Rave the Trees. Another warning against the de struction of forests baa recently come from the Island of Trinidad. The offi cers of the Royal Botanic Gardens there report that the rainfall has been steadily decreasing for thirty or more years, and that if the present rate of decrease should continue, that beauti ful Island would, within a measurable length of time, become as barren as Saharra. Destruction of forests is de clared to be the cause of the decrease of rain, Popocatepetl's Kabbita. One would hardly look for a new spe cies of rabbit high up on the sides of a great Tolcanlc mountain. Yet Dr. C. II. Merrlam has recently described just such an animal, which was discovered at an elevation of 10,000 feet, on the flank of Popocatepetl, the "mountain that smokes," near the City of Mexico. It is remarkably small, does not jump like an ordinary rabbit but runs ou all fours, possesses no tail, has short ears, and lives on the grass covering the slopes of the mountain below the re gion' of snow and volcanic sand. Effect of Electricity on Feerls. Experiments recently made at the Massachusetts Agricultural College tend to prove that electricity exerts an appreciable influence on the germina tion of seeds. When a current of the proper strength is applied it hastens the germination and early growth of the sprouts, but its influence diminish es as the plant increases in size. Seeds subjected to a single application of electricity show the effect for only a lew hours, but if the current Is ap plied hourly it acts constantly, except that as the plants mature the beneficial effect is gradually lost One of the Nearest Stars. There are very few stars whose dis tance is even approximately known to astronomers. Moreover, the different estimates of the distances of these few vary by large amounts. The nearest known star is "Alpha" In the constel lation Centaur, not visible from the northern lands of the earth, and one of the next nearest is a little star in the northern constellation Cygnus, call ed "81 Cygnl." The latest determina tion of the parallax of this star by Mr. H. S. Davis, of New York, makes Its distance fifty-three millions of millions of miles. This is about eighteen mil lions of millions of miles less than the distance derived from Professor Hall's measurement some teu years ago. A rnrlona Villa- e of Ants. Mr. George M. Brook describes, in Popular Science News, a singular com munity of small brown ants observed by him inhabitating little dome-shaped atructures. made of wood fibre, and stuck ou the panels of a fence and the neighboring shoots of a Virginia creep er. These shelters, which presented the appearance of a little village, were from a quarter of an inch to an inch In diameter, and about an eighth of an Inch high. On breakiLg them open Mr. Brook found them occupied by ints. During a shov?r, he says, the little houses were quite full of ants. He saw the industrious creatures at Work building and repairing their sin gular shelters. The Virginia creeper was inhabited by many aphides, or plant lice, which, it is well 'known, furnish a secretion, that ants are very fond of, and which is sometimes liken ed to the milk of cows. When, with the growth of the creeper, the location In which the aphides abounded was changed, the ants abandoned their orig inal huts and constructed new ones nearer to their "herd of cows." The permanent home of the ants was in a pile of boards several yards away. An Extraordinary Krnption. A very singular phenomenon occur red last winter in Iceland. Along the seaeoust, near the center of the south ern shore of the Island, there Is a broad level region called the Skeidara Sands, bordered by glaciers descending from the mountains. A postman crossing the sands was startled by a long, groaning sound Issuing from the glacier two mile away. Then he saw masses of Ice shooting Into the air, followed by a flood of water and Ice pouring across the sands. Being on horseback he oulckly got out of the reach of dan ger. After six days, on again visit ing the spot, he found the sands cover ed with a "belt of Ice-waves" reach taf from the glacier to the sea, a dis tance of twenty-five miles. The precise cause of the eruption, which apparent ly took place underneath the glacier. Is Mt known, but according to a reort In Katare, It la believed to, have some caaooctloa with the great earthquakes that ahook Iceland last summer. , Dm Bawd His Master. A kettaw to th Philadelphia Timer fTta Vtekaburg, Mis., reports that a fa a tfcat dty baa made a handsome rrJLi t-aft for a rlver-pbjiHeT. a Mr. IltTi, oU wblen la Um following !n- t!C-! " Km, aod . C'rj frtsJ, a wtaa eoonaellor, this r--" -j n afaatsl If Ma grateful r J "tf'riaar." The story of front to see if the levee wit holding In good condition. Illx dog Hruao ac companied him. As they spproai-bed a certain point Bruno, for some unac countable reason, refueed to advance, and began to bark