The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 07, 1897, Image 3

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A Little Girl of Twelve who Did all
the Housework and Took Care of
the Babies Finally Breaks Down
The Cry of the Children.
During the past few days there have
occurred in New York, within tht
ound of church bells, within Eight of
food and warmth ad clothing, thrte
appalling Illustration of the battle of
little children with misery.
The battle of life begins for the poor
little ones of New York long before
strength to fight it begins. Walk down
la the tenements and see the little
mothers tiny girls of twelve cat ing
with all the responsibilities of true
motherhood for half a dozen babies.
The Gerry Society took charge of the
eleven-year-old eldest daughter of a
widower, a hod-carrier, last Thursday.
For two years she bad kept her poor
father's poor home in such good con
dition for him as she could, cooking
bis una s, ( liimsKy nunding hU clothes
and attending with unceasing de
Totlon to the wants of two little broth
ers and two baby sisters. The "cry
of the children" arose from Michael
Finert's home! Poor little Maggie! It
was heard too late. Her sunken little
cheeks, he-r bent little back, her skinny
little body are at such peace as the ill
Bees brought on by overwork will give
them in the comfortable surroundings
of the society's home. But the peace
Is not great. The cry of this child la
for eternal ease. And that it will soon
come to her Is certain.
One night last week Matthew Gardi
ner, fifteen years old, homeless, par
entless, friendless, staggered, wan,
trembling and hungry-eyed, into the
Oak street station-house. In common
with all the street Arabs of the town
be had feared and detested the po
lice. The law! That frightful, Invis
ible entity, that hideous, slpder-like
essence that spins its unceasing webs
for the enmeshment of wandering
boys. It did not occurr to Matthew
Gardiner that under all this resplend
ent Insignia of the law there could
teal the heart of humanity.
So the boy avoided the police and
tramped the street? looking every
where for work. Only a little space in
society did he geek, just room to
breathe in. but society had no p!ac
for him. From door to door of offices
and shops he went, his haggard facs
and imploring eyes turned in vain to
the stony, indifferent face of society.
There were, to 1e sure, many charit
able refuges to which Matthew Gardi
ner might perhaps have turned to'.
aid, but a boy of the streets knowns
aothlng of charitable societies.
Moreover, red tape does not fill an
empty stomach.
ISy what process of reasoning Matt
hew Gardiner came to regard the dull
gren lights as a beacon instead of a
menace one does not know. Hut dis
heartened, faint, ready to drop In bis
tracks, the poor boy at last summoned
up courage sufikient to face the maj
esty of the law.
Society had been cruel to him; the
law perhaps could he no worse.
It was six o'clock. The station
house was very quiet. The curses and
yells of the last drunk had died away
In maudlin sleep. The sergeant, rud
dy, rotund and bluff, had finished look
ing over the blotter. His supper, hot
and smoking had Just boen carried
Into the back room. It smelled well.
The sergeant smacked his lips In an
ticipation of bis feast.
"I am B'arvlng. X have no home"
the broken, pathetic words fell sud
denly upon Sergeant's Hahn's hear
ing. The officer got up from his chair
and looked over the railing at a fright
ened, pale, hollow-eyed boy standing
there, trembling at his own audacity.
The sergeant hesitated but a mo
ment. His eyes had seen such sights
before. He stretched out a broad,
strong, comforting hand and took the
gaunt fingers In his. He asked the
boy a few kindly questions. He led
him to his own hot supper. The lad
obbed aloud.
Then he ate like a ravenous beast
An then, in the grateful light and
warmth of the statlon-hoime, he fell
The law, the relentless. Implacable
law, had heard his cry, but very llkelj
It too was too late. Poor little Matt
hew Is very III.
Joseph Saunders Is not much older
than Matthew Gardiner. He Is dying
In Hudson Street Hospital, dying from
"malutrltlon," the doctors say.
Plain, everyday starvation Is "mal
nutrition." Joseph Saunders Is another victim of
society. He has no home. Until the
bed of the hospital received him he
had no place to lay his head. H
tried to slep In the parks, but here the
law took sides with society against the
wayfarer. The poMce drove the boy
out of the parks o totter aimlessly
along the streets. Even sleep was de
Bled this unhappy lad.
