AN ABLE LAWYERS' OPINION PLAIN STATEMENT OF GROW ING JUDICIAL EVILS. The Supremo Court Arrogates to Itself Highly Dangerous and Un constitutional Prlvl'eges The Situation Clearly Explained. Oinaha, Neb., Oct. 11. One of the best out of town lawyers in the state was In the city today. In conversation with a reporter for ttiiH paper, he said the people make a grevious error In not showing a greater and more search ing interest in the selection of Judge.; Continuing along these lines, he said: TUB JlDICIARY. "There Is no branch of our govern ment with which the people are more frequently brought In contact than the Judiciary, and yet it is the branch of which they have the most Imperfect understand ing. It is because of this, that while they abhor despotism, they tol erate powers by the courts, which if exercised by any other department (if the government, would arouse a storm of indignant protests." "The belief is common, that the sev eral branches of our government con fine themselves to the exercise of ouch powers rm ere embraced In the cl:u;; iflcatlon usually found in the text books, that is, the legislature to mak ing laws, the Judiciary to interpret a ting the Jaws, and th" executive o en forcing laws. Just how mistaken Is this belief will lie better understood by an examination of the library of a suc cessful lawyer. The walls are literally covered with lvooks. Ninety-nine per cent of the books are reports of the de cisions of the courts of the several states of the union. These are the books that the lawyer consults and carries with him to court as author ities on what the law actually is. Among; the hundreds of reports yon may find ten or fifteen small books called session laws or statutes. These are the laws enacted by the legislature. In our own state we have about fifty volumes of supreme court reports, each containing not less than 800 pages. Of the session laws we have about fifteen copies, containing, on an average, of not to exceed 400 pages each. In other words, while the legislature of the state has written f.,000 paecs of law, the supreme court has written 40,000 pages. "The question naturally arises, how can such a condition of affairs arise under our form of government? To a lawyer the question presents no dif ficulty. Statute law, or law enacted by the legislature, regulates but a small part of the affairs of men. One .night know It all perfectly, word for word, and yet not be a laywrr. The great body of the law is what is known among lawyers as the common law. The books are full of definitions of the term, but In the last analysis It amounts to this, It is the opinion of the court of Inst resort, authoritively an nounced, on the case presented. New cases arise from time to time that have never been presented to any court and which fall within no provi sion of any statute. When such a case is presented to the court of last re sort, it passes upon it authoratively, formulates the principles applicable to it, and the result is, a new principle has been incorporated into the body of the common law; to all Intents and purposes, a law has been passed by the court instead of the legislature. There la the uncertainty about such a law, bevever; a case involving the sume principles may come before the court at the same or any future Bitting, and the court may arrive at the conclusion that the former decision was wrong and overrule It. Thus it will he seen that the court not only enacts laws, but may repeal them." "Iiut the courts not only trench upon the province of the legislative, but upon that of the executive as well. A system of rules and precedents have grown up by which they are permitted to Issue orders in cases brought before them, which have all the force and ef fect of a criminal statute. The char acter of such orders and the circum stances under which they will Issue depend largely upon the whim of the Judge. Fly such rules men have been prohibited from quitting the employ of an obnoxious employer, from urg ing others to refuse to work for Inad equate wagos, from walking upon the public highway, from exercising the constitutional right of free speech, from enforcing laws duly passed by the legislature, and one man 1 know of was prohibited from entering his own place of business. An Infraction of huch an order is termed contempt of court. The punishment, like the or der, depends upon the whim of the Judge. The offender Is tried, not by a Jury of bis peers, but by the Judge whose order ho has treated with con tempt. The punishment is by fine and Imprisonment, and Is meted out by an ofllcer of the court, which means prac tically by the court Itself. Thus Is one man permitted to enact a law. In terpret and apply It and to carry It Into execution; to combine in himself the legislative, the Judicial and the ex ecutive powers. Wherever these three powers resido In one man, or class of men, there is despotism, whether such men are called Judges or autocrats, lawyers stand aghast at tho rapid strides In tho direction of despotism made by the courts within the past twenty years, and ama.ed at