The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 21, 1897, Image 1

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    1 '
V- .v r
Vvirtii I'T W hat
,mi Ha nt In Tin
ioux County Journal
Sub-criiic I'i f ' I..
K-Aisonsr, intebzss: a., tkltjzsida.--, oct. 21, 1897.
, i
1H E S
I )
The Sioux County Journal.
Snt) rijuion Price, $1.00
;. I). Canon,
k.nter"1 t Hi IIitrr1oa poet office p.r
e jml i inns matter.
Fusion Stftt Ticket.
for Judge of tile so ireme Court,
J. J. SULLIVAN', Columbus.
I or Krgeuts of the Htiite lni vrrit v,
(iF.O. F. KFXOWFR, Winner.
V.. V. FAKULLL. Kearney.
I'li'-ion County TWfcot.
oauty Clerk,
ounty Trennurr r,
( oujty ytierlJT,
( oanty Judge,
i:or.?:nT wilson.
ouni y Sup r.niendcnt.
I imnlv .Surveyor,
limit r ( o;oner,
I ounty ( Oiiimiiploner. lxt T)it.
JKNtJfl. MENf'r-
( n'llllt ( mnii,l"-aHer, 2nd )it.
.luatT ( oiuuii.loier, :lrd I:f .
- ,--; j
While have not a word to f-ay
vinst the t.rivate or personal character I
,,f nor r. ouliUcan I rethern who
" ""J
s.i 1 -.-.adulates for election to otllco in
S.oiix county, yet, politically we are op
I 0 e 1 to th-ir gold standard principles,
tinder any consideration whatever.
Tii. re are n great tunny of our voters
. ho o - for an .ir, U'ueiit , that this is an
...I' Y.-ir mid that county politics ought
, .it i,., ligorean l hence, tin or that car,-1
,!i,Ute,s my!H.r or again he is a j
pretty g.Mx.
1 h.liow Ac. they never
1, to think that by put-
tor a iiioinent, si.
ing t hem into pi
candidates r -pr.-:
cos of public trust, the
ntir.g the gold standard j
me iv. n ey.iraordiiiiiry political power
and presdii! lor,, furthering their gold
M.Ki.l u-d ul MS not only in the county,
but m tie' state and nation as well.
il.n Peoole's P:.rlV r3-
,U,1,,el'lth..s1.,.etromap,irtvofoullawsjwit!. the Republican party in his state
, , , . ... 1 ...!....., ,,.r.,i,ost an tp-'lOeorgia) whereby he is to Ucomo the
1 " 1' " " !
t ne new net of stale
dlicials, who have
. .
ficceeci-d 111 IlllH'ig
the CI'.EDIT ol the i
Mate, up to the SrANfAHJ) so that our
warrants art worth one hundred cents on
tin dollar.
The new order of things brought about
by the"p!e last fall in electing liu hon
est set of state ofliceW, Iw4 not only
i.nd the credit of tin sta'.e, but they
have discovered corruption in every pub
lic department of the Mate Capital wbere
..v ?l.ri.r.4. HIM dollar have been filched
Irom the pokcts (f the people, licsides
very Jay or two other discoveries are
being maile showing that every official
and occasionally the d-parttw-iit ( lerks
have b.;"ti aceswiriesi in lln'iei public rob
hei iei. N )W the ll if above htatemeilts
ant tnu', and ih'-y cannot Ut questioned
by any honest man, we care not what ty they aflliate w itb; oven the leaders
, I the republican party do not deny the
facts; neither do the two leading repub
lican dailies of thn state deny these
statements, but, undertake to shift the
blame on the Governor of tho state, so
we nay then if the reform forces have
done so much for thn state of Nebraska
111 general, why riot commence at the
bottom or the ladder and support.'hon
. stly and candidly the county ticket as
the entire fusion state ticket end main
tain, honesty and integrity for Sioux
county and also the stale.
