iJOTJB IT J IL;. Tbcessat. Oct. ;th , Geo. D. Canci,-Il litor and pTop. E. A X. T E. it. liDitaHi. GoUtf W-t. Uollltf Last. "4. 6. nixed, 11 :20 ! So. t, mixed S :C0 J. E. PHEWEY. M. I). Physician Bad Surgeon. 411 sells flven prompt attention. - tjr s U 5 -r.ttf. j -IJr.Myers firo Ardmce was a pa--J art ctlier el tm cftV-e oa lat Wednes j is.7 . t M. J. Guj hsrt of Montro was do j in? business in tovrn yesterday and to day. We lesrn through Br. Phinney that Mrs. r'red Knott of Gilchrist is suffering fr.in a severe attack of inflamntnry rheumatism. But she was resting quits easy Tueaday evening. A. T. Clarlc has moved his family in to the Eichstein building where lie has Office In Drug Store. HAMBONa- NEBRASKA. North-Westem LINE F. E. iL V. R. R. is the best to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS OF NORTH NEBRASKA. Comfort to California. 121. ,, Ye9, and economy, too. If you t,ike the BCKl.INGTOS ROUTE'S personally con ducted onee-a-week excur sions which leve Omaha and Lincoln every Thursday afternoon. Tourist sleepers clean, bright, comforta blethrough to San Francisco and 1-08 Angeles. Second class tickets accepted. Only SS for a double berth, wide enough and big enough for two. Write for folder giving full information. Or, call at the depot and see the local ticket agent. A. T. CLARK, Lawyer. Office: 1st fcoor South of BartelM Store. HARRISON, - - - NEB. 50TICE TO SETTLERS. The rules of the local land office have recently been amended so that settlers to make final proof shall settle with the publisher before sending in their applica tion. All parties desiring to make final proof can have their papers made out at Th JouHS AL office, free of charge, and promptly transmitted to the land office so that no time will be lost. Mr. Knori has bought bitu a new one bone cart it is a fine one. A slight fall of the beautiful visited the people of this section of the country OB last Saturday night. Mr, Eggert Rohwer is row the pen ial harness and repair dealer of the Uub having purchased the stock of Lee Eitk iuson. '' Treasurer Biehle mide out nine school land leases last Friday. Hotice Anybody wishing: to buy met al wheels will do well to call on or ad dress Charles Schilts, Harrison. Neb. Hotlce I tan cattle bides and all kind of skins with hair for robes, or without for leather. See sample and prices in J. H. Bartell's store. H. Olbmcht. Glen, Neb. Lost A fine band gold ring between Harrison and John H. Bartell's farm bouse. The finder will be liberally re warded by leaving it at this office or at Kartell's store. Mrs. J. H. Barlell. Strayed. From my place near Story, one cow branded open A J on left side. A reward of two dollars for information of her wberebouts, or five dollars will be given if brought to my place. August Rrxo. The hospital Steward and company Sargent were up from Ft Robinson last Thursday to attend the preliminary trial of Private Krowsen now being held for murder by the State of Nebraska at this place. Merchant Gerlach and wife returned from their visit to the state Fair and also their old borne iu Iowa Mr. Gerlach re ports having a way up time while away and cornea back ready for business again. Miss Elsie Merriam the free silver nominee for County Superintendent ar rived on the battle ground last Saturday evening and we presume has donned her warpaint and gone forth to the fray e'ere this. Give