tho blind ness of the people to tho tendency in that direction." ' When one hints at any wrong doing of tho courts he is met with the cry that ho Is assailing the courts. J nut why tho courts should enjoy tho dis tinction of being above criticism Is a little difficult to understand. From a constitutional standpoint they do not out rank the other departments of the government, yet It liaH never been re corded as a sacrilege to criticise either of the other departments. In fact It Is generally supposed that such criticism has a good, wholesome ef fect. If It hns such an affect upon tho legislature and the executive, ts It not at least reasonable to suppose that t will have a like effect upon the Judl -lary? The only possible reason th It Is not more frequently Indulged la that the oourta have a more direct end ffeetlve mesrns of showing their MMnt merit." '"I he foiei-oing th betr enables one to appri- liiti', an Judge Sullivan said In a peech In ix:il, the wisdom of the fc'otcli adage, 'To know the law yo4 linii i hiiovt iy judge who administers It.' You must know the bent of his ml ml,' t lie direction of his sympathies the influences to which he subject and the company he keeps. No human being can puss upon a disputed point wholly uninfluenced by any of these things. Judges are not wholly exempt from the frailties of the common lot." "Such being the case, all talk of a con-partisan judiciary Is idle. The man who has not taken one side or the other of the great questions of the day 1b unworthy of a place on the bench or in any other branch of the public 6rvici vllavlng taken such stand, the education, the influences and as sociations that impelled him to do so will follow him to the bench, and, to a greater or less extent, color all his official acts. Does any one imagine that the Dred Scott decision could have been written by a judge bred In the school of Abraham Lincoln, or the opinion in the income tax case could have been prepared by a Jeffersonion democrat? fn both of these cases, it was not the learning of counsel nor the wealth of authorities cited that forced the decision in one way rather than the other, but the natural or ac quired bent of the minds, the direction of the sympathies and the associa tions of the Judges who rendered them. The great political questions of today sooner or later will, in some form or another reach the courts. And Just as Biirelv as the decisions above stated were the result of the political views of the judges who rendered them, so will the political views of the judges color the decisions of political ques tions coming before them in the fu ture. If this be true, and thcte f:.i. be no doubt of it. then it is .m a? portnnt to the voter that the bench should be ailed with men In sympathy with his Views as that llie u gu,... . e hails should be filled with men of his party. The people have a right to rep resentation when the laws are intfr preted as well as when they were made. It Is Just as essential to a rep resentative form of government that the laws bo Interpreted in harmony with the will of the majority, as It is that the laws themselves reflect such will. And when It la remembered that the court arogates to Itself, not only the power to Interpret and apply the law, but to legislate and to execute the law, the Importance of having Judges in sympathy with the people becomes more obvious. Important as It Is that the other departments of tho government be manned by the friends of reform their work will come to naught If the bench is filled from the ranks of the enemy. It Is no profit to a man that his friends make the laws If his enemies he permitted to Inter pret them." "The time Is ripe to turn upon the courts the white light of truth. Any objection to the open and fair crit icism of the courts, as well as of other branches of the public service, can originate only with those, who, because of the character of their deeds, love darkness rather than light. The time is ripe to place a limit upon the grow ing power and Insolence of the courts and to force them back within the constitutional boundaries of their power, and to the friends of reform the people look for the accomplishment of this work. Ix;t no man falter." Ordered to Account. Lincoln, Oct. 11. S. A. D. Shilling, receiver for the failed Merchants' bank, has filed a supplemental report In dis trict court in regard to the affairs of the bank. He states that since filing his second report he has been in cor respondence with several persons who claim to hold assests as collateral se curity on money loaned the bank; that he has been unable to find anything about it on the books. He says that the list that he has obtained and the one that the bank's books show are not alike, there being a discrepancy In the books of the bank. He further states that ha has reason to believe that certain assets were Improperly disposed of prior to the suspension of the bank; that he has asked for explan ations from Crawford, the former cashier, and has not received them. Therefore, he prays the court to cite C. M. Crawford to appear