The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 07, 1897, Image 4

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Mad Enough Money to Take a
Court it Vtiiar.
Denver, Sept- 30. Miss Lu Verne
Elizabeth Hall, the plucky Denver girl
who baa been conducting a ladle'
bootbUealng establishment to earn
i money for a college education, leaves
the Western city today for Poughkeep-
sle, where she will matriculate at Vas
sar for a four years' course.
Miss Hall has been extremely sue
cessful in her undertaking; in fact, the
revenues from bootblacking during the
summer were sufficient to guarantee at
least a year's tuition. She will not
close her establishment, which is situ
ated right in the heart of the shopping
district of Denver, but will continue to
run it throughout the four years.
The business is no longer an experi
ment; it has been so thoroughly a i
vertised that hundreds of ladies from
every section of the city are now reg
ular patrons. While Miss Hall is pur
suing her studies in the East a young
woman who has acted as cashier will
look after the business, and a hai!
dozen uniformed attendants will do
the "shining."
The novel business was conceived
early in the summer. The girl's par
ents did not have the means to assist
her in a college education, and as or
dinary work at a salary would not en
able her to get together the necessary
funds, she sought some other way out
of the difficulty; Miss Hall, with com
mendable foresight, decided upon the
bootblacking idea as the one most
She accordingly rented space in the
rear of a confectionery store in the
downtown district and hung out her
sign. One colored man was employed
and he was busy a very small pait of
the time for the first week or so. When
the object of Miss Hall's venture be
came noised about the business showed
signs of improvement. The rusn did
not commence, however, until the
newspapers told in detail all about the
enterprise and the young woman back
of it.
In three weeks Miss Hall increased
her force to three men and enlarged
her parlors to keep pace with her
rapidly growing trade. Later on it got
to be a "fad" to patronize Miss Hall,
and within a remarkably brief period
she and her admirers were rejoicing
over the fact that the success of the
thing exceeded her most sanguine ex
pectations. By the 1st of August the
force numbered seven people, a cashier
and six "shiners," who have been kept
busy almost constantly ever since.
Miss Hall, who Is very modest, was
delighted over the success of her ven
ture, but was much grieved because
the public has seen fit to regard her as
something of a curiousity. She is of
the brunette type, with a wealth of
dark and large expressive eyes, which
some one has declared to be heavenly.
She has fine features and her figure is
well rounded and graceful.
The receipts from her bootblacking
parlors during the month of August
aggregated nearly $1,000. Some idea
of the fame that Miss Hall has so
strangely acquired can be gained from
the fact that for the past six weeks her
mail reached several hundred letters
weekly. These letters came from every
state in the Union. Some of the writers
congratulating her for her pluck, others
contained offers for financial aid and
free schooling, while not a few were
proposals of marriage. Miss Hall em
ployed a typewriter and replied to all,
thanking them for the interest dis
played in her behalf, but declining their
offers. f
Among the proposals of marriage
was one from a Hoboken druggist
Cotton-seed waste, which a gen
eration ago accumulated at the
gin-houses, filled up the streams, rot
ted in the fields, and became an irri
tating nuisance, is now worth about
thirty million dollars a year. Every
bale of cotton leaves a legacy of half
a ton of seed, which, it is said, brings
the planter nearly as much as his cot
ton. The oil is used for finer grades
of soap, as a substitute for lard, and is
so near olive oil that an expert can
hardly detect the difference. The
hulls are fed to cattle, make an excel
lent fuel, are valuable as paper stock,
and when burned the ashes make a
fertilizer which is most efficacious. It
has feceatly been discovered that cot
ton-seed oil, with the addition of
eighteen per cent of crude India rub
ber, makes an imitation which can
not be distinguished from genuine
Sawdust and shavings are not
the industrial outcasts as usually be
lieved. They have been turned to ac
count in making a finely powdered
vegetable charcoal, excellent as a fil
trating medium. Sawdust is now
mixed with mortar, in the place of
hair. In sawmills, by a series of au
tomatic fans and flues, the sawdust is
carried to another building and fed to
the engine as fuel. Sawdust is con
verted Into oxalic acid this method
of making the chemical having by its
cheapness and rapidity displaced every
other method. The sawdust of hard
woods, such as rosewood, ebony, etc..
