Tfc aad Thai. Th cold truth U that no amount ol poliih will make roan an KreaIile Bonverwtionaliiit tmleai lie sandwiches In some gossip. When a man Kt" J"b t4r lflnii a ion tune, about the first thing he dura la to monkey around and aee if be can't Iom it. What a fool trirk it is for a country dog to follow hit master's wagon to town on a hot day when he might have re mained at home in the shade. A GOOD THING For Women to Remember. That in addressing Mm. I'inkham they arecommnnieatinK with a woman a wo man whose experience in treating woman's ilia is greater than that of any living phy aician male or female. A woman can talk freely to a woman when it is revolting to relate her private troublcii to a man--besides, a man does not understand simply because he is a man. Many women PtifTyr in silonco and drift along from bad to worse, knowing full well that they should have immediate as sistance, but a natural modesty imies them to shrink from exposing themselves to the questions and jirolmlile examina tions ot even their family physician. It is unnecrasary. Without" money or price you can consult a woman, whose know ledge from actual experience is greater than any local physician living. '1 he lollowing invitation is trecly offered; accept it in the same spirit. Women suffering from any form of fe male weakness are invited to fn ely com municate with Mrs. Pinkl.nm at Lynn, Mans. All letters are received, opened. read and answered bv women mil v, thus has been established the eternal eonll denee between Mrs. I'inkhuin and the women of America which has rever been broken and hns induced more than 100 0U0 sufferers to write her for advice during the last lour months. Outfof the vat volume of experience which she has to draw from, it is more than possible that she has gain ed tbt very knowledge that will help vour case, She vks nothing in return except your good will, and her advice has relieved thousands. Surely any womnn. rich or poor is very fooli-h if she does not take advantage of this generous oiler ot assist ance. I. vdia K. I'inkham .Vedicine Co, Lynn, Ma-s. Real Kent and Comfort. There is a powder to he shaken into the, hoes called Allen's Koot-Kase, invent d by Allen S. Olmsted. Lo Hoy, ,. V.. which druggis'S imd shoe de iters .say is the liest thing they have ever sold to cure swollen, burning and tender or aching fei t. .Some, dealers claim th;il it makes ligut or new shots feel oasv. It ceitunlv will -cure , corns and bunion and relieve instantly sweating, hot or smarting feet, li costs on.y a quaiter. and the inventor will send a sampl free to any address. It Is True That lloi.d'n Sar.ftpiir:l!a (tins when nil oilier ti i ! eiiii s fa:! 1.1 do iir.y so ) wlnif fer lie.)..: w.i,!!ar in eo!i.'i';iiil:i:i, pripdi 1 ioii ai.d pt Il'ioii's S.iMipa riihi Ijijssi-ssch pieiniar in.:it:vt power It sbsolmelT and peru.aneni'y ru- i a'. diseases t-xif):tl impure blood. in o: i d by l!ein niber Hood's Sarsa- parilla It the best In fa-1. tlio Ono True islood l'urlllfir Hrwirl'c PS He tie t"t family cathartic IIUUU rillS and llvorstinmlatit. 25c. 3al SLICKER WILL KEEP YOU DRY. 352 f4 Xrtj't le UyAri with a m.. 'MntoMi or ruttr coji. It yim vtjuicwi that will ke-p you dry m the furJ-c-it storm buv the fish Bran J Slifkcr. If not for sale In yyut town, writ for catalogue to A. J. TOWItV. Bui hi. Mav 2 CUKE YMJRSEIF! 1 lilt? ft.r ni.t.Xtirmt I .ilUliiuialiulK, lrniticni m laiiuat of iuuluu. mm wi irnnt. faillllHII Bii'l I..,! nmtrim. THf(lnj tn:ui:iiCo. w imjmiIiuii. oll b. rnt c lata. r In plum crupper, lr rxpri-Hi. nri-r-s'J. fur ' '' I ' !JUMl 2,000.000 Plants $1.50 jwr tboiimint tni ill). 12.0 0 I nrh Trees arnlup iM(je 'rnne Hedfr, f i.Mi o r tliiiim. mil Aih ieri1-liiK-T'c p1 r tlinnsand. A lorn supply ol nil kliulf of o (. Iimly ion ted, I rue to li ine, sn slrleilv llrnt i ( iMitur iiufk. "A ti.. f..r Pri 1 1" t. . . ... ''i " $12 to S35 PER WEEK raa he M4a work Itic f.r ii. Fail pmfimfl who cn Kite whnlr tlini to th tin! HiMiif tumrn. ihnuirli, may tn in-..rtllilT eninlnyMl. IhMift iKinint for town and olty work m wt)U on itmnlry 4lM.icU. J. I:. iiimii). I Malu SU., niclunona. va. rt1 Cli1 UT Dain" "til"" aotiiui. ft. of rritlbn I I PIU KootJuKor Wall mifleHlnK Manilla. Write for asm le ami irli ' Thnfay Manilla o.lliiC t: inpany. nuiileii, .1 How Old