and answer the question which he deems most necessary to the settlement of the af fairs of the bank. The order prayed for was Issued and Crawford is cited to appear October 13. New Stores at Ashland. Sheldon, Neb., Oct. 11. Fred But zeres and his assistants, who did the brick work on the five new brick store rooms, completed their work and re turned to their homes In Hastings Sat urday. When these rooms are com pleted and the boiler and steam heat ing machinery are put In place no finer stores can be found in central Nebras. ka. Many workmen have found em ployment during their construction. As many as thirty men have leen em ployed at one time. This, with other Improvements, has made Shelton a busy town, and no one who cared to work at good wages lacked employ ment. Already more than fifty double-deck cars of sheep have arrived for winter feeding, and several hundred thousand heal are yet on the way. A Youthful Criminal. Tccnmseh, Neb., Or t. 11. Willie Ke pan. the lad arrested here last Saturday with a gang of pickpockets, was re leased from the custody of the county Jailer today. He was given a hearing In Judgo Ilrandon's court and a case was not made against him. Ho says he Is 13 years of age, his home Is In Chicago and that he with a companion recently ran nway from that city with a view of seeing the big world. At torneys 8. M. True and Frank Dlns-mcg-e appeared for the hoy. He will ha sent home. A Serious Charge. Nebraska City, Oct. 11. Adam Rchrone, a saloon keeper of Syracuse, was arrested Saturday upon a charge preferred b'' Miss Mary Hrechtel, the daughter of a wall-known farmer liv ing neur Syracuse. He waived exami nation and was hound over to the dis trict court. Me gave bond la the sum of 1,000 for his appearanc OFFICIAL BALLOT DECIDED. "SILVER REPUBLICANS" AND "NATIONAL DEMOCRATS" Get on the Ticket Secretary of State Porter So Decides After Hearing the Arguments Pro and Con Other State News. Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 11. Secretary of State Porter rendered his decision late Saturday evening in the protest cases against allowing the nominations of the "silver republicans'' and "national democrats" to appear upon the official ballot. He decided that both could be placed on the ticket. Concerning the silver republicans, Secretary of State Poter says: First: An organiation calling them selves silver republicans had as sembled in the city of Lincoln under a call and with the number of delegates required by law, made their nomina tions and adopted a party emblem and adopted the party name of "Silver Re publicans Forty," o appear on the of ficial ballot as "Silver Republicans." The charge that the designation is de-'ce-pitive, and whether for intent or otherwise, is liable to deceive the vot ers is in my judgment not well found ed, for the reason that the silver re publican organization severed itself from the regular republican party solely upon the issue of the free coin age of silver, and I can conceive of no name they might have adopted to bet- than "Silver Republicans." Taking into consideration the fact I that under our present form of ballot : each ticket or set of party candidates will be printed in a separate column, with a distinct party emblem, and for tho reason aforesaid that the very name adopt eel by the organization aforesaid designates the true difference between them and the regular republi can party, I am constrained to believe that there is no reason why any voter should be deceived by the aforesaid party name. Therefore T am compelled to find that the protest of the aforesaid J. R. Webster Is not well founded and Is hereby overruled, and that the afore said candidates of the party calling themselves "Silver Republicans" may properly appear on the official baUot tinder the designation of "Silver Re publican i After reciting the preliminary facts, the secretary says concerning the na tional democrats: "In answer to the charge that the term national democrat is intended to deceive, I am constrained to believe that this In part may be true, and that the party name should be properly called "Gold Democrats," as this would have defined their political be lief as in the case of the silver repub licans. While I believe that the or ganization calling themselves national democrats has adopted a name which may possibly be deceptive in its na ture, yet there being a difference be-twi-en it and tho designation of the regular democratic party, by the pre fixing tho word "National," whlcn, taken together with reasons as stated above, In the case of Webster against Sullivan, and believing it was not the Intention of law to deprive any citizen of the right to vote for candidates rep resenting his principles, but simply to prevent fraud and deception, I am com pelled to overrule the objections of the said James C. Dahlman as not well founded and that the aforesaid candi dates of the national democratic party may properly appear on the official ballot as "National Democrats." In the contest Joseph R. Webster of Omaha and G. M. Lambertson of Lin coln represented the gold