The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 28, 1897, Image 1

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    The Sioux
J t
You W.ut Iu
9 U1rJ9 IV I
- 5
The Sioux County Journal.
Subscription Price, f 1.(10
eo. I. Canon, . . l'.clMor.
Kn(et at the Han-lion Kt office an
pniMU't else matter.
Fusion Stnte Tickrt. i
rr Judge of the prcne fruurt,
J. J. SULLIVAN, Cohm.b'.,. J
rr litigcn' of the Stnto t'nlveroltY,
E. V. FARKELL. Kearnev.
I'uhlon County Tieltot.
County lerh ,
31. J. Bl.EWETT.
Connty Treasurer,
nnty Judge,
vnnty Superintendent.
'ouaty ynrvcTor,
ouaty Cot oner.
11, TTTTTtV V Ptiri'WV !
4't.iinty ('onitr-.iiaflOTirr, !t Plt.
. jesc: o. iwsn
Ounty Coiw.nlfiiiomT, S:vl Dill.
dtinly Cau-aiturionor, lir 1 Dint.
Find sample ballot on an
other. pa??e of thib paper.
Also ineiructons to votiT
-will bo found at the bottom
cf the ballot.
It thought at first that a roistnke
tti mail by nominating Miss Mer
na for county superintendant but eve
ry t.ty we ar frntt in- from dill
erant parts of the county that Mm will
! elct-d without a doubt. The mora
Hie people think about ttio office the
more they believe a woman ouht to
li.tva tbe place and so do
Ilrer. Davis intiranfM in his dive at the
editor fl' the JoCKSAL thut there Are re
pnhliciu in tins county wh' are just as
4-uiuhla (f judging of the r piiMii an
-".luiliilj)'- tto w? presume lie tl inks be in
f remo: t a-uong them, consequently lie
will no uiht endeavour to instruct the
voter of Hioui county how they must
It has been pretty generally circulated
hat the ropublici.ii in Sioux county in-t-od
to vou their own ticket straight
and then work enough free silver votes
to give them a majority at the polls
-xt Tuesday in other words it iu making
u tti paw out of the free silver people
to pull lh cliesnut ut of the fire with.
If the republicans vole their own ticket
straight wtoy not vote our own straight
According to the dicieion of Judge
Powell of Omaha List week the office of
f.tate treasury was vacant during 1893
od 1808 and yet a maa is now Uuguish-
in the Douglas county jail with a senten
ce hanging over his head for 20 years
in the sUti penitentiary- That is a line
UU of affairs for the republican party
to go before the people with in the cam
pa''(ji isn't it. Do the people want more
of it? If rot turn them dowu Nov. 2nd.
During the civil w ar our gold currency
skulked off into hiding places and our
government was obliged to resort to the
greenback to carry on the great strug
gle. Now in time of peace the republi
can party are committed to the retire
went of tbe greenback and treasury note
und to maintain the gold standard.
Snail we rota next Tuesday for that
kind fit office holders? No, let us do what
ii well begun and try if possible c;irry
tbe day for honest government correct,
the evils thnt have not been corrected
sustaio and maintaiu the credit of tbe
There is one noticeable fact in this
fall's campaign that the republicans in
the face of their defalcation and erabei
Kelmenta in the office for the last ten or
fifteen years are not putting any speak
ers into the Holds. They can't face their
record with a clear conscience. The par
ty leaden are all hraas but they were ob
liged to have a surplus if they would be
able to make a canvas. So all they can
do la to resort to sliicaoery and political
discep lion aod causing discord in the fus
ion ranks where they can be prevailed on
to listen to their mistatomeuu reruber
tomot tboea political tnckesten will
pome to tho voters of Sioux county in
".ha dun pf angels of light waicli
Tho indications are now that Henry
George, the laboring man's friend will :
be elected mayor of Greater New York
and the c hances are that the Platt-Tama-
ny endindates tools only will both of
H orn be defeated and Vao Wick will
probably bring up the rear; it will be a
tight race betweeu tho two machine
! candidates which wii! have the fourth
j place at the end of the race.
