The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 16, 1897, Image 3
v. -, y i: :I 1 ) it BOUGHT A WIFE. the COMarnt'd on Conaidcratloe f a e 10,000 puiK-v. Id IS".':? Mr. Anna It. Zimmerman tea a widow, living at Uutt'litUMOu, Kan. Sho win chamiing, as all good looking whlow lire, and alio was wle, i.-i i'-ll K:ii:Mt women arc. Judge Al-tni-rfu ; illt-tt. of Kalis.-! City Kan., who, by the way, whs tin lir.-it Hull rcMiiJ (.'oiiinilnHliii'fof Kaunas, lift the willow, lovt'd her, aud wooed her. It fPinn tlint the Judge knew bow 10 woo I widow, for he woo her. Hut tile widow knew u thing or two herself, km) when win- h:iM "yet" It was r.ot an unqualified drop-in-the-iimis 'yes," but 1 conditional "yen." The condition was that the .ludge ihould liiHUi-e hi life iu her favor for fno.Oiio. The whiow did not Intend 10 tnke any chnncoH In the mutu r either. If she whh to lioroine Mr. Gillcit tha policy must lie taken out before the marriage, so that she would be wurc about It. Judge (;illett liurted tip nu Insurance agent and took out the pol lry, and three days later the widow Zimmerman lxr:ime Mrs. Gillett. She took charge of the policy ind that pol Icy was kept paid up. ' Last year Judge Cillett died insolv ent. One of hi creditor! whh t lie American National Hank of Km-aH City. The bunk sued the esime aiid promptly nought an Injunction against (he North west cm Life Insurance Com pany to prevent the payment of 'he In surance policy which had bought Judge Gillett tt wife. Tin case was heard before lodge Foster recently. The Widow Glllett took the stnnd and told the story of her 1uhIihm4 venture when nbe was the Widow Zimi'ieriiian. She said f-he had married Judge Gillctt for the consideration of a '0,0(i In surance joli-y, and she told how the policy had !een written 'v-'foiv the l.ianiane, ko tlmt there linht not be the proverbial slip. Judge Foster listened to the evid. nce, and 11s it npiH'.ired that, Irid It not hen for the policy, the nan.e of Zim merman would not have licen evchil ne ed for that of GUIctt, he decided that the money called for by the policy was never the property of .Ttldg' (illicit; thai he paid that In advanci- for a wife In point of fact, and he d-vded ni ta or oi Mrs. Cilictt. The liisurinci company promptly paid over the money to Jtu'go Ilorton. Mrs. (idleUH tutor nov. Kansas City Times. "This is an outrage!" The druggist strode angrily up and down behind his counter, and as he gradually work' ed hlmseff into a rage he ran his Ion?, thlu fingers through his hair and storm ed aud fumed like a wild animal. "Whnt'H the mattery" inquired the limn from next door, who ran In to learn the cans; of the disturbance. "Matter enough." died the druggist, offering his neighbor a lD-eent cigar - which cowt,?2.5q a hundred at whole sale. "The unfounded ant liorl ties came around here tills morning and put . a water meter down In the cellar. Just as If ft man with a store wasn't under enough expense In these hard times. I'm glad you came In, for 1 want some advice tin to what I'd better do. I was thinking of either writing a hopping letter to the newspapers or else go ing down to the Water Department and laying them out cold, or If Imtii these failed of the dcsVed result I thought I would hunt up a lawyer and make a test case of It." "Take toy advice and do none of these things," cautioned his neighbor. "They will merely put you to more trouble mid expense and do you no good." "Hut what am I to do'" ijueried the druggist. "(.J riu mid ls-ar It," returned his friend. "A man making as much money as you should lie able to stand ti water blll. What docs It. amount to, tiny way?" "'About $'J0 n year,' the Inspector Raid." replied the druggist. "Well, If you don't feel like paying It the best thing for you to do Is to tell them to shut yon off." "Cut off the water!" almost shrieked the drug;;lst. "Why, man, you mist lx; crazy. Do you know what Hint water Is worth to ine In my prescrip tion department? Not a cent less than $25 a day V Tbo Tciwiior's Predicament, There were tlireo morning glories on the teacher's desk --n pink, a white, and a purple one thsl together with a pretty little cotton libliou of the kind tised to fasten new handkerchiefs to gether. The dowers were very fresh and pretty, ami the teacher smiled a a he lonkoil from them to II title I-ivm, who stood near the desk. "Where did you tet them, I'on?" he nsked, for she knew that there was not mo much as a seir of grans In the yard of Leon's house. "I