HOW TO AVOIU LIGHTNING. toma ValuaMx Ailylio m to What to pu in Storm. The other day a gentleman who hap pened to 1) In the middle of a field, n struck by lightning. Most peo ple would have thought his position about the leant dangerous la a thun derstorm. The point they have atiked themselves, therefore, la "What should we do when caught in a thunder storm ?" Campbell Swinton Bays lightning la most apt to strike projecting objects for example a tree. On that principle you ought to keep clear of trees, just as you would keep clear of a hayrick. Similarly, if you are in a flat space take a farmer's field you should make yourself as little an objective ae pos sible. If everything about is level you yourself become the projectiva point which may attract the lightning. Therefore, lie down flat on the ground, or, even better, get into a hole. "A person who took shelter in a hole," Campbell Swinton continued, "would be absolutely safe, I should think. Even if the lightning were to Btrike the ground near by, its power would scatter so much that he would hardly be likely to come to harm. Then, if you are in a house while a thunderstorm is raging, the safest shelter would be found in the cellar that is, far away from the objective parts of the building. For mysoif, 1 am rather skeptical how many folks would care to crawl into a hole or plunge into a cellar. You see, the risk to life and limb in England from lightning is very smtajll indeed so small that the average man would rather run it than disturb himself." "I suppose the idea which you have indicated to me explains the damage that factory chimneys and the chim neys of dwelling houses occasionally sustain from lightning?" "Just so; they are points of attrac tion. Not only that, but there must be an additional attraction in the column of warm air which rises from a chim ney when a fire is burning beneath it. I once saw a chimney struck by light ning, and smoke had been issuing from it There were various neighboring chimneys, but, so far as I could make out, none of them was active. The incident occurred while I was sitting in the Wellington club, and the dam aged chimney belonged to a house on the other side of Grosrenor crescent." New Economy. A Tennessee community, apparently founded on institues drawn from the precepts of Ruskin, has just established a college, to which they gave the name of that rhapeodist, at New Economy, the town they have built up in the last three ears. The community now numbers 213 and possesses property valued at $80,000. When it started each head of a family put in $500, and the increment represents what they have earned in the interval beyond their living exjMjnses. The settlement lives as a single fam ily; its standard of value is an hour's labor; in its home commerce it has no money and needs none a certificate that labor has been performed takes its place. A pound of tea costs eleven hours' work; seventy hours pay for a pair of shoes; two and a half for a pound of crackers, and so on. Every body works and all men and women alike receive the same wages. They have heretofore worked ten hours a day, but expect soon to reduce it to eight They have a kindergarten and adequate education machinery, music, languages and a limited technology be ing taught in addition to the regular branches. The majority of the communists are agnostics. There is no church, but those who like can go to church out side. Of the great number of similar communities first and last founded in this country, few survive. The most do not outlast a decade, and it would not be safe to predict a longer term for this one, though its institution of a college shows that it so far no mis givings on that score. New York Tri bune. Jewels to Matchthe Eyes. "The very latest of all the latest crazes with regard to the wearing of jewelry," said a fashionable jeweler the other day, "is that the color of the stone should match the color of the eyes of the fair wearer. "The latitude allowed in this is not great, but the proper following out of the idea will doubtless lead to the popularity of many stones which have hitherto been ignored, not because they lack beauty, but because they do not happen to be as expensive as others. "In accordance with the regulations laid down, turquoise is to be the pe culiar property of the women with blue eyes, while the yellow topaz will have a vogue among the women with bright hazel eyes. "Sapphires belong by right to the woman 'orbed with violet,' but to the large number of brown-eyed beauties rubies are