The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 16, 1897, Image 8

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TsiCKSDAY, SlJT. 6th, Wf!.
fit. ft. Caon, Jdlitor unit Prop.
V. V.. i 11. V . ii. lime talde.
Going West, tioiitsf Kast.
, f Mgjed. 11 :S 1 So. !, mixed S:C0
, . PHINNEY. M. I).
Pitjticiau ftud Surtm.
calls given prompt attention.
PtSt". in Drug civire.
V; R. R. is
to and from the
the best
OF ,
to California.
' Yes, ami econcjuy, too, if
you take the Iil'li IJNGTUS
ROUTE'S personally con
ducted once a week excur
sions which leave Omaha
and Lincoln every Ttiurxlav
J tcrnoon.
Tourist sleepers clean, bright, comforta
ble thouh to San Francisco and lxw
Anjrele. Kecoml class tickets accepted.
Only i for a double bertij, wide enough
nd big enough for two.
Write for folder gtvlns full information.
Or, call at Jhu depot and ! the local ticket
T' ajn prepared to do all
kinds of jnasou work, such, as j
plastering,' stone work, ehim
uej building and lathing. In
uire at the Harrison House.
G. Jones.
Tlie rules of the local land office have
f eeently been amended so that settlers
make final proof Khali settle with the
publisher before sending in their applica
tion. AH parties desiring to make final
proof can liave their papers made out at
The Jocrsajl office, free of charge, and
promptly transmitted to the land office
so thaf no time w ill be lost.
l y
All Agents in Nebraska
sell September 19 to 25th in
clusive excursion tickets
N. S. F. 97 to Omaha and re
turn, at One Fare plus 50c
for the round trip.
In addition to above agents
jn Nebraska west of O'Neal
ell September 21st and 22nd
excursion tickets at 6. 50 for
round trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Wright spent Sunday
at the home of Mr- and Mis. Maine.
There was a good attendance at the
i'eter Raven of Montrose precinct
,vas in Harrison on business last Monday.
9. Swinbank of Adelia, was doing
business in County clerk lilewett's office
last Monday. ' .
Miss Georgia Sherrill, who has been
employed at Lusk Wyo. for the past three
months returned home last Saturday
Kev. J. L. Kendal who will fill the
Harrison charge this conference year,
arrived here today from tie Chadron dis
trict. A choice gift recieved this week
was a beautiful boquet of cut flowers
from the conservatory ot Mrs. Eli. Smith
pf Bodarc, many thanks.
J. J. Rogers of White River, was in
jflamson on Monday in company with
florae buyer ha staid over night and left
for home the next morning.
We regret our inability to enter Into
a detailed account of our County fair,
but Thursday is our prew day hence we
are unable to give a fall discription this
: eek.
A Bice little shower visited thi vi
piaity last Monday evening, cooling off
the atmosphere and laying the dust in the
roads, making the week an ideal one for
Jff. Hewitt went to Olrich, S. Dak.,
but Sunday to look after some stock be
longing to Mr. Tinnen which lie looks
after. He expects to ship about seventy
lite bead from here nest week.
, y-V. Force of Andrews bought of Cu rry
a stock buyer who comes twr regularly
verr week from Whitney; aooui
" bend of young cattle, mostly cows and
anal heifer for tb purpose of stocking
iie hie saacfa on WbtteKmr.
Grles KarsUller goes next week to
HKJrfcsvilla aad mat conclude to study
, (UinfMM ir Osteopathy, alter be
-utW Hefca Jtolng to taveetbrate
Ve fH. and lfsatisfled that every
L IX VC taVie-mfd to Use new
Nlht,-Pleas i tio not come to my
'ilace after iumLer cn Saturday.
F. M. Hmtth.
Miss Maud Llatlernan, daughter of
editor LinCeman of the Crawford Bulletin
came up last Friday evening with Mrs-A
Lowrey to enjoy the fair ami visit rela
tives and feieuds. Siie left for home on
Wednesday evening.
Tuetday afternoon Don Smith and
II -L. Daniels of Curlicgtou la., ran a
foot race on tho streets here in town and
the Burlington man as beaten so badly
tliat te did not know he was in the raoe.
The stakes was one -dollar aside.
Linn Ellis of Warbonnet precinct,
l-At for Cherry county last Tuesday morn
ing. He expects to be gone three or four
weeks. ".
The Populists and Democrats of Sioux
countv should not forget to hold their
primaries in the several precincts in the
county. By consulting the calls for the
two county conventions to be held Sept.
23th, they will tell just how many dele
Kiites each precinct will be entitled to in
the countv convention.