cllmlied over a fence and stole them for you. Miss Hlank," said Leon, "Ami when I had picked them I knocked on the window to the hervaxit jjlrl and she gave mo the rib bon 4 o tic them with." And what wa Miss Hlank to nay? Hathlng. The Japanese In their out-of-the-way mountain resorts Indulge their passion for bathing to 1111 Incredible extent. In one place, where the water Is just nbove blood heat, a man will stay In practically for a whole month, taking care, however, to place a heavy stone ou bis knees to keep him from float Ing or turning over In his sleep. The care taker of this particular establishment, a cheery old man of Home seventy sura nicr, himself stays In the bath through the whole whiter, Jtly Trade. Italy's exporta for too first four moot ha of wera 885,888,370 franca, "wtalla her Imports were 879JM.130 franca. This la the flrat tlmo In twenty-six yflara tbat tha exports tsMeded tat Imports. BERMUDA BLACKS. Foray Moat TommenHable Portia of the la'atid Pupalatlon. How people live so thriftily In BT m.Kia auu w im so utue rtlon. 1- pad few have anything s'al to da I'or a timsklerable time after the dla fier hour It appears to le Immaterial in this city, Buffalo, New xorwasL wliether busiiietm bous are open o; ; ii,g;0l)( Philadelphia and "Montr-.-a!, yes "steamer day," excepted d j d d JftJ(1 L. Surbuck. there Is plenty of tune for entertain. . menu, regattas and music In tho publk fwjuare by the imperial band. C'ommoi !abirers get about ?1 a day, aud thi best mechanics, such as carpenters and ina.nis, not over (j shillings, or $1.5ii 'ef costs nearly a.s much as In Ne York, and, strange to say, vegetablei are but little cheaper, while buildingt usel as leuements aredividetl Into sucl mnall apartments as to return larg rents. For all this, people of every cIilsi and color dnKs well and seem to kicl 110 sulislaJithil eomfort. The publid ScImmiIs are wholly surrendered to th icolortsl population, whites preferrin to patronise private institutions. There fore, wlille there is no class antago inlsm, there bi little direct eonimunicai lion beyond the necessities of businesl intercourse. Colored men as a rul drive, the coaebes. sail the lioats, and make the laboring force In all lines ol Wlustry, whether in mechanics oi agriculture. On the local KteuiitoaU nil hands are colored captain, crew 'and engineers. -Kven the pilots to con duct the big steamers Into port are ali colored, and of acknowledged romp teiii'y. Colored people have their owt jiiiunii wlitice, but have a regular plnct asabrneil them at other houses of wop sliip. Kvhlcntly, so fur as color is con leerntd, ail controversy lias ceased' li Hermulu, each race treating the othei 'with respectful consideration. In ru iconiniiinity are the ordinary courtesiei ibsi-rveil with n more scrupulous ro gnrd, e-.specially In the intercourse witl visitors from abroad. The almost tola, dlsapiteanince of the strictly negn type of physiognomy is at once notice able. Already all of the colored popu latloii are Kuropeanlzlng -to some ex tent, not only In features "hut Ui com yiexlon, language' and !.'es. In fact liot a few of the best looking, tnos1 .gcntd and prosperous among then jure hardly dLstingulshahie from tin Cancawinu race. It Is also to lie au down In their favor that they are uul Ifornily iiollte. always excepting tin "Harbadocd nigger," wlio is prone to bi Insufferably Lnsoletit. There are few. If any. low-down nn( diHi'eputable blacks. They are some times ciUlisl lazy, but I think this U said liy iHKiple who contrast witl workers lu the northern Suites oi America, wiih-li Is unfair. Nobodj works in ltermil;i aa real workmen d lu the States or In Europe. Compared with the negro of our northern State! the b'.ack Keniiiidian-s as a whole an at least two generations aJiead. The live iu clean , lUid - nice . Louses, Uiej lrw JK-Htly, tlutlr churches and schooli are well attended and luurestlJig, tliej are not loungers and idlers and drunk arL; and most of (lie hard work of tin Mauds In sawing out blocks of lime stoiK-, building houses, driving horsei and a-sses, hiadtng and unloading ves wis, piloting and sailing all sorts a craft Into and alwut tlM harlwr, cult! vatlng the onions, potatoes hju! lilies boxing and barreling and shipping tin. isame and acting as servants ou all oc carious jiud everywhere except at tlii .Inblea of a few hotels. Is done by In .telligent, hninly, resfn-ctfiil ntwl com 'potent blacks. Hermuda 1s the whites and cleanest place