The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 09, 1897, Image 7

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Dr. J. U Indoraee Dr. Wllllame'
Pink Filla Hecauee Ha Haa Found
Then I fllcacioaa.
JVoi I'; Capital, 8L JoKn, Kannat.
Hearlnir that Dr. J. L. Lime, of N.
lohn, Kan., ba4l ui Dr. Williama' rink
i'UlH hi hi iwn-tice wrth great nuecesa, a
reporter mlled U)ou mid interviewed bini
rwartlinic the waiter.
Your reporter found the Ioctor a rery
plearuint and affable wan of prolaaMy SO
y (t of axe NVe were much iiiipreaa!
with hi manner, a it kimily and
dixnitioJ. When we broached the aubject
of our rail, he became euthuniantic at
once and proceeded to give us the follow
ing for publication:
"My attention had been -alled to Dr.
William' l'ink Till for Tale l'eople br
evernJ persona of injr acquaiutani-e who
bad tieen grvaxly benefited or entirely
cured by tlieir use. I determined to give
them a trial in my practice, and if they
proved to be aatiafactory I would adopt
them and uae thetu regularly. Since 1
began prescribing them I have never had
cauaeto regret uiy delemiinaliuu. I have
uaed Dr. Willinnut' Pink rills in a Bum
ber of case of nervoua trouble, neuraa
rhenia, rheiifiiutimn, etc., and in every
caae nave been eieeptiotmlly well p leaned
with the reault. and I c.u honenMy and
rotiHi'icntioiwly rc' iiiinend l'ink I'iiU for
tie fttxive dhtic:
"1 tflwll continue to ue them and rec
ommend tht-m to my patient, for I ivu
aider there is nothing Ijetter for the Hh
easen they are nivnmnendi'! to cure. I
am well known in thin mrt of Knumia and
n!ti i:i Fayette Comity. Ohio. I inn nee-
rctarv of the I'. S. IVnii.m KxHininiiiK
Siirjrcons Hoard for SlflfTirrd ( imtriy
Kannan, mid chniniiiin of the llepiililican
County Central Committee fur the iilntvt
named coimtv. imiri, fa rt.h fully.
".) Kssi-: mm ns, M. i."
We also n-u-ertniiied the Doctor' atand
Inj! In St. John by few interview whirl
we herewith publinh, alon-j wit':i the Due
tor' Ktiitmetit retritrdrnu l'ink Pill
"1 am well nr.iminted with Dr. .T. I
Limes and know hitu to be an honorable
and atrniuhtforwartl mnn. and whatever
he tuav nay ran be relied iinni.
"V.. U. HKNKl'l VAi,
"County Sitpt. of Schools, Stufford tn
ty, KnnB."
St John. Kannaa. July H.
"I have known Ir. .1. L. Lime for I
number of yearn nul can recommend him
a a tiroiiiineut tiiiysician. nnd a man w eK
liked in this vicinity.
"Canhier Commercial Hank.
"I have known Dr. J. I,. Line for ev
era! yearn, and an a pbyniiian he in very
iirominem. nnd hin reputation for honot
and integrity are too well known to bf
questioned for an f until nt.
'II. J. ( 'OKNWI'LL,
"Kdilnr St. John Newn."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pill contain, in i
condensed form, all the element necen
earv to irive new life und riclnien to tin
blood and restore shattered nerve. Thei
are an unfailing nprcitir for such disenu
e an loconniior ataxia, parlini paralysis
St. Vitn' dance, xcintira. neuralgia, rheu
matism, nervous headache, the after ef
feet of la grippe, palpitation of the heart
pale ami willow complexion-, all form id
weaknena either In male or female. Pink
l'illn are sold by nil dealers, or will b
aetit pontpaid n receipt of price, 50 centi
a box or six boxen for 2.."0 (they ar
never sold in bulk or by the 1(10). by ad
dreaiing Dr. William' Medicine Com
pany, Schenectady, N. V.
Some (oiks believe they are so poo
that people ill never think ol gossip
inj alxiut Hut thev are mistaken,
HhakeTlnto Your Hliooa
Allen's root-Kase. a powder for th
fet. It cures painful, swollen, smart
lug feet, and Instantly tukes the sting
out of corns and bunions. It's tht
greatest comfort discovery of the age
Allen's Foot-Kaae makes Ught-flttlttg
or new shoes feel eauy. It la a certain
cure for sweating, callous and hot.
tired, aching feet. Try It to-dny. Sole
by all drugglsta and shoe stores. Bj
mall Tor 2: cents, in stamp, inn.
package FREE. Address, Allen 8
Olmsted. Le Roy. V Y.