j As this will be the la-.t issue of the
i Jochnai. bafore election day, we desire
to warn the voters of Sioux county who
for the furthering of their own interests
should work and vote for the fusion can
didates next Tuesday to investigate all
Hloiies iu rvjrard to our candidates. Of
course candidate W. II. Davis has no
tified uh through the medium of the Press
that we have usurped rights and tread
on forbidden grounds when wa said to
the voters l.ut week to be on their guard
and pay no attention to stories starteJ
for the purpose of defeating our tick
et. Hut unless enjoined by Bro. Davis
for that is ike only remedy which the
single gold standard party possesses and
h is a faithful exponent and repre
neritalive of that party tnd all that the
term implies we shall still continue to
instruct and give advice to the people
in what we believe to I right. Will the
freo silver people vote to sustain the re
publican candidates and after election
bear the republican itay free silver and
JJryanism is dead and that prosperity is
here? Uout be hoo dooed.
During the years of 1S83 and 1805 the
Republican state adininistrfition expend
ed for printing the session laws, house and
stave journals and the school laws $30,
737,90, or an excess of over fH,0Q0 fr
each year more than was expended
for tht same amount of work done Wj
the reform administration in 1897. Do
the people of Sious county want more
of that kind of officials in the state em
ploy? If you are desireous of having a
good honest and clean set of officials at
the head of affairs in the state then sup
part the fussion state ticket. It is time
the people wero uwakeing to their own
Judge Powell of the Distrist court at
Otriafm , ! jit, (Uciriei that the bonds
men in the Hartley case are not liable for
the loss to the state for what ex-treasurer
Bartley hns stolen. What can the
pwsle of our state think of republican
riiloby this tira There is only one
ajore straw to be laid ou the camels back
in order to break it aod we believe that
will Us done and that is to turu Hartley
loose and lHct him huu to some iuipoii
aulauL otlice, as they did Mayor Mooieu
ol Omaha last spring who was a Uelault
er to UieexteiH of 11,000 U tUe city
ol which he is now the letfal head. Who
are the anarcbrisls, the relorui parties or
the republicans?.
NjxI Tuesday will election day do
not permit any on to dupe you by per
swadiiig you that you ought to vote tor
this one or that one because ho is a par
ticular friesd or neighbor; or again you
may think such a one is a good sort of
fellow to the detriment of the cause which
you hare heretofore made profession of
Iieod Their lU;cord.
Read the record of what the republi
cans have absolutely stolen from the
state since lb9 in round numbers ita-
mouuts to an agregate sum of 1, 000,000
theu follow by counties:
Dodge county. $ 4.358.
Bulller " 2.45.
Nemaha " LW.
Furnaa " 10.000.
Jonson " 6,877.
Lincoln " 18,000.
Adams " 75,000.
Dakota " 23,000.
Howard " 23,000.
Dixson " H.0-
Buffalo " 82,000.
Cheyenne " 17,000.
Franklin " 4,000.
Richardson " 14,000.
Burt " 6.000.
Greelv " 2,000.
Perkins " 41,000.
Saunders " H.000.
Uncaster " 111,000.
Douglas " 158,000.
Holt " 8.0O0.
Nance 4,000.
Total C84.284.
Wiiat do you think of the record of the
republican party, the cold standard par
ty? Can you stand a little more of the
above kind of work stealing or will
you on November 2nd vote and work
late and early for those fellows to stay
at home. The voters cf sioux county
have tbe remedy to prevent them from
getting where they can do the h..iiki
thing if you only apply it. Afur read
ing Uw record that cat be u!n.u::iat..d
will it be possible for ail mt'dlieni, v, ,!;
to go to the polls aud vole to hiIiihV Ihu
party to pow-er who haV'- had their h ind .
1 in tha voters poclcit ia'tire;lly for tii
i l'tiit 'jta or tifteco ytnir? We hope not
Bro. Davis of the Press, and who is
a candidate for the important office of
county clerk took exception to what he
chooses to call our leading editorul in the
JOURNAL of last week and he undertakes
to jump on is with both feet. But, as
the old proverb reads -a guilty conoiooce
needs no accuser" hence, he has mode the
application and found that the statement
made by the Journal was co rrect.
