TAXATION CAUSES A RIOT TRADESMEN 01- ROME PRO TEST 1 HE INCREASE Twt-ntv Thousand I'noiile March to the Office of Minister of the In terior Riot Ensues and one Man Killed. Home, Ot. 2. A large procession erf tradesmen, headed by the pro-syndic of Home and the president of the bamber of commerce, marched to the office of the minister of the interior tliis morning to protest and confer with the government regarding the in creased taxation. l'remier Kudini, who is also minis ter of the interior, received a com mittee and promised that, all possible would be, done to promote friendly re lations and greater equity between the tax col lectors and taxpayers. In the meantime, a large crowd of people had collected around, angry shouts were heard and some of those present tore up paving stones and otherwise as sumed a threatening attitude. This caused the police to make an attempt to disperse the crowd, and in the conflict which followed six police men were injured and one rioter was killed. Midnight The streets have been quiet this evening. A sjiecial detail of police is patrolling the district that was the scene of the disturbance, in all, there have been twenty-four ar rests. The rioter who was killed has not Ikii identified, but appears to have Ixhti a workman. The prefect of police has ordered dissolution of the Roman Socialist union. Tomorrow the pro-syndic of Itome and the pres ident of the chamber of commerce, who headed the procession, will be er ceived by the Marquis di Kudini, who will discuss the application of the in come tax. It is estimated that there were at least 20,000 jxxiple in the procession that escorted the deputation to the of fice of the minister of the interior. The authorities, it was evident, had failed to make adequate provision for main taining order in such a vast and crowded assembly. Placards were posted on the walla throughout the city this morning in viting all tradesmen to close their shops in the afternoon from 2 o'clock to 4 o'clock, in order to lend Imposing character to the demonstration. The suggestion was almost univers ally adopted and the result was a spec tacle unprecedented since the death of Victor Emanuel, except that each door closed had, instead of the legend "Cloned for national mourning," the inscription, "Closed for fiscal reasons." The grievances is that thiB year the as seHsiiiientB of Incomes by the govern ment agents for income tax have been doubled and trebled throughout the country. GENERAL NEWS. Eddie Ha Id and Fred Laughead have been matched for a match in Mem phis next Monday for a purse of f.r00. John F. Hoynton, a well known res ident of Iominster, Mass., shot and killed his wife and then committed suicide by shooting. Mrs. E. P. Iluntman was fatally shocked by a bolt of lightning which struck a tree near which she was btanding at Winston, N. C. Senator Tillman arrived in Colum bia, S. C, this afternoon from Tren ton, his home. He is a very sick man, suffering from catarrhal jaundice. Bradley W. fulling of Marshfield, Wis., was found guilty of forgery at Milwaukee, lie was a colonel on the military staff of ex-Governor I'pham. Willis A. Trask, the fugitive teller of the First National bank of Wal lingford, Conn., was arrested at Hali fax. Trask's embezzlements are said to amount to $30,000. Judge Hancy at Chicago appointed Joseph W. Suddard and Arthur Walsh K-rmanent receivers for the Mechan ics and Traders' Savings Ixian & Building association, for which tem IKirary receivers were appointed hist July. One hundred and forty-one cities east of the Mississippi river and twenty-two west were represented at the Mxt annua! convention of the National HorseHhoers' Protective association of America, which convened at St. Iouis yesterday. Miss Florence, who was for two terms postmistress at Ellzabethtown, Ky., and who is said to have been the daughter of ex-Governor Helm of Ken tucky, died at New York today from the effects of morphine taken last week with suicidal intent. A traci-dy in which two would-be murderers lost their lives at the hands of their intended victims occurred In Arkansas county, Arkansas, six miles south of le Witt. Jolin Cray and John Ilurton are (load and Rolx-rt White is In the hands of Sheriff Smith of Ar kansas county, charged with the kill ing. New Hertford, Mass., celebrated Its sennl -centennial yesterday. A hand car was derailed from a trestle forty-five feet high at Neweom- orstown, O., killing two and terribly Injiirng several. It is asserted at Vienna that the Hungarian government has purchased the race horse Galtee Moore, the derby winner, for 20,000. The twenty-third nnnual meeting of the National Wholesale Druggists as toclatlon and the Proprietary assftfia Hon opened at Richmond, Va. A mortgage of the Chicago & Spring field and the Illinois Central railroad companies to the I'nlted States Trust comnanv of New York and jonn u. Stewart for $2,000,000 was filed In the office of the recorder of deeds In San gamon county, Illinois. Gorman papers comment on (he en terprise and business sense of the city rovernment of Iahr. me gas worss being the property of the town, tha authorities have decorated all the gal lamp with large signs In red letters "Cook your meat with gas." The grand Jury at Fargo. N. D.. re- nnrted an Indictment against I'resi dent Halyards of the First National bank of Mlnot for alleged violation of the national banking laws by loaning money on mock as collateral. The vine president and cashier turned staio - Tldence and thus saved themselves. VINDICTIVE IN DEATH. ' 1'1 1,-Me-l'p ) I'll ;t nil;, in i;iv r'evel H letter fciij a private mHicr named, iitt.ti lied to the garrison at San l'rali in. I had known him but slightly, the ai iiuaititaiiie having come alxiul through his interest in some stories whi'h I had published, and which be had a way of calling "psychological studies." He was a dreamy, romantic, tine grained lad, proud as a tiger lily and sensitive as a, bltteliejl. What mad caprice led him to join the army I never knew; but I did know that there he was wretchedly out of place, and I foresaw that hiB rude and re pel la nt environment would make of him in time a deserter, or a suicide, or a murderer. The letter at first seemed a wild outpouring of despair, for it in formed me that before it should reach me its author would be dead by his own hand. But when I had read fur ther I understood its spirit, end I realized how coolly formed a scheme it discolsed and how terrible it pur port was intended to be. The worst of the contents was the information that a certain officer (whom he named) ahd driven him to the deed, and that he was committing suicide for the sole purpose of gaining thereby the power to revenge himself upon his enemy! I learned afterward that the officer had received a similar letter. This was so puzzling that I sat down to reect upon the young man b pecu liarities. He had always seemed Bome what uncanny, and had I proved more systematically he doubtless would have gone further and told me of certain problems which he professed to have solved concerning the life beyond this. One thing that he had said came back vividly: "If I could only overcome that purely gross and animal love of life that makes us all shun death I would kill myself, for I know how far more iwwerful I could 1e in spirit than in flesh." The manner of thes uicide was start ling, and that was what might have been expected from this odd character. Evidently scorning the flummery of funerals, he had gone Into a little cannon near the military reservation and blow himself into a million frag ments with dynamite, so that all of him that was found was some minute particles of flesh and lnine. I kept the letter a secret, for I de sired to observe the officer without rousing his suspicion of my purpose. It would be an admirable test of a dead man's power and deliberate Intention to haunt the living, for so I interpreted the letter. The olilcer thus to be pun ished was an oldish man, short, apo- pletlc, overbearing and Irascible. Gen ially he was kind to most of the men In a way. but he was gross and mean, and Uhat explained nufllwently bis harsh treatment of young Gratmar, whom he could not understand, and his efforts to break that flighty young man's spirit. Not very long after the suicide cer tain modifications in the officer's con duct became apparent to my watch ful oversight. His choler, though none the less sporadic, developed a quality which had come of the characteristics of senility, and yet he was still in his prime and passed for a sound man. He was a bachelor and had lived al ways alone, but presently he began to shirk solitude at night and court It in daylight. His brother officers chafed him, and thereup ho would laugh in a rather forced and sily fash ion quite different from the ordinary way with him, and would sometimes, on these occasions, blush so violently that his face would become almost purple. His soldierly alertness and sterness relaxed surprisingly at some times, and at others were exaggertod into unnwssary acerbity, his conduct in this regard sugegsting that a drunken man who knows that he is drunk and who now and then makes a brave effort to appear soIkt. All these things and more indicating some mental strain, or some dreadful ap prehension, or perhaps something worse than either, were olserved partly by an Intelligent officer whose watch uiHn the man had been secured by me. To be more particular, the afflicted man was observed often to start sud denly and in alarm, lxk quickly round and make som unintelligent mono syllabic, answer, seemingly to an audible question that no visible per son had asked. He acquired the repu tation, too, of having taken lately to nightmares, for in the middle of the night he would shriek In the most dreadful fashion, alarming his room mates prodigiously. After these at tacks he would sit up in bed, his ruddy face devoid of color, his eyes glassy anil shining, his breathing broken with gasps and his body wet with a cold prespiration. Knowledge