E. Livemore president of the Sioux
county Agricultural society is one of the
busiest men in Harrison attending to the
preparing and fixing up the displays
brought in by the people of our county.
He is the right man in the right place.
F.very body connected with the fair seem
to have done alt they could to entertain
the people and make the Bhow a suc
cess. J. II. Bartell secretary of oar Agri
cultural Society has obtained transpor
tation for four persons to accompany the
Stoux county exhibit to the state fair at
Ornaiia which will leave here Saturday.
Besides the four who will look, after the
county exhibit Mr. Kartell has transpor
tation for himself and he thinks he p'ill
if he possibly can get away.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 1L Bonsel! of the O.
W. ranch in Wyoming, son-in-law and
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hester of
Harrison came down last Thursday stayed
over till Saturday noon when they return
ed to their home. We acknowledge a
pleasant call from Mr. Bnsell at our
office, awl while in our sanctum subscrib
ed tis name among the readers ol the
Mr. Robert Hood who owns and op
erates a large flouring mill -in Chadron
was doing business in Harrison Tuesday.
He is furnishing our merchants with
some fine grades of flour and little or no
complaint has been made against the
article furnished by Mr. Hood, We had
the pleasure of a personal interview
with Mr. Hood and hope it may bo our
good fortune to meet quite often in our
Village Ln tne future. Mr. Hood ordered
the Jocrcal sent to him in the fu
C. F. Sueser, piano and organ tuner,
dealer in pianos, organs and sewing ma
chines at Crawford, arrived here la:;t
Friday evening. He will start a class in
Hiusk: in Harrison if ten scholars can be '
got to take a term." Prof. Sueser comes
well recommended with twelve years
experience, lie is at present, leacning
classes in Crawford, Whitney, Chadron
and Coxville. He is a graduate from
Baden Baden, Stuttgart and Leipsic,
Germany. We understand that those
who wioh to join the class here can ob
tain tickets at V. B. Wrights'-
The people of Sioux connty should
read in another column of the JocBNaL
the delinquent School Land notice, which
we will publish for three consecutive is
sues. The sale or lease of these lands
will take 'place on Octocer 11th. at the
front door of the court house in the vill
age of Harrison. Hon. John V. Wolfe,
commissouer of public lands and build
ings will be here in person at that time
to superintend the disposing of all the
school lands in Sioux countv, all who
a-e interested in the leasing of these
hinds oiiL'ht to bear in mind on
hand at the appointed time. Do not
forget the time of day and the day of
the month.
Last Mondav afternoon considerable
excitement was caused on the streets in
front of J. IL Bartell's place of business
caused by a scrap between Ed. Plumb
and Ira Thomas. It is said by those who
were .resent that Mr. Dumb accused
Ira Thomas of trying to get his (plumbs)
little hov into a fitrht with the little
Noreisch boy who lives out in the coun
trv ind haimened to be in town at the
J 1 I
time. It seems Mr. 1 nomas was coming
from the dejwt about the time the two
little boys were having their racket when
Ed Plumb came out of the saloon and
commenced to quarrel with Thomas
which resulted in a fight, as the result
of the racket between the two little boys.
Plumb seemed to get the worst of it
from start to finish. One thingiscertain
no mao could utter viler imprecations
on the streets than did that man Plumb
and any man that was a gentlemen, yes,
or any part of one would be ashamed to
ever he seen in the town again arter pse
ing iucli unbecoming language. We do
not know just what an Ulcers auty is.
but one thing we do know all decent
and law-abiding citizens of our town
would have backed an otllcer of the law
in taking care of such fellows O. W.
Hester informed us that he ordered the
Sheriff to arrest tba man but lie declined,
to do so without a warrant even thougn
. ' . . at r . i.
Tah-x of lln Turf.
Last Saturday ufternoou a horse rare
txk pla.e on the circle half mild
track north of town, between" (Mra
nian Jim" a horse ownbJ by Sid. Williams
over near Ardmore, and1' Billy Truck'
owned by Charles Stevenson of Crawford.
The victor was Billy Truck; the stikes
-ere f 7,00 besides small bets on the sdie.
Monday morning another nice was run
by Billy Truck, and "Sleepy Jim" owjued
by James Ernest who lives south of town
and another horse owned by John TUd
of Five Foints called '-Brown Jup,"
which resulted in "Billy Tuck-' taking
the stakes again 110,00.
Co). K., a paceing horse owned by
Burt Smnck cf this place and Col. J.
a trotUr owned by J. H. Bartell, one of
our merchants trottd a race at the fair
half-mile track yerterday which re-ulted
two best out of three bests in favor of
Col. K. Time three minutes.