and howl In a must distressing manner. Mr. Phillips, who was very fond of his pet.trVd In every way to pacify him, while insisting upon continuing his journey; but the dog re fused to be comforted whining and barking In such a strange way that his master at length concluded to leave him to himself, and went on alone. Now it chanced tliat by reason of a little elevation near thfet point on the I river-front, the portion of levee sur rounding it was considered the sound est on the whole plantation. In view of this fact Phillips had selected it as a point of observation from which t get a bird's-eye view of the place. As he began to climb the embank ment for this purpose, he was startled to hear a dog barking oloee behind him, and to feel Bruno tugging at his heels. Fearing the faithful animal had gone mad. Mr. Phillips tried to kick himoff, hoping to munt the levee and so es cape beyond his reach, but the dog was too quick for him. Springing up oil his haunches, Bruno gras.jed the collar of his master's loose flannel shirt, and by main force succeeded In pushing him down the embankment. In fact, so sudden was the spring and so frantic were the dog's efforts that man and dog were eight or ten feet back from the levee liefore Phillips re covered his equilibrium. When be did so. he grasped the dog with Itoth bauds around the neck and tried to choke him off. At that moment he heard a heavy splash, the meaning of which he knew only too well, ami looked up to see the levee and the solid earth ujion which he had but a moment before been standing slough off and drop Into the maddened, murky water. j Mr. Phillip's feelings may be letter Imagined than desnils-d when he saw the yawning breach reaching within a few feet of hiai. and realized how valiantly his brave dog, whose keener Instincts had warned him of approach- j tog danger, had fought to save him from a watery grave. Test of Human Nature. When Nansen and Us men were frozen Into the Ice In the Pram In September, 1893, they had only to wait, apparently In the same si, until the slowly drifting k-e should carry them somewliere Poleward, they hoped, but possibly not In that direction. Seeing nothing but the dead ice about them, feeling no onward movement, they must simply look in one another's faces and wait, possibly for as many years or months as remained of tlieir lives. As a matter of fact, the whole com pany remained there, froeen In, until the 14th of March, 185M, when Nansen and one of the men left In sledges In an adventurous attempt to reach the Pole, leaving the patient captain and crew to wait longer still. . It Is remarked that men of the Latin races seldom attempt to find the Pole. As a race they have not the patience to wait and wait, as an Arctic explorer must oftem do. Their nature makes it necessary for them to go somewhere and do something all the time. Americans appear to possess the physical patience necessary for these terrible expeditions, but It has been noticed that the polar expeditions of our countrymen have left lehind them a distressing number of jealousies and hatreds on the part of those who have had part In them. In view of this fact, a remark of one of the members of the Nausea expedition Is worthy of notice. He had said that he thought Norwe gians were the fittest of all men to go on Arctic expeditions. "Why is tliat so?" he was asked. "Because," he replied, "two Norwe gians are capable of living, face to face, on a cake of ice for three years without hating each other; and I do not be lieve there is another nation of whom as much could be said." If this is true, it may be well for the rest of the world to leave the hard task of Arctic exploration entirely to the sailors and men of science of Nor way. He Revived Instantly. It was a sad scene. The old man lay on his lied, and by him sat the faith ful wife, holding his worn hand in hers n;ul forcing back the tears to greet his wandering look with a smile. SJie spoke words of comfort and of hop". But he felt the cold band falling on him, and he turned his weary eyes up to her pale, worn face. "JeaJinie, dear wife, I am going." "Oh, no, John, not yet, not yet." "Yes, dear wife," and he clowd bin eyes,' "the end Is near. The world the world grows darker around me, gathering t bicker and thicker, and 1 seem to hear sweet music." "No, no, dear John; that's tbe brass bawl In the street." "What?" said the dying man. "Have those scoundrels dared to come round here when they know I am dying? (Jive me my liootjack, I'll let 'em sue!" ami in a towering rage the old man jumped from hia bed, and, before his wife could think, he had opened the window and had shied the bootjack at the band. "I've hit that Dutch leader, anyway." said he, and went back to bed and got better.