allowed. They will no doubt help to bring in cats' eyes, and all shops of this sort are being ran sacked in order to find peculiarly col ored stones to harmonize with the eyes of the up-to-date woman. "I dare say you wonder to whom diamonds belong, since their beauty depends entirely on their lack of color? Every woman has bright eyes though, and therefore every woman ought to be allowed to wear diamonds. Thin, however, is not to be the case. "The edict has gone forth that they are to grace the person of the woman whose eyes are black." For twenty-five years chicken has been regularly served for dinner at a Weston. W. Va., hotel, and traveling sen call It Chicken House, and min isters vote it a model inn. Few per sons, however, are aware of the fact that a condition In the will which psssifl the title to the property a quarter of a century ago required the heirs to dally serve chicken for dinner so long as the property wis used for hotel purposes. Philadelphia Record. The race war In the schools contin ues at Upper Alton, III., the colored children overpowering the lady prin cipal and Janitor yesterday, taking pos- WHV FIT OUIT TMK MING. The Champion BrunK tilaln to the PuMIl . Hubert Fltzinimxnn, retired cham pion middle mid heavy lght pugillnt of the world, moved by the frequent and violent CTltiUu;s of hit determi nation to quit the ring, has prepared an open letter to the public In which b.i gives, concisely ami In his best vein the reasons that have brought about nl action. V.'hen I wrote at Carson City on the 17th of March, upon which occasion I defeated James J. Cor bet t for the heavyweight championship of the world, "1 have fought my last fight," I had an idea that the public generally would take it that 1 knew what I was writing about and meant every word of it. Subsequent events, however, have dispelled that belief, and I see it is necessary to go into details in justifi cation of the position I took and which I still maintain. Cannot a man shape his own course in life and run things to suit himself without the population at large undertaking to force him into a renewal of an occupation that be had unqualifiedly and distinctly re nounced? And why did I renounce it? For what reason did I cast aside the five-ounce gloves and leave the lau ivU for another champion to pick up and wear them as I have worn them? Solely, singly, and for my wife only. That answers all questions that can be put to me, and no man of honor, or heart, or conscience can misunderstand me. I suppose, however, that such a reason is beyond the comprehension of some prize fighters, but the thinking public will thoroughly appreciate the situation. Perhaps I had better take your read ers into my confidence and tell a little of the history of that last affair at Carson City, which has not heretofore seen print in so far as it was in the nature of a private talk with my wife and would at that time have been out of place. But I have since come to the conclusion that it is well to tell the story just as it occurred. On the morning of the eventful day I got up at 6 o'clock and took my morning exercise, Mrs. Fitzsimmons preparing my breakfast of broiled chicken, coffee and toast, as she had clone for at least a week preceding the fight I walked around the yard in the crisp March air of the Sierra Ne vada Mountains, and each lap passed the kitchen window, nodding to my wife enroute. Once or twice I came upon her suddenly, and peeping through the window caught an expres sion of care and anxiety on her face. She tried to dismiss it with smiles, and covered up her real feeling with an air of lightheadedness, but to me it was clear that the woman I loved and who is the mother of my boy was in trouble. She had passed through the same conditions many times be fore and had been to me my most strengthening external Influence. How heavy the past sat upon her heart I had never before observed, but that day she could not hide it, although she told me with smiles and assurance that she knew I would win. After the meal she drove me along the country road from my training quarters to the ring. The day was perfect, and she put on an air of buoyancy that was intended to com fort me. She laughed at the queer old rigs1 that had gathered around the arena, nodded pleasantly to those who cheered as wepassecd, and talked about the triumphant trip backtoNew York. She had too much tact and intelli gence to even suggest any kind of misfourtune, and to all queries replied that she had faith in me, and knew that victory was