ber a cordial greeting. Commissioner of Public land and Buildings Bon. J. V. Wolfe who was to . have been here to look after the leasiog of the school lands in this county last Thursday was unable to be here as im portant business called bin away to oth er parts of the state. Jobs Lacy who lives north-west of towa about f niles brought to this oflB oe last Saturday four large Boss Seedl ittj potatoes which surpasses any we hwiMN la Sioas ooa sty. We est jtbsteataeaof taem will make folf kiehwl they will be on ei ia tbk ofllos eotil we get potato isJ7. Aay bodyoaeireiftf to see there 111 tUt come qnickl. i O.Tc Of Tr. anrr t f Slout ianty. .Nbr.u;,y i Hskh im, r a. Oct. 7, laV7. Nnt'ce i hi-T-Vv !Tfn th t on Ur tint j'u f v In i e;nr;i-r I T. I.etween t!, I.C'llISOlH OCIIM'k M. Hi. ,.i.d 4 i in. tin. hI il iy t-iii Wis first da? ot the. s,iid loouth, I offer at publio stle nil land in Moux o'l'i IV on which the t.ixcsot the yr.r I. remaining unpu.l. Koliowlr.g i a list of -.tid lnds and the amount of tax es due thereon : ANDItEWS PRECINCT. SMsl. , l . i, 11 h U Li A V,jii.)H it'Jtl, ',ll ,, ' I lll-l.ll opened an ofllce and where lie will be pluased to meet his may friend Dont forget to attend the speech at the court house on next Saturday after noon at 2 o'clock by the famed orator Hon. J. R Ttean come one, come all. and hear something advantageous to your selves. Mr. JelT Ilevrett who recently pur chased the liverv stable with a view to running the same a few months hence, has also purchased the houe now occu pied by James wright, and expects to move his family there as soon as Mr. W. vacates the same. Mr. Phillip Unitt of sf,war(J tn's state came up on a business trip last Fri day and while here called at the JOURN AL office and gave us a cart wheel to help us along the joui ney of life. Mr. Unitt will take back what cattle his son Chat, has to feed with him. lie has purchased ten or twelve cars of cattle down in the sand hills which will go to Seward for feeding this winter. Attorney Dorrington of Alliance was in LTarrison last Thursday looking after the intrests of his client Genrgo Krowsen who is now i.iuguishing in the county 1 j-iil for the murder of Harrison Williams ; of Ft, R ibinson Mr Dorrington asked the court for a continuance of llie case in or- j der that he should have time to look up evidence and prepration for t he hearing, Judge Wilson granted a stay of the pro ceedings until 25th inst L. E. Dickenson who lately retires' from the business of harness dealer and shoe cobbling in ILirrisn and moved down on Snake creek two weeks ago was in town last Friday and Saturday on business conected with the harness shop which he is trying to dispose of. lie in formed us that Marsteller Bros., would sell out his stock for him if he failed to make a deal with a man who was to be here for that purpose on Saturday last. In another column will be found a personal letter to the Joi'RNAL by A. E. Fisher who makes a statement in regard to his coming out for superintendant by petition. Our readers will do well to lead what Mr. Fisher has to say ic the subject. In our opinion Mr. Fisher is too much of a man to go into a conven tion and get honorably nnd fairly defeat ed for the nomination and then go out of that convention and run for the office just to defeat the regular nominee Miss Mernam. Mr. Fisher has acted wisely and honorably