An Atchison man is writing a novel
in wbch' the vil'ain is avenged by liii
rival marrying the heroine.
I know that my life was saved by Piso'i
Cure lor Consumption. John A. Miller
Au Sable, Michigan, April 21, J t5.
Swedish pi pern report a striking in
crease in the number of joung men who
refuse, on religious or other grounds, U
do military duty. They are usually sen
tenced to three months' imprisonment
When the hair begin to fall out or tun
gray, the Bcalp lice In doctoring, and w
know of no better uper.itic than Hall's Veg
etalile Siciliun Hair Kenewer,
Mist Helen Gould has six bicycles at
liar county place at Irvington-on-the-Hudson
for her own use and that of bet
friends. Miss Gould ridel in a short
skirt, a waist of the same material and
an alpine hat. Mie never mounta her
wheel on Sunday.
Hall's Catarrh Cure .
Js a constitutional cure. Price 75 cents.
I'oaltty I'olntors
Peklns are the beet breed of ducks to
raise without water.
When the bene have the noun, leed
chalk in the soil feed.
Always feed chickens before giving
tbem water in the morning.
When the hens are confined, they
boa id have plenty of cool, eiear water
Darke ean live in water all day, bat
net have dry quarter 'at night.
Damaged grain or soft (aed if always
daageroae. It it ept to indaoe disease.
OW small wainted women are
now, with full aJtWa and full
bodices strapped In by a leath
er belt! "Tight lacing," one la Inclined
to nay, but really the trlmneaa of the
walat la largely suggested by contrast
to the fullness about It, and If the
Parlslenne does pull ber stays In a
trifle too much she does It at the most
comfortable and least dangerous spot,
the very waist line. The corset affect
ed by the English woman perhaps not
by the best class, although they are all
more or less sinners In this respect,
much to the despair of their Taris
dressmakers may pinch the figure In
pu Iron frame for Its whole distance of
twelve to fifteen Inches, but the style
of stays approved of In Paris Is only
fashioned with the Idea of nipping In
the wnlst. The looser, larger meshed
goods or canvas weaves are lined with
changeable silk and have belt and col
lar to match one color and a silk vest
of the other. All have the loose blouse
A Corner HooWcaae.
The corners of a room are always
rather difficult to arrange so that the
affect shall be satisfactory, and for this
purpose the corner bookcase pictured
here will meet every need.. The frame
Is fine quartered oak, highly polished,
and finished at the top, with a hand-
some molding. While the bnck of the
case fits solidly Into the corner, the
front presenU a square edge, while the.
shelves are alno perfectly square. A
curtain of figured silk suspended from
a slender brass rod can be drawn di
rectly acroHH the front, or to one side.
Chicago Chronicle.
To Retain fiooi Complexion.
It Is claimed thnt Kngllnh women
have excellent complexions. While
panning through Chicago during the
theater season nil actress of nome re
pute was questioned as to the preserva
tion of her good complexion. She snld
that she was, In the llret place, an
"English woman," and that wnn in It
self sufficient. But, on being asked how
one could retain a good complexion, she
offered the following shampoo: Ac
cording to her statement, the face
shampoo not only adds to the personal
attractiveness of the shampooer, but
creates a peaceful, cheerful spirit in
her. It rests her nerves after a morn
ing's shopping, It restores her temper.
To take It, rub tine soap and a little
glycerine on a siHinge, wet In water as
hot as can be Imrno. Lather the face
and neck thoroughly with this. Then
rub with almond meal until the skin Is
dry. Wash nil trace of meal and soap
off with clean, hot water; spray with
cold water until the flesh Is firm and
cold. Dry gently with a soft towel,
and tolled) the eyebrows and roots of
the hair with a linen cloth dampened
with cologne.
An Klnbarate lllcycle Bolt.
There was recently placed with a
fashionable New York tailor an order
for a bicycle suit which In the matter
of expense Is likely to hold the record
for some time. The girl who meets the
bill Is worth a million In her own right,
Is an athletic beauty and Is a reigning
belle In the ultra smart set. The stilt
which makes the bill Is the most elabo
rate ever designed In this country. It
Is lined with silk, finished with Jewels
and will cost a lump sum of $71.r.r0.