We sincerely hope that every voter in
Sioux county wlieu he goes to thn polls
M.i-ist his vote, that he will consider the
importance of vol ing far the inainlanance
o- rnmcni It would not be
ot good f.ov. rnm.m. .....
through the countv to tho different pol
ling places by unscrupulous politicians
just ndny or two before election in odder
10 bring alxiul the election of tho repub
lican ticket. Hut we warn the voters to
Ui on their guard. Tho republicans will
try to make it opar to the Populists
ih it the Democrats have gotten every
thing iu sight, in the way or they
will say to the iJemocrats you have not
been treated fairly or perchance they
will tell the free silver Republicans, you
hud no hIiow in the fusion convention
11 nd yon ought to teach those tricksters
11 lesson they will not forget noon Ac,
w hen they know such was not the case.
And, at we have tsaid lie fore, ho on the
look out fi.r thosu fellows; bo men and
vote for what you believe will bo for
your own and your family's Interests
t.iO a und iu tti.i future,
niiiut. o c,-.,.- - -
,f uw.rii.A nri noL wiaia-eii ouu
Read in another column the special
dispatch how the repn hli-n ns defend the
ex-Mate treasurer. Hartley and try to
lay the blame on the Governor
i It is to be ho'd that the
voters of
Sioux county w ill be interested enough
I in completing the redemption of our
I state to turn the party down who have
destroyed the credit of tne state and blot
ted her fair name.
On the 12th inst Imhaiiuolis elected a
democratic mayor by 5 000 maionitv,
and on a free sliver platform, an well as
i eb-ctintr eleven out of fifteen wa rd conn-
I cilmen and every one of tie; mime ilmen
at, large, six in all. Is free silver dying
! out?
The mayoralty election on tlifl 12th of
this month at t'hatt anoo,.i Tenn., result
ed in the ejection of a democratic Mayor
andalmosl the ent ire city council. Chal-iin
tanooa is a republican city and makes
the fact of a democrat Mayor's election
the more significiant. Yet our republi-
can Kiethern tell us that the free sil ver
ran is dead, bnt it is more alive today i
than it ever was.
Hon. William B. Sterling of Omaha,
1 i: 1... T' P lit T
1 ireuarai sciin;nor lor in i . ij. cc i .
I Uailroid ilied last Friday morning at his j
bom i in th3 above nam-d citv. Though
cot intimately jir-rqunited with Mr. Ster
ling win'! he was a resident of South
Iiakota, yet we know him by reputation
and have but this to say, that ho was a
biisini"? man in every sen-e the term im
plies. It will le hard for the North-
j estern company to unci a unotner man 1
j to (ill Iris dace.
11 j
I The Mayoralty contest in the city of
... . . 1 .i .
i New York presents a singular spectacle ;
to the world, in that the two old parties
are rent in twain from centre to circurn-
ferem-e, On the Democratic side, the
Taninianyite, ignoring the National plat-
. . .. l ' 4-
lorin, nave put up an en me cny nme-.,
lino vile neiii v mc'iid 7o(n;, " ow in..
Bryan democrats have put up n ticket
and declared for the Chicago platform,
while the republicans are split so badly,
that they have up two candidates, one
nominated by the regular machine organ
ization and the other called the citizens
ticket headed by Seth Lowe, who ignor-
e.1 the ht. lxiuis piatirm. At mis oim.ic
from the contest it is hard to tell who
wen come oni iierto, oui oi .. 1
either one or the other of the two parlies
who have had the staniiny to declare for
their respective platforms ought, to be
bustained at the polls in November.
Tom Watson who has been howling for
reforms and free silver for ttie past three
or four years has formed an alliance
, ,c .1.,. r..ii.t ,., V,..
1 "ision lainoo.v u. ....
