I , 4 , ' 4 .. t i . ' ; 1 - " t s . .rtise tor What Want In The JOURNAL. OURNAL w lu I he 'I To Jsnn.'trlbn Fi-i IV JOURNAL ) VOL. X. Ina Sioux County Journal. ( HTABUSB ZD 1688, iubscripttoo Prieo, U-00 JriOUL PAPCf? OF 8IOUX COUNTY. Ciso. D. CinoD, - Editor. Rnteri at the Harrison jot office M a'eona cltas matter. Fusion Stftte Ticket. 3Vir Juae of the Suprerre Ccart, J. J. SULLIVAN, Columbus. jf; Regent of the State University, . GEO. F. KENOWER, Wisnor. S. V. FA RRFLL. Kearney. Fusion County Ticket. County Clerk, m. J, blev;i:tt. County Trcimirer, CHARLES B-EIILE. Coaaty fc'Larlff, THOMAS HOLLY. CoanVy Bujt rlntendf-nt, MISS ELS1K MEFcUAM. County JaCxe, ROBF.P.r WILSON.' onnty Surveyor, B. F. THOMAS. County Coi-oiier, Dr .JULIAN. E. PITIMNEY. f'onnty Cctarntesioner, ir Dit. Andrew i . o;ira County Comtrditiitoner, 3rd Plat, J AMIS F. Yocsu. The coal miners wha were officially murdered in Penosyl vanii the other hy are called ignorant foreigner by the capitalistic .reus. They were itilh7ot enough to demand living v.-ats and rc Jose to b'-cos-e the wiping fdavMs of 1-tioir taskmaster. For this they were t.rin.liy RHs2.:natfcd according to the ! cf feder. coajts. N. Chronicle. Mr. McKioiey e short tho Ohio Sun efciysenMI boys ta be virtuous and moral. THe does not explain to thtm that it ii virtuous and moral to appoint a disrep utable New Orleans negro divekeeper to high office as payment for that dissolute persoo'n M-rvices bribing delegates t support the taa3id-:y of so Ohio church tnei.iber but that is what Mr. McKinloy' I'ubiio record means. Call Kugen Debs an extremist fir what yoa will; but in his condemnation t, the wholosahj murder of minors by heriff's deputes in Pennsylvania, be jprc!iM;& a truth with courage Iww bich w caonot wii hold cur admira- ion. Fpeaking of the poor Poles, he jiid: "Hungry and fooisorvs, their wives and childreo in rajf, they were patient to a degree that excited uui ver nal wonder, and yet, as if to meek God, outrage humanity nr.d bhock fc.ll Christ endom they were shot (load in the slrtetB im if they were V) many rabid dogs." N. W. Catholic. Id the Korthwobtern Press of the 2nd inst editor Davis comes back at ths J OC P.N a L because we took hini to tnsk in regard to an article which charged the Jmocrts K(-lng a" l,fci,t jces m tho fK3litical alliance a week uo Iftbt Saturday. For the bonef.t of Bro T-tvis we have thiB to say no b( y i3 inclined to Cud any fault but the P.epuhlican party or at lei.4t thowi who are most interested in causing discord in the fusion ranks for their own political agrandizemcnt or thote who doubtless are bolter pold re publicans than they are fnsionists. No Bro, Davis you aro anxious to r&ite disention hi the fusion ranks if pons ibla. In our opinion it would be to your lasting credit to go ahead and make an honorable canvas for your self and the jfoW standard party which you have ea po'uMd. People who live in glass houses ought not throw stone. Wonder if I3ros. D&vig would take a Democrats vote? Oh horror no! surely r.ot. Our Trip to the Fort. Through the curtsy of Dr. Phiuney ye Bcribe had the plasuro of accompany ing him