The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 16, 1897, Image 5

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    1)0 N T LOSE HOPE!
reform Will Yet Be Accomplished
Alnnic the Linra of I lie Omha Plat'
fore-No Danger of devolution
by Force i'opnllat Note.
' T'
Task Grows Baaler.
We do not see any reason to believe
that there Is danger of a revolution by
force. A mau who will not vote for his
rlghu will not likely fight for thein. In
a Republic where all uieu are allowed
to vote there cannot be a revolution of
force because there Is no need for It.
A great many poll Del huh. Including
prominent men In both old parties,
speak of a tliuo when the people will
rise up in their might and Bay woe be to
their enemies then. A full and complete
remedy is to be had at the ballot box.
At the present time about six out of
every spviu vote for present conditions,
and it is not unreasonable to suppose
tnat six out of seven would fight for
present conditions. Out upon all talk
of a revolution by force, In this nation
where all remedies and reforms may be
secured at the ballot box. Give the
people a cbnnee to vote on the laws and
they will become better posted and will
vote out the bad and vote in the good.
Let the oue-seveuth edueate the six-sevenths.
The task is not near so hard as
- It has been In the past The thlek ar
mor of party prejudice has been scrap
ed uutll it Is very thin now In most
cases, and it will not be so hard to shoot
the darts of truth Into them. You know
iuis. iou Know uiai me auaciimeuT
for party Is weaker now than at any
time within your recollection. Besides
millions of people are half educated on
the principles of the Omaha platform,
who can be fully educated thereon by a
little work. Don' lose hope. Don't lose
faith in the b-iilot box as a full nn 1 com
plete remedy. Don't get discouraged.
The reform movement, started In the
days of I'eter Cooper, has never lost its
bearings and never will. Where there
was one voted for I'eter Cooper In '70, a
dozen voted for Weaver in '1)2 notwith
standing the apparent relapse of the
movement In 'K4 and '88. There was no
couut In 'IMS. but regardless of the pres
ent chaotic condition of politics every
one must admit that those who are
ready to rally around the standard of
reform are more numerous to-day than
ever before. Some may be In doubt
where to find the true flag, but they will
know where it can bo found before long.
Some may be Inactive -nd say there is
no hope, that the reform movemieut Is
dead, but this is because Just at the
present time there Is no rallying point;
the reform army is not drawn up In
line; the troops for the time being are in
.a disorganized state. This disorder can
Rnot last long. The million and a half
(JPopullsts will net in harmony again,
long before the next Presidential Cam-paTgTU-
t'owwlhly-tho --im)rf rnslnmil CtW-'
tions of next year will pass before tills
will come about, but that Is no reason
why work done now will not be of tell
ing effect. What we do now will be
shown In the election of l'JOO; what we
fall to do now will also be shown then.
There should not be a minute unneces
sarily lost In the work of converting our
fellow-cltlzens to the cause of govern
mental reform and progress. Wiscon
sin World.
T' natal Favlnca t'anka.
For three years the Chicago Express
lias made a steady (igbt for postal sav
ings banks ami urged this as one of the
most essential demands of Populism,
and we have also urged, as one of the
most essential features of the money
question, a system of government
banks through which the money thus
accumulated should be loaned directly
to the people at a low rate of interest
nnd on real estate -security, making
the Government absolutely safe, while
at the same time the borrower would
not be subject to (lie Impositions and
high rates of Interest fixed by corpora
tion. The movement It Inaugurated last
winter, to have State legislatures re
quire bnnks to give security for depos
its, starlled the banking fraternity as
nothing else has 'done for half a cen
tury, and the general feeling of dls
'vruflt among the people being a well
yumled lack of confidence In bank)
ins led to the retirement of such vas
Hums of money from the usual chan
jiels of trade that the lmnkers are very
plainly fcllng the stringency. Mill
ion of dollars have been hidden nway
or locked up In safety deposit vaults
that would have leen deposited with
a government bank, and with propel
laws and regulation thus kept in clr
Until the distrust In bank beenmr
so marked and genernl that deposit
were lielng withheld by almost every
body, the banks strenuously opposed
any measure looking toward a postiil
savings system, but as It became cvl
dent that confidence could not be re
stored to an extent which would bring
deposit to the bnnks then the senti
ment lo favor of it postal savings sys
tem took shape that aasures Its becom
ing an Issue for Immediate solution.