It - :..:.... U 1. 1;,...,,., u,l.i,-li iili.wl'U tilst.
lv""e.v ,v l""""a m J
i how much of a reformer he is at heart
There are always black sheep in every
flock If thev cant rule and run every
convention in the county or state as tho
case may be, or run every thing in their
: .Ll I .1 !..., taj 1 1 1 t-i1 M'liP
neignoorooou u...-n ioe,
the traces. These people can be round,
in every party and in every community
I Tl..,,, i.irl.t nlwnvu tn K.- (riven to tinder
stand that such people are better out of
the party than in it
The Union Pacific railaoad is about to
fall into tho hands of a 'Pool" commit
tee who expects to beat the federal gove
rnment out of 5:10,000,000, Tne following
are the parties composing tho reorgan
ization committee:
J. Pierpoint Morgan & Co.
Keehn Loach & Co.
Mercantile Trust Co.
Speycr & Co.
Central Trust Co.
C. P. Huntington.
Geo, J. Gould.
Iidenburg Thnlmnnn & Co.
Jleidieburg Ickuilhoimer & Co.
I Van Huliman &. Co.
Laz.ird Frerers,
No wonder nnllionares are ncreasinso
fast within the last, twenty-five years.
The people are to blaim for it.
Tho investigating committee appointed
last winter by the legislature have un-
1 i.,i nnil,Ai l.nrrA aioul hv renublican
e" .-"-"" . .
j olUcials during the past ,x years, next
preceeding 1897, Khowing that the two
last commissioners of Public Lands and
Buildings have squandered thousands of
dollars of the funds entrusted to their
care. Now they come before tho people
again asking the voters of this great
common wealth to return thern to power
ugain in order that they may continue
their utenling and rol.hing till long
er. Will the people do it? If the
voters of Sionx county will read "Nebr
aska, redeemed" before going to the polls
there will lie no doubt about the republi
can candidate Uy ing at home for the
next two year. If ever a atate has been
cursed by republican rule it i the state
of Nebraska. That party ha been the
direct mean of robbing the people of tho
state out of $1,500,000, inside of the past
15 year nnd the good Lord only knows
how much more if the truth wt
The llepiihlk-an; Deftnce or I
,,.!,. I
LartUj. J
Lincoln, Neb CM. ir 1 '97 -
correspondence) No more infamous p
I icy was ever fathered by a set of poli
ticians than that adopted by the repuhli-
cans for the last ten days. The whole I
weight ami influence ofh re! ,n 1,1 i.-u
. .,,i, ,1 i , 1 ,1 t .1 j
. 4 v . I . ""'0w ,
' the lead, have been brought to the dc-
fence, of Bartley and his bondsmen by
charir.L,' the responsibility of the repub
lican defalcations to the governor. They'
fay thattlir governor knew that Hartley
was a defaulter when he approved B.irt
ley's bond. A more senseless and un
reasonable lie was never printed.
Governor Ilolconih used every means
bis power and employed every device
1 that be could think of to find out what
j Hartley had done with the ?600 000 of the
school fund that the books showed were
i in ''is hands. In every possible way he
tried to make Bartley invest the money
i - i i . .i . i. . i'i . i
ncivriow leogo mat ne uiu not nave it.
j Governor Crounse in a letter to Governor
) Holcomb in regard to the resolutions
!;!.;.. n 1, U,.l..,mK l,-,H i r, 1 w I , 1 in
. ,.n.., luLivyuuv.
force Bart ley to invest the money in
state warrants used these very signifi
cant words:
"The resolutions, in my judgment are
as sound in law as wise in purpose, but
the wisdom and ingenuity of our modern
Daniels seem to run in the direction of
saijiLDiNo tup: FLL'.VDKKEIW,
r 41... n,.
01 uwumiuij i.huci iuau jiouci,
the treasury itself."
The whole history of the matter can
be found in the little book entitled,"
Nebraska redeemed," pages 9 t 1 21 (Send
to J. 11. Edininsten, chairman of the
Populist state committee Lincoln, Neb
raska, for the book; price, $1.50 per hun
dred). At that time the Slate Journal
was employing the mist bitter invec
tives against Governor Holcomb because
be was trying to make Bartley show
Thero has also been much published by
these defenders of the republican default
ers about the superi nty of BirtUy'a
llrst bond. Thi following were Bartleys
bond-anon on his first bond: C 0. McNish
$100,000; John FiUgnld, $100,000 Nath
an S Uarwood, $200,000; J. D. McFar
land, 1200,000; F. M. look, $100,000; L.