He. too, sought work. He. too, beg
ged the world to give him just a little
chance. But the world turned Its
freezing face away from him atid be
tottered on. on to his grave.
He went without food one whole
Have you ever tried that; simply, of
course, as an experiment?
He went another day without food.
At night he tried to crawl upon a
bench In City Hall Park and forgot
fcls misery In the oblivion of sleep.
But a policeman prodded him.
"Move on!" he said. "Poor Jo" moved
He went the third day without food.
II staggered along Frankfort street.
At 11.30 he fell prone upon the steps
of Joseph Splzter.
fipltaer raised him and spoke kindly
to him. "What's ths matter, my boy?"
be asked.
"I'm done for," moaned the Isd. "I've
eaten nothing for three day and I
don't suppose I ever will astaJa."
Then he quietly fainted awar.
"Poor Jo" moved on once more, this
time to ths hospital, where be lies
fistlently waiting for the end. There
no hope, the doctors say.
Jo Is dying. Dving. Right Raver
ends and Throng Reverends of tmry
rderl Dying man tad women, born
with heavenly compassion In your
heart And dying thu around us
evrv day.
And the winter Is not yet begun.
TIh k(y oi I ut cum! iii certainly one
to reach the heart.
Maggie McMahon, aged fifteen, killed
herself to make one mouih lea to fotd
In her poor home.
She was the bread-winner of the
family. Thers were seven children be
sides herself. Her father was gone,
no one knew whither. Her mother
tolled early and late, not only for her
children, but to care for the grand
mother and the great-grandmother, a
withered old dame who crooned by the
humble fire.
Maggie worked in a cigarette fac
tory. Before she went to her dan
work, she washed and dressed five
younger children and got their break
fasts. She was known throughout the
street as "the little mother."
Two weeks ago she was discharged
from the factory. She tried in vain
to get other employment. She did not
tell her hard-working mother that she
was discharged. She could not bear
to add to her burdens. So with a
brave smile and a sinking heart she
said that the factory stopped for a
little while on account of hard times.
Every morning she went out look
ing for just a little room in the busy
But the world turned its Gorgon
face on her and froze her heart.
She killed herself.
She left a pathetic" note of farewell,
every word of which was torn from
her tortured heart: "Good-bye all. It
nothing but work and trouble. Don't
cry after me, for I was not worth it.
I tried hard, but I permed never to get
ahead. I am so tired. Good-bye."
So passed the strong, heroic little
soul away, terrorized and vanquished
by the spectre of misery.
Too late, society sought to repair
the wrong done this little mother and
martyr. Money and assistance came
to the family the poor child left be
hind. By her death she accomplished
that which In life was impossible. Thli
child of the tenements saw before her
the sublime heights of self-abnegation
and scaled them.
Out of the depths rises the cry of
the children the heart-broken chil
dren, who are battling with misery.
Who will listen?
Fierce Duel Between a Man and a
Grizzly Bear.
A fierce battle was fought between
a man and a bear In the Chicago Zoo
logical Gardens the other day, which
came very near proving fatal to the
man. The bear was a great Russian
grizzly, weighing nearly 500 pounds,
and the man, who was his keeper,
used no weapons except his fists.
The animal's keeper, Cy DeVry, had
occasion to poke the old bear,,
In order to exhibit him to some vis
itors. To his surprise. Billy, who Is
usually very gentle, snapped at him
viciously. I)e Vry instantly caught
up a whip and rushed Into the bear
pit to chastise the be-ir, meanwhile
shutting the gate behind him. The
animal proved to be thoroughly angry
and instead of showing any fear,
made at once for his keeper. The
keeper cut the bear in the face with
the small whip several times, but this
only served to infuriate him the more.
