The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 23, 1897, Image 8

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    y ",!, ,
el I
iHORSDAr, SPT. 23rd. 1197
Jeo. D, anon, ITdltor and Pror.
- ' , A
F. 4 M. V . Jt. 1 mic table.
Going Wert. liclnx East,
li'j. t.tnlxid,. 11:2C So, 6, mixed 3:00
(PhjsieUc and Surgeon.
fcj calls given proinjit attention.
OtBee 1c Drug Store.
. ?JL -.V- V. R. is the best
V to and from the
to California.
Tes, and economy, too, if
you take tlie'BUttl.INUTON
KOCTE'3 personally con
ducted oncea-week excur
sions which leave Omaha
f and Lincoln every Tnursdav
Tourist sleepers clean, bright, comforta
tile tbroagh to San Francisco and Los
' Angele. Second class tickets accepted.
' Only as for a doable berth, wide euoagh
and big enough for two.
' i Write for folder giving fall information.
Of, cTl at the depot and see the local ticket
'age-it. '
Wl am prepared to do all
.kinds of mascn work, such as
"plastering, stone work, chim
ney building and lathing. In
aire at the Harrison House.
' ' ' "' ' G. Jones.
Notice to settlers.
The rules of the local land cilice have
recently been amended so that settlers
'to make final proof shall settle with' the
'publisher before sending in their applica-
tion. All parties desiring to make final
proof can have their papers made out at
'Tm Jochjjal office, free of charge, and
t ; , -
promptly transmitted to the land office
bo thai no time will be lost
Notice. Please do not come to my
place titer lumber on Saturday.
f ": . F. M. Smth.
Jlobt. Neece of Running Water will
move his family "in to the house vacated
'by L. E. Dickinson in a few days.
Wanted. A second hand heating stove
It must be good and cheap. Parties
having a stove of this ki na for bale call
at this office. '"
The Sectsiary of tha Board of Irri
gation will 6e in Harrison today to look
Rafter matters pertaining to irrigation
in Sioux county.
f Jluch credit is due Mrs. J. H. Bar
tell tor the able manner in which she has
conducted the store during the absence
of be r better half.
Mr. Merriam left some very fine sam
ples of Sioux county apples at this office.
'We understand tbey took the first pre
mium at our'county fair.
L. E. Dickinson will move his fami
ly over on the west side today. He
'wCl occupy' the house that Treasure
' Biehle lived in last wintsr.
" Fred Knott was i'n" town Tuesday
getting his wagon repaired. Wednesday
'he will move his house from its present
Wht 'to another one half mile nearer
'water. ' -
The Sterling washing machine is the
most 'complete and labor saving washer
'sold in the United States. Call at Hes
ter t Sons, and 'examine the one they
have to sale. ' "
' Miss Norah Thomas, who has been
absent a. Lusk, Wyo., during the' sum"
Vner returned home last week and will
'keep bouse or her father B. F. Thomas,
While her mother a absenj in Iowa.
Last Saturday over in Highland pre
cinct, the republican commissioner dis
trict convention was held and Henry
povey was nominated for commissioner
'of the second district. There were only
'three men present at the convention in
cluding the nominee, so we were tc!d.
' Mr. and Mrs. August Ring of tory
were callers at' the Jockxal office last
Monday afternoon. August and wife
left fo tlie evening for the state fair ftt
bthaha. Tliey will return Saturday.
'';-Mrs. Hester and da'urter Miss Claud ie
and iMstcr Mrs. Tilton who has been' vis
'ilttij the Hester family for toe past ivto
weeks went up to thi O. W. ranch 'to
Vfxif Mr. and Mrs. Bonatl daughter and
ioo-in-law of 0. W. HaaUr.
f Mrs. B. r. Thumaa lelt last Tuesday
evitf for Exlra, la., ber old home to
. jw pwatet at the unveiling of the roonu
nmt at tha gmv of far father, who
4tl in tha earlf spring. Eba will be
fttt 0Ut three wk.