that I have seen It any part of the world: lu streets ar. Iwtter swept, its houses are Iwtter gar nlshcd, its every detail Is white ant bright and pure n soap anil lime nm water and work can make It, and tin credit vt this whiteness a.nd light li due, in a large degree, to the tndtistrj and honest hilxir of the black popula tion, whom some writers call "Improvl 'dent and lazy." It Is a Yankee liliel up on a rac that have much to be pron( of In tho position which they liavi gained In two generations since the 'were ftuarvclpittcd frou; slavery. Xev York Observer. f'usliicaa Ninety-six Voura Ago. Not only was the field of business on tcrprlse thus restricted, but the trans action of business within that field waj slow and difficult. The merchant kep his own books, or, as he would havi wild, his own accounts, wrote all hit letters with a quill, and when tliej were written, let the Ink dry or sprin kled It with sand. There were then m cnvelois-s, no postage stamps, no letM boxes In the street, no collection of tb until. Tbe biter written, the paper wai cnrefully folded, seali-d with wax or I wafer, addressed and carried to tin postolllce, where postage was prepaid at rates which would now seem extor tlonnte. To send n letter, which was l Mingle sheet of paper, large or small from Hostou to New York or I'hllndcl phla cost IH',1) cents, and to Washing ton 25 cents, and this at a time whet the purchasing power of a cent win Sflve tlmoM what It is nt present. To car ry a letter from Philadelphia, then tin cnpltnl of the United States, to Bostot und bring buck an answer by returi mnll would have consumed from twelvi to eighteen days, according to tho sea son of the year and the weather. At lautlc Monthly. Ilia Hrotherly Ixwe. An apoll of brotherly love of Wlcb Ita, KnJi., wont to Topeka to lecture atal thta la th way he talked: "Why If a hiire-braLned, allly, mimicking foollnh, aWk, wcll-grodmed daocltif man should waltz around a ballroon with hi wife, I would hunt him up rht Kelt morning and kick htm around tin public aquare, If I conM do It If I couldn't do It I wookl hire Uw blggea darky In town to do It for me. It wouk be done." A drunkard's Idea of a smart man li one who doesn't touch liquor. BIG HUM liOEl VP. lai K Wlllar a Co , Bankar. CI lllh Liabilltla uf ai. 000,000. Nw YokK, Sept. 10. Jamea K. Wil tard Elmer and Jay Dwgin. who compose the Urm oi J. It. Willard & Co.. bankers and brokers, with offices wun preierences ior f ju,w vj H. Oeterhout. No statement is vet ob tainable, but it is estimated that their liabilities will reach f 1,000,000. Jay Dwigins is at present traveling in Europe. J. It. Wiilard, senior member aUhodrni has represented the firm in Chicaito, and had a branch office in that city up to a lew months ago when it closed. Elmer DwiKgins was the work- ing head of the firm. "The cause of the failure." sai l As- ?ignee Starbuch, "is eimply that the firm, has been upon the w rong side of the market. It has been short on stocks and grain." Many of the firm's customers gathered in the office during the day and were lond in their condemnation of the action of the firm in closing them out without notice. Confidential Clerk Arbogast ad i.iitted that he was the head of t!e firm ol Arbogast & Co., of Chicago. He de nied that the business bad been closed by the Chicago police. "I am a member of the open board of trade und my reputation is well known in that city," said Mr. Arbogast. "My business dealings in Chicago are per fectly legitimate and I defy anybody to fay aught against me. Arbogast & Co. were only in business about six months and they went out voluntarily." It was said that the stock exchange firm of fioody, McClellan & Co., did considerable business for the defunct firm, but that they were not involved by the failure. Superintendent Howe of the produce exchange received the following, written on the business paper of John Dicker sou : Chicago, S. pt. 10 To the Secretary of the Consolidated Stock and Petroleum Exchange Dear Sir: l'lease take notice that the firm of J. H. Willard & Co , is no longer in existence. Very truly yours, J. It. Willard. The Fool i li it Hocfc the lloat. Dethoit, Mich., Sept. 10. Six young men were drowned in a yacht near Vnd Mill point, in Lake fct Clair, late Wednesday afternoon. The dead are: Fritz Thomas. t 11. Gertelt- V.W- Grant Murray. , .- NewBome Thomas. Charles Jiice. 