The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 09, 1897, Image 1
1 " The Sioux t dvcrM.e rr W Imf ( Vmi Mjtit In IIih ! JOURNAL y Journal i. j.. j i" .t . JOUnNAL i VOL. IK. -PZjfiJRylSOIbj , jNTnUSSSZ Ar, SEPT. 9, 1897. Kn 0. 1. Count' 1GSTE0PATHY.1 j enjoins even praying. Gid. K. Johnson, (Moepath i JaJ r '"f" will treat p'ltientH at Harri son, on Tuesdav'.. Tlnirs- , , , f, . , . ,,, , j injunction was served this iniiiriinj; on 2"rd d.-tv of Am ust day sand Saturday; at Chad-j j. w. Jam. y,-.i and fCvet. flW),JJ,l(;n,,; MV.-oel.-i Af t.'c ' lillVli Ollnrs liailiwl ill. UiaKtLf ritMWllJf Notice to Xon-rniiirnf, l)i indent. In tho District Court of foiux County, NthranVa. Wlltnir V. Unntt, plhiutiff, ) v Perry YurringUin, (tefendunt I I'bril Proof Xolicc. Ail person bevinc final nroof not'eea in J thin jitM-r n'ill reeeive n w mated copy ot the ion. !. i'2 nwl -U i( of V-"1! of i-et-t ion one ( l TowTifh'p twp-ty. n't f' Knnifn fifty- jt'ull for IWdeN I(i!fvcn 'out Ivltanry loriJIiANT CA"l''. IT.i.i, There, will bo held on Sept. 2?r', ?':7, rt ! To Perry Yarrltiftton, nnji reiddent edfen-J wiiei-nnpr, w.Vii., .'pu .. Another d!lllt You Br hereby notifll tint on the 1-07, the plHlntifl herein' tiet tain in the nhovr. H'lfeit.lfld e n mid an uiillilliliit in the Lini-let Court of flout ' OU'itV. Ne of unnamed nnd unknown wn. bi'--!iM. i.j.inst you, the nhove iwmH rt- r,..,l... . ."!.. . 1? f. ..! i.i. .i , i ii.... . fendant, th oblert anil nn.verof whieb I. ttCUlirai.l) 5 tlliU i liUil) Of i l"i ""i""i'ih in uoin iiiiiuiiiK iiirci- to net a-ide a w rr n ty ,eel exeru ted bv i , urns or niar, i,ii g -.4r tiui properly or , the nl int IT 'n the aliove entit If! e me., to cat'Il WeeK.- the Wo-UjinUia Coal atid Cx-k-s com-: y"1'. '"fe"'l .nt he e, to I ot vnmber Tins injniic' ion n as is nrl hv Ju l'e J. th ThO VinilV rntfntl? initrnl I1'- H.iho', tlie r. nlur jm!4 oi tl:u .i the rrou-,-1 of fr ivl niu! nilrep- (ESTAEUfiHED 0 auWription Fricc, f 1.00 OFFICIAL PAPCfl OF 8IOUX COUNTY. imiM-r mi'l m e rej uesti'il to i xuniine tlieir : c!oc ii. in., t.t tliB MontriMn school L'i.w notice aii't If tiny riiois exist riort tbc ' a pfijilc'H in iienileist fMuiiry for tlie pur-' -uii.e to this omc, at once. j ()f HecUn( fouf ,11(,.filt t) tiw I laUllivJ lit L,Ut Prompt attoi'.'.iorf given To ii!l l-ir t i TlMllEu CUI.TL'BK of 1 lt.i.icat:o.v. . V. S. Land 'Jfflo ts- Con vcntion to Ijc iliel.I in Hurrisfin. Sent..; Kinai, . I'kooj'. Notice ,.,i ii,,,i; 1.. ,.s, .ti... K..i.....'mattni in Jiisti:. Coontv nod L'i-tii' t '-n ... ill. i M kimiTC,.1,,1.. Km. t . ieor.. on ne fc. ircillt co;i"l. Mliiiucc, v-b. I A n x. II, i.-r.:7. ( ot'ec i hereby plven th it K iwi-1 Scinrr of Deniso'i, liiw.i, Ii h filt-l notiuu ;l" Inteu Hon u tinko'.iiti nr-M.f ue ore !. .1. i;ie-. 'tt. clerk Di-itrict i oiu t lit liiH oltii-e In liar- U8 umy prowrly con, before the u;eetinK. !CollPts, . hifof9 tw VmWd S!W J.C. ALKXASI I.K, j Precinct ConiDiKt wiiian. iLand OUtc. . i I'i re Jii!vi ranee writtt-n in r!iHl.; Thr Joi'Rvai. will T(ili-.h yourbrnni, iici,J-on,P,,n,t's' liv of Lenten, her. I '""""uwu'K."r-"-".l"'ryBar. .-jcn an- . rlXl Di'.pers Carel UIJV lira wn. 