Is by a French invention reduced to a
powder, and mixed with blood into a
paste, some other materials are added
and it is pressed into moulds, where
it receives beautiful medallion impres
Kelp, or seaweed, usually con
sidered one of Nature's su
perfluities, ir properly treated is a
Gay little plaid gowns are all the
waist Many of them have a plain
cloth yoke and epaulettes of the same
vogue for school wear. They are made
with a full gored skirt and a blouse
doth. School frocks can be bought
ready made as cheap as $4.65, but those
which are apt to be most satisfactory
coat anywhere from f 10 to f 15.
The farmers of the North
west have been using hemp or jute
twine . for binding their wheat, at a
oat of froat one hundred and twenty
Cstkn to on hand red and eighty dol
fcsri car ton Cor the raw material,
wtii ii rtrytmd An Iowa man re
rjr Cmnmut that an excellent
', frta ate, Bt attie from marsh grass
it t tauto Is every hoc and slough.
il tr M.BMda into rope of any atie
J 1 c livore into coarse cloth to
? 2Un jto basslBf for cotton
Once in a while, amid the mas of
Klondyke Information, there has been
pawing reference to one Robert Hen
derson, "The Discoverer of the Klou
dyke." He has not been a spectacular
figure, he has not been Interviewed
at great length, he has not come to
New York to organize a Klondyke com
pany. What his gains have been no
one knows, concerning his losses no
body cares. He has been looked upon
sometimes as a man at whose door for
tune lingered and knocked withoutre
s ponce. He has been classed as a
failure. There are two of these Hen
dersons Robert and Henry and what
has been said of the one has been also
told of the other. Yet deep in the quiet
eyes of those two men is a look which
tells that they, at least, do not con
sider their lives a failure. This is the
story told by Henry Henderson him
self. He is now in New York, on his
way from his Nova Scotia home to the
Klondyke. He leaves Saturday.
Tucked into a little bay in the middle
of Nova Scotia, where the winters are
long and the summers short, and where
hardship is a condition, not a theory,
is an island which goes by the name
of Big Island. The people living in
the neighborhood are mostly Scotch,
which perhaps accounts for the name
of the bit of land, for that island is
exactly three miles long by one mile
wide. On that island the Henderson
boys were born. The first instruction
they got from their mother was: "Al
ways hold the sheet in your band." The
mainland was a mile away; squalls
were frequent. The mother's law was
the local precaution, for in those
waters a lashed mainsail meant a cap
sized boat at the very least.
Around the Hendersons the neigh
bors were nearly all wanderers. Sal
mon fishing, boat building and the
coasting trade had carried them Into
many places, and the boys grew up
amid an atmosphere of legend and
stories of foreign riches. Both the
brothers declare that as long ago as
they can remember tales of the riches
of Alaska were told in Nova Scotia.
Some of the men had been there, and
they had brought back legends of gold
to fire the boys' imagination. The
brothers firmly determined to go to
Alaska as soon as they were bie
In the meantime Henry was wrokinir
on a pilot boat and Robert had pulled
loose ana taken a trip in a coasting
schooner to New Zealand and Austra
lia. The gold fever always present, at
tacked him, and when he returned it
was to tell Henry of the riches to find
was to tell Henry of the riches hidden
them. One other thing he did. how
ever, and that was to fall in love with
one of the ruddy-cheeked, wholesome
girls of his Nova Scotia. The brother
eem to have gone about their love
making in the thorough-going spirit
which characterizes most of their un
dertakings. They plighted their troth
to the girls of their choice and what
is somewhat rarer thev Vent it
through years of absence. Robert wan
dered away to explore the wilds of Pat
agonia in search of the ever elnniv
gold. His companion in that trip was
one Jim Fealing. As Robert himself
puts it:
"He wasn't just the sort of man tn
have along and the Indians were pretty
uau. we round gold, and in oavine
quantities, too, but our grub gave out
and we had to get. Some time I am
going back there with an outfit. I
know what's there."