of these developments and transformations spread through out the garrison, but the few (mostly women) who dared to express sympa thy or suggest a tonic encountered so violent rebuff h that they blessed heav en for escaping alive from his word volleys. Kven the garrison surgeon, who had a kindly manner, anil the commanding general, who was con structed on dignified and impressive lines, received little thanks for their solicitude. Clearly the doughty old of ficer, who had fought like a bulldog In two wars and a hundred battles, was suffering deeply from some un dlseoverable malady. The next extraordinary thing which he did was to visit onn evening (not so clandestinely as to escape my watch) a spirit medium extraordinary because he hail always scoffed nt the Idea of spirit communications. I saw him as he was leaving the medium's rooms. Ills face was purple, his eyes were bulging and terrified and he tot tered In his walk. A policeman, seeing his distress, advanced to assist him, whereupon the soldier hoarsely beg ged.: "Call a hack." Into It he fell and asked to be driv en to his quarters. I hastily ascended to the medium's rooms and found her lying unconscious on the floor. Soon, with my aid, she recalled her wits, but her conscious state was even more alarming that the other. At first she regarded me with terror, and cried: "It Is horrible for you to hound him so!" I assured her that I was hounding no one. "Oh, I thought you were the spirit Imean I h hut It was standing exactly where you are!" she ex claimed. "I HtipjioBO so," I agreed, "but ou can see (hut hid not the young man's fplrli. However. I am familiar with this whole case, maitam, and If I can be of any service in the matter I should be glad If you will inform me. I am aware that our friend is iHTsecnt ed by a spirit., which visits him fre quently, anil 1 am positive that through you it has informed him that the end Is not far away, and that our elderly friend's death will assume some ter rible form. Is there anything that I can do to avert the tragedy?" The woman stared at me in horrified slilenee, "How do you know these things?" she gasped. "That is immaterial. When will the tragedy occucrr? Can I prevent it?" "Yes, yes!" she exclaimed. 'It will happen this very night. Hut no earthly power can prevent it." She came close to me and looked at me with an expression of the most acute terror. "Merciful God! what will become of me? He Is Is to be murdered, you un derstandmurdered in cold blood by a spirit and he knows it, and I know it. If he is spared long enough he will tell them at the garlson and they will all think that I had something to do with it! Oh, this is terrible, ter rible, and yet I dared not say a word in advance nobody there would be lieve in what the spirits say, and they will think that I had a hand In the murder! " "I$e assured that he will say noth ing about It," I said; "and if you keep your tongue from wagging you need fear nothing." With this and a few other hurried words of comfort I soothed her and hastened away. For I had interesting work on hand; it is not often that one may be in such a murder as that! I ran to a livery stable, secured a swift horse, mounted him and spurred furiously or the res ervation. The hack, with Its generous start, had gone far on its way, but my horse was nimble, and his legs felt the pricking of my eagerness. A few miles of this furious pursuit brought me within sight of the hack, just as it was crossing a dark ravine near the reservation. As I came nearer I im agined that the hack swayed some what, and that a fleeing shadow es caped form it into the tree banked wall of the ravine. I certalnl was not In error with regard to the swaying, for It had roused the dull notice of the driver. I saw him turn, with an air of alarm in his action, and then pull up with a heavy swing of the reins. At this moment I dashed up and halted. "Anything the matter?" I asked. "I don't know," he answered, get ting down. "I felt the carriage sway and 1 see that the door's wide open. Guess my load thought he'd sobered up enough to get out and walk wlth oua troubling me or his pocketbook." Meanwhile I too had alighted; then I struck a match, and by its light we discovered through the open door the "load" huddled confusedly on the floor of the hack, face upward and looking altogether vulgar, misshapen and mis erably unlike a soldier. It neither moved nor spoke when we called. We hastily clambered within and lifted him upon the seat, but his head rolled about with an awful looseness and freedom, and another match disclosed a ghastly dead face and wide open eyes that stared horribly at nothing. "You had better drive the body to headquarters," I said: Instead of following I cantered back to town, housed my horse and went straightway to bed; and this will prove to be the first information that I was the "mysterious man on a horse" whom the coroner could never find. About a year afterward I received the folowinlg letter (which is observed to