M, Keene, $100,000; J. T. May, $100,000;
j R, . Rirnart, $100,000; Sireno U. Coltou
; 100,000; G. W. Wattles, $.!00,000;
J. V.
! Mosher, $.100,000: It. 0. Outcait,
000, Isaac M. Raymond, $100,000; A
; Sawyer. $100,000; S. H. Burtihaui. $100,
i qqi): C. C. Burr, $:!.1,0u0; Nelson C. Brock,
1 ,-,o.O00: 11. II. S. haberg, $:i(), 000: H. O.
I 1)(jV(iljH . jo-,,000, Cadet Taylor $25,000,
U R. Graham $40,000.
(To be cun tin ued next week.)
A Letter of Explanation
: (
Oct. 10,
Editor Journal:
If it is being rumored
t I am coming out bv petition for
sllpert ut.endeut ; it IS a mistake for
" n ,,M,i , i,
I am well satisfied with the nominations
that were made at the fusion convention
the 25th of Sept. and want it distinctly
understood that I am not under any con
sideration, a candidate for the ollice and
expect to give the ticket just as hearty a
support as I should have ,had I lieen nom
inated for the aforesaid position.
Yours Respectfully, A. E. Fkiier.
An Open Letter to the Voters of
Sioux ( diinty.
Fellow teachers and voters of Sioux
county Nebraska. Having had confer
ed upon me through the influence of
friends the honor of being nominated for
county Superintendant by the free sil
ver party, I very much desire to win in
the election.
Not alone for the pleasure that I know
it will give my friends, through whose
kindness and influence I received this
nomination do I desire to be elected.
But also for tho reason that as I am
entirely dependent upon my own re
sources for a livelihood, it will bo for me
means of support and I feel that it is a
position that I can conscientiously fill,
and labor in with the keenest interestand
a heart v good will. To help m i ll"'
full realizati m of the office of county
superintendent through thn medium of
the Kioux county JotiKNM, I ask tny
fellow teachers of both sexes to honor me
with their best influence in my behalf
and the voters of Sioux conoty regard
less of party or jmlitics to support tun in
the coming election.
And whether I win or whether I lose
in the race for the oflice, I shall appre
ciate just as sincerely and thank just as
heartily the nienilters of the opxsing
parly for their vote as I shall the mem
bers of my own party for theirs.
I do not know who tho opposing can
didate is.
He is a stranger to nio I have heard
that he is a gentlemen, and there lr.
Ix'nn six gentlemen county w.liool u
perintendents since the county was or
ganized and never once a lady.
Therefore a the majority of tench-
ers in this "i tion of the state are and 1
vav j bnve ,i (.ii, ladies, it stands to ro
a ,in t i .t A i'O'ilvjnst and right the
next superintendent of public schools!
, ,1 i i t , .. .
should be a lady I slm 11 not to
) anv 'Teat, wonderful, of iinbieir.-l of
, thing slemld 1 have the pleasure of bing
eiet ei i ins la i I 1 will only promise to do
my duty, my whole duly, to the very
lest of in v ability and knowledge and to
work for the highest and truest interest
" the Sioux county teachers and for the
county scnoois, a nu also do all in my
power to aid and encourage the tsachers
. .
A chantre is always said to be t?ood in r
any and every vocation or adm mist ra
tion 111 this life.
Even a wrong change is said to be good
for a while, but a right change in the
right direction or way is good forever;
nnd it is to perfect tt is right change in
the right way, that I ask once again the
hearty support of every voter in the
county at the coming election Nov. Oi
Elsie Meuiuam.
Bodarc Doings.
Mr. Thayer of Hot Springs, S. Dak.,
was in these parts this week looking after
his interests he leased considerable of the
school lands while here he also purchased
A. Hill's 40 acres of land adjoining him
consideration ?175.00.