to Ft. Robinson last Saturday on official buwtiess, he beinj; the County Coroner, to hold an Inquest over the body tit a negro soldier, who h;ul been tnur. ilered two and one miles west of the fort n the night of the first. On arriving at o'jr destination the Coroner had a jury urnpfconeled to appear at tho scene of the trKdy the following morning. At 9 o'clock Sunday morning the jury ropftired to tho placo where the murder wan coturuited and listened to testimony cf the witnesses interested in the murder frj and ton, then the jury ropaired to Ft. Robinson to mw the body which had beo removed there by tho military authorities of tho Port, where tha po:.t mortem anamination took place In the proffoce of the jury, ft'r vhirb tbr:y aiAEISOIsr, retired to a private room otid found the following verJict : .State of Kebrn'iiii, Soux County. ) At an ioqusit'ion holden at the scene of the tragedy on, the north-wtst quartor section 14. TuwcshinSl. mn. r3 iiXir.nt County Nebraska this 3rd dav of Octolvr IS97, U-fore J.K. Pl.inoey, co'rouerof said I was heartl ft Poodlv nun,f countv.uoon the bodv cf Harrison Wi,. Tie next regular r.ppomtirient w,ll be Uanis, private of troop G. 9 Ji cavalry U. ii. Army, lying dead; by the jurors, whose names ure hereto subscribed the taid jurors upon oath do sy: We the undersigned jurors being, that we find by tho evidence that ILirrison Wil liams came to his death by a gun-shot w.iuud fired by the hands of Georjifo CI jwsen. D. S. Cox; Foreman. Geo. D. Canoe II. C. RoJgerj. Wo. Ktull. C S. Haiey. John Spray, In testimony whereof the said jurors have hereunto set their hands tho day and year aforesaid; Dr. J. E. PiinSNEY, Coroner. Tito "inrtior lp p-nfl e( T fu rriu.-m mt at, the M. E. church Oct 2th 13!i7 and or. ! panized with the following officers; President, Minnie Wfcmk!. First Vice President Eddy Kendall. Second " Third " Fourth " Secretary Lentic " Eln.i Warneka. " Gwue Williams. ' Roice Tebbets. Vera Gnswold. txlna Ruhwer. Mrs. J. L. Ker,lidl, Supt. Miss Fanny Palmer Organist. Ti'arbonnet Vt'arblins. Mr. and Mrs. P. I?. Bigelow were val ley visitors Monday. John Hay reports the arrival of asonut his home, congratulation; Mr. K:iy. O. A. Carton is assisting John Kay haul corn fi.-dder. Mrs. Lindeman and Mrs. Plunkett were Harrison visitors Saturday. Warbonnetitcs were working roads Friday and Katr.rday. The commencement of the school in District no 15 has been postponed ur.til November 1st. with consent of the pat ron's of Ulv fcho?)l. ECIIQ. Cottenwootl Murmerlngs. Mr. A. C Dove, who went to Omaha a bout a month ngo to have an opperation preformed died S"pt. 27 and was fchip ped home again lie was laid to rest in the Ccttenwood cemetary fv-pt, 23. Mr C. E. Rice conducted tho M-rvaces. Mr, , Lorenzo Dove came down from Wyoming where he has been herding sheep for n'lir.a time, to ay during his fathers illness ho expects to return soon. Mrs Leah Stull and daughter cf Sol dier creek were visiting in the valley Sunday. Mr. Geo. DeGroff began school in dis trict no 11, Oct. !. Mr. John Ilixson has been balling wheat to Crawford for the past couple of weeks. P.OMA. Stories