In a moment the two were engaged
in a terrific struggle. The position of
the bear pit made It impossible for
those on the outside to offer any as
sistance. A crowd soon collected
around the pit, attracted by the cries
of the man and the fierce growling of
the bear. One of the helpers man
aged to drop a rake down into the
pit, but the fight was going on at such
close quarters that the weapon was
The bear began the fight by making
several quick rushes to Becure a hold
on the keeper's legs. It succeedd In
getting a hold in a few moments and
burled its teeth In the man's leg. With
this advantage the bear was liable
to throw the man violently to the
ground, and the two, locked together,
rolled over and over together in emm
rolled over and over In the pit. In
the terrific struggle which followed,
De. Vry, in spite of his antagonist's
weight, managed to throw him, but
the bear still managed to keep his
hold on his leg. The two went down
again, and this time the bear was on
top. Th" bear w?s trving all this
time to secure another hold with his
teeth. The keeper was frying to choke
his antagonist, but without success.
Finally, with a tremendous effort, De
Vry wrenched himself loose and sprang
to his feet Just as the besr was rising
to Its hincWegs to try Its favorite hug
ging tactics. It managed to get its
paws on the man's shoulders and Its
teeth In the back of his arm. when De
Vry, with a clean left-handed punch,
sent the animal rolling on the floor.
The brute was slightly dazed, and be
fore fie recovered the keeper was safely
outside the rage. After the battle De
Vry was so exhausted that he fainted
Fashions For Little Girls.
The latest reefer jacket Is a tucked
lllotus which reaches alxtut three
Inches below the waist line. An un
usually stylish little coat of this de
pcrljition Is made of castor colored
Kersey cloth. The sleeves are all
tucked and are finished at the top with
a pointed fitted epaulette of royal pur
ple velvet trimmed with mink tails and
caught at each side with a furry little
animal's head. This Jacket has also
a high velvet collar edged with mink.
The sort skirt of the blouse Is Inclined
to ripple and Is apt to show the pretty
Mlk lining.
Fashlnoable small girls are no longer
dressed with simplicity. Instead they
look like dainty minalure fashion
plates. Even the school frocks are
much trimmed this fall.
The general characteristics of all the
little gowns Imitate the costumes de
signed for fashionable women. The
drosses are made with small sieves,
much Roman striped silk and ribbon
Is used as a trimming, and the Rus
sian blouse effect a everywhere.
Gay little plaid gowns are all the
vogue for school wear. They are made
with a full gored skirt and a blouse
waist. Many of them have a plain
rloth yoke and epaulettes of the same
cloth. School frocks can be bought
ready made aa cheap as $4.65, hut those
which are apt to be moat satisfactory
roat anywhere fretn f 10 to $15,
How to Have Beautiful Smooth and
Snowy bkln.
Tan which she has painstakingly
cultivated since June; the few freckles
across the bridge of her piquant litu
nose which have beer, ht-r pride for
three months how shall the gumnifi
girl get rid of these laboriously ac
cyiired blemishes of beauty? Foi
blemishes she regards them now,
though they were once considered
chief among her charms. How shall
h make her neck white again against
the evening dress season? How shall
she maxe the hard, berry-brown little
band that hears mute testimony tc
her prowess with racquet and oar onct
more a soft, white snowflake of a thii.t
fitted for such dainty tasks as pourir.?
out afternoon tea or playing evenlrr
First, she must convert her dressinc
table into a small toilet store. Ther.
must be velvet sponges and camel'.
hair brushes for her face. There mu '
be cold cream, benzoin, glycerin',
lanoline and alimond meal. The-i
must be a heating apparatus ove:
which a tin basin of water may ste:i:..
and bubble merrily. Thus equipped
the ex-summer girl la prepared to mal:f
war upon what she now considers en
emies to her beauty.
Part of the daily regime of her who
seeks to banish browned areas from
her face is the daily bath. Any process
which excites the skin of one part, of
the body in great excess over that of
the rest enlarges the pores and coar
sens the texture of the part excited.
If only the face Is subjected to the
soap and hot water scrubbing it is
through the pores of the face that ell
the impurities of the system pas.
This, of course, makes the porea
larger, and may even result in blotches
and pimples on the face. Therefore,
In order to renovate the face, the dally
scrubbing and rubbing of the entire
body must not be neglected.