W ItlWa 1T. I If SfrsaK aBMCiotj, X 0!oiiiiiTi,o.r7l v v... 7 r You need not answer the question, madam, for in your case age is not counted by years.' It will always be true that "a woman is as old as she looks." Nothing sets the seal of age so deeply upon woman's beauty as gray hnir. It is natural, therefore, that every woman is anxious to preserve her hair in all its original abundance and beauty; or, that boing deDied the crowning gift of boautiful hair, ehe lonpra to possess it. Nothing in easier than to attain to this gift or to preserve it, if already possessed. Ayer's Ilair Vigor restores gray or faded hair to its original color. It does this by simply aiding nature, by supplying the nutrition necessary to health and growth. There is no better preparation for the hair than AYER'S HAIR VIGOR. Q0C30SI nu Ap I' gjr Nrrdail. ( In addition to giving the convicted man a tern of ten yean in prison the judge imposed on him the gratuitous punishment of listening to a long speech made for the benefit nf the reporters, In which be set forth specifically the tea sing for bis action. "You needn't have done ail that apologiziu' fer imposin' on a feller man," said the culprit, kindly. "Tuey ain't no hard feelings on my part. I know a" well as you do that a man can't hold the job of judge and act the gentleman at the same time." BERMUDA BLACKS. Poras Moat Commendable Portion of the laland Population. How people live so thriftily In Ber muda, and with so little exertion. Is a standing enigma. Noliody is in haute and few have anythi:i siec!al to do, For a considerable time after the dim uer hour It appears to be immaterial whetluT business houses are ojien of cloned, "stoatnor dnys" exocptel, and there Is plenty of time for entertain' menu, regattas and music in the publla square by the imperial hand. Common lalKirers Ret about $1 a day, and thn bent mechanics.' such im ciinumters and masons, not over (i shHlingH, or f 1.50. Beef fonts nearly as much as In New York, and, strnnne to say, vegetables arc but little cheaper,' while building uwd aa tenements aredlvlded Into such small apartments as to return large rents. For all this, people of every cla-s and color dress well and seem to laclc no substantial comfort. The public! schools are wholly surrendered to the colored population, whites preferring to patronize private Institutions. There-j fore, while there Is no class antago-j nlsin, there 1 little direct corntnuulica- Lion beyond the necessities of business) Intercourse. Colored men as a ruin drive the coaches, sail the Imats, and; make the laboring force in all lines of. Industry, whether In mechanics or agriculture. On the local steamboats all hands are colored captain, crew, and engineers. T'.ven the pilots to eon-,' duct the big steamers into port are ailj colored, and of acknowledged eompe-j tency. Colored people have their ownj church oditlce, but have a regular place, assigned them at other houses of wor.-J ship. Evidently, so far as color is con-, ferried, all controversy has ceased lu Hermiulii, each nice treating the other, with resjuH'tful consideration, lu do1 community are the ordluary courtesies) observed with a more scrupulous re gard, especially In the intercourse with visitors from abroad. The almost total disappearance of the strictly negro type of physiognomy is at once notice able. Already all of the colored popu lation are Europcauizing to some ex tern, not only in features but In com plexion, language and dress, lu fact, not a few of the best looking, most I gcuteel and prosperous amoug them are hardly distinguishable from the I Caucasian race. It Is also to be set idown Lu their favor that they are uni formly polite, always excepting the "Harbadoes nigger," who is prone to be insufferably insolent. There are few, If any. low-down and disreputable blacks. They are some times called lazy, but I thLnk this is said by people who contrast them with workers in the northern States of America, which Is unfair. Nobody works In llermud'i as real workmen do Lu the Suites or in Knrope. Compared with the negro of our northern States the black liennudians as a whole are it least two generations ahead. They live lu clean and nice nouses', tliey dress ueatly, their churches and schools are well attended and Interesting, they arc not loungers and Idlers