The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 30, 1897, Image 8

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    the siovx fovm'
i. o
THC8DAT. Stn. 20th, 183
Baby Elewtt is on the tick list.
Co He is still under the
D. Canon, Editor and Prop,
F. Z. A M. V B. a. lime tatlr.
Going West. Going Eaat.
S, mixed. Jl :30 1 No. 6. mixed 8:00
Physician and Surgeon,
411 enll given prompt attention.
Otflce ia Druf Store.
the best
v. E. M. V. R. R. is
to and from the
to California.
ist iain
Yes, and economy, too, if
you take tbe BCKI.INGTON
KOUTK'S personally con
ducted onee-a-week excur
sions which leave Omaha
and Lincoln every Thursday
Tourist sleepers-clean, bright, oomforta
ble through to San Francisco and Lo
Angeles. Second class tickets aecepteu.
Only as for a double berth, w ide enough
and big enough for two.
Write for folder giving full information,
iir, call at the depot and see the local ticket
t5?Tl am prepared to do all
kinds of mason work, such as
plastering, stone work, chim-
tipv hnildiner and latliinar. In
quire at the Harrison House.
G. Jones.
The rules of the local land office have
recently been amended so that settlers
to make final proof shall settle with the
publisher before sending in their applica
tion. All parties desiring to make final
proof can have their papers made out at
The Journal office, free of charge, and
nmmntlv transmitted to the land office
i - -i .
bo that no time will be lost.
John Davis proved up on a quarter
section of Sioux county land Mo nday of
this week. ,
Just as we go to press we learn of
the death of Mrs. Josheph Dickinson.
We will publish the obituary next week.
August Beck of Holstein la., made
final proof on a quarter section of land
last Monday.
Burt Dew is dipping his sheep again
for scab. He thinks he has his flock
about clear of it.
!otic Anybody wishing to buy iron
wheels will do well to call on or address
Charles Schilts. Harrison, Neb.
Rev. Wunderlich of Hemingford will
hold Luthern services at the court house
Sunday October 10th do not forget the
Every voter in Sioux county ought
U read the platform of principles passed
by the Democrat convention last Satur
day. there was complete harmony in the
two conventions last Saturday at the
court house so far as we were able to
The fusion ticket put into the field
by tbe Peoples Independent Party and the
Democrats is a good, one; will win out
Nov. 2nd.
Richard Simlar a former resident of
this town, but now a resident of South
Dakota was here the fore part of the
week for thejlrst time in eight years
We were informed by those who
know that tbe turnout at the two con
ventions last Saturday wasgeod, and
that the representation was as large as it
usually ia
Fred Duel of Pleasant Ridge is carry
intr his hand in a slinz these days as a
result of his gun bursting last Friday
while shooting at a mark. Tbe injured
member is not seriously hurt hewever,
Engineer Stratton ia having more
trouble with tbe town pump. The pump
' rod to broken off again, down next to tbe
valve in tbe bottom of tbe well, John
thiaks be will fix it this time but it will
be the tast L '
I .atm The town pump baa finally
. Im Mmired and every body can drink
eio, ,
-Com oounty exhibit at tbe State
fair waa so good that Sioux county
, avrtot away CJ1.40 in premiums aod
. Ma Informed that If tbe exhibit had
hx larrerour county could have ob
tained a lattt amount Of prsssjiuma.
' B m J A -Jmm. U mjxm m. full
. tel. mtmmm in awiiwf ' " -
r A rac''a Party mma Mtfofdimr to
i V tL-'itr Ho
- a ' . a :- vm
the weatlier.
There was a splendid torn out at the
two Convention last Saturday.
Mr. C. E. Partridge of Hat Creek
was doing business in Harrison last Friday.
As ye editor is busy with the tax
list the" devil will edit the paper this
A beautiful boquet was received
this week from the home garden of Mrs.
Eli Smith of Bodarc' many thanks.
Editor Davis and family returned
from the state fair last Saturday noon.
He reports a splendid time and lots to I
Frank Wright has rented Doctor
Shafers farm and last Friday he moved
his family and will be domiciled for a year
at least, in Ins new quarters
A large congregation attended mass
and listened to a short discourse by Fath
er Muenich on last Saturday. They will
have another opportunity three weeks
The United States marshal came up
on the 21st inst and took William M.