Once or twice a week the face should
be steamed. On the heating apparatus
a tin basin of water, to which a few
drops of benzoin have been added,
should be allowed to boll. The beauty
seeker's face should be carefully coated
and annolnled with cold cream. When
steam Is arising from the benzoini&ed
water a big Turkish towel should en
velop the heater and the head of the
patient. For ten minutes or there
abouts the steaming should continue.
On other nights the face should be
scrubbed with a camel's hair brush and
a good soap in hot water. Then it
should be rinsed in clear tepid water,
drledi on soft towels and annointed
with a mixture of benzoin and glyc
erine. This should be rubbed in every
thoroughly. In the morning the face
should be first washed in tepid water
with almond meal instead of soap and
then rinsed In clear, cold water.
The hands should be treated to a
somewhat similar process. After be
ing washed In hot water with almond
meal, instead of soap, they should be
treated to a thorough "creaming" with
the bleaching benzoin and Incased In
looe, fingerless white kid gloves.
If the bright sunlight on the water
and the sand has developed wrinkle?
about the eves strained to see the
summer sights, or if perpetual mirth
has made laughter lines about, the
Hps. the beauty seeker should have re
course to her lanoline jar. The move
ment with which these lines should
be treated Is the slightest of rotarv
motions, given with the tips of the
flnger3 and continued for several minutes.
StranRO Experience of a Blue Crass
I. a yaher With One.
The well-to-do farmer of republican
proclivities was In Washington look
ing for pie for the. next three years
and a half, not so much for desert as
for steady diet during that period, and
while he was looking around he found
lime now and again to talk a bit on
other subjects, says the Washington
One evening It was mules.
"I'll be doggoned," he said, "if I
haven't got a mule out home that
ought to have the championship belt
for kicking. Why, by sucks, one morn
ing I tried to make that dern mule
haul a cartload of rocks from a creek
about half a mile to the stable and he
Just wouldn't stir a leg. All he would
do when 1 tried to make him go for
ward was to move the other way, so
to beat Mr. Mule at his little game I
took him out of the shafts and turned
him bead "n to the cart and started
him up. Then he wouldn't move either
way, but just stood still and began to
kick. Not a one-legged kick, either,
but the real thing with both feet, and,
gee whllllklns, how ho did launch them
out into the atmosphere.
"I was sure I never would get him
now, for I couldn't get near him; but
all of a sudden I noticed that every
time he kicked he kicked so hard that
he couldn't hold onto the ground with
his forefeet, and so dragged himself
about a foot or two, according to the
ground he was on. That gave me an
Idea, and I Just stood by and when he
showed a disposition to quit I nfged
him a little and he went lo kicking
again; and I'll be blamed If he didn't
get that cartload of rocks to th place
I wanted It at mighty near as noon as
If be had Just hauled It there in the
first place and made no fuss about It."
One or two of the men coughed a
short cough, but when the Kentuckian
looked around they seemed to have
recovered from their plumonary at
tack. "Isn't that scar on your forbead
where he kicked you once?" Inquired
one of them.
"Not exactly."
"I understood some one to say so,"
said the party with the cough.
"Somebody's mistaken, that's all.
How It happened was that one day I
was coming Into the front gate and
the mule was about 100 yards away, up
at the other end of the big yard In
front of the house. My hound made a
break for him, and as the mule whlrld
to run away he let one leg fly at the
dog. and the force of the klok, missing
the dog. was such that ths shoe flew
off and whizzing through the air took
me a clip over the eye as I stood at
the gate watching tha two animals, and
came mighty near settling my earthly
accounts right then and there. You
see, a mule's shoe is hardly aa light
as a lady's slipper and when It Is
hurled through the air It Is Just the
kind of a thing you ought to stand
aside for and let It hare as much room
si It wants."
S3, 000, 000 FOR k BRIDE.
She was Just five days old when jer
future was forotold. "She will have a
life of adventure," said the prophewss;
"be will take grave chances but she
won't come to any harm. Tea I be
risks shell run she's one that likea
to leap, ma'am; but don't worry about
the little lassshe's safe to land in
luck, every time."