and drunk arils; and most of the hard work of tho islands In sawing out blocks of lime stow, building houses, driving horses and aKKi-s, loading and unloading ves sels, piloting and sailing all sorts of .Taft Into ami atout the harttor, culti vating the onions, jwtatoes and lilies, boxing ami barreliug ami shipping the same and acting as servants on all oc casions awl everywhere except at Uie tables of a few hotels, l done by in telligent, handy, respectful uud com petent blacks. Hennuda Is the whitest and cleanest place that 1 have een In afly part of the world: its streets are better swept, its houses are better gar nished. Its every detail U white and bright and pure ns soap and lime and water and work can ma Ice It, and t credit of this whiteness and lLgut HI due, In a large degree, to the Industry1 and honest laboi -8 the black popula ion, w horn some writers call "Iniprovl-je-nt and lazy," It Is a Yankee libel up m a race that have much to be proud jf In the position which they have jalned In two generations since they a-ere emancipated from slavery New fork Observer. are You? TOPICS OF THE T1MKS. A CHOICE SELECTION OF INTER EST IIGIT EMS. Com meats arid Criticisma Uaacd Upon the Happeninga ot tba la His torical and Ncwa Notra. If this "wireless" business continues to grow we may even hope for wireless politics. It will be noticed, iierhaps, that no Chicago alderman has caught the Klondike craze. There are three sorts of bites that emigrants to Klondyke will do well to guard against, viz., frost bites, mos quito bites, and not a bite to eat. In the matter of Turkey the powers seem to be confused chiefly by the piece negotiations, with the chances still In favor of Russia getting the largest piece. The policy of Sultan 'Abdul Harold proves him the Fnbius of modern his tory, with tills difference that, unlike his ancient Itoinan prototype, he never puts himself in any post of danger. A physician In San Francisco claims to have cured a patient of alcoholism by Injecting horse's bipod Into his arm. Such cures usually arc effected by In jecting horse sense Into the patient. In the multiplicity of suggestions for reaching the Wintry Klondike, It Is strange that nolswly has suggested skates, though, of course, the high price of whisky may have something to do with It. Lillian Russell explains in a New York paper that "every time she mar ried for protection." This has many advantages over an alliance for reve nue only; but the large collection of conjugal scalis at Lillian's belt sug gests a strong Inclination toward free trade. Recently a serious attempt has been made to secure the en lis tin tint of young Americans for the naval service. It has frequently been a cause of com ment and complaint that many of the naval vessels were manned by foreign tailors. American Iwys and young men being apparently adverse to ser vice iu the navy, there is g'xl rea son why that should be so. The habit of profanity is largely a careless habit. In not one case in one hundred Is an oath intended to mean anything. The man wito habitually uses It would be appalled Were he to ! stop to analyze Its meaning, but he ' nevor stois. lie simply swears lc ! cause his fellows swear and because j swearing seems to be the correct thing ' for men to do. Oftentimes a man will ! swear to "relieve his feelings," though j what kind of relief audi indulgence af i fords has never lieen satisfactorily ex plained. A New England entomologist, who Is said to Understand his .business, ad vances the theory that the normal and well-regulated mosquito never attacks a human being with the view of drink ing his blood; that this crime is commit ted only by the comparatively few mos quitoes that have contracted a bad habit much the same as that to which , the human lover of strong drink has succumbed, lie argues, moreover, that , this Intemperate Indulgence In crimson , fluid Is death to the mosquito. Chicago Chronicle: Sixth place Is the best that the Chicago Ixall club can hope for at the present time, and It may even have to take a lower stand ing licfore the season is over. The combination of Inferior players, bad p'.aylng and bad management has brought the club to its present state in the championship contest and disgust Mi the lovers of the national game. Rase-ball has Mtcidily Ix-eti losing