds in the control and keeping of such treas urer. This was especially noticeable in the case of Harrett Scott, of Holt county, who produced to the county commissioners money borrowed from the banks of Omaha for that purpose, returned It to the banks and within a very short period was found to be a defaulter to the amount of nearly one hundred thousand dollars. It was in this sort of an accounting that I dit not believe there was any virtue and did not care to engage In. I felt it to be my duty to know where the funds were rather than to have somebody else's funds exhibited as belonging to the state treasury. In doing this I con ceived I was complying with the law and giving to Its requirements a sen sible construction one in which "the spirit maketh alive while the letter klll eth." I examined Mr. Hartley's ac counts and he exhibited to me cash in the treasury and certificates of deposit of solvent bunks in the state, where he had the money on deposit for safe keep ing, for every dollar for which he could he held responsible. These certificates of deposit and evidences of credits which he held In the banks had all the evi dences of genuineness and there was not the slightest Indication in any par ticular that the money which it purport ed to represent was not honestly and Justly to his credit there, to be called for whenever it might be required by en order for Its investment from the Hoard of Educational Lands and Funds. HOW THE MONEY IS KEPT. Custom and Common Sense In the Case. Bear In mind the fact of this money being deposited In different banks was a condition that existed when I exam ined the treasurer's books and a con dition which existed, which was upheld, which was endorsed, which was defend ed by republicans, under a republican rule and regime, in the affairs of this state for a number of years past. If it was wrong at that time, It was wrong the day befr-e; if was wrong during the campaign preceding that time and every republican In the state who supp"-ted the republican policy and the repul I administration of affairs was equally responsible for that wrong. Every state officer preceding me, every member of the supreme court, every member of the Igislature, every well-informed perso-i throughout the state knew that tills money was not kept In the treasury vaults; that In the nature of things It could not be kept there in safety; and that Its only safety lay in its invest ment as the law directs, for the benefit JUDGE POST'S DECISION. Regarding How the State Funds Should Be Kept. of the school children of the state. Let me quote here an opinion of Judge Host, the republican candidate for re election as judge of the supreme court, upon, this subject and see where I should be held responsible for this heinous of fense and no one else share in the wrong, if one there be: "Hy reference to the foregoing cer tificate of deposit It will be perceived that the transaction here Involved dif fers from an ordinary general deposit in one respect only, viz., that the money of the state In the Capital National hank was payable upon the return cf the certificates, and not subject to check. It is, therefore, directly within the reasoning of the cases cited. Hut the legislature could not, by the adop tion of the criminal code, have Intended to require the Impounding of public funds In specie In the vaults of te treasury for another and sufficient rea son, viz., tUat the state had then, a3 it has now, no sufTlctent vault in which to securely keep them. We take notice, too, for It Is a matter of common noto riety that treasurers have never kep funds of the state In actual cash In tho vaults of the treasury, and we may safely assume that they will never be so kept, since no treasurer could glvj the rcoulrefl bond who was suspected of nn Intention to entrust the millions for which he is accountable to the utterly Insufficient security provided therrfor b.V the state. A change so radical us !o ii mount almost to a revolution of the jinandiil policy of the tate and which niixt result In multiplied embarrass ments, owltir to the Inad-quote provl tlons for Investment of our rapidly In- nosing school fund, should not be nno-ioned upon any such diubtful ground tia an amendment of the crim inal code, designed to prevent the em bezzlt mcnt, by of'lcers, of public funds entrusted to them for safe-keeping." HOW IT WOULD WORK. To Temnorarily Produce the Cash la Absurd, It U was required that this money should be In cash In the treasury vault r-f the state at the time- of the account ing b tween Mr. Hartley and mysei.', it should hnve been there a year prevloua and for several years before. It should lave been there at all times thereafter. It will not do to say, and U10 proposition Is absurd, thnt for the purpose of ao- counting the money should be tempo rarily brought Into the treasury tauli. but that at all other times It should be deposited In the banks under the di rection and control of the state treas urer. Had there been anything In th? law to Indicate that this accounting should be in actual cash, by the uam parity of reasoning it would be re. quired that the actual cash should be In the treasury vault at ail times and under all circumstances, except where deposited in the state depositories. This was not the condition when the ac counting was had. It was not the con dition prior to that time nor since then. Every well-informed person knows that this money, which could not be de posited In depository banks, was not kept in actual cash in the treasury vault. In that accounting it was dis closed that ever two hundred thousand dollars of educational funds were de posited in the vaults of one of the lead ing banks of the state. Other sums in smaller amounts were deposited in other banks. All were clean, clear-cut evi dences of the deposit by the state treas urer of so much money belonging to the state, and which he might call in at HIS DUTY WELL DONE. Another Injunction Stared Him In the Face. any time it was required. Will any sane man, will any prudent business man in the state say, under the circumstances in which I found the state treasury and its different funds, accounted for in the way they were, that it was my duty to insist and demand that the state treas urer withdraw all this Immense sum of money from the banks where it was deposited and put it into the treasury