This situation should encourage every
Populist to use renewed efforts for se
curing a proper solution of the ques
Had the question of requiring hank
to secure depositors never been agitat
ed tu the different State we are confl
dent the present general agitation for
postal savings would not hara occur
red. I'eop'e Have I'trn Rnnfcoed.
Vnr nisnv vnnra evorv aehema that
kwotilil be devised by old party politi
cian lias been used to keep the money
UiieMinn in me oncBgrouiia, na woen
the persistent agitation of U reform
movement had reached point wh;T
ft thousand votes a day were. Joining
our ranks, tbt same old part polltl
duns undertook to deceive the people
Into the belief that the silver question
was the money question. If they could
succeed In this It would result lo tb
same senselt: intention which hai
marked the fight of a hundred yean
over the tariff. Can It be xslble that
the people propose to be bunkoed for
another century, as they have for the
From I'opnllat Seed.
The city of Des Moines, a city of
over 10,000 voters, has gone Populist
In a recent election. The city voted on
the question of city ownership of elec
tric Hints. It went two to one in favor
of city ownership. Thus the principles
of Populism are gaining ground all the
lime. Things that two years ago Dem
ocrats or Republieans would not listen
Jo they now Indorse, and when the In
terest of the party Is not at stake will
.vote for. Slowly but surely the seed of
Populism that were sown for the past
few years are ripening into a magnifi
cent harvest. Mlneola Courier.
Plutocratic Blaaphem nr.
After boasting of the good wheat
crop In the United States and the short
age throughout the old world, which
prevented wheat falling to the gold
level, the Cincinnati Commercial says:
'Singula as It may appear, the Al
mighty seems to favor the Republican
party." Possibly the hand of the Al
mighty Is In It, and if so he no doubt
hns a wise design. Hogs that are being
fatted for the butcher no doubt con
gratulate their luck when they see th
poor stork hogs screaming for the corn
they waste. Yes, the Almighty prob
ably favors the plutocrats.
Manlpntated liv fpecnlo t-re.
From the way old party papers treat
the decline In silver and the explana
tons they all make, one Is Irresistably
M to conclude that the olij ct H'to keep
the people In ignorance. The decline In
the price of silver is the manipulation
of speculators. The object Is to destroy
the value of silver mines. The restora
tion of the white metal Is only a ques
tion of n short time and speculatori
know it. There Is more probability thai
gold will be demonetized in ten yean
from now, than that sliver will remain
discredited for another three years.
Give la Greenbacka.
The silver question has reached the
place where It Is the lcst possible Illus
tration of the truth of greenbacklsm.
The silver to mnke a dollar Is worth as
bullion about 40 cents, yet the silver
lollar, with the stamp of the govern
ment, Is ns good a dollar as any other
lollar. It pays taxes, debts and inter
put, but greenbacks did all this and the
country prospered as never lie fore nor
liuce. To any thinking person the pres
ent silver situation is the best evidence
f the correctness v,r the greenback the
ry. Law rrakes money and the stamp
f government on a piece of paper
mrked by the credit of the nation and
eoclvable for revenues. Is a better plan
ban dlKglng either gold or silver out of
he ground. (Greenbacks and prosperity
"miM W tW wittcr'wtrrct.' Ohlcttffo K
Reform Nntaa.
Direct legislation Is the only hope of
escape from legislation Hint Is as ob
jectionable ns a monarchy.
Why He Is Jolly.
A reporter of the New York World
I el Is of a certain butcher who Is a very
Jolly man. The reporter had seen no
particular reason why this butcher
hould be so peculiarly happy, since he
aa not conspicuously prosperous. So
Lie resolved to find out by "lntervlew
ng" the butcher; enterprising Journal
ism Is balked by nothing.
"Why Is It that you are always so
line and Jolly?" the reporter nsked him.