' "Wit
-- D..i,t f.i-i t tfi j rirn.trUi. t'iitit..
The 'e.tOter m mui'h Cdoier the
Jot;.! Paut tl W.irbonnet, left for the
State fiir lut Monday.
The wounty fiiiinitiorurs will meet
in retrulir 8esi,rj Oct. 5th.
Mr. and Mrs. Wrinirof Story, were
pleawint callers last Monday.
H.. H. Russel of Andrews was doing
busineiia in Harruon last Tuesday.
Anot.her heir has been added to the
house of" Dunn" our own Dunn's of War
bonnet Mrs. Geo. Turner of Story was a
fuest at Hewitt mansion several days
last week.
Mr. and. Mrs. Geo. IL Turner were
arconij the number of Sioux county visit
ors at tb-i State fair.
Notice Anybody wishing to huy iron
wheels will do well to call on or addre-i3
Chas. Schilt at Harrison, Neb.
There will be Mass at the residence of
Mr. Geo D. Canon on Grand ,Boulevad,
on next Saturday at ten o'clock sharp
Judge Hunter was a caller at the
JouKJi'AL office Monday, he never fails to
call and pay his compliments when in
J. H. Bartell l-ft for a wpII earned
trip last Saturdav evening. He expects
to take in the State fair and Omaha in
Ejgart Rohwer is building himself
an o(fii.-e on the text street west of main
which will be west of Barter's store on
the corner of the same block.
Lr. Phinney accompanied by his two
boysFrank and Ernest lef tfor Utica, Neb.
last Monday evening over the B. & M.
route. Tbey expect to be gne about a
The dance held at Andrew's hall hist
Thursday evening was largely attended.
Thirty one' numbers were sold.and it is
said there vvere scores of prtty girls
there too.
L. E. Dickenson went to Lusk, Wyo.
last Friday to attend the Converse
county fair. He went with the intention
of selling " Silver Queen" his racing
mare, but did not dispose of her.
W. C. Caren who epreser.ts the
McCormick harvesting machie co. , and
who lives at Crawford was in town last
week making bis annual settlement with
J. II. Bartell the f'ompany's local aent
in Harrison.
O. W. Patterson the west side black
smith is building a new house 17x20 one
story. The house he has been living in
was only rented and was bought by Burt
Smuck who will move into it as soon as
Mr. Patte'-son gets out.
Lewis Gerlach the genial proprietor
of the Rmch Suply House, left last Fri
day evening headed for the State fair.
Mrs. G. expects to meet him in Omaha
and after "doing"' the fair together, they
will visit their former home in Iowa.
Hon. jludge Westoysr has ordered
that the regular term of court, October
23th, be postponed to December Ctij 1S07,
and tii tt said pettit Jury for said term
heretofore ordered be summoned to ap
pear on said day at 1:00 o'clock p. m.
Prof. C. F. Suesser of Crawford Neb.
has consented to start a brasn band, La
dies or Gents. Any one wishing to join
this band will leave their address at this
office, he organized a ladies class of
students in music Sept. 17, apd his time
of tuition is Fridaysdays and Saturdays.
John J- Trainer who intended to leave
Nebraska some time ago made a start
traveling two and one half miles in half
a day and got stalled three times. He
then and there concluded to retrace bis
steps. Mr. Trainer went back and took
up a fine claim and will settle down near
Pleasant Ridge for the rest of big life
B. F. Thomas has rented John 3Iar
stejler's house just north of town half a
mile and will move his family into it for
the winter so that his children can attend
the school here in town' It indicates
Harrison has a good school when people
move into town every winter and rent
every available house there is to be had.
A half a dozen more houses could be
rented if they wer in the town.
W. H. Woodward of Letcher S. Dak.
passed through here last Tuesday even
ing from Denver Colo, back to his home
in S. Dak. Mr. Woodward started from
Clarinda la, on his bycycle six weeks ago
and made the trip to Denver and back
this far without riding on a car or wagon
and he expects to complete his journey
the rest of the way on his wheel. Tje
were glad-to meet Mr. Woodward as he
came from near our old home in S. Da
kota, we were acquainted with many of
his friends.