vault? If such a course were required by law I would have endeavored to en force it were it to break every bank in the state. But it was not so required. .It could have brought nothing but disaster and ruin to the financial inter ests of the state, could have resulted in nothing but the wrecking and deplet ing of many banking institutions, solv ent at the time but in a critical condi tion because of the disastrous financial condition and the sever drought thro' which this state had passed the season previous. Not only that, but I would have been met promptly by a process from the court in line with its other de cisions that this money, until invested, was under the control and keeping of the state treasurer and that I as gov ernor could not determine and had no right to determine in what manner he should keep the funds entrusted to his care and keeping by the choice of the people. W1W else can be said In the face of these conditions and in the face of what actually occurred than that there Is a desperate attempt being made to bring reproach upon me because of the shortcomings of others and because I have been an Instrument in bringing exr isure to the extravagant mal-ad-ministration of affairs by republican state officials and those appointed to serve In important public positions? DID ALL THE LAW ALLOWED. Republican Legislature Should Have Taken a Hand. Not only did I require a full and com plete accounting from Mr. Hartley at the beginning of his second term, but during each semi-annual period there after I required from him a report in writing, and these are the only reports that are on file in this office made by any state treasurer, showing in detail the amount of moneys on hand, the amount deposited In the different depos itory banks and where deposited, and, in fact, a complete exposition of the condition of the state treasury at the close of each semi-annual period. This is all I could do under the constitution and the law. This was done, and never had been done prior thereto. A republican legislature was in ses sion at the timi of the approval of Mr. Hartley's bond, and were there any occasion for the belief that the state treasury was not In satisfactory con dition, this" legislature and it alone above every other power, was provided by statute and by its own Inherent I power with authority to Investigate all such matters. But the republics-n leg ; lslature, the friends of Mr. Hartley, and every republican today who has com ! plained about these t hings that have transpired in times past, were as silent as the grave. Section 5015 of the Compiled Statutes provides: "All books, letters, and j transactions pertaining to the office of i treasurer shell he open to the inspection of a committee of the legislative assem j bly or either branch thereof, to examine and settle all accounts and to count all ', moneys; and when the successor of any such treasurer shall be elected and i qualified the state auditor shall exam i ine and settle all the accounts of such I treasurer rma.'nlng unsettled, and give him a certified statement showing the balance of moneys, securities, and effects for which he is accountable, and j which have ucen delivered to his suc cessor, and report the same to the leg islative assembly." THE $200,000 THEFT. A Conspiracy to Rob tho State Is Plain. In no other place in the statutes is such latitude and unlimited authority given for the examination of the condi j tion of the state treasury as is here 1 given to the legislature. If I have failed 1 In my duty, this legislature failed ten fold more In their duty. But further: I Of the moneys of which Mr. Bartley is ' in default, two hundred thousand dol lars is for current funds. Reckless, in 'deed, would be the Individual who for j one moment would Insinuate that I was i In the remotest degree connected with this shortage of over two hundred thou sand dollars. The legislature made an I appropriation to reimburse the sinking j fund. Scare ly had the act become a law than a voucher, adjusted by a re publican state auditor, approved by a ! republican secretary of state, was made I out In favor of Mr. Hartley, not as stave : treasurer, but in his Individual capac ity, and upon which a voucher was 1 drawn In his favor, registered, and by him taken to a leading bank in Omaha and there negotiated and the money dis j posed of or dissipated in some way un- Known 10 mn. 1 Ills warrant, h-m 111. iu ten days prior to the expiration of Mr. Hartley's term of office, was paid and cancelled. Not one step In the entire transaction was known to any one, so far ns my knowledge goes, except thes1; republican state officials and the bank nfflcials who negotiated the sale ot the warrant. Yet these arrant hypocrites would have the people of the state of Ne braska believe that I In some way have been derelict In my duty because of this os of over two hundred thousand dol lars to the people of the stale. To what J-pth of infamy will thy go In order to fllstract the attention of the people from their own crimes and misdemeanors? THE SCHOOL FUNDS. What Holcomb Tried to DoWhat Supremo Court Did Do. To return to the school fund, some thing over three hundred thousand dol lars of which was not accounted for bv Mr, Hartley at the close of his second tirm. What is the condition of thl fund, and how has It ben managed? The legislature undertook to secure Its deposit In depository banks and the su preme court held that It was not lawful to do It. The legislature undertook to have the at ate treasurer buy state war- rants with It when there wn nw in the gtneial fund and the sttK court held he could not do It. The f. of Educational Lands and Funds ft aeriooK to uirect tne state treasurer t purchase state warrants with this unin vested school fund and hold them aa an Investment for the benefit of the school children of Nebraska. A caee was made- up and the supreme court helJ that such- investment could not be made unless at the pleasure and with the consent of the person holding the warrant. The supreme court has, in fact, given US a line of decisions from the very begin ning which in effect permitted the stata treasurer to keep this enormous fun under his own control, care and custody a temptation in itself to fraud, mal feasance in office and defalcation. During my term of office I labored In dustriously to secure the investment