"Why am I Jolly? Oh, I don't knowj
,'ood digestion, perhaps."
The reporter could get no more sat
isfactory reason out of the butcher,
but Just ns he was aliout to give It up
ie heard a voice break in. It waif
:lmt of an old colored woman:
"Any help for the poor to-day, Mr
"Why, yes, Mrs. Rush more, I guest,
we've got a little something for you to
la y."
The butcher cut off a good bit of beef
ind put it In the old woman's trembling
"(rod bless you Mr. Leypoldt?" she
"Oh, that's all right"
Slie went out. The reporter asked
him If he knew the woman.
"Oh, yes," said the butcher. "A hard,
working woman as there Is, whet
there's work to do."
"Are there many of them who ask
you for meat?"
"Many of them? ttless you, sir, you
ought to stand belli sd this counter for
a day! No, I don't give meat to every
beggar that would ask It I shouldn't
have any to sell; but If I know one that
worthy, why, what's n scrap of meat,
When the reporter went away, ha
knew why the burner was always so
find and Jolly,
' Modified on Flahes.
Tho shape of fishes have often been
studied with a view to determining
the best shape for boaU with regard to
ipecd. There are many fishes whose
flus, or a part of them, shut down Into
gutters, so that when closed and not In
use they make no projection beyond tha
Isidy, but fold down Into these depres
sions flush with the surface, and offer
ing no obstruction whateTer to the rap
id passage of the fish through the wa
ter when swimming at speed, driven by
It tall fin used ns a propeller. The
slime with which every fish Is coated,
which Is In various ways essential to
comfort and exlsrence, helps It to slid
more easily through the water. In fatr
the fish, studied by men for Ideas li
modeling. I not only seedy, but Is,
n might say, a. ways Ma rk leaded aiA
ready for racluf,
The Vetera Da of the Rebellion Tell of
Whlatllnn Ballets, Bright Uayoaeta,
Buratioa; Bombs, Bloody Hattlee,
Camp Fire, Feat Ire Base, Ktc, Ktc
An Army Bald on Gambler.
Captain Joe Woodnortb, the United
States pension agent at Milwaukee,
told a good story, one that ought not to
slumber outside of type- another day.
"In the campaign from Chattanooga
to Atlanta, after we had been marching
and fighting for six week, I wan taken
sick and had to be sent back. When I
got so I could travel I started to the
front to Join the regiment. When I
reached Chattanooga the officer in
charge of a camp in which there was a
large number of recruits, drated men
and others, had me detailed for duty
with hliri. Many of the recruits were
substitutes, who had received large
sums for coining to the war. Money
was flush. The officer lu command
was a Frenchman, and as I afterward
learned bad made a gallant record in
bis reglmr-nt, which was from Ohio.
"There was gambling in nearly every
tent In the cnnip. One evening the cap
tain came to me and said: 'lama sol
dier. When I give orders I like to have
them oleyed promptly, Just as soldiers
should obey ordcu. To-night I show
you something. First you sit down and
write an order directing that lights be
out In every tent the minute taps are
"The order was made out and issued.
At 9 o'clock, when taps sounded, he
touched me on the shoulder and asked:
'Can you keep your mouth shut?'
" T guess so; I'm willing to try.' 1
" 'That will not answer the purpose
will you keep your mouth shut?'
"I was a kid private, be a fierce
French officer, and I said: 'Yes, sir, I
" 'Well, you say nothing about what
you see and hear to-night. Come with
"We went down one street and up
another to see If the order for 'lights
out' was being obeyed. Away off In a
corner of the camp we saw a tent In
which there wns a dim light. We
started in that direction. Suddenly the
lights went out. 'We stand still,' the
captain said, 'that means nothing.
They will light up again pretty soon."
"We had not long to wait. The lights
were burning again In a few minutes.
" 'Now, I show you something,' said
the captain.
"Stealthily approaching the tent, he
threw back the flaps, we walked in,
and there before us was a number of
men sitting on the ground, with an oil
cloth lu front of them, upon which
there was a large pile of greenbacks.