And, indeed, a life of adventure
might well be predicted, for it was a
very exciting day in the Negbauer
home, this lifih of little Mildred's ex
istence. A defective flue had taken
this particular day to show its charact
er in the home of the Negbaurta'
neighbors across the way. Hrst a
little puff of blue smoke crept cau
tiously through the boards, and then
a tongue of name leaped after it, a..u
aoou i he entire structure was criiin
jling, wkilel small, venomous apurus
bhoi across the way to neighbor Neg
bauerJ. Poor Mamma Negbauer, weak and
ill, lay quuKing In her bed. It was hard
to be burned alive, just after one hud
passed sai'eiy through the perils of
childbirth. Of what avail was it lo
bring a beautiful baby into the world
if both must be burned to a crisp? And
then in had rushed the firmen and
bundled Mamma Negbauer in blankets
and bundled Baby Bunting into blank
ets, and carried them, very gently,
down the street, out of danger.
To be sure, the baby caught cold,
and Mamma Negbauer hovered be
tween life and death for several days
alter; but uo serious results could be
counted from the baby's uncommonly
early airing. She had thrown back
her little head and laughed in the face
of Jack Frost; and the snuffles he
seat her, in revenge, she took very
In fact, Mildred Negbauer wag an
exceedingly amiable child except
when you crossed her. She had some
very determined notions of her own,
and it didn't seem to her that the no
tions of her elders were as excellent..
In fact, she didn't mind a small uat
Ue to win a point, and very seldom did
she surrender. But how could one ex
pect a little woman who went a-jour-neylng
at the age of five days to ac
cept the routine roads of life? If left
to play In the yard, she was soon
creeping through the gates; taken for
a walk, she must be closely watched,
or she would be scampering out of
sight. , What was the big world for
but to explore?
By and by she came to pinafores and
ichool books, and small boys waited
bashfully at the gate and took the
book-strap from her. She was a favor
ite at school with both boys and girls,
leing always ready to romp at re
cess, and not such a serious student
as to oust any head pupil from his
place in class.
So Mildred Negbauer grew into a
tall, graceful girl, and was sent to
the high school to finish her educa
tion. Bigger boys carried her books
now and vied with one another to win
her smiles, and as this story happens
in the city of New Haven, where good
old Yale has its home, and several
hundred students take up the study of
beauty in their freshman year, Miss
Negbauer did not lack for admirers.
One of these young men, however,
made a very fatal mistake one day
fatal for himself for he brought to
Mildred's home a fellow student who
at once found such favor with her.
that all the other boys were soon out
of the running. She was not seven
teen then, and her boy sweetheart less
than twenty. "But they are old enough
and big enough," said a gay little god,
stringing his bow, for me to have a
shot at, I think!" And nod doubt he
was right, and aimed his arrows well,
for, as every one knows, Matthew
Sterling Borden and Mildred Neg
bauer fell in love.
Now there were reasons n.Ice, con
ventional reasons, why it wasn't the
proper thing at all for Matthew Bor
den to fall In love with Mildred Neg
bauer. And In such a monstrous mis
fortune befell him, the ily proper
course was to fall out of love no less
promptly than be fell in. There la all
the difference In the world, you know,
between linen sheets and cotton, be
tween a china bowl and one of crock
ery, between a silver spoon, sterling,
and one of nickel, silver-plated. To
the former of these benefits had young
Borden been born, and the latter had
been Mildred Negbauer's position.
Then, too, there is a vast way to trav
el between a millionaire manufacturer
and a small retail tailor and there
was all that difference between the
aire of Matthew Borden and Mildred
Negbauer's parental parent.
Matthew Borden never thought of
aaklng his father's consent to marry
ing Mildred. He knew he might as
well go ask for the moon. However,
he didn't care a picayune for the moon
and he cared the whole world for Mil
dred Negbauer and have her he must.
He told Mildred so In all the impas
sioned sentences that a, lad of twenty
can command, and Mildred answered
something that doubled his pulsebeat,
and the robln'a roundelay, chirped
overhead, changed Into a anthem as
he took her in his arms.