from Story. BORN to Mr. and Mrs Jacob. Kirker of Indian creek a baby boy on last .Wed nesday, another man for Bryan. Do not be surprised if you see Mr. O. W. Story with a broad smile on bis face it is on the account of that big ton pound boy that arrived at his lme about two weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Ring of Story were visit ors at Mr. and Mrs. E. Ccllishaw's last Sunday. S. F. Williams Is busy with his running horses and is also getting ready to leave for tho sand hills hoping he will ba sue. cessful in his new home Mr. J. Reed of Running water was in this neighborhood tying cattle last week. Mascot. Findings Fruoi Pleasant Ilidje. This lovely autumn weather still con tinues. Mr. Fancher who recently sold out and left for fairer fields cf employment hsis returned and taken a claim near Mr. Churche's (secoud thoughts are often the best.) Tho Markham threshnig machine is still rolling out the golden grain for the grangers here and all seem quitj well pleased with the yield.' We understand Mr. Church has realizedthe richest results so far. J The Nolen machine is expected at Mr. Kirtley's soon. We are glad to loam that Mr Todd has recovered from his recent illnes and is about his work again. Mr. C. L and Andrew Christian sold their two year old steers to Mr. Peters which were delivered at Van Tassel Fri day. The new shool which was opened In our district recently with Miis flora Christian teacher is progressing finely. The numlwr of pupils enrolled tro 18. Miss Florence and Amy ("hristain h-ft the phternivl home fr Ear :ni vher-' thee w il nl-eift t', .'r,e T"'ii,-&- ' FEBRASSA, We heartiiy wish fiose ambitious and worthy young people success. Pleasant R:de tchool will bein Nov, 1st. Mr. J. H. Newlin teacticr Our new pastor Rev. Keodell prearhti his first sermon here last Sabbatb. Hii uueresving an,, u.sirucnve Oct. 17 th. BOP.X Oct 4th to J. J. Zi;ii:bruniifrn and wife a daughter. Mother and tiiiid doinj; well and the father wears a smil ing countenance CLIO. . AuMiiiminl Locals. Be sure and read the putnt 3idy of .Trir-ovir tv.lo i..!r u k...., .... V nam juni in menced usoing the reform press put-ep.t-i. On account of the space devoted tc the tax. list we areohliijed to slight sev eral of our correspondents o?-orrytoo. Notice-Anybody wishing to buy met. ai win wen cu.il on or au- drets Charles Schilts. HarriKc n. Neb. I will lecture in Harrison on Wednes day evening' ct. 13th tli9 subject will be tho life, the ways, and worshiping, aid singing in native tongue, in Havana OalcutU, India, which will be very in teresting. Ad Imission will be adu Its 25c. children 10c. I'm a native of India have traveled considerable io that coun try. JSO. J. C'HAI'.LKSTON SOX ICE. Notice is hereby given to the legal; voters of Sioux County Nebraska, that by an act of the las!, legislature, the judges and clerks of eleotiou in the coun ty are to ho appointed by the county jndge, and that such election officers wili be Uipointcd from those who may be nominated by precinct caucuses of the ev.