Apparently they were Jut ready to see
who would take possession of a 'Jack
pot'-- ... -
"The captain walked up to them,
reached over the shoulder of a man and
gathered up the big wad of money,
crowded It Into his pockets and In a
savage tone said: 'Gentlemen, did you
get the order to extinguish lights when
tups sounded?'
"One of them wild: 'Yes, sir.'
" 'See that you obey that order here
after.' "Then we coolly walked out and
passed along the street until we saw
another light. At that tent we went
through the same ceremony, with like
results, except that the boodle In the
second was much larger than that In
the first. This will do for to-night'
said the Frenchman, as we went to his
quarters. I asked him how much
money be hnd captured.
" "Oh, I don't know; we will count It.'
"There was something over $.VXi. I
asked him what he was going to do
with It.
"Oh, we give this to the Christian
"We went through the camp every
night for some time and got rich hunls
at each tent visited, so the captain
must have gathered In several thou
sand dollars. I was anxious to know
jWhnt disposition was to be made of tho
money. T.iough a private, I realized
jlhat I was his coworker, and told him
bf my anxiety.
" 'Oh.'- be said, that's all right! We
won't bother the Christian commission
until we get a large amount to turn
"We never got a sufficiently large
Amount to turn over; at least, none was
turned ov'er.
"There was at that time an actress,
Lottie Holland, playing an engagement
In a Chattanooga thenter, and the cap,
tain became very much interested Iji
her. Two or three days after I bad
been ordered to ( Thomas' head
quarters for service I saw a notice In a
Chattanooga paper that a well-known
officer of a certain Ohio regiment, who
bud leeii holding nn Important com
mand, had presented the actress, hot
lie Holland, with a cluster of diamonds.
I have always thought that the captain
mistook Actress Holland for the Chris
tian commission.
"Not long after that the captain was
returned to his regiment,' and the. next
time I snw him was a't Nashville, soon
after the battle In which Thomas de
feated Hood. He was out at tin? el
Isiws, had no money, wns hungry and
thirsty. I didn't have any clothes to
give him. nor any money, but I divided
liny rations with him.
"The next time I heard from him wns
Sn 188.1. He wrote me from I nyton. O.
He was an Inmate of the Soldiers'
Home. I replied to his letter, but go.
no answer. A year or two later I
wrote the commandant about him and
he Informed me that the captain hnd
pled of consumption In 188?,." J. A.
Watrous In Chicago Times Herald.
be a. f tier man Just After Full Han,
"The first battle of Bull Kun, like
those t Lexington and Hunker Hill,
was small Hi lUelf, but tremendous In
Its results," said a veteran. "If the
Confederate had lost at Hull Kun, I
think, perhaps, It would have vindicat
ed the wisdom of Mr. Lincoln's course
in cnlliug for 75,NK) men for three
months, to crush the reliellioii. Hut
the Confederates didn't lose, and It took
the North four years instead of three
months to suppress secession. "At the
Irst Hull Hun a number of general
officers, who were then only colonels,
vere engaged. Among these Gen. Wil
liam Tecumseh Sherman and Gen. Hen
ry W. Slocum afterwards became the
most prominent After the battle one
of the colonels had heard that several
of them were to be promoted to briga
diers. 'What do you think of that? in
quired one of thein of Sherman. 'Think!
answered Tecumseh. 'I think if we es
cape reduction to the ranks for con
structive cowardice It Is all we can ask
or expect.""" Utica Observer.
Unknown Heroes.
The story recently told In the Youth's
Companion of Lord Nelson's heroism
la submitting to a surgical operation
has brought that periodical a very in
teresting letter froju Dr. H. S. Dana,
of Morrisville, Pa., who was a surgeon
In the One Hundred and Seventh Penu
gylvuala Volunteers during the civil
war. Dr. Dana adduces several inci
dents from his own experience to prove
that instances of extreme heroism
were almost of every -day occurrence
during our great conflict
The day after the Itnttle of Antietam
Dr. Dana and another surgeon were in
sole charge of a hospital In a barn on
the road from Keedysvllle and Smoke
town, in Maryland, and near the fa
mous long-contested corn-field. A sol
dier was brought from that field with
his knee shattered by a innsket-lmll.