We said in the article mentioued, "that
we had not a word to say against the
personal or private characters of any of
our republican brothrs"and menttosay
candidates. The article was intended to
apply to unprincipled schemeing pol
iticians who have no rgard for truth
and veracity. "If the shoe fits put it
on. "What we said is the truth and
can't be gainsaid. If you, Brother Davis
are making a clean and honorable canvas
for the sufferae of the people of Sioux
county well and good if not you ought
to be the last person to make a kick a
gainst our leading editoral as you call
The; Republican's Defence
Continued from last week.
Motiber and Outcait, who were accept
ed as bondsmen were at tha time known
to have nearly $400,000 of the money
the bonds were given to secure, and they
themselves say that liar wood McNish,
Cadet, Taylor and others were "squeez
ed lemons" and that in fact over a mill
ion and a half on that bond was worth
less. The value of Hartley's last bond,
which Governor Hoioomb approved (tho
ranies were printed two weeks ago in
these letters) was easily twice as much
as the first.
These same vilifiers of honest men
have also made an attack on Meserveand
his bond. It is time that the whole
truth about this matter should be told.
These same villains who are now saving
that Governor Holcomb is the real de
faulter, aud not Bartley planned a
scheme to keep Bartley, by the aid of
the supreme court in office though he
was defeated at the polls. The law re
quires that. th state treasurer shaU give
m timntof $000,000 and Dot less than dou
ble the amount that may come into his
hands, to be lixed by tha governor, and
that officers elected at the general elec
tion shall (Ho their bonds on or before
the first Tuesday Iri "January next suc
ceeding their election.
The books at the state honse show that
Bartley had in his possession 11.536,304.
10. This would require a bond of over
13,000,000, and they thought that M
serve could not put up that much- and
Bartley would hold over. To make up
this enormous sum in the treasurer's
hands, and as part of their plan to .keep
Bartley in. Bartley bad not paid the
December apportionment for common
schools whi. h amounted to 231. 853,30,
and he held 225,000. which should nave
been paid out for called warrants. This
trick cost Meserve five or six hundred
dollars in traveling expenses and notari
al fees in getting signers to a bond twice
as large as the law really requires him to
make. However, as soon as Meserve got
into office he paid out every dollar that
conld be paid and has continued jthat
practice every since, so that today he has
an approved bond more than twie as
large as the law requires him to ffive.
A $900,000, bond is aply sufficient for all
the money he ever has on hand. If ev
ery name was erased that the thief de
fenders hnva sonjected, to, the hond is
still double what the law requires.
When a party gets so vile' ignobly base,
worthless, abject, mean and vicious tbt, -it
can only make a campaign hr slander-'
ing, aeiaming avi uenounriii
men, it is time that it was wi,
faca of the earth.' J.. " J ,X
The funeral of Mrs.
Patrick Lcy'
which ok plaoe on last Thursday after
noon from the M. E. Church In Ilarrison
was attended by a largo concourse of
sorrowing relatives and friends. Rev.
Kendall delivered a very fitting, sermon
for tho escusion; t!i church was very
prettily decora ltd for the obsequjos.
The very winds seemed awed, by the
solemnity of the hour "Tor tbe? were
hushed into silence; the sun alone shone
out, as if to say another bright spirit has
gone from darkness into light and glory. H
l en'e niv j'y and hrightmav And now
jiihl a word i.f her who U gone beynnd
th'v-'le. M.thildiiE M.Hoit. 'wmheru
on Ma" ll'h l'Wand m 'if. I i Mr.
Lacy at the Hg iif 21 yvaiti.t i hum'' -h
bore four childivo Mire.- if w.. .i, surv v-h.-r.