-;&l parties, provided that the Certific catos of nooiination aro filed in inv otllce on or before the 22nd day of October; each precifit t party caucus should name threu ei-Mins for judges and two for ierks of tlecl.ion. r'rm the nominees certified V me 1 shall be required by said law to makbthe appoint mints on the 2Std of October; ur.d if any partv in any princinct shall fail to hold its caucus and certify its riominiitioa, within the time ppeciliml, I shall thereafter make such appointments as shall t'pon impartial information seem to me most suitable, at:d in conformity with the law. In precincts which l.u-ve not already made Dominations ttu caucuses should be held without delay, to insure, time for 'he caucus offliers to return the ct rtth'cates for hieing by October, 22. No persons are eligible as election officers who are not cf food character approved integrity Mid well ir.formi d:or who ctnnot read, write and spei.l; nbt En" glisli language, or have not residtd in the election precinct in which they c.r to serve next f.rer edmg their appointment cr ure not entitled to vcte therein, Cr are candidates to bu vott d for at the election to be held November 2nd. 1307 or who have anything be tor watered on the r buit of sucti election. RoSKJtT WllAOS. How To Find Out Fill a bottle or common glass with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours. a stsnirierit or seining indicates an un healthy condition of the kidneys. When i urine stains linen it is evidence of kidney ! trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate j or pain in the hack, is also convincing ! proof that the kidneys and bladerare ou' i of order. j "What To Do. ' I There is comfort in the knowledge so ' often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's j Swamp Root, the groat kidney remedy I fulfils every wish m relieving pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder ami, J every part of the urinary passages. If'! correivts inability to hold urine and scald 'i ir,g pain in passing it, or bad c lfects fol ' lowing use f liquor, wine or beer, and i overcomes that unplea'ant necessity ot being comptdled to uet up many time1 during the night to urinate. The milr i and tho extraordinary effect of Swamp Root is soon realized. It stands tbf highest for its wonderful cures of tht mot distressing cases. If you need : rnemcine you snoulu nave the bt;st Sold by druggisis, price fifty cents anb one dollar. You may have a sarnrdt bottle and pamphlet both sent free h j mail. Mention TlIE SlOl'X ftUNTV' j Jot'RNAI. and send your udilress to I)r ' Kilmer &. Co. , liinghampton, N. Y. The ( proprietors of this paper guaraulee th.', genuineness oi mis oner. I.Oht In Harrison Sept. 25th a small yellow dog with a small white stripe below ano between the eyes and largo pointed earf anwet's to the name of Fido. Any infor roatinn leading to bis recovery will bi j thankfully received, leave word at ibt I Jot'RNAI. office or write a poslut to J. . ", Alexander A rdmore S. D. . ' ' " N0TIC1-V Jf. W. trown will' tiike notice that on the 22nd day of Sept. 1W7, I. 8. Cox Jnstiee of ttie pence for filoux County Nebraska, Issuer an order of attachment for Slti.1. 