The old folks did not like their hovs
to be away, and when they heard that
KODert was on his way home there was
a family council to see if the wanderer
coum not be kept at Big Island. It was
arguea mat u Robert found Henry
away he would stop and look after the
om iciks. Henry, therefore, shipped on
a. Norwegian Dark; to St John, and
tnence worked his way to New York.
ine plan did not work. Robert
reacned home, emptied his Dockets and
his sea chest, and then pulled straight
oui ior me west. He had served an
apprenticeship as a carriage builder,
and thought he could find both work
and time to follow his beloved pros
pering. Henry had struck hard luck
He landed in New York without s
cent, but after a few days secured work
embanking the Hudson at Sixty-sev
enth street. He was lonely, and he
wrote constantly to the girl he had left
oenino m Nova Scotia, Way out in
Colorado, hidden in the Black Canyon,
Robert was lonesome, too. He also
wrote long and often to the little girl
in Nova Scotia. She naturally told the
news in her letters to her prospective
sisier-in-iaw, ana so the brothers,
hardly knowing one another's dl
dresses, heard frequently of one an-
otner's welfare.
ay ana by Henry decided that the
Hudson river would have to keeD in
bounds without his assistance, and so
ne pulled stakes" and joined his
brother in the Black Canyon of Colo-
"I found him helping build the Den
ver & Rio Grande railway," says
nenry; and the pay was Dretty eood
but we soon made more money build
ing coffins,. The way they killed men
in that canyon was something I never
saw the like of. They were in a hurry
to finish the road and they cared noth
ing for human life. They shipped men
in there by the car load, just as if they
were beeves. I tell you, pretty nearly
every tie in that part of the road is
laid atop of a man's body."
Then the brothers decided to make
another attempt to get to Alaska.
Their plan was to build a boat at
Grand Junction, go down the Grand
River, and so through Green River
Canyon to the coast of Lower Califor
nia. No man had ever made that trip
alive, but the brothers meant to try It.
They packed their food and supplies
as far as Grand Junction and went up
into the hills to whipsaw timber for
that boat. There came along a man
who wanted a ferryboat built.
He had lots of money, so the broth
ers put off the trip until they had
somewhat depleted his pocketbook.
For three years there were good times
in isoioraao. uomrort is a killer of
enterprise; high hopes faint on a
warm hearthstone, and so the trip
to Alaska had to wait while the broth
ers made money. Both of them revis
ited Nova Scotia and renewed the
vows to the girls of their hearts, but
each waited for just a little more
money, blh would make the future
It didn't come. Before they eould
well turn around. Rotwrt. broke, was
working In the Aien mine; Henry,
moneyless, was working along tne Cal
ifornia coast as roustabout, 'long
shoreman and anything that promised
a living. At last there came the long-waited-for
chance to go luto Alaska
and in 1803 Henderson made his first
trip rver Chilcoot Pass.
"I went in first in 1S93," sail Hen
derson yesterday. "But I didn't pen
etrate very far at the first off. Joe
Ladue had a store up there, and 1
worked around that for a while Then
there was boating to be done, to say
nothing of prospecting. Of course, we
all knew there was gold In there, but
nobody thought there was as much as
afterward turned out I did. a good
deal of prospecting in spare times and
turned up some pretty good tbincs.
Then Ladue built a little stern- wheel
steamer to carry supplies and truck
from Forty Mile to Sixty Mile. He
made me the skipper of her, and I
was the first man that ever made the
trip without an Indian pilot. She
never touched once, and I beat the
pilot's time two days."
"How do you do this prospecting
you talk about?"
"Why you have a gold pan. It's
something like a wash bowl,
only flatter. You take a cou
ple of shovelfuls of what you
think is pay dirt and put it in the pan.
Then you dip the whole outfit under
water and you want to do it gently.