1 ' i Jay Tansey. , . A party of ten chartered the yacht Blanche and went up, the lake for a sail. When near the mouth of Fox Creek aud nearly off Wind Mill Point, three of tbe party climbed out on the boom and com menced io rock the craft, which, being Ii'-avily ballasted, lurched over and cap sized going to the bottom. Six men, who were in the cockpit, were drowned. The throe youngters who caused the dis aster, and one other were saved by a boat whicu pulled out from shore. The survivors tell an incoherent story. All agree that ti.o disaster was caused by their foolish act it. rocking the craft. Sepk an Injunction, Chicago, Sept. 10. If the people of Fulton, 111., can bold the headquarters of tlie Modern Woodmen of the World until Thursday night there will be a ji-spite of the sallies of the people of liock Island who have made several me Niccessful forcible attempts to capture the books and take them to Hock Island The respite will oe brought about by an injunction of the Mral court. At 9 o'clock To-day a bill for an in- junction was ngarked filed in the United States circuit court at Chicago and an hour later Attorney J. DeWitt Andrews with William A. Penn of Clinton, Ia the complainant, were on their way t Milwaukee to lay it before Judge Jen kins and to eccjro the restraining order. " Letter l an It in Helon. San Fhancisco, Sept. 10. In the let ter carriers' national convention Thurs day the various committees were an-f nouncod by the chairman. Chairman! Atkinson, of the committee on appeals. read his report, which was accepter The principal appeal was that of 8. 1 Smith ol Milwaukee, convicted on a technicality of having received a lettel which was accldently left in his bag. 1 waa resolved that all branches submi their constitution to ine national atsoi ciation for approval. After recess tl report of the mutual benefit association waa taken up, I'prUlnr; la Hnb-hllne; Simla, Sept. 10. In official circl here it is believed the bottom is drod ping out of the riiug of the tribeeuiel against thu British. The general officers commanding port that the Afridis have disperse the news that the Zakkakhrls are moving their families from the Khyh district Is confirmed, and there is longer any doubt that thu enemy leaving tbe Samans territory. Neeretxry Hat i gnu. Harbibblbo, Pa, Bnpt 10. Oe Frank Reeder, secretary oi t lecomm wealth, has tendered his rea.,. nation Governor Hastings. The govurnor aak for Reader's resignation las'. Thursdo There are various conjectures as to wh Secretary Reeder waa asked to - resigi bat the concensus of opinion is that was because he waa one of the signers Uhe Indemnity bond given the sta treasurer (or any lose sustained in Uti leg id legisJatUve employes. LN A BAD WKJliOK OollUion of Two Fast TVaiai Oauei i Fearful Lot 8 of Lite. BRYAN A PASSENGER ON THE TRAIN Kai-apoa Cnlujiired and Hrlpi the Suffer i lS MUtaka In Ordera ta the Cauu ' Car are Lrmu,itih(l, ! Kansas Oitv, Mo., Sept. 9. A special to the Times from Emporia, Kas., says: One of the worst wrecks in the history ot the Santa re railroad occurred three miles east of here at about 7 :30 o'clock jlaat nisrht. Twelve or fifteen persons were killed and -s many more were j badly hurt. The fast, mail train going west and the Mexico anil California express, west- , bound, collided head-on. The Mexico and balitornia express was pulled by two locomotives end when they struck the engine drawing the fast mail the hollers of all three engines exploded and tore a hole in the ground so deep that the smoking cars of the westbound train went in on top of the three engines and two mail cars and balanced there without turning over. The passengers in the emoking car escaped through the winilows. The front end of this car waa enveloped in a volume of stifling smoke and steam belching up from the wreck below and the rear door was jammed tight with- the wreck behind. The reck caught fire from the engines. The smoking cars were burned to ashes in no time. In climbing out of the smok ing car several men fell through the rifts into the wreck below and it, is im possible to tell whether they escaped or were burned to death. The westbound train carried seven or eight coaches and its passengers in cluded many exclusion ists who had been to bear Hon. W. J. Bryan speak at the county fair at Burliogham. Mr. Dryan himself was on the train, but wai riding in the rear l'u lman, some four hundred ieet from the cars which were wrecked. He states that nothing but a heavy jolt was experienced by the pas sengers in his car. The engine of the westbound train had received