Amputation was necessary, and
anesthetics were prepared. "No," ex
claimed the soldier; "don't give me any
of that! I want to see the thing done.
Give me a piece of hardtack to munch.'
The square of hardtack was given him;
his hwiI was propped up so that he
could see the operation; and there, nll
bllng his cracker, he Iiore the whole am
putation without a murmur, and with
scarcely a wrinkle of bis brows.
Such stoicism In a great general
would have become memorable; this
private soldier's name Is unknown.
At the battle of Five Forks, April 1,
18;;, just after Anderson's Confeder
ate corps had been forced from their
entrenchments, and were being closely
followed up, a mounted colonel rode
up to Dr. Dana. Ills name tho doctor
did not, because such details were
of minor importance. The Colonel's
hrft shoulder hud been struck by a
piece of shell, which, falling edgewise,
had taken from the shoulder-blade the
flesh over a strip about two and a half
inches wide and four Inches long, leav
ing a bridge of skin over the wound.
The C-olonel was all questions. "I've
been hit; Is it bad? Do It up as quickly
as you can. Is It dangerous? May I
go on with my regiment? I would not
leave the regiment now for anything,
unless I mut."
Dr. Dana made an examination and
reported no Immediate danger, but a
serious wound that would give trouble
In the future, and great Inconvenience,
to any the least by the morrow.
"Never mind to-morrow," said the
Colonel. "I don't care anything about
that If I can get along to-day!"
Meantime the surzeon was dressing
the wound; he made the Colonel as
" .
comfortable as possible, removing the
coat ant sleeve from the left arm and
shoulder, and carrying thenn under the
arm around to the other side of the coat:
In front, so as to kerp the coat on the
well side. The surgeon assisted him to
.mount; and with his left arm and
shoulder in his shirt sleeve only he
spurred on to the fray. I
"I have neltberseen nor heard of him
since," writes Dr. Dana; "there were1
many oiIkts like him." I
One such, exactly like him, but hap-;
plly not unknown, was (Jen. Charles
Russell Ixtwell, nephew of the po-t. '
Mortally wounded at Winchester, ho
was helped upon his horse, led anbther '
cluirge, was hit. again, and died the '
ucxt day. He was one of the poet's1
three nephews. All of them were killed
In the war, and It was of thorn that
IOwell wrote In "The BIglow Paiers:"
War, hain't I held 'em on my knee?
Ddn't I love to see 'em growin',
Tlir-c likely lads ez wal could' be,
Uibnsome uu brave, an' not tu know-
ftmaablna: HM Connon.
rrlflc detonations are heard down
Schuylkill Valley at Reading, Pa.,
nearly every week day, from niorn-
untll night. In a secluded ravine
r the Reading railroad the Monoca-'
Itlnstlng Company Is breaking up
guns with dynamite. It also
idles to pieces other huge iron cast- j
to be sold to wrap dealers. The
e of the explosions cun be heard
fol miles. On July (I the company re-1
ed two historic cannons, which will
oroKeu inio pieces. Jiiey were
ught from the Brooklyn navy yard
Special cars and they weigh H),47()
t).),ii2. pounds. The guns were
id at the Vlcksburg siege by General
Ant's forces, firing shots of 1.2U0
he government officials were loath
live the guns destroyed and offered
to a number of Grand Armv
S but the necessary arrangements
il not be made to have them ne
ed. ,In a few days these historic
I pieces will be smashed Into bits
Hold for scrap. The company hns
len tin ninny defective cannon
tajglit at gun works. It also smashes
rly nil the condemned guns for the 1
r and Nvy Departments. The dy-1
nllte Is fired by electricity nnd a few
nli do the uork.-nttsburg Post. I
been victoria rules ll,47o,05t
ire miles of territory, and 378,725,-
Klof population.
OR a shady corner of the library
or reception room, and especially
appropriate if the room decora
tions are in Japanese style, is the
lily arrangement shown in the sketch.