Martin of Bodnrc to Omaha, on a charge
of cutting timber on government land.
Dr. Phinney and his two boys re
turned from their visit to Utica this
state last, Sunday where the Docter and
boys have b:ea to visit with his par
ents. L. E. Dickinson, our harness maker
will leave for Caro, Mich., in about ten
davs with a car of horses, which ha ex
pects to dispose of on the Michigan mark
tlceI tan cattle hides and all Kind
of skins with hair for rotes, or without
for leather. See sample and prices in
II. Bartell's store.
II. Oubkicht. Olen, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. Seward Wright of Vox-
ville Nek, came up last Saturnay on a
visit to Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wright. He
is a brother to Mrs. Wright They re
turned to their home last Monday.
After the close of the Peoples Inde
pendent Party and Democratic conven
tions the delegates of botli parties rep
resenting the 3rd oommissoners district
nominated James F. Young for commis
sioner. The Harrison water works is again
Tt seems as if the town
i. VI - J'" '
council would do a great work for the
benefit to the town, if a reservoir could
be built and then the town would have
an abundance of water.
Xoticft- As I expect to leave for
Caro, Mich., in a few diys on business,
I desire to inform the public and my cus
tomers that daring my absence Will.
Gerlach will look after the harness shop.
L. E. Dickinson.
Mr. Lew Pfost who was an old time
resident but concluded to try his for
tune in Idaho, and then in West Virgina
his old eastern home; is again back in
He whs in town last
Vlt-ru. J w
Saturday renewing old acquantances.
There was a glad home coming of
nearly all the Sioux county people who
attended the state fair at Omaha, on last
Saturday. All report a grand time and
the best of treatment during their stay at
the metropolitan city of the north-west.
Three of Sioux county oiti.enns took
premiums the State fair. Robert Keel
received first premium on the, best cab
bage raised in Nebraska, George Cant re
ceived 2nd premium oc white unions and
Henry Covey was awarded 2nd premium
on buck wheat.
E. Bowker of thiB place a carpenter
and joiner who has own working at his
trade all summer at Ft. Robinson return
ed home Tuesday. Mr. Bowker is a first
class mechanic and can be found in Har
rison when that kind of a man is needed
to do a first class job of work.
John Tinnan of Gordon shipped three
car loadsof his cattle here last Tuesdav
evening. Mr. Curry of whitney who
buys for a S. Omaha firm bought two
loads of the cattle and the other one Mr.
Tinnenwill unload at Gordon and run
them into the sand hill range north of
that place
J. W. Ostrander of Ardmore 8. V
who left for Yellow Stone Park last
spring on a pleasure trip, is at Wim
bledon. N. Dak,, at present. He Rays
there are no flies on the people in that
state, crops are splendid up there so he
states in a letter to the Journal. Wheat
runs 25 to 80 bushels to the acre and oats
Will. Wright and Harry Will, have
engaged to work on the bridge inspection
gang of the F. E. & N. V. railroad com
pany. The boys commenced work last
Monday morning at Van Tassl and after
completing the work there, tliey will go
to Long Pine, Deadwood, Belle Fourche,
andotberpointsonthat road, as long as
there are repairs to be looked after.
On account of the secretary of tbe
Peoples Independent Party .convention
which was held here last Saturday tak-J
ing the minutes home with him we are
unable to give all the particular of the
convention. Butsuffice it to say tliat
the above party nominated the same
ticket as the Democrats which means it
will be elected wit hout a doubt.
Mr. George Bowen of Bodarc this
County and one of the oldest residents of
Sioux countv left here last Thursday
evening (or Omaha where he will enter
the Methodist be treated for
heart trouble. Mr. Bowtu felt quite
discouraged over the prospect of his re-
Xf. J- A. fcaum eovery when be left here. He is 73 years
Burt 1 l,MS fcld his flck of
It m to borvd that a good man
will le put up for commissioner in the
first and second district by the reform
forces as has len done in the 3rd.
The county commissioners will be in
sessiou next week.
The tax list will occur in tlie rest
issue of the JoCKNAL.
Eggart Rliower lias his office about
completeted and he has giveh it prime
coat of paint.