At the o' h r ii.i,i's!ie
.ut 40 year. I " your sr how v
t Iny down it.w I u'i'h i t, Ut-' I'll t-'c 1
ii; tli ms !-r-ijs i.f tin? M'ivM: who baftj
siveot I v Vi C :t''Ki i hi r lir.nie. j
To her Jle't f.Wlil'y hi) lovi'.y '
nviiiory tf w.f null nif'tlicrVwill e
Iinft'.r iiear, nrel hoj.e Ici.tiiij)
lif.d ;i"-:j,rJ to tlifl ?'-stifi of ' snl.' "'
Final Proof Notices.
All persons having final proof notices in
this puper will receive a marked copy of the
pr.per una are requested to examine thir
notice and if any errors xit report the
Mue to tills officf. at once.
X'oticu ro VUBUC 1 j
Land Office at Alliance, Neb., j
ji octolu-r Zith mi, t
JCotice is hereby given that the followlnc
naiped settler has tiled notice of bis intention
le make floal proof in subport of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before M J.
BJew-ett, Clerk, Dist. Court at Hurrlxon Neb.,
oitnooember, Cth 18S7, viz: William Volgt of
Fort Koblneon, Neb , who made H. E. No
iH for the N. X 8. E. !4 Sec . 22 and w. X S- W
JtSec 23 Tp. 82 N. K. 64 W.
lie names the i'ollowlim wi ncsses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
rueo Swat. of Ft. Eobinson, Neb,
i t'AHt HE1M1KK, " "
, "R1 AM OX , "
j lis!. T FXICKR, "
, . - J. W. WrHsJr., Register.
' ' .police To Land Owners.
'To all to hom It may concern :
. The CominiiKloncrs appointed to locate a
road commencing at DO links east of tbe Cor
rters of sections t and 9-18 and 17 in Town?
trhlp thirty two runge fifty three thence
nortlHO chains; thence weft 58 links to sect
ion line; t hence north 'i 87 chains to quarter
post; thence north 7.50 chains; thence north
Todcfreci 30 minutes east 7.00 chains thence
north 22 decrees 15 minutes east 4.00 chains;
thence north 23 degrees west 6.00 chains;
thence south S? degrees 33 minutes wont 2.70
ebuius; thenoe north 41 degrees west, i")L
chains: thence north 6 and 70 buodreths
chains to corners of sections 4, 5, 8 aud 0 in
said Towiuhip and range and tbero end : has
reported in favor of the establishment there
of,, and nil objections thereto, or claims fur
tlainugus must be tiled in tbe County Clerks
ofllce on or before noou of tbe 23d day of
December A- I. IS07 or each road will be es
tablished without reference thereto.
M. J. BLKwarr. County Clerk,
, How To Find Out
Fill a bottle or common glass with
Urine and let it stand twenty-lour hours,
a sediment or settling indicates an un
healthy condition of the kidneys. When
urine stains linen it is evidence of kidney
trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate
or pain in the back, is also convincing
proof that the kidneys and blader are out
of order.
What To Do.
There is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy
fulfils every wish in relieving pain in
the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and
avert partof Uie unnarv passages, - It
rurriVs inability to hold urine and scald
ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol
lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, aud
overcomes that unpleasant necessity of
being compelled to get up many times
during the night to urinate. The mild
and the extraordinary effect of Swamp
Root is soon realized. It stands the
highest for its wonderful cures of the
most distressing cases. If you need a
medicine you should have the best.
S'.ld by drugiris's, price fifty cents and
one dollar. You mav have a sample
bottja and pHniphl'"both snt free by
mail. Mention' The Sioux County
Journal and snd your address to Dr.
Kilmer & Co.. Binghamptoo, N. Y. The
proprietors of this paper guarantee tbe
genuineness of this offer.
"Thousands of
women are
troubled at
monthly inter
vals with paina
in the head,
back, breasts,
shoulders, sides
hips and limbs.
But they need
not suffer.
These pains are symptoms of
dangerous derangements that
can be corrected. The men
atrual function should operate
.' maces tnenttrnatioa painless, .
aod regular. It puta the deli
cate menttrMl organs in condi
tion to do their work properly.
And that stops all this pain.
Why will any woman snffer
month after month when Wine
ofCarduiwill relieve her? It
costs ft.oo at the drug store.