orders to meet the fast mail at Emporia and was making up lost time, These are the two fastest trains on the Santa Fe system, ami the esetbound train must have been run ning at a speed of at least forty miles an hour. The estbound express waa go ing around a slight curve and met the fast mail, probably witbin two hundred feet. Of the seven or eight cars making up" the train of the California express, the mail, baggage and the express and smoking Care were destroyed. The coach following the smoker was badly splintered.' There were not more than a dozen passengers on the fast mail, all in ore coach, and while oone of them was seri ously injured, their shaking up was ter rible. Every seat in the coach was torn from the floor and many floor planka came up with the seats. One man, John F. 6weeney, wa thrown over three eeats and through a w indow, but escaped with only scratches and bruises. The other cars of the faht mail, a baggage and express car, were totally wrecked. To Truveni IU Spread. Washington, tept. 9. The general government will render a'.l assistance in its power to check the spread of yellow fever. This will be done mainly through the agency of the marine hospital ser vice. Dr. Walter Wyman, the head ol the bureau, returned to the city and assumed active charge in directing the work in assieting the state officials ol Mlssis-ippi in their efforts to confine the disease to the locality where it ap pears to have started. In addition to Dr. Guiteras, Dr&. Murray and Carter, also yellow fever experts, have been ordered by the ma rine hospital authorities to tho scene ol the epidemic at Ocean Spring. The following order was telegraphed yesterday to Passed Assistant Surgeon Wedin at Mobile; "Until a cordon it established have railroad agents, sell tickets only to points north ol Washing, ton, or points in mountainous districts, ftrKi keep record of all who leave, with points of their destination, notifying local authorities. Arrange for cordon, employ necessary help and turn matteri over to Dr. Murry on his arrival and re- port to him for duty." Orders have also been given to trans. fer the camp outfit from Waynt-sville to Ocean Springs. Dr. Guiteras ia ex pected to arrive today, Moniuomkkv, Ala., 8ept. 9. Tin governor has called a meeting of the state board ol health in this citf to consider the yellow fever and small pox situation. Three ot the late ar rivals from Ocean Springs are sick and orders Irom the city health officer re quire all persona from infected die tricts to be moved out of the city al once. - A Dividend Declared. Nkw York, Sept. 0. The directors ol the Commercial Cable company de clared a quarterly dividend of pet cent, payable October 1. Ureal Demand for Pulp, A rri.KTon, wn., Kept. 9. There ii danger of a pulp famine in tho Fox ilvei I ley, Mnee tbe water has been shul otrlie tiiauufaclurers here had to stop operations on the pulp grinder, for pulpmnXing requires a tremendous amount ofNsater power and since orders for paper stobbhave been pouring in upon mills a gratand pressing demand is created for pulp: . The paper trade li getting in better shape every day and prices must soon advance. MUro-tT'Mrfata Kxplodra M- Kill a Wwmr ber of People. Cyomt, O., ept. 8. A terrible ex plosion of nitroglycerine occured here at 3 o'clock Tuesday, which resulted in tbe death of six people, whose names re known and others at present un known. The killed. tiarn Barber. Allen Falls. John Thompson. Charles Bartel. Ilenry Lansdale. Stevens, a boy. The explosion occured at the Grant well, located at the rear of the National Supply company's office building in the village limits. This well bad just been ahot by Sam Barber, tl e shooter for the Ohio and Indiana Torpe '" company. The well was a gasser am) when the 120 quarts of glycerine let down into the well exploded the gas ignited, and with a terrific roar the flames shot high above the derrick. As soon as the drillers saw the flame several climbed into the derrick to shut off the gas, but they bad hardly gotten there when there was a terrific explosion. The burning gas had started the remaining glycerine in the empty cans standing in a wason near tbe derrick. In another wagon near by were some cans contain ing 120 quarts of the stuff, and this was staried by the force of the first ex plosion. The second was blended in the first with a mighty roar and the town and surrounding country for miles trembled from the shock. The National Supply company's building