'I, on timhr culture niipi.'e .tlou No. I.! 9, (lKionnl bruml T5 cents. Kvery farmer or: rwit fni niuii. hV von In iniikinR ex J ' ' ' " 1 ''"s!"P 1 runchmeii in Sioux iimi in! )of:iiiiir count lew! An,. !,- those nam,,! in ti, instrument p--.,Tt to nuUvinn. hvnWn mver n; n- Mw,.: -m r am isR. v. W. H. V,ev, who tmi hold- j to .-. t of i..wa. for .M Hhove d,-..TiM I"b" , .Hri,ln,' ''''".'J' . ' ! r"nT,r.r '!:!r ' NAL 11 c,r'-ul:,u's 11,1 ov,-r st:;,-p- Hj li'it l. 1 on re reriuireil to twli- ' . - ' ' " "" "!""' i nmy oe. uie uicuu oi bavin!; mom-y lor you. t'mi on or before the 4 tti d;iv of October, 4 iog religions hyrvb-cs in the itr k.-rs' i j cau jej KuiKlays and pinvcr nii-e'inx j m ... - .. .1. t... . " . . 1. if. 1 . . "i. .1 ! I- s,,r""X" "el "ils v-t '' " I"te,l M tfi.rri.on. "tonx Cnnnty, Nrbrfy. f I to pra y for th curators and Governor lea, ti.ia :th diiy of Atiarnvt, 1S(7. t j I'ltinioKiit any of t!i-. ervii-p. Vv i if-v I Wii.bkh V. iiEvvrTT, I ' ,j 11. j ,.. ,. !.' ,.r 1 1 ., 1., ..1 ." ! pi..i.,ti(T v i-. 1.11 11.. i.i. 11 i..n'iii ti nil; iii'ul ............ J. V. Wkhn Jr, licarUter. ! churdi. rW-HoraW. Editor. Oo. I). Canon, v juil clam matter. Fuf.Son State Ticl;t. '.r Judge of the Pu r reme ( onrt, J. J. bULLlVAN, Columbus. Tor VtuUot the Ft: 'e Cnlvorrf tT. OEO. F. KLNOWEC, Wisucr, E. V. FAKKilLL. Kt-umey. How 'i'o l-'itnl Out Fill a bottle or i-mumon ulass with urine nnd let it stand tntv-iour hours. efrt4 Rt thi Harriwm iiot Cfflci MU ...,tm,.,.t or sett hi,'- indaat.-, an ui- ; ti al'.liv condition ot the kidneys. Wlif.u ! j urine stains linen it in evul;iii;c of kiiint-y trouhlu. Too Ircqm iit tlcsira to nrmnU' lor pain in the haci;, is nl-j cmivitK ing ' proof that the kidneys and loader are out ! of ordt-r. Vihnt To Do. Thera is coinf irt in tiic koowlcds-e ho often cxprt'H-yfcd, tiiat l.r. Kihncr's Swamp R nit, llm ureat kidnv rentcilv IN THE COl'XTV rn' rt otr ;ior M'.'iliAKA. fOtlCelM hereby K'v H'line'l net Her linn til" . to iimke fiioil pr III th" Vi"w of the Ji'mii'I r'ton of tV.p Tii'fttr of Henry P- itcr, iYri-aeil. oTtn-n rot nr ino of f v f. av otvt. Now, on the 7th flay of 'efi'eaile'r IP'7, ran' ;ptirtre If. Turner, the k lini'n'ff r;i lor of th'' et 'te of I'eni-v IieUter, fiecp cd nr.'! fr '"a for le-ive to reioler iin iicco'int. pileh il 'itinMri'titr. It 1 lh" -"forfl onli-r"il t'lnt Ihe th (lnv of I'ctnlipr i :7. "t ' o'elocV p. in., lit e V office in the Vill tr'1 of Ibirri S"n. I' 'i!'l con-itv. b" ilf "'I -i the t'tee ixi pl'tpe for exoiiini'iir ii' d cllowlep" id ft" ,o'l,-e Tor ri;li!iniliii;i. Land Ofllce nt Alii nice, eh. j "K- a, i-r.t, . $ .-otice in hereby (fi ven fit the folioulnct '1 1 lit Ice (f li'rt inten. Iirciof tn imiiort il' liiu i iiiiui, hiiii in- 1 : in p-oof will l.e nmiie I,;.. f'.re M. .1. I'.'ewett. I'l.-rit IlKlriet ('.iin t. hi fll rrison, Neb., on Senteri'tu r '."it h 1"' 7. viz- William Ii 'iin 1; ml ot (Jii-nrNr, Veb., who tie rte (I.', v.i. :;".:', for Ihe K' of N i.,of p' ctlon No. Ti nd N'. ; of V-U'i; of M'cl ioa I0 S). Tnwi'Mhip No K i no. V v . v I fe na-lie t he fniliiv.'j 'i; V.'i I lll'H.'.N to hi eo'.tlnnoiiM re'rienee tntrm ci tto- of, -iti 1 nd, v'.- Cerh r'l lfe:tler of Montroje, Ve)i., ilei ti 'i-ii ll ni-i. K 'C. Knott mat John Thome, nil of li'lrhriot. Veil. J. V. Wkiin Jr.. lietri.ster. rf Flt.'