-T'1-Blta. Llk Print's. A 6-year-old was seated In a barber! chair. "Well, my little mm, how would yon like your hair cut r "Oh, like pnpa's; with a little round bote at the top." FJiisy Victims In Oeorgta. A plausible young man accosted a Georgia farmer one day last week, and in a very Itetle while Induced htm to pay IA0 for machlo winch be aaanrad , ntm woum tarn oat orana saw a w mui by limply turning a crank. ' Tatta of InteraetTaw dinar tatta. AGRICULTURAL SEWS THINGS PERTAINING TO THE FARM AND HOME. rhe Price of Hey Is Regulated by Ita Color, Not Ita Worth Green Fodder Good for tock Keep the Fence Corners Clean. Marketable Hny. There may be markets that will take the richest hay at a sufficient advance in price to repay the farmer for fur nishing it, but 1 know of none, and am sure that there are not many. It sells by color, and there Is more danger of having some of the hay blackened and dusty when the grass Is cut In full bloom than wlren it is sufficiently ma ture to require only a short exposure to the weather in the swath. It is a big and risky job to cure a large amount of grass that Is as full of sap as tim othy in full bloom, and consumers In most local markets are not Inclined to pay for all the extra labor, risk and loss in weight of the total product due to early cutting. Dead-ripe timothy Is not wanted, of course, and its color con demns It, but there Is a middle ground which should lie taken. There may lie glory In furnishing the market with timothy cut when in full bloom, but there is rarely any profit from the ex'-' tra effort and risk. In the long run just as attractive and a more profita ble lot of hay may be put upon the mar ket when the bloom is shed. The feed ing value Is less, but this Is doing unto others as they would do unto us, which Is the sliver rule of commercial trans actions. National Stockman. Crrrn FoU'ler for Cow. Early fodder-corn, when eaten by the cows, w ill make a satisfying feed, and It will also largely Increase the quan tity of milk. Fodder feed when half grown or Immature is very poor feed, as It Is mostly water. The cows will consume a iarge amount of such fod der, and give a very small quantity of milk. Give to each cow four quarts of mill feed. In the morning, when they are being milked; then turn to pasture. At noon give each cow an armful of the fodder, spread over the pasture, and the same quality of mill feed made into slop, and one armful of fodder; after the mill feed and fodder Is eaten, turn out upon the night pasture. If the cons Lave to be kept in the stable yard, give them, In addition, a small forkful of oat hay, or well-cured clover hay. The cows must be given all they can eat. On such a ration, good cows will average from two and one-half to three gallons of milk per day all through tbe summer, and the milk will be of good flavor and rich in cream. As fast as the fodder-corn is cut off, the ground between the rows should be well worked up with the cultivator, and then ran out with the one-horse plow, making the furrow about five Inches in depth, and sowed to fodder corn. Sow one large handful of bone phosphate to every three feet of row, and about twelve grains of corn to tbe foot Cover the corn as fast as it Is sown. It will pay to keep the cows In good condition; If they are allowed to be come thin, it will take a large quantity of grain to get them in order for the winter. The American. . Clearine Fence Corner. Nothing more clearly shows the painstaking and careful farmer than to have fence corners between fields or along the roadside kept free from weeds, grass or shrubs. As a rule all the old-time fence corners were keirt scrupulously clean. A good deal of valuable hay was made from what the scythe reached in and cut there. But when the horse mower and the self binding reaper came Into use. It every year became harder to find anybody who could be hired to clear out the fence corners. Tbe result was that the ax rather than the scythe was requir ed, and the growth, instead of being restricted to fence corners, encroached each year more on the cultivated fields. A Farmer's Outfit. t The better machinist a farmer IKfthe more time and money will be saved. He should understand thoroughly ev ery machine he uses, and be able to re pair all but the most serious breaks for himself, and avoid being dependent upon paid service. It is wise fore thought to keep on hand duplicates of such artH as are most liable to break, thus saving valuable time, especially In the haying season. A well-equipped tool chest, with screws and nails of all kinds, should be a part of every farm er's outfit. If one of the boys shows n taste for mechanics, give him a chance to develop It. He will be a val uable man to have in the neighbor hood .and will probably be able to turn many an honest penny by helping out his less skillful neighbors. -Massachusetts Ploughman. To Word Oft Frnlt Rot. When fruit rot has attacked tbe peach crop, the best method is to re move and burn all dried or mummified fruit from the trees. In winter, and spray early in spring with Milestone. When the fruit