standard re publicans and G. E. Hibner of Lin coln and James W. Carr of Omaha, the silver republicans. The contention of the free silver re publicans was that they had taken the proper steps under the statute, the new ballot law, for forming a new party; that the party designation, "free silver republican," did not conflict with the prohibition of the statute against taking the name of an old party. The statute provides that new narties shall not "use any of the old party names nor the party emblems." It was contended by the free silver at torneys that the proper construction of this statute was that the legislature did not intend that no part of an old party name should be used, but that the name selected and lined by the new party should not he the entire name of an old party; that the Intent was that there should not be tw'o parties of ex actly the same name. They also argued that there would be no confusion In the voters' mind, nor a misleading of the voter where the distinguishing word was used as In their case. GOLDBUG CONTENTION. The republican attorneys claimed that the republican party had an ex clusive right to use the word republi can In Its party designation, and tho attempted use by the silver republicans was an Infrigement upon their rights. Lambertson went Into a discussion of what he considered the prominent tenets (if republican belief, and said that the protective tariff was one of these, and that tho stiver republicans were not republicans, because they were opposed to this. He read the sil ver republican platform, and declared that this enunciation of principles was opposod' throughout to tho principles of the republican party, and that the attempt to use the name republican under these circumstances was an at tempt to deceive the voter by taking the name republican and misleading him Into voting for what was erron eously held out. to him as a republican party in some respects. Tho argument on the protest filed by Chairman James C. Dahlman against the certificate of nomination filed by "the Nebraska friends of Mr. Cleve land," who designated themselves as "national democrats," was taken up In the afternoon. I. J. Dunn represented Dahlman, nnd Chairman A. J. Sawyer ami Secretary Frank Heller of the na tional democratic state central commit tee and W. D. McIIugh represented the defense In this case. NEVER SO IIL1ND, ETC. Sawyer refused to admit that there wtm a regularly called nnd held demo cratic national convention at Chicago last summer. Tho attorneys for Uia inan on the stand to prove this and ether matters relative to the content In that Chicago convention between : the "friends of Mr. Cleveland" and the I true democratic representative from j Nebraska. It was shown that the na tional convention decided that the, party which is represented by Dahl- ; man as chairman is the legal demo cratic organization in this sUte. Dahl- , man followed the history of the bolt , of the gold democrats at Omaha In ; 1894, and the subsequent history of ! their contention that they are entitled to the use of the designation "demo crat" in this state. After this the argument was opened by Dunn for the protestors, and Sawyer and Heller spoke for the certificate as filed by the "national democrats." The argument of Sawyer on behalf of the "national democratic" ticket was in the main on the same line as that advanced by the free silver republi cans in their defense of their right to use the name selected by them. In ad dition to this he made the further con tention that the "national democrats" bad a recognized standing as a politi can party in this state and that they were the lineal descendants, or there was a chain of apostolic succession from the gang of bolters who assem bled around the punch bowl in the Paxton hotel in Omaha in 1894 down to himself, as he appeared In his ca pacity of chairman of the state central committee. The point which had been raised that the word "national," added to the word "democratic," had grown by usage to be looked upon as desig nating the party in the whole country as distinguished from the party in a state or smaller community, he said, was not good for the purpose of which It was invoked, namely: To show that there would be confusion and deception of voters. THE ONLY SIMON PURE. Sawyer said he did not know of any other national democratic party than the faction with which he is identified. There has been one, he said, but it had been wiped out some time ago. His organization, he contended, was en titled to use the designation "demo cratic" because its members had al ways been democrats and had not nom inated for office candidates from other parties. He contended that there was no formation of a new party, but that the gold faction of the democratic party had merely changed its name; that it is the same party which has been recognized on the official ballots of the past three years under a new name. He said that his faction was en titled to use the designation demo cratic for the further reason that its members had always nominated demo crats for office and had not