The main stand is in Japanese lac
quer ware, with brass claw feet, and
upon it Is set the odd bowl (also pro-
vlded with little feet), of wedge wood,
which is filled with water to k;:ep sat
urated the porous pots holding the lily
bulbs. Since the bulbs float in the wa
ter, It Is an easy matter to replace
them when they are done blossoming.
Womai'i Carrlace Muat be Risht.
The stylishly made gown must be
carried oft with a stylish air, else all
good results In the manufacturing are
lost. Many women ruin the most fault
less creations by a poor carriage and
ungraceful wnlk, or by sitting down all
in a heap, which crushes and twists
the best hanging skirts out of their
original shape. Some women are hope
less so far ns style goes, while others
are a great success no matter what
they may have on. The woman utterly
devoid of some natural style is, as a
rule, slovenly, having her clothes pitch
ed on any way to get into them.
Her hair Is stringy, gloves ill-fitting
and soiled, veil looking as though it
had blown toward her and by accident
found a lodging place on her millinery.
Her general air is one of, neglect and
usually In keeping with the . ungainly
walk seen In so many women who give
their personal appearance little or no
thought. The stylish woman has a
good poise, stands well, walks well and
her clothes take on Just the correct
swing. Put these same clothes on the
woman who shambles and stands on
her heels with shoulders forward and
abdomen thrown up and the style of
touet is
swallowed up in the lack of
Btyle m tlle woman herself. It Is safe
In a n tt 4).i ....... .i i
to say tnat more stvle s lot in tim
way a woman carries herself and
wears her clothes than In the actual
making of her wardrobe.
Where Women Toll Like Men.
While American women have their
wn grievances the sex enjoys a free
dom of action and an opportunity for
getting ahead greater than are found
elsewhere. The men of European coun
tries, ns a rule, are far less considerate
of women than are Americans. In Bel
gium woman digs in the mines nnd
docs the coarsest of work. In Germany
she lolls in the fields. Even In France,
the country of politeness, she tolls la
boriously nnd often with little consider
ation on the part of the male portion of
the community. The towns where art
and culture most abound. often present
striking counter pictures. Budapest
Is a beautiful city, yet In this apparent
ly civilized community the tourist, sees
young girls and women of all ages car
rying bricks and mortar, and mixing
the latter, wherever a building Is go
ing up.
Cooked by Cold,
Any one who has ever picked up
with a bare hand a piece of intensely
cold lion knows that the touch burns
almost as badly as If the metal were
redhot. Indeed the action of the great
heat and extreme cold Is so similar
that u Hungarian chemist has turned
the latter to account to prepare meats
for food. He subjects the meat to X)
degrees of frost and then seals It up
In ulrtlirht tin enns. The rounlt u i,,,t
the meat, which Is practically "cooked
by cold," will keep any time and can bo
emeu uu very nuie runner prepara
tion. Frnit Bkln Clove.
Tanned frog skin Is about the pret
tiest and softest leather for gloves Im
aginable, and also the strongest for Its
weight. Oak bark, the usual tanning
medium, Is not serviceable for these
little skins, and a special kind of root
Is used, and the process Is long nnd
expensive, but well worth the trouble.
The fair sex are somewhat prejudiced,
however, nnd so far have become recon
ciled but slowly; however, the demand
Is growing and they will no doubt be
t jiue popular ere long.
V.-i-" mi ami rltrona; Lingatsr,
Itluisoftenbeen asserted that woman
I.. .t..d..i ..... I.. 1.. ..... s .
'""" " " anomer icm-
by tt writer or toe sex: "Women, It has
been said, cannot bear strong language.
There are certain words In English that
we have not yet learned to use. But
give us time and we will overcome thia
weakness. We are getting hardened;
modern literature and modern tenden
cies ot all sorts are doing this for u.
I heard the other day of a little domes
tie scene thut shows how we are Im
proving In this respect. A dignified
and pious old man was being harried
by bis energetic little wife. His exas
Ieration became unbearable at last
and, forgetting bis stiff Joints, ho
sprang from his chair and began to
gesticulate wildly, too angry to speak.