iop ularLty and the diamond has lieen the scenes of the most disgraceful rioting. The morale of the players Is low as a whole, and they have been losing standing ami caste. The whole or ganization of ball playing will have to be changed before a better condition of affairs can be had. It Is no longer a gentleman's game as cricket Is In En gland, ami it will never be until the whole complexion of the game ha been changed. , There has been great exaggeration as to the amount of gold taken from.the Klondyke field by prospectors and claim owners. It is but natural that fabulous tales of the "strikes" should follow the discovery of gold in a new region, but those who intend putting their time and capital Into Alaska should sift carefully the stories they hear from that country. The chief clerk of the Kan Francisco mint says J that all the gold brought to that city from Alaska will not exceed f.S(0,000, and nil that has been taken this yenr and sent to other mints of the country will not exceed $1,) ),(( M). This Is prob ably a conservative estimate. That there Is gold there no one doubts, but It has not been proved yet that Klondyke will afford the fortunes that California or Australia did to the pioneers of half a century ago. The agent of a Chicago concern w hich Is Interested In the Alas kan mines gives good advice to the newspapers when ho says, speaking of the printed reports: "We are getting too much of this 'untold millions' busi ness." It Is sufficient to tell the truth about the country. The exaggerated reports will do the country no good. In fact, they make It ridiculous. Even the Boston papers take note of n n epidemic of murderous assaults and highway roblierlcs In that vicinity such as Is afflicting other sections of the country. Undoubtedly a portion of this ts duo to the conditions that have drir- en so large s proportion of the popula tion Into IdleiiiKs mid want; but the duty of enforcing the law against nil classes of criminals Is no less urgent The Improved conditions of the times and the revival of Industries justify the hope that these lawless tendencies , may be checked somewhat, but many j of the most vicious elements in our population have been developed in a manlier which will require years to cor rect. A vastly increased responsibility is thus Imposed upon officers of the law which ihey cannot negiect wit.'iout peril to the welfare of society. A dispatch from Iierlin declaring the reported collapsed balloon of Andree was only a whale's back shows how easily the imagination of man can be ' adapted to varying exigencies. One of j the most common phenomena of the j summer months along the seashore is j the declaration by a band of otherwise i truthful citizens 1 lint a certain expanse I of seaweed is a sea serpent, and at I times they even go to the extent of as- j criblng this Identity to a mere shadow Cast upon the waters. In the arctic l sea, however, it would be manifestly absurd to Imagine sea serpents when monsters of the deep are so numerous In fact, but it would be equally improv ident to allow the power of imagination to go to waste. The thrifty Norwe gians have been quick to realize this truth, ami since about the only thing extant that could be operated on pro fitably was Andree' s balloon they have been seeing Anilree's balloon whenever there was the slightest opening. Sea monsters have comprised the chief re source in this enterprise, and it has been a dull day when a floating whale has not been heralded as the famous balloon In a state of collapse. Not the slightest harm has been done anybody by these imaginings, for the Norwe gians have been quick to undeceive the world by a publication of the truth, and this dispatch from Berlin is one such publication In point. Chicago Tribune: The fire which de stroyed the Northwestern elevator re vealed anew the heroism of Chicago's firemen in time of peril. Five brave men were slricken down at their posts, never to rise again. uver two scoro more fell before the awful blast of an explosion, and hull' of these are now in hospitals lighting fur lives which they hazarded without a murmur for duty. Many others displayed the same mag liiliecnt courage, but escaped the grim harvest of disaster by what may be termed the luck of war. They went into that battle with lire with a knowl edge