In the kalf mile race '-Sleepy Jim"
owned by J. W. Ernest carried of the
honors, there boins- three horses in all
The horse known as "Brown Jug"
and owned by John Tidd of Five Points
won first money in the quarter race and
"Billy Noble" ow6ed by Robert Keel of
Warbcnnet precintt won second money
and,, Silver Queen" owned by L. E. Dick
inson, took third money.
to e
Cot ten w-ooil M uriiiorl H51"
S-iK4 Iwgnn in Iiistrn t no 4 U-l Mon
day with Mi. Molhe duideu as i.i
Mr. Will Hixson returned from Brok
en Bow Nelr. last week.
It looks as though there is soon
a wedding in th valley.
Lam Jacobey is working for Cob Har
rison. Will Hixson was trying his new saddle
last Sunday.
Miss. Martha Carey was on the sick
list last week.
Mrs. liattie Orove liegan school in
District no 3 last Monday.
Mr. Hixson says he is going to aU
tend the state fair. Roma.
A slid accident.
We are pained to have to chronicle
the sad accident which befell William
Francis while riding a race horse yester
day at the race track. The horse which
the boy was riding flew the track and
threw him off and in some way tha horse
hoof struck the boy in the head crushing
his scull so badly that his life was almost
dispaired of. It was thought by a numb
er of people on the gr ounds that the boy
was killed instantly but they were hap
pily disapointed however when the peo
ple got to him- The boy was picked up
and taken home and Dr. Phiney was call
ed to attend the roor unfortunute
suffer. At 9:00 o'clock iast evening the
boy was resting quite comfortable. The
boy with his parents arrived a couple of
days ago from Great Falls, Mont, by
wagon and were intending to go to the
Black Hills for the winter.
L. E. Dickinson, while riding his horse
in one of the races yeterday afternoon
was thrown violently to the ground and
in the fall sustained a severe accident by
having one of his hands badly smashed.
How To J'!"'! Out
Fill a lKtttle or common glass with
urine and let it stand twenty-tour hours,
a sediment or settling indicates an un
liealthy condition of the kidneys. When
urine stains linen it is evidence of kidney
trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate
or pain in the back, is also convincing
proof that the kidneys and bladerare out
of order.
What To W
There is comfort in the knowledge so
jften expressed, that l'r. limners
Swamp lioot, the great kidney remedy
fulfils every in relieving pain in
the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and
every partof the urinary pas-sages. It
corrects inability to hold urine and scald
ing pain in passing it, or bad elfects fol
lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, and
overcomes that unpleasant necessity of
being compelled to tret up many times
during tins night to urinate. The mild
and tfie extraordinary effect of Swamp
Root is soon realized. It stands the
highest for Us wonderful cures of the
most distressing caw. If you need a
medicine vou sliould liave the best.
Sold bv druggists, price fifty cents and
one dollnr. You may have a sample
b)ttle and pamphlet both sent free by
mail. Mention The Siorx Collar
.lotus Al, and send your address to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghampton, N. Y. The
proprietors of this piqx-r guarantee the
genuineness of this oiler.
Where are you going?
We are on our way to the
M' wife '"'anti "ne -f ihme
JmUmf bcaiifd srnizo juts
arl dry qowU rovm(.7t a-c.
J need a Sjriit' SUIT vwt!f
ami we think ire can wve
-2 ey l tradimj at the
American Hand-Sevad Shoe Ob's
Also, We handle a full line
Edited by - Mrs. ui. 1. lanon,
Short articles from
county are solicited.
tlic liulies of Sioux
Bo'lurc Doings
Fred Tsebbole and wife Ernett and
Bunge came home from Edgenumt to
star here till work livens upthera again.
We hear it reported that Oeo. PJoker
a son of Lewk Kicker was shot ani kiiled
by his intended father-in-law about three
weeks ago in west Wyoming.
A light shower fell here last night.
Mrs. Hovey and family were Edyemont
visitors last week.
Miss Martlia Carey will weild the birch
at the South worth school this fall.
Miss Percy has been engaged to teach
the tne Bodarc school for six months.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Smith went to liirri-
son onTuesday where they took some Qna
samples of grain and mellons for the fair. !
No one need be idle this fall as there is
q'uite a demand for hulp, even the young i
find work at fair yvages.
Mr. Lew Post and family who left here
a year ago and went to Idaho and stayed
there awhile then sold out and went to
W. Va,, have retraced their steps and fire
now at Edgemont, methinks we will win
be able to welcome them back . to old
Sioux county.