buds begin to swell, spray with Bordeaux mixture, and again Just before the blossom's open. Repeat the spraying when the blos soms are falling, adding a little parts green to keep off tbe curcullo. Two weeks later, spray again. As the Bor deaux mixture coats tbe fruit with the lime mixture, use copper acetate, a colorless solution, for tbe last two sprayings. In Delaware, a ten-fold In crease of sound fruit has been ob tained by this process, at a coat of about 12 cents per tree. Tba Agrlcol turiat Ks by the Poo ad. . If eggs were aold by tbe pound It would revolution! tbe breed. Aa we bar before abown, tba ben that laa tbe large Bumbtr of agja may not really 1 performing as much ser vice us one that lays fewer eggs, but which are of larger size. Suppose a hen lays 120 eggs in a year, the eggs averaging ten to the pound, her prod uct would be twelve pounds of eggs In one year. Now, let us suppose that an other hen In the flock laid 104 eggs, tbe eggs averaging eight to the pound. In the first case the hen that produced 120 eggs would be the most valuable, yet she has not performed as much ser vice as the one which produced but 104 eggs, as the eggs of the latter are a pound heavier, and. If eggs were sold by weight, ghe would give a larger profit on fewer eggs. Selling eggs by weight gives both the producer and the consumer a fair sale and purchase, and farmers wonld begin to select the breeds tliat produced large eggs. They would then be compelled to Improve their flocks In order to secure the best market prices for their eggs. Poultry Keeper. Ventilation of Horse Stable. It takes a good deal of care to keep tht." horse stable sweet and (it for healthy living during the summer sea son. Unless it Is quickly covered with earth, gypsum or something equally efficient In absorbing odors, the decom losing manure will not only waste am monia, but It will be worse than wast ed leenuse It will Injure the health ami esteclally the eyesight of auimals. Many a horse has gone blind because of the ammonia affecting his eyes in poorly ventilated and dark stables. This Is the chief advantage of underground stables In summer. They are cool, but it is very hard to keep them well ven tilated and without offensive smell. Put If the underground stable has. as it should, a cement floor. It may not be worse than the overground stable that has a plank floor filled with the urine and other secretions that have soaked into it. Hlne Gr.if.ii l'.ulnrs. There is no better pasture grass than the blue grass, which In some parts of the country Is known as June grass. Its roots run near the surface, and the pasture Is therefore sweet and good so soon as the grass starts. In midsum mer these shallow roots have another great advantage. They are benefited by the light rains which only penetrate one or two Inches, and which will not reach down to the clovers, whose roots strike down Into the subsoil In time of run more deeply. The clover roots strike down Into the subsoil In time of drought, and the clover grown then Is best. With June grass the best pas ture is In June, as later it will prob ably be dried out too much. KemedT for Pear Blight. A remedy for pear blight, and otw tliat is very Imiortant If It accomplish es what Is claJmed for it. Is given by a fruit-grower of thirty years' expe rience. He states that he use salt, ac cording to the size of the tree, from one quart to one bushel, evenly spread on the ground, extending Iteyond the range of tbe roots. It should be done In the spring, Just as the frost Is leav ing the ground, so that the flter roots will carry it to the sap. The salt de stroys the germs of the disease. It should be done at least ljefore the buds lxgln to swell, and the fruit-grower who gives the valuable information advises each grower to iry the remedy with a single tree, and the com of the experiment will not be over 10 cents. The remedy is so simple that any one can give it a test, and as the salt will destroy some of the Insect enemies It will at least prove beneficial In that resiect. To Kill the Hornfly. The best way of fighting the trouble some horn fly Is by the application to the cattle of an emulsion of some kind which will kill the Insects already there, and keep others away. Fish oil, to which a little carltolic add about a tablesitoonful of the acid to a pint of the oil has lieen added, makes a very cheap and effective application. Ker osene emulsion used as a spray Is also good, being especially adapted to large herds. The emulsion Is made by add ing a half pound of soap (dissolved In a gallon of boiling water) to two gal long of kerosene. This emulsion, when thoroughly, wlxd and allowed to cool, assumes ' rliei Consistency of clabber milk; when used as a spray, it Is di luted with water in which tobacco stems have been boiled. Farm Newa. Sweet Potatoen. Before the vines start to ran, culti vate the ground between the rows, and, after a few