Last Friday a man came into town
from some place no body knows where;
he , was ragged and dirty and he had
more the appearance of being crazy than
a sane man. He left here some time
during the same day and was not heard
of until Monday when he showed up at
Frank Nutto's down in Sowbelly. He
scared Mrs. Nutto so badly by bis act
ions that ftte was in bed all day Monday
as a result' He went to different houses
in the canyon and displayed the same
strange appearance. Some parties from
that neighborhood claimed he was carry
ing around in a sack an old cow's head
with the born on and acting singular in
different ways. He showed up ip Harris
on again on Monday afternoon and In 'the
evening some of the boys paid his fare
on the can to Crawford, fearing that if
he staid in town over night he might set
the to wo on (Ire. Such a roan if dement
ed ought to be taken care of insteud of
being permlted to room about the coiin
rty, ' V" , -
Tl.f O.jria' h boys ur running th.iir
high tAt: M if)( f the !;!. h goii.-. .
Mrv S. A. Hose js visiting vih Ut
daughUr Mrs. Nortlces at Crawford.
Dave U-rtlat started TuewJy eve
ning for 0:iic a to take in the iute
Laney Sutton has a kind of a lon
sonie look tLe ,3 days tinea he U4-d bis
wife parted.
For lack of space wa were obliged
to omit the woman's colu mu this week.
It will a'ar next week.
The F. E. & M. V. Brio car is for
the present side tracked here, while the
bridge builders are repairing some trus
ties near town.
A trial suU ription to the Semi-weekly
State Journal frooi now until J.iua
rv 1. 193 only costs twenty-five cents.
You can send stamps
Dr. Sliaff-r left for Omaha last
night to attend the State fair an I af-r it
is over he will visit his dxughteratferad
dyville la,, and he will be absent two
or three months
Willie Francis w ho was hurt by be
irg thrown from a race horse lit'le over
A week ao at the race track nortli of
town swms to be improving nicely this
(ihurwlay morning.
Ur Shaffer reported to the JoiTt.s'AL
yesterday that a 1kv baby was born to
; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Storv li vios narSto-
ry post fifjice this county, mother and
little one are doing well.
Mr? D. M. Sutton and Mrs. Dwis
Gerlach left for Iowa on a month's viit
last Monday evening; Mrs. Sutton will
go to Stuart and Mrs. Gerlach will stop
at Griswold It is the former home of
the two ladies.
Twenty-five cents will pay for the
Twice a-week Stat Journal from no'V
! until Januarv 1, I0?'!. The State Jour
nal is Nebraska's cr-atet paper and
eives more state capital news than all
other state papers combined.
The Sioux county exhibit intended
for the State fair nt Omalia left here
over the F. E. & M. V. railroad last
Thursday evening and was accompanied
by Eli Smith, Leo. DeBnek and Chas
Marsteller who will look after Sioux
county's interests at the State fair.
They will be gone a week.
You ought to get the Semi-Weekly
State Journal during the campaign Do
ings of all parties fully reported. Lin
coln is the political centre of the Slate
and the Journal gives thisclass of nwsa
head of other state papers. Twentvfive
cent swill pav for t'i's splendid paper from
now until January 1.
Perry White complains that the brid
ges down Siwbelly conyon are in such
a condition that it is impossible to cross
them tfith a load. It would lie a good
thing if our county commissioner would
look after tboS'j bridges. The road
through this canyon isa main thorough
fare from the valley to Harrison, and
should be passable at all times.
Jeff Hewett while out after a load
of hay four miles west of town yester
day afternoon had the misfortune to be
overtaken with a very hige wind . which
blew his waon and rack over on .him
and hurting him quite seriously, cut
ting a gash on the side of his head three
inches long into the bjne, lesides he
was bruised in other places bad enough.