to come before the day was over. I went, with my wife on my arm, im mediately to my dressing room and stretched out on my couch with my wife sitting beside me. "Bob," she said to me, tucking my overcoat around my neck to keep me warm, "how much longer do you in tend to fight for a living?" "I guess this will be my last fight, Rose, if I win," I replied, as I looked at her anxious face. "And if you" . She couldn't say it if her life depended on the word. Be cause she did not believe such a thing possible. Although, perhaps, some thing might happen, and even she could not dismiss such a possibility. "But I think I'll win, Rose. I ll do my best for your sake." Her only answer was a pressure of her hand on my arm. Just at that moment Dan Stuart knocked at my door and said: "Get ready, Bob. It's ten minutes to twelve. You are expected to be in the ring at noon." Mrs. Fitzsimmons got up, kissed me, and, with a few encouraging word3, went to the door where a friend was waiting to escort her to a seat at the ringside. During tboee few seconds, between the time she left men and put her hand on the door knob the whole situation rushed upon me and I felt that it was my duty, even If it was the last act of my life, to win that fight and quit for good, and for her. I knew her heart was heavy with anxiety and that she was going to her eat with a burden that few women have had to bear. Then I decided to send her away at least happy w'th a promise that I will never break. "Rose!" I exclaimed, "come here a moment" She returned quickly and bent over me again. I took her hand and squeezed It sincerely. "I want to tell you that I intend to win, even If I die for it. This is my last fight. I give you my word for that. Rose, be brave; I will win." She kissed me once more and I did not see her again until I came into the rln. But her face was raidant with Joy at my promise to retire. It was that expres sion that gave me the strength to win that fight, and the promise I made my wire on tne eve of the battle Is sacred to me, and will be kept until Robert Fitzsimmons goes out for good. When the fight was over she came to me and her eyes filled with tears of joy. It was ample payment for me, and I am satisfied. I know, and othei men know, that there Is something be yond the approval of the masses, and it can only be found at home. Perhaps not many men who have fought their way to pugilistic fame know what It Is to have their own hearthstone and a devoted wife. But I do, and I will not wreck It nor leave a legacy of lies to my children. I have mpd my promise to her, and I will keep It. ROBERT FITZSIMMONS, MAIN ANtl NMINfc. Vl,n lt, ..( m 1 MowId' Jl.. (iirf enrw "!f let ( It It wsvti't ! Hi' l if hi If Mali It' tint ' VA hrti Hip 'Hi ! frf" ''ttri Klflrh l (lnh't M old I If it a anil'! Ill-It 111' .Mutil lie I !-- i i" l oldl Tli life yu Biiil It pm tin rmiit curled I Truulilf y i.fvrr it tiiMxi Lori runsttie world! THE TWO MORTONS. Dolly is the must maddening, tan talizing, perverse and charming I might as well admit it. you'd soon have found it out young woman of my acquaintance. I've been in love with her for five years, and it's a won der my hair isn't white; sometimes I think it is turning gray, but when I spoke to Dolly about it, she said, not to bother, I was old enough to be gray any way. Ah! that's where Dolly hurts, and she knows It, for I am fif teen years old than she Is, and when that wilful young woman wishes to be particularly cruel she treats me with respect. One night I was desperate. I had sent her violets as usual as he Is par ticularly fond of them, and most of my money goes that way. Sometimes she wears them, and often carries them, but this night they were nowhere to be seen, and in her hand was one large red rose. I went to her; appearing to be sorry to see me was the particular form of torture which commended it self to her on this especial night. "You here!" sb? said, lifting her eyebrows, in astonishment, and with out a smile; all put on, of course, be cause 1 am always where she is. "Oh, no, I'm not here, I'm some where else," I said, wittily. She laughed immoderately. "You're so funny," she remarked, choking. "Yes," said I, severely, "I suppose I am funny, very funny but where are my violets?" "Why, had you any violets?" said she. "I didn't know how should I know?" She said it seriously, but there was a look in her eyes that I was used to; I'd have liked to shake her. "Dolly, you know exactly what I mean; where are my violets?" "If you mean the violets you sent