As soon as he could he said: 'Jane, I
am going to swear!' 'Do! Mr. Simp
son, she said; 'It will do you good.'
She called to her sister in the next
room: 'Sarah! Mr. Simpson says he's
going to swear!' The sister dropped her
wore, exclaiming: 'Oh, do ask him to
wait till I get there!' "
Queer Kconomy of German Kmpreee.
It Is well known that the German
Empress Is an ideal housekeeper as
well as an ideal wife and mother. Her
dread of waste goes so far that the
suits of her elder children are cut down
to fit the younger boys, and her own
court dresses are altered again and
again, so as not to be recognized when
they are worn at many court functions.
Yet It Is also reported an army of
twrelve dressmakers is always at work
for the Empress, and that it is increas
ed to over thirty whenever the Em
press Is about to start on a journey.
New gowns would, after all, be less ex
pensive,, since the great Berlin artist
in dresses who makes the court cos
tumes for her Majesty charges only
about $75 for making a gown of state.
Whpelwomen's Achea.
A preparation of quinine and whisky
is said to be excellent for external use
after a fatiguing bicycle ride. Not only
ns a panacea for aching muscles is It
satisfactory, but it also serves as an
excellent tonic, if well rubbed Into the
skin, for the strengthening of weak
members suddenly called upon to do
much unwonted duty. The proportions
are sixteen grains of quinine dissolved
In a pint of whisky. Clear alcohol is
only in a less degree excellent for the
purpose, either to use in the , water of
the bath or directly upon the person.
Both the quinine mixture and the alco
hol will serve a triple purpose, that of
a preventive of cold, a pain alleviator
and a tonic.
Heater Right In the Iron.
One who travels has had to carry a
little alcohol lamp for heating the curl
ing Iron. 'With the new curling iron
shown here this trouble la
obviated, for the curler con
tains a little alcohol lamp
arrangement within the han
dle, which keeps the Iron
heated as long as required.
It Is not necessary to wait
between heatings, as Is the
case with the ordinary heat
ers. The curler is always
clean, never having an op
portunity to become smoky
or sooty, and so the hair la
kept la better condition by
the use of the self-heater.
The construction of the heat
ing apparatus is such that 11
Is absolutely safe when held
in eitlie nn upright, hori
zontal or perpendicular posi
tion. It never becomes sn
hot as to burn the hair, but preserves
a uniform heat throughout the time It
burns. f
a P. A RV
A prominent physician of New York
city has arranged a scale, showing how
much an average baby should weigh at
birth, nnd from then on up to the age of
2 years. The tnble, which was prepared
for the New York Sun, Is as follows.
Pounds. Pounds.
At birth 7 22 weeks. ...
2 days () 04 Weeks,. ..
4 days (1 2(i weeks. . .
1 days 7 7 months in
2 weeks 7 8 months 17
4 weeks 8 0 months IS
o" weeks. 9 lo months 1!)
N weeks 10 11 months 20
10 weeks 10 12 months..,
12 weeks 11 14 months...
14 weeks.. .1214 ( months
Ki weeks lv; 1H months. ..
18 weeks V.tyj 22 months,.,
20 weeks 14 24 months 27
How the doctor arrived at his conclu
sions is not written; but the proud pnr
cnts who announce 10-pound boys had
better try the steelyards aualn. to be
sure, before the cards are given the en
graver. Medical men seem to hav
special fondness for dashing the nrldo
of young parents. The wonderful new
iinoy is eoiciiy regarded ns Him nr tn
every other new baby In town, and Its
remai Knitie acnievements rail to awak
en the slightest enthusiasm,
As n matter of fact, few Infants
weigh nt birth more than eight iwunds,
anil the great majority range below
that figure.
Note r" ' "-vna.
Silk mull Is mo.;!.-;, r,,r full collnri
and long sashes, and Is particularly
pretty with tinted o;'t batiste cos
tumes. Negligee uuderwalsts for wartn
weather are of flexible woven stuffs,
Htrong, lightweight corsets are of can
vas and of satin.