Two shawls at 75 apiece will be cm
ployed In making the skirt and Jacket.
Outdoor Wrapa.
Capelike wrap for matrons show
long sash ends and are often made up
of silk of two different but harmoniz
ing shades, like crushed strawberry
and nlle green, the contrast being dam
pened by a covering of black plaited
moiiHsellnc de sole, gauze or black lace
embroidered with steel or Jet bends.
A sieaaide Coatnme.
The smartest costumes for the river
or seaside are of white pique, either as
full bodice and skirt or coat and skirt
with cambric shirt. At Newsrt re
cently one of these costumes was worn
over a w hite shirt with yellow necktie,
combined with a white straw sailor hat
with a yellow band of ribbon.
Oettlna- DM o' the Hllea.
Nowadays people In civilised regions
endeavor to keep files out of their
houses by having screens placed over
their doors and windows. This keeps
out the greater number of the little
pests, but a few always manage to And
an entrance through aome crevice or
cranny. To dlapoae of theae an in
genious mind augfents tha following:
Nav tha topa of the acreen doom and
Ji nBllI
1M ;i tT JwSttffi I: '
window screens punch several holea
from the Inside with some Instrument
about the size of a lead pencil, tbua
lea v lug slightly funnel-shaped aper
tures, having a rough, jagged edge, on
the outside. This renders It Impossible
for the files to enter through these
holes, while the files which hare
strayed into the bouse the first time
they light on one of the screens crawl
to the upper part, and, seeing these
holes. Imagine there la some place
where they are not wanted on the
other side, and out they go. "In this
manner," said a flytrap dealer, "a
house can be kept perfectly free from
Newest Thine Ont.
For business wear the proper shirt
waist is of alpaca wash silk, or silk
finished gingham.
Linen collars and cuffs and a satin tie
are the only accessories to traveling
frocks of tussore silk.
Ready made ruflllngs of mousselinei
and Persian organdies for skirts are a
feature of the lace counters.
An odd wulst of turquolse-blue gloria
silk has a yoke of white chiffon and a
bolero of heavy white point lace.
One of the grotesque fads of the mo
ment Is the cravat of mammoth pro
portions to be worn with silk or cotton
shirt waists.
Cross bars of ecru lace on a deep ma
roon ground, giving the popular canva
effect, constitute a new design in
Scotch gingham.
Double warp cashmere, closely re
sembling dray d'ete In delicate tlnta
and beauty of finish, is one of the love
liest light wool summer fabrics.
During her strolls along the seashore
IMtrcb the stylish summer girl wears a
picturesque mess Jacket of brilliant red
military cloth, braided In black silk, a
In West Point.
Strips of white embroidery set horl
zontally on the blouse bodice and
curved pieces of the same on iKilerc
jacket pieces give a lovely effect to
lavender and pale green lawns, dimi
ties and chambreys.
Even the iiioKt. expensive materials,
are now veiled, so extensively has tha
fad for nets, grenadines nnd filmy chif
fons developed. In French gowns thf
predominating effect Is that of bluck
and white.
With black lnwn gowns that arc
trimmed in white stylish women wear
broad-btimmed hats of tulle, chiffon or
Batavla straw trimmed with masses ol
white lace, mousseline, flowers or
Extreme flutliness Is a prominent
characteristic of the exquisite new
shoulder capes of lulle, lace and silk
now shown In bewildering variety. In
evolving a single cape vast quantities
of light lace, plaited chiffon and baby
ribbon arc consumed.
A I'B'r C"h cnitmin.
One of the handsomest of the Windy
City's Pour Hundred Is .Mrs. Yerkes,
the charming wife of Charles T. Yerkes,
the Chicago millionaire. She hail quite-
. 1
an adventure In New York recently,
when a thief snatched her card case
from her In broad daylight. He wai
soon captured, but Mrs. Yerkes took
pity upon him and refused to prosecute.
To Tnke Stain. Off Walla.
Very disfiguring are greane marks on
wall paper. There Is a way to remove
them, though the process ahould be
gone through bm soon ns possible aftet
they appear and before they have time
to sink loo deeply Into the paper. Take
some pipe cluy or fuller's earth and mix
It with cold water until It makes a fair
1 thick paste. I'ut a layer of this on
the grease marks nnd let It remain for
twenty-four hours. Hy this time 11
Hhould be perfectly dry and can bt
brushed off. In the ense of old stain
It may be necessary to repeat the pro
Fnrmat'on of C'harncter.