W. O. Patterson has so far comleted
his new residence that he has moved his
family into it. .
Hon. Judge Wilson sems to think
there isn't a shadow of a doubt but. that
the fusion county ticket will be tlected
Cotlrnvvooil Murmcrliif )
DIE.'J On Monday evening -S. pt. 20'
107. (luy, son of Mr. nd Mrs. Amos
Jacolj-y. The liaby bad a'k for a
couple of weeks but was thought to j
improving U was laid to rest in the ;
Cotton wchkI cemetary Tuesday afternoon.
The sympathy f the entire community is
with the bereaved parents.
- Mr. Chas. Grove's has hi last succeeded
in getting water but not the amount
hoped fr.
Mr. Jake Grove's and family have gone
to Iowa to pay his parents a visit, we
understand that they entended to visit
he state fair on their way.
Mr. Glaze finished the last job of
threshing last Thursday and gone to the
Hat creek valley.
Mr. S. W. Carrey and Mr. Miller have
"'I' . I . 1.. Tl., .rial f..r flltt 111'
a Kama rifl . I'Olie IU VHlUMifc- xiitt. - - o
Burt Smuck is
the property he bouught recently on the
west side he will shortly move his fam
ily to town.
After this date Dr. Johnson will be
permanently located at Cbadron, where
he has established on infirmary of Osteo
pathy. Quite a number of Sioux County
people will go there to complete their
treatment. We are sorry to have him
leave us, and he goes with the good will
of all and the gratitude of a number of
patients who have been successfully
treated by him. .
OueofOur Cilizcns Badly Bitten by
a Small Hick Spider.
government timlr is set for Oct. 2nd.
Mr. ("aw-beer was called to uniana
this week it is thought to be for witnes-s
on the trial of Measure Carry and Miller.
Where are you going?
We are on our way to Urn
J wife wo hi one of thus?
beaiiful ' SPRIXG HATS
and dry good prcrii 'oa dr.
I need u Spring XV IT myxdf
and ire think ire ran ee won
f)i hit tradina at the
American Hand-Sawad Shoo Co's
of the
Last Thursday morning John Mars
teller while sweeping out the store just
after breakfast he" felt .some kind of an in
sect crawling on his left arm beneath his
bhirt sleave. He rublied his arm slightly
when he felt a mild sting which caused
a bu ruing sensation when he hit his arm
rd enough to kill tbe insect win-
II black Holder.
7I V vTvl -
was probably not more than iialf an hour
w hen his hand and arm began t.o paralyze
and severe, acute piins comurtnued
Mia stomach. It then
legao to daw n on John t hat he had been
poisoned by the bite of the spider on his
arm. He started for home at once only
about two blocks away with great etlort
he was able to get there and was obliged
to take to his bed. The neighbors as
soon as they htord how serions a con
dition John was in they came anu ik-k-..
to do all possible to save his life Dn
fortunatily Dr. Phinney had gone to U
tica Neb., on a visit and the town was
without any medical assistance except
Dr. Johnsop Ostoepoth who was called
andassisted the runny friend in doing all
they could to relieve Mr. Marsteller from
his terrible suffering. It seemed at 11
hlh'tO' save his life. All
kinds of antidotes were given him to
counteract the effects of the poison and
abou 1 3:00 oVJock he began to improve.
In the mean time however, a Doctor had
been telegraphed to at Crawford nearly
thirty miles east or here ana on account,
of no trains coming this way he was ob-
iged to drive over by team arriving
about 8:00 o'clock in the evening alter
all danger seemed to be past. We are
glad to say at this writing that Mr.
f irctollor U doine nicely and will be
able to be at his place of business in a
day or two.
Montrose CHpplnsv
TIuskinL' corn is the order
Joseph Reinders was one of the nu
merous visitors from Sioux county at
the state fair.
Miss Lizzie Henry came back from
Lusk last Thursday evening.
Joseph Konrath is going with the
Sent threshing machine ;,n,t his wife's
sister is slay ing with her during Ins ab
sence. H. Wasserburger M. J. Gay hart H.
Piekenbrock and G. Reinders were at
Harrison Saturday to ,'itleDU tlie conven
tion. F. Nutto went to Edgemont today
Monday at ter a load of stock.