me," she replied, with dignity, "I un derstood that after they left you they belonged to me; do you want them back?" This freezingly. "Oh, Dolly," I said, reduced once more to my usual condition of asinin ity. "I didn't mean it, dear, I don't want the d 1 beg your pardon, of course I don't want them; 1 only want ed you to wear them or carry them, you know, darling." But she saw that she had the best of me, so carried things with a high hand. "The rose was sent me by a friend," she hesitated, "and I suppose I have a right to wear what I please; but sit down, don't stand so long, you'll be tired!" This was an illusion to my age, and it maddened me. "You are exceedingly rude!" I said, turning away and leaving her. It waa the most severe speech I had ever made to Dolly, and I suffered at the thought of It. For four days I didn't go near her or send her violets once. It was an awful four days. Finally I wrote to her, fully con scious that it was a very silly letter, wherein I told her I was merely angry at myself for not knowing she cared for red roses, and I sent three dozen. The letter I received was one charac teristic of Dolly. A few days after I had been such a cad to Dolly I called upon her, and heaven favoring me, I found her alone. ; "Dolly, dearest," I began, "I am so sorry " "Don't," she said, "that incident is closed. There are so many nicer things to talk about; Jane Hunt, for instance." I shivered; I was about to be pun ished. "Is she nicer?" said I. "What do you really think of her?" said Dolly, with rather an anxious look, I thought; of course I was mis taken. "Oh, she's a very good girl, very good!" with a desperate desire to make Dolly jealous if I could, which I could not. "Is she?" Dolly tossed her head. 'Well, Mr. Morton, do you want to know what I think she looks like?" The "Mr. Morton" was ominous; I shivered again. "I think she looks like a cook!" she declared triumphantly, while I, in wardly agreeing, protested, "Splendid wife she's made!" said I, not meaning to rouse Dolly. But suddenly she turned and said the most terrible thing to me that she'd ever said since I'd known her. "Then you'd better marry her!" This from Dolly. "Oh " I began, but she was gone, and there was nothing for me to do, but to pick up my hat and go, which I did, calling myself a beast and a brute as I went That night leaving the theatre we happened to meet a moment 8he waa radiant and scornful, "Dolly," I said, resolving not to no tice the contretemps of the afternoon, "who are you going to dance the co tillion with at the Terrys' to-morrow night?" 'With Mr. Morton," she answered sweetly. "What a dear you are I was afraid you'd promised somebody else." And then she laughed. "With the pleasant, agreeable Mr. Morton," she continued, "who never sayi the wrong thing." Aad then I knew she meant the eth- i er esei i s arraia i said had her mocking l"ih fllowfvl me In the durkCMi. and echoed In my dresnm that bight. I wished I'd never seen her arid took it La k Immediately. I debated a long time within my self whether or not 1 should go to the Terry's, but as usual ended by k'iIuk. I could dance stag and take Ifc'liy out, and lovely idea perhaps Hhe would take me out! Then as I thought of the way I had left her the night be fore, this beautiful hope faded. What would she want with a brute like me? I never saw her look better than that nlKht of the Terrv's dance; she waa In white, which bent became her, and she seemed to me like an angel. And that beastly Morton looked pretty well too. I had to admit to myself that he was rather a well appearing chap. Mrs. Floyd Hopkins, who aspires to be something of a belle herself, stood for a moment and followed the di rection of my glance. "Mibs Dalrymple is looking particu larly well this evening,' said she, a very gracious speech. Indeed, for her. "Very!" I replied, having sense enough left not to discuss Dolly with a woman. "But what an awful flirt," she went on; this left me gasping. "And engaged, I understand, to Mr. Morton all the time." "Who said it?" I asked hoarsely. Dolly engaged and to that cad with my name. "Oh, everybody says so," and then she looked at me with such an un pleasant smile. "That's your name too, isn't it?" "Yes, I believe it is," I said brilliant ly, moving away from her. Dolly engaged! I couldn't grasp the full significance of It; the thought left me dazed and bewildered. This very night would decide it I would go to her and ask her if there was any truth in it. Just then she came toward me as if she was going to take