be in fair English) from Stock holm, Sweden: "Dear Sir: For some years I have been reading your remarkable psycho logical studies with great Interest, and I take theliberty to suggest a theme for your able pen. I have just found in a library here a newspaper dated about a year ago, In which is an ac cunt of the mysterious death of a mil litary officer in a hack. Then followed the particulars as I have already detailed them, .and the very theme of post mortem revenge which I have adopted In this settling out of facts. More extraordinary still Is his suggestion that In the dynamite explosion a dog or a quarter of beef might as well have been employed as a sulclde-mlnded man; that, in short, the man might not have killed him self at all, but mlgfit have employed a presumption of such an occurrence to render more effective a physical per secution ending in murder by the liv ing man who iioscd as a spirit. The latter even suggested an arrangement with a spirit medium. The only remaining disclosure that r in prepared to make Is that my cor respondent signed himself "Ramtarg," an odd-sounding name, but for all I know it. may be respectable in Sweden. in the Dutch army a man must be able to swim as well as to fight. More over, if he is In the cavalry he must have a horse which will take a river as easily as a hunter takes a fence. Swimming manoeuvcrs are part of the regular drills nowadays. Collapsible canvas boats, manned by a few oars men, lead the horses, so that they do not attempt to land on stone quays and other difficult points. The men swim across with their horses and on them. They swim in swimming costume and In all the accoutrements of war. There are few nautical emergencies for which the Dutch army Is not prepared. Some of the officers have even reached that degree of proficiency that not only their horses and kits cross the rivers with them, but their very pet dogs sit upon their shoulders and are borne over also. Have a mission In life. He of some account. Io not court responsibility, neither shirk It when It Is laid upon you. See God's hand In every move ment, and note Its bearing upon you personally. He has use for you some where, and often where you least ex pect. Fall In line with His will from time to time. He may not have a con spicuous place for you to labor, but He will bring out, If you follow His guidance and are' faithful, your talents In the sphere where you can do the best for His and for others. Presby terian. , . A LYING LOVE. ( Ronton Guardian.) Mr. Gregory Gilmour. suliiiior, Wakefield, in the county of Yolk, was i'lieed by a gnat number il d. ! HightcJ pei fie to be tine of the fiteM. lawyers in England. He was some thing more. He was an astute man of the world, who dearly loved plasure, but who had far too hard a head to ever allow the unruly jade to run away wiih hjm. His wife had died in giving birth to his only son, Frank, and he was certainly one of the gayest widow ers Wakefield had ever seen. He hunted, he kept a liberal table. and he made love with a reckless lib erality that not a little scandalized some of the god people of bis native town. At the period of our story he was 5 years of age, upright as a dart, tall, slim, with a young, fresh-colored, hairless face. His appearance had not altered since he was 30 years of age, and it appeared probable that another twenty years might pass over him without any material change. One day his son, who, without tak ing the trouble to notify his father, was about to marry the lady of his heart, received a letter from his father ordering him to go to Wakefield upon business of the utmost importance. When he reached his home h was sur prised to learn that Mr. Gilmour had len called suddenly away to the ncrth. He had, however, left a mes sage to the effect that his son was to remain in Wakefield until his return. He stayed in the pleasant, sleepy little town for some ten days, at the end of which period the post brought him two remarkable letters. One was from lady love. It contain ed three words: "Good-bye for ever!" The other was signed by a Mrs. Chambers, under whose roof Frank had first met the woman of his choice. It implored him to return at once to Paisley. Some villain, Bhe said, had stolen Rosa's heart from him, and the poor, bewitched girl had run away with her new lover. Frank read these letters with amaze ment. At first he refused to believe that Rosa, whom he had loved with such unselfish devotion, had tricked and jilted him. He had such supreme faith in her truth and purity that it was impossible for him to associate her with aught that was dishonest and cruel. During his tedious journey to Paisley he promised himself that Mrs. Chambers had been mistaken, and that when he came to thoroughly sift the matter he would find that his darling ed utppj. r as.hhimb vhgkq vbgkq bgk Rosa had been wonderfully misjudged. Hut when he entered the little house his heart fell within him and nearly all his hope fled. The good old lady had so changed that he hardly knew