00 In nn aoi? Ion, whore A. I'rlmcstis, Is plulntif anil it W.l!ron dtifeiiclent, that propry cmnf lug of 11 hetut of horses of (Infrmlent ben ;d.tii hetl; s'ii I I 1 1 ill ciel to ; -i (f'sr ib-; Hi.-t l''7 at Mi ii ni. . , TECTJK.SjDA.," Notice ot UttKtiig f SWiool inuile in Sieux Coa;ity .'t luu.--i.!t. ! c Wll'TV I IV'"" "":""n at the from, .-.(-,r of the i un ity court IHi'i'.t on (ictohir lull r,..;.; i.t 1 o'lo. ;,. m. ,,fl U:i!'l ot Cilill I.IIKli lallVf liivo often li 'liif law ri'iiiiinw ali I'm u-s m ilrw, sioan-I nu.tl r'Mtal, hlx p.-r i-ent of th -j'wi-.i ' vuiui'of tif htn.l Ifawl. ff morn i ouu V.i.i- ' rfrn pj:!ii'H fur iiiy truct, the wii! ' l.e i-t to tiie oa o:l'ciiij( i!,u f-riaet ' ftimmnt of. tuiiu. A portion of tiiew lan'l.n :ir :iCMit by -ir:tiv of iui or-ler of tt.n JJimrd of M'lea t:iHiiil Llnfl h:kI fuuUs, iiinkl-ii; 'n?n-';i:i. l;o.i, i-i.liifj Aiiifest iltii, 1M.7, Hint s-'ime ii'-y he ryi. ctim-iI, if d!!ii(jin!ueii-s ami cosm ure p:iiJ U"lore tlie luiiii i,i leased. ii.."4-;d 1 All I6-25-53 H-i-'3 -' -VI All t--r ?ft 'ail""" I WX ...ti-.'i w w , i.Vi7-sj fx. All All All -. Ail.. fc 17 :-7 ::i I v.. -rr.il ...:.; ::7 iiS j All ii ! . '.1I.S3 I Al! .ir; 3, fu I Xt, ::, ti a n vw j ( r, M.,.3.j .-se- .:s ! All Kxe. e,viiw .V ' AIL. '4 ... :!::i-r.3 .Id-S.'-Vi it; ;s4 -M :v, .'.( r.;i ife24-M i',"5-M Ift'iiM 14 27 '.4 lll-'ih.M IB.'W ,S4 311-HO-M i(i :fc f i ."Sv-to-M K.'llf.f, :;-2r,:,5 ..' -'fi-27 D5 lfi-28.:.5 I S-3fl -,'..( ll.-W ss-jti rs !'. M ' Xi-M.K, .Tll-24 M .. . rn; h :;: ,-.:, ::.';0 .'i? Hi: -3 1 '6 e 'A a. n e i n iv . J.v. ; All.. All Xi : ;.. A.I.. ! i " All nr.-ar.-M I All... All 04 I All..., e'j.VHw'-, J;;.L:-fil i All... All.... .Si-li'.i-M All ., All Ktj. ii-en- I All.-. r Ifi M M AIL... 1 f. ii;-.;3 :,t ah.... All IP 21 I All.-. ah n;-2.'.-:,r, ah... ah ir -,-s.' f ah..-, All lR-':7-;",.ri s'i... . All i.'j All A 1 1 S6-2H-."..-, All... All..t :: .' W5 1 All 'r,n'..i' ,' 3K-W-5S A ! 1 . S.Vn-wH.1- K 3IB All... w-iwli&ee'i- :-:a I All... A II ,..MK-Ar' r,i I All... All ..i;-:4 v; ah TIU Id X-;, Ail All n;-.'i; ; All... Ad 14i--7-r6 AH All- UI-2S ., I All... Ail li, 3'i ;cl I All... All .J'1-..l ;i Ml... All HI :?j-m; i All... Ail lt,-;,l ;,c. I r'-; AH .fJ! All-.. All ft', 21 ;,7 I All... All :i :,7 i Ail... All Hi; 'Ji;-.',7 j All... All ...!i-27-5- I All... Ail ;iir.e-57 1 mi... Ail exe. s W-,!.- All.-. Sll-,(4-r.K ig :;iv; it; 2ft r.7 it; 57 l-2i-r,7 bi?s.,7 !. .' - 7 : I!..-'.- '.7 ... ..le-so:7 W , W'ill f ji'1 Ail I'jc. li e . V. 31 S7 All... ...lrt-3.'-S7 I All- .:-;iii-.')7 i"- J.ots 1 4 li4 M ...10 32 .r)7 Ail f.e si.,n e ...l -3.V57 is WH 1C 30 L3 .'-'",-r,s .... ;v. -u; h I Mi- I ""Ill k !'' -ti ii-ii,.tHk. if-iAri'.;? -eV Is '"8-')3 ! "-.kn-e-Ai) i,n W'ikn .: x s; An ' ..-ei;,-..-I7-2S'i,J f w '2Ti-wi.4.t.., tc4n-wc,Vi -ec&V e- 1 H)JC:-"l-,.l.11 I1-1A l(S-'. Y !', .. il l r-H I "- It. ;7-iil '-c'4i!iJ( ii w,ii ,ki e'n -K'icu lvXis.,-;K-V.-TA All exe. ri'4s ".v'.in e.'. j i 3I M U USn-eitwUs ei4.Sii n ti es-e'v, As -e4 i li-eHs-e ' w 'a sm-hb 'n;!i-;;.i .11 "S w .t n c i i i e i.j s e ' i & 1 1 w li s e i,4 & e ; n iwHy.Jt-M V';ti-w';.Vi e'.,n wV.. Ifi.3l 51 N c.,M'1,,(ilii.i-1,,tn i:'i.c'! l'.