wascompletely de molished, and nothing remains but a big hole where tbe wagons stood. There is not a whole pane of glass in any win dow in the town, and every home and btore was shaken to its foundation". There was awful excitemen. over the affair ami all the remaining ponulation of the town rushed to the spui. Who the men are who were in the dcirick ond who were killed cannut be leirned now owing to the exci'ement. The damage to the Ohio Oil company will amount to $30,000. Eight buildings are a total wreck and many others dam aged. The town had a pjpulath n of about 1,200. Many bystanders were wounded. io to Klondyke by Water, CmcAoo.Sept. 8. "Klondike or Sink" will be the motto of the members of an expedition which purpct-c: .2 ,7..H,e from Chicago to the mouth of the Yu kon river in the schooner George Stur ges. Ihe Sturges will sail fiom Chicago in about a month manned and piovis ioned ior a tiip of six month's duration. At the end of that time, ii all goe well, the craft will be among the iceburgs in Ren nrr kp fl.n .1 the doualdv manners will be getting ready to ascend the Yu kon in the spring. " ' Tiie George Sturges was yesterday purchased by a party of men headed by Adolph Frietsch, captain of the little yacht Nina, which crossed the Atlantic with Frietech. for captain. The vessel will eail down the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence river to the Atlantic, and thence south, rounding Cape Horn, and l,nek nn the Pacific ceasi to the Yukon. There the Sturges will be left, while the crew starts for the gold fMds, and wlftjn the crew cares to re'urn (die will serve as a treasures!! ip to bring back the nuggets. Poar Townrki.d, Sept. 8. Captain Neilaon of the ug Pioneer, just returned from Dyea aud Skagway, says: "The half has not been told of the miserable straits of the goldseekera who are striv ing to cross to Lake Linderman. Cap tain W'asson, banker and ex-collector of customs for the Puget sound district, is reported as being camped on the beach at Skagway with not one chance in five thousand of getting through this fall. He has ten horses. One man at Dyea offered $750 to have 1,200 pounds packed over, but packers refused the offer. Crossing from Skagway and Dyea the trail is practically closed on account of the mud." V. lUou Seea tlie Great West. WA'Winuton, Sept. 8. Secretary Wil son was at his desk in the agricultural department yesterday" for the first time iu a month, hr.viug just returned from his tour of the trn"-Missisi-inni states. lie went as far as Montana and Utah, eivinir special attention to the agricul tural interests of the etates visited. "I found the farmers in especially good spirits wherever I went," he said. "Thero ia no doubt that confidence is restored and that the country is justified in its anticipations of better times. The people are all busy in the west. Indeed I do not believe there is an idle man west of the Missisiippi who wants wirk." Mr. Wilson predicted a still further advance in the rise of wheat due to the fact that there is not only a short, crop abroad, but also because of the fact, ac cording to hia observation, that the crop will not be ao extensive in this country aa has generally been antici pation. "I believe that even without the chortage in the foreign crops, the con nitions in tins country should have urced wheat to a dollar a bushel. Mini Ciirpin. Coiokado Si'WNos, Sept. 8. The b v of an unknown man wbb found in ,i ouo-tooiu (rami shack in this city i!..d' v night surrounded by indioa i. .,,e i i cold-blooded murder, followed 'v carcith concealment of the crime. The corpse is so badly decomposed as to le unrecognizable. The body was, en tirely nude and was lying on the floor of the shanty a short distance from the cot. Te house has been occupied by man named Schmidt. YELLOW FEVER fkreatem to Eaage Southern 8tatei Ullesi Preemption! are Taken. ONE VICTIM AT OCEAN SPRIN6S, MISS. Batted in the Evening; with bo Moumere Step are Being Taken to Prevent tha Spread of tbe Horrible Dlaemta. New Obleans, Sept. 7. President Oliphant of tbe Louisiana board of health sent a telegram to that board here at 10 o'clock confirming the report tbat tbe phyeiciana at Ocean Springe had declared tbe prevailing sickness un doubtedly yellow fever. The doctors of three states came to this conclusion after holding an autopsy on tbe body of a person who died Sunday. Couriers are now skirmishing around the city for sufficient members to make up a quorum of the etate board of