Mr. Norton of Crawford is a visitor at
Antrim mansion this week.
LIEU Oct. 14. at his home iu East
Ilnt creek. Fredrick Wedd. romn in the
74th vear of his age. Disceased was
, . .
born m Berlin and came to this count ry
it jeiii.iiit;". Ann ioijjiioic ncic to
rest in our home cemetery during the
ouiet stillness of the Sahb rlh afternoon
. , , , . . ,
111 the pres. nee ol a multitude of soito-a -
lug relatives and Ir end ;. R v"..K ndull
and luce were pleseiil, Hie first named de
fine delivered a most uprcpri ile sermon.
The syii.piithy ot the entire community
is with the grief stricken lamily.
We are glad to state that Mrs. BulT
Coll'ee is able to ride out now.
Mr. Pat Murphy is still a very sick man
in fact ever since he got his bmb cut he
has Iwen confined to his bed and is very
weak. Obsekveh.
Montrose Clippings
A very little of the bi aut ful fell here
last night but there was only a trace of
it left by morning.
Every body is nearly done hauling their
feed ane now busy getting their supply
of fuel for winter.
M:ss Anna Iteinders is at, home for a
short ti me with her parents enjoying a
well earned and much needed rest from
her labors at New Castle, Wyo.,
Mrs. Anna Wasserhurger and Miss
Mary Marking made a trip to Crawford
last week
We did not recieve any mail here lust
Saturday fr vn t'n east on account of
the wreck on the North-western.
There will be a dance at Sam I-eling's
on next Friday evening. Every body is
invited to attend and have a good time.
Services at the Mont rose church were
not so well attended as usual last Sun
day, we presume it was owing to the cold
Andrew Wasserhurger went to Ed.
Ilollingsworth's on Indian creek Sunday
to work for a few weeks.
Matt Strauler and family were pleas
ant visitors at II Wasserburger's on last
Sunday. Saoe.
N'otjce To blind Owners.
To all to whom it may concern :
The Commissioners appointed to locntc a
road commencing at ,"0 links east of the Cor
ners of so.-tiomi H and D 10 und 17 in Town
ship thirty two range 111 ty three thence
north 30 cliuins; thence wist JO links to sect
ion line; thence north 9 h7 chains to quarter
post; thence north 7.5U chains; thenco north
"0 degrees ;tO minutes east 7.01) chains thence
north 2i degrees l.'i minutes east 4.00 chains;
thence mirth 2:! degrees west 6.00 chains;
thence south 87 degrees SO minutes went 2.70
chiiiim; thence north 41 degrees west 4'W
chains: thrnce north fl and 70 hiindreihs
chains to cornern of sei tlonn 4, ft, 8 and 9 in
aaid Townnliip and rango and there end : haa
reported in favor of the est iblishinent there
of, and all objections thereto, or claims for
damages must be fih'il in tho County Clerks
ofllee mi or before noon of the i!3d day of
December A- I). iMl7 r such road will bo cs
tabli.i lied without reference theieto.
M. J. ISi.KWhTT, ( ounty Clerk,
How To Fiiul Out
Fill a bottle or common glass with
urine and let it stand twenty-four hours,
a sediment or settling indicates an un
healthy condition of tne. kidnfcs. Wheu
j tiriiie staiiis ho n it, is evidence of kidney
trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate
or pain in the back, is also convincing
proof that the kidneys and hladerare out
of order.
What To Do.
There is comfort in the know ledge su
often expressed, that 1 M. Kilmer's
Swamp Hoot, the great. Kidney remedy
fulfils every wish iu relieving pain in
tho hack, kidneys, liver, bladder and
every partof the urinary passages. It,
corrofts inability to hold urine and scald
ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol
lowing use of liipior, wine or beer, and
overcomes that unpleasant necessity of
being compelled to got up many times
during the night to urinate. The mild
nnd the extraordinary effect of Swanip
lloot is soon realized. It stands the
highest for it wonderful cures of the
most distressing cases. If you need a
medicine you should have the best.