Character takes shape by a very slow
process. No one become at a bound
that Into w hich he fully mature. HI
lently aud In a mensure Imperceptibly
also we tend In this direction or in that.
Then lod sends aouie special contin
gency or combination of clrcutustnnceH,
and, lo, It If disclosed what manner of
men we air, upright or false, manly ot
cringing, true or liable to equivocate,
utrong or weak.
' Instto KlqnVeta.
It la a good plan to have your blan
kets tdngly and not In palm, as they
are iminlly bought. Very often two
make one too warm, and one I all that
j Is necessary
Cut them apart and but
tonhoie the edge with allk or wonted
to match the border, Thla can be done
with a steel crochet needle In single
crochet. '
Savanta at the Capital Thought the
Monument Waa Haunted.
In one of the many glass cases In the
Sinltluioulan Institution at Washing
ton Is a stuffed owl. Tula particular
owl h the one, In the word of the
late President Hayes, "that Jarred the
Washington monument," and therein
lies the story.
During centennial year Congress re
solved to provide the necessary funds
for the completion of the mon anient,
which up to that time had been work
ed at only while the several smaller ap
propriationu lasted. It was discover
ed, however, that the original founda
tion was likely to prove Incapable of
sustaining the enormous weight of
marble necessary for carrying the shaft
550 feet above terra flrma. A new
foundation was therefore needed, and
arclilteots thought a solid concrete bed
100 feet square and nearly fourteen
feet In thickness would accomplish the
strengthening desired.
During the operation of replacing the
oM foundation It was considered ex
pedient to provide means for noting
carefully the slightest vibration of the
wails k-st the monument might be In
danger of collapsing. Accordingly a
heavy weight was suspended by a
stout thread from the apex to a pan of
thick sirup locaud in the iwse, so that
no chance drafts of air would be likely
to sway the weight. An Ingenious con
trivance was so attached to the weight
that the slightest vibration of the shaft
would be faithfully record. d, and Its in
security would at once he an establish
ed fact.
One morning a few mouths after
these careful precautions hud been
taken there was a great commotion
among the workmen. A complete rec
ord of numerous ierturltions aud
tremblings had been written on the in
dex, showing conclusively that the
mammoth obelisk had Jarred, swayed
and settled during the night. Scientific
heads were duUoiusly shaken. After
much iM'rsusisIon one of the men finally
consented to go to the top and examine
Into the cauwi. The astonishing reixirt
came into the midst of the anxious
throng lwlow that an owl In seeking
shelter In the lofty tower hail somehow
managed to catch Its wings in the
thread and was still hanging there,
suspended to the Interior of the monu
ment, and the Innumerable flappings
and struggles of his owlshtp had all
been recorded by the 'index ns testi
mony n gainst the stability of pliiml
lald marble blocks and solid concrete.
Philadelphia Record.
Early Opposition to Ana'stfiesia.
Every discovery has met with an
tagonism. Each advance In medicine
has Immii opixmed until the proofs
liave beciu so manifest that Uu' great
majority of antagonists have Im-imi over
whelmed thereby. The NUitee.nt.h Cen
tury lias an article on "The Advance of
Medical Science During the Victorian
(Era" from tiie mi of Mak'olm Morris,
F. R. C. S In which the opposition to
the use of aiiiii-st.het.ics Is described.
Dr. Simpson was Its champion. Attar
depleting the attacks of the dally
paiHTs and the refusal of suffering pa-tle-nto
to have chloroform nilmln-isterei'
to them it says:
"Tluw feeUnig.s were by no menus
confined to . the nonscUMi.tillc public.
There was strong opposition from
some surgeons who held that pain was
a wholesome stimulus; on this ground
the use of chloroform whs actually for
bidden by the principal medical officer
of our army In the Crimen. The clergy
i naturally lettered the iiistrnotions of
these enlightened professors of the ait
of liea ling. I need only to quote one
philanthropic divine who nitmtheniatlz
ied chloroform as "a decoy of Satan ap
parently offering itself to bless women,'
-but 'which will harden society and rob
iod of the deep, earnest cries which
arise In time of trouble for help"
Simpson answered those foolw accord
In; to their folly. He quoted scripture
to prove that the Almighty hlnmelf per
formed the llrst operation under an
aesthesia, when he cast Adam Into a
deep sleep before removlmg Ids rib.