Ed Lweling is learning to play the vio
lin at J. J. Wasserburger's, he will take
a lesson every week during the coming
Also, We handle a full line of
Groceries &c.
Warbonnnt Harblings.
Mrs. P:,t Laev is recovering slowly
hope she '
nill continue to improve Miss
Sherrill staying with , Mrs.
Mr. nnd Mrs. E. A. Uigelow were
pleasant callers at Mr. Lacey's last Sunday.
Mr. Tom Fitsurmions was seen passing
throutrh our streets Monday.
Mrs. Wallace is staying at R. L. Keel's
assisting with the work.
School commences Oc tober 4th in dis-
t rict No 1 5.
Mr. James Rice of Pleasant Ridge was
down to R. L, Keel's after vegetables
Mrs. if. A. Priddy was a pleasant caller
at the residence of O. A. Garton's Mon
day. E110-
Just thta rxiR o? riicKT'ior & -'i i?
lam Agent for the world famed McKOKMICIC
rue n,i inuTtfl4 I k-fHMi on hand all the tims;
JjlbJ rillU ilio " JJ",, "
line of supplies for these machines.
Last but not Least.
a full
Wehn you are badly in need of the only
sold in Sioux County, call on me.
Edited hy - Mrs. Goo. P. Canon.
Snort urticles from
county are solicited.
the latiles of Sioux
The best of Wines, Brandies, Whiskey
and Beer kept constantly on hand.
I will open for business Saturday, Sept
in town give me a call.
4, 1WJ7. When
:V 15KUCK, h
Marbland News.
Mrs. J. F. R)ll is visiting friends in thu
eastern part of the state. "
Mrs. T. J. Poole attended tbe Baptist
association at Belmont the 24th.
Visitors to the state fair on returning
pronounce it much better than last years
Leonard Deneen veteran of the late war
died last week aged 81 year's.
Rev- J. W. Kearn the newly appointed
minister to the M. E. church preached his
first sermon at this place the 23.
The B. & M. has put in a new steam
pump at this place.
The flour mill shut down a couple of
days last week for repairs but is running
full time now. Hex.
Bodarc Doings."
Mr. Charles Coffee w ho has been sick
during the past ten days, we are glad to
say is able to be up again.
. Evrnest Bunge has taken his bahy Ida
to Ft. Robinson, nnd while there we un
derstand has had a surgical operation
performed to the great relief of the little
sufferer. She is getting along as well
as can be expected under the circumstan
ces. Mrs. A. Overton now has charge of
her as Mrs. 0. Grewell is expecting to
move to her homestead on Sheep creek
in the near future.
Lew Pfost and family have moved
into Earnest Bunge 's house.
Matt Murphy came from BlleFnurche
last Sunday to visit Ins rattier ana sister.
Mr. U. Hiblein is on the sick lint this
week.. '
Peter Shaffer has rigged up a ma' hioe
to thresh beans, it does its work well.
White River Ureezos.
Mrs. Finley died on 'Friday morning
last, of liver complaint. The old lady
had been in this neighborhood but a few
months, but made manv friends who
mourn her departure. She leaves an
aged husband who has the sympathy of
the entire community.
Mr- J. P. Mason sod son Frd, returned
from Omaha last Saturday, Fred is rrv
sorry for the part he took in the Bell
mont affair,
Mr. .1. W, Fry is expected to arrive
this Wed., mornins. he will in a hort
Heavy Tax on all Bachelors.
Continued from hint week.)
No man should be taxed until he has
passed his thirty-fifth birthday, because
until that age a man may be merely
postponing marriage to make himself:
worthy of it but after thirty-five he is
liable to settle down into chronic bach
elorhood unless roused to the necessity
of action-
No woman unless ao invalid should ie-
ceive the benefits of the bachelor s ta xa-
tion before forty because many women
remain single into their thirties from
choice remembering that Cleopatra and
Helen of Troy were both past that age
when they inspired historic passion and
many mothers of successful families
have married for the first time iu their
late thirties. But it is always a tragedy
when a women passes into her lourth
decade with no companion by her side.
Unless she has some great life work
like Florence Nightingale or Emma Will
ard her outlook is desolate and sad.