Wm. Sleyer came from the Node ranch
where he is putting up bay for Mr. Bell
he was looking for a hand and be brought
his little daughter home. -
Mr. Cbas. Coffee took bis son to Omaha
last Thursday to place him in Bell erue
college, for the next year.Mr. C. will go
from Omaha to Reno, Wyo. where he
will make a shipment of cattle te the S.
Omaha market.
Mrs. Myrtle Dnut is visitinfj at the
home of her parents Mr. and Mri Zimm
J. Kipp came from Edgemont to look
after his interests here, work isjiot very
plentiful up there just now.
Howard Burke came from Hgemont
to attend fcchool this winter.
We were quite amused a day or two
ago to read an article by a contemporary
writer, whom we presume had read tho
article relating to bachelors, he presum
ed it was intended for David B. Hill of
recent democratic fame. Such however
is not tlie case, for we did not dream of
personal's and then too we presume the
Hon. David B. Dill having gone intd re
tirement at his famous haunt "Wolfc-r-eth's
Roost" the probabilities are he will
not see or read our article- We peak
in general terras of Ixichelors and not
personally of any ono,:., -.. j': "
i?&igp? Queens-ware, ,
t '-. V
Dry-Goods, (
Groceries &c.
I am Ai?ent for the world famed MrKOKMICK BIND
ERS and MOWERS. I keep on hand all the time a full
line of supplied for these machines.
Last but not Least.
Wehn you are badly in need of the only
sold in Sioux County, call on me.
The best of Wines, Brandies, Whiskey
and Beer kept constantly on hand.
I will open for business Saturday, hk-pt 4, lfc'J7. Whun
in town give me a call.
1 Jr i H'icto i
the man dfled any man or officer of the
taw to take him. What reason tlie Sheriff
could give for not taking the man m
doubtless best known to himself. At
any rats it is to be hoped that another
tch disgi-aoeful scene' may not take
place op otir itmWtwu-
kvas the
I Hit will
it is
Montrose Clipping
Not being at home lost week
reason of uot writing any itemi
try and make up for it this we
Every body is busy cutting ceo
turning out better than expect.
Mrs. J. McMahon departed for her
home in Texas last Wednesday after a
three months visit With her pamU.
F. Nutto O. Beinders and MjJ. Gay
hart sold some of their cattle tt week
at good prices. )
Miss Gertie Marking who ha fbeeo at
home for a few weeks ret toed to
Crawford last week.
Mr. and Mrs Jaku Wasserntirer were
visiting witfi Mrs Meckeru atCctenwood
Sunday. !
Henry Wirtz is still at wk at F.
Nutto's house in Sowbelly canjn.
W. M. (Jnyliart left for Kdgeot last
Sunday his family will remain ere yet
until the end of the week.
There will lie mux at the -font rose
church next Wednesday the Hb Kuv.
Muenich officiating. '
The game of ball played at rdmore
last Saturday between Uarrisotand A rd
more turnuj out In favor of Ar nore. '
i ,;, . " 8Mft
Henvy Ti on "II
(Cgntin iierl from l:ut ire-ck.)
woman's clubs are successful organiza
tions all over the land. But tha mem
bers do not enjoy life as men enjoy their
There is never time when the club
woman would not leave her club if the
right man urged lur to give him her
The right woman has urged the right
man many times when the clirms of tlie
club were triumphant.
Therefore no matter to what indepen
dence woman may arrive in the matter
of libertv of action she finds no such
pleasure ou'side of home Ufa as i by na
ture and eu.itom ois;n to man
Since it is man's prerogative to decide
the question of his own and of some
woman's life in this important matter he
who elects to be a bachelor ought to be
ready and willing to pay a tax toward
the support of single women.
Since he refuses to maintain one worn
an and receive tne value of tier allection
and companionship in return let him aid
in tlie support of many with no reward
save his own self-respect.
Woman was intended by the Greater
to be supported by men.
Everything in the organization of the
two beings indicates that fact.
ilan should earn money, woman
should use it in the maintainance of the
Man -should give gladly, woman re
ceive gratefully.
The child-bearer should never be the
wage-earner; and however the modern
woman may disdain the ideas of bemg
regarded merrily as a child-bearer. We
cau never get around the fact that she
was intended by nature to be the mothor
of man.
If bachelprs deprive her of the pnvi
lege they should hasten to relieve her of
a life of self-support or dependence in
her old age.
Every sane-minded and healthy-bodied
woman is entitled to three chilbren. The
world is maintained and society exists by
the birth of children.