When you bring it up the top ought to
be so you can wipe it off. Then little
by little you throw water in and mix
it around until you have slopped most
of the dirt over the edge, and the
stones and gravel and stuff are at the
bottom. When you come to the black
sand you want to be careful because
the gold is just underneath. When you
have got that you are through with the
panful. The whole thing takes about
three minutes.
"The other way Is with a rocker.
That is an arrangement by which the
muddy water and stuff is filtered
through blankets. The stuff left on top
of the blankets you put in a "mud
box," and when the day's work is done
you wash that stuff out in a pan until
it has got rid of the dirt. Then you
pour in quicksilver and mix it all
around. The quicksilver and the gold
form a sort of dough, and you can wash
out the rest of the dirt. Then you take
this mixture of gold and quicksilver
and put it in a pan over the fire. The
heat makes the quicksilver pass away
as smoke, and there's your gold. That's
all there is to it"
Henderson was the first man who
ever passed the Chtlcott Pass in the
middle of winter, and he did it for
the sake of the girl he had left behind
in Nova Scotia the breadth of the
country away. Here is how he tells it;
"You see, things had been pretty bad
up in the Yukon that summer. Of
course, I was running the boat, and all
that, but I wasn't making much, and
the placer mines were not panning out
as well as I expected.
i wanaerea arouna reeling mean
and wishing I could see the little girl,
wnen l runs Into Johnny Reed and
Hank Wright Reed he's rounded up
ail the mail at a dollar a letter, and be
says he's going to take it through
Wright allows he'll go alone, and what
with me wanting to see the girl so
badly, and the way they talked I said
1 d go alone too.
"The first two days was pretty tough,
ana our aogs got tnelr feet frost bitten.
We had moccasins made to fit 'em all.
but the plaguey beasts chewed them off
and ate 'em. We got to Pelly River at
last, and we were pretty glad to see the
place, for we had been getting bad
weatner and were tired.
"Now Reed had promised all those
miners in Forty Mile that we would lay
up two months at Pelly River. You see
w-e had a lot of mail and money with
us, and if we got lost why the mail
went, too. They worried some about
us, but they worried a lot more about
those letters. When we got into Pelly
River we expected to keep to that
agreement, but when we'd been there
two days Reed, he comes to us and
says: "I guess we'd better get out of
nere, boys, bacon's 5 a pound and It'll
take all we've got, and mail bags, too,
to keep us here a month.'
"We talked it over and decided that
the best thing to do was to pull out
We started, but when we had got a
hundred miles It was pretty clear we
wouldn't connect with our grub at the
other end unless we made better time.
We went over our load, and all we
could find to leave out was the tent and
stove and it was sixty below, mind
"Well, we dumped the stove and the
tent, and we got as far as Lake Le
bage. By that time we were down to
one square meal a day and the dogs
were in hard luck. As a matter of fact,
the poor beasts were most starved.
They didn't have anything at all to
eat the last five days.
"When things got to looking like
that Wright says: 'Well, there's plerty
of grub on Haley's steamer.' Now thai
meant turning back, and I wanted to
see the girl. So I says: 'What do you
want to turn bark now for? We're
getting alone fine and there's lots of
grub waiting for us the other side of
the summit'
" "The country don't look right,' says
Reed. And it didn't You see not a
one of us had ever seen It all covered
up like that, and snowing to beat the
band. We couldn't see any of the land
marks, and I was glad I used to be
a sailor and knew how to steer. The
Lord knows how we got along toward
the summit, but we did It somehow.
Now the summit Is one of the land
marks we all thought we knew. Jnt
then there came along a snowstorm and
we couldn t see our hands. We pulled
the two sleighs side bv side, s Dread a
nit or ran vas over the top and crawled
under for shelter. We had no fire and
only one mess of beans. Late that dav
we hunted through the packs and
found five candles we didn't know a
had. We stuck them upright In the
snow under our bit of canvas and
heated some of those beans over the
flame. The don hnwtori. i.n. aj
have nothing at all to eat. That night
they broke in on us, and if I hadn't
wskened up the starved things would
have eaten all we had and us. too
Three days we lay there with nothing
to eat but a few beans and then It
"We could wf something ah etui that
I wild was the summit The others said
It wa not; that were lost, and
would die. We quarried about that.