health in order to declare quarantine against Ocean Springs, which is about 100 miles from this city. Rigid precautns will be taken absolutely to isolate the springe and it is confidently hoped here' by leading physicians that the precau tions will be successful in keeping the disease from spreading to this place. A case in point is that of Biloxi several years ago, when there was an epidemic of yellow fever. Biloxi is closer to New Orleans than Ocean Springs, but the medical men were successful in confin ing the sickness to that city. There is little or no alarm here, but soj .turners on the coast are returning to the city. The result of the quarantine Vill prob ably be the taking off of the excursion and regular trains which run between New Orleans and Ocean Springs, and which touch at the various resorts along the Mississippi sound. Tho fever has been prevalent at Ocean 8prings for some time. Two weeks ago, after a careful investigation, the Louisi ana authorities declared the disease to be dengue, which it probably was at that time, the disease being mild and the death rate trifling. During the pa&t' week, however, the disease hs become virulent and has probably developed. into yellow jack. NewOelkans, Sept. 7.-Raoul uei- phi, who has be'in spending the summer' at Oofcan Springs, and who was brought to this ci'y Thursday, died yesterday.1. Dr. Walmslev, acting president of te' board ol health, after an antopey, arP nouuei mat uelpsi had died of yellow, fever. The board of health hfts takenl charge of the i.ouse, which will be thor1 oughly fumigated and disinfected and; will take ad stepa to prevent the spread o' the disease. The deceased was bur-i led last evening No one was allowed to attend the fnnerr , J.: , Thouaanda lo K o Xrxt Year. Denver, Sept. "We are on the verge of a great mining era" remarked Clar-i ence King, formerly chief of the United States geological survey, yesterday "The time is not far distant when a man can start out of Denver and travel to Klon dike, stopping every night at a mining camp. Already two American stamp mills are pounding away on the borders' of the Straits of Magellan, and the day in approaching when a chain of mining camps will extend from Cape Horn to St. Michaels. I believe w e are about to open up vast resources that will be the) greatest the earth 1 as eve known. Be-, fore the end of th Twentieth century the tra viler will en er a Bleeping car at) Chicago bound via. :.' ring straits for St. Petersburg, and the .iream of Governor Gilpin will be realized," Mr. King is on his way east fiom 8e-j attle, where he outi.ited a party for the Klondike. He believe- that the next steamer from the gold fields brings 11,000,000 thereabout, One hundred, thousand men will go into the Yukon country next spring. Gold in Michigan. Dethoit, Sept. 6. A special ie re ceived by tlie News from Wawa City, the newly laid out t .wu in the Michipi coten gold country, on Lake Wawa,! Out. The embryo towii is located in the one yarrow pass which leads to Lake Wauwaw from the landing place on the eiore of Lake Superior, which leads to Lake W awa from the coveries. The special 6ayB : Quartz 1 as been found here that as says over $200 a ton. It is found not ia one section, but in several thousand acres. Qus rtz has been found here con taining free gold in chunks as big as kernels of wheat. Prospectors every' day are finding ore that assays $5 a ton. Probably 100 ire working in the hillB. Another part) of sixty-flve men reached here Runday afternoon. Several thou sand acres hate already been claimed, hut there are all kinds of deputies as to pi lot ity ol claims. The country where the drscoveries were made has never been opened up foi settlement. The only Inhabitants about are Indians and Hudson bay traders, and they are few. Condition if tlio TreHnory. rVAStiiNGTON, Sept. . Yesterday 's statement of the condition of.the treas ury shows: Available cash balances. 1215 fiOH Ofwi. gold rerorve, (144,201 ,458. Two Suicide In the Rank. Altoona, Pa., Sept. 7. Harry Oal oough, who was a ch rk in the Second National hank of thin ci'y when it was looted by Cashier G dner three year Kio, and who was arretted at the time lor having changed rtgnros in bis books at the cashier'a diouti n, committed sui cide yesterday by shootlnsr hlmaaif This is the second suicide as a result of tbe failure, Bank Examiner Miller bar. ing shot himself while trying totmtftfigW the defaulting cashier's Meoosts. 0 ff- v- '" a WW ft Pi M W" r 1 F