The voters of Sioux county ought to
read "Nebraska Redeemed" and find out
what the refor n forces h:rve done in that
line it would certainly open their eyes.
You can get the little pamphlet at the
Court house or at the Iiinch Supply
House, ask for them if you do noi see,
them where you can help yourself and
then read it throughly when you go
home. v
Miss Lela Hester of Greenfield la.,
who has been stopping with her
uncle and aunt Mr. rind Mrs G. W. Hes
ter for the past t hree months lelt for ber
home last Monday evening. Her health
had teen failmgfor some time prior to
coming here, but she is going home much
improved in health. Those who have
met and become acquainted with Mii
Lela will regret her departure. The
Jocr.val hopes however, that the best
wishes cf the Harrir.on people will go
with her to her home.
, What Toa Can See.
One day's thrive over Sioux county
will show you such a variety of scenery
and conditions as no other plce or coun
try on earth can equal. Rolling praries
as far as the eye can reach with here and
there meadow lands great ricks of hay al
ternated by sand hills and bad land buttes.
The grinning ledge and stupendoui liills ;
and mountains coverjd with beautiful
trees; and laughing along the rocky beds
crystal streams of purest water with fer
tile vallies fringed with varigated foliage
of a great variety of trees and vines You
can see the abandoned dug-out and the
forsaken" bhack" the lordly mansion full
of home comforts, surrounded by a beau
tiful harvest ,a Held over grown and crops
choked out by weedn, and just on the
other side of a wire fence a field of corn
bearinc 40 bushels to the acre. You can
see where no attempt uu been made at
improvements and again, tweet borne
and bushels of apples and wagon loads
of wild fruit You can sea fifty per
sons w bo do not intend to go to ftyoa.
dyke to one who does. You can see
those who expect to live and di right
here, and some who don't You uin see
some who are reasonably wise amj a,
great many who are unreasonably oth-J
IliMlart lining.
Mr. Is. is 1 11 ting fr !, be -
I U hu firmly in a few itiye.the lire at
EJgenmiit at preeut.
F. Tschbold took about H-teen bushels
of plum tc Edgemont Monday.
iirs. I. IVJock sjnt Sunday among
old friends at Indian creek.
We tindeif land Mr. J, G. Morr former
ly of 3ioux county but new of Bakersfleld
Or!. i:as bought an eight tliousaod dollar
rancl; in Nevada. Hi friends here all
join in wishing him succes if his new
Dunk Hunter of Round Top has just
recently received a telegram announcing
the sad news that his brother tJames
Hunter, fcreman of Kern county land Co
of Bakersfceld, Cal. was very low of ty
foid inaluria fever. Mr. James Hunter
owns alxnit 2200 acres in the neighbor
hood of Round Top; we trust to hear of
bis seedy recovery as he is an all round
good gentleman and neighbor.
Miss Lizzie Murphy of Five Points, ex
jH'cts to leave in a few days for San Ber
nardino, Cal. in hos of regaining her
health. She is suffering from that much
and justly drvadfd disease consumption.
Mr Earnest Bunge will tak'j his baby
IdaMiy to ."rvforl for' medical treat
Warboniiet VYarbllnjrs.
Mr. Frank Johnson's have moved into
the Fred Si biiltz house.
Mr. ti:;J Mrs. Paul Z-rba spirit Sunday
with Mrs. ileurv Lindeman.
M ssMary Moravek was a pleasant call
er at the home of Mr. James Johnson on
last Sundav.
Miss Tracy Will is staying with Mrs.
Nolan anil assisting with the work while
Mr. N. is away threshing.
J. G- M-rriaiu is cutting hay for G. 11.
Mrs.J3. F. Thomas left last Monday for
as extended visit to her old horn in Iowa.
Little Mabel Plunketison the sick list.
Z-mey Johnson is putting up hay for
Marcus Valdez.
Wilbur Sbephard was a caller at II. T.
Merriam's on last Sunday.
Mr. Wasserburger and son Sundayed at
the Gurton mansion. ECHO.