that an explosion of the grain dust was possible and that such an ex plosion meant probable denth. There was no touch of a comrade's shoulder nor inspiring blare of trumpet, such as sustains the soldier as he is swept on a gainst the enemy. There was constant opportunity to shirk the danger with no fear of detection, such as the soldier seldom has. But these firemen went straight to the foe with unfaltering bravery. At the word of command they placed themselves in the very path of peril, like Spartans. And when the ex plosion came they were found at their posts ready for martyrdom. Fire has always been the type of the most terri fying agent of death, and there Is some thing, therefore, in the courage of a fireman which commands ; the most rev erent admiration. It Is far easier to realize the advance of a line of battle, where tho men in most cases are in spired by patriotic zeal and the conta gion of each other"s fervor. Hut there is nothing In the fireman's lot to appeal to his sentiment. The lire lie fights Is not attacking anything he holds dear. Ills zeal Is born of an unalloyed sense of duty, and when he is led by It to place his life In Imminent peril his heroism Is of surpassing magnificence. The Chicago firemen have been so trained and led by a chief who Has not a particle of tear in his composition that they have come to look on it as a matter of course to run the greatest hazards and make their way Into the most dangerous places. That which seems heroism to others may seem to them simply a rather disagreeable but unavoidable duty. Chlcagoans, how ever, look at the matter in a different light, and they never can get quite ac customed to the fearless Intrepidity ot their firemen, though It has been dis played so often and Is testified to by so many graves. The Hirer Thames. If the plans now under way are car ried out as anticipated, the great work of widening and deepening the Rivet Thames will before long be an accom plished fact, nnd the commercial Im portance of that river thereby greatly Increased. It being clear to the au thorities, on extended examination and consultation with engineering experts, that a twenty-six foot channel was re quired for nt least nine-tenths of the shipping, It was decided that the work should 1k prosecuted, to be done solely by dredging. According to this plan, there will be from Cravosend up th river as far as Crayford Nosh, oppo site Harfleet, a channel width of 1,000 feet and a minimum depth of twenty four feet at low water, spring tide, while from Crayford Nss to the Al bert docks, the width is to be 500 feet and the depth twenty-two, nnd from the latter to the Cornwall docks ther will be a channel at least .'1K) feet wld and eighteen feet deep. indention and llcst. Digestion proceeds more rapidly In the horse with active exercise than when eating Is followed by a period ol rest, according to the experiments, ol Ir. Tango of Hudn-rcsth. In the doj and In mnn the opposite Is true, whlcfc shows how unsafe It Is to Infer result In ono animal from observations on an other. Every year we think lens of alxteen- year-old glrU, and more of old Problam of I u l li. Chicago Post: "He graduated from college last spring, did he?" "Yei." "Well, what line of business has he taken upT" "None yet. You 8e, we enn't exact ly hit on what line he's best suited for." "Why not?" "Well, his profespors write that he wasn't much of a su?,crtB in any branch of athletics." Shake Into Vour HIjocb Allen's Foot-Ease, a 'powder for the feet It cures painful, swollen, smart ing feet, and Instantly takes the stinji out of corns and bunions. It's tht greatest comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight-lilting or new shoes feel easy. It Is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot. tired, aching feet. Try it to-day. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By mail for 25 cents, In stamps. Trial package FREE. Address, Allen 8. Olmsted. Le Roy. N. Y. Piso's Cure for Consumption i the beat of all cough cures.