and should lie rememlr ed for the manly stand in behalf of tha ticket and will do doubt be rewardd in future. . Hon J. R Dean of Lin coln Neb. will address the people of Harrison on 'the po litical issues of the day SAT URDAY afternoon, at 2 o clock Oct. 23rd. Amt. 24 SI 64 19.17 S SO W 7 ZD -A 7 u s.ss 5.21 C.j 25.23 JMscrlption. P. T. !I. t', 2" -o ii. Kse' 13 31 Li kw:4nw4,n 's- Wei bXik-H. lot a, i enwii lots 344,eliiw'i 11 ill 05 w. -i ec. ' 20 31 M AST ELOPE FKKCINCT. Diwriuliou. S. T. R A nit. Bi4 S M M tt !IK k i lu m M 8e4 lu iA Iri . '-' M V. 13 J4 :s u la at ri w-4 17 :i S6 iou '',S.i, eSWil ui o-i lots.Aj. '4ne !. ;,iih IB S3 !A t-( 13 4 . " lot 1, BetK'' SA Hb 16 loin li2, e;2ii. '4 19 "A ! ue',n1.;Se4, H S4 i7 W4 11 W "S , n n-,f,U',V: 1- -l U ..l b-i U M 14 s: n-1 l i i. Li U '.4 w j ;:. g v oi ',' i e. iZ, u- 'iiie't 13 3: ;J 43 . if'. W!t',w.,e,4 13 3; t tM.tS w4hw U ii LA "i''i.('!4nH,- in". He 13 SJ 53 'I l-,U(v,Wl,i w4 14 32 a 14 ;4 M 14 M 14 Li 14 W is :z :3 M :u LS .-4u S.A4 14.55 B.-l" S0.40 3a a7 14 i l3Mi 22..Ti3 K41U lu.' I 8' lo.uJ e' j,iwi,e'tsw' liWuu nnci f,.ji'es,nei.4 li u'2 Li , HWUH-j.X'Jt 11 w- i "4,ne'a .ii,' 1523 I nAnw'j.iwuw- j ibvy j 15 T.i S.1 t urii IT Si '.4 iw,nw'4 1 3"J M u - II il M ne't it 32 M t fi.c S.I it M ''" 3 w',iie.,,e'iuw5i 2-i 32 fvl i nw itH .4 4 32 KS Ucl '24 32 -i3 nee! 4 32 0J w , H Si 53 1-,S'4,N V" ec. a, ueiit-U j 82 D3 i 32 .vj3 w 4 s oi LA Ii',i' '4 cc. 25, U'tnev !K :C! 13 4.44 :o.'.s 4 4 1-.J2 .MM iii- - 11 u , 14 . 14 . !-4 M r si 4 s x, : 1 v ;.i 3 JM 4L .C.S4. , 36 X, t,4 e-ili '4 7 .4 1", a .4 . ;, 13 LI ,. li 34 Wj 14 M L. li) 34 ti li -4 ,' 5 L-l .14 M '23 34 Lb 4 M Lb 23.S.! 4 'A Li li .'O ! 4IC 1. II ""I 7:.l ! A 1 M . t 'I ! 7-,1 7.K7 W.2S 34 Ml til lo.;U 70.SU iiviiw'.,wiiiie,J. 31 W 7.H7 34 ISI.IE 4.W . f.40 , 8.04 7.V3 4.S5 l..:2 12.70 i 0 7.04 b.L4 w'liic't.e'nwi 'iil.'iiirV loU 14 2, k.uc-4 u4', j iic liiscription. lots jil, e;TnwVi,wi4iwi4' 5.78 9.76 1 1 si : :;2 IA BOtJAUC PBECiNCr. Dixcription. 8. T. R. Aint. nXs'A1l,ii'ie1i 1 32 L 4.l.bi WVs.l5W'.A we. 1. mi'nM- 2 S-2 55 h',i.w1wVise'i i 2i Lb lots !&., ,uc4 3 bi .V e'swl4,w ie:4 3 32 !;b 11 '-jnt 3 LI lb lota l&j.ijlie' 4 32 IA lot3Jt4,s:jii4 41 :c 4S sw't 4 ;c loUli.',s',ne47 5 32 5 lol.A4,sw !.,u '4 5 3. fii c V 6 3L ft.' j Si!'IIW'4lliifcW- i ne'4s 6 32 15 ' :4w) e. 5,8- 'f-n-'t 6 32 bb iol 1, b 32 Lb ; lots .sinenvj,.' I sw'iicj 0 82 5S SK4 7 iL it lie '4 1 u v.; w'.ii1 6 82 Lb iieVjiiwii.wiine- .nwM.- 8 32 65 '2o5 . 8 32 M be'tsw", 32 ii e j'W.'iWimi'tiO 32 55 e'1nw'l,w'.,iiei 10 32 55 i.eue, ec. 10, nwHriv'4 II 32 65 neVk 11 32 bb neVnwii.s'An- 11 82 65 n'jsw'i 11 32 55 eiiisw-.4.sw5isel4 H 32 bit 11 32 55 22.9-1 6.19 ; li.12 1 4i V2 1.1 ii iti.1.1 7.50 tJ3 ib.itt 15.72 9.2.-, 1K2 6 32 .',5 3. S1, ll1 lots -i .Ji 4 hwK, sec. l,ne v4m.'.t - 2 Zi 54 h,'-; wo. 3,ne- ;4 e 4 ncc. 10, w 11 vt H 11 w uwJtueV.nen eijsw'jse'i bW-4 11 32 :4 12 Li .A 13 Li 54 1H S8 '-4 22 32 it a Li 53 b Li 5. f9 be I 6. C3 !.. li i 5b7 4..V2 .5li v.u; 2.(1 1 12.fi 1.1 .4 32.44 L 56 l.'.M j 1-.4 5.1 H.lt '2 31 LL IM.'l 2? M Li 1S.7S n ;4 :..5 i.i.; 31 31 'L 4'. 29 34 SI 55 7.5J 35 34 55 Wt.H Si 34 55 32.;3 35 34 Vl 1I0 19 3.1 0.1 32.. 9 it A., ..5 S. I., 2.1 35 5.i b .14 V4 35I5 34 1 2, 3.1 .'4 3-t2 2t 54 ! 