.K NCTTd. YfU 0,1 "'ft si!,' of cattle and on leftj siiaoldcr of hordes, ltitnee on Antelope creek I. O., (ihilchrist, Sioux Co., "cb. ! tin liti k. kidney. liver, hhuldur it nil Have yon noticed the fusion stale tic k- J ev-ry pariof iln urinary rmssaues. it t. at t!i head of our editorial coljttm. I cone-is inability U hold urine and w.ild- itiirpainin pawing it, or had ctfucts lol- Icoil't. .'idlhe . d lie' of a-lMl d..(v -e'd. fulfils etery wish 111 relieving pain in j nnd nl! person, inf r-ited in s 'd rt t". nre rei(ii'i-en m s'tip.- r "i in". i;' e "nil plnre .piri"ted. m nd h!kiw e ti" If urh CTlt, why M.ild m.'fount lion!d rot lie jl CITATtI.ES b-lKHLK. On let Hide or hip of cuttle, 1 WTSA (11 Iettr.lHmlderor horses. 1 , But still on deck to do w&on wor t rrMiHra (in thrt oi W aruonnnt -t. r k r a!? prove i vMM Audreys Harvison, Sioux Co. Neb. T( is further or'rr''fJ th'ts-'il !V)Vi Turn!, ni-!'' inVtr t'tr. trv'c f; w to , lo.vir, use ol liquor, wine or beer, nd p,,,.,,,,, ,...r,.,,( ,, , M ,M ,,,,. ,,v .i.,,,.,,, Thedrteutd KOtirr.e Jtdiow u. .. , f.rnes that unplensnnt necehsit V ol a com- of tni order t b pnhii.hcl hi 'run a.zua roade it ftppcaram: in the -.utti ine compelM ti ei up man v I hue!. 'opx for t Jot-nv u n ,...-.p P';r r.r't. tu.u lliauti '. re'i . . ed H "d I i irener ! I ei Ten ' tion ill H 111 fn'l'i. .nrdu)i;dtK.)lHtU)n anii dentin, very where dufint,' the nj,lit to urinate. 1 lie nnlil i tv fnr pifo to tin. d v n-t for i , t n . i. m th -'it ami Ihe exlninrdirnirv cilVct ol Swamp-1 fl ,kl lie iring. ,,t. wake. At nrtphysu,mi,etho.i..t U )f(t jsj ())i rt.d;i d )t Milt(ds UJ ronSRT w-. ..,. .ojee Fnr I'lildii-ilini . Land Oltiee lit Mli 'nce, Ne). titr. Sis. 1-:S7. i Notice N h'r'-l'V ir!- en tlm; the i'ol'ii'-ir(r " ' mi'il xeitler h i filed iiiii-ecth ; int"n tl in to neike Mm I profit i' -cmi -rt f liiJ 1 It., tiii'l th t s !,! p.-i.o!' " IH : l-.e. f --'.,!. 'I'rvi'h, ''' ' ' i-ll-t t II rriw. Vet,, . I,.' I r" .-. I. '' ', .- Z I M ' M '. p .) d j" I ' I. ., I 1', K ' o X M for '!e. ' o; ' 2 1-1 ef V.I. t, i ., ,,. v "j,,.. , . , r v p nn rp v, .-, ' He-, .it-i I he f.i" !n -'r 'V ' c e ; o t-M my-mmyrja H. W. C'ARTJY. KyferOn left shoulder of cuttle nnd i wits tovak-bt-n fever, but it cluMt io v-t-, ,jl,(H(!l fl,r ;tH womU.rful cores ef tie iition dim losei the fact t h-t it was no other than th dreaded "yellow jack"'. It would ftrem s if the Irmt straw had )rf-n placed on the cami.T'l's hw'Sc in or der to l.rPMk it, A circuit Jud'e in Vvheclini; W. V,t on tiw 8rd in-t i.stted s nij j'u V.on reHtninin,-: Hev. W. II. Wi-l-V n JJetrio.J vt njiii.-lcr from holdtn- re viva. ronfting prayer mcetirr nnnnitr the coa! niiners ti";ir t'.at plica who hav3 weo out utrikK for the pat to moithti. "kiaveriiicnt bv iiijnic tioti" is cettinc to be more popular fvery day with tl money lords, coal barrons smd j it p.ireba-wahH court. It is eotnuu t n j l.l most. distre-sin case., if you netttl a medicine you hIioiiII hnv the IxM-t. Sold by (irujrv'isiK, price fifty ivnts and one dollar. Yi.u mat hnve a sample bottle ii fid pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention Tilt: SidCX ('orNTf Tni itVAt. and ."nd your nddr.. to Ir Kilmer & Co.. Hinr-hampton, N. Y. The proprietor, of thus .a p-r guarantee the gfriuuiencss of this offer. fount-, Jic'" h 'ii con I .iimii i t nn ..r . - I ; i '. ' '' oi ' ' . ''-"h"' v - 'IT Of ".O l M .', ee t piei cuP'v lfttA 'J,A horM-.u. ti-iVii,.Ha'iffeoii J.ittle Cottonwood, i'. o., Crawford ." GOVERNMENT POSITIONS. If you wish one of the 150,000 positions in the government ser vice, tliis Bureau can advise you how to proceed to secure it, and fit you for passing the required Civil Service examination therefor. Energy, tact and a common school education are all the requirements needed. PATENTS, PATENTS. -i-u. u. ....... h,e ih hest facilities possible for ob- ..i: ... ,a mnvriehts in tliis and foreign "untried The dlief ot this dept. has had 30 year. Third buiiding south of iivtir' yayu. HSHHESS SHOP. First ''nor r.orth of the TIOUSE. tiOll id experience as Chief fcxammer, ?mm,M" " t h A P V P IT f 1 T" T 11 P Patents, and Patrnt Attorney, anu i .t.j j w ... ' . .1 ........ r.nA in til. ftmOJIltlAA lul in securing Droaa pi"-:'' "'"'"-e--- ol ail patent iiugatiuu - - j -j aunuuL ur uin . This Bureau can fit you for admission to the Bar and prepare you for active practice in two years, without materially interfering with your other du ties. Our instructors are the ablest, our system thorough, and our charges reasonable. Three cours es are taught: University, Business and Special. Send for particulars, terms, etc NATIONAL INFORMATION BUREAU. 1420 New York Ave., Washington, D. C 1 srs.'.M!:;-a: r.rettv pa-t when a niinist.-r ivpM-utir th meek nnd liwiy Na. n ne must 1m enjoined from nVinK pc,od anions' hi-. fellownien. -'What will ti'" harvc.-tj bring foiirlh"! Wo are maiiinf: rap'dj Htriries toward that point in the history cfthfl United St:!t-.-if the people do . tiolbythe ktUr.t hrin: Rhotit ft r h;.p,re in our political Kovvrnuv-nl-and it t'-n't j 1oo latealready when there will he jii'-t j two claw in this glorious fr-0 rc-pnh-j lie of our.; the very rich nod the very j poor, when the poor will tand at a ratio j of about W prtr rne- or more to one ) rich pervn. Are the people perpefuat- ttfr a free (Jivernicnl? or, are we pass-' I i into (.erfdom which i it? The I ih-j oring class which are the wealth pro-j ducin peopls ouht to study the eco-j rtomie questiona ai:d learn where we arc travelinu to. ; 5 all all the pain endsicknessfrom vhlch worasn cu'Ier la caused U; by weakness cr derangement In ths organs of menstruation. Nearly always when a woman 13 not well these crgans are affected. But when they are strons and healthy a woman U very seldom sick. fJcElREE'J mm &cyA j f. 1897 S X T E( 1 '0 O ' Lone (.'an aCbitJ to vi. it tl.c sr DICKINSIN. 'I'his nt OMAHA. SEPTEMBER , -Ito-"- 24: WSOLINE HI Ite.M AND WOOD 18?Z PUMPS Vlrnt Montfis Kcc-elpts of the j Dnlnglcy Tariff Kill. Is nature's provision for the regu lation of the menstrual function. It cures all " female troubles." It 13 equally effective for the girl In her teens, the young wife with do mestic and maternal cares, and the woman approaching the per;i known as the " Chanje of Life." They all need It. They tuo all benefitted by U. I The Fremont, Elkhoni & Jik-xmri valley Sioux City k Ieiiic Jhtili'oads Will make Cheap Rates and will run Special Trains OF ALL KINDS. Eclipse and Fslrbanlis Win mills Towers, Tanks. Irriga tion Outfits. Hone, IieltiOK, Grimier S'tH-l'iT. Wood da.'