.Montrose Clippings
We had quite a cold spell here last week
but it has not frozen yet to injure any
of the late garden truck.
II. II. Wanserburger went to the can
yon today to get out a line lumber for
David Anderson at Ardmore he intends
to stay a week.
Mr- and Mrs. Rhein were visiting at II.
Priestholl'ij Sunday.
Quite a number of poeple from around
here went to the coucty fair they said
the exhibit was good for having had such
a dry year.
Miss. Lizzie Henry wect to see her sis
ter Miss. Kitie who is working at L'ltk.
A nun ber of the littlts folks in the
neighborhood were taken ill last w eek
Anna Wasserburger and Master Adolph
PriesthoiT have the Whooping cough
bad. '
Frank Nutto went to Ardmore lat Sat
urday accompanied by his daughter Mrs.
W. N. Gayliart who left for Edgemont
Republican County Ticket.
The following named gentlemen were
nominated as candidates for the various
county offices to be voted for on Nov. 2d:
For Clerk, W. II. Davis, Harrison.
" Treas. Soloman Borkey, Montrose.
" f heriir, David Bartlett, Harrison.
" Judge, G. W. Hester,
" Supt Win. II Smoke, Andrews.
" Surveyor, A. R. Itew, Harrison.
" Com. 3rd Dist. True Miller, Bell.
" " 2nd " Henry Covey, Highland.
Auction Bale.
The undersigned will sell at
auction to the highest bid
der, for Cash, at the livery
barn i Harrison, on Thurs
day, Sept. 30:
10 head yearling steers.
20 head cows.
About 15 head calves.
1 Short-Horned bull.
Sale will begin at 1 p. ni.
Sam'l TKBitet.
now To Find Out
Fill a bottle or common glass with
urine and let it stand twenty-lour hours,
a sediment or settling indicates an un
healthy condition of the kidneys. When
urine stains linen it is evidence of kidney
trouble. Too frequent desire to uruiute
or pain in the back, is also convincing
proof that the kidneys and bladerare out
of order.
What To Do.
There is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy
fulfils everv aib in relieving pian in
the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and
every partof the urinary passages. H
corrects inability to hold urine and scald
ing in in passing it, or bad effects fol
lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, and
overcomes that unpleasant necessity of
being compelled to eel up many tunes
during the night to urinate. The niid
and tiie exlraorfl narv effect of Swamp
Root is soon realized. U stands 'the
highest for its wonderfuj cures of the
most distressing cases. If you need a
medicine you should have the best
Sold by druggists, price fifty cenU and
one dollar. You may have a sample
bottle and pamphlet both sent free by
mall. Mention Tint Sinn ('OtKTT
JiifRlUL and snd vour addnns to I)r,
Kilmer Co., Binghampton, N. Y. The
proprietors of this paper guarantee the
genui&aiMaa of this offer.
American Hand-Scvsd Shoe Cos
aiVi.W is t-r-t. iiiaf
Jcst trt r u r or run-iesooTi ft ti .
I am Agent for the world famed McKOIlMICK BIN I)
EKSand MOWERS. I keep on liruul all the linn a fuU
line of pujiiilies for these machine.
Last but not Least.
Wehn you are badly in ned of the only A'A A .S' U A D MIL,
sold in SiuJX Countv, call on me.
,J. 11. IJAKTM.L
The best of Wines, Brandies, Whiskey
and Beer kept constantly on hand,
I will oiep for business Saturday, S-jit. 4, is'JT. When
in town ghe me a call.
j "y.
t, ' ti
ii w'v.'M--.-. - . -a.
t5lftKr;'i & :' la -cl'i a-vv;, ;ir:j y.lcru Jos.
;'::;v:.'--V.Vrf; VOU PAV FO IT
ttt'&''i '''i . wnn A llY:i HOLLAR nu.i.