taken its candidates from other parties. Dunn, in behalf of the protest, made the point that the permission to use the word democrat in connection with his party designation would confuse and mislead voters. lie contended that there had never been a recognition by the courts or other recognized tribunal! of the right of the old faction calling themselves democrats to use the name. That the courts had stopped short of such a declaration and there had been only tho contention of the members of that faction or pretended party that they had a recognizrd position in this state. He said the legislature had in tended evidently to stop this conten tion, which had been going on for years, and had passed the law now in force. PROTESTS AGAINST SWITZLER. Dunn supported the protest against the nomination of Warren Switzler to fill the vacancy made by the declina tion of J. M. Woolworth, and contend ed that the law was plain that the fill ing of vacancies must be made by a committee authorized by the nominat ing convention, and that committee must be named by the convention. It had been brought out in testimony from Frank Heller that the convention had by resolution authorized the ex ecutive committee of the state central committee to .fill vacancies, and this executive committee had been selected by the members of the central co-ri-mltte after the adjournment of the convention. This, Dunn urged, was not a compliance with the law. Dunn submitted that the "national democrats" were entitled to use the name democrats either from usage or they were not. If they were not then they could not use the form of name presented in the certificate. If they had been entitled to the use of the name heretofore they had forfeited that right when they changed their name and formed a new party. If the latter was the condition of the fliers of the certificate then they had failed to comply with the plain provisions of the law regarding the formation of new parties and they had no right to ask a place on the ballot. Dunn scored Sawyer on his definition of his (Sawyer's) faction as true demo crats because they had never nominat ed men belonging to other parties. The Instance in which the party had done this in nominating Horace Greeley was cited and also a case nearer home, where the leaders of the "national democrats" hail insisted on tho Doug las county democratic convention nom inating an avowed republican. Secretary Porter at a late hour this afternoon took the cause under ad visement and announced his decision tonight, as given above. There was quite an audience of po liticians at the hearing nnd during the afternoon ex-Secretary of State J. A. Piper dropped In to see how such things looked from the outside, he hav ing have had some experience In decid ing protests himself hist ypar. The protesting parties will, It Is said, take the cases to the courts, as Is pro vided in the new ballot law. The secretary of stale today received a letter from Judge Crawford, who was nominated by the "friends of Mr. Cleveland" for regent, In which Craw ford says he had several days ago de clined the nomination. Tom Majors' Mandamus Case. Auburn, Neb., Oct. 11. The man dnmus case of Thomas J, Majors ngalnst the hoard of education of the Slato Normal school was taken up by Judge Stull Inst Friday and on appli cation of tho defendants the rase was continued till tho ISth of this month. The defendants In their answer aver thnt the mandamus Is not the proper remedy and allege (hat Thomas A. Majors, the son, Is unfit morally to be admitted to the school. THE COST OF KISSLS. j Like Diana's Kins, Unasked, Love ' Gives Itself. The kiba "unasked, unsought," isn't of much valuta to anyone, the iiijiiougi.i kibi that "gives ilbelf" in btbl ol ail. Iiut there ate bought kibot ai.-u, and their price is a veiy tluUuaUiig out- in I Ibi market. Sometimes it is 20 cents, somtt.mes its $75,0u0. It depends upon the cir cumstances, j There was J. F. Hendricks of Co bourg, Out., for instance. He is sev-enty-aix years old, and of course one of the leading citizens of ihe town. Not long ago he drove his niece, a teacher named Effie Pilkey, to her home late at night and kissed her on the way; also, it is to be presumed, on the lips, as his action was a complete surprise and Miss Pilkey had no time to dodge. In spite of the fact that Hendricks was her uncle and had probably dand led her on his knee when she was only so high, Miss Pilkey relentlessly brough suit for $2,000 damages in the Cobourg Assizes, and of couise the case was made a great sensation. The judge put on his wisest looking pair of spectacles, the jury didn't have to pretend to look interested, for they reaiiy were, and the testimony waa listened to with breathless interest by a throng of auditors by no means w hol ly of the fair sex. Whether because of the kisser's a vvncular relation to the kissee or be-cau-e tiny put a low valuation upon the quality of stolen sweet, the jurors awarded 20 cents damages, a trifle of one-ten-thousandth part of the original claim. This is about the lowest quotation on record, but then