. Drive Points. Pipe. Klttla. Brans goods and F'nlrbaiiftts Nlandard Mcalc. I'- . r low. Get the best. 6t'DU for Cataloitue. FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., '1102 Farnam St. Omaha, riea. DO YOU i AVAKT JOB WORK DONE THEN .COME. TO THE JOURNAL OFFICE Sec I'ostcrs fo Dates and Schedules. ReoniptRoftha revwiue derived from. fheDingley tariff law during tho ft month of its operation nhows a deficit of f-1,000,000, jrreatcr than thedeticit for the fame month A upust in l'i'Jn. under the Wilnon law. Tho report is as fal low: Receipt A"K. W'- Bantotn.. - e"'.TO2 li.ternnl revenue 11.1C3.I'-'A MlHcelaneou 7iVJ,3(H AtiK. istr, 1,2"13 For iMee In cases requiring speelal directions, address, flvlnj oymptoms, t'na " Ladies' Advliory Departrnent,' This Ch-ttinooga Msdicine Co., Crlta ncoga. Term. THOS. I. COOPER, Tupelo, Mlts., tar" "My ilsttr tufltred trom very Irrijtilsr and pilnlul menitruition and doctors could not relieve her. Wine ot Cstdt.1 entirely curtd her and also helped Mother threwBli the Chans el tile." Sfierinl Ptiitu Fair Tiain-i aa adveftlsnd will run to and from STATE FAIR GROUNDS STATION. Oniuhn, and not to and fri-m W ebbler Street Stuti. n ;n t n ii Citv. THURSDAY NIGHT all Trains will letuo frtm the Webster Street Depot, O tihu. uftc:-the Pit -ude. H.-ffuIar Pa.soner Trainn v ill run on jrofctit schedule to end fr- m fb--ter Stiaa-I Ktati n. Of rnn cnir tir M.t:da.v asluh Tm'n will inn hetuoen Irv ir.tfttm and tho S ate Fair Giouniiu. cotjr.cutiti! with all KEGULAK rus-'v-nper Trains in bo'.h direction. Electric M tors. Hacks, Otnnibusori, etc.. will run constantly between all Depots and Hoteln in the City and the Fair Grounds. Total revenue lri,OI3,IOi Erpcndlturiu: rnisloa- ISSI.'M ,ther items. lO.PM.roo Total expenditure.. pJ.'.M 5.7o;,l76 li'i.r.a.o 23,303,1'ii peflelt US1,7 0.t.K,& The cuMoma iem leatla with a r duc tion of 5,341,783. In other words, the Dinf-ley law produced lens revenue from See special advertising, newspapers, etc, for a director, of this Carnival Week,' which Includes Tle 31st flflit1al Nebraska State Fair State Horticultural Societg Fall Fruit Exhibit. IX THE COl'XTV ( OniTOF Slul'X COUNT V". .SKHKASKA. In th" Mutter of the Adu.lnlstrfttlon of the tulat of John II- Ilruwii, Special Days at the State Fair Grounds. Tuedav, September 21 SoldierV.' l'h ncer'e and Children's Day. Wednesday, September 2- State Day. Meals at Restau rants on the Ground; -" cents thu year. Fine Mechanical, Art ami Agricultural Displays Notice It hereby Klven that all pcrsoni D A PlNfr c havlnaclHlinrtorrtenianiH HKilimt Jons If, ; lVriVjlllVJ bpeed luO fiRo!, tleci'iisctl, thnt the time fixed for Hllti clnlnm iigilnNt .tld "it.ttn Is six Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Tnursday and Friday. ney, $10,000. BtST MILL I KAtrv IN LXlbTAWlL .. .1 in'i I ....... iii. frn. 11 the ath dav ot CcntomlaT. IWI7. Wtom.lnAngM.lWt, tnani..e... U) ))rllt Kon law opi m auijum, niu eno in favor of the WiUon law ltinK $3,341, ".OS. When compared with Auif tmt, 1895, the failure of the Dingley law iikii producer of revenue in more plainly Men. The deficit tinder the Wilson law in ttfOS wah f !.