Now vr,-'M v.i for Dc-cri;nion
Oout it. Wo I.uve been tuiKug our
During the campaign you ought to
subscribe for the JOURNAL and kem
posted in your own county. Try it(u
Callfor County Convention of People's Indt-jCsIl Forfouuiy (rnvruilrn Of He In a erst
peudtnt Frrty.
lliirrliton, NW).
AX- ti. Ii'Ji.
By Order or the ( oimty Out nil Coinnilt
lee ot the lvople's liiititiMindeiit I'iirty of
hloux county, Ncbrajika, we herohy culls
county convention of llifl elceUjr of sulci
party to meet t the lourt House' In tlia
VillHge of Harrison, on Satunliiy, theZ',iU
day of b.-ptmlr 1W7, nt II o'clock a.m.
liie purpo of said convention U V) place
In nomination candldaU-s for uch'c,uiily
oniu us nmy l l.uiel by said conven
tion u advuabu, and to transnct such oilier
baxlueiHi a may properly coma before the
The repretonuuiort Is btl on one duio
gut at large from each precinct and one
lor each ten vof-s or major fraction lli.-rcof
cast for Hon. Hla A. Ilolnomb at tbe eleo.
Hon of I;, which inukrs the followlnc
apportionment by precinct:
Andrewi 1 Antelope i
. Miwen 6
I l OltOIIWIMKl ft J. V '0t, -1
I Hat l .reek ;j Hiirlilanrt
Moil trow. 4 MiiiinlniJ Y U-'"
',:tl't""l' VVaruonuBt i
WhIUi l(l er... 4
" Total 4g
It U rerouiuiimdtitl that tbe primaries be
held oo TboriT September a, ttt the rxau
lar tmllltiar 'nl ..a I. ...... u . .
- - c-" " 'VII iMBcjuei ana tnal
bo (e ullowcl, but that the (!.,!.,
Kuw-a pnj.nt cast the eutlre ote of tha
. -
' , WK.J.A. IU-jm, Cbsn:.
T. W. Ksott, Soe.
Where are you going?
We are on our way to the
jf' vife mrn( onCoftho-t
uatifui swim;
oiid dry ;;;0"h )n d r.
I need a S jriij S I' IT .,i:i(lt
and ire think ire (' .'''
f t bit tra'iiim at tk
Also, We handle a fu'l lo of
Groceries Sc.
:: tva
rv r .7 ATT
uu Gtt Orr;:tti for 0 '?'.
down and ifi.'i j,cr month.
OnaraiUcci tor 5 aurn.
and C,tal.;'iif. Wn wi'l toll ycu !i
friends ajout lhi now Zf years
llnrlvm, Nob. I
Auk. in, jig? t
Ily order of the County Central Com in It
ti t-of the Dumorrat I'arjy yf Hliu county.
.Nlraka, we hereby cull a county conveii
tlou yf 1 1) elector of sakt party to meet at
the Court House In the Village of Harrison,
on Saturday, the ffith day of Kptomtjer KT,
at )l o'cltM-k a. in. Thil prfaw of said con
veti Hon U to place In nomination ctmll
d..ta for auch county offloo u may bo
deemed by said coni-antloq as advisable sl
to trsnwu-t such other business as insy
properly come befora the conveiitlori.
The repreMiitatlon la baaed on one deli
Rate at lurirc from each precinct and on fr
each ln voUai or major fraction thereof
cast for Hon. l onsuullne a. Amytbe for At
torney General at tha eloctlon of IK, which,
makes the followln; apportion mnt by
Andrews .
Itodarc..: i
Hat ( rerk ..2
Mont rose...
rn k reek..........
Antelope i
Mvi I'olnu
IllChland t
(tunning Water .1
ugsr laf.... .
w . .,. rw" Waruomicl
Whlla HHer..... 4
'lotul '
It Is recoinrnandi"! that the nrlmarU m."
held on Thursday, m-ptemht-r iXM. at taw
rrgumr iwlllnir Mare In each nrerlin t aart
list no proxies alio wed, but that lb
dxleaatos prewnt Cast Hi entire voto of
Hi" precliu'i. '
M, J.UATinsT, Cham.