4 V ., 7 . T, U. Aim. 19 35 15 20.75 21 S 1 ..5 L0 35 Lb il E5. Vhra nrn you pnipj? We arc on our w.?y in if.o RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. TiiKV SAY KVKnYTlUNf; IS SO CHEAP AT THAT STORE. . x My wife wtwf of th'c bcati ful SPRIXG 11 ATX and drs (100U un ti-r. I need a Sprirff SCI'J' .:r-ef and re th in: ire en n 1 .. fift'V llu lie f,, j'i tr(i: im a 1 11 RANCH SUPPLY HU'.J.-K LEWIS GERLACH. I rcpr.ctor. 22 .m i i.3o BL'.NMNU WAT. It. 1 ts 1A2, 8 27 :, loin 34.4, s', 11 W S 27. T, ' L 27 1iI-.iA2. K'iiieH 4 2. ,.i .ot.-3a I, h',i,w'4 4 2? 5, '4'M! be 4 4, jj H-M' t , 3, j. ' 6 28 6 S.1S ir .74 i5.:6 3--.ll 21. 2 1,1., 0.4- WE SELL THE Arerican Hand-Sszad Shoe Co's Also,' Wo liandlo a full Knc of r5 -f 1 CELCBBATED I B00TS&SHOES QUB8P. s-wars. !'W , ,0 1 FIVE POINTS PKLCINCT. T. U. unit. lie-, lie , i II i' II M : I' Tlie Passing of Mrs. Pat Lacy. DIED It is with sorrow and sadness that we have to chronicle the dr-ath of Mrs. Patrick Lacy, who passed away Tuesday Oct. 19th at 2, o'clock at her home, six miles nnrt-west of town; the cause of her demise being hemorrhage of the bowels. Mrs. Lacy has been in poor health for the past three or four months but for the. last two weeks and up to eveo the day before her death the fam ily and friends thought she was getting well, in fact her son was in the office on Saturday and made the statement to us that his mother was up and around the house, though not able to do much coula instruct thoie doing the house work how she wanted it done. But it only goes to show frail humanity that we know not when the messenger of death will knock at our door. But we believe the Lord doeth all thing well and it is he alona who can redress grievances and bind up the broken heart. Mr. Lacy and family will have the sympathy of their friends and neighbors The funeral services will be conducted in the M. E. Church at this place the sermon will be preached by Rev. Kendal I and the remains will be laid to rest in the uarnson cenietary at 1 o clock to day. Card or Thanks. We the undersigned wish to heartily thank our friends and neighbors for their kind assistances during the sickness and death of our beloved husband and father, F. Werdeman. Mrs. Fredric werdeman. Miss L. Wsrderman. W. Sleyer. 4.5S 4 an LA , 10.' I !'iciiit!on S. lot 4, MV 4I,WV 4, lut 1, SC-4- ui-i 6. 2. '4 '4w'4 nee. 6,e i.ii.w', i 6 32 64 lots iA2.'tiic'4 b 32 4 lot 6, !Wl4.4r,C,i- A Si 6 :S T4 lot 2 7 32 . 4 i4,w4iic'4 8 ..2 :4 Hsiif),iie!iiiwl'- lol.i .kV4 ,-,UW-4 lots . o 4W ,V II 30.1X1 5.11 6.33 30 43 iti.nv RC4 tie 12 WS.IIW! 1-2 3. to euwr4'ine'4,12 32 V 'is 14, 14 32 55 w',.iw ,, -C.I4, n KK.iiek, iS 32 M senile ,,e',,sc'4, 15 3 tb lieviw- i6 3. w'.iifi 17 3 5, li w -4 lU'Si :iw W BW IJW-4 6 3 1 i 8.K9 ! "l9' 0 ,t, . '4e'i.'''e,-4i .Uh4'""-H S' t lilt 4 H 32 . 4 5 33 . 4 3-1 :a 7 :3 .A 7 3.1 : 4 8 3J M 9 Si !4 1 1 (,.-- 3 -, in V I ijlte 8.M '4i,-4 - y 1 'a, I lot 4, jtiwSt.ne r 91 1 2 7J :-!! '-t.-'" V . :. 1, liif4MJ!4 g (4 1 lot i2, S',l,c' 9B.J9 j'-4'W4.ne,4'e,4 5.92 ;'!' , 14 .h DeU'iw'i'iliw', 5.1,1 M-c- l",4'l'l4 II I" i. 8 : O 2- !2 2s 5 31 2i ..5 14 2a .';.' .is 29 ;.: 31 -") 55 31 t Lb 4 40 2.0; 1X X .a ThlCUSfB50T IN Th WOSLD Hard-Ware, Dry-Goods, Groceries Sc. Jcst rar tai.i or rnr.s2.10.1r4 A a is 1. n.4:i l.sa 1 23 .'8 3 42 2 2-1 :.s 2 2.S, K i 21 Jo 3.49 1.-3 12 2S 16 1. .70 14 28 r ri 1 ft i3 -T? (i'.t,l I 'WV.swU'i. ,7.41 ; M?c- 5-"tt M'- 22 25 56 Oil 9 33 54 10 .0 1 w, 17 3.1 . 4 17 3.1 . 4 17 . 