her. Her eyes were red with weeping and deep purple rings surrounded them. The kindly face was worn, and haggard and sadly thin. He took lxth her trembling hands and pressed them gently in silence. Then he led her to a chair and said: "Tell me everything. Do not spare me one detail. I can bear the truth better than doubt." Ere she could speak Mrs. Chamber's tears flowed fast. "My tale is a short one," she said at last. "Dear, dear! it all seems like a nasty dream. Sometimes I sit here and fancy that her bright face will appear before me as it used, and that all athat troubles me is but the wandering of an idle, foolish brain. I am Borry for you, Mr. Gilmour, indeed, indeed I am." "Come, come," he said; compose yourself, and let me know the whole misFerable truth." "Soon after you went away," said the tearful woman, "I noticed a great change in Rosa's manner. She became absent-minded, dull, and more than once I saw that she had been weeping. I pressed her to tell me the cause of her sorrow, but she always maintained that she was happy and she had noth ing to grieve her. She went out more frequently than she "had been in the habit of doing, and often at inconven ient hours. I did not care to chide her, but I confess that her frequent absence from home perpexed me. Perhaps I ought to have inquired more strictly into her movements, and God forgive me if I did not take sufficient care of her. Thinking that she would soon leave me to be your wife I felt that It would be ungracious of me at such a time to scold her or to compel her to pay more attention to her duties. One afternoon a gossiping woman, who often conies into my shop, told me that she had seen Rosa walking arm in arm with a gentleman In a little-used thor oughfare In the outskirts of the town. I lost my temper, and I declared that the woman's statement was untrue; nevertheless I questioned Rosa on the subject. She indignantly denied the accusation, but something in her man ner convinced me that she was guilty I cannot properly explain to you what a cruel shock this discovery was to me. I was too upset to pursue the subject then, but I resolved that when the evening came, and after the shop was closed and we were alone, that I wauld strive to bring her to a sense of her duty to you. Hut I never saw her again. Within half an hour after 1 had spoken to her she had flown, and this was all she left behind her." Mrs. Chambers drew a orumpled let ter from her pocket and gave it to Frank; and then she buried her face in her handkerchief and appeared to be disinclined for further conversation. This was the letter Rose left for Mrs. Chambers. It was written hastily and there was a certain hardness about the phraseology that bespoke a heart numbed by grief: "You have been kinder to me than my mother ever was, and you will think me very bad and ungrateful to leave you as I do. God knows I have no choice. I must go, and go even as I go now. It Is all for the best for you, for Mr. Gilmour, for my wretched self." So it ended. She had forgotten to sign her name. "Is there nothing else?" he asked, In n low tone, "no other clew?" Fur some time Mrs. Chambers re mained silent. After an effort she said, though still holding her face: "Slip did leae something else, but not willingly not knowingly." "What did she leave?" he asked anx iously. After another pause Bhe placed a key In his hand, saying: "That is the key of her bedroom. I have kept It locked ever since i-he left On her dressing table you will find something 1 picked up from the floor " She turned from him for her heart was so full she could hardly speak. He pressed her forehead gently with his lips and left her. As Frank went up stairs lightly holding the key she had given him in his hand, he muttered between his set teeth: "I will find the man who has taken her from me. and when I find him I will kill him." He paused before the door. He turn ed the lock with strange reluctance, and when he stood upon the threshold of the little room which was still fra grant with the odor of sweet flowers, he again hesitated. She had gone and was unworthy of him; she had proved truthless, and he of all men should cherish no respect for her. Still that apartment seemed to him sacred, and a feeling of guilt took possession of him as he entered it. He walked t othe dressing table and at first he saw nothing. Then he no ticed that a photograph was on the center of it, lying face downward. He thrust his hand out greedily to secure it the thought running through his brain that it was the likeness of the man who robbed him of his love, and that now he would not have much trou ble In tracking him. He picked up the carte. There were some words written on the back of it, and there he read with feverish haste. As he perused them his face became even more pallid than before and beads of perspiration stood upon his fore head. The words were: "Yours very dearly, Gregory Gil mour." He let the thing fall from his hand. As it fell it turned, and now it lay upon the