-.y-W viC.An t'..,iii-e:i1-''siiv.',.tu-ei,,s-- i A- ! wW-e:4veHi'-e'i.n-e s eU- (fJin.uUS'f'j'SC.ISM E'iXe'in wk?'. wlot i 4 67 N -e h a. e '.j n r i A Js s- w U s " 's K w - fB-e'4s-e.'i3(l 24-W S-en.v(j n.es -e-eH'sH" -Win-ws w'n. I i .24 5s li 1 ', Ae ; i i w ,te s 'i .-. 36 27 -rA Kljii-e 4.tfi-w!jn-e AA'i.&i.e'q (iti 2 J. V. U'oi.hj, Com. 1. L. A R. m 8EW WAY. TT70MEN used v to think " fe rn a le diseases " could only ba treated titer "lo cal examina tions" by physi cians. Dread of such treatment kept thousands of modest women silent about their suffering. The in troduction of ! ft Vine of Cardul has now demon strated that rdne-tinths cf sll the cases of menstrual disorders do nst require a physicitn's attention at all. The simple, pure tiken In tha privacy cf a woman's ovr. boms Insures quick relief and speedy cure. Women need not hesitate now. Vlne cf Cardul re quires no humiliating examina tions for its adoption. It cures any diseaie that comes under the head of "female troubles" disordered menses, tailing of the womb, "whites," change of life. It makes women beautiful by making them well. It keep them young by keeping them healthy. $1.00 at the drug stora. For i'vtcs In ttrjtt rwjulrlnp ipwlil dlrtetfoni. addresi, sivinp symptom, ts.0 Ldlc' Advisory Department," 1 ho Chitucuxc Metiidna Co., ClutU nojga, lenn. W. t. ADDIS0W , M.D., Cary, Mils., sayi: "1 usa Wins of Cirdul aiuiniively la my pricllci nd find ll s mom encuUeut prejuifllloa for fumHe truublct." ami GOVERNMENT POSITIONS. H you wi-h one of ihc 1M,(XX) 5" j tKWTT? c.r, tiuti hurraii can advise you 'flSR 4 to irrn fi IO m urc it,nl lit . V ill l1 I l-llsiiliii inr rftiuirea .iu ,Yv 5l ft rt i' e cK-Bi'D-iOtin tlirrt-foT. L i .1 , . I. ii ! di.r a rutnmr.n sehoel .1 t'l CiC ft qutunicoiii TSs' ' irATEMi', PATENTS. I 'la.'. Muicu iiV tv.- ihtit"tr.'letorob- iinnni' palenct and topy'iijl'ts in this and foreign i . , . .... Tl.. -Li. I .1 .. J.. . L . 1 ...... li iini,v., i lie inn' I ol IIIIH t rt 1, r.t lin v yrmi etprrteiice s Chirf Knnminer, ( ommiioner ol f jipnt', n l Pt, n: AtiDtnt y, n I in Tery mic I'l' in RerurinK bri,:nl p-weni n1 in tlie prowrcution ol nil patent Img.iiion Hi (ore the coiwts. SCHOOL Of LAW. Th)i Bureau cm fit yo! for dtnllon to Hie Hnr and pri-pure you fur ar.tlne practice in two yearn, nithuut matrrinllv Interferon wilh your other du ties. Our intructoi are the ablest, our lyitcm l'ior"UKh,nd curcliarjrrn rnacn:ible, Three cottin ' ,i...ul; ',' i v i, iv, j-it ard c.tcfl.ll, ;;"..i 'be nj ii it! ns ire, a., -cr. ,,,'. ","'. j V t ,!rj ftlp.ltA.fJ. T W T' Si Jif i lis H mm OCT. 7 1897, f-TOi'K J'.tlA.VDS. Titit Jo::n.vAL wil! r.i.ii)iU yo;ir brun-t, ile ' folic wiiiK, tut 12 :W), per f:ir. Eaofi ud-, Jit'on'u: brand 7r, c.