Why don't you get a bottle
For advice, in case requiring
special directions, address, giv
ing symptoms, "The Ladies'
Advisory Department," The
Chattanooga Medicine Co.,
Chattanooga, Teun.
at Oeasillts, Teisi, ssri I
" I was tubi4 at BMathlj Intervals
, tth terrible tains In sit heas sn btck,
trt hsve boss entirtli relieves b Wis
m Caratil."
, : v :
t' ' l,r
-.! u.u.frt a- rt'ton am"
! I' ' I'l'ilMty) til tSil't tx
y, : ti. . jn..i u 't IS" but. A
V i,ii..t ci iiunmve lnTfitnt
iijttnii.,!))'1., and infant, thai
i p fi,
inn. I liur j'n liar
i Ulul i,.-, I.v;. Ml Iuiiirir4 rAIMHARkia
".hl'-h r,c. i.. .i si.u a lifetime, and prove tbe
elier" InU'f nd. Nn nno run Ih'n dlinute
: i,. !:;..,, u t tltK OK InlTATlONal
a, ronsE & co.,
Tub Jouixal will publish your brand, ike'
the following, for 2 :00, per year. Each ad
liltioual brand 75 cents. Every farmer or
ranchmen in Sioux and adjoining counties
should advertise their brands In The Joes
KAL as it circulates all over tbe state. It
may be the means of saving money for you.
On left side of cattle and on left
eunoider of horses.
Bangs on Antelope crsek
P. O., Gbilchrist, Sioux Co., Neb.
On left side or hip of cattle, j
On left slionider of hnr(. (
Range on the bead ui Warbonnet
Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb.
On left shoulder of cattle'
Km i ire on Little Cottonwood.
"to.., Crawford Nebr.
A Gr and Cppotuaity.
There are today thousands of you
neoole on the farms and in tho villages
who are tied down by lack of education
to work they heartily dislike. Are
one of them my friend? If so, the
Grand Island Business & Normal Coll
age can put you on the road to success
if vou are ambitious and willing to
study. It makes no differ nee how
backward you are provided you are
plucky and mean business. We teach
everything necessray for a successful
start in life. If you are short of money
we will accept a good note without in-:
terest for tuition or if necessary we will
furnish everything tuition, board, and
books and give you time to graduate and
pay for sam: afterwards. Business.
Normal and Shorthand courses. Board
$1.50 per week. Established 13 years.
College Record sent free or catalogue
for 6 cents in stamps. This is your
chance of a life time. Will you let it
slip by? Adress,
' A. M. IIarqis, President,
' Grand Island. Nebr,
They handlaeyary thing usualy iindled in a gen
eral department counry store
D. EL ORI3WOLD, Caahier.
"ransacts a General Banking Business.
v ; . : L C0RRESP0NDENT3i
Amsucan Exchangr National Unk, New York,
Omaha National Bank, Omaha,
First National Bank, Chadron.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
Men suse ae
eltase eat ralrkaaka WlaA
Ills Towers, fsaaa.1rrif
tlea OatSt. Bom. ftetdaa
Orlnder. Sbell., Wood Bsws,
lTit i-omn. -BrSM
cood. tod
taniardl eal.
0 U KINCt,
low. on tbe
Prompt attention givan to all
matters in Justice, County aod Distri.. -x
Courts, and before tbe United StuU
Land Office.
Fire Insurance writtea ia reliable
tJJ Legal papers carefully drawc.
Harrison, - Kksraisia.
But still on deck
:to do wagon work
n-nA V1 n tlrnwi Vi iryo
itiAAva. mmvuwuaa huauq
Third building south of livery bain.
C. F-O
' t-.s ..V 4SHJ
i a-a f--e wv.
HfjNM a
Oldnt trareaa fer S" , ff fm a.ira,
r.rmr e(tititaaeaai hf II
win uanus ay a wmm aw maiKjiaM
ImlattaiteV liimi4tt. hn'
Woo III:
lonri .nnara m 4 il If.
i (.' w.' iMa, 41 at"'
i(lrt r v, l"'" V ! I.
1' .
ii&2 f iwjinl. Orrhfi. Sab