4 IS 3.1 19 1 20 3., M Lii 21 il 22 3- 23 -( K.-SO 3 05 ! 3.1 2-1 ,11 ..i .., .,3 1 lti 1A2, !',uwS4 30 5.50 :J IH-'4 .! nJ-'e'.'eS 32 a; l.f 17 3. 5 0.31 eue 4,n -,se iiHltnw -.-.ec. ii. n-,ue;4.v! 4Ud 4 18 J: 55 lot. 14.2,e'4nw -t Is 32 1'5 lot3A.4,ew!4 IU 3 53 saSi 1 82 55 lot 3, 19 32 65 seijse'i.stKj.lOa- 11 w--i,o-,liW54 21 S2 55 n-'nt!, 32 82 65 a'iuV.)sv 'ii 32 55 Viiiw;, 2.1 32 5. wi 33 32 . I Li 6t 6. -3 2't-9 30 SO 43.40 79 41.25 1.43 7. i 8.1J i9.31 6.-44 65.37 22.44 32.10 16.lv IJH 31 4.1 2-25 5.39 6S7 12 '24 54.22 swS.Wi. sec. l.s- ZTSilA i4wSi, sec. 2,eH sc 4 3 32 5 e!4llW4,el,DW,B- wVti;Si 3 J2 5ti SW 4ll 4,IIW'4 8- ws 3 SI 5 sw'.swSi 8 32 5.1 ii'iiie'i! H Li 5U ni jiiwi 10 32 50 ri 1 1 e 1 4 , sw ne ' , -nwse- iO 32 68 n'-io :4.siii w H 12 82 W srswjs'iHe'i, hrv.l2,ue-ue4 13 32 Vi uUsoix II 32 55 UOWGK PBBLlM.l. inscription. S. T. It. Ami. lots ia..ejto'i 18 30 oti 10. 32 lou &i, d.'tiie-s 1 31 M 7.14 lots l3t.,sue4.- elu-4 3 31 M 40 45 loU 2aleUnwM 31 5! teJ lots i.,suvk 5 31 .'( 4i.9l sk4 6 51 68 7.14 lot S&S.senw'itU 31 M HI.J0 lots Oivi.cnwSt 51 5ti M.r3 ncii 7 81 to 44 -3 -8S4 8 31 58 2.;io d.wsisei 9 3150 23.2i mriiiflt.iii-ljM.-1,- sec. 9, ii,!sw;-4 10 31 M 50Ji e',,ne'i 10 3l 6 I 7 sw 4-w4 10 31 50 11.12 10 31 60 54i li-4 li 3i ti 29 03 I, wi,' 12 31 5i 19.59 ,W- 12 81 AO 4.i 94 e:4sw'4,w!4ei 13 818 .33 ,n4,n'4iiw 4 1 5 ,11 50 2U.7 wuwi4e'4ijwji..l 31 58 30.22 s-iie.ii's lb 81 50 d.M neStue.uwiu- u a .4 SO -4 W'4 sw-4w'4 IW4 ixs'iiiP1 sec. 33,-iieuiseH.sSse'i 35 3 i A, 31 53 31 3.) 27 Xi U, iV. m :z :4 t; is 54 14.07 14 44 2. . 29 13-1-2 1.1. M 11.21 1 ,0,. 7.19 14. to IjA 1-Jii! n.n i.S.Oi, !2.;l 7..S 2...J . 0. 01 2 .'.iJ i;.4 1, . V 4i0i i;;.-i 01 S.M 2 ii 19.S9 S.2.1 11 w, , 11 w 1 lie, 1 2', 29 5fi , n ', 2, 2;i L6 11W c, s1 25 2-1 Mi 2,, 211 - t, 2. t.t 5i 2.1 24 .0 2 -21 ; ti 20 24 L- , i- 24 . ; 2f, 21 7 4 20 58 2 , 2-1 . 31 00 , 1 11 w se, sw, w nw h ,1 ne, w1 sc, 9 iw, sw, lots "2i, c--, sw, SUBE Cill ES. Dlscrlpt.011. h. T. It. Amt. sc. r.-7i 1 J.IU 13.15 1 .85 3.y 3 49 l.s., 1 3 4.1 i.-4 is 7u il.oi 81 .i,.0, 3...S I am Apent for the world famed McKOKMICK HIND- EKS and MOWKIiS I keen on hand all th' tinn a ii.ll line of supplies for the.se machine. Last but not Least. Wflm you are badly in need of tlio only sold in hioux Count v, call on me. PERKINS WIXl) MILL .1. II. HART KM. a ii a t . HAT CHECK PRECINCT inscription. UWlwl,ll',tSW- l. 4 '-4 S'i uw, 1 w, ti; ur, vc. 23,n':i iiw, nw ,,, 2t 2', 13 I 1 hw, li', V, 21 2. ,'.3 lol2, ,w UK, lot 3 12.,' e ,3 2 .3 II W '22 2," 5.i UW SW w , so uw nw, V4 ii 51 24 H .1 2., 2. u.1 i, 27 58 2 2,' 52 '29 27 .' 3 3.1 27 .'3 12 '24 Lb 1 1 Alt 1.5) 8 2. 11.09 .,.', j 7 24 44 4-- 4,' m .3 7-.'.7. 47.24 7.0.. 7.14 13.00 fcUOAR I.OAF rufcclsCT. LMscriplioii t. T. K. Aint, 6. T. tt. au.t. ' " -'- e 2 !3 7..,;j I lot-f mil, s aliW, 3 3-1.3 37...1 1 w. i -Vi e i c. 4, ii-., lien ;i3 ,j3 During the campaign you ought to subscribe for the JOURNAL and keep posted in your own county. Try it a year. THE EVENING STAR. MS , 2 i 3 ; 4 v :' 4:3; 4 33 1 se-4 lieu 17 31 58 21 81 58 22 31 '! 24 31 60 24 31 26 81 68 '25 31 58 20 81 58 88 31 68 84 31 68 36 31 68 19 32 68 8.23 4i. 95 47.19 20.IO Ion id.2, ne! lot- e iliw . SW -i ses uw'.. J'.m.'i- w:c. M, sw'4iw'4 9 33 55 W',ne.! 10 33 55 w"4 11 ; .',5 im"4 11 3:1 ;,.'i eiie 12:I55 S-4 14 33 55 sw'tiie'4,si4nw'4, iiw'i-f" 15 33 55 iH,'itiie4,iiel4e14,' m't-eH 5 SI 55 lots 341, p i-w lt',18 lij 55 e'f sec. 18, e-Ujiie-i 19 33 T5 srf 'i 20 33 55 !uc4,!j6c. 21,n AuwSi '22 :25 55 lie', 22 :.l 5 w'-jllW' 33 H.,se'4 2.1 ; 55 s'4SW'.4,s4seS4 to 53 55 11', lie '4 20 8.1 55 11 20 32 6., Mt.W'4 , 28 33 55 s '4 27 :j .' 