me out, but something In my face must have stop ped her. "What Is the matter?" she said, turning a little white. "Dolly,' I said, sternly, "will you give me the first two dances after sup per?" "Of course if you want them; but won't you dance now?" I never saw Dolly so meek before. "No," I answered almost roughly, "not now." She left me with a strange look in her sweet face. It seemed centuries until supper; I tried to think of what I should say to her, but my mind was in such a cha otic state that I decided to depend on the inspiration of the moment. At last supper was over and I found her, tucked her arm In mine, and marching off to a quiet nook, put her in the only seat, and stood accusingly before her. "Dolly," I began, "look at me!" This she did, a little timidly, I thought, and I almost forgot what I was going to say in the joy of looking at her. "My darling," I went on, "I have loved you so long, so well, and hoped that In the course of years you might come to care " she dropped her eyes; just then I remembered that hor rible gosBip, "but to-night. Dolly, I heard something that turned my heart to stone." "What was it?" she asked. "That you were engaged to " "Who?" breathlessly. "Morton," I grasped, "that wretched caddish- " "Slop!" she said, with dignity. "Tell me, you shall." I grasped her wrists, "Is it so?" If it had been any woman In the world but Dolly I should have said she was embarrassed. She actually blushed. "No," she said, slowly, "It Is not so, but " her hands went up and cov ered her face. My heavens! suppose she should cry. "But what?" I insisted cruelly; "you're not engaged to him, but you're In love with him?" She took her hands away and her face was very red; if it had not been such a serious moment I should have said she had been laughing. "Mr. Morton has never aaked me to be his wife If he does I shall I was beside myself. "And if he does?' 'I hissed. "I shall say yes," very softly. A terrible silence ensued; the earth was sinking beneath my feet. "You love Mr. Morton?' I said sharply. And then the very queerest thing in the world happened; Dolly's face whit ened a little, as she rose and put out her hand. "Yes, you old goose," she said, "1 love this Mr. Morton!" It didn't take me long to gather Dol ly Into my arms. The next five min utes are not to apepar in this narra tive. "Dolly," said I blissfully, "did you ever know Buch a stupid old fool at I am?" "Never In all my life," said the sweetest of girls, her voice coming from the vicinity of my coat collar. "And do you suppose that woman meant me when she told me that gos sip, my darling?" "Of course she did," said the voice. "And I'm glad she said It I don't be lieve you'd ever have asked me, other wise!" My answer would not look well on paper. "Do you know, Dick, that you never have asked me before?" And when I came to think of It, I never had. The Peterson Magazine. He "When you were abroad. MIm Parvenue, how did you like the Mat ter horn?" , She "I I don't believe I heard It" Harper's Baser. VALCOUR AINE'S SEVRES SET TEN THOUSAND PIECES, NO TWO ALIKE Owned bj a l.olilaUn I'lMller Who Horn Now Itelongt to Cien. Mlle-l,0(M) finriti I- rriiiiil1jr Kntertined Iherw llurliif Aull-lirlluin ij. In a collection of historic relics of Louisiana are two pieces of china that once lielonged to the wealthiest man of that State, Valcour Ainj, his income amonntirig to $."1.000, 0uo a year. The story of this man's life reads like fiction. Although he has been dead for about forty years, his hospitality and promi nence have survived him. He frequently Invited 1,000 of the most prominent people of New Orleans at a time to visit him, especially the young men and the young ladies. Valcour Alne's plantation was about fifty miles up the Mississippi River from New Orleans. The place is now ow ned by Gen. Miles. The garden con sisted of fifty acres, and had heating pipes four feet in diameter running two feet under the ground all over It. By this means he could give you in the dead of winter fruits from every clime taken fresh from the trees, and flow ers in profusion. The walk from the mansion to the river was Inlaid with imported Grecian marble, and to-day the gate columns, with Ionic caps ol the purest marble, can be seen still standing. Going back to 1835, It is found that Dr. Antomarchl, Napoleon's last phy sician, was the guest of the mansion, and a short time afterward he accept ed the position of Surgeon-General to the President of Mexico and lost his life. Before Dr. Antomarchl left for Mexico, Valcour Aine ofTered him $10, 000 per year to become his family phy sician. This offer was rejected by the doctor, as it Is understood, so that he could go to Mexico for the purpose of raising an army to again revolution ize France. Marshal Henri G. Ber trand and young Ney, son of the Mar shal, came over to New Orleans as as sistants and organizers of the new revolution of the French army. This fact is not generally known.