He fougiht the battle of ciiimoin sense
with such convincing logic and such an
overwiu'lming iimims of evidence chem
ical, physiological, clinical, and sta
tistical tliat lie finally slmmi-d his op
ponmts Into Kllence."
Heat the Drum in 1HI2.
Sunday, May 10, New lla-mpsli Ire's
only survivor of the war of 1812,
Bleazer Smith, of Duiiibury, was 09
years old, rotuwllng out the century of
Ms life in unlmipnlred liealth, with
acute tH'uww and with intwli of the
HprLglrtltnesa wiilch oikw filled his
youth. NothwRhstatMllag a slight,
rwm, his carriage Is erect and his
alwmlders square. Ills eyesight is
pnirtleularly good for a man of lite ago
Never lias he lus'di'd medical attend
Mice, a iwl only once, and that foul
yeans ago, haw lie ever HufTe-ned. Klenzet was lionn In Craft on, X: II.,
May 10, 17!)H, and wn oiw of n fajnlly
ot elglit children. All his brot!nirs and
Hbrteru have Ix-cn dead for more than
tw'mty years, one brot.he-r baling kllh-d
Vn the civil war, II U grandfather was
a Holdkr of tlie lU'Voliitioii, partieiiMit
ln In many eaiag;iuejit.H. He saw
Oneral Warren fall at Hunker II ill,
and wax himaelf wounded. Kleazcr
rcsM.d on hla fatlver'a farm UU 1812,
when he locanie Imbued with a desire
to go to the defnw5 of hl country,
but hl extreme youth made him In
eligible until 1814, when at 10 yearn of
age lie enlisted to the face of oppottl
tkui from parent and ridicule from
faienda. Hanover (Mam.) Cor. Boston
A Moving Appeal.
A Wahaah college boy, having bean
admitted to the aamc Greek aoclety to
which hi father belonged, Introduced
Ma next reqtiewt for a remittance wits
"Dear Father and Brother."
poia Journal.
Tna Poller jr Traa of ri.
One of the curiositiei of Brazil is a
tree whose wood and bark contain to
much silica that they are used by pot
ters. Both wood and bark are burned
tnd the ashes are pulverized and mixed
in equal proportions with clsy, produc
ing a very superior ware. The treej
grow to a height of 100 fe.-t, but does
uot exceed a foot in diameter. The
fresh bark cute like sandstone and when
dried is brittle and hard. Demoiest
Modrru rror rb.
Be slow to promise and quick to per
form ; a gift long detvyid in eained b;
waiting and paid for in days.
Contention bo-n of pride, i- apt to bt
pat out to nurse with envy until it it
christened by revenge or regret.
Adversity overcome, leaves in h j vu
tor's hands a great pair of strong wii.g
with which to fly to greater heights.
An Atchison woman very rarely goei-
away on a visit, because site disliked t;
kiss all her kin before she goes.
When a baseball crana become so in
terested in a game that he becomes of
fensive, he is called a baseball rooter.
The less energy a man ha, the easiei
he drifts into matrimony.
Attempt to make refoi in a paying i uv
nesB, and it ceases to rei nn.
After a man's dao iiter l,ecom"s a
old woman, he calls i.i-r hi- li t le g.ii.
What has become of the old-fashione
singer who sang "Marguerite" at even
church concert?
The reason that the good die youne i
that they wouldn't be good if they gre
If every dog has his day it is pref
certain that there are worse thing tha
beirg a dog.
Some people frown even when the)
are amused.
Only the bobtail fox knows ho to
avoid the trap.
A hit in time oft saves 'he nine.
nAX TPTTTk A T"rTrV"K. T ( Over-Work I
No part of the human body receives more ill treatment than the bowels. Load
after load is imposed until at last the intestines become clogged, refuse to act, worn
T. . . .. Tv I - I k
out. i nen you mus assist nature
Cured by
Not a violent mass of mercurial and mineral poisons, but a PURE VEGETA
BLE COMPOUND, that acts directly upon the diseased and worn oat intestinal
canal, makes it strong, and restores muscular action, at the same time gently
stimulatingthe liver and kidneys. Not a patent hqcid or pill-form dtse, but a
CANDY TABLET pleasant to eat, easy and delightful in action.
They are indeed NATURE'S OWN REMEDY.