we have been pass ing through an extra era of cheap prices. The usual charity fair rating is ten times as high, or "$2 per." Charity fair girls near Cobourg are said to be agitated! by doubt whet her a mandamus eight not be Issued to compel them to sell kisses all for sweet charity's sake at 20 cents straight or $2 a dozen. If the legal principle is thoroughly established they will be called upon to choose between discontinuing the busi ness of purveying kisses and discrimin ating between customers. Certainly a girl can't be expected to kiss all comers even for sweet charity at 20 cents per comer. A very high quality of kiss has been sold in England repatedly in two cases. Lady Gordon recruited a regiment by kissing every recruit, a device which would make a splendirj advertisement for some of our stage beauties if we were ever to go to war with Spain. The other case was that of the lovely Duchess of Devonshire, who corrupted the electorate, in the bad old days of the open ballot, by kissing everybody who voted on her side, which was probably the wrong side. The most famous bought kiss of re cent American history was that for which a Brooklyn jury awarded $75. 000 .gainst "Baby Bunting" Arbuckle. More correctly speaking it was a series of kisses gained upon false pretenses of a promise to marry, which contract wasn't carried out. That was a great rape! The jury sat for six days, the lawyers waxed eloquent even unto teari itnd the fair plaintiff wore her most pitiful plaintive look. Literary Landmark Cone. A literary landmark of South Devon will disappead this autumn. This Is that charming old inn, the Ferry Boat, at Cpombe Cellars, on the banks of the River 'feign, between Teignmouth and Newton abbot. Built of Devonshire "cob" walls, and picturesquely thatch ed, it has for many years past been a place of pilgrimage for boating part ies on picnics intent. Some few years since S. Baring-Gould, the author of that well known noevl "Mehalah." made Coombe Cellars the scene of an other novel, "Kitty Alone." It Is, In deed, a place well suited for literary and romantic treatment, being placed on a little promontory of that broad seasalt estuary of the Teign, surround ed with sturdy sea walls, and corn southern town of Dartmoor. All who manding impressive views of the know Coombe Cellars will learn with regret that it has been decided to re build this quaint old inn. UtlllzlnR the Sun's Heat. A French scientist calculates that in an average day the sun will pour on two and a half acres of ground heat which might be turned into energy equal to the muscle power of 4,163 horses. Mr. Mouchot believed that this heat might utilized and made to do the work now done by steam and electri city. He found that by condensing the heat playing on less than a yard and a half of ground he could boil two pints of water. By arresting sun shine and condensing it small steam engines have been operated success fully In Paris, hut nothing has yet been done to realize practically the great lapsesof revolutionizing civilization by using directly the enormous power which comes to us daily from the sun. This power is calculated at of 216,000. 000,000 horses, and a thousandth part of 1 per cent of it wou'd run all the factories the world will ever need. Enterprising French Village. In the commune of Monceau-sur-Olse, not far from Taris, a little vil lage of only 250 inhabitants, the streets are lighted by electricity, electric lights are found in the church, in all the houses and even in the stables, and the farm buildings In the neighborhood of the village are Illuminated In the same manner. More thtn this, the com mune possesses a large thrashing ma chine driven by electric power and capable of thrashing 900 sheaves of grain per hour, besides turnip cutters, crushers, sorters, pumps and other ag' rlcultural machinery, all sot In mo tion by electricity. The power is de rived from, a waterfall and by oom blnlne their Interests the Inhabitants of the commune have made science illuminate their itreets and houses at nlp.hl and drive their lmtcinnea by d:iy more cheaply thHn these things could be dona by the old methods. Few flowers are seen on the autumn hats, and those which are used are not In their natural colors. There ara gray Rllk petnled roses, for example, and gree i sprays of lllnr FOR THE KITCHEN. For au omelet eoullle wparate tlx egs, UifRHiire and cilt thtte tublea tpoonf ul of powdi r d btmar. See that the oven i hit and have everything in readiness, the while of the tfps to a veiy Miff froth. Heat the yolks of three if.'gK add theiu to the whites; add a gioted rind of half a lemon, the sugar and a ttaspixinful of lemon juice; mix quickly. Heap into a baking dish, dust vviih powdered gugar, and bake in a quick oven for five or eight minutes. Serve hot and as quickly as posMule. Most g?me birds and animals, be cause of al ife of ceaseless activity, do not take on fat, and such should be larded, or cooked with slices of bacon or salt pork placed on them. Do not cerve birds with heads on and un drawn, as is quite generally practiced