Bachelors who decline to become hus
bansnnd fathers should be taxed to sup
ply what might be termed a "relation
fund." If single women refused to draw
upon this fund it could he used id the
support of homes for tho gcd or in the
education of orphans.
The majority of binglo men in cities
pay several bunded dollars a year incldb
dues. Of course the d in are but a small
portion of the expense of club life. Any
bachelor who is able to pay (100 in club
dues ought to be taxed t;'5 per annum
lor the support of single women over
forty yeajs of age beside a separate tax
for the "reparation fund,
(foil tin Ujt uft-it . weH( )
I-fp. -A -1 i .. 1 4' . i j
Vc'pay tlie freight
OX Till -5
- r
in f'clTnUa and Wcstcra Iowa.
You Get $195 Organ for $88.
ffrMfify-1 WITH A FIVE 00
JWt'fL down ,
and i.j.OJ per month.
rally Guaranteed for S cr.
Now write lis for Description and Catalogue. We will toll you ali
about it. Wo have bcon telling our friends about this now 2'i years.
During teh campaign you ought to
subscribe for the JOURNAL and k
1 a wnrm i
posiea in your own county, rry 1
t a
Call F or tonnty Conrntlnnof Prople'slnae
lcii(li iit Prrty.
)lnrrioii, N"b. (
, Anif. Hi, i
Ity ordrr of tho (Parity Central Commit
tee of the People's Indepwiiltmt J'urty of
Sioux county, Ncbrtmka, w hereby rail a
county convention of tlie elector of wild
party to meet ut the Court lioune In the
Vlllaife of IlurrlBou, on Buturday, thoi-MU
day of eitemlx;r ISII7, Ht II o'cl(M-k a. m.
Tlie purpcm of Maid convention I to place
In nomination candidate for ouch county
oftli:o ns limy b deemed by said conven
tion as iviMible mid to tranaact mich other
bnaliuHw a may properly come before the
The reprcarntntlon Is baed on one dele,
(pite at iurgo from each precinct snd one
for each teu votei or major fraction thereof
cat for lion, ttlhu A. lloloint til the elec
tion of 1W, which nnik tlie lollowliiK
B)ijrtlonmfirit hy precinct:
Andrews 2 Aiitelopn 5
IttKl.irc. ....... I iowen.. ...f
COtlollKl..... S Hv I'o'uU..... H
Hut reek 2 llltfhliuid 1
Montrose 4 KiiiiiiIhk WtU:i..t
hiuike t rek 1 MiKHr mihI ,.JL
U'hlMtlf Creek... a W Mrlxjiuiiil 4
W lil Itlver 4
Tutul...- ............. ....4.1
It Is recommended t.list tho prliiiarirs Isi
held on Tliursduy N-ptembir 3, at tlu rfitu
lr lulling pluca in e iu li precinct snd tliHl
HO proxies lie allowej, hut that Ihn dele-g-ates
prcM iit oust the entire Vote of the
M m. J. A. lUi'M, ( haiit
X W, KTT. See.
Call l or County Coim ntli u if The 1 cmoiat
Harrison, Vet,. I
Auk. If,, W7 )
Jty onli rof tlm County Ontral Couim It
tee of thu DiuniM-rnl i'arty of Sloui county,
Nbrakii, hereby call a county conven
tion of tlie electors ol nultl party to niet at
tho Court House In the lllago of Harrison,
on Saturday, the ffitu day of fepternber IW7.
at 11 o'clock a. ni. The purpose of laid eon
vuntion Is u plnco in nuiulnatlon candi
dates for such county oilocs aa may be
duemed hy snll ronvvntlon aa advisable and
to traasact such other business as
properly come bef r the eonvcntlon.
The rnpresriiutktii Is tsvwd on one dele
(ffitat (arn rroni encb prat-loot and ooo for
fcach ten VoU or tMH)or fraction Ihereof
cast for Hon. Consuntlne . Kuytba for At
torney (,cnral at the electliwi of ISM, which
makes u,o following apportionment by
And rews . J
Hlro ...j
( tUnoKl......, s
ll:it Ci-ek..... j
Monlro-e.. .... 4
Whistle Crej.k. 3
White lllver. 4
Anti-lope . 2
Hvn l'oinU..
Hufhlaiid 2
HuimiIiih Watfr.....l
lur Irif..,,...J
. 1 n
ltlsrecwinmended that till- prliiiarkslfsp'
held on Thursday, September aWd, av ft
retjular pollliiK place In M h prrnctijl
that ho proxies be allowi-d, but lt tha
del. )(,it,Hi present cast the enUru v)la uf
thu jirifciiicl.
51. J, IH.twiclT,c.
51. J. (iAtllABT,
if i