6 e)s iiw4,w!,ue:4 '27 ;j.'t 65 se'4 27 ;s3 fc 8'-,wJ 2 83 :i6 s4 29 33 55 ne 4 29 xi 6, ll"4 80 33 55 SV4 32 8.1 ,'6 ne'4 32 53 ; 5 iic14i',l'iie14' 3,1 53 !ib li1., I,W'4 83 3.1 5 ,nH 4,iiI,,hw4 a ..I ti s',w''4, 83 53 55 wit he ,; e?4 sec. 33, sw)(sw!4 34 33 ,'S lf 54 33 ; 6 iiW's,w'.iiS4nW' lienw SWI4 SC' liW . ne'4 loLs344,el'2swU nttnw'tYtttK iv a an nW"eV,,iiHnels 19 33 68 ne!"e.'-jsek.- sw'iM", 21 32 56 nciici, sec.23,. w jiiw-.tcUii. w' 24 32 M sw'4ne,oHeli 24 32 60 ia4!eJ4wl4.wViseM w",nw;4 e)i e'-nsw.wsel 7.47 26.W I9.',9 10. 14) 14.1,0 4.1.01 9J58 7.1 7.14 28.- Lost la Harrison 8ept 25th a small yellow dog with a small white stripe below and betweeo the eyes and lanre pointed ears answers to toe name of Fklo. Any infor mation leading to his recovery will be thankfully received, leave word at the JOCHKAL ornce or write a postal to J. C, Aloxan'Vr Ariimor R. P. nw4 11 w.Hnw'4 sec. eKueW se se's swii wJ4sri4.se 14 se see. 8.',ss"4w' esw4s,se14 S',lieJs,in,se'4 neitsltiiwi, Mal4;ne4 S.-C. 82, X nwlri.uwMs- "4 y 82 27 84 33 ,V 33 .14 16 85 33 55 36 33 5 28 33 56 , .3.1 3rUl ( ., 1 2.7 , I 4'.-7 4.70 5.39 18.53 li.MS 8.98 10. (!7 13.42 69.M 11. (-9 6 11...6 II. -3 7 71 40.19 lu."9 350 4.99 3.99 10 47 12 ,.l 2 13 33.2.1 14.21 2.5,) 3.IS 3.3S 10 34 8.W 13 45 "its 2X24 ,"9.00 17 "0 'Si 78 8.24 23.74 22.94 HW w l,W s 11 w, 11 !4 sw, m sw c!i sc, w ne sw sw hue. 17, 9 33 9 33 :a 10 3.1 53 .2 43 , 3 V.,l3 ...I 16 il oi 17 33 ".-1 17 33 M gpThe best of Wines, Brandies, Whiske' i 4! I 4 Ssjand Beer kept constantly on hand. I will open for business Saturday, Sept. 4, 1 s:7. M.'.i 4.V4 1ol 2, sc m: sw S 18 :t 53 3i 4,so8wl8 33 03 19 33 .! 20 33 53 no 20 XI 5,'J w i, c, uw nw tie nf, u , se sw, lie o n w SW SW, -i ow, II1, sw in-, no nw, n w t sw sc, mc sw sw , se se 20 :ii til 20 :3 53 21 o3 4l 25 33 03 2 ! 53 28 3.1 ,3 29 53 29 33 M 29 33 53 29 ; 5.1 29 83 53 li w i,w, si'C. 29, nu .a 33 6,1 lie nw, w'4 lie, U) 33 63 se nu s.:c. o0, w'- nw e', uw, nu HIGHLAND PSECIKCT. 29 32 66 29 82 58 31 32 68 32 32 68 33 32 68 33 32 50 83 32 Ml 34 32 68 S.69 7.93 I.9.93 7.14 40.92! 37.09 30.87 tt.- BJSl 6.71 S8.20 9.91 62 2Jt8 K92 83 32 68 '4 U W 68 sis'4 12 SO W e'iie'4,ne4e'4 II 30 67 iiJiimk sec. i,w Ham 34 32 68 SWI4 28 81 67 lots IA4, twn nsM.seow! i 30 M OCWse4 12 30 67 cottokwood ruMnxcT. el4,ntse I 32 .4 43 90 lots84,s'-1liw4 1 32 58 1- lot4sec J.lots l I X 63 S 53 4 m ht 4 33 63 at HnHn'4se4 w(,sl4 lotlSnwH lot 4 see. 4, lota I 41 4jnei,sinwt4 w4 nei4 loislt,ei4nwl4 nwvii!4i,w4 e'Yneii see. 9.WX n'A M H OS swysevf 10 88 M j wSll!4,lt4, jnw'4so (4 ti 63 1 n ri 31 33 in j mil 2 7 31 63 7 W 6S W 63 W 63 Description lot 4, BW4I1WI4 sec. 3, lot 1, se '.", 4 81 54 lots 3A4,e'w'4 7 hi :4 s'nw',us,s !4 1 81 ,'2 nU 12 31 65 MOM HOSE PK l. 1 s CT. Dlscrlplloa. H. K. T. suit. swU 2 34 54 33.84 I se'isw.w'iseUJi' ehe'. 