the latter point being a relic of sav agery, the former an offense to sen sitive nerves. It is pleasanter to en joy a bit of choice flesh without being so forcibly reminded that we are cit ing dead birds. This is not the only instance where realishm is inartistic. Ducks, in point of quality, rank as follows: Canvasback. redhead, mall ard and teal. The canvasback prob ably outranks everything in way of game in the estimation of good livers. No seasonings or spices are used In its cooking; none could add to its per fect flavor. Pliuk, singe and draw the birds, wiping out he inside with a cloth wet in salt water, never washing; truss, dust lightly with salt (inside and outside), and bake twenty-five minutes in a hot oven. Baste often in melted butter and hot water one part butter to three of water. If preferred rare (conceded the better way), cook only twentv minutes. In serving, pour over the liquor yielding in the cooking. Lemon sandwiches are made by scenting both the bread and butter ut ter. Trim the crust from a loaf of fresh bread: put it into a large butter pot or soup tureen, and surround it with lemon peel. Take a sufficient quantity of butter, about half a pound, cover It with grated lemon, wrap in wax paper, put it also in the tureen and allow it to remain over night. When you are making the sandwiches rub the butter down until a little soft; add gradually the juice of one lemon and four tablespoonfuls of finely chopped parsley. Spread it on the bread, put two slices together and cut into the desired shape. FASHION HINTS FOR WINTER. Feathers are used in profusion. All the tints of gray are high in fa vor. The original picture hat is tha favorite model for the winter. Brims cove.ed wi h Roman pearls are one of the novelties of the season, A fluffy feather boa acts as the sole trimming for many an artistic hat. Hats of shirred velvet are much worn, and chenille hats are also the vogue. There are a number of fetching Vic torian pokes, which are warranted to make even the plain girl a picture. The English turban, pure and sim ple, is a particularly fashionable model and there are hats in plenty this year to suit every type of woman, no mat ter how fastidious she may be. The black velvet hat is high in fash ionable favor. Frequently it is all black, save a knot of some gay colored velvet caught under the brim or peep ing out from amid the nodding feath ers. Gainsborough velvet hats will be very much worn and many of them are trimmed with feathers three quarters of a yard long. A picturesque Gainsborough in a deep gray velvet is trimmed merely with one long, pale, silvery-gray plume and a. large fine cut steel buckle. The English turbans are of a stiff felt. One, which is a particularly fash ionable model, is made of beige color ed felt. Around the edge of the tur ban is a band of brown shirred vel vet. In the direct front is a large owl's head, with the feathers of the owl spread out at each side. A Remarkable Corn Field. Professor Thomas L. Cox, who has recently returned from Morrilton, says crops are unusually good in that vicin ity, a-nd prosperity is knocking at the door of every citizen. He says there is one cornfield near Morrilton that will produce 200 bushels to the acre. This is a remarkable statement, and yet he declares that it is true. Until a year or so ago there was a lake near Morrilton cohering about 10,000 acres. When the big floods came two years ago, an opening was made by the surg ing water which carried off all the water of this lake when the Hoods sub sided. The bed of the lake dried up and left the richest soil the world ever saw. It is ten feet deep, and nothing the River Nile ever produced could ex cel it. This year Mills and Halley have a crop of corn on about 1,000 acres of this land. They sowed the corn broad cast like wheat, and the stalks are strong as saplings, and scores of "shoots" came from every stalk. Be sides the big ears on the stalks, the "shoots" are also loaded down. "It . . the most remarkable coin crop ever produced in the world," declared Pro fessor Cox, and, to make the story even more Interesting, he ended it by de claring that a "coon" was caught be tween the stalks, and. being unable to extricate Itself because they were t. thick, was killed by those who came upon It." Street Lighting In Paris. It is exactly 200 years since the cities of France have been lighted at. night, though ('biff of Police Iai Reyale has caiihcd lanterns to be used regulari in Paris thirty years before. In the edict Issued by King Louis XVI. in 1697, ordering the innovation, he says: "Of nil the arrangements made In our good town of Paris there Is none whose usefulness Is dearer and more gen erally admitted than thnt of the lant erns which light the streets, and as we believe It our duty to care no less for the safety and convenience of the other towns In our kingdom we have determ ined to establish the same system In them and provide the means for con tinuing It forever." The system con sisted In hnnglng a lantern with a lighted candle In It across the middle of the longer streets.