ALL DRUOOISTS. 10c., BSC.. 60a .
tm aan inn a
' $75 70 ALL ALIKR
The Flo Nickel Steel Tubing used in 1897 Cotwnbins costs more than ny
other steel tubing on the market. The expense incident to this con
struction is justified by the advantages which it enables us to offer to the
rider, both in safety, stiffness of tubular parts and consequent ease of
running. This is indicated by the regard in which '97 Columbia art
held by all riders.
iB97 Hartford BO
Hartford, Pattern 2
Hartford, Pattern I 0
H Columbia are not properly repretented in your vicinity, let as know.
"The Best Is Aye the Cheapest.
Avoid Imitations of and Sub
stitutes for
The Bit
Saddle Coat,
Kmdi both rldrr ind saddle nrr-
feclly dry in the hardest storms. 3 w
Subtltute will disappoint. Ask for
iHo? Bsh Brand Pommel Slicker I
It It entirely new.
It not for sale In laJ
or catalogue to 15
your town, write tor
A. J. lOWhK,
por thonand and up. US.) I cch Treeii 14
and up. !( "mn; HeVe, l. to p. r thoua
and Ash SKeditia-7&o -r tboiiaand. Alarm
fiipplynfall kinrla of e-ceeillnirly wall rooted,
true to nmti, an I strictly flrst-claa miner
itock. Write for Price I .lit to
i !:' N Itoo'-m- . KeTn-lria "H
Jmmm. ij -
A OsyrS8! (
I I la time, goft dr a. 1
LZZMaJlZaMa tata--
It Turn Out AUKifkl.
Young Wife Just to think, Harry.
dear, my new bat blew into the street
todsy and was run over by three wag
ons, lour cans and an omnibus.
Harry Humph! That means a new
hat, of course.
Young Wife-No truly. It was res
cue i, and 1 took it to Mme. wayappes.
wiio was perfectly charmed. The wag
ons and thing had mangled it into the
moit fatdi.onable shape imaginable
About Change of Ufa.
"I suffered for eight years and could
find no permanent relief until one year
ago. My trouble was Change of Life.
I tried Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable
Compound, and relief came almost im
mediately. I have taken two bottles of
the Vegetable Com
pound, three
boxes of Pills
and have alo
used the Sana
tive Waih,
and must
say, 1 navj
nj never uau
1 anything
help 60
much, I
have better health
than I ever had la
nylife. I feel like a new person, per
octly strong. I give the CouipouuJ
11 the credit. I have recommended it
o several of my friends who are using
fc with like results. It has cured me
f several female diseases. I would not
o without Mrs. Pinkham's remedies
,i- anything. There is no need of so
uch female suffering. Her remedies
o a sure cure." Mrs. Ella Kkihib,
'irhtstown, HenryCo., Ind.
Hon. Mary Harriet Geraldine Drum
mond, the only daughter of Vifcount
Forth and grand d m ihter of the Earl ol
Perth, is ru nin a 8'iill ice cream es
tablishment in Bro klyn.
un ii, uiu w uww wuji yuw wu
Tne St. J"- hh and Gr'nl Inland R, H
to a i.i. rontTn
toiVTuVE; Union Pacific Sy.tetu
To California, On (ton and all Western 1'innii.
For lnlormailon rutfardlng raier. elr . mil on
to addrens any airent or S. M. A' it,
M. 1. KoaiNHON, J a., (ien. faun AgL
Gen'i tianaxer, U Joaepk, Mo.
t:ar 41 ror .i..lnnl
daKhsre. tur.AmiuaOvna.
IrrttaiMM or xlcvrjklwna
(IvamCHraiCaiCo. (" t'iMH.
I Ciciri o.r "I MatM ar rreaaalata.
or arnt In vlalrt wrpr.
I- '-prw.. er,-Mi,(i. fur
?l in, ..r -. I.tlr. f-.:.
TMilai cnt reirefi.
Tha bent Red Rntw RoofliTr lot
In. IM-rari. II.. cittm and n 1 lav
Im-lnded. SaljelltliWr- fn, ',a.
tcr. HamplrH fro. I H r 't MAM l.l .
HdiiHXH ' . v
Writ Oiyt. CTaVUlCt, flWlaiaaaal.Wiaaliilii, p.:
": --.i-L4 ill
jalaaia aaj r aaw ltt atat-TtMt,,(
X ouitr I
f mtufAI
JL .I Uaamii.4 VI