When the school year closed, some
six months later, Mildred went to
visit frlneds of the family who lived
In Brooklyn, and there Matthew Bor
den came to call. "It Is no use," urged
Matthew, "delaying our marriage; my
father will never conspnt; but It seems
to me it Is you and I who are to be
considered. I love you and you say
you love me how can anything else
niatter? And If, indeed, you love me
as I love you, how can you refuse,
dear, to give yourself to me? See the
unbapplness you Inflict, when I worry
and long for your dearest! I cannot
study when I am constantly In fear of
losing you. If once you were mine, 1
could acquit myself creditably In col
loge, but now I simply mope and
Mildred waa a woman, with a wom
an's heart a heart that was all Matt
hew Borden's. She put on a little blue
silk frock and they went out for a
little walk and the walk ended with
Christ Church 'whore the Rev. Dr.
Klnsolvlng Joined their right hands
and made them one one until death
did part therni
Then Mildred Borrten went back to
her friends and her husband to his
home. They eerreaponded and In the
tail MM thaw Bonfcn came back to
Tala And the gossips wild ht was
fery devoted to Mildred Negbauer, and
since g'jKKlp flies like a feather. It waa
not long before Matthew Borden's
parent heard of their son's devotion
to the tailor's daughter.
Now, when a boy isn't of age, his
father baa the ordering of his ways,
and it did not in the least please Mil
lionaire Borden that his son should
pay court to a maid of low degree. He
sent, post haste, the family advisor
young Borden's godfather to advise
his son as to what was fitting; and
you can figure to yourself the conster
nation of this well-intentioned man
when his godson communicated to him
that it was a little late in the day to
interfere. "We are married, you see,"
he complacently explained, "and, al
though we have never lived together,
she is mine and nothing can induce me
to give her up."
Mr. Sterling hurried back to New
York, and there were indignation and
lamentation in the Borden mansion
that night. Clearly something must
be done. It was mere boyish infatua
tion, of course, and, obviously, sep
aration might be trusted to mend the
matter. The boy must be sent away
but where and how? Consultation
lasted far into the night, but by morn
ing young Borden's fate was settled.
He was to go abroad, and a professor
of Yale must be induced to accompany
him, so he might continue his studies
and take his degrees quite the same
as though he continued in college. He
was to travel wherever he wished so
long as he kept out of America. He
was to have everything he wanted
the bills to be sent to the professor.
At all cost he must be cured of his
wretched infatuation!
Professor Tracy Peck undertook the
task of tutor to young Borden, and
preparations for the tour began.
The separation between the young
oouple waa pathetic In the extreme.
"I go," said Matthew, "since my father
can exact my obedience until I am
twenty-one; but I swear to you Mil
dred, by the honor of my mother, that
I will return. The whole world may
lie between us, but my thoughts will
be with you always. Do not grieve;
but I beg you be faithful. I cannot
write you, for I have given my prom
lee to hold no communication with
you at all, but I will come back to you,
dear, loving you as I do today. My
father thinks the marriage Illegal,
since we are both under age; he may
have the marriage annulled or desire
you to apply for divorce. I do not ad
vise you in that case. Do as seems to
you best. But be very sure, thy pet,
that nothing can separate ua. If the
marriage is broken I will marry you
again. I am yours for all time, and I
believe in you, Mildred I believe you
will wait."
"I will," she answered wlith
white lips. "Good-bye."
They found her In a poor little heap
by the door when he had gone. For
ten minutes she was blissfully uncon
scious. Then she woke to face re
ality, to fight despair, to entreat Hope.
Matthew Borden settled down in
Rome with his tutor and studied hard.
H was not stinted In anything, and
went about as he chose; in fact, be
would have enjoyed himself immensely,
no doubt, but for the fact that he never
forgot a little face, far away in Amer
icanever ceased to hear the whisper
"I will wait."