8J4 64 12-24 sl,iiwS4,n'IswVl, 3 84 M 17.08 j lot 4 sec. 3 lot 1 4 34 M I. is 1 S1411W1. jiw!neU. nwi,iH, 4 84 .'4 S'-tseS, 4 81 r.4 SWI4 4 34 61 lots 2, 344 4 54.'4 sw4 6 34 54 se'4 & 34 64 sv,nwi4 sec. S, S- neM 8 34 64 sx1 6 34 53 ne4 7 34 64 lie U 8 84 14 wtf 8 81 64 nS,iie'4, 9 14 61 ne 10 34 64 kl,l.U UmmU 11 'AA fA o n I ,iu 141, CI41IWI4IS 84 64 I lots ?A4, ',SWS, 20 b . Irss 1U ncres 18 84 64 - 1 V acre In n w cor. ik-'.bw 18 34 64 lbU WW. 18. II' 34.19 uiie'4 J 34 &4 I lota 1AJ, e,Hnwvl9 t 64 se'4 19 34 64 '" , w'seSi 19 36 54 ' i0 1 w4 II 8 , 64 7 W , ti4 16 64 lots, Mnw.e- w'4 un 38.84 r,.sn 21.W1 9.68 27 J 23.S6 SIM 4S 7.M 2R.I7 6.99 7f 8. T. U. aint. S.76 24 29 5.53 31.19 49 25 40.74 14.09 7.v7 169 72T7 5.111 7'5 7.79 21 M 2j7 V8.ll 26.98 8I.3I 14.86 i.M 8.45 33.28 7.00 7.7j 7l I 7.82 ( 7.98 8.1 0 17.70 ; 3330 30.64 s sw wi.4 II w, c ne kc. 33, s,'4 11 w IV nw s.' se, IM5 32 :a 6,1 32 .(., 5., :;i 33 5,1 33 3.1 iiil 3.1 33 . .t 33 33 5:1 ;:4 sj 61 .A :u m :' ; l3 3 : S3 .'21 AO iit .',3 ;.l 34 6,1 34 54 ,21 80 Lb 63 4 96 ! 4,1.1 24 .Oi !...; '2.47 6 s-i .-.. 2 47 6.11 'A.J .' 9.72 6.07 393 I 2 47 1 4.73 I 21 1 ' 9.0V 5, 27.74 6-ki 0.95 7.55 25.4. in town give me a call. MICIIAI: V1 L I3KUCK, 1 'roprict', r l.-Ml 8.7-1 3.77 iiHAi 10.97 sw 8'1 33 .'1 w'4 ne, 84 : 6l sw sw, 21 3.1 5i n'-j sw, se sw, w se, 34 33 '.6 11 ne wc. ,'!4, nw 11 w, 35 3.1 ,Vi lots 1 k 2, 'i i.e. 1 82 .'7 w II 32 67 nw, hi, w, 13( 7 I. t 3 A 4, ?, nw, 2 Si 57 se, 2 33 57 w1 j sw sec. 2 se lie, lie m, ;i m f.7 s', w,s se, 3 33 57 nw sw M-c, Ine sw, 11', se, 4 31 57 111, lie D'J nw, 10 ,2t 57 sw, 0 33 67 m- nw, sw, ji 33 57 8', sc. sec 12. nV 47 1.70 6or C77 S 53 i 20 14 ! 5(i 1 7s 5.1 : K-2 9'. : 60 67 j 79 C7 i 2.i "7 j 16 21 a; 21 w h ilf se, e tmlf sw 25 31 ftj 8J lotS, ! nw, 4 31 53 22 28 se no si-c, 9,w half nw, 11 St 53 7 77 lois I and 2. e half nw H 31 61 1074 lot 3, w hull se, 14 3! 5.1 9 ;.l sh.ur sw, 22 21 W 10 15 w ne, no sw, w li .11 se 23 31 .'2! !Q 13 w n w, w half, sw 21 31 8.1 7 12 lot land 2, 23 33 9(y; lot 1, 2, 33 59 19 49 ; se tie, e h ,( se 25 3J 62 2s 41 nw .', ne iw, sw 1 ne, iu: 11 w ' half w, M SW, 2 5 .'11 53 23 40 35 31 li. 0, 3521. 80.71 35.ss i.-a lie sw lots 541, ei, sw. Wf S.!, sw uc, so nw 31 35 53 lotsSA4, s nw 24 35 M w 24 3 6 54 wne, w!4s, i,i 8.1 54 l, 25 35 64 lot I, se lie, nHe 4 34 54 w sw, 13 a-1 54 lie ne, sX lie, nw 24 33 64 w',, n. se nw, 21 83 54 s se si-c. 20. w s- w sec. 21, nw uw w-c. 2-., ne iin f) 33 jj wamhovskt mP.i;i it lirlptiou. S. T. It. Hint. se ne, ue se 4 32 60 lots 2A3, se nw, s- w lie 4 32 66 ", 4 82 60 sw nw, wX sw 4, Ns ne 6 ;fl 68 loU IA 2, sw nn, 6 82 50 lots 3A4, sSi nw, 6 32 M il 45 9 05 lie, 13 SI 67 'i ne, li'i se, 13 83 67 '-, se, 13 33 7 ' X sw, 13 s; 67 j He nw, 4 33 67 JK8 ! nt "e, so ne, ne " " , Irf u 11 !U w), iw, se nw, 11 sw 15 33 57 11 S "'. "24 33 57 se 24 .H 57 n'4 n, 24 3ii 57 sit n, s! nw, Id 83 67 n', sw, : S3 5o e s-, 25 sj 47 I '.'A I"al sw 25 31 63 lot 2, sw nw sec. t; lot 1, so ue 20 31 53 M- I, .If ..U A I, .If f nw 2.1 31 63 2 ! sw sw 20 31 63 15 43 15 78 71 sn 2 51 24 31 53 52 41 ' 31 53 27 31 63 699 6.79 WIHSTLS CKKI.lt. 9.78 21 73 29.60 14 Discrlptlon. si, s.', m- sw s'., ue, 11', se 6 32 68 s1, ne, lot 3, se uw, 6 St 68 101 I, 2, 3 a 4 8 32 68 UW R 3 M 11 4 ne, vH nw, 8 32 M W4III), WS4 8S 17 -Jtl 50 lot 4, s. sw ,s4 sel8 32 68 lots I A t s1-, n 33 60 sw I 81 66 sw e, I 83 68 lots 3, 4 A 6, so nw6 33 . s:' lie, 8 38 M se Mi m lot I A t, 6 33 60 ne ne, 8:, ne, ne so II 38 68 vi v, no, se no, sw ne 41. M 20 IW M 00 27.4J lotl.swisnwu w',,sw'4 22 35 M 4 22 36 64 lot I, s)nrV4. He nwnw Vine,iu.!4s nel4 13 38 