Finally I started ahead by myself and
looked over the ground. 1 satisfied my
self that It was really the summit, and
(hen came back and told the others.
Wright came along at once but Reed
lay back and said we were lost. He
had been bragging ail the way out of
how well he knew the country. Wright
and I went ahead, Intending to make
it by ourselves. If we had to, but after
a while Reed came along. We went
to the top of the place and looked at
it. You know there is a place where
you have to lie down and just slide to
the bottom. Reed looked at It
said it was wrong, and that we
were sure lost. Wright and I de
cided to try it anyhow. I took the
sleighs and turned tbem loose down
the slope. Then we get the dogs Into
a bunch and started the poor brutes
going, and then we lay down on wr
faces, stuck our knives into the snow,
to art as brakes and let go. Reed
didn't want to be left, so he lay down
and swore, and then came along.
"We had a bad time. That place is
all right to slide down other times of
the year, but, you see, it had only
just begun to set in for the year'
snow, and there were drop-offs and
hummocks on that slide we knew
nothing about. I would strike one of
those hummocks and just go straight
up in the air and land on my ear
Again, like as not. We were the worst
bruised-up outfit you ever saw when
we got to the bottom. Reed, he gets
up and shakes himself, and says,
'We're wrong anyhow, and we ought
to have stayed up at the top.' Just
then we found some of the tree stumps
the miners had cut off, and we knew
c were all right.
"We were tored and worn and we had
forgotten when we had anything to
eat last, but we felt so good at the
prospect of food ahead that we walked
sixty miles that night, through the
worst canyon there Is on the trip. Jurt
at the end we had one bit of touir'i
lurk. We had several times talked of
killing and eating one of the dogs,
but they had been good brutes and we
didn't like to. When we got near Wil
son's the Indians had traps set for bea
ver and so on. The hungry dogs went
for them right away and two of them
got caught. We had to shoot two of
the dogs and pay the Indian 3 for his
t lifted traps. That was tough.
"We were playedoutwhn we got to
Wilson's, but we soon picked up, and
after ten days went bark to Shep
Camp for our gold dust and robes we
had cached so as to travel light. Then
I pulled right out for the warm coun
try. I got to Aspen, Colo., in March
and I told my brother all about it. He
started for the Klondyke and I went
to Nova Scotia and married the girl I
had traveled right across the counlry
to see. Then my brother came along
and followed my example. He went
right In again and started up the
Yukon prospecting. In the spring of
1896 high water drove him out of the
Indian river and be went up on to
what is now called 'Gold Bottom.' That
was really the first big strike made in
the upper waters and it brought the
"I am going right bark into the
Klondyke now and shall make my sec
ond trip across the Chilcoot Pass in
the depth of winter."
They were men of scholarly look and
fluent talkers and had evidently been
having a discussion before they board
ed the Staten Island ferry-boat. They
took seats in the cabin, and one of
them Baid:
"No, my friend, your assertions as
to the age of the world are founded on
"Scientific research bears me out in
all I say," replied the other.
"But science is often mistaken."
Only now and then sir. There la no
question but that this globe of ours
was 50,000,000 years in forming."
"I don't believe it was a thousand
"Well, sir, you seem to be"
At that moment a plainly dressed
woman, sitting close by with her jaw
tied up and her eyes red with-weeping,
rose up to say:
"Now, then, gentlemen, Is this a talk
ye are goin' to have all the way down
to the Island?"
"Yes, madam, we are talking," re
plied one.
"And what's it all about?"
"The age of the world."
"Is that it, then. Well. sir. let me
tell you that I've had a toothache for a
week, and the dentist won't Dull It for
tnree days more.
"Sorry for you, madam."