As for Mildred, she went to bed with
a feer, and when she began to mend,
gained strength very slowly. But, by
and by, she was downstairs again, and
her friends trooped in to see her, and
some one else came some one she did
not consider quite a friend, and yet he
was Matthew's god-father. Mr. Sterl
ing called a counsel of the family and
laid before them a proposition. The
marriage of Mildred Negbauer to Matt
hew Borden was clearely illegal, he set
forth, neither being of age, and neither
having the consent of their parents to
the marriage. It was unlikely that
young Matthew would return to Amer
ica as romantically inclined as in the
days of his youth and inexperience, and
Mr. and Mrs. Negbauer should see to
It that their daughter did not sacrifice
her own youth and beauty by fruitless
waiting. Moreover, if Mildred really
felt the devotion for Matthew she pro
fessed, It was strange she should be
willing to stand in his pathway be a
stumbling stool to his success in life.
Mr. Borden, senior, would never look
with favor upon his son's marriage,
and would disinherit him If it remain
ed in force. Of course, ateps might be
taken to annul the bonds, but Mr. Bor
den was disposed to be considerate, and
proposed that Mildred go west and se
cure a divorce, he aggreeing to make
provision for her future.
What could a poor, little seventeen-year-old
girl say In the face of such
argument? Surely, she wouldn't stand
In Matthew's way, and while he was
at the other side of the world, what
did It matter whether they were mar
ried or not? And, hadn't he promised
to come back? If he didn't come, be
ing married to him would be small
comfort if he did, surely they could
be married again! And, after all, when
one waa so very miserable, a little more
misery oouldn't count.
So Mamma Negbauer and Mildred
started for Dakota, and after ninetv
days a decree of divorce waa entered
on the court records of Sioux City in
re Borden vs. Borden. Papa Borden
sent his check for $15,000, and It was
Invested In New Haven real estate by
his ex-daughter-in-law.
Then the days and the months and
the years dragged by. Mildred gre
bright and cheerful again. She turned
the rents of her real estate into trim
toilets and combed her hair pompadour
"She is forgetting," said Father Neg
bauer; but his wife shook her hen''
sadly. "It's hoping. I ;'?ar; she's
looking for Matt hack, now; but It's
four years, you know four ynnrs,
without a word It's not likely he'll
come again!"
Other men eam.e; men with we'.!'
and position to offer; but pretty M'l
dred Negbauer shook her head. Ev.
after she heard Matthew had returned,
and had entered the College of Phy
sicians and Surgeons, hope did not
leave her heart. There was no definite
date set for hla coming, she argued,
but some dnv he waa sure to come
to her; he had promised, and ahe would
not doubt.
Now, this Isn't a fairy tale, It Is a
real, true story, and I am tailing you
what actually occurred. Matthew Bor
den rame hfwk to New Haven came
back to Mildred Negbaiisr. He did not
come with coach and four, or on n
prancing milk white steed, but In true
nr!-of-th-cntury fashion, dismounted
from a bicycle before hla sweetheart's
dixjr. He waa a somewhat weary and
dusty young man, for be had ridden
sll the way from Cromwell, thirty
miles away; but Mildred saw only the
light In bis eyee, when he came before
ber; and be forgot his fatigue when
ahe answered to the question that be
asked her "I have waited."
There is very little more to tell. Of
course, they straightaway planned an
other elopement, and, this time were
wedded in Worcester, by the Rev. L.
Conrad, of the First Congregational
Church. Papa Borden has not forgiven
them, and Papa Negbauer thinks they
ought to have waited until Matthew
finished his course at the College ot
Physicians and Surgeons. "Two yeara
more!" exclaims the bridegroom "and
I had already waited four! My name,
I may mention, is not Jacob."
"And I shouldn't care to be Rachel,"
said Mildred, "though she had Jacob
near her, and I was without a word
from you, all that dreadful time."
"I must make you forget all that,
dear," said Matthew gently.
But Mildred had already forgotten,
as her h ind crept Into his, for the
smile sh' gave him spoke only of peace
and gladness and infinite content. Mil
dred was his at last although hia
fourth share of the paternal $12,000,000
was gone forever.
Tha Adventures of a Young Woman
Now in Philadelphia.