64 38 36 (4 t7 3 64 17 85 54 67 36 54 8 16 64 t 3 i M 2- '6 14 '28 39 !4 RX3 7.94) 47 10 9 12 26 22 30.49 8.01 37.69 8.S3 7. SI sK se, )l ll, II, V 8W U lie, ne sw, sJ4 sww S4I se, sec. 23, 8' 4 sw 11 Ji sw, nw s. sw nw, sec. 6,nw 12 33 68 13 38 60 13 83 58 14 33 68 18 8-1 56 23 88 68 6624 24.13 69.90 4.6.1 4 1. Ml au.si 4,i.!K 16.69 807 1.1.13 10 01 IS.73 10.17 8.18 27.30 IS 4n I7.S9 IS.2S 6M 17.65 sw lots I and 2, s4 ue, ne, se, lie, lots I snd 2, s'i ne, ioU8snci 7, sw', lots 1, 2, 3 sod 4, sw ne, w'4 suscc i t, n w ne, s w ne, w , t se, se sw, sw i"4 uw, w(4 tie, sw II w . T. It I '21 63 8 2" 53 1 29 U 2 29 53 8 29 5.1 7 21 53 II 29 68 15 29 63 3 27 64 6 27 54 1 28 54 lie nw 11 h t 11 w 81 I SO 2 17 1 se se sec. 31. 1 lisif 5 47 : sw, ue sw 32 31 53 2 00 ' sw less one sere 83 31 61 s 5t , 11 ml se, se so 8.1 31 53 6 87 n 84 31 u 191 uw 34 81 63 ms 1 11 63 se sw 2 81 64 n I1.1U" sw, w hall I ne 5 8! 63 w nwse nw 85 31 63 W hsif sw 36 31 51 s k. i 31 r:i ue nw. ii 81 53 lie s, lots 4 Mid 6, Aint. 7 31 838 10 00 45 07 18 85 9t 39 7 9 '248 13 24 64 3 91 11 24 64 3.", 2S 61 85 24 64 10 29 68 H 27 64 8 41 10 02 2 92 100 191 1 s ss ?,i 32 53 I ne 33 32 53 ! s bslf nw, w ' lull sw, 3.1 32 M j a lie if sw i-i 32 63 sw, 38 ,4 03 0 tirtlf BW, 3o 31 63 sw sw 8 31 68 li.ilf s sec. 7, W bslf sw 8 30 63 VILLAGE Of MAKHISO LOT. 1 10 P6 22 Ss 77 80 '22 01 28 40 14 81 21 0 17 3 4 65 10 13 32 04 4 HS 8 81 18 85 4 81 917 3 98 37 92 HI 21 13 01 8 40 3 V7 7C8 WHITS BIVKB MIKI.IJKT niscrlptlon. H. T. R. Ami. lots 1 sua X, s'4 4 I 80 61 33 75 lid 4. s'. 11 w I 311 5n ij.i l ' I 3.1 M 10 62 23 33 88 15.07 24 33 68 36 33 68 s'4 ue nw im se ne ne, sw, se, iw se, se iw, ktte A 2, lots 3 & 4, 11 w '28 31 68 Hi S3 68 8 81 68 8 n 88 28 83 68 27 33 88 27 33 INI II 38 68 81 83 6,1 Ai ti LU .67 11.97 3.18 e.t 4.46 lie lot 8 SW se ' tie, n'4 se lots 1,2, 3 mid 4 lots 8 -nd 4, sSi nw lie ne, H sw, lots 1, 1 and 3, se ne sw sc., see. a, nsi ne, sw ne ne nw, lot 1, lots S, In ud 4, evi sw, w ss ne 1 80 63 16 05 t 80 13 118 18 80 68 19 86 4 30 51 4 30 lit 80 68 1J 76 496 30 61 14 f.,4) ' half nw, e half 896 "w Mr.M ehslfsn, 1.70 w se, 149 lotl. I.9 se sw sen. I, 4 77 half nw, nw i n I .1 liall in, n nu 7 MM 7 30 6.1 7 VI 63 9 80 68 II 30 W It 30 At 12 30 M It 30 61 18 30 63 IS m 63 ii ii 53 II 188 4 00 14 70 17 98 77 21 fl 804 It. .o4oh:; a a. 1 6 7 10 II 13 I 1 8 t 10 12 13 14 14 IS 20 n 24 M 1 i 7 9 II 11 BUK.ll. 3 a AMT, 8 02 S IS 18 8r,i 12 95 S2 41 129 79 118., 11 a 72 01 losi 10 M 8.104 10 ',8 60 45 10 84 8187 10 11 74 S78 U78 9 7o f7M 73 9 7s V 78 b e8 9 78 11 ll V7j at 2 1 21 4 8 7 M 9 10 ft S 7 9 12 9 II II 15 8 19 3 16 2' 9 10 12 14 10 18 tr VI TI 2-1 57 I 3 A 7 9 II 13 1". J 4 l 1 8 10 li 2 4 n 10 12 10 7 H 1' oilivl,!...! 1ml- Ir.tere-t li rl,li,i.n . T. (. Out iols A, II, (' himI l, 3 ;;! '; w nu:i, linn 11 a r : orllictsrn l.nitil -trn Addiil'iu to lis,',- id llsrrikiiii- lots I to I.' inc. II. k " 43 t5o Inc. "I MS - " 7 In 10 " " lot II lots 12 to I .'I Inc. lot 14 5 m lots 18 snd 17 ' lot Is " l . t " ro " ' .1 " ' ' lofs"jjii to 9 Inc." lot l i . " lots 31 snd ! " " II snd 14 " 8 to 90 Inc. 0 tl 9 l 9 10 10 111 In 10 1 1 1 II .' II .2 II 21 11 22 7 15 4 1; - Ml .11 71 12 1 .i 12 -I i i 4 I ;.; "i .., Vint. 21 91 Ji (17 . 1 ( I! If II " 11 1.1 12 ! , 2 f ( 12 14 I'l 64 If " 12 !J 12 14 12 14 n. n li ! 1 l '' U ''. I'MllLBt It! Hit r.. loTt'' tf,i