"Thanks, sir, but If you keen ud this
conrao and that tooth gets to jumpln'
agin I'll be sorry for you! My Thomas
win be at the dock to meetr me, and if
I tell him that you made me tired and
set that tooth to twistln' my face over
my ear this world won't stop him from
makln' your heels break vour nwk
That's all, sir."
."That was enough. Thev rose un and
left the cabin to continue the dinm.
slon on the outside. .
No longer is it reaulred of the fah-
ionable woman that Bbe look like an
animated kaleidoscope. The coloring
of the new fall gowns is, on the whole,
uumiea.. mere are plaids in plenty,
to be sure, but the colors have ct
much of their vividness, and the plaids
mosi in ravor are those In softened
All theshades of castor are to be the
vogue among the best dressed women
These shades vary from a deep cream
tint to a color which the uninitiated
mignt call brown. They are verv ef
fective when three or four of the shades
are used In one gown, ftut for the wottv
an who would regard such a costume
too quiet In Its coloring such a cos
tume too quiet In its coloring there wfll
be a variety of castor gowns thjs fall,
relieved by a gay touch of color. ,
All the vivid, startling greens are
not as much In favor as they were
last spring. There are many dull
greens, some of which show a grayish
tint, and for certain gowns, sage green
will be fashionable, combined with
A deep, rich red will be much worn
for coats and tailor-made costumes,
but the cloth will be Invariably braided
In black.
A blue with a purplish shadow Is
another popular color, as well as a
grayish blue.
Sadie Ranstead was my cousin, ana
an angel, in my eye at least.
1 was an orphan w ithout kith or kin
In the world save Sadie and her moth
er. 1 was a child in short frocks and
pinafores, and Sadie was a lovely
young lady.
I wa rot so young but that I knew
she was an angel to at least one pair
of eyes besides mine. I believe Colia
Balfour could have kissed the ground
she walked on.
He was very humble until she had
promised to marry him, and then he
began right away to be so unreason
able that he made her life Just as mis
erable as It could be.
Well, one day Colin Balfour wcrt
off in one of his rages an enlisted.
Six months, a year, passed, and no
word from Colin Balfour.
Other fellows came home on leave
Colin neither came nor wrote, though
a pretty Southern girl.
Sadie gave one moan when she
heard it, then she took hold of me
and shook me in a sort of passion of
pain and outraged love.
"He Is a wicked man, Greta. He
has no more heart than stone. We
will forget him.
The next day she had promised
Gran'ther Mayhew, who came often to
the house little dreamed I what for
that Bhe would be his wife. Child
as I was, and little comprehending,
1 was afraid of Sadie when I knew
what she had promised and would not
let her kiss me.
However, the kind old man was a
great favorite of mine at the bottom,
a genial, gentle, good man, who
thought he was doing right and best
In marrying a girl young enousht to
be his grandchild.
He and Sadie were married very
shortly, and a new house was built
quite away from the old one and oc
a site of Sadie's choosing.
Gran'ther Mayhew was very kind
and very patient I think he never
said an impatient word, though Sadie
must have tried him sorely with her
whims sometimes.
One day, when Sadie had been mar
ried about a year, Mamma Ranstea-d
fell suddenly very 111, and while Sadie
and I stood aghast with fear of what
might happen, the worst happened
that even could Mamma Ranstead
was dead.
Six months after came the news that
Colin Balfour had been killed. Sadie
had not seen hlri for nearly three
years now, and she knew him treach
erous and unworthy, but she shrank
under the shock of hearing that he
was dead, as though she had been still
plighted his wife, and he was the hero
of her wildest Imaginings.
One day, the day but one after the
news came of Colin Balfour's death,
there was a knock at the door of the
cosy little parlor looking upon the
garden, which Sadie called her gar
I opened the door cautiously, think
ing it must be a servant, and lo! tiiere
was Colin Balfour in the flesh.
He shot by me like a flash and
caught the drooping figure on the sofa
In his arms.
"My poor darling!" he cried, kiss
Ing her amazed face between the
words: "that it should ever have
come to this!"
Sadie looked frightened, but she
clung to him, and presently she fainted
away in bis arms.