dressing table face upward. This face was his father's the face of Greg ory Gilmour of Wakefield, solicitor and esquire. II. Mr. Gregory Gilmour, composed, pleasant looking and dressed irre proachably, sat in his easy chair, sometimes smiling, more often study ing his almond nails. Before him white, passionate, a fiery indignation blainginhis eyes stood his son, speak ing hoarsely and trembling as he spoke, "I swore in my heart," Frank de clared, with intense though subdued earnestness, "that when I discoereU the man who had stolen her from trie I would kill him. I had scarcely so sworn before the horrid truth was made manifst to me that the scoundrel was my father, and being my father, his hellish villainy must go unpunished." Mr. Gilmour smiled. "Well done, Frank! Quite melorda matic I declare. When I was your age I would have done he same thing my self; though perhaps notquiteso well not quite so well." "Don't mock my misery," the young man cried, impetuously. It is a hard, a biter a wicked feeling to cherish, but I despise you, I abhor your name. I wish to God I had died before I knew this shame." "Sons," said Mr. Gilmour, with a tinge of bitterness in his tone, "are slow to pardon their parents' errors. This is strange, seing how much par ents have to forgive. Even now I am doing a great thing I am pardoning your insolence. Frank turned from the speaker with a gesture of impatience and disgust. "ome, young gentleman" Mr. Gil mour spoke authoritatively "I want to talk to you. Don't run away; so far you have had all the conversation to yourself. You must now listen to me." Seeing that Frank evinced no dispo sition to remain in the room, he cried, sternly: "Sit down sir! While you are in my house you shall obey me." Sullenly Frank threw himself into a distant chair and his father smiled. "I've a little story to tell you, Frank. Perhaps you'd like a glass of wine while you listen to it not that you will find it dull by any means. It is all about the young lady you know by the name of Rosa Noyce. You don't care about any wine as you like about that; personally I prefer a glass of sherry. Perhaps you will touch the bell? Thank you." Turning to the ser vant who answered the ring he contin ued: You can bring the sherry decan ter here and two glasses." To his son he added: "I dare say before I have finished you will be anxious to drink with me." No man, perhaps, looked more wretched than did Frank Gilmour at that moment. He sat with his head bent upon his chest, his hand clenched his face, ghastly white, his eyes light less. The lawyer poured out two glasses of wine. Sipping one he commenced his story in as pleasant and lazy a tone s though he were relating some enter taining incident that had occurred at Lord Badtaste's dining table. "I-ast year, while you were away in Scotland, I became mixed up with a very extraordinary forgery case. The crime had been committed in London but one of ther principal sufferers chanced to be my very oldest client. and so It came that I was consulted about the matter. I need not bother you with the details of the case. The Important facts for you to know are simply these: The culprit was a man named Morris, an adroit swindler, a heartless, designing knave, who, un fortunately for society, had the fasci nating manner of cultivated man of means. Men of the world were deceived by his plausible tongue and his elegant exterior, and he was particularly suc cessful in blinding the ladles. Some time before his conviction he had won the confidence and affection of a young lady of blamless life and good family. He Induced her to run away from home to be secretly married to him. Shortly after this union the infatuated girl discovered the true character of the fellow who had tempted hereto forget her duty to her father. She was wed ded to a penniless swindler of the worst class. What the feelings of a confiding, stainless girl would be upon making such a discovery you can per haps understand. She regarded her husband with abhorrence, and she hated herself for ever having listened to him. She resolved that she would leave him forever. Taking nothing with her but a small handbag she es caped her husband's house, and was never hoard of again by her friends. Some thought she was dead, others that she had gone abroad. It happened that before her marriage to the fellow Mortid I had known her and her fami ly, and during the time we were prose cuting Mm 1 often thought of the poor deceived girl. He w:s sentenced to a long term of imprisonment. Frank, drink you: wine. What 1 have to tell you now directly concerns you." Mechanical' the young man did as he was told. A change was slowly passing over his face. His head was no longer bent upon his chest. He looked into his father's eyes eagerly. "My friend at Glasgaw," continued Mr. Gilmour, "in whose office I placed you some time back, recently wrote to me to the effect that you were making an ass of yourself over some obscure girl at Paisley. Mr. Redfern had seen you with her at