Three years ago Miss Eloise Brunet
was the belle of the South Cuban port
of Cienfuegos. She was healthy and
rich. Now she lies upon a cot in a ten-by-ten
room in a small house on tha
outskirits of Philadelphia, her body
burning with fear, her mind racked by
terror of the Spaniards, her memory
full of the horrors of an experience
abounding in starvation, suffering and
peril. In her delirium she cries piti
fully for protection against the Span
lards, who she thinks are seeking to
murder her. In a similar condition,
aggravated by wounds, is Dr. Andrew
Brunet, who served as a major in tha
Cuban army.
The father of these refugees was an
American, who owned a large estate
at Cienfuegos.
He died in 1893, and his son, Dr.
Brunet, went to Cuba to settle up tha
estate. The Spanish administration ot
such affairs made this a long and dif
ficult task.
In September, 1895, General Rego
raised the Cuban standard in the Cien
fuegos district and the young Cuban
American was of the first to join him.
It was impossible for hia sister to re
main on their plantation, and she
therefore went into the Cuban service
as a nurse. For twenty months she
shared the hardships of the patriots,
with scarcely even sufficient food and
with never a roof over her head or a
bed to lie upon. She toiled bravely in
the Cuban cause, caring for the sick
and wounded, helping to cook the scant
provisions and proving herself a hero
ine on many occasions.
At Hanabanilla she was cooking food
for her brother, when the Spaniards
began firing into the woods. Dr. Bru
net started to go to the front, telling"
her to go deeper into the woods, but
she insisted on his finishing nis meal.
He had not eaten for forty hours and
might not have another meal soon. To
bis anxiety a.bout her safety, as the
shells fell about them, she replied:
"Those don't hurt! I am not afraid of
Spanish bullets!"
On another occasion Miss Brunet and
her brother were mistaken for Span
iards and the Cubans opened fire on
them. They jumped into a river and
swam aqross. The bullets splashed
water in their faces, but they were not
hurt, and the mistake was discovered.
They then had to sit up all night to
dry their clothes.
After twenty months of this life, they
both contracted malarial fever, and
were so ill that they had to leave the
Insurgent party and seek shelter and
food. They found neither, and were
compelled to take refuge in a cave,
where they lived for three weeks with
no food, but some green pumpkins,
half grown sweet potatoes and water
from a stagnant pool. Once they were
two days without a morsel of food,
when an old man discovered them and
brought them a few roots. Both suf
fered terribly from fe4r and were
often delirious. Finally the brother
managed to climb the hill and attract
the attention of a Spanish planter, who
took them to Sierra, whence they were
taken by boat to Cienfuegos.
When they landed at the wharf, Miss
Brunet had no shoes, and her dress,
which she had worn for three months,
was in shreds. Their feet, hands and
faces were swollen, and they were piti
able looking objecta. Though almost
unable to walk, they wered ragged
along by the Spanish soldiers, who
cursed and struck them. The Spanish
commander examined them separately
to find cause to put then to death, but
falling in that he permitted them to go
to their sister's, who lived nearly a
mile away, on condition that they re
ported in person every three or four
days. This, in their condition, en
tailed the most Intense suffering but
the order was pitilessly enforced.
Dr. Brunet appealed to the American
consul, Owen McGarr, for aid, but it
was refused him.
There followed a long correspond
ence with the state department at
Washington, and In the end the con
sul was ordered to help them. They
received their passports on August 30,
and sailed on September 7. Their pas
sage was paid all the way to New York
Instead of to Florida. Dr. Brunet and
his Bister have filed a claim at Wash
ington against the Spanish govern
ment for the destruction of their prop
erty at Ceinfuegos.
Kelp, or seaweed, usually con
sidered one of Nature's su
perfluities, if properly treated, is a
source of wealth. One ton of good
kelp will produce eight pounds ot io
dine, large quantities of chloride of
potassium, four to ten gallons of vola
tile oil, three or four gallons of naph
tha, and one hundred and fifty to four
hundred pounds of sulphate of am
monia. It may be used as food, drink
and medlclns. When converted Into
gelosa it is a vegetable isinglass. In
Franc a gelatine or gum Is mad
from It which Is used in finishing cot
ton fabrics and In making artificial
leather. Large crops of seaweed may
be cultivated by placing large stones
within tide-water mark on sandy
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