He did not lay her down even then.
He held her till she was better, and
then would not have let her go but
that she Insisted, till with one of the
old scowls, but half suppressed, he
I shall never forget how she looked
as she crept away from htm, anl
dropped like a beaten lily Into an arm
Neither of them minded me; I doubt
If they had any consciousness of any
presence but eacn other's. So shrink
ing behind the curtains, and wonder
ing If that was Colin Balfour's ghost
or Satan come to carry off Sadie, I
heard all that shameful tangle of lies.
Child that I was I know Colin Bal
four lied when he told Sadie that
Gran'ther Mayhew had fabricated all
those dreadful rumors she had heard
concerning him that he might marry
her himself.
He avowed, the handBome, treach
erous villain, that he bad never
looked tenderly upon woman's face
since he left her, that he bad been a
prisoner all this time in the hands of
a pitiless foe.
She believed every word, and get
ting up from her chair In a burst of
womanly resentment declared she
would go straight away from the
house into which she had been be
trayed so foully; she would never Btay
to see Gran'ther Mayhew again..
She yielded, however, to Colin Bal
four's arguments In favor of a con
trary course, because the man she
Joved so, and who she believed had
been so wronged, made such a point
of It, and she consented to stay where
she was for the present.
Finally, after a delay that was like
an age to little frightened me, Gran'
ther Mayhew came home. Sadie met
and greeted him with hysterical gay
ety, insomuch that . her , husband,
looking at her burning cheeks and
bright eyes, seemed gravely In doubt
If she had not parted with her senses
during his absence.
That night, try as I would, I could
not sleep. , It was not unusual for me
at such times to get out of my bed,
and slipping past the sleeping maid,
who watched me, go wandering over
the house In my night dress. I did
so this night, my feet were bare, so I
made no noise.
Somebody else was abroad. Just
a I entered the long hall that passfd
Gran'ther Mayhew' chamber, a door
which led from this hall to a terrace
from which you descend to the gar
den opened, and Sadie crept througn
it and down the hall toward Gran'ther
moment she might have seen me, but
Mayhew's room.
I knew It wa Radle, and In anothe
another form half thrust through Mh
partially open terrace door drove r-K
back Into shadow. It was Colin Bn
four, and after hesitating briefly h
came slowly down the hall.
fiadle stood by Gran'ther Mayhew
door still; she seemed to me to
holding herself up by the doorf
8he turned swiftly as Colin fla'f
approached and dropping upon '
knees extended her hands claiped
if Imploring.
For anwr. ha turned fbortly on
hi heel and moved nolule!l toward
the terrace door.
Sadie drooped an Instant and fol
lowed blm.
Colin Balfour put an arm around
her and bent his face a moment to
her' then be led her down the hall
again toward Gran'lbyr Mayhew
door, released her and stood while
she slowly advanced.
She opened the door of Gran'ther
Mayhew's room and vanished within.
Suddenly. wlft as thought, 1 ran
back to my own cbamlier, which
opened upon the piazza which ran by
Gran'ther Mayhew's window.
My own window are open; his
might be. Stepping out I ran quickly
along. Gran'thera windows were
open, and as I dropped lightly over
the ledge Into the chamber the
old man lay peacefully sleeping and
Sadie stood beside his bed, a small,
dark vial in one hand, the water
goblet from which Gran'ther drank
through the night in the other.
"Oh, Greta! Greta! thank God ycu
have come! Oh, Greta, save me!"
"Are you good again. Sadi"?''
"I'm not so bad as I might have
been, but for you, darling." Fhe re
turned with a strange look, and lead
ing me out into the hall; where wes'
now no Colin Balfour, she went with
me to my bed and lay down beside
me till the servants were stirring. 1
was awakened by a hurried step &Dd
Gran'ther Mayhew was deaJ!
A small vial of laudanum was found
on the carpet beside his bed. and It
was at first supposed hat he had died
from an overdose of laudanum.