days, throw a furrow to the plants on each side of every row. Take the boe and draw the earth up close to the vine, and cut out all weeds. The after cultivation consists in stirring the ground between the rows with the cultivator set to run shallow, and of boelug the ridges and preventing the vines from rooting at the joints. As soon as tbe vines com mence to turn yellow the potatoes are ripe, and can be dug awl sent to mar ket It hi more profitable to dig and sell direct from the field. ..dvantavea of WeIlBred "lock. It is particularly in the time when all farming is least prosperous that those who have been careful to secure only the best bred animals have the advantage. The first effect of a de dine In prices Is to make the scrub ani mal unsalable at any price. All through the jtertod of depression the scrub stock farmers are changing from poor or In ferior stock to that which Is letter. By the time they have all secured the best stock the times will have improved so as to make farming profitable again. It Is really a esse of cause and effect, though not often recognized aa such. Boll tor kadlahea. To grow good radishes, one needa a andy soil, thoroughly fertilized. It la practically Impossible to grow a fine qunllty on a heavy aoiL Tbe roou' grow very alowly, and they become) tough, and, In many casea, wormy. A' loamy aoll will do very wail, bat heir? clay la not aaltabla. rvx3XVXJCJc. - - AWKWARD - POSITION. L L r, ..., it.tn. two L-lrls ought Dto be boru so exactly alikef said Charlie Dacre, ruefully twisting up a elgaret. The other man laughed. "Are you talking of those two Dennl ou sliis? They're not exactly alike." "It's all very well for you, but I haven't your long sight, and I declare to you If I see either of them at a little distance, or In a bad light, 1 can't tell which Is which. I am going to a party to-night, given by the respected parents of my iH'unison, and I positively dread It." "Perhaps they piny tricks on you," said Ballautyne. "One of them Is rath er skittish." Charlie got himself up that night with extraordinary care, ami as he was a good-looking fellow he presented a rather striking appearance as he enter ed Mrs. Uennlson's drawing rooms. He had ls-en detained, so that most of the guests had arrived when he came, and his Inamorata was nowhere to be seen. Hut shortly after he had paid his re spects to t he host and hostess the daughter of the house, prettily dressed In white 8l1 blue, came up. Dacre begged for a t!mee two dances, "I'm so sorry," said she, "but I've nothing vacant till the lancers. You're a little late, Mr. Dacre, you see," with a slight accent of reproach as she gave him her card. Charlie apologized in the humblest terms, and the girl bestowed a smile on him as she was led away. Dacre went to seek her In good time for his lancers. She sat on an ottoman In a distant part of tne room, where the drooping folds of a curtain formed a shade from the glare of the lights. The blue and white of her filmy gown stood out against the dark background. Dacre hastened across the room to her. "Miss Dennlson, my dance," he said, eagerly. "May I?" She turned her pretty face and arch ed her eyebrows In surprise. "Yes," said Charlie, "the lancers you lroinlsHl0! I leg your pardon. You're your cousin I mean, the other Miss Dennlson and, of course, 1 haven't seen you berore. Then, recovering from his confusion lie fore the young lady could speak, he added: 'I hoje I'm not too late to get a dance. Miss Dennlson?" Having secured this, he sought the other Isabel. "Why In the fiend's name do they dress alike?" he muttered, In nervous fear of another mistake. He might be continually coming across the one he didn't want, like a recruiting deci mal. Several times he lxre down on a fair girl In blue and white, but turn ed away, deciding' that he had only come on an Isabel In another place. The lancers had begun It was In full swing before he came suddenly on a sofa where sat the Isabel. "Miss Dennlson," he stammered, "I'm so sorry -" , "Pray don't apologize," said she cold ly; "I assure you the delay Is not of the slightest moment." "Indeed, It was quite unintentional," said the unfortunate Charlie, In de spair. "1 have been looking for you" "I have been sitting here the last ten minutes, and you passed me just now." "I saw a blue and white dress," ac knowledged Charlie, "but some people came between it and me. Won't you forgive me and dance this? It Isn't too lute." "I think my mother wants me," said Isalel, rising with dignity. "May I take you to her?" "No, tl.ank you." Charlie only got pardoned when ev eryliody was going. He was mad with himself, but could not bring himself to acknow ledge the real reason of his ap parent neglect. He was sensitive alsMit these constant mistakes. They went on happening, of course, the one Isabel laughing at him, which he dreaded; the other turning haughty and offended, lie offered some flowers to a