-nt.i. i.vi i y farmer or ranehineain Siunx and adjoining countici siiouMailverti.se their hrundj in THEjocn vCi;s it, eireulate all over the state. It. may t. tne means of saving money for you. Prjr" FRANK NUTTO. shnol'ter of biji'.es. H inan on Antelope ereek I'. O , GUilchriat, Sioa Co., Neb. CHARLES 11IKIILK. On lelt side or hip of cattle, ) On left shoulder of lioraes. j V".9iUriite ou the head ol Warbonaet Adilress Harrison, Siou Co. Neb, tvyrttyW2 S. W ' . CA H KY. .. ST it..le 1..C. .....,i ..it) ffmnni ii.it. Biii,u,..ci vj kuv,.j and iiorse. .tjRB liane on Little Cottonwood. ., Crawford Nebr. A G'raud Opportunity. lucre are today thousands ot young people on the farms and in tiia villages who arn tied down by of education to work they heartiiy (iishl.e. Are you,' one of them my friend? If so, the! Grand Island Husiness & Normal Coll- Third building south of livery barn. age can put you on the road to successi if vsii ivre ambitious and willing to! study. It makes no difTernce how ka k'.vard you are provided you areiJjQ YQJ ' piut r.v acu lljeitu i'iiMiiei. Lt'iii n every thing necessray for a successful start in life. If you are short of money we will accept a good note without in terest for tuition or if necessar)' we will furnish everything tuition, board, and books and give you time to graduate and pav for sann afterwards. Business, Normal and Shorthand courses. Hoard $i.5fi per week. Established 12 years. College Record sent free or catalogue ; for 6 cents in stamps. 'I his is your chunce of a life time. Will vou let it slip by? A'Vess. 'A. M. Hargis, President. Grand Island. Nebr. MARSTELLER.BROS., They handle every thing usualy handled- in a gen eral department country store. SUCH AS DRY GOODS and GROCERIE, BOOTS anii SHOES, HARD and TINWARE; also FLOUR, FEFD am GRAIN, KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY GOING TO MARSTELLER EROS. -THE COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1869. Harrison, President. D. II. QRISWOLD, CwhUr, AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. transacts a General COR E RSP0 N D E N T3i American E&ciianoe National Bank, New York, Omaha National Bank, Omaha, First National Bank, Cbadron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. tSTDRAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. GASOLINE ENGIHES. IRON ANB W000 PUMPS OF ALL KINDS. Krltpie anil rtlrbanka Wlnl. tnllla Towrn, Tank, lrrlga Hot Oultlt.. Hoac, Ueltln Orlniir.liller.,Woed Saw., Drlva Pulnta, Plpa, Klttlogii, ailrbanl uar Neales . l-rlrea tituA fur low. Get the beat Cataloitiie. .-m ilOi Femtm Ot. 0r Noi. into, b CulAZT ITTHTTE, Allorney-at-Law. Prompt attention giwen to ui I'Vji matters in Justice, County and bitfirn t Courts, and before t&e United !i-t:ti'e Fire Insurance written in n?litt liompanioK. t55TL(al papers carefully drawn. llARIUSOK, - NElinAi'KA But still on deck fjto do wagon work md blaclismi thins-. WANT JOB WORK DONE THEN COME TO THE JOURNAL OFFICE. ?ra,-iKV.v. Nebraska. C. f. Ctfrrm, Vlc-Prei(lDt. Banking BusinsaSi CAVura. Tllnr man'. OISION PATCH i tnr Information and fret, Handbook writ" tc MtlNN CO.. US1 KaoAbWAY. n V kn Oldent bureau for aecrirtruj patnBIa la Atr C' ,. F.rery patent taken out hy u.la troofffet the publlo by a notlo elren tnt of chart -. '. ,i ! T-t "I i' f.itffll rf rir aolenUfln rTr 1 'jiii-iv i.iiiiio.i.1.' i. so inu'll t o-:t It. wcseKlv, ( .i i c iIum, M''NN" . ' DROWB? I iu . 1 Tllni uiatr . r '.l ,1 X J- --ft. ;;;Jiv: mix's.