But a medical examination showed
that he had come to his sudden death
by perfectly natural causes. An
acute disease, which had long preyed
upon him without the knowledge of
any save himself and his phyeician,
had suddenly set Its fangs at his
heart while he slept.
That night, when they hd dressed
Gran'ther Mayhew for his last rest,
Sadie took me In to see him. There,
with my hand in one of hpn. and the
other laid upon her dead hunhand's
breart she vowed a vow nevermore to
loop upon the face of Colin Balfour.
Boston Globe.
How a Woman Secured Her Release
From tha Court.
It Is to be hoped the army of small
debtors who plead for merry In the
courts east of the Bowery, says the
New York World, will not be encour
aged by the story of Mrs. Signet Kun
skl's happy thought. This was too
leave her baby In court as collateral
security for the payment of her debt.
And the baby won her release.
The scene of the little comedy is laid
in Haverstraw.
Mrs. Reuben Silverman last spring
sold to Signet Kunski furniture valued
at 110.50. Mrs. Silverman was willing
to accept tt&O on account of the debt
and give Kunlskt credit for the bal
ance. . -
The story ended In the old way. Ku
nlskl failed to keep up on his payments
and moved to Stony Point, falling to
tell Mrs. Silverman of the change. She
finally located him, and Justice Hartt,
of Haverstraw, Issued a summons for
him, returnable Monday.
Kunski looked at the official-looking
blue paper with frieht. His Ideas
of common legal practice are yet In'
their infancy. To blm the paper was
simpiy an oraer ior ti immediate
execution unless he paid the debt.
"It is useless," he said to hia wife
In Russian. "I am doomed..,!
surrender myself. Bring my child,'
that I may see him before I am taken
away." -.
And presently the couple, baby in
arms, stood bifore Justice Hartt
plead fcig for mercy. He could not
uac.erst.ana tneir words, but he under
stood that tbey wished the case to
be tried at once. Mrs. Silverman
being willing, an interpreter was ob
tained, and wltliln three minutes
Kunski was mulcted in the full
amount claimed with cost.
He could not understand what It
all meant until the interpreter shout
ed the word "execution" Into his ear.
"I knew It," he answered, and he
began to weep. --"They kill me be
cause I cannot pay the money. J am
Mrs. Kunski looked at the Judge,
looked at her himhnnrl . .t.
b&by. Then her face suddenly bright-'
ened. She kissed the child, stepped
forward, laid It down on the Justice
Hartt's desk and ran out of the room.
iKunski stared wildly around, then
with a howl of dismay and fear he
too turned and fled.
Justice Hartt started back in hia
chair and gazed helplessly at the
" me court omcers
The Justice presently became
aware that the baby was pretty,
plump and sociable. Inside of two
minutes the youngster, with an eri
tire disregard of official etiquette or
of reverence for the majesty of the
law, was clambering over the Judicial
shoulder, poking its fingers Into the
Judicial eye, and making little clutch
es at the judicial eye, and making lit
tle clutches at the Judicial beard-'-Then
It suddenly sat down upon the
desk and began to cry, which meant
it was hungry.
Darkness came and the mother had
not returned.
"I'll take It home," said the Jus
tice. "My wife can look after It The
baby is evidence that the mother
poor woman! Is trying to collect the"
money. The Court accepts the aecur.
Mrs, Hartt frowned at first when
she saw the addition to her numerous
family and said, "Just like a man."
Then her mother heart melted at the
touch of the little hand and she took
the baby and cared for It kindly.
The baby wa smiling and asleep In
Mrs. Hartt's arms when, an hour
later, the mother, tired and tearful,
timidly entered the parlor with ber
child ransom in her hands.
Then she fell on her knee to thank
and bless the woman who had tended
her baby when the could not be near
"First time I ever took a babv as
collat-al," said the Justice, wiping
ha wee. "I've accented nrvii,i..
else as exist, but the htv t. t.a t .... '
, - - J m iuv JVM 1
security of all. If you hadn't turned '
up, man, oarnea u I wouldn't hare
psld the debt and kant th Vtllt1
j'- , ,'