Dennlson girl one day and she said demurely, "Arc you sure they were meant for me?" "Whom else could they bo meant for?" said Charlie, sentimentally. "My cousin, perhaps she's over there," said the girl, merrily. Dacre flushed In unutterable confusion, and took back the flowers, scarcely knowing what he did. And when he turned away he met the scornful eyes of a girl who must be the Isabel he wanted, because the girl lie had left wasn't sh. It was quite Impossible to present the flowers, and he made a crestfallen escape as soon as e could. "Hang It! I'll end all tblar be said, angrily, one day. "But I aball have to he careful, If I am happily successful, that I marry tbe right girl. It would be awfully awkward If I didn't." Hla opportunity seemed thrown Into bia bands, for be waa Invited to spend a weak at a oovntry bouse where the - , j i Isabel was also going w nil hit "'' He sat next her at dinner, and to bis great delight saw no other 1 salad. "We shall le a larger party to-morrow," said the young Indy; "my cousins artj coming.-' Xhe the Dennisons?" Charlie al most gasped. "Not all of thein-only Isabel and Lucy." This was comforting! And lwtth Isa bels had such an odious habit of dress ing In the same colors! Why didn't, they wear different colored rlblsms, like French twins? He got along fairly well, with great care and caution. One evening he saw Isabel Dennlson entering the library. He knew It was his one, Is-cause she had on n gray dress, whereas her cous in hud worn a green one during the day; otherwise it was too dark to see her features. He followed her Into the room. "The nicest time for a chat." he said and she made a movement as if to leave the room, flitting toward a further door. "Yes. but I'm afraid I can't stay," she said. "I only came to fetch something I left here." "Well but don't go stay a minute," said Dnre etnreatlugly. He had no doubt at all about his accuracy as to Identity; her desire to escape from him was a sure proof, let alone others; for It was precisely the desire she had shown In the last few days, and which he took as a favorable sign. "Miss Dennlson Isabel nm I mistaken In thinking In hoping you know you surely must know that I love you " The girl had stood still for a second, while Charlie rushed on with his dec laration, but she Interrupted him hastily- : "Indeed, Mr. Dacre, I'm afraid "1 "Don't say that," said Charlie, going' nearer; "all those weeks In town -down here, when we have lieen thrown so, much together I surely have not mis understood " A stl.led sound came from the dim fig ure lM'fore him, whether laugh or what; ! he could not tell; but he suddenly start-! led buck, nnd In so doing came face to! ', face with another Isabel In a gray! dress. If the earth had opened and swallow-! ed him Charlie would have beeu thank-j ful. This was the crowning disaster.) Neither Isaln-l stirred; which, in heav-i en's name, was which? To whom had' he proK)sel? How should he everi know be bad got the right IsaM? lie recognized after the first wild' movement that he must save the situa tion. He approached the newcomer, who eyed htm disdainfully. . "Miss Dennlson Isaliel," he began.! "Which Miss Dennlson do you Intend' to addrHA. Mr. Dacre?" she demanded! stiffly. "How the deuce should I know? it is nearly dark and you both evade me."1 "You had better pursue your conver sation w ith the lady you seem to recogJ nine ls-st, and I will retire." The other Isabel sprang forward. "Don't be a goose, cousin," said she,, half laughing, "and you, Mr. Dacre,' w:ilt a lulnute. You know very well Isabel, It's alia mistake, and I'd have Interrupted Mr. Dacre before only he, was so impetuous 1 bad no time. He' didn't mean me at all " "Mr. Dacre doesn't seem to know whom he means," said the offeiKled Isa bel. "I know very well when I can see them," murmured Charlie, nearly crushed. "Here goes for n light." But w hen a blaze of light Illumined the room only one Isals-l remained. Dacre took her hand. "You are the one," he said. "Are you quite sure?" she asked, archly. "Ah! that's cruel! Of course, I nm. What will you say to me, Isabelfor give me end " "Ixive you," whispered Isabel. "I nope It's the right one," said Bal lantyne, when the marriage ceremony was over; "but upon my word, he was almost taking the brldenmld's hand In stead of the bride's!" Ixindon Star. Both Wrong. The Toronto Saturday Night tells of a man who kept a ferret being obliged to go Into the country, leaving the cae with the ferret. In charge of a neighbor till he slioiild return. The nclghW Incautiously opened tba igedoor, and the ferret escaned' ca whereupon tbe ow ner brought a claim against him for damages. The following was the division of the Icarwd magistrate before whom the case was brought, "No doubt," be said to the neighbor, "no doubt you were wrong to open the cage-door, but" turning to tbe owner, "you were wrong, too. Why did ynti not clip tba brute's vVigr