(W."i,-Ih9. The deficit un der the Dingley law in Auunt, 1807. i $14'89 1,705. Home allowaiicva bhotild Ikj made for the natural falling olf in cu toinH receipt owinf to the pi-opayiti of their claims with the vouclicm to the coun ty Juilo of bhM county, at hid oftleo In the VIlhiKu of HaiTlum, In sulrl county, on or before the Bill JuV of March, lW, ami nil cUlitm no filed will be heart! on toe Uh day of October Irti7 or afterward on the 2nd duy of each reKiilHr term of nnl'1 court durliiir the time limited for flllnif clitiniH an afore- i wild. And notice U further Riven that Aumt n'lo', widow of Jon II. HitowK, deceived, linn filed lier petition In the above named court liravhiK Ilia a nllow unco bo Kriinted "... .....i... n.. ..r ..l,l ... . .i i i.- .... ,.f lliu Mr t he iiuinniiniHnee oi inu iiiiiniji Hutteii towwir U hiKlr retell of ti e . ,h,u ild ,.e- Heard on the first (lay of the erm of nuld court. All per- Dingey law. bt.teve,, thi. will not .mint for tho great delict in August. ,.,,, r ,,,, THE AUTUMAL FESTIVITIES AND CARNIVAL FETES UNDER 1 THE AUSPICES Of the KNIGHTS OF AK-SAR-BEN. Kiertrical illumination covering twenty-live blofkH. The Foant of Qutvara. Gocfreons Btriiot parade every night: Tuesday ni?ht, Sept. 21 wt, grand military and civic parade; Wodncsduy niirht, Sept. 22nd. mechanical parade; Thursday night, Sopt. 2:ird Knlghtn of Ak-Stir-Bun parade; Friday nigut, Sopt. 2itti, grand ball, KnlghtH of Ak-Sar-Hcn. Special - Attractions- at - All - Theaters. CKKHillTOa tioyrs A Milk Wlnto flag. liOYI) "McSorley'n Twinai." An opportunity to nee the Tran-Milslppi and international Expoit.lon grounds and riuildingn now under eonntruoUon, 'fhofir't report undi-r the Mni'ley law HAdisapointmentto it nn fortots. ! will also prove the contention that tho first object of the Liuyley law was to teimburH the trufdn and syndicates f"r the conlriliulion mndo to tho republ: "ii nnipuign funtl th (ueNtif)n of r---j-.'i- le'Olldaty, --VovM f I'"- , V ri :"X in 'iiH citate are r"ir:'.red wi ifjinr tit tlvie and "f.vrn to.-slt tie 4t.Ii d-iy of October, 1 itt C o'clock . tn Mid iiliow chmic if mien exlU why mild allow 10. in hhould not tin granted, tinie.l thin Mil 'lay ot HcplembiT A. 1W. Hoill.KT WiI.-HjV. ' amy .ludif!. MA11STELLER BROS., Thsy handle every thing usualy handled in a gen eral department country store. SUCH AS DRY GOODS and GEOCEPJE, BOOTS and SHOES, HARD and TINWARE; also FLOUR, FEFD and GRAIN, KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY GOING TO MARSTELLER BROS. THE COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1888.1 Harrison, Nebraska. B. E. Br-wptkh, President. C. F. Corna, Vicfl'raaldnt D. H. GPJSWOI.D, Caahier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General Banking Busine ret LOW RfHLHOBD RATES via F.Er & iyi. Y.U. R., ' t.v i.i m nv.'t.'ri " Ocn'l ,MHiirtgfP. J. K. 1UJCIIANAN, Octi 1 rays. Ag't. 1-., F. Hi M, p. R.i OMAHA, NEB. CORRESPONDENTS! 1 , t . k 4 J " American ExauxuE National Bank, New York, : i - ii , Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Interest Paid on Time Deposits. ' ' .... " NTPIUFTS SOW) ON ALL PA33 OF ECKOri. .' ' ' .( I ,. ;? i' ' 0