Sold by druggists, price fifty cents anil
one dollar. You may have a sample
Iwttle and pamphlet both sent free b
mail. Mention Thk Sioux County
.Int'HSAL and send your nddres tn 1)r
Kilmer & Co., Bing'hampton, N. Y. The
proprietors of this pivptir guarantee the
genuineness of this offer.
The .Iot'rnai, will publish your brand, ike.
the following, for tl :(I0, per year. Each nI
illtiotiul lirund 7!j cents. Kvery farmer or
ranchmen in Sioux unit ailjoluintf counties
iioull uuTertise their brands in The. Jour
nal uh it circulates all over the Ktate. It
may be the means of saving money for you.
On left Hide of cuttle aud on left
chuolder of horses.
Jtaiige on Antelope creek
V. O., tihilchri't, Sioux Co., N1).
On left side or hip of cuttle, )
'iji'JliS -n left shoulder of hrirse. (
klUaiige 011 the bend 01 waruonnct
IP.-F.CJ c
Address Harrison, siour Co. Neb.
nn left shoulder of cattle
. horses.
ill- l;:ii.Ke on Little Cottonwood.
I'O. .,i rawford Nehr
A (iraisd Ojipni'tunily.
There are today thousands of young
people on the farms and in the villages
who are tied down by lack of education
to work thev heartily dislike. Are you
one of them my friend? If so, the
Grand Island Business & Normal Coll-
i aire can nut VOU on the road to success)
I if v0" are ambitious and willing to'
study. It makes no dilVernce how
j ,,.l(.k"wrlr() you are provided you are
j pjiicKy ana mean nusiness. vve imt o
i everything necessity for a successful
start in life. If you are short of money
we will nccetit a good note without m-
! , , (p if nm.ess.,rv we
furnish everything-tuition, board, and
books and give you time to graduate and
pav for sam afterwards. Business,
Normal and Shorthand courses. Board
J-1.50 per week. Established 12 years.
College Record sent free or catalogue1
for 6 cents in stamps. This is your
chance of a life time. Will you let it
slip by? A dress,
A. M. H.Ut'JlS, President,
Grand Island. Nebr
Tfiay handle every thing usualy handled in a
eral department country store.
Harrison, Nebraska.
E. Brkwstkr,
D. H. QRISWOLD, Cashier.
.ansacts a General Banking Busin:
American ExciiANtiK National Bank, New York,
Omaha National Bank, Omaha,
First National Bank, Chadron.
Interest Paid on Time Deposit?,
KeltpiD ta Ftlrbtakt Win
mills Towen, Ttoki, IrrlK
lion Oatnti. Hoie, Fi-KlnR
flrltnir,hllfr. woS ,
llrlve I'olnu, Pin. Kltltnin.
ftriM and I
Ms4rt RMln. I'"f'i
low. nrt tb brot
Pcrvl ;nr
1102 Farnom St, 3pha. No!?.
Prompt attention given ! i ::i! :
matters in Justice. County mid i'i
i.Iourts, and before the Uniied .v
Land Oifice
Fire Irmarance
written in t
t1T"Legal pnpers carefully di-r 1
IlARiasoN, - !K:i:--'
But still on ck
to do wagon
j ii 1 : 4
Third building south of livery hm
C. F. COFnr.m,
For tnfirmattoa mA tnt IUmIkx.(i i , .
MUK OO.. Ml Kmotowkt. M' .;
OldMl baniM for weiirln puteiiiK l.i
Infyntmt Ukn oat h u l lite;-"
th tmuUo bj Dotlo (Ivtn free HI 1 1
t,nptft rtretilnltTri of (it r"lntt!tn m.-,
weriii. Siil'Ti.lliIly lilii'itratod, K
irimi flemia Ihi ullholit it, We'
yi'nr; Kl.'ii' l i t'Ki'itln. A'UIv, It'
i'lM.ljiu I t, Jf'jl tr , ..
4 Sdantifio An :-J'
I m tjrv
fM&ZffSA' 4