Glasgow, and it had come to his knowledge that you had taken a house, and it was pretty evi dent that you intended marrying her almost immediately. Since you had not thought it worth while to consult me upon the suhect, I determined to see for myself the woman you contem plated giving your name to. I wrote to you asking you to come here, and I journeyed to Glasgow. Mr. Redfern accompanied me to Paisley. I was saved the trouble of caling upon Mrs. Chambers, for in the street we met the young lady to whom you were engaged. To my amazement I recognized her She was Mrs. Morris, the convict's wife." "I was afraid that was coming," said Frank, in a low nervous tone. "I had always sympathized with the girl's unhapy lot. but my sympathy was not sufficiently strong to close my eyes to the fact that the bigamous mar riage she proposed would irretrievably ruin my son. I had more than one in terview with her, and at these inter views I urged her to abandon you. She said that she could never look you in the face if she jilted you. I advised her to leave Paisley. I provided her with the necessary funds. I had, I thought, at least saved my son much pain and suffering." "You must forgive me my violence," Frank pleaded in a scarcely audible tone. "I am sorry for the words I used to you just now. Still still," he went on wistfully, "perhaps I would rather have ben left in ignorance." "Wait until you have heard all I have to say," he smiled at Frank as he spoke. "When I saw Mrs. Morris at Paisley I had no idea that her wicked husband was dead " "Dead!" cried Frank, joyfully, "dead!" "Yes, dead. The folish girl did not tell me so. She imagined that I ob jected to her marriage with my son because her husband had ben a convict, and rot because I thought that he was still alive. It appears that he died in his cell " "Thank God for that!" Frank mur mured, forgetting how indecent his gratitude was. "Now that the girl is free," Mr. Gil mour went on, "I confess I am indif ferent whether you marry the young lady or not. I may, however, mention that within the past few days Rosa's father has also died and has left her a large sum of money, nearly 15,000, and that Rosa herself is in this house at this present moment." Frank started from his chair and ran to the door. Suddenly he paused. Turning to his father he said: "On Rosa's table I found a photo graph." "Possibly," Mr. Gilmour returned, dryly. "It seems that at one of our interviews I dropped it pulled it out with my handkerchief or something of that kind, and she carried it home with her intending to give it back to me. In a few days you'll know who it was intended for, I am tired of being a bachelor. There, you mercenary young rascal, go . and comfort your 15,000." Ere his father had finished speaking Frank had left the room. In another moment Rosa was nestling in his arms. "When I went to Paisley," he whis pered, "I thought that you were a lying love " "And so I was," she said, dropping her swimming eyes, "but I could not " She said no more. His passionate kiss es smothered her words. Dr. H. M. Bracken, secretary to the Minnesota board of health, stated to that body at its last meeting that his salary, $3,500 a year, was excessive, and suggested that it be reduced to $2,500. His request created much sur prise, but was complied with. Governor Atkinson of Georgia, in a speech to some veterans, claimed and presented figures satisfactorily show ing that his state pays about as much money in pensions to ex-Canfederate veteran soldiers as all the other South ern states together. I heard a story the other day, says a writer in the Washington Post, from Kennebunkport, that remote Maine village, which Assistant Post master General Heath declares is the only summer resort in New England worth while. A certain man up there bought an old farm, and having re moved the grave stones from the an cient burying grounds on it, proceed ed to plow up the spot with the inten tion of making small potatoes of the ancestors of some of Maine's first fam ilies. The first families protested against the desecration, and demanded that the stones be restored. The new owner was obliging, but he was well, he was a Maine Yankee, and he didn't mean to give up his potato field, so he set the stones up as a sort of fence about his field. They made a very good fence, the first families were sat isfied, and the potato crop was one of the largest in the state. A bishop of the Methodist church was preaching a sermon on the vanity of dress, and Incidentally alluded to people who wore velvet and gold orna ments. After the sermon a distinguished member of his conference approached him and said: "Now bishop, I know you were striking at me, for I have a velvet veBt and a heavy watch chain." The bishop smiled, passed his hand over the vest, touched the chain, and then said, with a merry twinkle In his eye: "No, really, Brother B., for the vest you wear Is only a cotton velvet and I am half persuaded that your watch chain Is brass." Atlanta Constitution.