However pleasant the bachelor's lot,
from a purely commonplace standpoint,
be misses lbs sentiment of life. A hap
py niarriage,oirers more real pleasure in
any onu lujulti than Ocli :lors liud in a
. For every pain or anxiety or worry in
the life of a well-mated mairied couple
tliere are ten mutual joys to recompense.
But though the man misses much by re
maining single tha woman misses ti II
Clubs, travel, adventure are not the
diversiou to Iter winch they are to him.
It is only right that, tie should be tax
ed for his sellfsliess and that site should
receive the bene tit of such taxation.
Wr, ? -Oi tr
t i
t- v-.
XA A. t - i
v7i'.'..'t.''vr',-i''i ',' "Jj
In Ncbrnfilta and Western Iowa.
vj t: t.' s. , -
You (ict 5195 Crgan for $S
down and t..0) per tuoath.
Fully Guaranteed tor 9 year.
Now write us for Description and Catalogue. Wo will tell
shout It. Wo have been tolling our' friends about this now 23 yean.
you au
During the campaign you ought
subscribe for the JOURNAL and ket
posted in your own county. Try it a
The Mothers lulluence
Mostofour celebrated men liave al
ways been ready to admit that they owe
their success chiefly to thiir mother;
lathers for some reason or oilier being
studiously ignored in such matters. Sir
Walter Scott for instance stales on more
than one occas ion that be owed bis po
etical gift to his mollier, who in addition
to being an accomplished woman, was a
poetess of no mean merit.
The German poet Schiller possessed a
mother who was always looked upon by
bar own circle of friends as an except
ionally clever woman, music and poetry
were her pastime in both which she x
celled. Ex-United Stale Senator Jones whom
the people of Florida sent to tit United
' . . .1 .... a. ......xUu (..rill..
. : . . i . . ii. i. r.m, . ti tjvv v
uc. muni i kikii .iif Mflil u.,lK..II( Irinif eifOtlHtIC H..I.I llV liruiriris' s. nr t
makeMH-ir future home. , s , . brwIiiMt liirtiU tlsat liaa er ; one dollar. You may
rYimarws are g- t'ogq.''' K 'T. unu lbs Ulls of Urn MoaU ttmwtw; bottle and pnmphlt
I "7 on" n"' J .nk-r in h- " " wwnl l" (-" nmil. Mention Tl
, and w.t.ces are ,-osted for another to b, t n0. jWALlHMi yonr
tz: , iAiawu pw- lif-,. ion,-,,
How To Find Out
Fill a bottle or common glass with
urine and let it stand twenty-four hours,
a sediment or settling indicates an un
healthy condition of the kidneys. When
urine stains linen it is evidence of kidney
trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate
or pain in the track, is also convincing
proof t hat the kidneys and blader are out
of order.
What To Do.
, There Is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that I'r. Kilmer's
Swamp Hoot, the great kidney remedy
fulfils every wish in relieving pain in
the back, kidneys, liver, blmlder and
every partof the urinary pafwage. It
correts inability to holJ urine and scald
ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol
lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, and
overcomes that unpleasant necessity of
being compelled to get up many times
during the night to urinate, llieniilu
and the extraordinary effect of Swamp
Root is soon realized. It stands the
highest for. its wonderful cures of the
most distressing cases, ir you need a
medicine you should have tlie best.
' fifty cents and
have a sample
both sent free hy
address to )r,
iwiiij i,Mest!S auy- Kilmer cV Co.. Blnghaaipton, N. Y. The
bii iloubu and
. a . e a . A rif 11 I II' a.. IVT 1 t
.hi h" n,il!ll liVras, for nxi , U.iOK govl or gnat Uiat be dort not owe proprietors of ih,. paper guarantee tha
libbata coftv,BtK,B fcl CmW5 eXt tobfa otber. V , lfeooheosea f UiiaolTer. .
18 Pages ft Week
-1S6 Papers a Year
For One Dollar.
PublUhed vcry Altcrnsts Dsy eifrplSnnrtsy.
The Thrieo-a-Week-World Edition of
Tk,New Yobk Worm is first among
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It prints the news of all tlm world.
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We olfer this unequaled newspij.
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Tlie regular sucacrlpitoo prka ol '.it
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