of this fund as the law provides. I met with the stubborn, solid opposition of the republican members of the Board of Educational Lands and Funds, and in vestments in state warrants, such as are now being made every day and found to be satisfactory in every way. in accordance with the law and the early decisions of the supreme court, were by the republican attorney general held to be unlawful. What can now be dona with the utmost satisfaction to all con cerned, was then held to be unlawful. I then endeavored to secure the Invest ment of this same fund.Ln United States bonds, against which no valid objection could possibly be urged, and again met with the opposition of the republican members of the Board of Educational Lands and Funds, as strong and deter mined as that against investing It in state warrants. I then turned my at tention to the purchase of county reg istered bonds, the only other kind of securities mentioned in the constitution, and by my own individual efforts, un aided in any way, secured the purchase by the board of over a hundred thou sand dollars of the entire amount in vested during my first term of office. Every dollar of this fund could hav been and should have been invested prior to the expiration of Hartley's sec ond term, and even before that, for that matter; but it was not done because of the active assistance, aid, co-operation and consent of republican officials, the republican press and party leaders throughout the state. If this fund had been invested as it should have been, no defalcation would have taken place. The money was on hand at the begin ning of Mr. Hartley's second term of office. Instead of three or four hundred thousand dollars, every cent of it should have been and could have been invested, and not a dollar of it lost to the state. HOW THE STEAL WAS WORKED. Another Smoothly Carried Out Con spiracy. Let me illustrate one other fact as to the condition of these funds. It will be borne in mind that aside from the twa hundred thousand dollars, representing the amount collected on the sinking fund warrant, drawn in Mr. Bartley'a. favor, and about which I could know nothing, the remainder of $335,000 rep resented the educational funds in hi hands. These funds, as above stated, were kept by him, and could not, under the decision of the supreme court, b deposited under depository bonds in banks-designated as state depositories where the current funds must, under the law, be kept. Just at the close of Mr. Bartley's term of office, and when it was known that he was required to account for those funds, he presented three depository bonds, making threw other banks state depositories. Thesa bonds were not presented and were not acted upon until near the time that ha was required to account to his succes sor. I objected and protested against the approval of any more depository bonds because of the nearness to thn time when Mr. Bartley would ba re quired to account for all funds, and be cause depository banks had been des- Ignated sufficient and ample to cover all current funds which should be depos ited therein. Notwithstanding my ob jections, these three depository boi da were approved by the republican attor ney general and the republican secre tary of state, and, without my approval, which the law says must be had, thesn banks were designated as state depos itories. At the timp of this designation these three banks had in their posses sion over two hundrfd and twenty-two i thousand dollars ($l'22,000). This money, I I am satisfied, had been in these banks ! for a considerable period of time and ! was in fact school money and belonged to the educational funds and not to the HOW EASY IT IS To Rob a State When You Know How and Have Confederates. current funds. By this action, how ever, Mr. Bartley was permitted to cred it as current funds this $222,000, which, properly belonged to the educational funds, and in its stead to dissipate and misappropriate an equal amount of current funds which he had accumulat ed during the last six months of his in cumbency by failure to pay any state warrants, and of which, according to his report, submitted November 30, 186 preceding the expiration of his term of' office, the general fund alone amounted to $589,370.39. Yet. warrants at thia time were outstanding against this fund for many times that amount. By thia action of his fellow republican state officials, Mr. Bartley was permitted te take out of the school moneys which h had on hand, and which should have been turned over to his successor, this sum of over $220,000 and which he should have been compelled to account for out of the general fund which he had al lowed to accumulate and for which by this act he was permitted to substitute school funds. This fact alone accounts for that amount of school moneys actu ally held by him as school moneys until within thirty days of the expiration of his term of office. Iri the face of all this, I have been slandered, villlfled and my actions falsified In order to deceive the people. It Is to the I'leonle, the honest citizenship of NcbrarVn, thnt I submit these facts and confidently await thulr--Judgment. t"' (Signed) SILAS A. HOLCOMB. Executive Chamber, Lincoln, . Neb., Oct. 21, 1S37. ' -' So many prominent, phys!clans ar making such a good case ngtilnst eat ing bread that It K' cms proper that peo--ple In general who cat liM-ge quanlltlra. of stcrchy foods phiuld know that such a diet Is coming to b" considered a men see to htalth. Bread Is Fald to contain from 30 to 40 per cnt of starch. It Is hard to dlresit and makes a great and unnecessary strain on the digestive ap paratus. Dr. IXMismore of New York: and other American wrltTS on hygiene believe In a universal reform In thli particular. Mr. T. V. O'Connor, In & London paper, recently made some ver. tntcp-Ftlng statements, lie said that persons who have strictly abstained from bread eating have retained their faculties to an unusual age. Sir Isaao llolden was an example. II lived ninety-one years, the greater number of which were spent in act'lve work andt out of Parliament. lie smoked bjiA drank In moderation. His friends be lieve his long life and remarkable vital ity are to be attributed to the fact that he avoided all feeds rich In starch. There are oeptlna to the rule the,! at arch Is unhealthy. Rloe, for lnatcjioe la readily digested. I