- Ve.lcoui Aine had agreed to advance $1,000,000 to assist the project. On the arrival of Marshal Bertrand and young Ney they Immediately pro ceeded up the river to the mansion oi Valcour Aine. They were received royally, and the evening on which they were about to return to lay new plans having learned of the failure of Dr Antomarchl, they decided to return tf France and there report to their revo lutlonary contemporaries. Tea was served at 10 o'clock at night In a set of enamelled and blue gold Sevres ware. The cups and sau cers must have cost not less than $20 each. After tea was over and Just tie fore the down steamer arrived the whole (service was brought out on the balcony in trays by the servants and ordered to be thrown, each piece, down upon the marble walks as a memento of shattered hopes of the new revolu tion that was to come, and Valcour Aine himself, being remonstrated with by the Marshal, said: "I do this in order that, when you return to France, you may tell your committee that I, Valvour Aine, entertained you as roy ally as any Prince of Europe could have done. Take with you back to France one piece of it in its shattered condition aB a memento of what Is broken in hopes but not lost." Frequently In this mansion recep tions were given that far surpassed anything of to-day The most romantic stories are toid about the 10,000 pieces of porcelain that were painted by the best painters of the Sevres works. All had the ap pearance of being alike to the eye. Each garland of flowers around each piece and on the edge the initials "F. A.," those of Mrs. Aine, would to all appearances look as though they were uniform. But when closely examined no two plates were ever found to cor respond. Valcour Aine, the millionaire plant er, had five daughters and they all be came wive of prominent men In New Orleans. Valcour Aine was in the habit of coming to New Orleans usu ally In November, and there he would order his banker on each visit to pass to the credit of his daughters $25,000 each, in order that they might have pin money for the winter season. New York Sun. A country justice had been elected but a few days, when a young lawyer ruHhed In and demanded a capias. Now, that Justice did not know a capias from a police cell, but he disliked to admit his Ignorance. So he said, "Now, see here, my friend. You are a young lawyer, and, I fear, lack ex perience. I would advise you not to be too hasty. Don't be In a hurry. Walt twenty-four hours and then, If you think best, come to me, and I will give you a capias." The young lawyer agreed and went away. The Justice spent the remain der of the day getting acquainted with the writ called capias. When the limb of the law appeared the next morning, the court felt himself quali fied to issue capiases by the bushel. Before he could speak, the young lawyer said, "Mr, Justice, you were right I was too hasty. I have that matter fixed up all right and do not need a capias. I have come to thank you for the good advice, and have also brought you the two dollars fee you would have re ceived for the capias, as I don't want you to lose by your good deed.1' He weirt away believing the justice to be a paragon of good sense and le gal lore. A SMIII.dl r ' "HI K Mflt tiam7.n.l Mit t" Serv Many Val'irthlp Om Ml this talk al-mt Mi.i:?Ki;i K re--nils wniie of the tlilru- I "" when I in Hie ncrvl.e." annc-uined retired crook catcher the other day. "New ways of beating the government ire being devised right aU't.g end many of the tricks I discovered are old now. There used to be more trou ble with the diamond smugglers than there appears to be at present. I have found the sparklers in women's back hair, hat ornaments, hollowed shoe heels and sewed up in various articles of wear; In dog collars, in horses' hoofs. In fruits and vegetables, In trunks with false bottoms, in pipes and rigars, In canes, on the necks of car rier pigeons and even buried in men's flesh after the manner of the Kaffir diamond thieves. "But the man who did the slickest buslne8s, without ever being suspected, told me about it afterwards. He waa a retired detective