- George W. Lotz, Fabuulier, La., August 2li, lsil'i. The proof of the pudding is the empty dish alter dinner. No one in ordinary health n-ed become bald or pray, if h will follow Hensili e treatment. We advise cleanliness of the scalp and the use of j lull's Hair Ronewer. Mrs. vmluw'H SooTin.Mi Syrup for ihi d ren teething, m fti'iis I he lmiiiim. reilni'i-s inflttin mutiuii, allays pain, cures iiiil folic, ic bottle Burn up the old neot material and re place it with new as toon as a hen comes off with her brood fabrics anil cutlrlps arR both rendered marvelous!? ahlle by lilentl's sulnhur Soau H1U' Hall aua wuisner uye, Diaen or Drown, uc. Eggs should be clean-ei as soo.i a gathered, if soiled, especially those you intend to store away. CTQ PermanentlyCured. KoIllHOrnervoilsneHof:or ll I O tlrst day'H uie or Or. Kilnu'H Greut Nerve ! storer. Snil for Fltl'.K ik'J.ou trial bottle and treatise. Da. It. H. Kume. Ltd., Ml Areh Street, I'liilutlelphiu, 1'a. By having low root-ts the fou ls ill In more comiortab'e and mumble f- ot may be avoided. Hull's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, l'rice 75 cents. Removing to viarm, dry quartets will fight the biggest half of any disease in poultry. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE UE OF IliE WUkD " CASTORIA," AND "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR trade mark.. , DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same that has home and does now 'iff yg - JST" on every ear the facsimile signature of Uuz&fflcUc&M wrapper. This is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which lias been used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought jSTy Sfajr- f "" on and has the signature ofAC wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company of which Chas. M. Fletcher is March 8, 1897; Q$&A1 Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the ingredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought1 BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. HI CtNtAUII COMPANY, 7T MU R ft AV ITflCCT, NEW YORK CITY. oft CANDY CATHARTIC I aft"! nSvCURE constipation IDCAt TTTPf V rniDII1ITri?ntarBri-inf ramorconiitlpiitlnn. ftararrtnarMae ldil Ijiia ADwbUlEiUI UUAAfini&uUtite. ntrrjrrlporrrlH-. hut raane rant aataral rwnltn. haai. pit and booklnt free. Ad. STKKI IMi KKJIKItY CO., ( hlramt, Mntral, I an., ..r lNw tort, at GET THE GEKUircB ARTICLE! Walter Baker & Co.'s Breakfast COCOA Pure Delicious, Nutritious Costs Less than ONE CUNT a cap. Be sure that the package bears our Trade-Mark. Walter (Eitabliahed 1780.) TraHr- Mart. "A Handful of Dirt May Ba Houseful of Shame." Keep Youf House Clean with A POLIO N.K.V. Mo. 459-40. York, Nab. klTHEN WMTINQ TO ADTKBT1HM Jl aiaaaa aar fmm aaw Dm Mrartlaaawl IB IBM I ti, tn t im " B Oct (rendu u leie.ralll h" ' p'e-'ptirtdj- II H ikx 'In suit yon? ' I not on e tmlay. Ex ect ns nexlwek. Moil., r ii- Ml." there's just ten omN. .VI is. Buv er Tuat's all righ ; only why not say, "Mother is indi-K-ed?" Mr. Bowser Tnat wouldu't iimk it atiy cl'-srer. Mi e. Bower I know; but it i longer word than "ill," and we might as well vet our money's worth while we are about it. Boston Transcript. , . SUFFERING WOMEN. How Many of Them Have Quietly Obtained Advice That Had Them WelL My sister, if you find that in spite of following faithfully your family doo tor's advice, you are not getting well, why do you not try another course? Many and many a woman has quietly written to Mrs. Pinkham, of Lynn, Mass., stating her symptoms plainly, and clearly, and taken her advice, which was promptly received. The follow ing letter is a pretty strong confirmation of our claims : " I had been sick for six months ; one doctor told me I would have to go to a hospital before I would fret well. I had female troubles in their worst form, suffered untold agonies every month ; my womb tipped back to my backbone, had headache, hysteria, fainting spells, itching, leu corrhuea. " My feet and hands were cold all the time, my limbs were so'weak that I could hardly walk around the house; was troubled with numb spells. I have taken four bottles of Lydia E. l'inkham's Vegetable Compound, one bottle of her Blood Purifier, one pack age of her Sanative Wash, and am entirely cured. I have not had ono of those numb spells since. Can you wonder that I sing the praises of a medicine that has cured me of all these ills ?" Mrs. Louisa Place, 650 Bel mont St., Brockton. Mass. ALL DRUGGISTS i Baker & Co. Limited, Dorchester, McWS. r u" - - j I a aai ,. n. r-i t i I I I Beat Oouah tyranTTaaMa OoodV Cat I f I I 1 Intlrna. BoM by rata)a, )