who had nerved with great credit. Shortly before re signing he claimed to have received a beautiful diamond ring with three very large stones, from a New Yorker for whom he had been able to save a good deal of money. It was certainly a magnificent ring and the matter waa duly exploited in the papers. He pro fessed to be doing a private business, that took him across the river frequent ly, and he would often use the ferry three or four times a day. He always wore the dazzling ring and I looked at it every day for months. Yet that fel low was making big money smuggling diamonds. "How? Why, he had a paste ring made exactly like the genuine one. He would wear the paste one over, leave It to be set with diamonds, wear them back, have them replaced with paste, and thus carry on the game right be fore our admiring eyes. We never suspected the rascal." Marie A. Millie, in St. Nicholas, tells a number of "Stories of Elephants," Mrs. Millie says: At one time my Husband was at a station in Bengal. His work kept him out nearly all day, and, being ill, I used to lie for hours in a long garden chair on the veranda, too weak to read, or enjoy any more exciting amusement than my eyes supplied to me. We had three elephants for our tents and baggage; and one dear creature used to feed from my hands every day, and seemed as gentle as any pet dog or cat. One of our government chaprasls was particularly devoted to her, and in variably shared his meal of fruit or flour-cakes with his dumb friend. On 1 particularly hot day, the chaprasl, to my surprise, placed his tiny child of six months at the elephant's feet, warning her expressively that the infant was in her charge, and was to be cared for till his return. I myself was an eyewlt nes of her wonderful sagacity. Uirge banana-trees and fig-trees grew urouud and, to my surprise, the elephant broke off one of the former's spreading leaves, held It like a fan In her trunk, and from time to time gracefully wav ed it over the slumbering child, wheth er to temper the heat of the atmos phere or to keep off flies, 1 am unable to say. The gentle way In which Khe moved her feet over the child, and across to each side, astounded me. I sent for a white loaf and some oranges, and calling her by name (she was nev er chained), tried in vain to tempt her to my side on the low veranda. Noth ing would induce her to leave her rharge. The warm air and monoton ous wave of the swinging fan over powered me with drowsiness, to whlcn I yielded; and, after a sleep of some duration, I was awakened by quiet, subdued snorts beside me, To my (sur prise, I found that the chaprasl had just returned to his offspring, and the elephant stood near the veranda be side me, patiently waiting and gently asking for the tempting dainties bo bravely withstood for over two hours. The dog Is mentioned thirty-three times in the Bible. Yet another strange occupation for women. At many of the Iyondon thea tres women prompters are taking the place of men. It 1b found their voice carry better. A Scotsman has constructed a bicy cle which he can take apart and carry into a train after having folded n with in the space occupied by three timbrel Iub, and tie it up in a shawl strap. It Is rather unhealthy busiiiw-s to be President of Mexico. Mexico has had lifty-live rulers since 1S21. Four of these were executed, one poisoned, four murdered, and seven killed f, battle. The Bishop of London, in a recent address on "Heading," said, "Ail hu man knowledge has been gained by the impertinence and pig-headeiUii-i-H of a small number of people who were al ways seeking 'Why?'" There In a species of parrot In Caro lina that Hieep by hanging themselves up inside hollow trees which are open at the lop. When feeding, thee birdti make a peculiar noise, which is naJd to be an Imitation of the Bpeec b of an un known or defunct race of men. Major McCIaughry, superintendent of the State Penitentiary at Jollet, m, who started a school In the prison for the benefit of convict women some time ago, Is delighted at the success of the Innovation. Women, It Is said, who have been a terror to society n Chica go are likely to be regenerated by the late-pencil and the spelling book. "A gypsy!" she echoed, hysterically, 'a real, genuine Hungarian gypsy?" "Even so," he answered, mysterious ly, "a Tzigane." For some moments the helres waa too deeply moved for words. Then her beautiful face resplendent with awakening love, she slipped Into his embrace. "You silly boy," she murmured, ' why didn't you tel me that before?"